ChanServ changed the topic of #haiku to: Open-source operating system that specifically targets personal computing. | | Nightlies: | Bugtracker: | SCM: | Logs: | Matrix: | XMPP:
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<scantysnax> hooray new video code working :-)
<arraybolt3> new video code? In what?
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<arraybolt3-haiku> upgrading to Haiku Nightly
<arraybolt3-haiku> btw even my wifi works on this machine
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<PeetPeet_> I applied updates today but I don't run nightlies
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<test_> hi
<PeetPeet_> high
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<Begasus> g'morning peeps
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<Begasus> Hello erysdren :)
<erysdren> morning!
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<Blurgh> Hi all
<Blurgh> I tired out the public beta (the one linked on the projects front web-page).
<Blurgh> *tried
<Blurgh> I wasn't ready to take the leap of faith onto real hardware, I did try it within the latest (before Broadcom) VMWare Workstation Pro 17.*
<Begasus> Welcome Blurgh
<Begasus> how did it go?
<Blurgh> While I got a LOT of mileage/kilometres/distance I guess with the fresh install (And it is fast, like, really fast), I hit 2 immediate sticking points
<Blurgh> 1 - I could not get any audio going (unrecognized device I believe)
<Blurgh> 2 - I couldn't get mouse 4 and 5 buttons (for back and forward in browsers for instance)
<Begasus> not sure there, don't think I've really checked sound in VMWare (should do that again when I boot into Win again)
<Begasus> On the mouse I think* there were updates done after the latest beta release
<Blurgh> Ahh, sounds promising for the mouse part then.
<Begasus> so maybe on a nightly image it could work
<Blurgh> I installed the add-on tools for VMWare from Haiku Depot as well (I should have mentioned that at the start)
<Begasus> np, not sure how well it works, so I never installed it in there :)
<Begasus> and with Haiku running on bare metal I have no use for it
<Blurgh> I messed about with the mouse config utility and could see the button image lighting up for the 3 buttons, just couldn't make it work for the other buttons.
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<Blurgh> I might try run up a fresh one in Qemu and maybe even try one of the later nightly or whatever builds
<Begasus> fancy mouse then :D
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<Begasus> In the topic is a link to download a nightly, keep in mind these are intended for users checking out latest changes, things can be broken in there (we had one a few revisions back that crashed on boot)
<Begasus> on the other hand, no harm done in virtual env :)
<Blurgh> First impressions of Haiku though, very quick. I like the minimalist UI. The snapping and tabbing tools are cool
<Begasus> KISS (something I've learned from the past) :)
<Begasus> And loved their music back then :D
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<Blurgh> True :-)
<Begasus> hmm ... maybe brotli package needs a revival for 1.0.9 ...
<Blurgh> Is there ever a plan to get a more modern version of OpenGL (4.x) into Haiku? Just curious.
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<Begasus> biab ... doggies and morning shores :)
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<Blurgh> Looks like it was progressing about a year ago, not too sure about activity since then. Would get it to 4.5 and the ES variants too, nice
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<Begasus> Our main dev pool isn't that large, and most still have a dayjob to attend to :)
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] korli pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57769] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] de2a79cea2c0 - Removing some B_UTF8_ELLIPSIS, sentence-casing
<Begasus> Falkon is nice, but can get on my nerves at times :P
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<Begasus> progress :) problem 1: nothing provides lib:libdeflate>=1.18 needed by openexr3.2-3.2.4-1
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<Begasus> thanks korli (that openexr30 seemed to be in the way for brotli ...) :)
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<Begasus> nice, EXR translator now build with openexr-3.2.4 :)
<Begasus> running WebPositive in the new image works fine (somehow openexr is related there)
<Begasus> let's do a clean build
<Begasus> still good :)
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-2/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 6aca906 - openexr3.2, bump version (#10612)
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* phschafft waves.
<Nephele> Hello and laters ;)
* Nephele waves back
<PeetPeet> Mornin
* Begasus does the wave
<PeetPeet> Elive is such a joke at this point...
<PeetPeet> what a disappointment that turned out to be
<Begasus> well ... it's almost 20 years old?
<Begasus> if not more since I last tried it
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<coolcoder613> Hello zard
<zard> Hello coolcoder613 :)
<Begasus> Hi zard coolcoder613
<Begasus> got it to work zard :)
<zard> Nice
<PeetPeet> Begasus: no it's actively developed
<PeetPeet> But all he cares about is the way it looks. So annoying. He can't keep a stable version and he lost the repos for the most current stable *eyeroll*
<PeetPeet> It could be such a cool project if it weren't for his vanity
<PeetPeet> So what's an image translator?
<PeetPeet> I know you've been working hard on that
<Begasus> *hard* ;)
<Begasus> I enables application like Showimage to show exr images in this case
<Begasus> show/display*
<PeetPeet> oh you were workig specifically on exr support?
<Begasus> well, we already got one, but that's still based on version 2.2.1
<Begasus> now I got (for 64bit) version 3.2.4 working (latest version)
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<BrunoSpr> hi
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<Begasus> Hi BrunoSpr
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<Begasus> nice, created the translator outside of Haiku's source :)
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* Nephele waves
<zard> o/
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* phschafft rewaves to nephele.
* win8linux[m] waves back
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<zard> Weee! Seems like the newer version of ccache is working much faster than the older one
<zard> And with no crashes, at least so far
<zard> If it runs well too, then it's time to upload the recipe :)
* Nephele rerewaves to phschafft
<Nephele> zard, webkit giving you problems?
<zard> No. I modified a header that is used all over, saw that it would require recompiling 1000 items, and so reverted the change, leaving it for later
<zard> Now ccache is compiling 1000 unchanged files
<Begasus> k, that works for both arch's :)
<Begasus> lol zard, it's ca(t)ching up on you ;)
<zard> K, that worked. Time to push the new version :D
<Begasus> grabbing exr_translator-0.1.0-1-x86_64.hpkg and moving it to /Opslag/haikuports/packages/exr_translator-0.1.0-1-x86_64.hpkg :)
<Begasus> zard, I'll wait a bit on the PR for ccache in case someone has a comment
<phschafft> :)
<zard> Makes sense
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] pulkomandy pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-4/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Zardshard 915fb89 - ccache: bump version (#10616)
<Begasus> bugger .. addon does'nt do it's trick
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<Begasus> well PulkoMandy did it :)
<zard> lol
<Begasus> k, so far my experiment with outsourcing the addon :P
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<PeetPeet> uw_mill: *finger gun*
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<UW_Mill> i wrote a little jive about coffee in the company chat and someone immediately accused it of being written by ai
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<UW_Mill> tbf one of the lines actually doesnt make sense, but still lol
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<botifico> [haiku/website] korli pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-0/±0]
<botifico> [haiku/website] diegoroux 5066a4e - blog/diegoroux: Community Update [GSoC 2024] (#687)
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<Begasus> got it!!
<Begasus> Hi OscarL! :)
<nosycat> Hey, Begasus.
<OscarL> Hello Begasus! (and nosycat, and the rest of you, ye olde fellas)
<Begasus> Up and running (installed) :)
<Begasus> will do some more finetuning tomorrow for 32bit :)
<nosycat> Nice!
<nosycat> Say, I have a question about some packages.
<OscarL> speaking of peeps we haven't seen in a while... wonder where andreasdr is (hope he's OK). Not much on his github activity :-/
<Begasus> yeah, been a while
<nosycat> That's a long silence.
<Begasus> TYPE = APP doesn't work if it's set to TYPE = SHARED :)
<OscarL> trying to double-click on a translator binary? (I remember most of there were actually apps on BeOS days... starting them would popup their about box :-D)
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<Begasus> yeah, but got errors trying to open EXR images with it (not with the one I started out in Haiku's source) :)
<Begasus> recipe is still messy, but works for now
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57770] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 0e72f7e22f43 - ps2: republish debugger command should use keyboard number 5 by default
<nosycat> Sounds good!
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57771] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 9e2c51c22f6d - package: adjust help text spacing to be less cramped.
<nosycat> Do you happen to know anything about the Vim and qVim packages? We have two of them in the depot, with subtle differences.
<OscarL> woot! seems I'd made it into the next month's activity report :-P
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<OscarL> (always with my silly patches :-D)
<nosycat> Congrats!
<OscarL> heh, thanks! :-)
<OscarL> Begasus: I think I have never seen an .exr image in the wild. IMDO, it would make sense to move it off-tree.
<OscarL> nosycat: seems like those are two different projects? qVim's summary: "An experimental Qt gui for Vim".
<nosycat> They look very similar, except not really. It's kinda weird.
<nosycat> Both have a GUI. Not quite the same.
<OscarL> I think qVim should CONFLICT with vim, or at least not PROVIDES the same "cmd:".
<nosycat> You can install both at the same time without issues.
<Begasus> OscarL, hence why korli commented about that
<Begasus> you know me, can't stand loose ends :D
<Begasus> both provide cmd:vim?
<OscarL> problem is.... both packages provides cmd:view, cmd:ex, cmd:rview, etc... (I think qVim shouldn't do that)
<Begasus> nope
<nosycat> Good point, I didn't check the command-line versions.
<OscarL> Begasus: no, qVim provides "cmd:qvim" instead.
<nosycat> Makes sense for it to include the TUI however.
<nosycat> On Linux, installing gVim also gives you the TUI.
<OscarL> in any case... qVim seems pretty dead (lat commit 7 years ago).
<OscarL> *last
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<nosycat> That settles it.
<OscarL> gVim not needing Qt also a plus :-D
<Begasus> maybe the default one has support for it? :P
<OscarL> too bad I can't get YouCompleteMe to play nice with gVim :-( (worked fine on CLI vim, but crashed gVim last I've tried)
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<PeetPeet_> OscarL: hello
<PeetPeet_> nosycat: hiya
<nosycat> Meh, on Linux I'll probably migrate to NeoVim.
<nosycat> o/
* OscarL waves at PeetPeet_ (and to his new extra limb/underscore).
<nosycat> But on Haiku, it's a choice between these two.
<Begasus> done enough on that for a while here :P
<OscarL> k, back to shoeshining my crappy mDNSResponder patches :-D
<Begasus> heading out for a while
<Begasus> cu later (maybe)! :)
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<OscarL> take care!
<nosycat> Take care!
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<nosycat> o/
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57772] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] f3cb51a85a49 - kernel/debug: Report killing signals
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57773] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 0981bdb74241 - Magnify: improve label for width and height
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<UW_Mill> its donut thursday at the office
<UW_Mill> lead dev's wife made a cake for us as well
<UW_Mill> then another coworker brought brownies lmao
<nosycat> Yum!
<OscarL> Mmm... "../haiku-git/src/system/libroot/posix/malloc_hoard2/superblock.h:272:int BPrivate::superblock::isValid(): _numBlocks > 0"
<OscarL> getting that assert fail every time I exit mDNSClientPosix (via CTRL+C, as it tells you to do).
<nosycat> Turns out the Vim package is really gVim.
<nosycat> Sure enough, it also provides the TUI version.
<OscarL> I woud say... the vim package *includes* gvim (not the other way around) then. But that's just me :-)
<nosycat> Whatever. Mystery solved!
<nosycat> This is the current version, and the one I want.
<OscarL> when in doubt... use the searc function on, pretty handy.
<nosycat> Thanks!
<OscarL> the "go to file" field also works, if you want to hit directly a folder or recipe name.
<waddlesplash> OscarL: assert usually indicates allocator misuse (double free etc.)
<waddlesplash> try using guarded heap, may catch the problem
<OscarL> thanks waddlesplash.
<OscarL> not that of a big deal for now (specially since we'll most likely NOT use the standalone mDNS*Posix tools), but good to know where to look at for more info!
<OscarL> while I have you here, waddlesplash... do you happen to know (off the top of your head) if's netresolv code actually tries to load NSS modules?
<waddlesplash> is __ELF__ defined?
<waddlesplash> I think it should be (in GCC)
<waddlesplash> but that'd be the thing to check, i.e. whether that code's compiled at all
<OscarL> (also wondering what library name dlopen() ends up wantting... or just didn't seeme to load either here)
<OscarL> makes sense :-)
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<waddlesplash> OscarL: it may need a line in a .conf file actually
<waddlesplash> looking at other parts of the code it may only try to load modules declared in some conf file
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<OscarL> already added /etc/nsswitch.conf with "hosts: mdnd files dns".
<waddlesplash> is that where it looks?
<waddlesplash> let me see
<OscarL> but I wasn't sure how to detect if that was actually loaded.
<waddlesplash> strace should help
<waddlesplash> should show what files it tries to open
<waddlesplash> and whether or not they actually get loaded
<OscarL> didn't saw anything on strace at the time of my early tests. Will double check.
<OscarL> seems what's missing to be able to resolv .local hostnames (once /bin/mdnsd is running)
<OscarL> not entirely sure I build that nss_mdnd.c in the right way, to be honest :-D (should link to mDNSResolver's, and that one does the taking to mdnsd daemon).
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<Nephele> resolving .local would require redirecting the normal dns resolution alghorythm to the mdns responder no?
<nosycat> Thanks again, OscarL. See you!
<OscarL> see you nosycat!
<OscarL> nephele: as I understand it... there's where the "nsswitch" modules come in. Your regular netresolv code loads a module, and said module talks with the mdnsd service (via, in mDNSResponder's case)
<OscarL> the "hosts: mdnsd files dns" line on /etc/nsswitch.conf instructs to use the "mdnsd" NSS module before trying the normal resolution (host files, unicast dns).
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<Nephele> before? Does that mean it will try to resolve "normal" hostnames with mdns first`
<OscarL> that's how the examples I've seen so far use it.
<OscarL> not sure if the order matters or not. Haven't got that far yet :-D
<Nephele> Well, i would rather use mdns *only* for .local and the normal mechanism for anything else
<Nephele> also excluding the hosts file completely for .local resolution
<OscarL> some mdsnd NSS modules can act as unicast dns too, from what I've read.
<OscarL> as they say... "first make it work, then make it faster"
<Nephele> Eh, i'd disagree. Making it faster sure, but if you implement it this way you make everything slower (normal unicast DNS) and conceptually it seems wrong to me
<OscarL> (also... It certainly won't be /me the one doing the finer details, in any case :-D)
<Nephele> Technically you can advertise other toplevel domains on multicast dns, i think, but that isn't what we should do
<OscarL> don't use my test binaries, then :-P
<Nephele> ?
<OscarL> reaction to your "conceptually wrong" remark. I really do not care how correct/performant it is... if it is NOT working.
<Nephele> if it is conceptually wrong it won't work correctly afterwords either
<OscarL> sure, whatevs.
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<OscarL> Apparently, NetBSD's nss_mdnsd.c code can act both as only a Multicast DNS resolver (if loaded as, or as a catching DNS for both multicast and unicast DNS requests (when loaded as
<OscarL> Guess I'll be stealing NetBSD's nsswitch.conf.5 man page too then :-D
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<HaikuUser> Hi there, I just bought me a new cool laptop and decided to try install Haiku on it. I got issue with wifi driver.... syslog told me that it could not read firmware... iwx--yadda-yadda.... I found the firmware and need to place somewhere that Haiku detects it. The folder is /boot/system/data/firmware/iaxwifi200 is read only?
<HaikuUser> this is probably super simple. I understand that haiku has a readonly part... but where should I put this firmware file that Haiku detects it?
<OscarL> hello HaikuUser. Yes, most of folders under /system are read only (they are not "real folders" anyway, files are actually inside .hpkg package files)
<Nephele> HaikuUser, If the hardware is supported haiku ships the firmware, unless this is a really old laptop with firmware we are not allowed to ship
<HaikuUser> this is brand new laptop...
<Nephele> Then it likely is supported either in the nightlies or maybe not at all at the moment, you can check if freebsd or openbsd support it (for example their man pages)
<HaikuUser> firmware that it could not load is: 'iwx-so-a0-jf-b0-77'
<Nephele> you can open a ticket about this problem on our bugtracker
<HaikuUser> yes I found the firmware at openbsd
<Nephele> okay, you can try to put it into /system/non-packaged/data/firmware/iaxwifi200 to try
<HaikuUser> it would be so cool if I could just test it out...
<HaikuUser> aha... non-package is r/w ...
<HaikuUser> thx I will try.
<Nephele> yes
<OscarL> HaikuUser: iwx-so-a0-jf-b0-77 file is already included in "intel_wifi_firmwares_2023_03_06-1-any.hpkg" file.
<OscarL> the problem might be with the driver not working properly.
<Nephele> Could also be that the package is not installed or outdated on the installl
<HaikuUser> understand... it is worth a try
<OscarL> HaikuUser: open a Terminal and run: "pkgman search intel_wifi_firmwares", and confirm you have at least the version I mentioned above.
<HaikuUser> cp that
<OscarL> use "pkgman search -Di intel_wifi_firmwares", so it actually shows the version, and only for installed packages.
<HaikuUser> pkgman search returned version "2022-01_11-5"
<HaikuUser> running nightly build 'hrev57768
<OscarL> do you have an ethernet connection you can use to run updates?
<Nephele> try updating the package then
<OscarL> HaikuUser: plugin an smartphone/tablet in USB-tethering mode *might* work for you, if you're in luck :-)
<Nephele> If you dont have a connection you can download it from the depot server and put it on a stick
<OscarL> *pluging in (I can't English properly)
<HaikuUser> thx will try
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<OscarL> sneaker-net to the rescue! as nephele rightly points out :-)
<HaikuUser> I have an usb-ethernet dock. maybe that also a workaround
<Nephele> OscarL, I'm happy this can be done "easily" in haiku. I once spend an entire afternoon trying to do this with debian, where each package i got would complain about 5 new deps that need to be updated first
<HaikuUser> is it possible to move .hpkg from this computer? that has the latest version?
<Nephele> sure
<Nephele> just copy it from /system/packages
<OscarL> HaikuUser: yes, you can put the file in a pendrive... mount that in haiku... double click the file to install it.
<HaikuUser> cool
<Nephele> pkgman install accepts a file path
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<OscarL> or use "pkgman install <path to .hpkg file>"
* OscarL types sloooowly.
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<OscarL> nephele: heh, I too had my share of pain when trying to update (via sneaker-net) some old linux installs :-D
<OscarL> question for Haiku devs... does it makes sense to submit a Gerrit patchset for code under haiku/3rdparty? (Seems I have a branch with some fixes for 3rdparty/proj2make)
<OscarL> heh, seems I ran it against all .proj files I had available :-)
<HaikuUser> thx guys.... wifi works now :D
<OscarL> wohooo!
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<OscarL> you're luckier than I am HaikuUser (mine hates my router, at least on WSD mode, and keeps rejecting to connect :-D)
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<HaikuUser2> hi
<OscarL> hello HaikuUser2.
<HaikuUser2> I'm new to Haiku. Is this a general chat?
<OscarL> just in case, for both HaikuUser and HaikuUser2: you can change your name by typing: "/nick YourCoolNewName" on the chat window.
HaikuUser is now known as dodo75
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<OscarL> Melanzue: General to Haiku, but yes.
<dodo75> OscarL maybe you need this laptop as well... I bought a Starlite5 from Starlabs.system.. a 12.5" linux surface laptop...
<dodo75> not so powerful but Haiku should work quite good on it was my idea
<OscarL> dodo75: Thanks, but I live in Argentina... so buying stuff internationally (or even locally, most of the time :-P) is out of my reach.
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<OscarL> dodo75: that N200 surely would kick the rear end of the Celeron N4020 I have on my fastest netbook :-D
<OscarL> dodo75: actually... it would beat the crap out of my main desktop as well, lol!
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<dodo75> OscarL that is quite remarkable... amazing progress in 10 year... TDP:: 6w vs 95w
<OscarL> indeed!
<OscarL> nice specs in general on that that Starlite5 lappy!
<OscarL> I got my second-hand Phenom just 2 years ago so... still kinda "new" to me :-D
* Melanzue is idle: BRB
<dodo75> OscarL :D do you use any gpu? Radeon
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<OscarL> dodo75: I was lucky that one of my younger brothers gave me a GT-1030 as a gift a few years ago. Never had a dedicated GPU before :-)
<OscarL> I did really abused the intergrated Radeon 3000 on this poor motherboard before that, thou.
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<dodo75> OscarL that ryzen box seems really cool ... but hefty price tag
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<OscarL> yup, and those gmktec are on the "cheaper" side... geekpc ones are around USD 1000/1100 8-O.
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<OscarL> the 5700u one at $339.99 (with 32 GB of ram and 1 TB drive) still seems nice (considering the prices I would get for something like that here in Argentina :-D)
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<zdykstra> OscarL: I'll ship you a Lenovo Tiny PC if you want - they work great with Haiku :)
<OscarL> Hello there zdykstra! Long time no read!
<zdykstra> how have you been?
<gordonjcp> zdykstra: oooh, they're cute
<gordonjcp> zdykstra: I run it on my Thinkpad T430, it's pretty okay
<OscarL> zdykstra: Thanks a lot for the offer, but I'm affraid I'll have to decline... our custom services are more than likely to keep it for themselves :-(
<zdykstra> bah
<gordonjcp> OscarL: which country?
<OscarL> zdykstra: Had a rough patch with my mental health (comes and goes... bipolar). Seems I'm getting better for now at least. Thanks for asking!
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<OscarL> gordonjcp: Argentina.
<gordonjcp> OscarL: ah yeah that's potentially rough
<gordonjcp> OscarL: but, GT1030 is enough GPU to run DaVinci Resolve in Linux!
<zdykstra> OscarL: I'm glad to hear that you're doing well / better :)
<gordonjcp> OscarL: do you need something to run Haiku on?
<OscarL> thanks zdykstra. Read you went on "work/vacation"... so I'm assuming you're alwright yourself?
<OscarL> s/alwright/alright/ (I think :-D)
<gordonjcp> OscarL: "awright" would be the Glasgow pronunciation
<gordonjcp> it's often used just on its own to inquire as to someone's wellbeing
<gordonjcp> OscarL: you might bump into someone you know and ask "awright, bawbag?"
<OscarL> gordonjcp: I have it running on 3 machines. Would love to have something faster for testing Python builds, but... I make do with what I have :-D
<zdykstra> OscarL: busy with a new job, busy training for a 100 mile bike race in ~5 weeks - but I'm hangin' in there :)
<OscarL> gordonjcp: heh, love that "bawbag" :-)
<gordonjcp> I wonder if I can stream my Haiku test bench
<gordonjcp> OscarL: it's a gender-neutral term too, really
<OscarL> zdykstra: nice... wish I had better lungs... can bike just fine... unless there's wind, or any hill :-D (albeit I doubt I could do more than 20 Km on my current state :-D)
<OscarL> mmm, keep forgetting if arc4random() is available only on nighlies.
<OscarL> s/if/that/
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