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<PetePete> Blurgh! cool name
<coolcoder613> Hi Blurgh
<coolcoder613> You seem to be using the same ISP as I am
<Blurgh> Hi there
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<Begasus> g'morning peeps
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<Blurgh> So with regards to a previous comment I made with VMWare Workstation 17.x and no audio.
<Blurgh> Tried again with latest nightly download and it seems to be an issue there too
<Blurgh> And the (more than 3 button) mouse issue too, where only 3 buttons are recognised
<augiedoggie> i think you need the opensound package in vmware
<Blurgh> Is that the Open Sound package in Haiku Depot?
<augiedoggie> yes
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<Begasus> k, tbb 2021.1.1 build with tests ... time to run them
<Blurgh> Well, that seems to have worked a treat
<Blurgh> Any reason that is not installed straight-up? Given it is the difference between having sound and not having sound.
<Begasus> 97% tests passed, 4 tests failed out of 129 (not bad) :)
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<Blurgh> opensound package also fixed my issue with the R4 standard beta as well :-)
<Begasus> +1 :)
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<Begasus> k, tbb fine with hwloc 1.11, checking newer hwloc
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<Begasus> 98% tests passed, 2 tests failed out of 129 (with hwloc2) :)
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<Calisto> Heyyyy Everyone
<Begasus> Hi Calisto
<Calisto> Hey Begasus
<Calisto> how are you doing?
<Begasus> fine here thanks :) and you, progressing?
<Calisto> yup.. I think by tomorrow or day after tom there should be a change to the UI sent for the Gerrit Review.. just trying to fix a tiny thing and then have to get it reviewed by Niels and Humdinger... I can finally get that Gerrit Review started then :)
<Calisto> had to take a break for a few days because I had a bunch of doctors appointments
<Begasus> not to bad I hope
<Calisto> I didn't get you :(
<Begasus> the need for doctors appointments*
<Calisto> aah no it was fine... tho i have to take medicines for 2 months :(
<Begasus> could be better then
<Calisto> btw i need to use this git-haiku-format tool
<Calisto> I can't really edit the /bin directory
<Calisto> somehow i have python3.9 installed but not python3
<Calisto> so the tool doesn't work as expected since it expects python3 to be present in the /bin directory i think
<Begasus> pkgman install python3.10?
<Begasus> nice! TBB build on 32bit too (hwloc1 for now) :)
<Calisto> Begasus: the problem is even after installing python3.10 or python3.9
<Calisto> it doesn't get installed as python.... i basically need to use it as python3.10 in the command line
<Calisto> or python3.9
<Begasus> python3
<Calisto> for the configure script i had just added in a line in the script to change the command to python3.9 and it worked just python
<Begasus> that links to python3.10
<Calisto> yup... I'll try running the git haiku format tool now
<Calisto> does that clear up all the styling guidelines ?
<Calisto> or most of them?
<Begasus> no idea there :)
<Calisto> i tried following it to the best of what I could tho my mentors still told me there are quite a few violations
<Calisto> oh okay
<Calisto> thanks tho for all the help.
<Begasus> not involved in gerrit nor the format tool
<Begasus> np
<Calisto> Btw i had a really stupid C++ question xD
* Begasus ducks
<Begasus> :)
<Calisto> xD
<Calisto> btw how do you guys do the comments from *
<Calisto> ?
<Begasus> now you lost me?
<Calisto> like it popped up right now on the IRC "Begasus ducks"
<Begasus> ah, like this? "/me ducks"
<phschafft> actions: /me ...
<Calisto> ohhhhh
* Calisto Trying it out
<Calisto> oh okay wow
<Calisto> that's niceeee
<Begasus> works :)
<Calisto> thankssss
<phschafft> keep in mind that you need to switch from first to thrid person. ;)
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<Calisto> yup
<Begasus> hwloc2 fine too with TBB :)
<Begasus> k, let's build the tests on 32bit
<Begasus_32> undefined reference to `tbb::detail::r1::allocate_memory(unsigned long)'
<Begasus> bugger ...
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<Calisto> by the way begasus, which of the applications have you worked on in the Haiku OS?
<Begasus> none of the native ones :)
<Calisto> ohh so you worked on the third party ones?
<Begasus> yep, at haikuports
<Calisto> oh thats nice
<Begasus> just did a dive into the source of Haiku for the EXRTranslator (eventually moving it out of the source)
<Calisto> ohhh.... that sounds cool... :D
<Calisto> so you are moving it out of the source code?
<phschafft> nephele: wie sieht es heute abend aus? nach 20:00 loc.
<Begasus> works should be done from my side, just need someone to move the sources to HaikuArchives once upstream is out of it there
<Begasus> dunkel?
<Begasus> nah, sun doesn't set down untill about 22.00 :)
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<Calisto> could someone help me out with the git-haiku-format tool? is there any website post on how to use it?
Andi is now known as Guest10637
<Calisto> it just says that it didn't modify any files if I run it :(
<Guest10637> Hello, I am traying to port one of my programming languages from BSD to Haiku and because I'm not familiar with it, I need a little bit of help. For example, how many of "-lX11 -lXext -lm -lGL -lGLU -lSDL_image -lSDL_mixer -lSDL_ttf -lXxf86vm -lXxf86dga -dl -pthread -lSDL_net -lpng -ljpeg -lbluetooth" are allready ported in Haiku?
<Nephele> Guest10637, Do you use sdl2 *and* X11?
<Guest10637> yes
<Nephele> Haiku does not have X11
<Nephele> There is only a compat layer that emulates the api of one x11 library, but it does not do the protocol
<Guest10637> X11 is used only for initiate the glwindow and glcontext. I guess it can be easely replaced with something from Haiku
<Nephele> opengl is available, currently only software rendering but that doesn't matter from a library perspective
<Nephele> sdl2 and sdl2 is available as are png and jpeg libthread etc. From your list x11 xext xf86* and such would not be available
<Guest10637> Yes. What about Xxf86vm and Xxf86dga?
<Begasus> there is libX11, but you can't compare that to the upstream one
<Nephele> xf86 are drivers for xorg, no?
<Begasus> think so
<Begasus> no go on that one
<Begasus> Haiku doesn't have a xserver
<Begasus> mind sharing the source link?
<Guest10637> The project was closed source until last year, that's why it's not on the github so far. I'm the author of the app so I decided to make it opensource.
<Guest10637> it's a markup programming language for designing multimedia apps
<Guest10637> games, virtual galeries and so on
<Begasus> nice to see that you have an interest in looking to support Haiku
<Nephele> If this will always open a window you can likely port it straightforward with the application kit. Anyhow Haiku does not have any X11, so any setup of gl windows would have to be redone. and what you use xf86* for would too.
<Guest10637> for example, this game was made (by me and my team) with this programming language
<Guest10637> I guess I will put the sources on the github and then, maybe we can start a discussion about how we can port the app
<Begasus> 3D accelarated?
<Guest10637> yes, but it worked also in 2D mode with SDL
<Begasus> Haiku doesn't come with hardware acceleration yet
<Begasus> ah :)
<Guest10637> but haiku has a version of glx, right?
<Guest10637> I saw a teapot :))
<Nephele> no. glx is X11 specific, but we have an equivalent functionality
<Guest10637> sorry, I'm noob in Haiku. My language is allready ported on Win, Linux, OSX and BSD
<Begasus> only see some mention in libxcb for that
<Begasus> biab
<Nephele> linux and bsd use X11, (and glx), for macos and windows you likely needed something else :)
<Guest10637> ah, ok, so I need some help from you, guys!
<Guest10637> I will start with puting the sources on github
<Guest10637> ah, and also the exclusive license for the Sun Blast game expired last year. I can put the game sources too with MIT license
<Nephele> Begasus: know of a sdl2 game port with 3d view? could show one as an example
<Nephele> (in haikuports)
<Guest10637> donno, I should search in the depot
<Guest10637> but that's a good starting point
<Guest10637> yes, it seems neverball is allready ported on Haiku
<Nephele> Well, you can check the sources for Haiku3D for example to see how you can set it up *in general* but i think you want to do it while keeping sdl2? that likely is a bit more effort, and i'm not sure how to integrate sdl2 :D
<Guest10637> as far as I know, neverball use sdl2 and 3d
<Nephele> what category is neverball in haikuports?
<Guest10637> games
<Guest10637> games/all packages
<Nephele> games-puzzle it seems
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<Nephele> hmm, there doesn't seem to be haiku specific initialization code for gl there, maybe sdl2 can already do that? :g
<Nephele> Begasus: it seems you ported neverball
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<Anarchos> hello
<Nephele> hi Anarchos
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<AndiM> what kind of IDE you recomands for developing in C?
<Nephele> On Haiku?
<AndiM> yup
<Nephele> I personally only use a text editor called Koder, but as for ide there is Genio available as native software aswell as Paladin. Ported ones stuff like qt creator i think
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<AndiM> ok, thenks. I found that all sdl* is ported. That's nice.
<Anarchos> AndiM i use vim
<Anarchos> or Pe
<AndiM> I guess vim is for advanced programmers. I'll try to use something like Genio for the moment.
<Begasus> iirc I took over(*) on neverball at one time nephele (to finish up a build)
<Begasus> been a while :)
<Begasus> AndiM, my prefered app would be kdevelop (but then again, I'm not a developer) :)
<Begasus> basic tool is just the source and Pe
<Begasus> oh, and a Terminal :D
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<Bones223> Hey Begasus
<Bones223> Long time no see :D
<Bones223> How've you been?
<Anarchos> Begasus my daughter has scarlatine
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<Begasus> Hi Bones223 Anarchos
<Begasus> Anarchos, what's that?
<Begasus> nvm, found out, hope she's not too sick
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-0/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] extrowerk c4309c3 - TBB: bump, castrated oldrecipe , switch to cmake (#5577)
<Begasus> one (old) down :)
<Begasus> disabled untill further testing
<Begasus> k, one active branch now (here)
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<Begasus> this nexcloud client is handy :-)
<Begasus> hi OscarL!
<Begasus> re-write subversion recipe here, share with the 32bit laptop :)
<OscarL> Good day, Begasus! (sleepier than usual here, so... slower than usual :-P)
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<Begasus> was about to poke you ;)
<Begasus> now don't add another PR untill the other ones are done :P
<Begasus> just kidding* :)
<OscarL> might need to poke harder till brain starts working today :-P
<Begasus> need some juice for the 32bit one ... way too slow compared to this one :)
<Begasus> k, launching subversion_x86 there
<Begasus> now: hp mdnsresponder (here) :)
<Begasus_32> checking for APR... configure: error: the --with-apr parameter is incorrect. It must specify an install prefix, a build directory, or an apr-config file.
<Begasus> bugger
<Begasus> this worked though: grabbing mdnsresponder-2200.120.24-1-x86_64.hpkg and moving it to /Opslag/haikuports/packages/mdnsresponder-2200.120.24-1-x86_64.hpkg
<Begasus> biab
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<PetePete_> Good morning magicians
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* phschafft performs a magic trick with a cookie disappearing. also offers one to PetePete so he can try it himself!
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<Begasus> re
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<Begasus> who ever invented "portPackageLinksDir" should be punished :P
<Begasus> I never seem to get it right
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* OscarL reads zard's comment about review/merge taking 1-2 days... laughs at changesets with +2 sitting on gerrit for > 1 year :-)
<zard> lol
<zard> True, happens sometimes :/
<PetePete> phschafft: *reaches for cookie... DISAPPEARS* very funny...
<PetePete> *goes to sit down* *whoopie cushion*
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<PetePete> *raises his coffee mug* *rabbit jumps out* DANGIT phschafft !!!!
<Begasus> running tests on subversion, this could take some time
<OscarL> git's take almost 5 hours on here :-(
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<Begasus> half-way here, only at 11/122 at 32bit :)
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<Begasus> maybe it would go faster with $jobArgs? ;)
<Begasus> from the recipe: # Results for 1.14.3 on beta4 64 bits (took 166 minutes):
<Begasus> whoops
<Calisto> Hii
<Begasus> wb Calisto
<Calisto> Hi Begasus
<Calisto> yup got some progress done with the code :)
<Calisto> finally feel slightly more relaxed xD
<Calisto> how is the progress going with yours?
<Begasus> nice +1!
<Begasus> the things that have in the pipeline are done
<Calisto> yup... I'm just running it through by my mentors at the moment... if they say all is good then I can finally put it onto Gerrit :D
<Begasus> doing checks on subversion vs refurbished perl
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<Calisto> oh okay
<Calisto> wow I have no idea what that means but that sounds really cool
<Calisto> maybe someday I will xD
<Begasus> heh
* Calisto embarrasses himself
<Calisto> xD
<Calisto> btw
<Calisto> do we leave any tab space on empty lines?
<Calisto> for the styling guideline in Haiku?
<Begasus> no idea (again) :)
<Calisto> oh okay no problem :)
<Begasus> but someone should know ... pokes OscarL
<zard> I remove them so that git doesn't show them in red...
<Calisto> you remove the tab space or the empty line itself?
<Calisto> just the tab space right?
<zard> Just the tab
<Begasus> haikuports complains about whitespaces, don't know about Haiku
<Calisto> oh okay
<Calisto> ill just remove them then
<Calisto> should work
<Begasus> yeah, just hit backspace on the keyboard :D
<Calisto> yah xD
<Calisto> but I added a lotttt of empty lines :(
<Calisto> theres like many places
<Calisto> where I need to do this
<Begasus> no one to blame but ...
<Calisto> but its okay I have nothing better to do at the moment xD
<OscarL> Calisto: editor's usual setting: "trim trailing spaces on save". End file on "new-line" also handy.
<Calisto> Begasus: xD
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<Calisto> OscarL: Oh okay yah.. ill check out those options
<OscarL> Calisto: empty lines are ok for separating functions/methods (check coding style guide for examples). Just do not left them with trailing tabs/spaces.
<Calisto> yup i have to put in two lines betweeen every function definition right?
<OscarL> yeah, like that.
<Calisto> oh okay
<OscarL> just don't over-do it :-) (more than 2 lines... no no).
<Calisto> yup I'll just finish off all of that
<Calisto> yup
<Calisto> also I had a general question also... suppose we want to create two BMessage pointers.
<Calisto> would we need to create them on separate lines?
<Calisto> because we are supposed to keep the * with the class type right?
<Calisto> so that would only make the first one a pointer and the remaining declarations regular objects right?
<Calisto> or can we also keep the * with the variable names?
<OscarL> one line per variable definition is better than: "int a, b, c;", IMO.
<OscarL> * goes on the type, not on the variable.
<Calisto> oh okay
<OscarL> (unless the file you're touching uses that style)
<OscarL> and unless you're just converting the whole file to the "proper" "type* var" style :-)
<Calisto> yah. I just realised that in many places I kept the * with the variable names since I was so used to coding in that style. I'll move it to the Filetypes.
<Calisto> alright i'll be afk for a while. Got to have dinner and then make the code follow the styling guidelines.
<Calisto> I guess that would be it for today :)
<Begasus> Enjoy :)
<Begasus> taking care of the dogs in a bit and then grabbing a bite here too
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<Calisto> oh thats wonderful
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<Calisto> btw Begasus what time zone are you in?
<Calisto> I keep forgetting :(
<Begasus> Belgium
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<Calisto> ohhhh
<Calisto> definitely will keep that in mind :)
<Begasus> GMT +1? (never check that) :)
<Begasus> check results on subversion the same as mentioned in the recipe on 64bit (no supprise there)
<Calisto> yup 4.5 hours behind my time zone
<Begasus> So you are in the east of us :)
<Begasus> almost 21PM then there?
<Calisto> yup India :)
<Calisto> GMT +5:30
<Calisto> yup its nearing 20:24 PM here
<Begasus> quite the distance :D
<Calisto> yup
<Calisto> Belgium must be a really nice to stay in
<Begasus> OscarL is lacking behind ...
<Calisto> how's the weather there?
* OscarL waves from the "south-west", before taking a nap.
<Begasus> tss ... it's afternoon there OscarL! :P
<OscarL> GMT -3:00 here
<Calisto> oh wow
<Calisto> oh yahhh I remember now xD
<Calisto> i had to stay up really late so that I could take OscarL's help long back
<Calisto> xD
<OscarL> Begasus: right... time for the "siesta" :-D
<Begasus> heh
<Begasus> enjoy ;)
<Calisto> enjoy xD
<OscarL> (I usually don't nap... but... got my belly full of food, and now I'm sleepy :-P)
<Begasus> atm it's pretty warm Calisto, but we haven't seen a lot of these days this year
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<Begasus> right there with you OscarL :P
<Nephele> Right here!
<Begasus> wb nephele :)
<nosycat> o/
<Begasus> Hi nosycat :)
<Calisto> Hi nephele nosycat
<Begasus> k, let me see what the progress on nheko is (already had one prepared for the move to Qt6)
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<waddlesplash> OscarL: I see someone asking about nforce driver? I can update that yes
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<Begasus> OscarL's with his feet up :)
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<OscarL> waddlesplash: yeah, a folk with a mac-book circa 2010 with MCP89 chip, IIRC.
<OscarL> Begasus: you shamed me out of my nap :-P
<Begasus> lol
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<Nephele> that patch for icon-o-matic shrunk through the night xD
<Nephele> now it's a one-line fix
<Nephele> or well, a three line diff it is now. Like the song :D
<Begasus> talk about KISS :)
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<OscarL> waddlesplash: btw, the module (the one I stole from NetBSD)... tries to load after fixing the issue pointed by augiedoggie... but fails because it expects some functions (like res_check()) from NetBSD's resolv code that we don't have.
<zard> nephele: Nice song :)
<Nephele> OpenBSD has more release songs, i think it is quite cool
* zard bookmarks the directory
<Nephele> better bookmark their lyrics page :)
<zard> Aye, that's better :)
<waddlesplash> OscarL: not surprising
<OscarL> yeah... not sure what I was expecting :-)... the fact that it even attempts to load was progress to me, at least :-D
<Nephele> streaming input events to devices connected via ethernet should be fast enough. Don't see why we couldn't make a mouse move over to the next computer :3
<Nephele> should see how hard multiple mouse cursor support would be to add, X11 has it but it suffers from poor application support
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<OscarL> nephele: re: networked-mouse (and kb)... barrier-haiku works "well-enough" over ethernet:
<OscarL> sucks over wifi, thou.
<OscarL> barrier/synapse/input-leap was one of the reasons I wanted ZeroConf working on Haiku.
<OscarL> s/synapse/synergy/ (can't keep track of how many names/forks that project got over the years :-D)
<Nephele> damn, steam streaming doesn't work... now to find another streaming thing :(
<Nephele> don't know of any good p2p one you can just set up
<Nephele> wouldn't even need NAT punching with ipv6
<Nephele> oh well, off to play some rollercoaster tycoon :3
<nosycat> Have fun!
<Nephele> thanks
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<Begasus> whoop, crashed Nheko :P
<Nephele> that's normal :)
<phschafft> PetePete: haha
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<OscarL> waddlesplash: *BSDs seem to have an "struct ifa_msghdr" that we lack. It is used on mDNSResponder to detect (react to?) changes on network interfaces, if I got that right. Shall I open an "enhancement ticket" for it?
<Begasus> k, doesn't seem to send messages from Nheko ...
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57775] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] d7d7d543bc81 - Icon-O-Matic: restors default position when it starts out of screen
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57776] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] d6669c48ad73 - BHandler: fix IsWatched
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<zard> Well, the three line diff got merged :)
<Begasus[m]> check
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 2 commits to master [hrev57777] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 25cf6463339f - kernel/signal: Make DEBUG_THREAD non-deferrable
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 1f2b4425c4c3 - kernel/debug: Report new team before resuming it
<OscarL> someone got their mouse button stuck over the merge button! :-P
<Begasus> lol
<Begasus> the messages from Nheko take a long time to travel
* Begasus[m] should check this IOM fix :)
<Begasus[m]> check2
<Begasus> ah, faster now :)
<Begasus> maybe it collided with neochat?
<OscarL> if FAT fs driver doesn't get merged... guess I'll have to test drive it myself.
* OscarL pulls ups his sleeves.
* OscarL pulls the sleevs back down... kinda too chilly down here.
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<nosycat> :D
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<botifico> [haiku/website] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-0/±0]
<botifico> [haiku/website] trungnt2910 e5ea11e - blog/trungnt2910: Debugging progress 1 (#688)
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<zdykstra> afternoon all
<Begasus> evening zdykstra
<OscarL> hey there zdykstra.
<Begasus[m]> OK, looks to be working fine with just a small patch (wayland) :)
<Begasus> and send upstream :)
<OscarL> Begasus the salmon... swimming upstream.
<Begasus> hope it reaches it's target :P
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<waddlesplash> OscarL: ifa_msghdr is related to routing isn't it? we have a different interface for that
<OscarL> on freebsd seems related to interfaces getting/removing addresses.
<dovsienko> that's BSD analog of Linux netlink
* OscarL tries to find out if he should have used -DUSES_NETLINK instead.
<dovsienko> it would be very surprising to find any mentions of netlink on Haiku
<OscarL> I'd be surprised if I understood any of this :-D
<Begasus> heh
<dovsienko> well, sometimes a userspace process needs to know when network interface configuration changes
<dovsienko> different OSes implement different interfaces for that. so when I worked on Quagga, I'd see it use one interface on BSD and another on Linux
<OscarL> ifam_type == RTM_IFINFO seems to be used for interfaces going up/down (OpenBSD seems to only use that for ifam_type, while FreeBSD uses a few others)
<Begasus[m]> ☠️
<OscarL> pirates!
<Begasus> ok, that kinda works :)
<dovsienko> there was also an ioctl() way to talk to some OSes, and a special Solaris-specific ioctl() code too
<OscarL> Begasus: at least that looked like some skull and bones to me, not really sure :-D.
<Begasus[m]> it was :)
<dovsienko> what problem are you trying to solve in the first place?
<OscarL> dovsienko: trying to port Apple's mDNSResponder to Haiku.
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<OscarL> but to make it compile... I had to disable some code-paths.
<dovsienko> wasn't there a non-Apple one somewhere?
<OscarL> avahi, seems to depend on d-bus.
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<Begasus> k, clean build ....
<OscarL> Also... NetBSD uses mDNSResponder too, and seems most of Haiku's resolv comes from NetBSD... so...
<dovsienko> from what I've been told, Apple licence is too much loaded legal-wise
<OscarL> apache v2 for this case.
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<OscarL> yeah... I already stolen their nss_mdnsd.c module to replace the linux-only NSS code on Apple's tarball.
<Nephele> what's wrong with the license? it's three clause bsd?
<dovsienko> alright, you will figure it out faster if I do not interrupt you, it seems
<OscarL> ah.. I see the ""Three-Clause BSD License" comment :-D
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<OscarL> but that seems to only apply to to me?
<OscarL> not to /bin/mdnsd or the standalone tools.
<Nephele> Yes, sure. Still don't see what the problem would be with the license
<OscarL> none from my side either, but I understand less about licenses than I do about code.
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<gordonjcp> so Google is freaking out a bit on me just now
<gordonjcp> I'm logged into gmail on my laptop at home on Haiku, on my desktop at home in Linux, and I've just fired up a ChromeOS Flex VM on my server in Finland
<Nephele> if you delete too many emails google will send you an email about that, which you can then delete
<Begasus> lol
<Begasus> k, putting a hold on it for today :)
<Begasus> bugger ... need to check luarocks again tomorrow
<OscarL> pkgsrc patches are for a very old version of mDNSResponder (2017).
<Begasus> k, closing down here
<OscarL> And the copy from NetBSD proper, ain't so fresh either :-)
<Begasus> cu peeps!
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<OscarL> later Begasus!
<Nephele> well, if it works it works ;) no use updating something if it does everything you want
<OscarL> sure. just trying to see if I can use some of their patches (at least to understand things better).
<Nephele> +1
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 9 commits to master [hrev57778] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 3a17bd3545a4 - file_systems: Adjustments to QueryParser in preparation for BFS using it.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 7da55c729651 - file_systems: Backport changes to QueryParser from BFS.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 0a44afc6bf6b - BFS: Use the shared QueryParser.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] f91b5cb29744 - tests/file_systems: Move some tests to a common "shared" directory.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 804e27b8fb90 - tests/file_systems: Delete obsolete beos_interface Jamfiles.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 76f38b534fe2 - tests/file_systems: Synchronize <userland>ramfs Jamfile with kernel one.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] e0ff85edaa18 - tests/file_systems: Add a QueryParserTest.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 6d7e181767b0 - file_systems/QueryParser: Rewrite parsing logic to avoid recursion.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 83e4de8b64ba - file_systems/QueryParser: Limit to 32 equations maximum.
<nekobot> ...
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<OscarL> now Haiku can't handle my simple 33+ nested conditions queries?... sigh... :-P
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<waddlesplash> OscarL: did you really have one of those? :P
<OscarL> heh, nah, just kidding, of course :-)
* OscarL still gets chills down his spine, remembering a coworker's 2500 lines long VBScript function, with 16 nested "if"s.
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<Nephele> did it really have that many paths? or was it just if statements that should have been written with AND and OR ? :D
<OscarL> nested ifs... with lots of weird logic.
<OscarL> the works part (the nested 16 ifs), I replaced with a for loop, setting bits on an int in the 0..65535 range.
<OscarL> for the rest, I removed duplicated logic where I could... and in the end had to use one of those "boolean logic minimizers" to get something reasonable.
<OscarL> IIRC, we got it down to 2 or 3 functions of 25-30 lines each, before we ditched VBScript/WSF.
<OscarL> Ah... the wonders of what passes for "code develompent" on the land of QA automation :-P
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<HaikuUser> hi
<HaikuUser> i'm using export LC_ALL="en_US.UTF-8" and give me warning: setlocale: LC_ALL: cannot change locale, why?
<OscarL> not seeing that error here, HaikuUser.
<OscarL> (at least from a fresh bash session on Terminal)
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<HaikuUser> oscarl thanks anyway
<HaikuUser> it will be a PLUS having database engines on HAIKU
<OscarL> you can use "pkgman search postgresql", for example, to see if it is already available.
<OscarL> Seems we have: postgresql version 9.6.10 currently.
<OscarL> postgresql 12.0 even
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<coolcoder613> My mac turned off overnight and didn't save the Terminal windows, so I was left with the ones from last time I restarted (~33 days ago)
* coolcoder613 sighs
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