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* jochwehg tried to play a file that goes like ...1080P.WEB.H264-WAYNE
<jochwehg> does that say something about bitrate, gordonjcp?
<jochwehg> the file ends .mkv
<gordonjcp> jochwehg: approximately
<gordonjcp> something like ffprobe would tell you but I guess if it's an "acquired" movie it's probably around 5-6Mbps
<gordonjcp> which is going to tax a slow USB2 drive for sure
<gordonjcp> which languages have you programmed in? C's not all that hard
<gordonjcp> oop, Haiku needs to reboot after an upgrade, brb
<gordonjcp> back
<gordonjcp> it's so fast in QEMU in this machine, I'd love to try it on bare metal
<jochwehg> Thanx for the askin I learned BASIC in school a long time a go. And I have experienced Assembler on the C64
<gordonjcp> hehe
<gordonjcp> loved the 6502, used to program 6502 assembler on an Acorn Atom my dad extracted from the scrap pile at work :-)
<gordonjcp> I was a ZX Spectrum guy though so Z80 was my first assembly language
<gordonjcp> although I like 6809 because it's actually ridiculously suitable for writing FORTH for
<jochwehg> The C64 frightened me. All these interessting illegal game-copies... all this time spend. And then the guys who started to programme ULTIMA gave me the creeps.
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<gordonjcp> jochwehg: I actually live about 20 minutes from where the ZX Spectrums were built in the 1980s
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<gordonjcp> everyone my age had one, particularly if they lived in that city
<gordonjcp> they were built at the Timex factory in Dundee, and while they were sold in shops like John Menzies around the place they were also sold for, uh, considerably under list price, elsewhere
<gordonjcp> everyone's dad "knew a man down at the pub" who could get ZX Spectrums so by Christmas 1983 literally everyone had a Speccy, and lots of folk were writing games, or at least making modified versions of existing ones
<gordonjcp> one was a hack of Manic Miner where every level was a pub around Dundee and Miner Willy had to complete his pub crawl before he sobered up
<jochwehg> Bofore X-mas 1984 I pointed my parents to an advertisment in a catalog to buy me one.
<jochwehg> A C64. That is.
<jochwehg> I did not comprehend what a storage device is for, however I wanted a floppy drive an not a tape drive that I knew for sure
<jochwehg> I had to save the money for the 1541 at least for another half a year, without having a storage device.
<jochwehg> When I began reading the manual to the 1541 I could not understand a lot of that...
<gordonjcp> in the olden days of the 1990s I worked with a guy who had developed a database in the 1980s for the Commodore PET
<gordonjcp> the disk drives in the PET like for the C64 had a 6502 of their own but they had something like 4kB of RAM
<gordonjcp> so his database converted a query into 6502 assembly, copied it over to the disk drive's RAM, and then the drive would chunter away finding what it needed and sending it back to the host computer which could assemble it up, while still being responsive to other commands
<gordonjcp> it was genuinely like magic, even in the early 90s
<jochwehg> The technical details in the manual where so crytic to me that it seemed impossible to dig it.
<gordonjcp> ^ I wrote that in Spectrum BASIC, and in machine code
<gordonjcp> also I'm almost surprised that MediaCMS works just great in Falkon
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* jochwehg tried to play gordonjcp's video recommandation on Web Positve, unsuccessful, though.
<gordonjcp> WebPositive does not like MediaCMS
<gordonjcp> Iceweasel ought to work though
<jochwehg> yes, Iceweasel does it. Nice.
<jochwehg> There you go comparing BASIC to Machine-code programming...
<scantysnax> iceweasel is nice... but the cursor.
<phschafft> the cursor?
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<OscarL> phschafft: redrawing issues on mouse cursor (seems to draw a black/white square, depending on context, where the mouse cursor is when you move it around)
<jochwehg> phschafft, scantysnax it right.
<jochwehg> gondonjcp, the closest I came to C was when I tried to modify to source of xclock.c
<OscarL> jochwehg: welcome. and don't let C or C++ discourage you from trying. Even a fool like myself sometimes manages to do something with them (even if I always seem to forget the little I learn :-D)
* jochwehg wonders how OscarL makes the line turn red.
<jochwehg> thanx for the encsouraging line!
<OscarL> jochwehg: also... you could try YAB on Haiku, for a (possibly) easier time (I haven't used my self, but being "Yet Another Basic").
<jochwehg> OscarL: C seems so tempting since the Operating Systems like Linux and FReeBSD have a lot of that code
<OscarL> (there's documentation, and even an IDE for it you can install right away from Haiku)
<jochwehg> Yes, YAB is tempting too. However, would it allow me to modify a program like xclock to make look different?
<OscarL> jochwehg: C is "simple" in some senses, but makes other "simple" things way too hard for newcomers (string handling mainly, IMO). Other languages, like Yab, or Python are better suited for learning to program (at least for certain types of people... not all of us learn the same way).
<jochwehg> I'd dreamed of a clock that shows 24 color segment changing by the hour gradually...
<OscarL> Python is fantastic for prototyping things, for example. But that's my opinion, I know people that detest python (as much as I do perl :-P)
<jochwehg> I met a guy who assigned himself to write the Linux Kernel in Pascal...
<OscarL> jochwehg: re: that clock thing you mention... sounds like a fun project to try to implement when learning a new language/environment!
<jochwehg> OscarL: yes, that's how I came closer to it...
<OscarL> always good to have a goal in midn, when learining a new language/tool, than just trying to internalize its syntax as is from docs.
<OscarL> *mind, *learning (sorry for my frequent typos)
<jochwehg> On the comuter-train I met a guy who turned to Haskell and pointed to the character of that sort of language that is purely functional
<jochwehg> But I did not get the point. The project did not deploy on the HAIKU though.
<OscarL> Lots of different programmings paradigms exist. Most have some merit, but following one as if it was the holy grail.... seems a bit silly.
<OscarL> I grew up in the the "Rapid Application Develpment" (RAD) tools era, where OOP was all the rage. Turns out using inheritance for everything is hardly the best way of doing things in some places (outside of GUI frameworks).
<OscarL> In day to day work... I've found composition over inheritance to be far superior, for example (at least on the work I was doing).
<phschafft> OscarL: ah, I see.
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<jochwehg> now something stupid happened.
* jochwehg cannot quit Web Positive
<OscarL> I got an early xmas present! Water bill came with 105% mark up :-(
<OscarL> jochwehg: you should be able to force it to quit in several ways...
<OscarL> ctrl+alt+del, should bring up the "Team Monitor", that should allow you to quit it, or kill it, if needed.
<jochwehg> no window running. I experienced this a lot before
<jochwehg> OscarL: Yes, that did it. Thanx
<OscarL> jochwehg: for future reference... there's the "Vulkan Death Grip" technique... Hold down Ctrl+Alt+Shift, and then click on the offending app on the Deskbar.
<jochwehg> wow, that does too, thanx
<OscarL> "kill WebPositive" from Terminal is another option, and if you have ProcessController's replican sitting on Deskbar (you should!), you can access one of its context menues and kill whatever you like :-P
<OscarL> *replicant
<phschafft> hm.
<jochwehg> now that you mention the replicans, I did not dig that yet
<OscarL> jochwehg: Imagine that you could drag-and-drop a graph from Excel in to Windows Explorer...., or add a tray icon with for some funtionality an app has. That's what replicants allows you to do on Haiku.
<phschafft> OscarL: maybe I should drag you into my next presentation on role based programming ;)
<phschafft> OscarL: that is when you have all the positiv properties of hard typed stuff but don't have a fixed type tree ;)
<OscarL> jochwehg: try it... enable "show replicants" on the Deskbar's menu... then you'll see a little "handler" on the bottom right corner of some apps... you can drag those into apps that accept replicants (like on the Haiku's desktop)
<OscarL> phschafft: sounds practical :-)
<OscarL> jochwehg: there's a "Weather" app ("pkgman install weather"), that allows you to have a replicant on desktop.... Without installing anything, you can try the ActivitiMonitor app. That allows you to have graphs of CPU/MEM/NET/etc right on the desktop.
<jochwehg> OscarL: the ProcessComtroller graphical interface I was not able to quit or kill Web Positve so far... and
<phschafft> got to it basically by my research. there I have the problem that any object (as in some memory in a machine) has own properties, but may also link to some real world object (something you can touch). and you often touch both sides without thinking much about it.
<jochwehg> the Active Monitor app I can see.
<jochwehg> and I also find the CPU MEM and NET graphs
<OscarL> re ProcessController, if you cannot quit an app via its "Quit application" context menu.... then you might need to "kill" the app in question... via the "Threads and CPU usage" menu... you click on a given app there, and you are presented with some options "debug, kill, something else"
<jochwehg> I see lots of bars and process features however the options you mention I cannot
<jochwehg> I have nice options to change the priority of processes though
<OscarL> phschafft: interesting topic, yes. Doubt I'd be able to give any meaningfull feedback, given my skill level, though. (I'm a far better reader than writter)
* phschafft nods.
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<phschafft> I generally dislike the idea that people don't have the needed skill or whatever. It is often more people holding themself back.
<phschafft> but the other end is also there. people who are way past their best years thinking they know it all because they have so many years in their job and then fail to do like adding two integers.
<phschafft> (calculators allowed! ;)
<OscarL> well, I know myself. I do sell myself short most of the time. becuse lower expectations tends to mean you get to positively surprise people (also... I don't handle pressure too well, so I rather play dumb(er)).
<phschafft> I try to keep my stuff to 5th grade level. most of the time you just don't need more. and most people who fail to follow fail because a) they don't try ('I can\'t do that!') or b) they bound themselfs way too strong to their old ways.
<OscarL> but I do know my limitations, and in person, I might do better (I have a couple of friends that consider me their "mentor", go figure). But throught text... and with my wild mood swings... yeah... I rather sell myself short... closer to practical reality anyway :-D
<phschafft> I think I can understand that. It's sometimes easier to win the race starting at the last position.
<phschafft> My message is just: I try to keep it so that everyone can join, and I try to keep it more like tea time chat than frontal, or confrontal ;)
<OscarL> +1
* jochwehg finds Peace Of Mind in this like-minded environment
<OscarL> jochwehg: that's awesome to hear. Thank you.
<Skipp_OSX> you are a canine canes familiars I still call you dog
<Skipp_OSX> (a haiku for my dog)
<Skipp_OSX> canes familiaris
<OscarL> We might look friendly / yet still bite from time to time / you have been warned
<phschafft> Skipp_OSX: actually your name reminds me a bit of a someone I knew long ago, a fox.
<phschafft> sadly no idea what happened to him.
<OscarL> jochwehg: to be able to call the debugger (or just kill) a team from ProcessController's icon: first click on its icon, then navigate to the "Threads and CPU usage" menu... then use the secondary-button on your mouse (usually right-click) on the "team" you want to kill/debug.
<OscarL> Just crazy how time flies. It was just "yesterday" that I was using dial-up to use BeShare at the ends of 2005 to see who else was around online on holidays/x-mas time :-D
<jochwehg> OscarL: now I produces a pop-up window giving me the options: debug / kill this team!
<OscarL> there you go. plenty of options for murder in Haiku! :-P
<jochwehg> the debugger of WebPositive recommended to install some libraries... funny never saw something like that
<jochwehg> ... to say on thy fly in graphical modes...
<OscarL> jochwehg: unless you are REALLY wanting to debug such things... no point in installing the suggested packages.
<OscarL> On Haiku, many (but not all) packages have a separate "_debuginfo" package...
<OscarL> that makes the regular packages smaller, while also allowing those folks willing to debug things, to download the needed data.
<OscarL> (without them having to do local debug builds of such packages)
<jochwehg> okay, understand. it does not improve on the normal behaviour of the app, I suppose
<OscarL> not at all.
<OscarL> only usefull for developer (or testers), when things go wrong.
<OscarL> phschafft: just curious... do you (sometimes at least) use your talks in a "I understand things better when I can explaing it to others?" style? Or is more of "I like to share my experiences on this matter"?
<phschafft> OscarL: the current presentations started as internal education. (so it's also not just me, but I do most of them.)
<phschafft> so the initial feeling was more like some devs siting somewhere discussing a problem but in a moderated way and it is specifically not a problem that needs to be solved for some ticket.
<phschafft> over like two years or so things became a bit more formal. the format found it's shape basically.
<OscarL> sound nice.
* jochwehg can see the "replicant" feature in the right hand corner of the Wather App now.
<phschafft> I try to do something like 30 minutes of more frontal and then 30 minutes of open discussion (not just Q/A).
<OscarL> (and possibly like the evolution of the "smoke-time for OscarL" chats we used to have at my old job :-) if the whole office was not laid off)
<phschafft> for the first part I normally prepare like 4 to 6 slides so there is some visual input.
<phschafft> and we also often switched to have a look at some real software to try it out.
<phschafft> the typical 'if I would do it that way, shouldn\'t that also work?' - 'let\'s try it!'
<OscarL> I see.
<phschafft> generally we have 'mic on, cam off' policy. so everyone is free to interrupt at any time. sadly most people don't.
<OscarL> I used to feel like I was the only one reading about testing/coding stuff out of work. And the only one willing to talk about it at work, just trying to make our work-lives easier.
<OscarL> I don't vibe with mics IRL, so I can understand those shy to speak :-)
<phschafft> I feel that many companies have some policy and culture that blocks information flow.
<OscarL> in person, though... totally different beast, for some reason.
<phschafft> OscarL: there is the chat in addition to the voice channel. it's fine to use that as well.
<phschafft> I would generally say the stress is on 'cam off'.
<phschafft> (and we specifically have company policy in place that even on a 1:1 meeting with a client or similar there will not be any video channel. as having an opt-in adds peer pressure.)
<OscarL> phschafft: good about that chat-olny thing. still. I'm aware I'm way dumber online than IRL (at least in discussion-skills... programming skills remain low either way :-D)
<phschafft> hm.
<OscarL> Nearing 00:00 here. Time to try to cook something, I guess. Later folks! Thanks for the chat. Enjoy your day!
* jochwehg doesnot like to interrupt, but asks himself what it is "good"
<jochwehg> the replicant handle, I mean
<jochwehg> I tried to follow the manual but failed
<jochwehg> how does it work, please, this drag and drop of the Wather app with the replicant icon in the lower right corner I mean
<jochwehg> it supposed to stay on the desktop?
* OscarL puts of cooking for a bit.
* jochwehg got it. It sticks to the Desktop now, don't know how I did it...
<OscarL> in general. just drag and drop that little "hand".
<OscarL> into the place where you want the replicant to live (not all apps accept replicants, though)
<OscarL> With ActivtyMonitor as example... you just click-and-hold on the little indicator on the botton-right... move the mouse into the Desktop. Release the mouse button, now you have a graph on the Deskbar.
<OscarL> Right-click on the "hand/indicator/replicant" thingie at the bottom-right of the replicant on desktop, and you can opt to remove them, among other things.
<jochwehg> yeah, funny. I found a lot of fun in this night, need to withdraw for a while...
* OscarL now really goes away to try to cook something to eat.
* jochwehg withes bonne appetito...
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<zdykstra> How goes, OscarL?
<OscarL> Hello there zdykstra! long time no read! All good today on this side (food seems to be going well, despite the cook :-D).
<OscarL> How about you zdykstra?
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<OscarL> (wind storm hitting home. might lose power) At least some cool breeze for a change :-D
<phschafft> hm.
<zdykstra> Spent the day traveling back home. Relaxing with my dog now. All good :)
<OscarL> glad to hear!
* OscarL has a hard time typing over his full belly, after debouring dinner way too fast :-D
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<Begasus> morning peeps
<Begasus[m]> K, error still here on beta5 :/
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<OscarL> good day Begasus[m]. And see you later! (pff to bed)
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<Begasus> and it's up and running! :)
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] pulkomandy pushed 1 commit to master [hrev58462] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] a087f310d157 - vesa: enable bios_patching by default on cards where it is known to work
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<phschafft> mau.
* coolcoder613 waves
<phschafft> all good?
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* coolcoder613 nids
<coolcoder613> *nods
<phschafft> :)
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<Begasus[m]> whoof
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<Begasus> k .. weird thing when launching kdevelop from Terminal, same thing on current and new version
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<andreasdr[m]> Hi there.
<ivan95> Hi
<Begasus[m]> fixed :)
<Begasus[m]> ```
<Begasus[m]> You are controlling the KDevelop session '(no projects)'. Type help! for more information.
<Begasus[m]> !bash-5.2# create! foo.txt
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<Begasus> hi andreasdr[m] :)
<andreasdr[m]> Hi there. Begasus!
<Begasus[m]> hello ivan95
<ivan95> hi
<Begasus[m]> found out what's wrong launching kdevelop from Terminal :D
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<OscarL> well... what was it Begasus? Don't leave us hanging!
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<Begasus[m]> doggs :)
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<OscarL> Dogs cause issues with Kdevelop when launching from Terminal. Noted.
<Begasus[m]> :P
<Begasus> k, first thing is the shift in the recipe moving the cmd's
<Begasus> then references for Qt5 still in 2 files
<Begasus> and last missing kde-cli-tools (not in depot but I got that already) :)
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<Begasus> wb btw OscarL :)
<OscarL> thanks :-)
<Begasus> oh, kde-cli-tools is in the depot already, I'm faster then myself :P
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<Begasus> reboot
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<ivan95> okay i am just testing out IRC Channels that are in depot for haikuOS and this is the first place to test it out at
<ivan95> irc clients*
<ivan95> just a mistype
<zard> It works :-)
<ivan95> great just testing it out
<ivan95> like i said
<ivan95> you may now stay
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<Begasus[m]> hi zard :)
<Begasus[m]> k, let's see how far we get with this
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<Yoke> Afternoon guys, and a merry christmass if you celebrate that today
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<Begasus[m]> hi Yoke
<Yoke> heya Begasus
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<Begasus[m]> half way :)
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<Begasus[m]> Progress, first issue resolved, launches fine from Terminal now
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 06fdc2e30fd3 - Terminal: Initialize fore and back color to sane defaults.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev58463] -
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<Begasus> not bad I would say :)
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<OscarL> I remember giving Kdevelop a try... around KDE 1.x IIRC :-)
<OscarL> pretty awesome back then, even if my slow PC could barely handle doing much with it.
<OscarL> Begasus, now it's your turn to cross fingers for me... launched a numpy2 build :-)
<OscarL> bloody thing is using almost all of the 4 GB I have to the VM.
<Begasus> x
<Begasus> man I'm pleased to got it running on beta! :D
<OscarL> run what on what, Begasus? Kdevelop on beta5 ?
<Begasus> kdevelop on beta5 :)
<OscarL> +10 :-)
<OscarL> build failed at [419/516] :-/
<Begasus> :/
<Begasus> so close :(
<OscarL> "../numpy/_core/src/umath/string_buffer.h:501:5: error: expected primary-expression before ')' token" 8-|
<Begasus> right ... very clear ... NOT! :)
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<Begasus> can't use "cmd;kdevelop!" in the recipe :)
<Begasus> nice, follows system colors now too :)
<OscarL> darn. seems you can't quit input_server on VMware (not at least when the vmware tray is active). instead of restarting... I just lost all input, and will have to force-reboot.
<erysdren> atleast haiku seems to be handle a forced-reboot relatively well. in my experience.
<erysdren> better than Windows would :P
<OscarL> In VirtualBox I would have been able to send an ACPI-Power off event, at least. No such thing on the VMware thing I'm using :-(
<OscarL> too bad the build I was running was on RAMFS :-D. Oh well, trade offs.
<augiedoggie> i usually ssh into the VM when i lose contact
<OscarL> augiedoggie: dumb /me forgot about that posibility. Thanks for the reminder!
<OscarL> I even have it configured for passwordless access (using ssh keys), so I had no real excuse not to try it.
<OscarL> these are the errors I'm getting:
<OscarL> kinda weird that the errors are related to "isalpha", "isspace", "isdigit", "isalum", "islower" and "isupper"
<OscarL> sounds like is trying to use those functions from C++ instead of defining them as methods of a struct? (
<augiedoggie> seems like it's trying to compile c++ code in c
<augiedoggie> and it doesn't understand bool
<augiedoggie> that's my random guess :P
<OscarL> should have included the compiler call in the paste.
<augiedoggie> or it's conflicting with the builtin functions of the same name
<OscarL> it uses "c++ -Inumpy[....] [...]/stringdtype_ufuncts.cpp"
<OscarL> I'll try just "#undef"'ing them :-P
<OscarL> too bad that it restarts the build from zero :-(
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<OscarL> seems to have worked.
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<scantysnax> does Pe have a "dark"mode?
<OscarL> not really.
<OscarL> not much support for color-schemes, either.
<dru_satori> has anyone tried to get JetBrains CLion IDE running on the Haiku JVM ?
<dru_satori> I do not see any notes about it
<OscarL> dru_satori: Begasus had it running, at least:
<OscarL> maybe he can provide further details.
<dru_satori> on a side note, the GeekOm Intel 12th gen mini pc seems to be a pretty solid Haiku box. Looking at what is needed to enable that revision of the Iris GPU in the Intel Exterme accelerant
<OscarL> dru_satori: I guess you can try adding the device id for it in here:
<OscarL> (you might need to also add one to apg_gart driver... let me search for a link to it.
<dru_satori> oh, already done, just waiting on the build now
<dru_satori> once I get that done, I'll tackle the network driver for the Air Lite from Geekompc since I have one of those too
<waddlesplash> what network device?
<dru_satori> MediaTek 912, I suspect I'll hit a block as the OpenBSD driver kit that is being used does not appear to have full support yes
<waddlesplash> PCI ID?
<waddlesplash> if there's no OpenBSD or FreeBSD driver for this device then you will be out of luck yeah
<dru_satori> I'd have too look, it's powerd off right now ( only one monitor / kb set up here )
<dru_satori> oh, it has a driver, it just appears to have some issues
<dru_satori> this machine was closer to full function out of the box, so decided to start there, get it to 100% and then move on
<dru_satori> fun tidbit I found though. the fallback video driver *really* does not like the Apple 6k displays :)
<waddlesplash> that'll be your BIOS's problem
<waddlesplash> the fallback driver is either VESA or Framebuffer depending on whether you're booting with BIOS or EFI
<dru_satori> EFI
<dru_satori> and that was my assumption
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<dru_satori> I was assuming FB, and the limits therein
<dru_satori> are there any known performance issues with high core count cpu's? with this 16 12th gen, it can grind at times with no cpu activity
<OscarL> woot! got a numpy 2.2.1 .hpkg (smoke test looks ok). Now I need to see if I can just replace the older version (no idea how compatible they are)
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<Begasus[m]> whoohoo OscarL!!
<OscarL> for now I just created a "numpy2" .recipe and added CONFLICTS with "numpy" (1.x).
<OscarL> need to figure out what to do with the recipes that depend on numpy (blender3 and opencv among them :-()
<Begasus> maybe you could check something with pip install that otherwise fails on it?
<Begasus> for CLion you just grab the bin archive
<Begasus> I think I pulled the one for linux, not sure anymore :)
<dru_satori> I did, and I have iit running, up to a point
<dru_satori> getting some curious errors ( it brings up the open project window, but fails trying to open a window from there )
<Begasus> ah, right could be some pitalls, just as with NetBeans and PyCharm with those prebuild ones
<dru_satori> I'll tinker and see what I can find
<Begasus> +1
<Begasus> pretty big download iirc :)
<dru_satori> 1.4gb
<Begasus> thought about that size yes
<dru_satori> truth is, I can just use it via ssh from my mac, but, not as much fun that way
<Begasus> heh, right there
<Begasus> just like OscarL could just use numpy on a linux install, where's the fun in that :P
<Begasus> now on Windows it could be chalenging too I guess :)
<waddlesplash> dru_satori: what do you mean "grind"?
<Begasus> OscarL, there's a python plugin for kdevelop :D kdev-python-v24.12.0
<Begasus> reminds me I need to patch one more thing for kdevelop
<dru_satori> stutters along like it is cpu bound, when none of the processes are showing a load
<dru_satori> for example, tar xf on the clion tar file, which is 1.4gb, despite showing under 5% cpu, the entire system bogs down.
<waddlesplash> try booting with ACPI disabled
<dru_satori> ( HaikuDepot will trigger the same behavior )
<dru_satori> will do, give me about 5 minutes to restart
<waddlesplash> I have seen that behavior on systems with weird ACPI problems
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<Begasus> 451 lines now (patchset)
<Begasus> didn't have that on bare metal waddlesplash, see it also here in the VM
<waddlesplash> which?
<Begasus> hence I nuke not needed processes before starting larger builds
<Begasus> cpu almost idle, system slacking (non responsive)
<Begasus> and sometimes just rebooting the VM solves it magickaly
<Begasus> but still on beta5, so can't complain about something that maybe is fixed :)
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<dru_satori> there, rebooted with ACPI disabled.
<dru_satori> now to try and reproduce.
<Begasus[m]> wb
<Begasus> should probably add a _devel package for kdevelop also
<Begasus> headers and config files shouldn't be in a base package
<dru_satori> interesting. @waddlesplash disabling ACPI seems to be a significant improvement.
<Skipp_OSX> yay for notifications showing up correctly on my laptop today
<dru_satori> added that to my list of things to poke at.... :) this todo list keeps growing
<dru_satori> @begasus the issue appears to be current versions of clion need newer than openjdk17. They suggest 21
* dru_satori goes merrily down a rabbit hole.
<Begasus> eeps :D
<dru_satori> oh, I need something to keep me out of my wifes hair today.
<dru_satori> good way to kill time
<Begasus> lol
* Begasus can relate
<Begasus> though passed the hard times :P
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<OscarL> Begasus: VoidLinux has a kdevelop_devel package:
<dru_satori> can I build just the intel_extreme driver and replace it on a live system without a full OS rebuild ?
<dru_satori> ( it's been a minute since I monkeyed around with BeOS/Haiku device work )
<OscarL> you can install custom drivers / accelerant under the "non-packaged/" hierarchy.
<dru_satori> yeah, but if I'm overriding an existing one...
<waddlesplash> create a blocklist so that the system packaged driver won't be loaded
<OscarL> or just disable it from the boot menu.
<dru_satori> I like the boot menu ( that way I don't forget later )
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<OscarL> Begasus: from that voidlinux "template"... "# avoid" maybe that file is needed at runtime?
<Begasus> 2 libraries are needed OscarL
<Begasus> they don't have a compat version lib also
<Begasus> I'm guessing libKDevPlatformtests is only created when tests are enabled? didn't check that (yet)
<dru_satori> wish me luck :)
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<Begasus> another one in need OscarL!
<OscarL> :-)
* Begasus crosses fingers
<OscarL> x
<OscarL> libKDevPlatform*.so get moved to the _devel package on that void "recipe" (along with the headers and cmake files)
<OscarL> looking at repology, only Void and Alpine seem to have a "-dev" package for KDevelop.
<Begasus> doesn't hurt to have it all-in-one, but shouldn't be in a base package
<OscarL> Alpine also moves the libKDevPlatform*.so files in to the devel package.
<OscarL> Begasus: sure, just mentioning to see what other's are doing with that package, just to avoid some potential headaches.
<OscarL> (like moving too much, or too little :-D)
<Begasus[m]> Fedora too
<Begasus[m]> with the prepareInstalledDevelLibs that should be good (still need to tackle it though)
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<Begasus[m]> did the same for vlc a while back
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<Begasus> reboot
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<Begasus[m]> closing down here
<Begasus[m]> cu peeps, have a merry one :)
<OscarL> Same to you Begasus[m]!
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<dru_satori> it looks like I need to add the alder lake to the busses intel_gart.cpp as well, but I cannot find the bridge ID for that. any suggestions ?
<OscarL> dru_satori: "> lisdev" and try to figure out which one of the ones that mention "bridge" is "the one" ?
<OscarL> let me grab my celeron N4020 to see how it appears there.
<dru_satori> I'm seeing 8 bridges. I'm figuring it's one of the PCI bridges
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<dru_satori> there are 2 that Devices lists as unknown.
<dru_satori> one of those is close in ID to the device_id, which is consistent with most of the other intel chipsets.
<dru_satori> I'll build with that, and if it fails try the other.
<OscarL> On my Celeron... it appears as "Gemini Lake Host Bridge"
<OscarL> (the one which ID we added to intel_gart.cpp)
<dru_satori> ahh, perfect.
<OscarL> but then you need to add the "display_id"
<OscarL> for example, for this celly... we added 0x31f0 as bridge_id, and two different "display_id"s... 0x3185 and 0x3184.
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<OscarL> can't recall from where those numbers came from
<OscarL> ah... easy...
<OscarL> it's the number you add on the intel_extreme/driver.cpp :-)
<dru_satori> I think I'm in the right ballpark, but I suspect I am still missing a define somewhere of the INTEL MODEL define
<OscarL> yup, seems like exactly that. See a different (recent) commit that also added a new device:
<OscarL> dru_satori: yeah, not always as easy as in that commit.
<OscarL> for my device, the actual patchset was this:
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<OscarL> First time I get a crash (Segment violation) on Beezer's HPkgArchiver. Only happens with this particular .hpkg I just built (Expanders opens it just fine).
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