ChanServ changed the topic of #haiku to: Open-source operating system that specifically targets personal computing. | | Nightlies: | Bugtracker: | SCM: | Logs: | Matrix: | XMPP:
<AlienSoldier> scanty: loved that story
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<Begasus> morning peeps
<coolcoder613> mornin
<andreasdr[m]> Hi there.
<Begasus> moin coolcoder613 andreasdr[m]
<zdykstra> Morning Begasus
<Begasus> hi there zdykstra!
<Begasus> long time no speek :)
<zdykstra> Life gets busy!
<Begasus[m]> Haiku time! :D
<zdykstra> I'm on a nice vacation now, and I have a haiku machine running again :)
<zdykstra> But first sleep. Catch you all later.
<Begasus[m]> Used to reserve my vacation when I was still working for GCI
<Begasus[m]> sleep well zdykstra :)
* Begasus[m] still misses GCI :/
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<Begasus> 39% tests passed, 82 tests failed out of 135 compared to 36% tests passed, 82 tests failed out of 128, progress? :P
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<jezek2> coolcoder613: hi from HN :D
<coolcoder613> Hi jezek2
<coolcoder613> ;)
<coolcoder613> I'm heading to bed now, see you in the morning
<jezek2> bye :)
<Begasus> python language support added as plugin :)
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<Begasus> HI jmairboeck :)
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<Begasus> and php plugin done :)
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<andreasdr[m]> ice
<andreasdr[m]> Nice
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<Begasus> out *
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<phschafft> in ?
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<andreasdr[m]> In!
<andreasdr[m]> Love my Haiku.
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<Skipp_OSX> "PostMessage() is similar to BMessenger::SendMessage(). The BMessenger version is preferred (it's a bit safer than PostMessage())."
<Skipp_OSX> That's what I'm going by, but why is it safer?
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<draKon> hey i got my site kinda done, for those who want to know there is a back up of hit song playlists availalbe without searching here it is
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<draKon> its small in number
<draKon> but impact is good
<draKon> its called The Ice Machine Jukebox
<draKon> video is via youtube
<draKon> but all collated at my site custom list 6 of which are for 3 hourish DJ sets
<draKon> if ye know html code, its just an iframe coded site
<draKon> hope to make it all hosted without yootoob soon
<draKon> :)
<draKon> (uplift) transe and heavier style sounds
<draKon> just little under 24 hours of continuour songs
<draKon> free too
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<zdykstra> DNS lookup failure
<phschafft> radiation sickness is no fun.
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<andreasdr[m]> What ... bless you.
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<Yoke> Merry christmas, to you all And a happy new Year!
<Yoke> I hope you're all having a brilliant day
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<andreasdr[m]> Merry xmas!
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<HaikuUser> +nst
<HaikuUser> oi
<HaikuUser> OIIIIII
<HaikuUser> bagos
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<pikaphase[m]> hello, good evening!
<zdykstra> Guten tag!
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<pikaphase[m]> zdykstra: hey, is this the right place to ask for help?
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<pikaphase[m]> I was trying to boot haiku on qemu-kvm using virt-manager, I followed the guide on haiku website but I get a kernel panic.
<zdykstra> Can you share what your VM configuration is?
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<zdykstra> It's a pretty slow day, so it might be a bit before someone can give an amswer
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* coolcoder613 waves to jezek2
<jezek2> coolcoder613: hi :)
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<OscarL> pikaphase[m]: I only used qemu once or twice without issues, but I just invoked it from the command line. Check this forum post for some commands that users reported as working for them:
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<coolcoder613> jezek2: Do you have a build of FixBrowser for mac?
<jezek2> not at hand, it needs to implement one small thing first (though I can workaround it in the code - I didn't want to pollute the code with such temporary solution) + haven't really checked support for GUI scaling at all, who knows if it works on retina screens and can't test it right now :D
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<zdykstra> Hey jezek2, saw your HN post. Neat to see that Haiku is a target!