ChanServ changed the topic of #haiku to: Open-source operating system that specifically targets personal computing. | | Nightlies: | Bugtracker: | SCM: | Logs: | Matrix: | XMPP:
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<scantysnax> hello, i am having problems with software updater. it says "failed to commit transaction: Failed to change the package activation in packagefs: Name in use"
<scantysnax> hrm, seems to have worked now.
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<B2IA> (dam0) hi
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<botifico> [haiku/website] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-0/±0]
<botifico> [haiku/website] waddlesplash 872becd - Activity Report, May.
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<Begasus> g'morning peeps
<cynic[m]> ☕️
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<Begasus> thnx :)
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<Begasus> OK, that seemed to work :) Warning: POLICY WARNING: no matching provides "cmd:gdc" for "bin/gdc"
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] korli pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57764] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 8b32e9b4ac26 - virtio_sound: setting up driver to be loaded.
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] jackburton79 d2cf64d - Depend on cmd::clang instead of a specific library version (#10599)
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] korli pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] korli 1a7a356 - genio: remove secondaryArch suffix on cmd:clang
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] korli pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] korli 5ae05f0 - clazy: rebuild with fix clang prerequires
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] korli pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] korli 4929a92 - clazy: pod2man without secondaryArch suffix
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] korli pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] korli 8f20e6b - libcerf: pod2man without secondaryArch suffix
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<coolcoder613> Hi zard
<zard> Hello coolcoder613 :)
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<Begasus> cmake -Bbuild -S. -DECM_DIR=/system/data/cmake/Modules/ECM/cmake -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=clazy
<Begasus> -- The CXX compiler identification is Clang 18.1.7
<Begasus> that seems to work :)
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<HaikuUser> hey guys, latest nightly gives me a kernel panic with an error "page fault but interrupts were disabled", tried safe mode and various options.
<HaikuUser> nightly from 12/06/2024 works fine on the same system.
* HaikuUser grexe
<zard> Use "/nick name" to set your name
<Begasus> that * :)
<HaikuUser> oh long time no IRC,-)
HaikuUser is now known as grexe
<Begasus> iirc it's reported at the forum
<zard> I believe the latest nightly is broken
<zard> Hello grexe :)
<grexe> ah okay, just wanted to let you know and thought it was better here than in the forum, as it will be fixed soon anywaz.
<Begasus> Hi zard too :)
<grexe> ah okay, just wanted to let you know and thought it was better here than in the forum, as it will be fixed soon anyway.
<grexe> hi @zard
<Begasus> Got korli side-tracked a bit today :)
<grexe> ages I've been here, nice to see so many of you still active here:)
<zard> Aye, still going strong :^)
<Begasus> Still alive! :D
<grexe> always:)
<grexe> people are only now slowly discovering the benefits of local-first, file-based and data-centric systems... haha
<grexe> just recently I've read about a "new" proposal for a UNIX mail files format... :=P
<Begasus> heh
<grexe> so file based instead of mbox etc,
<grexe> we need to push these unique features of Haiku out there, this is the real strength to me.
<grexe> and stop bikeshed discussions about that stupid blue leaf >=(
<Begasus> k, back on par, clazy,genio, kdevelop and qt-creater running with llvm18 :)
<grexe> so drivers, bug fixing, web browsing, things that ppl really care about,-)
<zard> Oh, about the blue leaf, I think it should be
<grexe> love Genio @Begasus
<zard> just kidding :D
<Begasus> as I'm mostly doing ports I kinda fell in love with kdevelop :)
<grexe> ;-) but if you really start with this, why have the icons in the Deskbar menu been colored blue instead of yellow, as they have always been in BeOS? :-P
<grexe> so the folder icons I mean
<Begasus> you could join the flame war on the forum there grexe :P
<zard> lol
<grexe> thanks but no thanks, got better things to do, like pushing SEN to a useful state finally...:)
<Begasus> next to the one for those not being able to find the Deskbar menu :D
<grexe> want to have a sneak peek?
<grexe> haha how that?
<grexe> I mean how can you miss that?
<Begasus> always, although I'm clueless about it :)
<zard> Ah, you're the person who works on SEN. Nice project!
<Begasus> right, my point exactly :)
<grexe> so imagine you suddenly had support for relations based on BFS attributes... and Tracker support for it...
<grexe> oh thanks very much @zard, I'm flattered:)
<grexe> this was really a brain wrenching exercise, but I think I finally nailed it.
<Begasus> nice, I know quite a lot of devs are following the topic
<grexe> ah common, IRC still doesn't support images? :-P
<Begasus> I'm in the matrix too :P
<Begasus> install uploadit :)
<Begasus> nice Tracker add-on
<grexe> @Begasus oh I didn't know, that's great to hear, should really put out more updates. even did an AI generated teaser video yesterday and it's quite amazing how well the AI understood my prompt and the vision behind the project, almost frightening:-o
* Begasus isn't on the lookout for AI :)
<Begasus> there's enough around for that already :)
<Begasus> let's see if latest build also crashes in qemu
<Begasus> hrev57764 (latest tag)
<grexe> here you go:
<zard> Hmm, interesting
<zard> So it's listing books that reference the selected book?
<Begasus> I think Falkon blocks a bit too much there :D
<grexe> basically you can link any object to any other object using any relation with custom properties.
<grexe> books and book notes are just an example, could be videos, people (CRM), recipes, chemical elements, planets, you name it.
<Begasus> Angelfish doesn't like the link too ...
<grexe> I also have built a simple ontology support based on the native filetypes system.
<grexe> works fine in WebPositive :)
<Begasus> too much adds :p
<grexe> SEN just adds the necessary support for relations, nothing more. it's an infrastructure closely integrated with native filesystem attributes, with Tracker being the first application to support it, with only about 200 LOC added.
<grexe> ads? sorry, will shut up now;-)
<grexe> ah you mean on imgur? yeah, could be...
<Begasus> nice vid grexe! +1
* zard finished reading transcript of the youtube video
<zard> So you could open up a cited work of a research paper. Now I wonder what SEN would do if it wasn't on your computer locally
<zard> Probably would have to download it from the internet first
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<grexe> @zard in princple that's intended design, local-fist, fck the cloud. no external dependencies and full privacy. but I intend to support remote files like on my local NAS via remote location resolvers using remote relation URL properties.
<grexe> and yes exactly, you could even just create a new research file, enter the DOI, and let SEN resolve/enrich the rest.
<grexe> then you can resolve/extract keywords, authors, topics, related work etc.
<grexe> that's all coming soon, in the course of this summer, the SummerOfSen (SOS) ;-P
<zard> Nice
* zard imagines browsing a website with SEN. All files are archived on your computer as you browse.
<zard> Alas, probably a bit complicated to make that happen.
<zard> And not very useful. What are the chances you visit that page of the website again? Or maybe its content has updated. Tricky...
<grexe> not at all, you will see. Also rich web links are supported, like local WebAnnotations, so you can have citations of web page content and later go back to that part via a bookmark file.
<Begasus> Latest tag build doesn't KDL in qemu :)
<zard> Interesting
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<grexe> have to go now but for those who want to follow the project updates and maybe even support me, here's the SEN substack:
<grexe> cu guys!
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<Begasus> cya ... tl
<Begasus> Konqueror still good to play Yt ;)
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±2]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus a677529 - clazy, 32bit build fix (#10600)
<Begasus> Clazy prepared also when making a switch to LLVM18 :)
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<bbjimmy> finally booted again after updating to hrev57762
<bbjimmy> only one core instead of four :(
<Habbie> did you disable SMP?
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<bbjimmy> I had to disable smp to get it to boot.
<Habbie> understood, that was my question indeed
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<Anarchos> hello
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<zard> o/
<Anarchos> zard: did you see my blog post ?
<zard> No, not on the website. Just when reviewing :)
<zard> Ah, there are the comments
<zard> that people have made on the post
<Anarchos> yes.
<Anarchos> nice of them
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] korli pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-1/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] korli 0a2e4dd - curl: bump version
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* Begasus wonders if the curl bump fixes issue with openssl3 ....
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<Begasus> heading out, cu peeps!
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<popotomado> how can i create an usb booteable mediaof of Windows in its latest version, realease and build in haiku OS 64 bits latest version, realease and build ?
<popotomado> booteable not but installation
<zard> Hmm, if Windows gives an iso file, you should be able to `dd` it onto the usb
<zard> Something like `dd if=windows.iso of=...`. Not sure what to put in "of" in the case of Haiku
<popotomado> can you do it with balena etcher in haiku OS 64 bits latest version, realease and build ?
<popotomado> and howcan you install and use balena etcher in haiku OS if you don´t have computing devices knowledge that say how to do it ?
<zard> balena etcher doesn't appear to be available. Search HaikuDepot yields no results
<zard> You can install software using HaikuDepot, which is a GUI application.
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<popotomado> what is the category in HaikuDepot to find usb installation media creation tools ?
<bbjimmy> haiku shoud have all the tools needed.
<bbjimmy> from terminal: diskimage path_th_iso file
<bbjimmy> mount the haiku64 image
<bbjimmy> run the installer
<bbjimmy> use drivesetup ( press the setup partitions button) to make an intel partition map and partition on the usb stick.
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<bbjimmy> install from the haiku64 image to the usb partition uou just created.
<bbjimmy> *you
<bbjimmy> this is now an instyallation media.
<bbjimmy> otherwise burn the iso to a cd with BurnItNow ( available in the HaikuDepot )
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