ChanServ changed the topic of #haiku to: Open-source operating system that specifically targets personal computing. | | Nightlies: | Bugtracker: | SCM: | Logs: | Matrix: | XMPP:
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<dovsienko> I figured the reason for the stress-ng failure, this is going to require a few small patches to stress-ng
<dovsienko> not a Haiku bug
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<kitt> haiku beta 5 rocks
<kitt> x120e, first dual core AMD thinkpad, has never run so cool and has never felt so productive
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<Skipp_OSX> heyo
<kitt> hello!
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<zdykstra> R1B5 is a delight
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<waddlesplash> :)
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<cubeleeray[m]> Hi
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<ToyDragon> haldo!
<ToyDragon> dunno if this be intentional, but if i click this pixel under the scrollbar in the "All Packages" list in haikudepot, it scrolls down an entire page like if i clicked in the empty scrollbar area above. clicking the corresponding pixel above the up arrow there also does that. dunno if intentional or not, figured id poke about it.
<ToyDragon> oh ew imgur is redirecting direct images now, i did not realize that -_-
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<Begasus> g'morning peeps
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<ToyDragon> heyo Begasus
<ToyDragon> how goes?
<Begasus> Hi ToyDragon
<Begasus> catching up on logs :)
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<gordonjcp> morning
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<Begasus> morning gordonjcp
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<phschafft> Good morning.
* phschafft waves Begasus over.
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* Begasus sneaks towards phschafft to get some cookies ...
<Begasus> thanks you sir! :)
<Begasus> note to self, keep baloo-widgets on par with dolphin when updating ...
<coolcoder613> phschafft: I've been working on a filesystem for my OS
<coolcoder613> The current filesystem is a bit too simple
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<phschafft> mau...
* phschafft nods to coolcoder613.
<phschafft> the question is what you want to do. as in if you want go more POSIX-y it might be wise to quickly jump on one of the common filesystems. some of them have a very simple structure.
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<phschafft> coolcoder613: do you have a proper block device abstraction?
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<Begasus> g'morning nephele_xmpp
<nephele_xmpp> hlelo begasus
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<coolcoder613> phschafft: no
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<phschafft> then stuff like blocks matter to you some more.
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] axeld pushed 1 commit to master [hrev58137] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] b21df8feabec - cpu/x86: Fix build with MTRR tracing enabled.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] axeld pushed 1 commit to master [hrev58138] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] fece81468c29 - Cleanup: Various whitespace cleanup.
<Begasus> whoot, axeld, back in the sadle? :)
<axeld> Begasus: Not really, I just pushed some commits by mmlr
<Begasus> ah, sideway then :)
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<JulesEnriquez[m]> nephele_xmpp: What XEPs does Renga support?
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<nephele> trying to figure out why my keabord does not work, next time I will turn it on :D
<Halian> nephele: we've all been there at least five times :D
<nephele> JulesEnriquez[m]: We have a doap.xml file in the repo for that, i can link you to it. copying everything by hand would be a bit difficult :)
<JulesEnriquez[m]> Thanks, that's fine.
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<Habbie> waddlesplash, that last comment on 14082 is interesting - mostly the stress-ng part
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<dovsienko> Habbie: if you need any other tests to run on this old box, let me know. I have a full use of it now, but it is not mine and may go to ebay/recycling later
<nephele> JulesEnriquez[m]: is something missing from the XEPs you'd need supported?
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<JulesEnriquez[m]> Going to review what Renga supports, then see what others could be useful to have.
<nephele> okay [m] ;)
<Habbie> dovsienko, oh hi :) i have affected boxes too
<Habbie> dovsienko, running tests is also the only support i have to offer ;)
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<JulesEnriquez[m]> <nephele> "Jules Enriquez: is something..." <- While I'm going over the XEP docs, is the list of supported XEPs here up-to-date?
<nephele> I think that pulls it's data from the doap.xml
<nephele> but not sure how or when that is updated
<nephele> please don't use matrix replies over the bridge...
<nephele> bbib
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<HaikuUser> jfjias83JSJDAKs8d3jqlsazxyhhS7
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<BrunoSpr> hello all,
<BrunoSpr> I installed HAIKU on a SSD and now I like to install WINDOWS 11 on the SSD too...
<BrunoSpr> I installed refind and HAIKU so far...
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<Anarchos> nipos hello
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<Anarchos> BrunoSpr May I ask how did you get the yellow groupins of icons on the right ? And what are those musical icons ?
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<kitt> anyone have a trackpoint scrolling setup using ScrollInputFilter I could borrow?
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<dovsienko> looks like there's yet another way to crash Clang 18: KERN: vm_soft_fault: va 0x14005c20000 not covered by area in address space
<BrunoSpr> lnlauncher
<coolcoder613_> phschafft:
<phschafft> where do you store the size?
<coolcoder613_> wdym?
<BrunoSpr> Anarchos: it is called LnLauncher, you can find it in HaikuDepot
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<phschafft> or are they all one block long?
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<coolcoder613> the 4th line in the file
<coolcoder613> did you read it?
<coolcoder613> It stores the filename (12 bytes), and the size(2 bytes)
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<phschafft> yes but in the code block on the buttom.
<coolcoder613> I just fixed that ;)
<phschafft> ah! :)
<coolcoder613> in this link:
<phschafft> thank you.
<dovsienko> well, the Clang problem is now
<BrunoSpr> Anarchos, one is MidiSynth and the other is StreamRadio and the last is MIDI Keyboard
<phschafft> ((CURSOR - 9) / 14) is basicall the inode number, right?
<Anarchos> thanks for your answers
<coolcoder613> phschafft: I think that, given that the current size of the WASM binary is like 300 bytes I should be OK with max 64k
<coolcoder613> phschafft: yes, pretty much
* phschafft nods to both.
<coolcoder613> Files are sort of preallocated, and they all have the same size
<phschafft> then you multiply that by *one* block size and add another block (superblock/FAT).
<coolcoder613> ...oh
* phschafft thinks someone just figured out what he wanted to hint towards.
<phschafft> :))
<coolcoder613> :D
<phschafft> that is why I mind ;)
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<coolcoder613> Thanks for the help
<coolcoder613> Maybe tomorrow I'll start implementing it
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* phschafft nods.
<dovsienko> does anybody know why GCC 13 does not have stack protector enabled?
<dovsienko> /boot/system/develop/tools/bin/../lib/gcc/x86_64-unknown-haiku/13.3.0/../../../../x86_64-unknown-haiku/bin/ld: cannot find -lssp_nonshared: No such file or directory
<Begasus> no idea, only know that for some reason it has to be added in a recipe for that
<dovsienko> is this an overlooked default-off compiler option or there is a more substantial reason? in Clang 18 this works
<waddlesplash> ssp_nonshared?
<waddlesplash> shouldn't we be using the shared one?
<Begasus> errr ... that one :)
<dovsienko> that's what you get if specifying -fstack-protector-strong to the linker
<Begasus> devel:libssp_nonshared$secondaryArchSuffix
<Begasus> there are a few in the repo
<dovsienko> is this a matter of installing gcc_syslibs_devel?
<waddlesplash> probably
<dovsienko> stress-ng has -fstack-protector-strong nailed down in Makefile, I am preparing a patch to disable it on Haiku, then it turned out Clang does not experience the problem
<dovsienko> installing gcc_syslibs_devel made the linker happy, problem resolved, one fewer patch to submit, thanks
<Begasus> stress_ng already has devel:libssp_nonshared$secondaryArchSuffix in the recipe?
<phschafft> coolcoder613: also once you got some demo/test images feel free to share them.
<Begasus> when is R1 planned there coolcoder613 ;)
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<dovsienko> Begasus: I did not look there, started with the latest release, then the master branch
<Begasus> ok dovsienko, just know there is a recipe/patch in the haikuports repo (app-benchmarks)
<dovsienko> recent stress-ng does not compile on Haiku, and if you fix that, --fcntl does not work that, I am preparing patches
<Begasus> +1
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<HaikuUser> the new intelligent dark mode is COOL, many thanks to @nephele!
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<dovsienko> I've been hearing about this dark mode for a while, but never saw it in action. how do you enable it?
<diver> dovsienko: in Appearance preflet click Colors->Panel background and make it back
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<dovsienko> oh, so it flips the font color to keep it readable, I see
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev58139] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 5a8a2b5066c4 - package_repo: Add -f argument to "list" mode to print filenames.
<Begasus> it's really cool! just wished Terminal and Vision would be aware of it too (2 most used apps here)
<waddlesplash> Begasus: Terminal has its own color preferences
<waddlesplash> so you can swap there too
<Begasus> waddlesplash I know :) have 2 vision "settines" files, 1 for default colors and 1 for dark mode :)
<waddlesplash> ah
<Begasus> Terminal switches when using the themmanager to swap
<Begasus> some KDE apps don't use system colors, but I have some color-schemes installed for those :)
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-2/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] kenmays c7459a9 - dooble: bump to 2024.08.20 (#10972)
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<Begasus> lol, forgot Terminal had color schemes after beta4 waddlesplash :)
<Begasus> is this still true? /* BeOS 5 and Haiku have O_BINARY and O_TEXT, but they have no effect. */
<waddlesplash> no, we don't have them anymore I don't think
<Begasus> from sed's testrun: skipped test: platform does not enable O_TEXT by default
<Begasus> so, yes, those should be undefined then?
<Begasus> like in gettext patch " # undef O_TEXT"
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<Begasus> dovsienko, those shed_policies rings a bell :)
<Begasus> looks good from my point (but that doesn't mean anything) :) +1
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-4/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] kenmays c129387 - sed: bump to 4.9 (#10988)
<Begasus> k, let's see if epiphany doesn't suffer github threading abuse ...
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-2/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] OscarL f2f2723 - python3.12: update to version 3.12.6. (#11122)
<dovsienko> waddlesplash: a potential way to get closer to the root cause of the triple fault could be reproducing it using stress-ng and a bunch of synthetic tests similar enough to a parallel make
<waddlesplash> part of the issue is that it's poorly understood what even causes it
<waddlesplash> as you see from the ticket logs Habbie ran a parallel build and it happens only after ~30 hours on average now
<dovsienko> if that works, then the next move would be eliminating one factor at a time until there is something small enough to debug it
<waddlesplash> there's also the fact that it seems to not even touch the double fault handler
<dovsienko> in my case it reproduces steadily and much quicker
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<Begasus> seems with epiphany and github the laptop doesn't go into turbo mode now
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-3/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] kenmays 4cb81bb - giflib: bump version (#10833)
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<Begasus> it "does" seem like it busyer(?) at the forum after the release
<Begasus> it/it's*
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-3/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] OscarL c9ec234 - qtwebengine: remove older recipes. (#10813)
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<DigitalBox98> Hello anyone already created a patchset via haikuports ?
<OscarL> a few.
* OscarL even has a guide on how to update them... but *some people* think it sucks! :-P
<DigitalBox98> Ok i've clone the repo, created a branch for the package and do a commit/push on my recipe+license. Now I'm trying to create a patchset but my attempt was unsucessful.
<DigitalBox98> what is the next step ?
<OscarL> The first one... what do you want to accomplish?
<DigitalBox98> I've got Nifksope package running fine, and now I would like to patch the various file to avoid applying manually the patches
<OscarL> I assume you have already installed HaikuPorter, configured, and cloned the HaikuPorts repo?
<DigitalBox98> I've got various files to patch :, kfmxml.cpp, ...
<DigitalBox98> yes this part is cristal clear
<OscarL> is "Nifksope" a new recipe, right? (coz I can find any by that name)
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±2]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] waddlesplash 1d32ee9 - ICU: Build with -fno-semantic-interposition -Wl,-Bsymbolic-functions.
<DigitalBox98> yes new recipe
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<Oscar-L> I'm having network problems, so I might dissappear without notice :-(
<DigitalBox98> ok
<Oscar-L> DigitalBox98: Alright, are you already at the step where you use "haikuporter nifksope" to build your recipe? or are you compiling it "outside" of haikuports still?
<Begasus> Hi Oscar-L!
<Oscar-L> sorry if the questions feel dumb, but I can't help unless I have a grasp of what's the status on things.
<Begasus> oh hi DigitalBox98
<Oscar-L> Hello Begasus :-)
<DigitalBox98> yes hp nifskope and then apply manually the changes
<Oscar-L> Alright...
<DigitalBox98> it's inside haikuports dir
<Begasus> Oscar-L will guide you there :)
<Oscar-L> haikuporter should have created a a git "working repo" for you under work*/sources/*
<DigitalBox98> yes this step already done : then I have compilation error I fix directly in the work*/wources/*
<Oscar-L> Alright, you're almost there!
<Oscar-L> you just need to "git commit" your changes from THAT "working git repo" (that it is different from the git repo of haikuports).
<DigitalBox98> and with all the manual fixes I've a working package. I would like to create the patchset in order to have to apply manually my changes each time ^
<Oscar-L> once you have commited your changes in THAT repo...
<Oscar-L> you just asks haikuporter to extract the patchset for you...
<Oscar-L> "hp -e nifksope"
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<OscarL> that should create a "patches/nifksope-<version>.patchset" file for you (next to your new recipe)
<OscarL> then you need to add that to your .recipe, as in: PATCHES="nifksope-$portVersion.patchset"
<DigitalBox98> when I'm doing work-2.0.dev9/sources/nifskope-2.0.dev9/ , it doesn't work as it's ignored
<OscarL> ignored by whom?
<DigitalBox98> by git
<OscarL> the git repo created by HaikuPorter should not contain any .gitignore file.
<DigitalBox98> sorry in fr below :
<DigitalBox98> Les chemins suivants sont ignorés par un de vos fichiers .gitignore :
<DigitalBox98> media-gfx/nifskope/work-2.0.dev9
<DigitalBox98> astuce : Utilisez -f si vous voulez vraiment les ajouter
<DigitalBox98> astuce : Disable this message with "git config advice.addIgnoredFile false"
<Begasus> did you run "git diff" in "work-2.0.dev9/sources/nifskope-2.0.dev9"?
<DigitalBox98> ah... I've cloned the haikuports repo manually, is it bad ?
<OscarL> DigitalBox98: sorry to re-iterate... but... there are TWO git repos at play here... one for the HaikuPorts, one for each "work-dir"
<DigitalBox98> Ok i've got some results with git diff
<OscarL> you need to add your changes in the workdir repo, not on the HaikuPorts one.
<Begasus> +1
<DigitalBox98> yes nifskope is added in the haikports repo
<OscarL> the recipe, and the patchset files go into that repo...
<OscarL> your changes to the source code does not.
<DigitalBox98> ok I was in the ~/Documents/C/haikuports/media-gfx/nifskope/ directory not inside the work
<DigitalBox98> ah... maybe I've misunderstood : where I'm supposed to be when launching hp -e nifskope ?
<OscarL> DigitalBox98: from *that* "top" directory... you should call "hp -e nifksope"
<OscarL> but first you need to "git add" / "git commit" your source code changes from inside the "work dir git repo"
<DigitalBox98> ok ! I was not inside the work when I 've done the git add
<OscarL> (the one under nifksope/work-<version>/sources/nifksope-<something/)
<DigitalBox98> so then git commit ?
<OscarL> yes.
<OscarL> It is confusing at first :-D
<Begasus> did you do "git add ..." in there also?
<OscarL> DigitalBox98: "git add -u" for files that where already present, but you modifed... "git add <newfile>" if your patches require new source code files.
<DigitalBox98> ok git add + git commit
<DigitalBox98> done
<OscarL> then "git commit"
<DigitalBox98> ok working fine now thanks !
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<DigitalBox98> it was due to add / commit done not at the good level of dir :)
<OscarL> then... from the "top" git repo (the one that only contains haikuports .recipes/.patchsets)... you call "hp -e nifksope"
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<OscarL> +1
<DigitalBox98> first patchset completed :p will check the others thanks again :)
<OscarL> DigitalBox98: don't be discouraged... it can feel frustrating at first (I know it was like that for me!)... but with time and a bit of practice... it starts to make sense :-P
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<OscarL> DigitalBox98: btw, thanks to you for your interest in actually contributing back :-)
<DigitalBox98> The most complicated was the steps before becauce the repo was using --recursive. Now it's the last step ;)
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-2/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] kenmays bee0c0f - FFmpeg: 6.1.2 bump (#10832)
<Begasus> k, that was the last one today to check ...
<Begasus> OscarL, the other python ones are fine?
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<OscarL> Should be, yes.
<OscarL> Once all those are in... I can "un-draft" the one for gertty
<OscarL> order, if any... should be from oldest PR to newest (I usually try to do that)
<Begasus> ok, out for a bit, will have a look later
<OscarL> +1
<bbjimmy> beam is broken on beta5 64bit, prefeences crashes app.
<OscarL> at least half of my http(s) connection seems to fail. We had some strongs winds the last days... wonder if some cable/fiber got loose somewhere :-)
<dovsienko> Wireshark is broken in the latest nightly build, seems to be caused by Qt trying to use audio in my VM, which has no sound card
<OscarL> bbjimmy: I think I read something about that on the forum. Apparently, recompiling it locally seemd to help (at least for one user)
<bbjimmy> I did that, and it still fails.
<bbjimmy> thread 12703: Beam (main) state: Exception (Segment violation)
<OscarL> :-(
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<Begasus> crashes here too :/ (with preferences)
<OscarL> dovsienko: should name that VM "beethoven" :-P
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] OscarL 2b523b8 - speedtest_cli: use https by default. (#11123)
<OscarL> that one should make it usable again for casual users.
<Begasus> will check later
<dovsienko> OscarL: Mr Beethoven has found a bug and the R1/beta5 box has confirmed it (neither has an audio device)
<Begasus> restarting Vision with dark settings
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<OscarL> :-D
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<OscarL> darn bugs, will eat us all!
<Begasus> squash them! :P
<Begasus> ffmpeg6 still building ...
<OscarL> too bad I'm too squeamish to eat them back! :-P
* nosycat pounces one!
<Begasus> heh
<Begasus> should check a rebuild
* OscarL was about to comment something related to that one, but waddlesplash was faster (as usual)
<Begasus> ;)
<OscarL> to be fair... I've know sloths faster than me :-P
<Begasus> not sure, but was wireshark revbumped before the version bump for Qt6?
<OscarL> but also... waddlesplash seems to have negative lag compared to me :-)
<pomelo> hello everyone
<Begasus> heh
<Begasus> Hi Molnija
<Begasus> err .. hi pomelo :)
<OscarL> "pomelo", that's a nice nick :-)
<nosycat> Hello!
<pomelo> has anyone here had any luck booting Haiku Os on a librebooted laptop?? :P if this isn't the right place to ask please let me know...
<Begasus> Hello nosycat! :D
<pomelo> Hi nosycat :]
<Begasus> at the right place pomelo
<Begasus> but never heard of librebooted here :)
<nosycat> I think LibreBoot is an open source BIOS.
<OscarL> Begasus: read it as "libre booted"
<OscarL> because "lib rebooted" sounds off :-P
<Begasus> looking at the recipe for wireshark I can only think Qt6 could be an issue, the other packages haven't been updated
<pomelo> yeah, open source BIOS :] I remember reading some time ago someone on reddit asking about haiku on libreboot, but that was years ago and both proyects have changed a lot
<Begasus> heh
<Habbie> pomelo, try it? :)
<pomelo> oh i have, on a dvd with beta 5, sadly the system just restarts when trying to boot from it
<Habbie> ah
<Habbie> is it BIOS or UEFI?
<OscarL> pomelo: exausted the boot menu options?
<Habbie> ah! libreboot is a fork of coreboot
<pomelo> well uh... i guess it's neither... Libreboot is an open source BIOS replacement, basically it's grub running on bare metal, with an option to use SeaBIOS too, which is what tends to work when booting from USBs or CDs
<Habbie> right
<Begasus> would "hp wireshark_gui" also build the base package? :)
<dovsienko> libreboot is a project with a difficult history
<Habbie> ah, seabios is bios-like, coreboot/libreboot do away with a lot of the nonsense that your OS will immediately drop anyway
<pomelo> yeah, well, when booting the dvd from seabios, the system just restarts
<pomelo> i will try from a usb soon
<Habbie> i think grub can boot haiku too
<OscarL> chainload, yes.
<dovsienko> coreboot and its distributions (including what's known now as "libreboot" and what used to be known as "osboot") is more what's commonly known as firmware
<Habbie> OscarL, ack
<pomelo> i asked here because if other people had tried and failed i wouldn't really "bother" with it...
<pomelo> i will search how to boot the haiku installer from grub now
<Habbie> my only coreboot computer doesn't have display output
<Habbie> otherwise i'd try it now
<OscarL> pomelo: we are not that many, so a lot of harware/software/firmware combinations are untested.
<dovsienko> the usual arrangement is to link the so called "payloads" into coreboot, and in this sense two most popular payloads are SeaBIOS (the traditional BIOS) and something else such as EDK2 or TianoCore (the UEFI)
<Habbie> right, those things i recognise :)
<dovsienko> ah yes, you can also make GRUB a coreboot payload, and even a floppy image with a working installation of FreeDOS or even Windows 3.1
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<Habbie> and then flash that
<Habbie> gwbasic :)
<pomelo> OscarL, yes, I understand that :] Same reason as to why I always wondered "Why is there no PowerPC port of Haiku?". I don't think that's sensible to ask to the people working on haiku lol
<OscarL> pomelo: so, when you try, remember to try the boot loader "safe mode" options, and see if any of those help. File a bug report after you find out :-) (sorry for the lag)
<dovsienko> flashing a laptop with coreboot can be a rough experience, depending on the hardware and the distribution of coreboot
<pomelo> dosvienko, yes, libreboot by default has grub as it's first payload, and an option for SeaBIOS on the grub menu
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<Habbie> 17:45Z <Habbie> ah! libreboot is a fork of coreboot
<OscarL> well... the *was* some work done regarding PowerPC, IIRC... but yea... that seems dormant :-)
<Habbie> their FAQ says it isn't, it's a distribution, indeed
<Habbie> ha, uboot too
<Begasus> dovsienko, launches with a revbump, can you do that? :)
<dovsienko> Begasus: have you identified the root cause?
<dovsienko> in my very limited experience, coreboot with a SeaBIOS payload loads Linux without a problem, but trying to boot Haiku immediately resets the computer
<OscarL> Penguins can swim at sea(BIOS), but leaves cannot? sounds about right :-P
<OscarL> one could expect the leaves to at least float though.
<dovsienko> Begasus: my Haiku package building skills are not that good
<phschafft> hm.
<OscarL> guess he meant doing REVISION += 1, and hp wireshark_gui, installing that, and testing if issue "resolves itself"?
<OscarL> (incrementing the REVISION value in the recipe, before doing "hp wireshare_gui", I meant)
<dovsienko> I understand the concept, but I don't have an environment bootstrapped with the right tools, I suppose
<OscarL> ack.
<OscarL> to be fair... I stay away of any recipe that mentions Qt (or GTK, or rust, or java, or...) :-P
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<OscarL> 167 seeders for the 64 bits beta5 iso... not bad (still a bit lower than the max I saw for beta4).
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<OscarL> 61 for the 32 bits version. Fewer folks interested on that one than before.
<OscarL> I only have one 32 bits install, that that's because I got tired of Begasus asking me if I have already tested my recipes on 32 bits :-P
<Anarchos> hello
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<OscarL> Hi Anarchos :-)
<pomelo> OscarL, I'm part of those 61 :P
<OscarL> :-D I keep both, just in case (albeit it seems I only uploaded about 300 MB for each).
<OscarL> * 380/320 MiB for 64/32 bits.
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±4]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] waddlesplash 5768ca0 - ICU: Use UDATA_PACKAGES_FIRST and actually disable ICU 75.
<OscarL> but to be real... while I do have some 32-bits only CPU I could use... those are either too slow, or do not have enough RAM to run Haiku.
<pomelo> i have two 32 bit machines that could run haiku... but neither can boot the installer lol
<OscarL> I do have an Athlon socket a, and a Duron from the same era. Haven't even tried Haiku on them in the last 10+ years.
<OscarL> Oldest I've tried was an older Sempron, already 64 bits capable.
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<OscarL> in any case, I alrady have 3 Atom based netbooks (two without screen), that are "faster" that the mentioned systems, while using way, way less power, so... the old hardare just doesn't makes sense to use.
* OscarL is not sure if his keyboard is missing some keypresses, or if he just hits keys too softly :-P
<Habbie> try pounding for a few minutes, your body will calibrate automatically
<OscarL> Habbie: was doing actual work on real world today... that might explain some lack of energy on my part now :-P
<Habbie> hehe
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<pomelo> hello, i'm back
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<erysdren> hello
<pomelo> just tried haiku with a usb stick and nope, with seabios the installer just gives me a black screen, then restarts
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<OscarL> oh, hey erysdren :-)
<pomelo> on my other computers the installer starts just ok
<Habbie> did you try getting to the boot menu?
<OscarL> pomelo: not sure if SeaBIOS counts as BIOS or UEFI... in any case... smashing the spacebar between POST and the Haiku boot icons (assuming you get them), should give you the boot loader menu.
<Habbie> seabios counts as BIOS
<OscarL> then holding SHIFT key down while rebooting should also show the boot menu.
<OscarL> thanks Habbie.
<Habbie> np :) thanks for the keys, wasn't sure enough of them
<Habbie> but i do now recall that uefi is too abstracted to handle shift or something
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<pomelo> sorry, changed computers lol
<OscarL> pomelo: in case you miss some chat from IRC... be sure to check the logs:
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<Habbie> i just ran into my libreboot tab again, the supported hw list is so short
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<OscarL> pomelo: in case you miss some chat from IRC... be sure to check the logs: (I repeast that in case you missed it)
<Begasus> so no one stepped up for a simple revbump? :P
<pomelo> yes i saw it, thanks OscarL :]
<Begasus> tss :P
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<OscarL> pomelo: sorry for my typos, btw. I'm infamous for those around these parts :-)
<pomelo> oh i didn't even notince, dw
<pomelo> haha, notince
<OscarL> See Begasus? I'm not *that* bad :-P
<pomelo> anyways, i have no "boot options". After choosing SeaBIOS, then my USB, the computer automatically restarts
<OscarL> ouch.
<pomelo> no haiku icons nor anything
<pomelo> i will try booting from grub...
<pomelo> actually, uhhhhh, can you boot the installer from grub's command line?
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 450710d - wireshark, revbump for missing symbol (Qt6) (#11136)
<OscarL> not even a "red screen of death" (red text from the boot loader saying "something went really wrong). :-/
<OscarL> pomelo: no. in the best case... grub is able to "chainload" the Haiku boot loader.
<Habbie> OscarL, why wouldn't that be possible for the installer?
<OscarL> Haiku's Installer is a regular Haiku application.
<Begasus> it's catching pomelo, be aware! :D
<OscarL> you can't run Installer from bare metal.
<Habbie> OscarL, ok sure, so i mean, chainload haiku so you can eventually run the installer
<Habbie> yeah that i get
<pomelo> yeah, sorry, I will ask the proper question: How can I boot the Haiku boot loader present in my Haiku USB Stick from grub?
<OscarL> that makes more sense / it is easier to understand for my weak brain :-)
<OscarL> let me search for the proper way.
<OscarL> (I've done it, but can't even remenber in which machine.... let me look in the forum)
<OscarL> obviously, adjust "root=()" to match your setup.
<waddlesplash> if your bootloader has EFI then just use the EFI loader
<waddlesplash> this has a more obvious chainloading setup
<OscarL> that's why I wondered if SeaBIOS counted as BIOS or UEFI.
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<pomelo> it's BIOS
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<pomelo> OscarL, i'm trying the solurion in the forums but sadly grub says "error: unrecognized payload type"
<OscarL> :-/
<OscarL> I try to avoid grub like the plague, so... sorry I can't be of much more help :-(
<pomelo> i understand :] thank you anyways
<pomelo> i saw someone on the forums mention installing from a virtual machine... maybe i'll try that
<OscarL> I have done that with: Haiku, Linux, and even Windows (form a Linux Host on a machine that refused to boot the latest LTSC).
<OscarL> s/form/from/
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-0/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 4c73f2c - giflib, restore giflib6 (#11137)
<Begasus> k, that caused a lot of broken packages on 32bit
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<ilzu[m]> <OscarL> "well... the *was* some work done..." <- Me and yn0ga have been playing with the incomplete PPC port a bit during last few weeks, and gotten it to boot a bit further. So far we are in the kernel _start() and trying to get the vm up and running.
<Begasus> ok, a lot of breakage on 32bit, I keep my hands from those PR's :(
<waddlesplash> Begasus: the breakage should go away once buildmaster catches up?
<Begasus> for giflib yes
<Begasus> it's the * time this backfires on me, should have looked closer
<Begasus> ps, not letting go on all PR's ... just certain ones :)
<waddlesplash> I mean, this can happen with any package really?
<OscarL> ilzu[m]: yeah, I should have clarified further the current state of affairs. Thanks a bunch for your efforts (and yn0na's), even if I don't own any PPC hardware, better multiplatform support should make things better everywhere :-D.
<Begasus> it's one of those library hell ones waddlesplash, and didn't notice the libVersion change
<waddlesplash> well, the libVersion change was apparent, that's why there were 2 recipes
<ilzu[m]> I've gotten it to boot this far, but it includes a really strange thing. If one enables tracing in main.cpp and vm.cpp it boots further than without those traces. I have no idea why. But it also seems to corrupt something, as CPU number in panic is garbage.
<Begasus> hence "I should have looked closer" :)
<Begasus> yeah :(
<ilzu[m]> OscarL: Yep, I don't think PPC is that viable platform these days, but I'll try to get that further if only for a learning experience and for fun. And to get my trusty 20-years old iBook to run Haiku :D
<OscarL> ilzu[m]: as long as you're having fun... all is well!
<OscarL> heck... we even endure some "why the heck I'm doing this?"... /me thinks about some python recipes he does not even needs.
<ilzu[m]> <ilzu[m]> "I've gotten it to boot this far,..." <- This tracing thing is really strange as it doesn't touch any PPC platform specific code, and changes the execution flow. Thus it might also affect other platforms.
<ilzu[m]> OscarL: heh
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<OscarL> ilzu[m]: to be fair, code realted to "KDEBUG" enabled tends to get fixes occasionally. So I guess that could be lumped into the usual "bit rot" pile of things.
<OscarL> *realted/related... mmm, I wonder... is there a condition not like dyslexia, but more related to typing? :-D
<OscarL> I guess that my "English" being so bad (self-taught) won't make a better diagnosis any easier :-D
<Begasus> kde bug?
<ilzu[m]> It could be. But there shouldn't be any platform specific in this case, these traces are just calls to dprintf that are enabled / disabled with #define in those files.
<ilzu[m]> Unless, there is something with dprintf on PPC, I'll have to check if there is a platform specific version of that.
<dovsienko> PowerPC is very viable if you have very deep pockets. Power10 servers are the latest scream, compares to high-end AMD64 servers
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<OscarL> ilzu[m]: just in case... I'm just a "hack" (and not a particularly clever one, mind you)... so do not take me too seriously, unless I really "stomp my feet" on something (and even in that case, I'm more likely to be wrong anyway :-D).
<Begasus> dovsienko, wireshark finished on buildmasters, could you retry?
<Begasus> OscarL, atleast your hacking "skills" are better then mine :)
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<OscarL> Begasus: imaging we could combine you and me... we could make... what X percent of a korli or 3dEyes? :-D
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<ilzu[m]> dovsienko: That's true, though I for one do not have that deep pockets, so POWER10 port is out of question. Though the PPC32 port might help a bit someone with deep enough pockets and willingness to port Haiku to it get started.
<dovsienko> Begasus: works, thank you, updated the bug report
<Begasus> thanks dovsienko +1
<OscarL> Begasus: the sheer time you put into this... invaluable.
<Begasus> I got the time ;)
<OscarL> those fabled 10k hours to become a "master" of any craft...ain't that far off.
<Begasus> heh
<Begasus> OK ICU75 disabled, now I should disable boost1.85 also?
<ilzu[m]> OscarL: I am thankful for all the leads, even if they might not lead to solution. And don't underestimate yourself, nor your skills, your work on HaikuPorts (among others) are invaluable.
<Begasus> or just change dependency there
<OscarL> ilzu[m]: thanks. I appreciate that :-)
<Begasus> second that ilzu[m]!
<OscarL> Begasus: seeing the last 2 years of commits on HaikuPorts stats shows that... all the ground work from the "elders", have made it easier even for hacks like me to contribute....
<Begasus> OscarL same here
<OscarL> and that we really could use more people involved.
<Begasus> with all the groundwork done on KF5 it made it easier to add KF6
<Begasus> right there!
<OscarL> last couple of days I was thinking about.... writting a forum post....
<Begasus> those are nice, just hard to find them again later :D
<OscarL> "Dude... even **I** have made commits to Haiku/HaikuPorts... why haven't you?" type of post :-D
<OscarL> my train of thought is this...
<Begasus> too bad GCI stopped :(
<OscarL> I feel that we have some clever folks on the forum, that like to talk, but haven't sent much (or any) patches.
<OscarL> why is that?
<Begasus> some don't like git* that much? :P
<Begasus> reminds me I haven't touched my codeberg repos lately ;)
<OscarL> heck... at first, sending patches to HaikuPorts felt a bit overwhelming for me. But *someone* (*cough* Begasus *cough*), convinced me to just try it.
<Begasus> heh
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<Begasus> and it turned out not being that bad :)
<OscarL> *for you* :-P
<Begasus> I think the basics are covered there also OscarL, I couldn't formulate those python recipes like you do
<OscarL> jajaja (made me laugh in Spanish :-D)
<Begasus> jaja = yesyes in Dutch :P
<OscarL> Begasus: see... that's the thing...
<OscarL> is it there something I could do to do what you did for me?
<OscarL> to show me... "hey... it is not **that** hard" ?
<Begasus> just keep doing what you do OscarL, at the end it's the end user that benifits from it, that's why we stick around (and the fun, even in the failing) :)
<Begasus> when I'm stuck on some python thing I'll poke you again :D
<Begasus> oh, maybe you could try to get scipy build now on the buildmasters
<Begasus> would clean up that nasty one in the reports :)
<OscarL> re: scipy... will try again soon, and if it still works, will push our luck again, but not *this* close to the beta5 release (just in case) :-)
<mmlr> the builders are now faster and have more virtual CPUs, maybe that helps
<OscarL> glad to hear that mmlr! and while we have you here... Thanks a lot for all your work all these years!!!
<Begasus> nice mmlr, have been reading the emails about it
<Begasus> now texlive builds in half a day? ;)
* OscarL has been a mmlr's fan since forever :-D
<Begasus> heh
<Begasus> the silent ones that keep things going, kudos from here too mmlr
<Begasus> and kallisti5[m] for pushing the button once in a while also :D
<OscarL> missed AxelD earler... guess that the people that used to lock him up in a basement are all in jail now, right? :-P
<Begasus> remember the one in the middle OscarL?
<OscarL> Begasus: yeah... mmrl is just Agent47 for me... the silent assasin (of bugs only... /me hopes) :-)
<OscarL> Saw the pic earlier on the log Begasus. But sadly, I cannot. I was pretty bandwidth limited even in my early BeOS days, so... I tended to rely on text-only news :-(
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<OscarL> I *think* I can recognize AxelD, BGA, and Oliver Tappe.
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<Begasus> he had a nick that was linked to a drink
<OscarL> Kokito too,
<Begasus> ithamar aka cola-coder
<OscarL> Ah... one of the ones I couldn't even "picture", same as with "beveloper"
<Begasus> good old BG days :D
<OscarL> thanks for putting a face to that name, Begasus!
<Begasus> np ... in that movie a lot of the "old" gang :D
<Begasus> Charlie ... even mmu_man passes by iirc :)
<mmlr> the builders now manage webkit in < 10h at least
<OscarL> Would be nice if had a "gallery" for those. (for the folks that do not mind sharign their faces, that's it)
<mmlr> Hetzner made new VM plans available with more powerful VMs for less money, so it was a no brainer
<Begasus> well, finaly it managed mmlr (after quite some attempts) :)
<Begasus> a winwin then mmlr +1
<OscarL> Begasus: if you're willing to try... could just rev-bump the last scipy recipe... now that mmlr is looking :-D
<dovsienko> there's one weird thing in Wireshark: if you try to drag the scrollbar handle around, it does not respond. if you click on the scroll area, it scrolls as usual
<OscarL> IIRC, it worked OK on both 64/32 bits for me, and also for you Begasus... but made the buildmasters hang.
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 29a8db3 - scipy, revbump for rebuild (#11138)
<Begasus> let's see ..
<OscarL> dovsienko: not sure if relevant, but there are some bugs related to Qt ports and drag-and-drop.... let's see if I can find the right ticket.
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<Begasus> got the same on the other laptop, but then again, that mouse is bogus :P
<OscarL> "La conexión tardó demasiado tiempo" <<< Spanish for "the connection too too long" :-D
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<OscarL> No idea what's wrong with my network right now :-D
<Begasus> scrollwheel bogus, should get a new mouse
<OscarL> Begasus: tried opening up and removing dust first?
<Begasus> nope :)
* OscarL hates e-waste :-D
<Begasus> tell me about it, got 6 laptops around here :)
<Begasus> not all in the best condition, but sometimes usefull enough to run some check/builds
<OscarL> Begasus: I'm willing to bet the one dollar I have... your scroll wheel will work ok after a clean up.
<Begasus> and one nearing 20 years old now I guess :D
<OscarL> same here.
<Begasus> should boot it one of these days, see if I can update there to beta5
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<OscarL> be sure to scrub most of it with rubbing alcohol, specially around the scroll wheel, to remove "skin oil" that make rubber to slip.
<Begasus> lol
<Begasus> me wondering why buildmasters didn't start :P
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<OscarL> but also, remove any trace of dust around the "wheel axis"
<Begasus> too dark to do anything there now OscarL, remind me in the morning ;)
<OscarL> Put an alarm... read the logs from yeasterday! (I do not know if I'll have internet tomorrow to remind you :-D)
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus ff1b6a0 - scipy, enable recipe (#11139)
<Begasus> I use the "matrix" now to read back on the logs :)
<OscarL> can't even check on buildmaster status right now :-(
<Begasus> eeps
<Begasus> well nothing happened with scipy, didn't see it was disabled :)
<Begasus> launched on both now
<Begasus> mmlr, if it gets stuck ... OscarL is to blame for this :)
<Begasus> ps, checked a succesfull build last week on 64bit
<Begasus> cc1: all warnings being treated as errors
<Begasus> think that was expected OscarL?
<Begasus> WARN: CCompilerOpt.feature_test[1575] : testing failed
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<dovsienko> OscarL: suspiciously, the mouse scroll wheel has no effect in Wireshark either. very much like the times when mice didn't have one :-D
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<dovsienko> enough complains for today
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<Oscar-L> Begasus: sorry, recoverig from (several) networking hiccup(s). looing at that .log
<Begasus> still progress on both
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<BiPolar> sorry for my networking issues.
<Begasus> ouch, looks like it's not going too well there BiPolar
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* BiPolar is OscarL in disguise here.
<Begasus> TLTL :P
<BiPolar> yeah... one of those terrible networking days.
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<BiPolar> First it was the flue... then the Argentine economy (ongoing), then the damn wind breaking my net access :-)
<Begasus> well, maybe you could go to sleep at a descent hour then? ;)
<BiPolar> s/flue/flu/
<Begasus> gesuntheid :)
<BiPolar> heh.
<BiPolar> *decent hour. I did my best the last two weeks, Begasus, actually :-)...
<Begasus> it's only about 7:30 PM there right?
<BiPolar> good enough to solve some RL problems, but also good enougnt to worsen my meantal health (thus why I haven't even logged in much lately)
<Begasus> ow, both buildmasters almost on par with building :)
<BiPolar> Begasus: 17:33 currently here.
<Begasus> np, your health comes first!
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuporter] kallisti5 pushed 4 commits to master [+0/-0/±12]
<Begasus> ah, even further behind :) (22:33)
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuporter] kallisti5 88f60d2 - Merge pull request #292 from kallisti5/master
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<BiPolar> Thanks Begasus. I always appreciate your kind words... and there's a reason why I used to call you "Dear Begasus" :-).
<Begasus> deer?
<Begasus> ah no :)
<BiPolar> heh
<BiPolar> We latin americans... (even if an Argentine... calling my self "latin" sounds a bit off) are a bit too "effusive"
<Begasus> effusive?
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<BiPolar> seems to be a valid English word... not sure I'm translating it the right way.
<Begasus> mind you, my English is self tought too (and some turoring from Minno(?) can't rember his name now) :)
<BiPolar> "overly demostrative" sounds abour right.
<Begasus> minos?
<BiPolar> *about
<Begasus> heh
<BiPolar> even then... I used "dear" sparingly. And mostly just with people that I both admired and felt were "good peeps"...
<Begasus> whoot, almost there!
<Habbie> (i generally got rid of the habit of correcting people many years ago, except when things are really unclear, but you should know it is "self-taught" :) )
<BiPolar> can't think of anyone that fits better that descriptiont that yourself, Begasus :-)
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* Begasus blushes
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<BiPolar> Habbie: did I messed even that one up? ups! Sorry! /me takes a look at the logs.
<Habbie> it was Begasus
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<Begasus> if it failed it was BiPolar :)
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 5 commits to master [hrev58140] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 8271b4a8bf72 - x86/arch_vm: Allow arch_vm_set_memory_type to override type.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 32a3bddfdf01 - x86: Implement PAT support for memory type configuration.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] e7e2938459a7 - cpu/x86: Always dump configured MTRRs on init.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 44ea1250b8d6 - x86/vm: Add memory_type_ranges KDL command to dump memory types.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 16cc9b041448 - cpu/x86: Use the IA32_MTR_* macros instead of numeric values.
<BiPolar> Habbie: regarding on whether to correct peeps or not... heck... my "English" sucks, yet I managed to get some fixes in regading bad English grammar :-D
<Habbie> :)
<Begasus> 64bit completed
<Habbie> fixing bad things is way different than correcting people when they're just talking
<Begasus> had a real strugle with to and too
<BiPolar> Native Speakers can really get confused sometimes with "proper" English :-)
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<waddlesplash> Habbie: dovsienko: it will be interesting if that ^^ (hrev58140) makes any difference on your AMD machines
<Begasus> like me trying to type in German :P
<Habbie> waddlesplash, noted, i can hpkg update (or whatever the syntax was) to it in a day or two, right?
<waddlesplash> yeah
<Habbie> perfect
<Habbie> please feel free to ping me then :)
<dovsienko> waddlesplash: I can enable SMP and leave the build matrix to run overnight if that's what you mean
<waddlesplash> well if it happens more often than "overnight" that may not be necessary
<waddlesplash> I don't know if this will make a difference but it could be interesting
<Begasus> BiPolar, noteshrink gone from the report :)
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<dovsienko> so the AMD box needs to flip to nightly, correct?
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<waddlesplash> to get those changes, yes
<Habbie> i have a stack of AMD boxes, so if you don't feel like it, we get that :)
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<Begasus> ok, builds finished on buildmasters
<dovsienko> my box has the advantage of triggering it in less than one hour
<Begasus> I'm done for today :)
<Begasus> cu peeps!
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<Oscar-L> BTW, Begasus, the nickname that eluded you early...most likely to be Monni.
<Oscar-L> Bah... too late (darn network issues,
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<dovsienko> waddlesplash: flipped to hrev58136 fine
* BiPolar (OscarL) signs off while he can. Have a good one, everyone!
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<Habbie> dovsienko, nice - but presumably you can still crash that one?
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev58141] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 99d2d975a4ab - BCollator: Avoid more crashes when the ICUCollator fails to initialize.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev58142] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 89235ee967fc - DebugAnalyzer: Fix build after SinglyLinkedList API change.
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<dovsienko> Habbie: waddlesplash: positive, hrev58136 crashes reliably
<waddlesplash> I didn't expect anything eles
<waddlesplash> else
<Habbie> indeed
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<Habbie> but it's good to check so close to 180
<dovsienko> Refreshing repository "Haiku" failed 0%: Bad data -- it would be great to provide a bit more detail
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev58143] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] a706a92d65ba - hda: Fix build with DEBUG enabled.
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev58144] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 53ff60f224c2 - x86/vm: Don't add RAM to memory type ranges under PAT.
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<HaikuUser> Testing R1/beta5 on x86. Really nice!
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