ChanServ changed the topic of #haiku to: Open-source operating system that specifically targets personal computing. | | Nightlies: | Bugtracker: | SCM: | Logs: | Matrix: | XMPP:
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<mbrumbelow> It dies on the initial build. Now following your examples.
<mbrumbelow> It would seem to me that the only reason to use buildtools is if you are build for a different architecture than the one current on.
<mbrumbelow> No problem on the delay... :)
<OscarL> the anyboot .iso includes a bootloader that is 32 bits. gcc on 64 bits can't currently generate it, thus why buildtools are needed.
<OscarL> ideally, gcc should be able to "-m32" (IIRC that flag) instead but... not sure how feasible that is.
<waddlesplash> it can
<waddlesplash> but gcc_syslibs on x64 does not include libgcc built for the bootloader
<waddlesplash> that's the missing part
<OscarL> mbrumbelow: now you have someone that actually knows what he's talking about... instead of silly me :-)
<OscarL> you're on good hands now.
<mbrumbelow> LOL
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<mbrumbelow> Dr. Waddlesplash, is there a request for this in Trac?
<mbrumbelow> I looked and did not see one. It was a quick search tbh.
<waddlesplash> it would go to haikuports. but in all honesty it's probably just out-of-scope for there
<phschafft> most of the time it's not really gcc unable to generate the correct output. it is more often missing libs and stuff. that's true.
<waddlesplash> if you really need the bootloaders you should just build the crosstools
<mbrumbelow> Do you build without buildtools?
<OscarL> to be fair, the guide could use some polish, explaining that not everyone needs buildtools.
<OscarL> it is just too big for wannabe/fly-by collaborators.
<mbrumbelow> Agree
<waddlesplash> mbrumbelow: only on Haiku itself
<mbrumbelow> Got it
<mbrumbelow> I removed haiku_loader.hpkg from my build command and it seems to be chugging along... so far...
<mbrumbelow> And it works.
<mbrumbelow> Thanks OscarL and waddlesplash!
<OscarL> weee!
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<coolcoder613> My stick language now can do a recursive factorial.
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<LinuxUser> @coolcoder613 hi!
<coolcoder613> Hi LinuxUser
<coolcoder613> What's up?
<LinuxUser> nothing
<LinuxUser> just being here
<coolcoder613> I've been working on this programming language:
<scantysnax> good evening.
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<linuxuser01> @Calisto-Mathias hi!
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<Begasus> g'morning peeps
<linuxuser01> @Begasus hi!
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<LinuxUser> @Begasus hi!
<Begasus> Hi LinuxUser :)
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] pulkomandy pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-1/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 4f372d7 - xz_utils, bump version, removes dependency for doxygen (#10724)
<coolcoder613> I've been working on this at my local Hackerspace:
<coolcoder613> Is scipy available on Haiku?
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<Begasus> should be around still
<coolcoder613> Can't see it with pkgman
<Begasus> s scipy_python310 Scientific algorithms library for Python
<coolcoder613> Can the openai python package be run on Haiku?
<Begasus> no idea, not looking forward to dive into python for the moment ;)
<coolcoder613> pkgman s scipy returns no matching packages found
<coolcoder613> I tried to `pip install openai` but it fails at maturin
<coolcoder613> which requires rust
* coolcoder613 stops
<coolcoder613> nvm
<coolcoder613> not important
<Begasus> eeps rust :D
* phschafft hovers in, refills the cookie bowl and then nods some good evenings and good mornings to random people in the channel.
* coolcoder613 waves
* coolcoder613 munches on cookie
<phschafft> coolcoder613: looks like asm with a basic syntax and a hint of reverse polish notatio
<Begasus> g'morning phschafft, thanks for the cookie
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<phschafft> :)
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<Begasus> Falkon has one of those days ... no fun ;)
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-2/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 5410da2 - netpbm, switch to official super_stable uri (#10725)
<botifico> [haiku/website] pulkomandy pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-0/±0]
<botifico> [haiku/website] Pascal Abresch 11b9e13 - nephele's blog: Xmpp coding sprint in berlin
<Begasus> heh, "pkgman update" doesn't wont to work to "downgrade" netpbm :)
<Begasus> well it works, but at first tells no updates available :P
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±2]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus db12beb - xcftools, revbump, fix HOMEPAGE, remove test case not crashing anymore (#10726)
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<phschafft> nephele: had a look at your report. ;)
<Nephele> Hi phschafft
<phschafft> mau. :)
<Nephele> phschafft: Ich kenne nur MUA
<phschafft> MAU ;)
<Nephele> Ugh, why is my nightly box so buggy!
<Nephele> tracker keeps freezing or drawing wierdly, apps are slow to ope
<Nephele> what happened .-.
<phschafft> monday ;)
<Nephele> phschafft: maybe. But my pc should not be this slow
<Nephele> it's wierd
<Nephele> phschafft: now fighting with a 2mb mail server email limit haha
<Nephele> I enjoy aggressive sysadmining
<Nephele> it's the future of IT but i can't send some scans in color
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<Nephele> Begasus: I posted how to find the correct netbpm source archive from sourceforge yesterday
<Nephele> mayb be easiest to just use the version we already did 1:1
<Begasus> Hi nephele
<Begasus> netpbm has been merged a bit over an hour ago
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<Begasus> it's using the latest release they posted there in the super_stable versions
<Begasus> maui?
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<Begasus> let's try to tackle this qtwebengine with icu74 thingy
<Nephele> i'd rather not :D
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<Begasus> almost half-way :)
<Nephele> so many browsers half ported :g
<Begasus> heh
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<Begasus> grabbing webkitengine alone takes as long as building the qt one I think ;)
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<Nephele> why does calligra need qtwebkit
<Nephele> Begasus: hmm?
<Begasus> no idea, you should ask diver or extrowork or 3dEyes I guess :) (haven't checked there)
<Begasus> nephele, well, "webkit" source is HUGE ;)
<Nephele> Hmm, meh. the most size is for the tests
<Nephele> if you don't need them you could have a source archive excluding them i guess?
<Nephele> not sure if there is an "official" download for that
<Begasus> haven't looked in a while now, latest time (iirc) I tried cloning it
<Begasus> aside from checking build (dependencies) I wouldn't be much use also there ;)
<Begasus> like with qtwebengine, from things I checked so far, it's the only one (beside R1B4) still using icu66
<Nephele> not sure if keeping it around makes much sense tbh
<Begasus> about 10k objects to go :D
<Begasus> icu66?
<Nephele> after all now epiphany is ported, even with the wierd wayland layer it works better than qtwebengine
<Begasus> the idea is to nuke it yeah (atleast here)
<Begasus> don't know, haven't been a big gtk fan since I found out about qt/kde :)
<Nephele> I like gnome web, i don't like gtk as such
<Begasus> don't you have the keybinding problems in gnome web as with other gtk apps?
<Nephele> qt is okay. But chroium/blink is just too annoying to deal with in my opinion
<Nephele> sure, i guess
<Nephele> but i don't use any gnome apps. and epiphany only if i absolutely have to
<Begasus> one of the reasons I regret adding geany to the depot, pretty useless with that
<Nephele> there is so much stuff ported now that the quality really starts to suffer
<Begasus> it's a great IDE, but not being able to type a simple "#" ...
<Begasus> heh
<Nephele> instead of one or two good clients there are 4 or 5 terrible ones :(
<Begasus> granted ;)
<Nephele> mostly untested released as is quality
<Nephele> and that gives even more stuff to search through in the repo
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* coolcoder613 waves to zard
<zard> Hello coolcoder613
<Begasus> don't know them all, but got a pretty good idea what isn't in the depot when asked :)
<Begasus> Hi zard
<coolcoder613> I've been working on this at my local Hackerspace:
<coolcoder613> Also I've been working on
<zard> Nice, especially the Cackerspace project :)
<coolcoder613> *Hackerpsace
<phschafft> nephele: I had a look at BMessage this morning, specifically the on-disk format. It seems that the current implementation just dumps it's memory. there is no proper serialisation/deserialisation code. so as for now I need to consider the on-disk format non-portable.
<zard> Aye, else I've invented a fancy new word ;)
<coolcoder613> zard: If you have an openai API key you can try it out
<coolcoder613> Just need to fill in the API key and the assintant ID in the .env fiel
<coolcoder613> *file
<coolcoder613> **assistant
* zard is still working on haikuwebkit
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<zard> Speaking of which, I may have a post to make...
<coolcoder613> My recommended system prompt is one that tells it "You are an unhelpful assistant, and you try to amuse the user as much as possible without helping them"
<zard> lol
<Nephele> phschafft: not sure there phschafft :)
<Nephele> but that sounds like something that would already bite you when switching endianess
<phschafft> yes it will.
<Begasus> screenies zard?? :D
<coolcoder613> please
<Nephele> zard:a new post? but mine is only up for an hour xD
<zard> No worries, not a new blog post :P
<Nephele> I haven't touched haikuwebkit in a while, also because i am looking at your progress :3
<Begasus> [20008/23556] /bin/g++ (getting there) :)
<Nephele> (and I kind of want to work on the then webkit2 codebase to improve that)
<zard> Been leaving behind comments. Hope they make it a lot easier :)
<Begasus> +1
<zard> Why don't the folks at WebKit leave it for us? Perhaps because they've worked on it so much that everything seems obvious
<zard> aka, the "curse of knowledge": you forget what it is like for others who don't know what you do
<zard> Or maybe they just don't have the time, who knows
<erysdren> good morning
<erysdren> i am Awake
<zard> Welcome erysdren!
<Habbie> hi Awaka, i'm dad
<Begasus> heh
<Habbie> *Awake
<Begasus> Hi dad ;)
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* zard whittles away errors to get WebKit to build to see if there's anything screenshot-worthy yet
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<Begasus> RAM hungy part of the build started ...
<phschafft> hi awake-erysdren ;)
<zard> "[20008/23556]" O.O. And I thought WebKit took long to build
<Begasus> haven't gotten as far with that on WebKit zard :)
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<Nephele> zard: comments? :D
<Nephele> "This doesn't work, why? has it ever?"
* zard fails to find that comment
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* OscarL drop-kicks the 32 bits HaikuPorts buildmaster in the DIMMs.
<phschafft> em...
<Nephele> zard: It's a joke. It is a comment in the source code of team fortress 2. There is a video about that (after their code got leaked) called "The dwindeling sanity of valve programmers expressed through source code comments"
<Nephele> or something similar, the video title I mean
<zard> Ah, ok :)
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<botifico> [haiku/website] pulkomandy pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haiku/website] pulkomandy ae50cbd - Fix some typos
<erysdren> coolcoder613: hey are you on?
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<erysdren> this is mostly psuedocode, but it's an idea i had to make "scriptable" haiku GUI applications
<erysdren> basically a lua binding to the Application Kit, like coolcoder's PyAPI
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<Begasus> biab
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* OscarL half-remembers BeOS 5.1 decorators using embedded Lua under the hood.
<erysdren> i wonder if more people would make Haiku applications if you could whip them up in lua
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<OscarL> having more options is always nice, but I wouldn't expect the number of apps going up by much from the "Lua-Haiku" dev intersection Venn driagram.
<erysdren> fair :P
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<Begasus> re, for a bit :)
<OscarL> erysdren: I'd probably do more apps, if I had a *native* Delphi-like GUI designer tool (I'm even worse at GUI code than on any other form of code... imagine!)
<Begasus> Hi OscarL! :)
<OscarL> Hey there Begasus! :-)
<Begasus> those last 3k objects will hurt for qtwebengine ;)
<OscarL> too bad "the web" got so fat :-(
<erysdren> very true
<Begasus> add to that bloat from llvm and icu :P
<phschafft> for me C++ is surely a reason to keep away from native Haiku code.
<phschafft> any additional *good* binding will help. yet doesn't mean they should have the same focus.
<Begasus> OscarL, we got lazarus now? :)
<Nephele> C++ is kind of hard to make bindings for, unless your language has some kind of native interop
<OscarL> *native*, tss, tss! :-P
<erysdren> nephele: i was gonna use this:
<Begasus> then maybe help out with Genio? :P
<erysdren> i played with it for something else, and it works kinda magic
<OscarL> once upon a time... I helped a bit with the ObjectPascal Bebindings for the BeAPI.
* phschafft cuts nephele's message after 'hard' and removes the rest.
<Nephele> phschafft: that's copyright infringement
<Nephele> erysdren: good luck. I have written some on-haiku-running software in lua on love2d which uses SDL2 but that is still a bit "eh"
<Nephele> not sure if a native wrapper would improve that
<OscarL> Begasus: sure... if you give me a GUI designer so I can help adding a GUI designer to Genio! (wait...)
<Begasus> excuses ... tss :P
<Nephele> There is already the alm layout editor. Something similar can be made for normal layouts too
<Nephele> though having this be genio specific would be kind of sad, limits the application quite a bit :/
<Begasus> as a plugin nephele?
* OscarL got spoiled by late 90s, early 00s absolute peak of RAD tools.
<Begasus> k, heading out for a bit, bbl
<Nephele> Begasus: No. a plugin is even more specific to a programm. Something like a replicant or just simply a normal application doing that job would be better. Nothing is stopping genion from the loading it into it's adress space as a view then
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<OscarL> The equivalent of Delphi 2 (or 7), but with Python's syntax, targetting BeAPI first and foremost, would make jump of joy :-D
<bjorkint0sh> OscarL: what about smalltalk on BeOS?
<bjorkint0sh> I wonder if that ever existed.
<OscarL> never done more than just a cursory read on smalltalk :-/
<Anarchos> hello
<erysdren> well, i got the basic integration working of just one type. sol2 really makes it super easy
<erysdren> and it works on haiku too
<bjorkint0sh> why python's syntax in particular, OscarL? is it just a question of familiarity?
<erysdren> i assume so. i feel like Lua's syntax is just as good for the task
<erysdren> more or less
<OscarL> bjorkint0sh: I started with ObjectPascal, loved it. Then started reading C and C++ code... hated it, but made me also hate ObjectPascal verbosity. Python' hits closer to what I consider ideal.
<erysdren> here is a super basic program using sol2 to integrate a random BeAPI type (BRect) into lua.
<bjorkint0sh> my ideal is (lisp like)
<erysdren> in lua, you can use it this way: local rect = BRect:new(100, 100, 400, 400)
<bjorkint0sh> very consistent. super easy to parse.
<erysdren> i'd be more concerned about how easy it is to write
<bjorkint0sh> what, lisp?
<erysdren> yes
<erysdren> maybe i'm just biased against lisp
<bjorkint0sh> maybe.
<bjorkint0sh> it is from 1959 afterall.
<bjorkint0sh> old and decrepit :-)
<erysdren> nothing wrong with that. i write C and Pascal a lot and those are from the 70s
<bjorkint0sh> it's quite easy.
<bjorkint0sh> (operator argument1 ... argumentN)
<OscarL> I dislike even Python's use of ":" when it doesn't *really* needes it. Not a fun of braces or parenthesis on certain languages :-). "aesthetics" is part of what makes a language more or less enjoyable to me. For looking at ugly things... I have the mirror already.
<bjorkint0sh> consistent throughout since the early '60s.
<OscarL> but... "beauty is on the eyes of the..." and all that, of course.
<bjorkint0sh> yes OscarL. I'm quite certain to a warthog, any other beast appears hideous.
<zard> erysdren: Managing the lifetimes of objects may be just as hard if not harder than writing the actual API
<zard> Haiku-PyAPI currently mostly just keeps objects alive forever and so avoids the issue atm
<zard> So it would be interesting to see how easy/hard it would be for sol2
<FreeFull> Pascal is technically slightly older than C
<FreeFull> But old C and old Pascal are both quite different from how you'd write them nowadays
<erysdren> yeah, pascal started in 1970 and C in 1972 iirc
<OscarL> and some day C will learn to have the modules/units pascal had all along!
<erysdren> someday...
<erysdren> i don't know much pascal tbh. i've been learning it a bit with FPC just because i find it cool
<bjorkint0sh> OscarL: well, C++ 23 has modules.
<bjorkint0sh> it's just that ... the compilers haven't caught up to it yet.
<bjorkint0sh> I found out the hard way after buying strustrup's latest book.
<Nephele> every time i investigate modules it's like "this is a great idea!" turning into "but there is no compiler that properly supports it? :("
<OscarL> erysdren: old "BePscal" code: :-D
<Anarchos> nephele ocaml ?
<Anarchos> nephele modules come from modula-2 and are implemented in the ML family (OCaml, SML, Haskell), if i remember correctly.
<dodo75> Is bios involded in the framebuffer driver somehow?
<bjorkint0sh> Anarchos: is that their origin? I didn't realize that.
<Nephele> Anarchos: c++
<dodo75> I tried haiku in Proxmox with gpu passthruu... it works but moving windows is quite sluggish... if I run native it works morre smoothly
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<bjorkint0sh> nephele: basically, the compilers follow whatever version the c++ PL supports. not what strustrup has written lately.
<bjorkint0sh> I think the 4th edition of TC++PL is the latest, so C++11 is supported. in the year 2090, they will have support for c++2023
<OscarL> heh
<Nephele> what is PL?
<bjorkint0sh> Programming Language
<bjorkint0sh> I couldn't wait to buy his latest book: only to discover pretty much none of the compilers were ready.
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<erysdren> zard: maybe so. i believe lua+sol2 takes care of constructors/destructors in the same local scope as lua's garbage collector
<erysdren> but i have no idea how that actually works, or if it's beneficial to this situation at all
<zard> PyBind11 also keeps reference counts of C++ objects for us and frees it when the reference count goes to 0
<zard> That means that we need to tell Python whenever C++ obtains or loses a reference
<zard> Which for us means we will need to do something like write a bunch of wrappers to Haiku's classes
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HaikuUser is now known as surface1
<surface1> Hi
<zard> o/
<surface1> how do I share a file in SMB?
<OscarL> damn, wikipedia... make uo your mind! either always offer me dark-mode, or don't at all.
<Begasus> Hi
<Begasus> how do you use SMB? :)
<surface1> I want to share a folder in haiku and made visible on windows... how to do it?
<zard> Hee hee, we only support SMBv1, which is outdated and insecure :/
<zard> And I'm not sure we support hosting an SMB share, just viewing it
<zard> Hmm, I wonder if we have Samba ported?
<OscarL> and samba4 .recipe hasn't been properly tested yet... /me points at Begasus, and runs.
<surface1> zard that isn't cooool :P
<Begasus> is SMBv1 supplied with samba, or with Haiku?
<Begasus> got a hpkg on the testdrive :P
<zard> With haiku, I believe. But if we have samba, surface1 could theoretically host a share at least
<zard> And we doe have it!
<OscarL> Begasus: share a link with surface1, and see if they can figure out if it works? Free testers! :-D
<Begasus> [12/3250] nuked it
<zard> :P
<Begasus> hehe
<surface1> zard I activate SMB client on haiku, I think I can only see them in haiku, not share folders to be visible outside haiku
<surface1> OscarL, if you want, you can pay me :)
<zard> Yeah, I was thinking install samba, configure it the same way as you would on Linux, and see if you can access it with Windows
<surface1> OscarL I warn you, it will be expensive :)
* OscarL looks at his wallet... just shy of the equivalent to U$D 1 :-(
<Begasus> no poking OscarL! :P
<zard> surface1: Hee hee, you'll be our free tester for Samba! :P
<zard> Your duty is to ensure proper function of the software :P
<Begasus> hmm ... should add that fuse package there with samba as it's compiled with that version ..
<surface1> zard, I have nothing to do... only samba song on my head...
<Begasus> requires: samba4>=4.20.2 :)
<surface1> Begasus, forget fuse, becauseFuse is a free UNIX spectrum emulator, according to haikudepot
<Begasus> w00t, that fusesmb_haiku is a lot bigger then samba :P
<Begasus> no idea surface1, got it "kinda" setup here, but no idea how to testdrive it :)
<zard> surface1: hm? Asking how install it? or how to set it up?
<zard> Or not asking?
<surface1> Begasus, FuseSMB can only see shared... doesn't allow you to share
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<Begasus> OK, then I see SMB Network in Tracker, one down? :D
<surface1> zard I think there no way to share haiku folders...
<zard> Samba may work. It's available to install and it is what is used to setup Samba shares on Linux
<surface1> Begasus put that SAMBA4 package on haikudepot :)
<surface1> Begasus should solve the problem :)
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<Begasus> if it isn't tested properly it's no use to add it ;)
<Begasus> PR is up for that though, one can always build
<OscarL> we're waiting for confirmation it works... thus why we need you to test it! (don't wan't to make it explode on OUR computers! :-D)
<Begasus> lol
<surface1> Begasus, tell me the true, you are the real tester :)
<Begasus> I test what I "can" :P
* OscarL installs all updated versions of flit_core, pyproject_hooks, packaging, and build packages, to test if "build"ing other packages recipes still work. Sigh.
<Begasus> enjoy OscarL :D
<surface1> OscarL install also SAMBA4 :)
<Begasus> OscarL, you could check new PR for gdb ;)
<surface1> OscarL: just enjoy the trip
<OscarL> nah! got sshfs working yesterday... good enough for me :-)
<OscarL> Begasus: mmm "ir build_" didn't gave me the results I was looking for :-P
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<OscarL> "ir 'build_$py'", there we go!
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<erysdren> sol2 not interacting well with the gigantic BApplication class :(
<Begasus> trungnt2910[m], is the source as big as you repository? iirc it was quite large ;)
<zard> He he, looks like sol2 has rough edges, just like PyBind11 :/
<erysdren> wait, im silly
<erysdren> it's because i'm already running sol2 from inside a BApplication
<erysdren> probably can't spawn another one :P
<zard> Ah, that makes it easier :)
<Begasus> I guess once gdb is good enough to replace our current it will stay up for many years, wouldn't want to re-aply that patch on a newer version trungnt2910[m] ;)
<Begasus> bugger build failed
<OscarL> Begasus: my recipes changes are good enough as to be able to rebuild: "whatever", "yt_dlp", "dateutil", and "meson-python" packages. All recipes that need "build_python3xx". Sounds good enough to start opening PRs?
<Begasus> you are the expert OscarL :)
<OscarL> we are doomed.
<Begasus> trungnt2910[m]: build error on 64bit R1B4:
* OscarL tests 2 more recipes, 10% of total recipes needing "build" should be enough testing (famous last words)
<Begasus> doomed? that's another game :P
<OscarL> ported by erysdren, surely!
<Begasus> not sure, erysdren is the quake one :)
<OscarL> pyparsing and speedtest_cli also re-built OK, and "haikuporter --missing-dependencies build" doesn't complains anymore. Good enough for me.
* OscarL starts to split his "build-fix-cyclic-dependencies" branch into individual PRs.
<Begasus> make sure you don't pull in some Qt dep :P
<erysdren> hey i love DOOM as well :P
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<OscarL> "git cherr-pick" is ultra cool.
<Begasus> still no screenies zard? :P
<zard> Still working on it :)
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<Begasus> heh :)
<OscarL> k. PRs ready. Intended order of merging... 10728 to 10732
<OscarL> mext I'll watch a movie, or something :-D
<Begasus> too early for that! :P
<x512[m]> Am I the only one who testing GDB?
<Begasus> only testing the build atm x512[m] (and that failed)
<zard> How do you get it?
<Begasus> PR is up at haikuports
<Begasus> added the link at the topic in the forum
<zard> How much space does it take to build?
<Begasus> archive is only 23MiB, so not that big
<zard> Ah, ok
<Begasus> quite a lot of output, so I had to search for the error
<Begasus> repo is over 1GiB here
<x512[m]> 32 bit are not supported.
<Begasus> OscarL, any specific order on the PR's?
<OscarL> 10728 to 10732
* Begasus hates the $portName variables
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-1/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] OscarL 290e420 - flit_core: update to version 3.9.0. Bootstrap the package creation. (#10728)
<Begasus> OscarL, will the order become a problem on 32bit once it's back up and running?
<OscarL> I don't expect it but... I can't be 100% sure it won't.
<zard> x512[m]: nvm, too hard for now, sorry
<OscarL> Begasus: if it doesn't, means I could have just opened a single PR for all 5 recipes :-D
<Begasus> you will have to stop the movie and fix it yes! :P
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] OscarL 430326f - installer: don't use 'build' to avoid circular dependencies. (#10729)
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-1/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] OscarL 5d0b2ca - pyproject_hooks: update to version 1.1.0. (#10730)
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-1/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] OscarL c88414f - packaging: update to version 24.1. (#10731)
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-1/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] OscarL a3f8ee2 - build: update to version 1.2.1. (#10732)
<OscarL> Cool. Finally I'm at peace with "build". IIRC, dealing with it (and its deps) last year almost made me abandon the python recipes :-D
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57859] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 363fc60bf3eb - HaikuDepot: Factor out Filters from Model
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<Begasus> thanks for tackling them then OscarL! +1
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<OscarL> trying to keep up with chances in Python-packaging tool changes can be a real pain in the joints :-D
<OscarL> s/chances/changes/
<Begasus> right there with you :)
<OscarL> eggs, easy_install, distutils, setuptools, wheels, pep517, build/installer, pip, venv. Arrrggghhh!!!
<Begasus> Hope pulkomandy will succeed with running haikuporter in qemu :)
<Begasus> on my 32bit image it's pretty good, on 64bit not that much
<Begasus> my* experience :)
<OscarL> with qemu running on Haiku as host you mean?
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<Begasus> I'm not sure what host OS he is using, from what I've read building haikuports.cross isn't supported on Haiku itself?
<OscarL> I was wondering about your experience... running Haiku64->qemu->Haiku32 OK, but Haiku64->qemu->Haiku64 not *that* OK?
<Begasus> running Haiku -> Qemu boot Haiku image -> run haikuporter inside qemu
<OscarL> you get errors, or just bad performance with that on 64 bits?
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<Begasus> feels like it's faster when doing that on 32bit/qemu (on 64bit Haiku host)
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<OscarL> "Athlon XP @ 2.00 GHz" :-)
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<OscarL> Welp, considering you're running it without hardware acceleration, that sounds about right.
<OscarL> hopefully the GSoC work will help with that!
<Begasus> me hopes so too! :D
<OscarL> (given AMD virt supports gets added)
<Begasus> few lessons learned here too last week, mount local drive in qemu (together with the OS) and created a virtual drive I coppied haikuport(s/er) from the local drive in qemu, now can use haikuporter in there without cloning etc
<Begasus> and plus is, I can hook up the virtual drive to another clean image to check some things there :)
<OscarL> +1
<Begasus> but I'm not going to build gdb in that virtual env :P
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<OscarL> I was planning to share a single "haikuports" image between my 32 and 64 installs too, but HaikuPorter doesn't plays nice with a single tree like that :-(
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<Begasus> you should setup a clone for haikuports for either arch, eg 2 clones to seperate them
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<OscarL> sounds terrible.
<Begasus> otherwise you end up updating dependencies on every switch
<OscarL> better if haikuporter either used a "repository" for each main arch, IMO.
<Begasus> only have to do that once, copy the other and rename
<OscarL> yeah, I mean.... it should just work. One of these days I'll try to add that "feature".
<Begasus> it has to know what the target architecture it needs to build for, but if you can fix that, the better :D
<OscarL> same as just downloading .hpkg into /packages/, instead of doing "pkgman install" ouside the chroot :-/
<OscarL> I should still have a branch for "pkgman-download-command" somewhere with some WIP for that :-)
<OscarL> still, not reall need for using pkgmam/packagekit for the package download part, only to get the list of needed deps.
<Begasus> you would only get those mentioned in the recipe/packagelist I guess?
<OscarL> say... recipes wants package A, hp asks pkgman to install that, but A also needs B and C... recipe won't know that.
<Begasus> ah like :P
<OscarL> lovely!
<Begasus> for cmake I think I saw something Codevis looking for a .json file in the "build" directory
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<Begasus> hi jmairboeck
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<Begasus> can close down now, follow up is here :)
<Begasus> need to run new build for codevis in the morning, switch to Qt6
<Begasus> closing down here, cu peeps!
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<scantysnax> good afternoon
<erysdren> good afternoon!
<scantysnax> what's new and exciting?
<erysdren> still working on my Lua application framework thingy for Haiku/Be
<scantysnax> cool. never got into lua, but heard nice things about it.
<Habbie> erysdren, ohh? a lua wrapper for windows/widgets?
<erysdren> yes, i had some ideas about how it would work
<erysdren> integrating with the C++ classes
<Habbie> did you take any inspiration from glib?
<erysdren> nah
<erysdren> here's some psuedocode i wrote earlier. my goal is to get this to work :P
<erysdren> i got a few basic classes translated (BRect, BPoint) using sol2
<erysdren> sol2 kinda does all the heavy lifting for me, but some things need special care.
<Habbie> neat, i've been wanting to try sol2
<Habbie> 10 years ago we (powerdns) bet on LuaWrapper, and like these things often go, now we maintain LuaWrapper :>
<erysdren> a less BeAPI-specific example which could be translated to other GUI toolkits:
<erysdren> actually wrote this example to use in a TUI thing i'm also hacking on.
<erysdren> i'm just all over the place today :P
<Habbie> hehe
<Habbie> you should port Flutter to both Haiku and Lua ;)
<erysdren> i like Lua, so i think it'd be a neat idea to have a platform "independent" GUI toolkit thing. i've looked at a handful of different platform toolkits and some of them are shockingly similar in their API.
<scantysnax> here's what i've been working on for a while (posted this the other day)
<erysdren> ohhh that's awesome!
<erysdren> i really wish i could use Haiku more actively on real hardware, but Haiku doesn't support my USB wifi dongle :(
<Habbie> 'Adjust Palette' is part of it? because i was about to say (noticed it before) some of the colours look off to me
<erysdren> otherwise i'd be devving my GUI thing on hardware instead of in QEMU
<Habbie> while ignoring, like often, that mario 1 was never meant to be played on a display with distinguishable pixels at all ;)
<scantysnax> yeah, you can adjust the palette to your wishes
<erysdren> tldr most OS gui toolkits (and some for linux) boil down to a simple init/message/quit loop
<erysdren> i feel like you could abstract it somewhat well. to do it in a scripting language rather than C or C++ would be even better.
<scantysnax> what's shown in the screenshot is the default NTSC palette.
<Habbie> as in, nintendo's palette for NTSC?
<scantysnax> yes
<Habbie> right
<Habbie> i'm in PAL, but also i haven't seen non-emulated mario1 in 15 years
<scantysnax> ah, been a while
<scantysnax> we migiht support PAL, but that's something for later on
<scantysnax> might*
<Habbie> colorwise that seems minor, timingwise perhaps a bit more work?
<Habbie> oh, it was 2013. almost 15 years :)
<scantysnax> yeah, timing is one of our priorities. currently all system components are emulated on a cycle per cycle level
<scantysnax> so it is very accurate
<scantysnax> just takes some horsepower.
<Habbie> i think i saw that in the readme, yhes
<Habbie> -h
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<scantysnax> we are currently improving the sound code, and i have some extra video code to write since we have to use 16-bit color to accommodate the 9-bit palette we need
<scantysnax> 6 bits per palette entry plus 3 bits for "color intensity", which basically allows you to access other colors than the standard palette
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<scantysnax> very few games used it.
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<scantysnax> also, some games used cycle-timed code, which we emulate properly.
<Habbie> so those will properly half FPS when too many sprites appear :)
<Habbie> *halve
<scantysnax> there is a limit of 8 sprites per scanline. anything more and you get slow downs
<scantysnax> you can do tricks like OAM (sprite) cycling to remedy that
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<Habbie> ack - was just recalling something i read about a game that would in fact get half FPS when it got busy
<scantysnax> interesting.
<scantysnax> haven't seen that on the NES
<Habbie> oh! i assumed i was referring to something you'd know about :D let me see if i can find it
<scantysnax> you are right about the slow downs, but it not nearly as much as halving the FPS
<Habbie> i can't find it, sadly
<scantysnax> that's OK, thanks for trying :-)
<Habbie> i think it was something along the lines of (and this should not be a surprising story to you as an emulator developer), they missed a tick and thus you got halved
<Habbie> but it was something that even happened on the real device
<scantysnax> interesting, as i said. if you are curious about NES internals, we have a nice wiki:
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<scantysnax> anyways, nice chatting. need to do some errands, then dinner... be back later tonight
<Habbie> yes, enjoyable! have a good night
<scantysnax> thanks! you as well :-)
<tiberius> If one, hypothetically, installed a nightly image, would that person be able to upgrade the system later?
<Habbie> tiberius, i upgraded my non-nightly to nightly and have done a few upgrades after - not exactly what you asked, but i'm pretty sure the answer is "yes"
<tiberius> that's awesome, because I am that person :DDD
<tiberius> it's amazing how usable Haiku is, I installed it on my T460
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<OscarL> tiberius: I have a Haiku install that started as a beta2 clean re-installation (same machine had alpha4 at some point). updated/upgraded to beta4, then switch to nightlies. No real issues there.
<OscarL> (still updating fine as of 1 or 2 days ago)
<OscarL> meanwhile... "rm -r haikuports/dev-vcs/subversion/work-1.14.3" started 30 minutes ago, and still doesn't finishes :-(
<OscarL> Got bored of waiting, and been helping delete files from tracker for the last 10 minutes...
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<Nephele> tiberius: Maybe, maybe not. The upgrade path from beta4->beta5 is guranteed, but anything between that probably works, but is not that tested and not guranteed
<Nephele> e.g in the past the package format changed, and then some nightlies can't be upgraded anymore (because the format of the newest nightlies is too new), but upgrading to the next beta should normally work
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<trungnt2910[m]> <Begasus> "trungnt2910, is the source as..." <- nowhere near the repo, though it is very big.
<trungnt2910[m]> <Begasus> "trungnt2910: build error on..." <- Yeah it requires newer Haiku. The patches are not too big so they could be backported, though with B5 coming out soon I guess it's better to wait.
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57860] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 4ce11e24edd3 - libroot_stubs: Update stubs for x86_gcc2.
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 708ea402014c - libroot_stubs: Synchronize stubs.
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<OscarL> mmm still open? I thought nephele had closed it for me a few days ago.
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<OscarL> OpenBSD got va-api support... maybe the days of video-accelerated playback on Haiku are not that far off? :-)
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 2 commits to master [hrev57862] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] d3f63a3e4c62 - libroot: Synchronize glibc regex with upstream 2.20.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] bda66ab7c7bf - libroot: Synchronize glibc regex with upstream 2.28.
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