maybe we shouldn't be calling MenusBeginning() in BWindow at all... I'm not actually sure of the case that it is useful for. Anyways Tracker is problematic because of loading add-ons, it's still an issue...
but by not calling on MenusBeginning and doing via node monitoring instead the issue should be invisible.
It's gotta be a locking issue somewhere, probably in BMenu, can't add/remove items too fast from a menu or crash
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I'm convinced it's the same underlying bug that plagued us in the wifi list crashing long ago
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Skipp_OSX: but I fixed that one. Nobody seems to have seen it in years
well I didn't exactly fix the bug though, just worked around it by not doing the thing that would make it crash, that is quickly adding and removing items. I added the ability to sort the list so that we wouldn't have to add/remove.
this is a similar situation, don't do the thing that makes it crash. Although in this case it didn't make a lot of sense to do it on MenusBeginning() anyway
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if we can lick the underlying bug I can turn repeated right-click nav menus back on
I've tried to but it crashes (still)
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any idea why I'm getting link error after recent BBlockCache error? https://0x0.st/8aEU.txt
I tried removing generated/objects dir but the link error persists
Skipp_OSX: > maybe we shouldn't be calling MenusBeginning() in BWindow at all...
We should not break API behavior compatibility.
It worked fine in BeOS.
yeah ok I get it but can you explain the comment?
Actually Tracker and Deskbar are derived from original BeOS code, so it was already 100% Haiku R1 ready. Bugs are introduced by Haiku.
"Pretend that the user opened a menu, to give the subclass a chance to update its menus. This may install new shortcuts, which is why we have to call it here, before trying to find a shortcut for the given key."
How did BeOS behaved?
I do not think that this logic should be significantly changed.
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right I understand which is why I'm working around in Tracker but I still would like the explanation for when this does in fact happen.
is there any workaround for that atheroswifi bug
If I understand correctly, MenusBeginning() should be not called on key down.
but it is, based on the comment explaining why.
and I'm afraid I've made the situation worse by allowing shortcuts without command because this gets called even without cmd down now.
Again, was is called in BeOS?
without a test case I have no way of knowing.
Some simple test program can be made for BeOS.
For example Alt+V paste to TextSearch are often not working.
waiting on approval since you x86'd my TrackerAddOn.h changes
TrackerAddOn should be not changed.
I think it's related to start edit not return focus
not even to add a message constant?
It is BeOS protocol implemented by a lot of existing add-ons.
a message constant at least one add-on is already using because it's the message we send it?
yeah and those add-ons could benefit from having access to that variable name
since it's the message Tracker sends to them, they may want to know the message->what to check.
Existing software is a set-in-stone and it must work correctly in future OS versions without any modifications. This is what backward compatibility is.
Sure but I don't really see how this would break those apps unless they defined that message constant exactly which is unlikely.
they would simply have access to a new message constant that they didn't before, and would otherwise work the same. Unless I'm missing something?
Why that message is needed? If it is needed then old software can't use it and will be regressed.
It should be implemented in a way that new message is not needed.
it's used by the add-on when loaded by Tracker to do stuff. it contains a list of refs for the add-on to use and mime-types.
the message is already being sent and used by add-ons including notably Zip-O-Matic which was covered in next commit
How old add-ons that not aware of this message will work?
by looking for refs inside
So what is the problem? Why need to add new message?
so that add-ons don't respond to refs send to them by not Tracker.
or at least have the chance to by checking the constant.
Why it shouldn't?
unexpected behavior. Zip-O-Matic popped up on me one time while first boot prompt still loaded.
It do not happen in BeOS, so it have a different reason.
fine it's not needed to fix the bug I'm after, but I thought it would be nice to share the what of the message we're sending to add-ons.
allow them to check it, officially
Please avoid so send interleaved unrelated patches.
well I mean they are related
but I guess they could go on their own stack
They are not. Hotkeys handling are unrelated to Tracker add-ons.
no it's a bug in Tracker that's related to hot key handling involving loading add-ons
it is related though MenusBeginning()
It is not bug in Tracker if it reveals in all software, including TextSearch.
isn't TextSearch part of Tracker?
No, it is stand-alone application.
GUI frontend over grep.
I don't see how anything I've done could make that stop working except maybe something related to shortcuts
I guess I'm not really even trying to fix that bug... or only in Tracker
Alt+V sometimes do not work in input field.
It worked before shortcut patches.
yeah but that's a Tracker add-on...
It is separate process.
You can launch it without Tracker.
Tracker add-on only launch process, it can't affect child process shortcuts behavior.
I mean how do I reproduce the bug, I have TextSearch up, what triggers paste to stop working?
Behavior is chaotic.
yes but I think I know why it's happening
it's because you do a file rename and the focus is not returned.
It do not work even if manually set focus.
yeah but I've seen the bug in Tracker and fixed it, I haven't seen in TextSearch
It is generic Interface Kit bug, not specific application bug.
I have seen it in other applications.
hmmm beats me
Maybe some uninitialized variable etc..
it would have to be something with shortcuts without command key that's the only thing that touches it
Yes probably.
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About Tracker add-on menu. Maybe we can have only one menu and move it between windows on focus change. That will avoid O(N) menu rebuild cost on opened Tracker windows count.
is that how BeOS did it? hehe :/
no you need one menu per window if we're going to allow them to be in the menu bar as we apparently are.
when they're tucked away into a submenu we do share and rebuild the same menu behind the scenes to see the cost.
save cost
Of course not as important as fixing bugs. Fixing crashes and broken behavior is top priority. Performance in convenience is after that.
Well the bug is fixed in Tracker idk about everywhere else that seems like a different bug
not fixed but proposed to be fixed anyway
if only heap_debug_get_allocation_info would be found by my linker
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ok good to know thank you
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added libmp3lame and libmpg123 to it, now all tests pass
weird thing there though, you need to build static librrary to be able to run the tests
will probably move the tools into a seperate package also
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