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<B2IA> (Butler) Welcome to
<B2IA> (AGMS) One of these days I should fix the BeShare to IRC bridge so it ignores messages from the BeShare Butler 'bot, which you see whenever the server reboots.
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<erysdren> phschafft: back
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<Begasus> g'morning peeps
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<Begasus> coolcoder613, if you can, could you check
<Begasus> it's a recipe with your patchset for haikuporter (gsplus)
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<akashkumar> Hey, will it break anything if I build compiler tools using ./configure in my host and copied to the haiku source code in haiku VM.
<phschafft> good morning, good afternoon.
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<Begasus> Hello phschafft :)
<Begasus> akashkumar, no idea, why would you?
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<augiedoggie> the cross compiler is a linux binary, you can not run it on Haiku
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<akashkumar> The ./configure cmd gets stuck in haiku at line ( I have asked it in
<phschafft> I don't think it's a good idea to run configure on a target different from what you want that binary for.
<phschafft> (cross compiling excluded for a second)
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<Begasus> groeten uit duitsland
<Begasus> prOSy
<Begasus> that was from an email from 2007 :D
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* coolcoder613 waves
* Begasus waves at coolcoder613
* coolcoder613 waves back
* coolcoder613 waves to phschafft
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<akashkumar7902> g++ -O2 -std=c++14 -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti -include config.h -I/boot/home/Desktop/buildtools/gcc/libcody \
<akashkumar7902> -MMD -MP -MF client.d -c -o client.o /boot/home/Desktop/buildtools/gcc/libcody/
<akashkumar7902> the above command is running for like 2 hours
<akashkumar7902> it is part of ./configure --cross-tools-source ../buildtools --build-cross-tools x86_64
<Begasus> wild guess, but I think it's building the gcc toolchain (and that takes a long time)
<akashkumar> The same command got through in less than 20 minutes on my host (Linux mint)
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<akash__> is it possible to watch for changes in the generated directory, so that I can be sure that the command is still running and not hanged
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<Begasus> seems my backups from email didn't preserve the attributes :/
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<Begasus> hm ... it seems Ark didn't do a good job on it
<Begasus> Expander has issues with it, Beezer seems to do it correctly
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* phschafft waves to nephele.
* phschafft notes: 9 minutes. hm.
<Nephele> This ain't a speedrun
<Nephele> What is a speedrun is wether my lithium battery of my apple watch is broken down completely *before* i find the specific charging cable.
<phschafft> ;)
<Nephele> Maybe someone should show the EU a iPod Nano the next time apple claims you just can't add a proper charging port to a device of that size
<phschafft> I once had the situation where I checked the battery of my laptop and ACPI reported -6%. the others were a bit confused on how fast I was on my feet, and put my laptop in the dock in the next building. ;)
<Begasus> Hi nephele :)
<Begasus> still got an old iPod around here (guess that thing is about 20years old by now), no cable around for it anymore :/
<Nephele> phschafft: ouch
<Nephele> Begasus: hmm, i have one of those 30pin cables still here
<Nephele> Maybe i can bring you one next fosdem ;)
<Begasus> heh, would be nice nephele, wondering if that thing still works :D
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<Nephele> I think such pieces of technology are great. It does not matter if they are old, if they can still play music why shouldn't they :D
<Nephele> I have a radio alarm with a 30pin connector too, and an old iPad i can put onto it
<Nephele> it can play music fine
<Nephele> Heh, just pulled that iPad out of my drawer... it has 35% and it on. No idea when i last charged it
<Begasus> it should hold some podcasts from harvard uni from back then (and of course music) :)
<Begasus> but it played vid's also
<Begasus> first and only iThingPod I ever bought :D
<Nephele> :)
<Begasus> 2005, hmm old days :) 841100 651001 1 12.61 EUR Refraction 1.0 CD versie - Early Bird upgrade - pre-order -
<Begasus> 2004: 794290 530263 1 24.48 EUR Pixel32 (all available platforms) (digital delivery)
<coolcoder613> Hi phschafft
<Nephele> A bit more ontopic: anyone know why the Applications menu header is not localized?
* phschafft waves to coolcoder613.
<Nephele> why is freelist so slow and unusable :(
<phschafft> hm?
<Nephele> it's incredibly slow and sluggish in webpositive
<Nephele> and then it complains i cant subscribe cus "you must be a robot"
<phschafft> you mean
<Nephele> yes
<phschafft> ah!
<phschafft> was thinking about data structurs or strange C++ functions.
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<phschafft> like delete vs. delete[] that is hard to get for a C developer. or... any kind of developer ;)
<akashkumar7902> I am losing my mind with this ./configure command, its running for like 6 hours now
<akashkumar7902> and stuck at that same cmd
<phschafft> on Haiku?
<phschafft> maybe you can confirm it's actually doing something? (checking if it consumes CPU time or something)
<Nephele> it doesn't (if the screenshot is to be trusted)
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<phschafft> (did I miss the screenshot link?)
<HaikuUser> Any postgresql management? I can't find any on haikudepot!
<Nephele> phschafft: no, it was posted in another medium. But i'm not sure if that was the mailing list or forum right now xD
<phschafft> ah!
<HaikuUser> having a postgresql management on haikudepot is a must have!
<HaikuUser> like for example PGAdmin4 :p
<akashkumar7902> haiku GUI is not responding
<akashkumar7902> I am running the command through ssh
<akashkumar7902> how to check cpu usage through terminal
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<Nephele> if the gui is not responding the system is frozen
<Nephele> check the KDL
<Begasus> HaikuUser, no one bothered to look into some postgrsql managment?
<Begasus> or did and gave up :)
<HaikuUser> Begasus, maybe there is a postgresql management written in java... maybe someone pack them and put on haikudepot for installation :)
<akashkumar> What's "KDL"
<Begasus> Kernel Debug(er?) Land
<HaikuUser> Begasus, a postgresql management is a must have to Haiku, that's for sure...
<Begasus> HaikuUser, we could use help there ;)
<HaikuUser> Begasus, having, pgadmin4 is a dream
* Begasus is lost in memory lane ... BeBUG wallpaper contest :D
<HaikuUser> Begasus, maybe we can port it to haiku:P
* phschafft looks up 'PGAdmin4'
<phschafft> hm.
<phschafft> I see.
<Begasus> you do phschafft?
<Begasus> and?
<HaikuUser> Begasus, phschafft is starting porting... don't disturb him :P
<Nephele> why are you locked in the bathroom?
<Nephele> phschafft: i think all this adware is slowing down freelists
<Begasus> eeps, python
<Nephele> maybe we should set up our own mailing list for haiku
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<phschafft> I'm porting something else right now. ;)
<Nephele> I wonder where humdinger is
* phschafft waves to erysdren.
* phschafft also checks if coolcoder613 is still around.
<coolcoder613> I'm here.
<phschafft> coolcoder613: still here for a bit, or bed time soon?
<coolcoder613> Well, how much is a bit?
<akashkumar> How to open kernel debugger land
<Nephele> i sometimes wonder how numbers at the end of nicknames appear
<akashkumar> Gui is not responding
<Nephele> maybe a nickname in the future will be iPhone (5)
<Nephele> akashkumar: a specific key combo, or in the terminal "kernel_debugger"
<phschafft> coolcoder613: depends on erysdren ;)
<Nephele> phschafft: i see you are transferring knawledge :D
<coolcoder613> Well, not more than ~an hour
<akashkumar> Kernel_debugger not opening
<phschafft> nephele: I think 'knawledge' is the correct term for it. ;)
<Nephele> akashkumar: then the OS is hardlocked
<Nephele> phschafft: yes indeed
<akashkumar> What to do now ?
<Nephele> Reboot the system
<akashkumar> Done but still ./configure would get stuck
<phschafft> coolcoder613: hm.
<erysdren> am here
<phschafft> I'll check for my flatmate and maybe we can start in 5 ... 10 minutes if that works for you? would post a jisti link.
<coolcoder613> ok
<erysdren> i can join, but i won't have mic/video access
<HaikuUser> Collecting psutil==5.9.* (from pgadmin4) Using cached psutil-5.9.8.tar.gz (503 kB) Installing build dependencies ... done Getting requirements to build wheel ... error error: subprocess-exited-with-error × Getting requirements to build wheel did not run successfully. │ exit code: 1 ╰─> [1 lines of output] platform haiku1 is not supported [end of output]
<HaikuUser> haiku1 is not supported :P
<Begasus> old paper with _jan64 (yab) :)
<Begasus> jan_64* :)
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<HaikuUser> pip install psutil ----> Haiku not supported
<HaikuUser> bypassing this, maybe we could run pgadmin4 ... or could have other dependencies...
<HaikuUser> in python
<phschafft> so.
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<phschafft> erysdren: oh, that's really sad :(
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<phschafft> the rest of you also feel invited. ;)
<phschafft> coolcoder613: we're ready.
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<akashkumar7902> g++ -O2 -std=c++14 -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti -include config.h -I/boot/home/Desktop/buildtools/gcc/libcody \
<akashkumar7902> -MMD -MP -MF client.d -c -o client.o /boot/home/Desktop/buildtools/gcc/libcody/
<akashkumar7902> everytime this line starts executing, whole system gets freezed
<akashkumar7902> I just ran with all of my CPUs(8) and full RAM capacity(8gb)
<akashkumar7902> i just don't know what to do now
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<Begasus> phschafft, doesn't go well with the dogs here (trees&cats) :)
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<HaikuUser> what is haiku command similar to "mvn" on linux?
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<HaikuUser> I have this line on "mvn clean install -Pall-platforms -T 1C" it says, mvn command not found
<Begasus> Beam is crashing on launch here :/
<Begasus> mvn?
<HaikuUser> it is maven?
<HaikuUser> apache maven?
<Begasus> java maven?
<Begasus> if that you could install that with npm iirc
<HaikuUser> could be...
<Begasus> (should have checked earlier ;) )
<HaikuUser> I found this... how to install apache maven on haiku
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<Begasus> afk
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<erysdren> phschafft thank you for the presentation!
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* phschafft nods.
<phschafft> thank you.
<erysdren> here's what i was doing earlier today, the MS-DOS work i mentioned:
<erysdren> dynamic z-layered windows in the VGA text mode.
<erysdren> those ones were placed with mouse input
<erysdren> it's running in 80x50 text mode, 8x8 text cells with an effective resolution of 720x400
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<OscarL> akashkumar: depending on what parts of Haiku you intend to work on... you may not need "buildtools" at all (I never even attempted to use it, and still can build/test most of the stuff I care about).
<OscarL> one can disable building of 32 bits bootloaders, and drop the buildutils requirement that way. Tat will prevent building a full .iso, but you can still build the whole haiku.hpkg (or just tests apps/libs either directly from the "generated" dirs, or by placing them under the appropiate "non-packaged" dirs).
<OscarL> commenting out line 21 of file "haiku/build/jam/packages/Haiku" on the haiku git clone should do it.
<OscarL> `jam -q -j4 @nightly-raw haiku.hpkg` should work without buildtools after that.
<OscarL> (just in case): ^^^ akashkumar7902
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<akashkumar7902> commented out the line, yet the same issue
<akashkumar7902> OscarL: also I am trying to build compiler tools
<akashkumar7902> I am running this command: ./configure --cross-tools-source ../buildtools --build-cross-tools x86_64
<OscarL> the commenting of the line is just if you want to avoid needing buildtools just for building haiku.
<OscarL> just in case I wasn't clear... won't help with building buildtools at all.
<akashkumar7902> we need compiler tools right, before I can build any application ?
<akashkumar7902> I am following the above docs to build compiler tools
<OscarL> I just use the compiler that is already packaged: "pkgman search gcc"
<akashkumar7902> so I don't need to run: ./configure --cross-tools-source ../buildtools --build-cross-tools x86_64
<OscarL> again, no need to build the whole compiler tools, unless you want to build a full .iso (that has packages that DO need the buildtools to create the 32 bits boot loader).
<OscarL> I don't even have a clone of buildtols, for that matter :-)
<OscarL> I just cloned the haiku repo.... run "./configure --use-pipes", and then just use commands like: "jam -q -j4 Terminal"
<akashkumar7902> it says invalid argument --use-pipes
<OscarL> akashkumar7902: yeah, sorry, try: "./configure --use-gcc-pipe"
<OscarL> (not in front of my haiku box at the moment)
<akashkumar7902> thanks for your help :) got it working finally
<OscarL> woohoo!
<akashkumar7902> but I still didn't understood why the system freezes whenever the below cmd runs:
<akashkumar7902> g++ -O2 -std=c++14 -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti -include config.h -I/boot/home/Desktop/buildtools/gcc/libcody \
<akashkumar7902> -MMD -MP -MF client.d -c -o client.o /boot/home/Desktop/buildtools/gcc/libcody/
<OscarL> (to be fair.... the docs/guids can be somewhat hard to parse / follow when one is not familiar enough with the process/needs)
<OscarL> akashkumar7902: not idea about that problem, sorry. Might be worth opening a ticket over the issue tracker:
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<akashkumar_> when I now try to build an application (mediaplayer), I get a lot of errors and build fails.
<akashkumar_> here is a sample log:
<OscarL> I think that "gcc_syslibs_devel-13.2.0" is outdated.
<OscarL> I did updated manually on my system, and made it work eventually, but might be just an ugly hack on my part.
<OscarL> let me boot a VM to check.
<OscarL> mean while... make sure your installed GCC is up-to-date): "pkgman update gcc" and "pkgman update gcc_syslibs_devel"
<OscarL> "pkgman search -i -D" shows I have: gcc / gcc_syslibs version 13.3.0_2023_08_10-1 installed..
<OscarL> ok. and under "haiku/generated/download" I see:
<OscarL> "gcc_syslibs_devel-13.2.0_2023_08_10-3-x86_64.hpkg" and "gcc_syslibs-13.2.0_2023_08_10-3-x86_64.hpkg"
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<akashkumar7902> ~/Desktop/haiku/generated/download> ls
<akashkumar7902> gcc_syslibs_devel-13.2.0_2023_08_10-3-x86_64.hpkg
<akashkumar7902> gcc_syslibs-13.2.0_2023_08_10-3-x86_64.hpkg
<akashkumar7902> meanwhile updates are underway for gcc and gcc_syslibs_devels
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<OscarL> akashkumar_: what *I* would try is... removing "generated", re-running "./configure --use-gnu-pipe" from the root dir of the haiku repo, and try to "jam" something again.
<OscarL> akashkumar7902: just in case, I'm just a not-to-bright regular user, so take my words with that in mind. Hopefully one of the devs will chime in if you keep getting issues.
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<akashkumar7902> those errors are gone after running with updated gcc, but "unknown path to handle adding to image"
<OscarL> no issues here with "jam -q j4 Terminal" at least (after pulling latest haiku changes) with the mentioned gcc/gcc_syslibs versions.
<OscarL> akashkumar7902: yeah, I get those at the beginning of the build too. If I'm not mistaken, it is due to the line we commented out to avoid needing the buildtools. Should be harmless.
<OscarL> "Chmod1 generated/objects/haiku/x86_64/release/apps/terminal/Terminal" <<< you should see a similar line for MediaPlayer at the end of the build.
<OscarL> so you'll know where to find the resulting binary.
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<jmairboeck> hm, what has been wrong with the git build? there were 2 versions of perl in "required packages" in, and it actually used the wrong one for building. How to fix this?
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<jmairboeck> I suspect that some dependencies of git require perl too, so they need to be rebuilt before (re)building git, is this correct?
<akashkumar7902> getting this when I try to open the mediaPlayer executable from generated/objects/haiku/x86_64/release/apps/mediaplayer/MediaPlayer"
<jmairboeck> and I'm astonished that nobody noticed yet that git_perl and all its dependents are broken
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<OscarL> akashkumar: that binary is compiled against libraries that are newer thatn the one on your systen... they got compiled as part of building MediaPlayer for you... but they are still localted in their respective output dirs under "generated/", and not on places where your new MediaPlayer binary will find them.
<OscarL> You either need to: a) create a "lib" dir in the same dir MediaPlayer is, and b) copy or symlink there the libraries it needs.
<OscarL> might be easier to just build a whole haiku.hpkg... and install that.
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<akashkumar> How to install that ?
<OscarL> thus why I mentioned earlier the "jam -q -j4 @nightly-raw haiku.hpkg" command.
<OscarL> the haiku.hkpg can be installed by: "pkgman install ./path-to/haiki.hkpg"
<OscarL> .hpkg (I can't spell/type properly :-D)
* OscarL doesn't even has git_perl installed, thanks to jmairboeck work :-)
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<OscarL> ain't broke if ain't there!
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<OscarL> jmairboeck: only seeing /boot/home/haikuports/packages/perl-5.32.1-1-x86_64.hpkg for the chroot. Mmm, which version of git do buildmasters run?
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<Begasus> Hi OscarL :)
<Begasus> Hi jmairboeck also :)
<OscarL> I only see "cmd:perl >= 5.32.1" on the git_perl packageinfo files for both 64 and 32 builds.
<OscarL> but on "making package perl-5.40.0-1-x86_64.hpkg visible" and then "making package perl-5.32.1-1-x86_64.hpkg visible".
<OscarL> Hi Begasus.
<Begasus> Got old emails back :)
<OscarL> so... seems to me that "system-wide" git for buildmasters is pulling perl 5.40. requiers are OK for the packages, but you say actual build picks the wrong vesion, right jmairboeck?
<jmairboeck> OscarL: yes, it should have used perl[_x86]-5.40, not 5.32.1
<jmairboeck> in the required packages list are both versions
<jmairboeck> but in the log, in the "active packages in the chroot" there is only 5.32.1, which is the wrong one
<jmairboeck> do we need an explicit version constraint in BUILD_REQUIRES here?
<Begasus> jmairboeck, is the old one still active? (the recipe)
<OscarL> (I got versions mixed... buildmaster's git might be pulling older 5.32 I meant)
<jmairboeck> in haikuports/dev-lang/perl there is only 5.40
<Begasus> not seeing it in "inrecipe", so it's strange that it would still pick the old one?
<OscarL> "upload package perl-5.32.1-1-x86_64.hpkg to builder" :-/
<jmairboeck> don't get old versions purged immediately? did it just build git too early?
<Begasus> oh, did git got an revbump after perl changes (me is not on par)
<jmairboeck> ah, yes, of course, you are right OscarL. It still has the older versions installed of course
<jmairboeck> so we need an explicit version requirement then
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<Begasus> july 5 *
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<akashkumar7902> OscarL: "jam -q -j4 @nightly-raw haiku.hpkg" failed. Log:
<OscarL> darn @profile names.
<akashkumar7902> sry couldn't get u
<OscarL> I would try without "@nightly-raw" (I only mentioned because I read devs suggesting it).
<OscarL> last time I did "jam haiku.hpkg" I didn't used "build profiles" (@nightly-raw being one of them).
<akashkumar7902> still failing:
<OscarL> mmm, "bios_ia32" it is still trying to compile the boot loader (the one that neeeds buildtools :-D)
<OscarL> maybe I misremeber that we really need one of those darn @build-profiles I can never remember properly :-)
<OscarL> s/that/and/
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* Begasus does only anyboot images ...
<akashkumar7902> oh I had put back the deleted statement
<akashkumar7902> :|
<akashkumar7902> trying again with deleting 21st line
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<OscarL> Begasus: you have a fast machine, and buildtools didn't gave you the problems poor akashkumar7902 had with it :-)
<jmairboeck> If someone wants to have a look at git:
<Begasus> well, they only get rebuild with changes, that doesn't happen so fast
<Begasus> jmairboeck, checked the build? ;)
<OscarL> jmairboeck: maybe be add the version req for REQUIRES_perl= too?
<Begasus> x86_64 crosstools already exist in /Opslag/Haiku/haiku/generated.x86_64/cross-tools-x86_64; skipping build
<Begasus> still good: x86_64 crosstools already exist in /Opslag/Haiku/haiku/generated.x86_64/cross-tools-x86_64; skipping build
<jmairboeck> I think, adding a version requirement in BUILD_REQUIRES should be enough
<OscarL> jmairboeck: one way to find out! :-)
<jmairboeck> ok, let's merge it ...
<Begasus> +1
<OscarL> Begasus: yeah, but even cloning them takes too long, let along building it the first time. And for potential new collaborators... a bit too much.
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] jmairboeck pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] jmairboeck 09a6718 - git: add build requirement on vendor_perl (#10716)
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<OscarL> I could make occasional use of "pkgman update --except <list of packages names.txt>", if there was such a thing :-)
<jmairboeck> it still has both versions in "required packages", let's see if it works regardless
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<OscarL> "required packages" as in the ones listed on "mmlr_x86_64.log", right? (I was getting confused because I only saw one version on the "inner" log (ej: builds/82617.log) :-)
<jmairboeck> at the very bottom of the "Buildmaster status" page
<OscarL> mmm, has both on the chroot.
<OscarL> ah, I only paid attention to the .log files :-)
<OscarL> welp, let's hope resulting package gets the proper requires in their .PackageInfo
<jmairboeck> and that it installs the perl modules in the correct directory ...
<OscarL> that too :-)
<jmairboeck> the version requirement isn't there for nothing :)
<OscarL> N450 netboot decided to boot with SMP enabled. Quite the lottery still, but seems odds are better than before.
<akashkumar7902> which one should I select ?
<Begasus> you should already have that installed?
<jmairboeck> akashkumar7902: the best solution would be to build haiku_devel.hpkg also and install them both
<OscarL> Begasus: he is trying to test a locally build haiku package.
<OscarL> akashkumar7902: if you choose 1, you'll be able to test your newly build MediaPlayer after a reboot.
<Begasus> still not on par :)
<jmairboeck> or you can uninstall haiku_devel, but then you can't build anything without installing the original version first
<OscarL> akashkumar7902: not sure if building haiku.hkpg also created a haiku_devel.hpkg, if you see one next to your haiku.hpkg, you can install that too.
<jmairboeck> no, haiku_devel.hpkg is a separate target
<akashkumar7902> I see only one
<akashkumar7902> ~/Desktop/haiku/generated/objects/haiku/x86_64/packaging/packages> ls
<akashkumar7902> haiku.hpkg
<jmairboeck> just execute jam again with haiku_devel.hpkg
<jmairboeck> that shouldn't take too long
<OscarL> akashkumar7902: in any case, the uninstalled _devel (if you choose 2), will get saved along with current haiku package.
<akashkumar7902> finally mediaplayer opened
<akashkumar7902> :)
<akashkumar7902> now to test the changes made to mediaplayer files, I just need to run `jam -q -j4 MediaPlayer`, right ?
<OscarL> ?
<OscarL> the haiku.hkpg you just installed should have that already there.
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<OscarL> just make sure you reboot, as you just updated the main system package.
<akashkumar7902> yeah reboot done
<akashkumar7902> I am able to open mediaplayer in generated/objects/.../mediaplayer/MediaPlayer
<OscarL> ok... new libs are now installed, so it can now find what it needs.
<OscarL> yeah, now for further changes, jam -q -jN MediaPlayer
<OscarL> should be enough (sorry I didn't get what you meant before)
<akashkumar7902> np
<OscarL> *should be enough as long as you only do changes in MediaPlayer, and not on the lower libs :-)
<Begasus> updated gsplus PR
<OscarL> if you need to change things on the libs.... repeat the jam haiku.hpkg dance, akashkumar7902 :-D
<akashkumar7902> for now I will mostly go through applications issues and later go towards filesystem issues
<akashkumar7902> also how do you create shared folders to be shared between host and haiku vm? upon googling i see only how to do that in virtualbox, I have kvm/qemu.
<jmairboeck> git used the wrong perl version again :(
<jmairboeck> is there a way to get a dependency graph to see where perl 5.32 is coming from?
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* OscarL would try with "cmd:perl >= 5.40" and "vendor_perl >= 5.40" on REQUIRES_perl.
<Begasus> second that OscarL
<OscarL> because "install -d -m 755 '/packages/git-2.45.2-4/.self/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.40'" is at least coorrect.
<Begasus> jmairboeck there is
<jmairboeck> Begasus: where is that?
<Begasus> from pulkomandy, just wondering if I got that from the Haiku source or haikuporter one
<Begasus> haiku/3rdparty/pulkomandy
<jmairboeck> ah, found it, thanks
<Begasus> there is also Codevis, but not in the depot :)
<jmairboeck> isn't really useful for my problem, it only checks runtime dependencies, not build time ones
<Begasus> it's the only one I could think of :/
<OscarL> perl 5.32 is there because previous git rev requires it. 5.40 is there because BUILD_REQUIRES, but REQUIRES_perl just uses the lower perl that satiffies the requirement, thus, 5.32, as it is available.
<OscarL> that's how I see it, and thus why I think > 5.40 goes on REQUIRES_devel.
<OscarL> *_perl
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<jmairboeck> but git doesn't have git in the chroot, according to the buld log?
<jmairboeck> so it must come from some other dependency
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<OscarL> locally instal the package listed under "chroot has these packages active:", extract .PackageInfo, grep perl ?
<OscarL> :-)
* OscarL has done worse.
<OscarL> s/locally install the package/have locally available the packages/
<OscarL> jmairboeck: mandoc?
<OscarL> nvm.. cmd:perl in TEST_REQUIRES
<OscarL> "haikuporter --why=perl-5.32 git" --> Error: perl-5.32 not found in tree. :-/
<OscarL> "haikuporter --why=perl git" --> "Warning: port perl-5.40.0 doesn't seem to be required by git-2.45.2", don't tell!
<OscarL> "haikuporter --why=perl git_perl" there we (slowly) go.
<OscarL> Begasus: those commmands at least have some warnings about possible problems...
<jmairboeck> thanks OscarL!
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<HaikuUser> does haiku supports GO ?
<OscarL> HaikuUser: only an older version available, as far as I know.
<gordonjcp> HaikuUser: the programming language? Yes, but it's quite old
<gordonjcp> HaikuUser: I'd love to package a newer one but I have a laundry list of projects most of which are more important
<gordonjcp> HaikuUser: but yes, there is a 1.18 package, and I bet it would be a good "starter project" for someone... he hinted... ;-)
<OscarL> HaikuUser: "pkgman search golang" --> 1.4.3-7
<HaikuUser> ok, if it is possible to port docker to freebsd, then it should be easy to port to haiku, right? I found this link
<HaikuUser> gordonjcp, one project that was a MUST HAVE in haiku is PGADMIN4 to manage postgresql databases
<OscarL> not enough man-power to "port all the things!", so... feel free to "get your hands dirty" HaikuUser! (we all started that way, I think :-D)
<OscarL> ahh... you're *that* HaikuUser. (you can change your nick with "/nick FooBar", so it is easier to know who one talks to)
<HaikuUser> having docker, we could install almost everything :)
<gordonjcp> HaikuUser: I've never used it
<gordonjcp> HaikuUser: psql has always been good enough for me
<OscarL> HaikuUser: given pgAdmin requirements... I wouldn't hold my breath on it being available soon.
<gordonjcp> docker wouldn't make sense in Haiku
<HaikuUser> gordonjcp, one thing is sure, haiku LACKS a postgresql management tool
<gordonjcp> HaikuUser: it has psql
<gordonjcp> Haiku isn't really a server-orientated OS
<HaikuUser> gordonjcp yes, but users need a GUI management tool
<gordonjcp> that doesn't mean you couldn't make it into one
<gordonjcp> HaikuUser: no
<gordonjcp> HaikuUser: users do not need to administrate databases
<gordonjcp> DB admins need to administrate databases
<gordonjcp> and they tend to eschew GUI tools
<gordonjcp> because they're not scriptable
<gordonjcp> if you want to add a user front-end to manage the *data* within the DB, you want Django
<HaikuUser> gordonjcp, enterprises (companies) see haiku os as a SERVER, because is very FAST
<gordonjcp> HaikuUser: enterprises, y'say? [citation needed] I'm afraid
<HaikuUser> companies :)
<gordonjcp> it has a GUI
<gordonjcp> therefore it is not a server OS
<OscarL> lol. haiku on production servers. what's next? /me being a 10x dev? :-D
<HaikuUser> it is not a server OS but it also can be
<gordonjcp> OscarL: Apple has OSX Server, I guess?
<gordonjcp> *had
<OscarL> can be my toaster controller, if I put some effort on it. that doesn't makes it Haiku's main target.
<HaikuUser> HaikuOS Server :)
<Begasus> OscarL, not in it today ;) strolling through the old emails :)
<gordonjcp> I've never really needed a GUI admin tool for postgres, but then I've been using it for a while now
<HaikuUser> for companies that is a must, because is fast on databases
<OscarL> Begasus: :-D (I found some old Beshare logs from 2003 too :-D)
<gordonjcp> HaikuUser: again, anyone who cares about performance is running Postgres on Linux, and not using a GUI
<HaikuUser> Postgresql is much faster on haiku than on linux :P
<HaikuUser> Apache+PHP+MariaDB or POSTGRESQL, we have a server :)
<OscarL> [citation needed]
<HaikuUser> yep, on haiku :)
<HaikuUser> even SQLLITE is faster, I tried to import GAIA DR1 CSV and boom millions of records on it, fastest out there :)
<HaikuUser> next put GAIA DR3 :) billions of records :)
<nosycat> I'm pretty sure there's PHP, and some sort of web server.
<nosycat> And sure, Haiku is light, but it kind of leaves out some important things.
<HaikuUser> as I read somewhere, sqllite supports 128 TB of data ! coooool
<OscarL> "PoorMan should be enough for everyone"
<nosycat> Like, you know, user management. A firewall.
<phschafft> Tiger.
* OscarL remembers the RobinHood server on BeOS days...
<jmairboeck> hm, commenting out cmd:perl and the newly added vendor_perl removes perl from the chroot when building locally, so these are the only ones
<jmairboeck> I'll start another try
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports.cross] pulkomandy pushed 6 commits to master [+1/-0/±11]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports.cross] pulkomandy 1a8fe8b - Switch to Python 3 for PowerPC bootstrap
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports.cross] pulkomandy 4c720e0 - libffi: add a new version that knows about Haiku on powerpc
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports.cross] pulkomandy 90d38d5 - Expat: update download URL
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports.cross] ... and 3 more commits.
<HaikuUser> python3 on haiku should be installed using PIP not from haikudepot...
<HaikuUser> python3 packages I meant... :PPP
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] jmairboeck pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] jmairboeck deaaf6c - git: try to fix perl version dependency, take 2
<HaikuUser> I think someday one programmer will CLONE the haikuos from GITHUB and build a SERVER based one :) ahahahahhhaaaa :) :P
<OscarL> HaikuUser: Python requires plenty of patches to be able to even compile.
<OscarL> and in what platform you do "pip install python"?
<HaikuUser> OscarL I meant the packages
<OscarL> if you mean that Python packages should be better installed via pip, then yeah... in an ideal world they would be.
<HaikuUser> OscarL ya, that would be the perfect world
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<OscarL> but things that requires compilation usually needs patches for Haiku, not all projects accept upstream patches..
<OscarL> I'm still waiting for even PySerial to merge a very simple patch for Haiku (from almost 2 years ago).
<OscarL> He left already but...
<OscarL> even NumPy still says this: "IMPORTANT: the below notes are about building NumPy, which for most users is not the recommended way to install NumPy. Instead, use either a complete scientific Python distribution (recommended) or a binary installer"
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<OscarL> good luck 'pip install' numpy from sources every single time you need it.
<OscarL> Begasus: does GSPlus features a GUI if you start it witout paremeters?
<OscarL> I ask because I wonder if it should be "cmd:GSplus" or "app:GSplus" instead.
<jmairboeck> if it is installed in $appsDir, I would use "app:", "cmd:" is in $binDir
<jmairboeck> or rather $prefix/bin, to be exact
<OscarL> yes, but I've seen apps "split" into /bin/ and $dataDir, when they would have worked just fine in their own dir under apps.
<OscarL> (I much preferer that way, if available)
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<OscarL> imagine Genio having is "data" dir on $dataDir instead of under "apps/Genio/".
<OscarL> (I rather look under one dir than multiple ones across the system, for apps where that makes sense)
<Anarchos> OscarL separation of concerns :)
<OscarL> ".dmg", or how apps were packaged on BeOS times...
<OscarL> if data is not to be shared across multiple programs, I rather have the "self-contained" approach :-)
<OscarL> Xash3D is a good example of what I'm trying to convey (with it not being particularly native :-D)
<OscarL> docs, .so, etc, under "apps/Xash3D", still can read neede game data from elsewhere.
<Begasus> atleast not here OscarL
<Begasus> I don't think the "data" is used there also
<OscarL> alright then. was wondering, after reading the app has both macOS and Win versions.
<Begasus> used a layout I found through repology
<OscarL> yeah, just saying that that is not *always* ideal for us (IMO, of course!)
<Begasus> started out also with only the binary :)
<OscarL> (at least for some apps)
<Begasus> if the data was related in any path I think it would make sense to put it in $appsDir
<Begasus> I could also just nuke the data :P
<OscarL> like following what debian does... we would end up with way too many split packages :-D
<Begasus> I like the following, if a binary has cli options it should end up in $binDir, for a pure GUI app it would make sense to move that to $appsDir
<OscarL> on that qemu crash issue... "UnlockGL is called from wrong thread" sounds like those SDL+OpenGL lock errors.
<OscarL> Mmm, Terminal as command line options.
<Begasus> See you online *slap*
<Begasus> Daniel
<Begasus> one of the last emails from DaaT :)
<OscarL> DaaT ?
<OscarL> :-D
<Begasus> 2008
<OscarL> if by "has cli optios" you mean "it is primerily a cli app even if it can show a GUI" (say... qemu)
<OscarL> then yeah.
<Begasus> that one yes :)
<Begasus> it creates a config file that you could edit (mentioned in the documentation) to point to a rom, that works
<Begasus> but you can also (or must otherwise it doesn't find anything) provide a command line option to point to a rom (from what I gather)
<OscarL> then we have stuff like "previous": "addAppDeskbarSymlink $commandBinDir/previous$commandSuffix Previous
<OscarL> still kinda think that one should be fully into apps/ :-D
* OscarL notices "dalme" has his screenshot in Spanish.
<OscarL> Always funny when I end up "speaking" in "Enlish" with a fellow Spanish speaker :-D
<Begasus> why the $commandSuffix in there OscarL?
<OscarL> don't remeber the details. I partially remember wanting to move it all under apps/Previous/.
<OscarL> and someone saying better not to.
<Begasus> memory faded there :D
<OscarL> I either remember the most tiny, mundane detail... or have some gaps I can't explain :-)
* Anarchos really enjoys the game 'Cave Story' in Haiku :)
<Begasus> doesn't help with looking through the emaills here atm OscarL :P
<OscarL> "amnesiac protagonist who awakens in a cave"... so... just Mondays to me!
<phschafft> haha
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<OscarL> Seeing: "cmd:perl >= 5.40.0" and "vendor_perl >= 5.40" on git_perl- 2.45.2-5... Congrats jmairboeck!
<jmairboeck> now git-svn works again :)
<Begasus> +
<Begasus> 1
<Begasus> ;)
<jmairboeck> nearly ..., because it is missing Term::ReadKey for authentication
<OscarL> Begasus: more like REVISION+=4, but... who's counting? :-)
<jmairboeck> today was +2 :)
<OscarL> :-D
<jmairboeck> and 1 is still coming for Term::ReadKey when I added a package for that
<OscarL> jmairboeck: (just in case my jokes do not land...) really appreciate your work, man! Thanks a bunch!
<jmairboeck> that is installable via CPAN, but I think we should still add a package and a dependency for git_svn, also because it contains a compiled part
<jmairboeck> np OscarL!
<Begasus> k, done for today :)
<OscarL> be well Begasus!
<Begasus> not sure which recipe I was looking into the other day, but was like "wth" on the revision number :D
<OscarL> :-D
<Begasus> k, closing down
* OscarL pushes Begasus out of the door, and leaves himself as well.
<Begasus> cu peeps!
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<jmairboeck> git 2.46 should be released soon, I think, then we can reset it to 1 ;)
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] jmairboeck pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-0/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] jmairboeck 1aa69ae - termreadkey: new perl module package (a dependency of git_svn)
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<HaikuUser2> SQL Workbench/J runs on java... it works with postgresql, why I can't find it on haikudepot? is it possible to create a package and put it on haikudepot?
<HaikuUser2> SQL Power Architect also runs on java and it works with postgresql
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<OscarL> "is it possible to create a package and put it on haikudepot?" -->
<OscarL> bah, too late.
* Nephele is making a dark mode fix to an obscure mail error log view that should be replaced regardless
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<Nephele> Hmm, how can i trigger a mail error so i can see the dialog again :D
<OscarL> depends, local host, ethernet, or WiFi? (/me prepares some matches, a set of pliers, or some "cantenna" contraption, as possible email client-server communication disrupting options.
<Nephele> OscarL: i found a simpler solution
<Nephele> just send an email to "this email"
<Nephele> as in, if you just add that into the TO: field it will always pop up :D
<Nephele> 501 5.1.3 Bad recipient address syntax
<Nephele> I'm starting to wonder If i am investing too much time into this logging window considering i want to substantially improve system logging regardless
<Nephele> ... I'm already massively annoyed by this window not having a deskbar entry so it just gets lost
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] pulkomandy pushed 2 commits to master [hrev57858] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 9d097638650e - Create source packages during bootstrap
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 2d24dd21846e - Synchronize PowerPC HaikuPortsCross repo definition with actual repository state
<OscarL> (/me would have surely tried an empty "To:" field on his QA days, and also one only consisting of at least 4097 "@"). Got too rusty as a tester here after all these years :-D
<Nephele> OscarL: empty To: field isn't allowed by the mail app :D
<OscarL> good, good. would have tried that on the API, if given access to it :-P
<Nephele> Hmm, well maybe this work will not be "that" beneficial overall, but it gives me nice practice to do colors the proper way
<Nephele> sure, probably the mail server would complain :)
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<Nephele> The erorr: forgot ()
<Nephele> the error message: error: cannot convert 'rgb_color::IsLight' from type 'bool (rgb_color::)() const' to type 'bool'
<OscarL> I was thinking of "B_DONT_DO_THAT", but that's about as helpful as an error message :-)
<Nephele> hmm, confused why AdoptSystemColors() is not valid for this window :(
<Nephele> maybe only for a view
<Nephele> but what color is the initial view in a window then? hmm. How can i make it not be white
<Nephele> OscarL: any idea what Show() immidiently followed by Hide() should acomplish?
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<OscarL> mmm Poormans's invalidate_and_leave_things_ready_for_when_they_are_needed() ?
<Nephele> maybe
<OscarL> (I *have* seen such things on my time while doing QA, at least :-D)
<OscarL> I've also have seen "read-only-check" functions do writes, so...
<Nephele> anyway, fixed the layout up a bit (now scrollbar is proper.) made the dark mode work. I think that is enough for now
<Nephele> unless you have a hint on why it is skipping deskbar
<OscarL> nothing to add. except... thanks for working towards a more consistent dark mode GUI. Not using any of that right now, but surelly will benefit from it in the future!
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<Nephele> Have you seen the new color preferences?
<OscarL> I might have, but only on passing. Still on beta4 down here, 99.1% of the time.
<OscarL> the one with the checkbox for automatic setting of colors?
<OscarL> if so... I would invert its boolean meaning, and place it UNDER the colors list.
<Nephele> I wonder if there is a lighter lighten than B_LIGHTEN_1_TINT
<OscarL> :-P
<Nephele> If you go from really black * B_LIGHTEN_1_TINT, it looks very light gray in comparison for the bg
<Nephele> maybe a linear scale is not the best thing
<Nephele> hmmm
<Nephele> mail_daemon error log used a "white" and "nonWhite" color to have alternatiting different colors for each next line
<Nephele> like you can do in some listviews
<Nephele> no idea why it skips the deskbar :(
<Nephele> but i'm not going to figure this out now. SHould submit what I have now, it's already nicer
<OscarL> Main thing that makes me not even try dark mode is the really bad gradients (more like 1/2 gray split) I see on the forum screenshots. Mainly on buttons and some column-headers, compared to the gradients on, say, TabViews. Unless I also switch to FlatDecorator/ControlLook, but I'm too lazy for all that.
<Nephele> Sure, the gradients sometimes are too jarring.
<Nephele> I think gradients can make sense in dark mode but these things have to be adjusted gradually to work better :)
<Nephele> it's sadly not quite the "just do the inverse of light mode!"
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<Nephele> I like making my buttons a bit colorfull though, gives it a bit more style. and looks better than just the gray gradients
<Nephele> anyhow, the automatic colors should probably be improved a bit still. The color picker with his "these three sliders from rgb" is also not quite the best
<Nephele> WonderBrush v2 and WonderBrush v3 each have a better picker we should probably just add to libshared
<Nephele> except the 8bit color picker. that one rules :D
<Habbie> what do those pickers look like?
<Habbie> because i'm currently building a color picker for something else (outside of haiku) and i looked at a few, and indeed many are bad and some are fun
<OscarL> I don't like tunning GUIs "behaviours" to my liking. I do not enjoy configuring looks, thou :-)
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<OscarL> s/I don't like tunning/I don't mind tunning/
<Habbie> (tuning)
<OscarL> thanks Habbie :-)
<Nephele> Habbie: one moment
<Nephele> making you some screenshtos
<Habbie> nephele, much appreciated
<Nephele> 8bit:, rgb 3 sliders:, wonderbrushv2: wonderbrushv3:
<Nephele> the 8bit one is cut off :( seems to be a bug
<Nephele> but considering probably nobody knows it exists... :D
<Habbie> right, 8bit is a 16x16 matrix but sorted cleverly?
<Habbie> RGB i know, terrible interface for humans
<Habbie> v2 and v3 are a bar for hue and then a square with s horizontal and v vertical
<Habbie> i've seen that before, i don't have it
<Habbie> *hate
<Habbie> i'm copying Home Assistant, which has a slider for V (brightness) and then HS on a circle as in the top of 2b here
<Nephele> the sorted cleverly sorted part is iirc top rows only blue green red, and then 2d matrixes for no green to green mixed with no red to red and then increasing blue for each matrix
<Nephele> the rightmost matrix i have no idea though
<Habbie> right, me neither right now
<Habbie> can probably figure it out of course
<Nephele> yes hsv is nice. probably easier to have a circle to pick chroa from than an area to pick v from
<Habbie> has more inspiration
<Habbie> some apple screenshots too
<Habbie> (i was using the mentioned colorwheel, which sucked, until it got removed and now i'm building my HS wheel)
<Habbie> (*circle)
<Nephele> the rgb sliders in appearence just have to go
<Nephele> replace it with literally anything else
<Habbie> hsv sliders are a nobrainer there if you only have five minutes
<Habbie> but better spend more time
<Nephele> :)
<Habbie> it's fun realising that i have a basic understanding now, two weeks ago i would have been "that's a funny square next to that rainbow line!"
<Nephele> :D
<Nephele> haikus api is really missing some api to work with colors in a hsv/hsl way
<Habbie> when i did an RGB slider for home assistant, with a lightbulb that wanted hsv, it was fun to see that i could move red and blue by moving green
<Nephele> we have rgb_color as native colors... but working with that is annoying. The contrast and IsDark IsLight api already wierdly deal with it to get an aproximate perceptual brightness now
* Nephele wonders if there is some shortcut to git stash && git pull && git stash pop
<Habbie> huh. yes. good question. i do this all the time :)
<Nephele> I have a post it on my desktop with "git stash && git pull && git stash pop"
<Nephele> err, i ment the other one
<Habbie> i guess they don't do conflict resolution because a stash is not really a branch
<Nephele> git push origin HEAD:refs/for/master
<Habbie> what's refs/for ?
<Nephele> it's a special branch/target you push to for gerrit
<Habbie> ah ok
<Nephele> as in "these are reviews against the master branch"
<Nephele> Hmmmm... I should check how tint_color actually works
<Habbie> if you think out loud in here while finding out, i'd be interested :)
<Nephele> uhh
<Nephele> i shouldn't have looked .-.
<Nephele> It applies the tint value to each color individually
<Nephele> or color component
<Nephele> but... they are not perceived as beeing visually similar bright by humans :(
<Habbie> right
<Habbie> i mentioned lvgl above - they also have some of this, and they have hsv
<Habbie> some of their code might be inspiring
<Habbie> they don't have a colorpicker today though ;)
<Nephele> I will think about how to better do this
<Nephele> I'm not sure pretending rgb_color is a linear scale of brightness makes any sense, and then call the constants lighten or darken how many steps :D
<Nephele> just makes the called confused why the results look bad
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<Nephele> caller*
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<Nephele> hmm, the format bot is leaving nice suggestions
<Nephele> should probably install it locally
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