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<OscarL> Something's wrong with ActivityMonitor's CPU Speed graph. The one on the "normal" window, works correctly, but the one from the replican view gives bad readings.
<OscarL> This Atom N450 does not has working cpu frecuency scalling driver, so it is stuck at 1.66 GHz (+/- a few MHz due to clock spread-spectrum and such).
<OscarL> but on the replicant graph.... CPU speed values go as low as 1200 MHz, which is not right.
<OscarL> This explains why I thought I somehow had working CPU frequency scalling on a Celeron N4020 CPU (despite the lack of CPU freq scallind driver there too)... turns out it is just bogus ActivityMonitor replicant :-(
<OscarL> From where is it getting the wrong data, though?
<OscarL> *correction: the Celeron N4020 *does* uses inte_pstates, the other CPU that does not, but shows this error is the Atom N2600.
<OscarL> Weird... starting the ScreenSaver makes the CPU freq graph on the main ActivityMonitor to show lower values. WAT?
<OscarL> Bug doesn't presents on VBox, nor in my Phenom II X4 bare metal (AFAICT).
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<botifico> [haiku/website] humdingerb pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haiku/website] humdingerb 0208c5c - Get Haiku: fix links
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<Begasus> g'morning peeps
<OscarL> hello Begasus :-)
<Begasus> Hi OscarL! :)
<Begasus> this latest Dolphin turns out to be pretty nice :)
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<OscarL> Saw on the logs a couple of interesting screens you shared about it :-)
<Begasus> still one anoying thing with split pannel and konsole, but haven't tracked that down :)
<OscarL> My main mouse died earlier today :-( (PS/2, ball one). Had to replace it with a third-hand optical one, after attempts at repairing the ball one failed :-(
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<Begasus> rip poor mouse :)
<Begasus> the main one here needs replacing also, doesn't scroll anymore
<OscarL> Yeah... it will be missed :-/. So far I haven't been able to get accustomed to non balled mice. We'll see how it goes with this one. (had to change its cable to make it work :-D)
<OscarL> (bbiab, testing something on the other netbook)
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<OscarL> There, enough new tickets for one day :-)
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<OscarL> Bah. Concourse builds keep failing.
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<Begasus> slap it :)
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<OscarL> Seems 64 bits one worked this time, 32 bit one didn't. (for beta5)
* OscarL updates to +104
<OscarL> pfff, keep getting media_addon_server crashes on boot :-)
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<Begasus> +104?
<Begasus> ah, checked earlier, didn't show then :)
<Begasus> biab
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<yann64[m]> good morning
<OscarL> hello there.
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<Begasus> still good :)
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<nephele> hi
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<Begasus> hi nephele
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<nephele> how are you Begasus? :)
<nephele> in my xmpp chat backlog there was a discussion for 2fa github xD
<Begasus> let's keep it there :P
<nephele> Begasus: eh, dunno. doesn'
<nephele> t seem that interesting to read :)
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<nephele> hmmm, was haikuwebkit now fixed on 32bit? that would remove the download blocker
<nephele> Begasus: gotta say though regarding gh, i really don't enjoy looking up anything on it. It's so darn slow in webpositive, and the commit view needs pagination often, and that is also slow :/
<nephele> checking if a new haikuwebkit build was commited is annoying there
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<Begasus> it's pretty good now in WebP
<Begasus> on beta4 Falkon was nr1 browser, WebPositive 2, on beta5 is other way and WebPositive nr1 browser
<Begasus> although I'm pretty happy to have konqueror around too :D
<nephele> we didn't change that much in webpositive, did falkon regress? :P
<Begasus> qtwebenging overrall on beta5 (my impression, even before the qtwebengine update)
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<nephele> i tried some stuff against gnome web in comparison, but it works badly usually. sometimes it manages stuff webpositive doesn't
<nephele> on linux on my arm macbook gnome web works great, just that linux has no clue how to scale applications. other than literally just drawing stuff twice the size .-.
<nephele> bbib
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<Begasus> bbl
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<hsp> Is it possible to change the background color of the desktop applet Workspaces? I can't find anything
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<Begasus> back home :)
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<Begasus> hsp bacground color for workspaces is the same as you default Desktop background color
<hsp> thx
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<hsp> I'm slowly finding my way around Hauku :)
<hsp> *Haiku
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<Begasus> +1 hsp :)
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<hsp> copy & paste is another thing, with Ctrl it doesn't work with Haiku. Alt everywhere
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<waddlesplash> hsp: read the Quick Tour. you can swap the shortcut keys in Keymap preferences
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<hsp> I think I should do that sometime. But German would be better. My English is not the best
<Begasus> there should be an uptodate version for the userguide hsp
<Begasus> or quicktour*
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-0/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus d52ebf2 - phonon_vlc, add phonon backend for KF6 (#11073)
<Begasus> err ... this will fail :)
<Begasus> vlc isn't split at haikuports :P
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<hsp> nice, copy & paste works mit ctrl
<Begasus> Been using Alt from BeOS time, pretty used to it here :)
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<hsp> .
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<misterhsp[m]> .
<Begasus> .°.
<Begasus> yann64, are you managing the comments at the PR?
<Begasus> in case you have questions just fire away :)
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<hsp> How far along is beta5?
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<Skipp_OSX> We're still waiting on #18880 on 32-bit, the webkit package to be rebuilt which has run into issues. The semi-official announcement of r1b5 has spurred a number of tickets to be filed in response and we're trying to knock them out as fast as possible before release. We're really close now but not quite there yet.
<hsp> Keep calm, ready when ready :)
<Skipp_OSX> #18624 has to be fixed and a test case added to prevent the bug from returning. We've got some virtio fixes in progress for #18717. #18451 is a bit tricky will probably get bumped but there is some progress with people talking about replacing our horde allocator but that won't make it to r1b5.
<Skipp_OSX> #18593 has been mitigated we're probably going to go with the single cpu on qemu for r1b5
<Skipp_OSX> #7930 seems pretty pedantic I don't think it should be in r1b5 milestone but it is, installer needs some work but that shouldn't hold up release.
<Skipp_OSX> and then #19067 I thought was fixed but got reopened, we only fixed half of it, darn.
<hsp> Is it actually possible to use desktop files to start programs/scripts as usual with Linux?
<hsp> If so, is there an example somewhere?
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<Begasus> 'lo humdinger!
<humdinger> hullo!
<nosycat> Hi!
* humdinger waves all around
<nosycat> What's new?
<humdinger> nothing much...
<humdinger> everyone's still waiting for beta5 I guess.
<nosycat> Big mood.
<humdinger> Still looking for people to finish translations for QuickLaunch BTW
<Begasus> hi nosycat
<Begasus> done humdinger :)
<humdinger> thanks!
<Begasus> and for Finish I'm out, only Dutch :P
<humdinger> :P
<humdinger> hsp: I'm not familiar with Linux desktop files, but you can create links to apps on the desktop (or LaunchBox etc.) or create small bash scripts when needed.
<Begasus> plenty of shortcuts already on Desktop :D
<phschafft> (.desktop files are not Linux specific, they are defined by freedesktop)
<humdinger> Begasus: still very tidy. I've seenmuch, much worse...
<phschafft> Begasus: your doggy?
<hsp> humdinger, thx, but how do you change the icon?
<humdinger> right-click / addons / Filetype
<humdinger> then a double click opens icon-o-matic.
<humdinger> or dragndrop from another file's filetype addon window
<hsp> hmmm, i have already an icon
<humdinger> normal for a file... :)
<Begasus> phschafft, one of the 9 here yes :)
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<phschafft> :))
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<yann64[m]> <Begasus> "yann64, are you managing the..." <- hi Begasus ! lack of time on my side unfortunately, still need to create that x86 VM to test my modified PR
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] jmairboeck pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] jmairboeck 32a03bb - xpdf: switch to libpaper 2
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<Begasus> OK, no harm in waiting for it yann64[m] then :)
<jmairboeck> Begasus: I noticed that xpdf could be built with Qt6 too, alternatively. I didn't check it (just wanted to rebuild it for libpaper), but should we in general switch apps to Qt 6 now if possible?
<jmairboeck> currently it uses Qt 5
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<mmlr> kallisti5[m]: is it possible that the buildmaster IP changed?
<Begasus> jmairboeck, one benifit for swithing to Qt6 is less dependencies
<Begasus> biab
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<Begasus> jmairboeck, you could check building it on a clean image in qemu or so :)
<Begasus> but other then that, no real reason to switch atm
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* humdinger waves
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] jmairboeck pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] jmairboeck cd9ac1d - ghostscript: switch to libpaper 2
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<yann64[m]> Hi have a segment violation trying to connect to HaikuDepot on x86_gcc2 :(
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<Begasus> eeps, haven't booted into 32bit yet today
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<yann64[m]> Both NextCoud and Falkon not starting on x86_gcc32 with a LibQt5WebEngineWidgets error. Is is expected (part of rebuilding for Beta 5)?
<yann64[m]> s/x86_gcc32/x86\_gcc32/, s/is/it/
<Begasus> try to use the previous qtwebengine package
<Begasus> current one is broken on 32bit
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<yann64[m]> Well, previous package is listed on HaikuDepot website, but clicking on the link gives me a 404
<Begasus> yeah, can't grab it from there anymore
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<yann64[m]> OK, never mind. At least my x86_gcc2 VM is working and Falkon/NextCloud are nice to have for its intent. I will look into my PR in the coming week. Will close for tonight :)
<yann64[m]> See you
<Begasus> thanks!
<Begasus> closing down here too, cu peeps!
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<Anarchos> jmairboeck hello
<jmairboeck> Hi Anarchos, I just wanted to turn the computer off for today.
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<Anarchos> jmairboeck no trouble
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 2 commits to master [hrev58096] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 13899075701a - ramfs: Switch to hash_hash_string.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 2897b2cc9791 - Tracker: Rename HashString to not conflict with the HashString class.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev58097] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 0d71a44091b9 - mixer: Also delay starting the mixer until the realTime is recent.
<Skipp_OSX> hash_hash_string? ok
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<HaikuUser> Hello friends, I am about to start my Haiku journey. I'd like to disable Javascript in the WebPositive browser. Is it possible?
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<oanderso[m]> milek7: I still have limited internet but I uploaded diffs that address most of your feedback. I still need to think through the SWDIRTY handling. Is that meant to be the same as SWDBM?
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<kallisti5[m]> <mmlr> "kallisti5: is it possible that..." <- yeah. They're just kubernetes nodes. They can rotate source ip's (no cloudnat, etc)
<Coldfirex> 9 dogs?! Sounds like your place is a circus most of the time
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<Anarchos> Does anybody have latex installed ?
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<jhj> Coldfirex: I have six cats here. Three of them are invisible 23 hours a day, one is velcro'd to me 23 hours a day. Two are normal.
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<milek7> oanderso[m]: SWDBM is equivalent to DBM
<milek7> meaning that page is writeable and AP2 can be cleared on fault
<milek7> AP2 doubles as not-dirty bit then
<milek7> I'm not really sure if SWDBM needs to be separate from DBM, but technically DBM is RES0 when not supported by hardware, so I did it separate to be on safe side
<milek7> and SWDIRTY was about: what if writeable page is remapped to read-only
<milek7> then dirty state is lost (because it was stored in AP2, but that needs to be set now)
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