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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] threedeyes pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] threedeyes 84c0c9a - vulkan: enable wayland support
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<kallisti5[m]> *waits patiently for people who like early releases of Haiku
<kallisti5[m]> * *waits patiently for people who like early releases of Haiku*
<waddlesplash> now that doesn't sound suspicious at all lol
<kallisti5[m]> NOT A TRAP
<waddlesplash> kallisti5[m]: it might help if you had +o in here so that people could tell this was an Official Request (TM)
<kallisti5[m]> i'm so lazy though
<kallisti5[m]> fiiiine
kallisti5 has joined #haiku
<kallisti5> lol.. had to tell chanserv to make me op oddly
<kallisti5> I HAVE THE POWER
<waddlesplash> I am afear'd that they're all sound asleep, mister kallisti5
<kallisti5[m]> sad flute noises
<waddlesplash> there are none to hear the summons at this moment of the night
<waddlesplash> alas and alack
<kallisti5> ... but it's daytime in Europe
<waddlesplash> it's early bird hours in Europe
<kallisti5[m]> ack.
<kallisti5[m]> I picked the best time to do this
<waddlesplash> I mean, in your timezone, it's probably only Medium Late
<kallisti5[m]> 11:41pm. So medium late indeed
<waddlesplash> not Very Late, nor Very Early
<kallisti5[m]> alright. rsync time
<waddlesplash> and time for me to get back to these release notes
<waddlesplash> 2.3k words and probably 10% more to go
<kallisti5[m]> oh no I don't remember where to push these for rsync
<waddlesplash> ... I'm sure saying that in here will give everyone great confidence in our competence
<waddlesplash> nothing to see here, everyone. please pay no attention to the shenanigans behind the curtain. all is well in haiku-land
<kallisti5[m]> i mean, i haven't done this since 2022 in my defense
<waddlesplash> that's fair
<kallisti5[m]> I think kubernetes mirrors to s3 from the infra... so I need to push the release there
<waddlesplash> ... isn't it already in s3?
<waddlesplash> oh you mean the other way around
<kallisti5[m]> yeah.. i did it backwards
<waddlesplash> isn't this documented in the release cookbook
<waddlesplash> and if it's not it should be lol
<kallisti5[m]> ... i mean probably.
<waddlesplash> "rsync release-files-directory to baron:/srv/rsync/haiku-mirror..."
<waddlesplash> well. that tells us how old that note is LOL
<kallisti5[m]> oh no
<kallisti5[m]> 😆
<waddlesplash> we moved off "baron" in... what, 2013?
<kallisti5[m]> yeahhhh
<kallisti5[m]> make me a ticket
<kallisti5[m]> (to update the docs)
<waddlesplash> I don't even remember all the names of the servers since baron
<waddlesplash> I know there was a "limerick" in there
<waddlesplash> but I think 1-2 others before kubernetes
<kallisti5[m]> rsync-server-866c48b85c-grq95:/# cat /haiku-release-mirror/haiku-release/README
<kallisti5[m]> This folder contains haiku-related release files that shall be mirrored by
<kallisti5[m]> external mirrors.
<kallisti5[m]> heyyy
<kallisti5[m]> found it
<kallisti5[m]> taking this conversation offline
<botifico> [haiku/infrastructure] kallisti5 pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haiku/infrastructure] Forza-tng bcf9c3b - Update rsync.yml (#127)
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<botifico> [haiku/website] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to r1beta5 [+7/-0/±2]
<botifico> [haiku/website] waddlesplash 766d804 - [WIP] b5 release notes
<Begasus> g'morning peeps
<Begasus> ah oh, official release? :)
<Begasus> ah no, wip * :)
<waddlesplash> hello Begasus!
<waddlesplash> any chance you might be able to come up with a pretty screenshot of a whole bunch of ported software running on Haiku all at once?
<waddlesplash> variety is good. here's the one from R1/beta2:
<waddlesplash> you don't need to replicate it exactly, or even have the same software, just something interesting with a whole bunch of stuff running at once :)
<Begasus> sure will have a look later
<waddlesplash> very good
<Begasus> is kqueue also fixed on the buildmasters?
<waddlesplash> yep
<waddlesplash> tor build completed successfully
<Begasus> ok, I think libgit was infected by it, hence it failed on previous bump
<waddlesplash> ah, that was __inline
<waddlesplash> but that's also fixed yes
<Begasus> heh, need to grab the ones from the Depot for some nice screenshots :)
<Begasus> +1
* Forza Good Morning! C(_) coffee time :)
<waddlesplash> btw, so it doesn't get lost in the noise: there's torrent links a bit in the scrollback which could use seeding, if anyone goes for that sort of thing
<Begasus> g'morning Forza, yeah! that's a nice one :) C(_)
<Begasus> should check if latest ktorrent is up for the job
<Begasus> 24.07.80, needs a bump here ...
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<Begasus> a mention for KDE KF6 frameworks would be nice too I guess :) mostly the work was done prior on KF5, but it brings us up to the next era in KDE ported apps
<Begasus> a lot has happened since beta4
<Begasus> waddlesplash, the iso is on the same hrev as currently the one from the r1beta5 repos?
<Begasus> got an update to -113 this morning
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<Forza> How close are we to beta5 at the moment?
<waddlesplash> Begasus: +113 yes
<waddlesplash> Forza: we're at the "sync to mirrors and prepare to launch" stage
<Forza> Cool. I guess i should 'sync' my mirror now then?
<waddlesplash> that would be nice :)
<waddlesplash> we'll see how far we get with mirror syncing over the next 12h
<Forza> Nice:) rsync is working now too
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<PulkoMandy> Torrent client launched here, ready to seed :)
<PulkoMandy> should I share them on emule and gnutella as well?
<PulkoMandy> ed2k://%7Cfile%7Chaiku-r1beta5-x86_64-anyboot.iso%7C1477246976%7CB913F9A05ADC4B9B4B2DB502307EF3E7%7Ch=BSABRBH6GHHRNVRNXJC5TQ5LUQGGI3QA%7C/
<PulkoMandy> ed2k://%7Cfile%7Chaiku-r1beta5-x86_gcc2h-anyboot.iso%7C1477246976%7C515DC6CB8A1F7853CC33D71518F6AEFD%7Ch=GPGMSYF6Q72BTKC4MXWIDECOBYNPXIJF%7C/
<PulkoMandy> Mh... not sure this will work yet, I should wait until the torrent is downloaded
<PulkoMandy> It downloaded 5% of the file and then stopped making progress :/
<Begasus> something strange, ktorrent doesn't build anymore: fatal error: QDBusConnection: No such file or directory
<Begasus> had that up and running earlier (ps newer then the one in the depot)
<PulkoMandy> Well these torrents don't seem to really work for me
<PulkoMandy> I'll try a different client...
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<Begasus> am I wrong or not a lot of new was done for GTK lately?
<Begasus> ClawsMail has seen some work ... but other then that?
<BlueSky76> Added both torrents to my transmission client (actually transmission daemon running on my Linux machine). x86_64 version already downloaded and seeding. x86_gcc2h taking much longer. Something seems not quite right with that one. For 160 MB of verified data it has already downloaded 7.7GB of corrupt data.
<Begasus> xournalpp ...
<BlueSky76> Pausing the x86_gcc2h torrent for now
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<Forza> Whats the url to the torrent?
<Forza> I can see as i have the source files
<Forza> Nm found them.
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-0/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 011098f - dolphin24, add KF6 version (#11116)
<Begasus> Looking at the changes between the both version I guess it's time to push latest dolphin :)
<Begasus> only hope I prepared the needed requirements ... :D
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<Begasus> small BeOS ref in the last screenshot send to the PR :)
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<OscarL> Good day folks.
<Begasus> Hi OscarL!
<Begasus> stupid dbus ...
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<OscarL> The .torrent for the gcc2 iso is borked, because it is missing the "http seed". I've added "" and now it downloads OK.
<OscarL> Hey there Begasus :-)
* dovsienko starts the torrents
HaikuUser is now known as Jixt
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 1f4298a - dolphin24, fix dependency for dbus for 32bit (#11117)
<OscarL> kallisti5: you may want to update the gcc2 torrent file to add that web seed.
<Begasus> Hi jibsaramnim!
<OscarL> one tab off, Begasus? :-)
<Begasus> err sorry to wake you jibsaramnim :)
<Begasus> Hi Jixt! :D
<Begasus> yeah, stupid dbus got in the way
<Begasus> that recipe is weird, why do we need a gcc2 version there?
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<OscarL> does it really, really needs dbus?
<Begasus> yeah, that's one of those that can't do without :/
<OscarL> :-(
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<OscarL> no dolphin for me then. d-bus makes shutdown slow, and I ain't lettin me OS shutdown slower, no sir! :-P
<Begasus> but seeing it's about the heart of KDE things it's not unusual?
<Begasus> tss :P
<Jixt> Hi Begasus. You'll never guess on which device I am running Haiku on.
<Begasus> Jixt, how would I possibly know? :)
<OscarL> torrent for the 64 bits iso, downloaded and seeding. gcc2 one at almost 35%.
<Jixt> haha, I' running it now on my old Mac mini from late 2006.
<Jixt> It is a core solo with an upgraded Core 2 duo CPU.
<Begasus> still running fine?
<OscarL> Too bad that my build fixes for Torrentor! didn't got merged... was hoping to have it as a native torrent client for seeding the isos :-(
<Begasus> OscarL, build your own iso and use that?
<Jixt> It is running perfect. Almost everything is running. No bluetooth, but that is not a problem.
<Begasus> that's for all of us I guess Jixt, can live without it too
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<OscarL> no need "to build an iso", I do have an .hpkg for "Torrentor!". Was hoping it would make it to de HaikuDepot in time for beta5, though.
<OscarL> s/to de/to the/
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-0/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 97c244b - dolphin_plugins24, add KF6 version (#11115)
<OscarL> torrent for gcc2 .iso downloaded and seeding. (but would still be nice to get the original .torrent file fixed)
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<OscarL> mmm, a bit suspicious that both .iso files have the *exact* same file size... /me does an sha1sum on them.
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<OscarL> welp, there are *not* the same file at least :-P
<Begasus> heh
<Begasus> run them in qemu to be sure? ;)
<OscarL> not sure I trust kallisti5[m]'s files now! :-P
<Begasus> tss :P
<OscarL> hrev57937+113, x86_gcc2 .iso boots fine on VBox.
<OscarL> so does the 64 bits one.
<Begasus> +1
<Begasus> 64bit pulling in, do I need a different link for the 32bit one OscarL?
<OscarL> Same .torrent links as seen on the irc logs.
<Begasus> this? [10:36] <OscarL> The .torrent for the gcc2 iso is borked, because it is missing the "http seed". I've added "" and now it downloads OK.
<OscarL> you might want to add the web-seed for the gcc2 one.
<Begasus> errr ...
<OscarL> that's the web-seed, not the torrent link.
<OscarL> to be clear(er), I hope: I just added both .torrent files as shared by kallisti5 to qBitTorrent. The 64 bits one works right away...
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<OscarL> for the gcc2 one, I had to add that "wasabisys" URL as a web/http seed for it to work (as no one else was seeding its content)
<OscarL> seems inflation is also affecting kallisti5's nickname :-P
<Begasus> he got an upgrade too? ;)
<Begasus> transmission crashes
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<PulkoMandy> download of the gcc2 torrent seems stuck at 38% for me...
<Begasus> launched qbittorrent now
<OscarL> I have 100% of the gcc2 one. But the connected peers (one from France, one from Belgium, one from Austria), all appear as "halted/paused".
<OscarL> guess those peers are PulkoMandy, Begasus, and BlueSky76 :-)
<OscarL> all show as 0% here though :-/
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<Begasus> I'm getting "stalled" on the 32bit one
<Begasus> 64bit almost done
<phschafft> Good morning everyone.
<Begasus> Moin phschafft
<Begasus> cookie time!!! (me whispers)
<Begasus> nice, Dolphin24 from the Depot pretty good! :P
* phschafft carefully checks for nephele first.
* phschafft then opens a cookie jar offering Begasus it's content.
* Begasus slowly shufles towards phschafft, grabs 2 and runs like **** to his own place while wispering "thank you sir!"
* phschafft nods with a friendly smile before closing the jar again and puting it back into his secret place.
<Begasus> +1
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<phschafft> :)
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<dovsienko> OscarL: worked for me for both, although the 32-bit one was slower
<dovsienko> actually, still is slower because it is still in progress
<OscarL> I see. I did find it odd that the web seed was missing for the gcc2 one.
<OscarL> try manually adding it if your bittorrent client allows you to do that_
<OscarL> s/_/?/
<dovsienko> so, I managed to hang my temporary Haiku PC by compiling libpcap (both with and without RAMFS), so this morning I disabled hardware watchdog in the BIOS and reinstalled it using beta5. let's see if that makes any difference...
<dovsienko> OscarL: I did not add anything manually, the 32-bit one already uses wait
<dovsienko> in the 32-bit torrent file the web seed is for the 64-bit file, as far as I see
<OscarL> for me it was empty, so I copied the 64 bit one, and changed the "x86_64" to "x86_gcc2h" :-)
<OscarL> smoke tested both isos in VBox, both looked fine (and with the correct content).
<Begasus> thanks OscarL, that worked :)
<Begasus> bugger, stalled again :/
<OscarL> :-/
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 439a868 - dolphin24, put Deskbar link in main menu (#11118)
<dovsienko> this is what my Transmission shows in the torrent properties:
<dovsienko> grep --text wasabisys haiku-r1beta5-x86_gcc2h.torrent and you see it. something must be wrong
<OscarL> seems more than a bit off (32 bits off, one could say :-P)
<Begasus> heh
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HaikuUser is now known as JackDaniel
<OscarL> yeah, right at the end of the .torrent file, I see "url-list89:". kallisti5[m] must have just pasted the wrong link there.
<dovsienko> does it explain why the sizes are the same and does it mean the contents is wrong after the download?
<OscarL> file sizes being the same might just be because of differing free-space on the images.
<OscarL> content for me was OK on both (but I *did* changed the web-seed URL)
<dovsienko> alright, I am downloading both files from S3 to compare the sizes and the checksums with Transmission downloads
<OscarL> Just in case... these are the sha1sum for both files I got:
<OscarL> e442a16d177fd94bbe336ca24ed3dcf6d99da6e6 *haiku-r1beta5-x86_64-anyboot.iso
<OscarL> 7b1c6acdaba3c2e37e1f6f79395e9d5a143f6d59 *haiku-r1beta5-x86_gcc2h-anyboot.iso
<dovsienko> x86_64 matches the one I have just downloaded from S3
<dovsienko> 1477246976 bytes e442a16d177fd94bbe336ca24ed3dcf6d99da6e6 haiku-r1beta5-x86_64-anyboot.iso
<dovsienko> 1477246976 bytes 7b1c6acdaba3c2e37e1f6f79395e9d5a143f6d59 haiku-r1beta5-x86_gcc2h-anyboot.iso
<JackDaniel> Hi all! I wonder if writting Qt5 + python is considered a good choice in general for Haiku
<JackDaniel> I mean, If there is a much better choice for writting guy apps faster, please, let me know
<dovsienko> also my complete x86_64 torrent delivered the same. the x86_gcc2h is still at 14.4%
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-0/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 1346141 - konsole24, add KF6 version (#11119)
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<OscarL> JackDaniel: what's "better" is a bit subjective, I'm afraid. Most Haiku-fans would prefer native apps, but that might not make sense if you intend for your apps to be available on other OSes.
<OscarL> Also... what's "faster" would also more likely depend on your familiarity with a given API than anything else, I would assume.
<OscarL> *faster for writting apps, I mean.
<HaikuUser> ./nick rui
HaikuUser is now known as rui
<OscarL> JackDaniel: if you want a mix of both... you can try the Python bindings for the Haiku API...
rui is now known as ruid
<Begasus> JackDaniel, iirc there is no pyqt6, so if you plan to use both Qt5 is the only option there
<Begasus> OscarL, correct me if I'm wrong :)
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<ruid> is there a way to programmingly control haiku?
<Begasus> there's also Lazarus (pascal) :)
<Begasus> or perl or ...
<OscarL> Lazarus has a visual GUI builder at least. I can't do GUIs without one of those :-D
<ruid> like applescript for mac something..
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<OscarL> ruid: the "hey" command.
<OscarL> Depot search is useless, sigh...
<Begasus> just use "pkgman search ..." in Terminal :P
<ruid> thanks! /OscarL
<Begasus> gui's like us should always have atleast one Terminal open OscarL :P
<OscarL> Begasus: yeah, too bad I'm not in from of my Haiku machine ATM :-)
<Begasus> WAT!! :P
<OscarL> I'm trying to play some games :-P
<Begasus> tss ... kiddos :)
<dovsienko> is there any way to read motherboard temperature sensors in Haiku?
<OscarL> depends on the hardware... I happen to have a couple of drivers :-P
<OscarL> (the latter not for motherboard, but... better than nothing)
<ruid> OscarL: wow thats ... I am reading it now!
<OscarL> dovsienko: on-tree there's also the pch_temp and acpi_temp drivers, but you have to compile those yourself.
<OscarL> sorry, that would be pch_thermal and acpi_thermal...
<dovsienko> OscarL: thanks
<PulkoMandy> well I'm deleting the nonworking 32bit torrent from my machine for now, let me know when there is a working one that doesn't need manual tweaking
<dovsienko> if this improvised Haiku box hangs during the build again, perhaps the next best move will be to replace the thermal paste anyway
<dovsienko> the 32-bit torrent somehow managed to "download" 14.5% and is still downloading something from somewhere; if that manages to complete, I am going to compare the checksum
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<OscarL> dovsienko: earlier BlueSky76 mentioned that for him it donwnloaded "7.7GB of corrupt data".
<dovsienko> oh
<OscarL> before he paused it,
<Begasus> Dolphin24 on 32bit OK too! :D
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<dovsienko> remarkably, the number of megabytes downloaded for this torrent goes not only up, but also occasionally down
<Begasus> eeps :)
<dovsienko> so I suppose it is not going to complete
<Begasus> nuked the 32bit one also
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<dovsienko> 214.7 -> 215.0 -> 216.7 -> 214.8 ...
<dovsienko> "15 minutes remaining"
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<phschafft> nephele is here!
* Begasus tries to whisle .... ffffppppppppp (doesn't work atm)
<Begasus> hi nephele! :)
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<nephele> camping for my arrival? :P
<nephele> hi phschafft, Begasus
* phschafft looks at Begasus and then back to nephele: kind of....
<nephele> TIL, if you send a pdf document without naming it ".pdf" you might get an email back that the document could not be opened... jeee
<Begasus> lol
<Begasus> phishing are we? :)
<Begasus> biab
<nephele> Yes, of course :D .pdf.exe.elf
<dovsienko> something is off with the Clock demo
<dovsienko> it is 12:07 and the minute hand looks about in the right place, but the hours hand is still behind 12
<dovsienko> does anybody else see the same?
<nephele> it seems slightly off, yes. But I don't know if this is significant, some physical clocks do that too ;)
<nephele> although under the magnifier it looks correct, might have to do with the subpixel layout?
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<andreaa71> peace and love :)
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<dovsienko> bug report 19083 it is then
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<dovsienko> aha... so it reset during the build again. turns out I do not have a reliable Haiku box :-/
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<kallisti5[m]> OscarL: uh oh
<kallisti5[m]> let me check
<kallisti5[m]> the x86_gcc2 torrent has the x86_64 webseed 😥
<OscarL> dovsienko: which CPU does that PC has? (some AMD ones are known to be unstable with Haiku.... the Jaguar/Puma/Bulldozer ones, IIRC).
<dovsienko> OscarL: "AMD Turion(tm) II Neo N40L Dual-Core Processor"
<OscarL> Athlon/Athlon II work, Ryzens too, but the ones in middle of those... not so much.
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<dovsienko> does it have to do with SMP or something else that can be disabled in the BIOS?
<kallisti5[m]> the webseed on the x86_gcc2h torrent has been fixed. Though, I don't see the "isoe" part
<OscarL> kallisti5[m]: that was when I opened the .torrent with a text editor.
<kallisti5[m]> ah, ok
<OscarL> dovsienko: not sure. But that turion seems to be from the Athlon/Phenom II era, so not sure it would be the same issue as with the Bulldozer CPUs.
<kallisti5[m]> Here's the new torrent with the corrected webseed:
<kallisti5[m]> (should be just replacing the old one)
<kallisti5[m]> if you already seeded, I don't think it matters as long as you have the correct release :-)
<dovsienko> it is an old PC, from 2006-2011 judging by BIOS dates. PCIe already existed when it was made, but EFI and USB 3 not so much
<dovsienko> it used to run Linux
<OscarL> from 2010 it seems.
<OscarL> replaced the thermal paste yet? (not sure how hot those used to run)
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<dovsienko> that's why I asked about the sensors :-) have not replaced yet
<dovsienko> there's another retired computer around, this time an old Mac Mini
<OscarL> kallisti5[m]: yeah it merged with old one here. So far, have uploaded 0 bytes. We'll see how it goes.
<OscarL> dovsienko: the amd_temp *might* work? (if it those, please confirm it is vendor/device id, so I can add them to my list :-P
<OscarL> s/those/does/ (man... my "English" is worse than usual today).
<dovsienko> let me try opening the Mac, it is quite an exercise
<dovsienko> obviously, it is one of those designs from the era before nuts and bolts were invented
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<botifico> [haiku/website] kallisti5 pushed 1 commit to r1beta5 [+7/-0/±2]
<botifico> [haiku/website] waddlesplash b9f3480 - [WIP] b5 release notes
<kallisti5[m]> holy crap that scared me
<kallisti5[m]> 😓 I thought I accidentally pushed to master
<OscarL> :-D
<dovsienko> actually, I stand corrected: on the inside it is one of those designs where one needs to unscrew a hunder hidden screws to get access to the SATA disk...
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<botifico> [haiku/website] kallisti5 pushed 1 commit to r1beta5 [+7/-0/±2]
<botifico> [haiku/website] waddlesplash 318a535 - [WIP] b5 release notes
<dovsienko> file size and SHA-1 sum match for the file downloaded using the updated .torrent file for 32-bit r1b5
<dovsienko> problem resolved
<kallisti5[m]> 🥳 Thanks for testing dovsienko !
<dovsienko> you are welcome
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<OscarL> kallisti5[m]: "certutil.exe -hashfile haiku-r1beta5-x86_64-anyboot.iso" gives a SHA1, not a SHA256
<OscarL> and the paragraph below that.
<Begasus> who decided to realese R1B5 on Friday the 13th? ;)
<OscarL> (added a comment about that sha1 vs sha256 thing in the PR)
<OscarL> Begasus: probably waddlesplash trying to NOT have to write a separate monthly report and then a release note shortly after? :-P
<Begasus> heh
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<Begasus> checksums match here kallisti5[m]
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<kallisti5[m]> <OscarL> "kallisti5: "certutil.exe -..." <- waddlesplash: FYI. Not sure what the correct command on windows is to validate an sha256
<OscarL> I only have sha1sum.exe from "Gnu on Windows" (or certifile.exe) here :-)
<kallisti5[m]> Get-fileHash (file) under powershell
<kallisti5[m]> maybe adding -Algorithm SHA256
<OscarL> yeah, adding SHA256 might be it... comparing...
<OscarL> "certutil.exe -hashfile haiku-r1beta5-x86_64-anyboot.iso SHA256" works.
<kallisti5[m]> nice! I'll add that
<OscarL> and matches for both iso files.
<kallisti5[m]> OscarL: does SHA256 have to be on the end?
<kallisti5[m]> or does certutil SHA256 -hashfile (isofile) work?
<OscarL> let me try moving it up front...
<OscarL> onyl works at the end.
<OscarL> at front, or after -hashfile, it errors out.
<botifico> [haiku/website] kallisti5 pushed 1 commit to r1beta5 [+7/-0/±2]
<botifico> [haiku/website] waddlesplash 828acfc - [WIP] b5 release notes
<kallisti5[m]> updated
<OscarL> "certfile -?" doesn't even mentions SHA256 :-D
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<OscarL> "certutil.exe -hashfile -?" does, and yeah... "algo" goes at the end.
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<Begasus> too bad Okular doesn't show the images linked in the .md files :)
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<botifico> [haiku/website] kallisti5 pushed 1 commit to r1beta5 [+7/-0/±2]
<botifico> [haiku/website] waddlesplash 541c2a6 - [WIP] b5 release notes
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<Begasus> k, once you know where to look ... :) Okular latest with Haiku icons and using system colors :D
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<Begasus> OscarL, what was this thing with scipy again?
<Begasus> still have the packages here for 64bit and noteshrink seems to be ok with those installed
<OscarL> it worked locally (1.6.3 IIRC), but failed on the buildmasters (it made them hang)
<Begasus> maybe could host them temp so we could clean the report? :)
<Begasus> biab
<OscarL> or retry a build now, surely nothing bad can happen on a friday 13th, and on the day of beta5 release! :-P
<Forza> Hi. Im looking at the haikuports mirror stuff. The file ' listing.txt' has a very old date in the past, but shpuldn't it be updated with the current hkpgs?
<OscarL> no idea how any of that works, Forza. You could poke kallisti5[m] about it.
<Forza> Hm looks like it doesnt't have new packages in it, so maybe it isnt used nowadays?
<Forza> Friday the 13th are the best to release on. :)
<kallisti5[m]> We're about to switch to s3 haikuports at some point, so a lot is going to change once r1beta5 calms down
<waddlesplash> yeah, we need haikuports mirrors, but we are missing things for that
<waddlesplash> need signature verification... it's on the TODO list
<waddlesplash> OscarL: actually I intend to write a separate monthly report today or Monday :P
<PulkoMandy> Forza, the previous release was on 24th of december, we have a few other interesting dates to try :D
<OscarL> waddlesplash: noice! :-)
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<OscarL> in my part of the world, the "unlucky day" is Tuesday 13th, maybe we could try that one next time! :-)
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<Begasus> knowing your kind of luck OscarL ... :P
<Begasus> let's see about libgit ...
<kallisti5[m]> I think r1beta5 is ready
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 564b7d0 - libgit2, revbump for rebuild (#11120)
<kallisti5[m]> I can play 4 , 4k videos at the same time smoothly on my desktop
<kallisti5[m]> Without any acceleration 😁✨
<kallisti5[m]> waddlesplash: your performance improvement commits were absolutely amazing ✨️
<waddlesplash> lol that change is probably just multithreading FFmpeg
<waddlesplash> that's mostly userspace CPU not I/O or page faults
<waddlesplash> but, :)
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<Begasus> nice to be mentioned in the release notes :) KDE's full-featured applications run natively on Linux, BSD, Windows, Haiku, and macOS.
<Begasus> and me hopping behind again :P
<Begasus> ghostwriter and kdevelop end of story there (until qt6webengine is around)
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<Coldfirex> Well done!
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<Forza> Btw, what's up with the IPFS mirror? It hasn't worked for a long time for me.
<waddlesplash> it's dead I think
<Forza> Begasus: that's impressive (the KDE support)
<Forza> waddlesplash: you mean cloudflare ipfs gateway!
<Forza> Oups.. should be a question mark..
<Forza> I found that IPFS just is too resource demanding for what it does.
<Begasus> Konqueror still being developed it seems :)
<Begasus> Forza, the ones doing the prior work on it are to be credited :)
<Forza> Indeed
<Begasus> still no login possible with latest tokodon :/
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<nephele_xmpp> Hello
<waddlesplash> hello nephele_xmpp
<waddlesplash> you're just in time for the release?
<waddlesplash> s/?/!
<botifico> [haiku/website] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [+8/-0/±2]
<kallisti5[m]> GASPS
<kallisti5[m]> OH NO
<botifico> [haiku/website] waddlesplash dd8494d - R1/beta5!
<kallisti5[m]> 🎉
<waddlesplash> lol
<kallisti5[m]> nice work waddlesplash !!!!!
<waddlesplash> :)
<kallisti5[m]> hits reload on website over and over
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<waddlesplash> give it a minute
<kallisti5[m]> 10 peers on torrent
<nephele_xmpp> waddlesplash: nice!
<waddlesplash> website deploy complete
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<waddlesplash> and there it is :)
<kallisti5[m]> NICE!
<waddlesplash> let's post to the socials...
<Begasus> whohoo!!!
<nephele_xmpp> let me just unpin the beta4 disabled topic :D
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<erysdren> just joined, is beta5 launching then?
<kallisti5[m]> it's already launched
<kallisti5[m]> too late 😆
<erysdren> oh nice!!!!
<erysdren> woot
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<dovsienko> here is what I figured out so far: Mac mini 2006 does not boot Haiku (neither BIOS-preinstalled nor EFI-preinstalled disk, nor anyboot USB)
<kallisti5[m]> I pinned it globally
<waddlesplash> dovsienko: try with rEFInd
<waddlesplash> for some reason it works better to launch the Haiku loader from rEFind than from the Apple BIOS
<dovsienko> thank you for the suggestion, maybe that will be one of the next things I try
<dovsienko> so I replaced the thermal paste on the old PC and removed the remote management card, which made the box use its onboard video card, which turned out to be a rather well supported Radeon
<dovsienko> so the pixels are sharp on the VGA output, but there's still some delay on VNC, which is acceptable
<dovsienko> so, I was going to start stress_ng on it to see if the problem is with the CPU/chipset still overheating, when I noticed a very odd thing
<dovsienko> after I have reinstalled Haiku two times over (with two filesystem initialisations and one SATA TRIM in between), the SSH host public key is still the same
<dovsienko> debug1: Host 'x.x.x.x' is known and matches the ED25519 host key.
<waddlesplash> ouch
<waddlesplash> oh, wait. are you installing from writable media?
<waddlesplash> this may copy the host keys... it probably shouldn't but it might
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<dovsienko> yes, the anyboot image written to USB storage
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<waddlesplash> by default Installer basically copies your whole system including any files you have modified
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<waddlesplash> it probably should skip the host keys, I guess
<dovsienko> I did run that USB storage in the "try, do not install" mode a couple times
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<dovsienko> let me plug it into the running system and see
<dovsienko> /system/settings/ssh and its contents is identical in the on-disk Haiku and on-USB Haiku
<dovsienko> that explains it, but indeed these files are supposed to be unique
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<Begasus> already 10 boosts :)
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<Begasus> kallisti5[m] chalaging Tom? ;)
<Forza> Wow congratulations on the b5!
<nosycat> Indeed, I just saw the news!
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<Forza> Anyone have a login to publish a news thing
<waddlesplash> already did
<waddlesplash> see above
<kallisti5[m]> <Begasus> "kallisti5 chalaging Tom? ;)" <- I know he loves Haiku content. Just giving him a heads up :-)
<augiedoggie_> dovsienko: i have a mini 2.0 from 2007 that needs a custom boot cd to load haiku
<augiedoggie_> and even then it has issues installing to the hard drive
<augiedoggie_> i could only get it to boot with a plain old boot cd, no anyboot and no efi
<dovsienko> it was worth a try before it goes into recycling
<augiedoggie_> if i could fit more ram in it then i might use it because Haiku supports the wifi and graphics
<JulesEnriquez[m]> Does Haiku have a Bluesky account?
<JulesEnriquez[m]> If not, I can post there.
<waddlesplash> JulesEnriquez[m]: the Mastodon is bridged to Bluesky
<Forza> Can I re-use and if so, under which licence?
<waddlesplash> Forza: you can ask Begasus but I think it's "for whatever you want" :)
<JulesEnriquez[m]> waddlesplash: Ok good, I'll wait for it to appear there.
<waddlesplash> JulesEnriquez[m]: it already appears to be?
<JulesEnriquez[m]> Not seeing it here yet.
<dovsienko> waddlesplash: the TMPFS bug fixes (trailing memory page in mmap() and O_DIRECTORY in open()) likely qualify for the POSIX compliance section of the release notes
<waddlesplash> dovsienko: yes, but there were way more than just those fixes
<waddlesplash> rather than include every last fix, I left it with just some highlights
<dovsienko> alright
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<waddlesplash> they're in the ticket log if anyone clicks that
<waddlesplash> which is linked from the release notes page
<JulesEnriquez[m]> waddlesplash: Ok, the post just appeared on the account here.
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<JulesEnriquez[m]> Meanwhile, I'll post to cohost while it's still around. There's a surprising number of people there interested in Haiku.
<dovsienko> waddlesplash: 18903 does not appear in the list because it has no milestone
<waddlesplash> dovsienko: fixed
<dovsienko> thanks
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<PulkoMandy> Anyone sharing the release image on beshare? (I'm not home this weekend to do it myself)
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<Begasus> closing down here, maybe I'll pop in again later
<Begasus> cu peeps
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<Forza> Not seeing too much bandwidth going yet. But definitely there is an increase
<erysdren> it'll take some time to ramp up
<erysdren> i've been doing my part posting it in places
<Forza> About 15-20 min ago it started to ramp up a bit
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<waddlesplash> just now hit the front page of HN
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<waddlesplash> so you can expect traffic to start spiking more pretty quickly now
<Forza> How do I share via BeShare?
* Forza expecting ddos soon.. Like being slashdotted back in the days
<Forza> PulkoMandy: any particular server on BeShare to connect to? I haven't used BeShare before :0
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<PulkoMandy> I don't know, are the default ones in the client not available anymore?
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<bjorn3[m]> I just tried the beta 5 image in QEMU and the if_config_tqg_0 kernel thread is taking up a whole cpu core. Is this a known bug?
<PulkoMandy> I donpt useit frequently either
<Forza> PulkoMandy: i changed to another server and it could connect.
<waddlesplash> bjorn3[m]: it is if you are using e1000e network device
<waddlesplash> use e1000 or virtio and this won't happen
<Forza> Is the idea i simply put tye iso in my "shared" directory?
<waddlesplash> bjorn3[m]:
<bjorn3[m]> thanks waddlesplash
<waddlesplash> np, thanks for trying Haiku!
<Coldfirex> seeding the torrents
<nephele_xmpp> kinda regret not bringing a laptop :)
<nephele_xmpp> phone irc is not that great, even over xmpp
<B2IA> (Forza) Hi!
<bjorn3[m]> would it be possible to add support for the vmware absolute mouse coordinate protocol? qemu implements this too and avoids having to use an emulated usb tablet for getting the mouse working without capturing it.
<waddlesplash> what's wrong with emulated USB tablet?
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<waddlesplash> if it really uses the VMware protocol then you can try installing the vmware_addons package
<waddlesplash> it works in VMware for me at least, I've never tried to use it in QEMU
<bjorn3[m]> there is nothing really wrong with it other than that it isn't enabled by default.
<waddlesplash> well, there's a "Virtualizing in QEMU" guide somewhere which suggests turning it on, I think
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<Forza> It would be fun to try haiku on my intel compute stick
<bjorn3[m]> i couldn't find any mention of it at
<waddlesplash> bjorn3[m]: also, welcome! (are you new here, or a returning "old hand"?)
<waddlesplash> ah, looks like that guide's for QtQemu
<waddlesplash> we should probably replace it with one for virt-manager
<nephele_xmpp> bjorn3: the defaults of qemu are not that nice generally, and usually involve setting up multiple things
<waddlesplash> ah, we have one, it's just called "KVM"
<bjorn3[m]> i played around with haiku a bit like a year ago or so.
<Forza> Haiku works good with virt-manager/kvm/libvirt
<waddlesplash> but it doesn't mention it either, huh
<waddlesplash> the VirtualBox guide does though
<waddlesplash> Forza: yeah, QEMU/KVM is definitely the best virtualizer for Haiku at the moment
<Forza> I use tablet input device "EvTouch USB Graphics Tablet" with haiku
<waddlesplash> VMware second best, everything else further down
<Forza> And a ps/2 input device emulation
<waddlesplash> VirtualBox performance is still abysmal due to that interrupts issue that we've never managed to solve
<waddlesplash> at least with SMP anyway
<Forza> :(
<Forza> Can't virtualbox emulate kvm?
<waddlesplash> no idea
<waddlesplash> I haven't had VirtualBox installed for a long time
<waddlesplash> and I don't have any remaining bare metal Linux installs either
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<bjorn3[m]> whether usage of usb-tablet is documented or not, adding native support for the vmware mouse protocol would make things work out of the box.
<Forza> :/ virtualbox was usually bettet than vmware for windows stuff
<Forza> bjorn3[m]: why not a virtio input device?
<nephele_xmpp> forza: what do you mean by emulate kvm? kvm is a linux subsystem, not something the client OS interacts with
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<waddlesplash> nephele_xmpp: VirtualBox does support other hypervisors than its own, I'm pretty sure
<waddlesplash> bjorn3[m]: the vmware_addons package does implement it but it's not installed by default
<Anarchos> how to know which hrev is my kernel ?
<nephele_xmpp> Maybe? but that isn't emulating it :) hence the question
<bjorn3[m]> Forza: just like usb-tablet it isn't enabled by default on the host side
<Forza> nephele_xmpp: yes and no. There are kvm interfaces for interrupt, mmu stuff, clock, etc
<nephele_xmpp> Anarchos: open aboutSystem
<nephele_xmpp> or use uname
<waddlesplash> or uname -a
<waddlesplash> yeah
<Anarchos> version : walter
<nephele_xmpp> the hrev version of the OS is your kernel version, there is no distinction
<waddlesplash> you can also use: $ catattr SYS:PACKGE /system/kernel*
<waddlesplash> *SYS:PACKAGE
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<waddlesplash> and so it begins...
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<nephele_xmpp> distrowatch has some wierd release notes
<nephele_xmpp> it seems to be about the automatic color mode only?
<Anarchos> hrev58095 has zsxd working but hrev85121 broke it . I could not bisect a narrower interval.
<waddlesplash> I guess they copied the top item and didn't look much at the rest
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<erysdren> anyone know if Ventoy can boot Haiku yet? im guessing not, but i haven't tried in a while
<waddlesplash> #2 on HN
<nosycat> Congrats!
<waddlesplash> #1 is a critical macOS vulenerability, I don't think we're going to beat that out soon :P
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<nephele_xmpp> Maybe we can tell them about haiku vulnerabilities instead ;)
<waddlesplash> there are a couple more things we should fix and audit before people really try to attack the system :P
<waddlesplash> but it's definitely getting harder. SMAP forced us to reform on that front
<nephele_xmpp> making mail_daemon check tls certs before using them would be cool ;)
<botifico> [haiku/website] kallisti5 pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haiku/website] kallisti5 9f6831f - get-haiku/r1beta5: Display now-synced Australia mirror
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<OscarL> VirtualBox performance with 4 cores is not *abismal* for me, just a tad slower than VMWare (on Win10).
<OscarL> But yea... Qemu > VMware > VBox in terms of speed. I still use VBox mostly because it is the only one of the 3 that lets me access my Haiku installs on the same HDD/SSD as the host OS, and because VMware eats more memore than VBox for me in Win10.
<botifico> [haiku/website] kallisti5 pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haiku/website] kallisti5 93c6dcc - get-haiku/r1beta5: Oops, fix aarnet mirror info url
<OscarL> erysdren: only Easy2Boot claimed support for booting Haiku (But easy2boot is way too messy for my taste). Ventoy was a no go last time I've tried. It would be awesome to be able to just drop the .iso in a pendrive instead of having too "dd" it.
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<erysdren> isee
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<bjorn3[m]> i found a glitch: if in tracker you choose get info for a file and then in the attributes tab resize the value column such that the type column goes out of bounds and then slowly shrink it again, the contents of the type column gets rendered incorrectly. kind of like sub-pixel anti-aliasing gone very wrong to the point that it becomes hard to read.
<bjorn3[m]> looks like doing the resizing and slowly shrinking in any table in tracker has the same problem.
<waddlesplash> if you do a "full invalidate" does it render correctly?
<waddlesplash> e.g. drag another window overtop
<waddlesplash> note that the Info window columns are rendered with an entirely different codepath than the main window
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<bjorn3[m]> yes, hiding the window behind another window and showing it again fixes the issue.
<waddlesplash> so, just an invalidate bug then
<bjorn3[m]> it happens both with the info window and the main list view of tracker
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<waddlesplash> could be the same bug but odds are that it's two different bugs
<waddlesplash> I'm not seeing any existing tickets for this, so if you could create one, that would be nice :)
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<nephele_xmpp> I don't understand the HN ranking
<nephele_xmpp> now its on page 2 somewhere
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<waddlesplash> saw that, indeed pretty odd
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<bjorn3[m]> waddlesplash:
<waddlesplash> bjorn3[m]: thanks. categorized appropriately
<bjorn3[m]> where do i find the build recipe for a haikuports package?
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<bjorn3[m]> thanks!
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<bjorn3[m]> (your set of patches to rustc is refreshingly sane compared to what some linux distros do)
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<waddlesplash> bjorn3[m]: ah, you are a "rustacean" then?
<waddlesplash> our rust port is mostly upstreamed, thanks to the great work of nielx
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<x512[m]> waddlesplash: rust_bin package still use old openssl 1.
<waddlesplash> I'm sure nielx will fix that whenever he bumps the version next
<bjorn3[m]> waddlesplash: yes, i'm part of the compiler team contributors team
<waddlesplash> (or perhaps someone else will get to it first)
<waddlesplash> bjorn3[m]: HaikuPorts prefers to keep as small of patchsets as possible and upstream what we can. Some projects aren't amenable to Haiku patches so we wind up with huge ones, but Rust has taken ours so indeed you just get small fixes here and there, pretty much
<bjorn3[m]> that's a great mentality to have. i've seen distros change things without consulting upstream rustc at all and break stuff in the process. we generally only find out about it when users of said distro go complain to us about things being broken.
<x512[m]> waddlesplash: Rust also have rustup tool to automatically install binaries bypassing packaging system. It will be nice to have it supported.
<waddlesplash> that will only work if upstream starts providing Haiku binaries
<waddlesplash> which would be neat, but we aren't there yet :P
<x512[m]> Maybe it can be built using upstream Rust infrastructure.
<bjorn3[m]> x512: that will require moving the haiku target to tier 2 with host tools
<x512[m]> And not need running Haiku instance.
<bjorn3[m]> Getting tier 2 support requires being able to bootstrap from linux, macos or windows as those are the only host OSes our CI supports.
<x512[m]> What is a problem with that?
<waddlesplash> well there's full support for -target Haiku in clang and llvm now
<waddlesplash> so it should be possible
<x512[m]> Just provide Haiku sysroot, no?
<bjorn3[m]> s/bootstrap/cross-compile
<bjorn3[m]> yeah, if providing a haiku sysroot is enough, that should be just fine
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<bjorn3[m]> One thing that would be required for tier 2 support and nice to have either way is a page at describing the target, it's current tier, who are the target maintainers and how to build for it. It doesn't seem like one exists for haiku yet.
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<bjorn3[m]> Other than that assuming rust builds fine for haiku, you don't have a significant amount of the standard library stubbed out and at least some basic programs compiled using it work fine, I think all that would block promoting Haiku to tier 2 would be requesting approval from the compiler team and making a PR to actually promote it.
<waddlesplash> the 2 developers requirement may be an issue, not sure who else maintains it besides @nielx
<waddlesplash> but hopefully you could find somebody
<waddlesplash> we do have Haiku cross sysroots published as Docker images, I think? cc kallisti5[m]
<bjorn3[m]> right, i missed that requirement
<bjorn3[m]> i don't know anyone else who has used haiku, so i'm afraid i won't be of much help finding another maintainer.
<waddlesplash> we could ask around in the community or maybe nielx already knows someone
<waddlesplash> I haven't paid much attention to the development of the rust port
<kallisti5[m]> The container doesn't include sysroots, just tool chains
<waddlesplash> does it provide the system headers and libs at least?
<kallisti5[m]> I think jessicah has a sysroot container though
<waddlesplash> ah, right
<kallisti5[m]> Just the gcc ones
<bjorn3[m]> rustc doesn't need C headers. just the libs and a capable linker is enough.
<waddlesplash> stock lld should support Haiku now, if it's recent enough
<kallisti5[m]> We do have tools to generate the system packages now
<kallisti5[m]> Those could be turned into sysroots
<bjorn3[m]> you still need a linker wrapper like gcc to tell the linker where to find the system libraries and things like that, right?
<kallisti5[m]> Also, I made a tool to make sysroots, but nobody wanted to merge it
<waddlesplash> we can put it into 3rdparty with the other tools :P
<nephele_xmpp> bjorn3: it does need some C headers on Haiku, to link against syscall stubs. Because those are not stable between haiku versions
<waddlesplash> nephele_xmpp: no, the Rust port has most defines inside Rust
<waddlesplash> and it calls the C functions not the syscall stubs (because nothing should call the syscall stubs outside Haiku, ideally)
<waddlesplash> bjorn3[m]: also, as regards the earlier conversation... well, we do change ports without consulting upstream first rather frequently, because communication takes a lot of work and we are often understaffed, so it's easier to just make changes and not try to coordinate across projects a lot of the time. But we also tell users to report bugs to us, not just because of that but because we know Haiku is so "sui generis" in most ways
<waddlesplash> so it should work out one way or the other in the end
<bjorn3[m]> is the libc abi stable on haiku?
<waddlesplash> yes
<waddlesplash> last time we broke libc ABI was time64, and that was many years ago
<waddlesplash> we've added stuff since then but it's all been new functions
<bjorn3[m]> great! that simplifies a lot of things wrt providing precompiled versions of rustc and the standard library.
<waddlesplash> and honestly we didn't need to break ABI with time64 but doing symbol versions would've been very annoying
<waddlesplash> and we weren't as big then as now, so we could get away with "just rebuild the world"
<waddlesplash> (32-bit x86 still is on 32-bit time_t for BeOS ABI)
<nephele_xmpp> waddlesplash: ah okay. Aslong as it goes through the C functions that is fine then.
<bjorn3[m]> re porting: Makes sense. For rust we've had stuff like a distro which used the wrong llvm data-layout in the target spec and when rustc complained removed the check that complained rather than fixing the target spec and as a result getting crashes due to using the wrong data-layout.
<waddlesplash> ouch!
<waddlesplash> how does one even make that mistake in the first place, I wonder?
<waddlesplash> doesn't make sense to me how you would intentionally change the layout anyway
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<bjorn3[m]> i don't recall the exact issue anymore, but one thing i can think of is: the data layout changed when an abi incompatibility for 128bit ints between gcc and clang got fixed. maybe they used the data layout before that fix and removed the compat check when llvm changed the data layout to fix this abi incompat?
<bjorn3[m]> in any case rustc requires you to specify the data layout for each target as it internally uses it too for calculating type layouts, but needs to do so in a way that works with non-llvm codegen backend too.
<bjorn3[m]> the compat check is there to ensure the target spec and llvm don't go out of sync.
<waddlesplash> ah
<waddlesplash> so perhaps they used the old one to retain compatible
<waddlesplash> compatibility
<waddlesplash> but then didn't patch llvm accordingly or let them get out of sync
<waddlesplash> that sounds more understandable
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<bjorn3[m]> another distro patch that broke things: one distro has a policy that libexec must not exist. rust-analyzer depends on rust-analyzer-proc-macro-server which upstream installs in libexec. this distro patched it to put it in lib instead, which then causes the version of rust-analyzer shipped with the vscode extension to not find rust-analyzer-proc-macro-server. if they asked, maybe we would have unconditionally moved it to lib.
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<gordonjcp> bjorn3[m]: you sound like you know your way round vscode
<bjorn3[m]> i'm mostly a vscode user
<gordonjcp> bjorn3[m]: same, I love how I can just tell it to work remotely
<gordonjcp> I've confused it now though because it has to cope with C code where ints are 32-bit and C code where ints are 16-bit, in the same codebase
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<zdykstra> bjorn3[m]: which distro doesn't believe in libexec ?
<bjorn3[m]> Arch
<nephele_xmpp> what does libexec do?
<zdykstra> it's always arch or nix doing something stupid
<bjorn3[m]> nephele_xmpp: libexec is a directory in /usr. it is for executables that the user is not directly supposed to be executing.
<zdykstra> libexec is meant to hold binaries that are exclusively called by other programs - never directly executed by users / scripts
<bjorn3[m]> is it just me or is the option to enter the bootloader options broken for the beta 5 live cd?
<gordonjcp> I liked Arch but I got pissed off with having to constantly compile my own kernel to get round their fatally broken kernel packages
<nephele_xmpp> bjorn3: how are you trying to entrr it? on bios hold shift, and on efi mash space
<bjorn3[m]> I tried holding shift in BIOS mode and spacebar in UEFI mode as suggested by, but it boots directly into haiku either way.
<zdykstra> head over to Void, where we have sane kernel packaging policies
<bjorn3[m]> mashing spacebar seems to work in uefi mode
<zdykstra> pretty sure you have to repeatedly hit the space bar in UEFI mode, not hold it
<nephele_xmpp> I use arch linux a lot. On my steam deck. a.k.a not my problem but valves :)
<zdykstra> it's quite tricky
<bjorn3[m]> for bios repeatedly hitting shift also seems to work, but the window is much smaller. i basically have to click the reset button in qemu and immediately start hitting shift.
<zdykstra> a big thank you / congratulations to everybody involved with Beta 5 - a lot of hard work by a lot of people to get it there!
<nephele_xmpp> :)
<gordonjcp> I can't wait to try it :-)
<nephele_xmpp> bjorn3: you are correct, the userguide documentation is confusing/wrong. Especially now that efi booting is the more dominant way... should change it to advice hitting the spacebar repeatedly and not holding it
<bjorn3[m]> would it make sense to support the spacebar method for bios booting too and then only document the spacebar method?
<bjorn3[m]> or equivalently supporting the shift method for uefi too
<nephele_xmpp> I don't think the shift method can be supported for efi, otherwise this would likely have been done already
<zdykstra> I'm guessing there were technical reasons that influenced the design choice there
<nephele_xmpp> but supporting space for bios would likely work
<bjorn3[m]> should i open another ticket for supporting spacebar on bios? or should i mention it on the ticket you opened?
<nephele_xmpp> both is fine to me, a seperate ticket probably makes more sense though
<nephele_xmpp> 👍
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<PulkoMandy> Space bar is supported for both, but you have to repeatedly press it
<PulkoMandy> In the bios we can additionally detect that shift is pressed, in uefi we can't
<tqh> we can detect shift in uefi, we just need to use a different protocol
* phschafft thinks someone should paint little rockets on space bars.
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<waddlesplash> tqh: is that protocol actually supported anywhere?
<waddlesplash> a lot of these "it works in an extension protocol" for something that's also in a base protocol, the extension protocol seems rarely supported
<waddlesplash> but we should do it anyway, of course
<tqh> I havn't checked in many years, but I think it was old hw back then that didn't support it.
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<tqh> The mash fix was here:
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<dovsienko> gordonjcp: don't look for a video card, I fixed that problem by removing the remote control card, which enabled a supported variety of onboard Radeon
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