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<PetePete> hey coolcoder613
<PetePete> coolcoder613: well, by caveats I mean... nothing really works. At all...
<coolcoder613> SO like my NCSA Mosiac port, then?
<PetePete> In fact, I'm not entirely sure it installed correctly. Or... at all...
<PetePete> YES!
<PetePete> I LOVE that port!
<PetePete> I can't wait for a polished version
<PetePete> *spins the cube (in his mind)*
<PetePete> weeeeeeeee
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<dovsienko> boody24[m]: do your homework and come back when ready to learn a bit more
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<boody24[m]> dovsienko: I found the generated esp image and haiku booted successfully but the kernel panicked
<boody24[m]> which is the expected result
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<PetePete> coolcoder613: Here's the video. The graphics are a litle jumpy (I guess it's because Haiku is emulating 3D acceleration?) If anyone can help me get Compiz to run smoother, that would be awesome (not important, obviously):
<coolcoder613> PetePete: Really nice!
<PetePete> Thanks! ;)
<PetePete> My coding skills are lacking to say the least XD
<scanty> PetePete: looks cool.
<ablyss> neat
<scanty> a haiku native compositor would be super.
<PetePete> I should have been a majician
<PetePete> *waves his hands mysteriously while bulging his eyes*
<scanty> or a speller ^_^
<PetePete> MAJICIAN!!
* scanty backs off.
<PetePete> You'd think the shame and ridicule I'd receive would be all the ACTUAL hard workers in this channel flaming me for bastardizing Haiku through the use of video majic (that's right)
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<coolcoder613> Wizzard!
<PetePete> See? Ablyss was so sickened, he just up and quit...
<PetePete> We'll probably never see him again
<PetePete> scanty's right though. Compositor might be kinda cool
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<scanty> i have to look into porting gnu backgammon. it's one thing i miss in haiku. i was told we have gtk support so it might be possible.
<scanty> it would also be very interesting to see what kind of frame rates it can achieve.
<scanty> without hard3d
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<PetePete> night gents. Thank you all for the hard work you do
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<scanty> does anyone know where to get the glib2 sources, HaikuDepot has it listed but when you install, it says it cannot find the package.
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<zdykstra> Unless they contain haiku specific patches, just grab them from upstream
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 3 commits to master [hrev58503] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 2b7da773ed7e - app_server & libbe: Use server_read_only_memory for the colormap.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] cc9746dbc653 - kernel/thread: Add a check for the current thread in Thread::Get.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 6a75e767e64f - kernel/team: Convert Team linked-lists into DoublyLinkedLists.
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<Begasus[m]> morning peeps
<Begasus[m]> scanty gnu backgammon is already in the depot (cli) :)
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<andreasdr[m]> Good morning!!! Begasus!!!
<Begasus[m]> Arrr andreasdr! :)
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<andreasdr[m]> :DDD
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<Yoke> morning 'yall
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<Begasus[m]> morning Yoke
<andreasdr[m]> So what is going on here?
<andreasdr[m]> :DDD
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* phschafft does a quick run thru the channel, cleaning up a bit and refilling the cookie bowl.
* coolcoder613 waves
<phschafft> mau. :)
<Begasus[m]> whoof
* Begasus[m] grabs one of the cookies with a big smile
<phschafft> back to some code for me.
<phschafft> working on Data::URIID right now.
<Begasus[m]> djvutranslator needs djvu for gcc2 :/
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<Begasus[m]> first fixing gegl for tiff4 :)
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<HaikuUser> hello
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<dougmencken> hola, is there any way to make an application (namely Pluse) appear on *all* the workspaces?
<dougmencken> like the Workspaces app does
<Begasus[m]> only if it acts like a replicant I guess?
<Begasus[m]> I think you mean "Pulse"?
<dougmencken> Pulse, sure
<Begasus> then not at the moment, you can drag the "CPU's to the Desktop to show them on all of them, but not the "app" itself
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<Begasus> There is also "ActivityMonitor" showing CPU usage and more you could use
<dougmencken> Begasus, what to drag? nothing inside the Pulse's window looks draggable
<Begasus> dougmencken, check if "Show Replicants" is enabled in the Deskbar menu
<Begasus> You should see a handle with every "CPU" then
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<dougmencken> aaargh wadda stuff is it
<dougmencken> it's just number 1 on my desk
<dougmencken> how to get rid of it now :)
<Begasus> right-click the handel on the replicant :)
<Begasus> on the Desktop*
<dougmencken> hah funny
<Begasus> weird, current gegl package in the depot moves the locales to the devel package? :P
<dougmencken> maybe it would be possible by recompiling Pulse
<Begasus> it's part of Haiku's code base I think
<dougmencken> adding to it something that Workspaces app does to appear on all the spaces
<Begasus> you could file (search first) a feature request at the bugtracker
<Begasus> link is in the channel topic
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<Begasus> nice, no more tiff4 on this system and the other 32bit one :)
<Begasus> reboot this to 32bit
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<Begasus_32> eeps still a list here :P
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<Yoke> This might be a stupid question but I can't find much about it on the forums, has anyone tried Haiku with the Intel Arc cards (Talking the older ones, not Battlemage)
<OscarL> Yoke: can't really tell if anyone tried it. *Should* work in VESA/Framebuffer (as most cards without a proper mode-setting driver).
<OscarL> the current intel_extreme driver doesn't has support for them, if that's what you were wondering.
<Yoke> ah, alright
<Yoke> I was just thinking because the Arc A380 is getting pretty cheap at this point (and it doesn't need an extra power cable)
<OscarL> and with 6 GB of VRAM... it does sounds nice.
<Yoke> yeah
<OscarL> not sure how good drivers are (now) with older games, though (were pretty bad at launch). Depending on what you plan to run... might be better to look for something else.
<OscarL> on the other hand... should have good Linux support, so cheap SteamOS box? :-D
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<Yoke> maybe! but being serious for a moment, I just need something for the Vostro because while it *has* HDMI on the rear IO shield, it does not seem to agree with Haiku very much, even with the failsafe graphics driver it freaks out half the time
<OscarL> Begasus_32: still fighting tiff4? :-D (hello BTW!)
<OscarL> my GT1030 seems to work fine via HDMI on Haiku, even if only using the VESA driver.
<OscarL> if you only need it for basic video output (and light gaming on older titles while on other OSes)... might not be a bad option, if you can find one cheap enough.
<OscarL> 30W tops over PCI-e, has passively cooled models, low profile, etc. Just stay away from the DDR4 model :-D
<Yoke> yeah, I essentially just need (if it makes sense) a PCI-e to hdmi adapter
<Yoke> wow, yeah, no word of a lie, passively cooled 1030s are a thing
<Yoke> I did not know that, I just assumed anything past a 700 series would just saturate a passive cooler
<Begasus[m]> hi OscarL, tiff4 is giving me headaches yes :)
<Begasus[m]> well, in case of djvu it is
<OscarL> Yoke: in my pretty warm climate, I *did* had to tack on a custom fan to mine to avoid temp-throtling.
<OscarL> Begasus[m]: some recipes are a PITA.
<Yoke> I live in the UK so..... that shouldn't be much of a problem XD
<OscarL> Yoke: small fan run at 5V seems to be enough here (and varely even audible)
<Begasus[m]> errr ... djvu doesn't require tiff4
<Begasus[m]> needs tiff 4.2.0
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<Begasus[m]> so maybe a switch for arch in the recipe for the tiff version could work ...
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<Yoke> I'm back, laptop decided to freak out :/
<Begasus[m]> wb :)
<Begasus[m]> will have to check this when I come home from picking one of the kids at work
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<Begasus[m]> biab
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<dru_satori> well, this in interesting.... I think I might have solved the riddle of the wifi connection info does not save, but I'm not sure how to go about fixing it.
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<dru_satori> after a bunch of testing with different configurations and devices, the common thread is not the adapter, but with mesh style networks and which device on the same network that it connects to.
<dru_satori> I can reproduce the results on Eero, Orbi, and TPLink mesh devices, using any of the 3 wifi adapters I have.
<dru_satori> if I power off all but the main mesh router, connect to it, and then restart the wifi save/restore of the password works fine
<dru_satori> if any of the mesh relay devices are on, it will not connect automatically, and upon selection, sometimes requests the password.
<dru_satori> sometimes is predicatd on the luck of the draw clicking upon the correct mesh device that it stored against.
<dru_satori> now to go digging through the code to see if I ccan figure out how to fix. :) WEEE!!!!!
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<Begasus[m]> good luck :)
<dru_satori> side note, is there a way to disable ACPI on a more or less permanent basis?
<dru_satori> I'm feeling lucky today :)
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<Begasus_32> yes!! lib:libtiff >= 5.6.0 :D
<Begasus_32> should I revbump?
<OscarL> seems numpy killed the 64 bits buildmaster :-/
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<Begasus_32> lol, no need to revbump it for that then ;)
<OscarL> dru_satori: you can set "acpi false" in the file: "~/config/settings/kernel/driver/kernel"
<Begasus[m]> OscarL "Will fix tomorrow." no time like the present? ;)
<dru_satori> thanks OscarL
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<OscarL> Begasus[m]: not sure if I'll stay awake enough to test a build on 32 bits... let's see I guess.
<Begasus[m]> you just got in :P
<OscarL> on IRC maybe... was trying to clean things up since earlier :-D
<dru_satori> off into the reboot and test cycle with multiple routers. back in a bit I hope :)
<Begasus[m]> tsss :)
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<OscarL> dru_satori: good luck!
<OscarL> bah... too late.
<Begasus[m]> k, let's test this djvu on 64bit
<OscarL> launching hp -G numpy_x86
<Begasus_32> that didn't do the trick ...
<OscarL> bloody hell fetching package for... a bunch of stuff I didn't had on this install :-D
<Begasus_32> heh
<OscarL> who decided to print WARN messages in RED ?!?! almost have me a heart attack :-D
<Begasus_32> didn't run --list-dependencies? :P
<OscarL> not until I get it sorted! :-P
<Begasus_32> heh
<Begasus_32> well, the PR does what it intended to do, so in my view it is fine
<Begasus_32> "what" it should do is another thing
<Begasus_32> k, last change works on both arch's
<Begasus_32> food now :)
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<OscarL> numpy_x86 built fine on 32 bits. Opening PR. Guess we don't need revbump there. Better double check Begasus_32! :-P
<OscarL> also... Bon appétit!
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<Begasus_32> re
<Begasus_32> err .. OscarL,which numpy is that?
<OscarL> the current one: 1.26.0
<OscarL> hit merge before I hit enter? :-D
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<Begasus[m]> P
<Begasus[m]> triggered 64bit buildmaster too :)
<OscarL> good! it shouldn't take more than 10/12 minutes there.
<OscarL> (that's what it took here on 32 bits, so...)
<Begasus[m]> thanks!
<Begasus[m]> does the one for djvu look fine? it works, but another eye never hurts :)
<OscarL> mmm on 64 bits I see this: "
<OscarL> Tue Jan 07 2025 11:47:39 GMT-0300" it is 13:49 here now, so... it seems to be quite stuck still.
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<OscarL> the "else" placement is a bit off... should be at the same level as if/fi
<Begasus[m]> see! :D
<Begasus[m]> fixed
<dru_satori> who is the graphics driver guru these days? Waddle ?
<OscarL> Begasus[m]: To be honest... I seem to never really remember when I should use $effectiveTargetArchitecture vs $secondaryArchitecture :-D
<Begasus[m]> didn't do the trick OscarL, tried that first
<Begasus[m]> always confuses me there wether to use -z or -n also :)
<OscarL> dru_satori: depends on the driver, mostly. radeon... kallisti5[m], intel_extreme: PulkoMandy. older nvidia/matrox/several_others... RudolfC.
<Begasus[m]> ow, should check secondary on 32bit
<Begasus_32> works, switches to tiff 4.6.0 (don't have 4.7.0 on this install)
<OscarL> dru_satori: but that's for specific drivers. in general, waddlesplash or x512[m] surely know they way around :-)
<Begasus_32> Rudolf! :D
<OscarL> not that active... but I was really happy to be able to exchange some words with him after so many years :-D
<Begasus_32> lib:libtiff_x86 >= 6.0.2
<Begasus_32> nice
<Begasus_32> yeah, did some nice work back in BeOS MaxEd iirc
<Begasus_32> well, not in there, but on the NVidia driver
<OscarL> he was my only "beta" tester for the Win9x version of /bin/poke :-D
<Begasus_32> heh
<Begasus_32> met a few times at BG
<OscarL> sadly the tool didn't help him discover much from the Windows drivers that he hadn't already figured out.
<Begasus[m]> numpy almost done at buildmaster (32bit)
<OscarL> I used to dream about going to BG, back in the days... waaay too long of a trip, sadly :-)
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<Begasus_32> yeah, don't see myself visiting your place any time soon too :)
<OscarL> seeing reports of that always made me smile.
<OscarL> Begasus_32: getting lazy with age, I see, huh? :-P
<Begasus_32> yep, I earned that :P
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<OscarL> Too bad we don't live in the future, where (affordable) teleportation is a thing :-)
<OscarL> otherwise... I'll be knocking at your door with some home-made pizzas from time to time :-)
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<Begasus_32> welcome any time! :)
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<Begasus_32> just got to take the fur with the pizza then :D
<Begasus[m]> jikes
<Begasus[m]> the red is indeed misleading :)
<OscarL> heh
<OscarL> on the positive side, numpy 32 bits build was OK.
<Begasus[m]> right! +1
<OscarL> now we need to kick the 64 bits builder in the rear.
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<zdykstra> BOOT IT
<Begasus[m]> djvu was already good there earlier, so no trigger from me there
<Begasus[m]> left or right boot?
<zdykstra> one, then the other. Start with your preference.
<Begasus[m]> kallisti5 is fighting other snakes atm :)
<OscarL> zdykstra: I think the builders are in EU. Closest to Begasus[m]'s feet than mine :-P
<Begasus[m]> lol
<kallisti5[m]> I'm on my second set of snakes now... they're a doozy
<Begasus[m]> heh
<Begasus[m]> OK, gdal is requiring tiff4 also it seems :/
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<Begasus[m]> hoped I could skip that one
<Begasus[m]> hmm older gdal302
<OscarL> kallisti5[m]: we mostly call you up when things don't work, but know that we *do* appreaciate your work a lot. Thanks a bunch!
<kallisti5[m]> a lot of people are going to hate me in a bit 😆
<OscarL> and I'm out of popcorn :-(
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<OscarL> Begasus[m]: just a heads up... for numpy 2.x... I'll try to see if I can build a newer scipy with it... if so... I will probably move to just update numpy 2.x, and then fix whatever breaks aftewards.
<Begasus_32> +1 OscarL
<Begasus_32> the build I checked was fine
<Begasus_32> heh
<Begasus_32> let's see who finishes first
<Begasus_32> 64bit bare metal, 32bit VM, launched gdal302 on both :)
<OscarL> right, that's why I send those monsterz and singularity fixes, to avoid possible breakages in advance :-D
<Begasus_32> nah ... that's where git blame comes in :P
<OscarL> meh... I just blame the one tha hit "merge" :-P
<Begasus_32> doh!
<OscarL> btw... read that zard got into the dev team? Belated congrats!
<OscarL> I was puzzled by him giving a +2 on gerrit, had to track down the votes on the mailing list out of curiosity :-)
<Begasus_32> yeah, already since last year :P
<Begasus_32> there were no minus's afaik :)
<Begasus_32> zard is one of the master now! :)
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<Begasus_32> s/master/masters
<zard> Indeed :D
<zard> Thanks OscarL !
<Begasus_32> so this year you'll be one of the mentors zard? :P
<OscarL> you're welcome!
<zard> We shall have to see ;)
<Begasus_32> don't think you can apply as a "student" when you're part of the project itself iirc?
* OscarL rubs his hands ands mutters.... "fresh blood, yes... we need more of that." (while trying to not sound too much like Dracula)
<zard> Hee hee, I've already participated twice anyway, so it wouldn't have worked anyway
<Begasus_32> ah :)
<Begasus_32> wished they would call in GCI again
<dru_satori> thanks on the reference. I'll have to see if Pulko has a few minutes next time I see them on line
<Begasus_32> and now gdal302 errors in the build :/
<dru_satori> can't quite figure out what I'm doing wrong on the intel_extreme alterations to support the Alder Lake P
<Begasus_32> try to hunt down "error" in Terminal build when you see gezilions of -Werror=vla references :P
<OscarL> dru_satori: I only contributed a **tiny** bit to intel_extreme driver, so I probably won't be of much help, but... first try to make sure if your device matches the correct family, or it works better with the previous/following one...
<Begasus_32> and
<OscarL> (some "mid-term" models seems to align better one way or the other)
<dru_satori> in the case of the Gen 12 Alder Lake, everything I can find source and docs says, that it is largely unchanged from the TigerLake
<dru_satori> I've added the ID to the supported devices.
<OscarL> dru_satori: another point to look at (at least in the case of my hardware) was to use a different PCH than what it was supposed to (I may be simplyfing/messing up my descriptions).
<OscarL> dru_satori: follow the following links... they are for reviews of changesets adding support for different intel cards:
<OscarL> darn.... that link misses some...
<dru_satori> yeah, I was trying to do just that the other day, and got irritated and poured a lovely old fashioned and forgot to keep looking after that :)
<OscarL> dru_satori: this one is more likely to be relevant.
<OscarL> in particular (and the only one I know a bit about):
<OscarL> notice, besides the intel_gart.cpp changes...
<OscarL> that we had to introduce a INTEL_PCH_GMP_DEVICE_ID, and return INTEL_PCH_CNP for it to work,
<dru_satori> I think the issue is the PCH_ADP_DEVICE Id is missing
<OscarL> TextSearch / grep are your friend. I used them a lot trying to figure out if "close enough" devices (+/- one generation) gave us better results.
<OscarL> specific models might need far more tweaks, though.
<OscarL> we just got lucky with those GeminiLake ones.
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<OscarL> dru_satori: I see a INTEL_PCH_ADP_DEVICE_ID already there, maybe it needs a new one for your device?
<OscarL> (assuming your's doesn't matches any of the INTEL_PCH_ADP{n}_DEVICE_ID ones.
<Begasus_32> nice :) grabbing gdal302_x86-3.0.2-7-x86_gcc2.hpkg and moving it to /boot/home/haikuports/packages/gdal302_x86-3.0.2-7-x86_gcc2.hpkg
<dru_satori> OscarL I had added one to the bus, but I missed the private header. going to try it that now :)
<OscarL> best of luck!
<dru_satori> ahh, I do miss the BeOS minimize to the title bar behavior
<Begasus_32> err system gdal is 5 revisions behind the one in the recipe? :P
<dru_satori> also, thanks again on the ACPI disable. that makes this system SOOOOO much more stable. no mre kernel debug land on reboot
<dru_satori> and yes, off to update a trac entry on the wifi bug before I start gpu testing reboots
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<OscarL> "BeOS minimize to the title bar behavior" ? was he using an addon or something?
<nephele_xmpp> hi
<Begasus_32> hi nephele_xmpp
<OscarL> o/ nephele_xmpp
<Begasus_32> looks like latest revbump didn't make it in for gdal
<OscarL> I remember being able to "window shade" app's windows by double-clicking on their title bars... but that was on some old "Linuxes", not BeOS.
<Begasus_32> doesn't ring a bell here either
<Begasus_32> gdal302 OK now on 32bit
<Begasus_32> now building regular gdal :/
<Begasus_32> did I mention I don't like the sci-lib builds yet? :P
<OscarL> only one time this year, so far.
<Begasus_32> ah right! lol
<Begasus_32> now even my coffee is cold
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<Begasus_32> bugger ... sdk/blockdir/binarytiledir.cpp:115:25: error: 'numeric_limits' is not a member of 'std'
<Begasus_32> is there some header in the system not declaring: #include <limits> ?
<Begasus_32> or is it just a missing one in the source?
<nephele_xmpp> OscarL: I don’t think Haiku supports that
<OscarL> right. I think dru_satori had just mixed up his memories.
<Begasus_32> grabbing gdal_x86-3.4.2-5-x86_gcc2.hpkg and moving it to /boot/home/haikuports/packages/gdal_x86-3.4.2-5-x86_gcc2.hpkg
<Begasus_32> done :)
<nephele_xmpp> I’m missing context, but maybe I will check the log later
<nephele_xmpp> Also, my minetest gamemode is now published on the contentdb
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<Begasus[m]> need to close down, can't think straight anymore ;)
<Begasus[m]> cu peeps!
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<OscarL> Later Begasus[m]! Read you soon!
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<dalme> Any idea how to triger KDL on QEMU? Alt+SysReq+D doesn't seem to work
<andreasdr[m]> pkgconf is cool, yarrrrrr, thank you Begasus
<OscarL> dalme: there should be a command line tool you can call... kdl_debugger or something like that? (sorry, already powered down my haiku machines for the day)
<OscarL> "kernel_debugger" might be it?
<dalme> Yes! It's kernel_debugger
<dalme> Thank you very much OscarL
<OscarL> np!
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<waddlesplash> dalme: it does work on QEMU but not via keyboard directly
<waddlesplash> you have to use the compat monitor
<waddlesplash> i.e. Ctrl+Alt
<waddlesplash> Ctrl+Alt+2
<waddlesplash> then "sendkey alt-sysrq-delete"
<waddlesplash> iirc
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<dalme> waddlesplash: Yes, that works too!
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<Anarchos> waddlesplash alt systreq d
<waddlesplash> yes, right
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<dru_satori> grr, intel why does your documentation suck so bad
<dru_satori> another reboot loop
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<OscarL> see you around folks, have a good one.
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<dru_satori> does an add-on in non-packaged override one in syste/add-ons ?
<zdykstra> I believe if it has the same app signature, yes
<dru_satori> that's what I thought, but I do not appear to be getting loaded.
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<zdykstra> I had the same thing very recently - what happens if you reboot?
<nephele_xmpp> depends on the add-on
<nephele_xmpp> iirc this doesn’t work for all of them
<nephele_xmpp> you can check with listiimage which variant was loaded
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<zdykstra> ooh, didn't know about that tool. Thanks nephele_xmpp.
<nephele_xmpp> ignore the double i, i’m on one of those macbookss with crappy keyboards
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<dru_satori> nothing like feeling stupid. apparently my version of the intel_extreme driver has something missing...
<dru_satori> "/boot/system/non-packaged/add-ons/kernel/drivers/intel_extreme": could not resolve symbol 'mutex_lock'
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<waddlesplash> that happens if you are running incompatible drivers and kernel
<waddlesplash> in this case it probably means you built a kernel addon for a nightly build but are running it against beta5 kernel
<waddlesplash> this incompatibility has been fixed going forward but beta5 and nightlies are still incompatible
<waddlesplash> if doing kernel and driver dev you want to be on a nightly anyway
<waddlesplash> for all the extra assertions and checks
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<dru_satori> yeah, I wasn't paying attention. have 2 different thumb drives that I swap between
<dru_satori> was on the wrong one
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<phschafft> mau erysdren.
<erysdren> mau!
<phschafft> all good?
<erysdren> ya. just been busy.
<phschafft> in that case....
* phschafft offers erysdren one of the Quarkbällchen his flatmate made.
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* erysdren eats it gladly :3
<phschafft> :)
<erysdren> i set up a QuakeWorld deathmatch server on my VPS
<erysdren> just been customizing it today, modding some stuff
<erysdren> its gonna be for friends only
* coolcoder613 waves
* phschafft surely understands 1/3 of the words.
<phschafft> ;)
* phschafft waves back to coolcoder613, also offering a Quarkbällchen.
<bjorkintosh> what the hell is a quarkballchen?
<erysdren> i googled it, and it looks delicious
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* coolcoder613 munches one, and shows erysdren his new site at
<phschafft> it's a little ball made with Quark ;)
<erysdren> coolcoder613: cool site!!
<phschafft> just look at the pictures. and then think of something very tasty.
<bjorkintosh> Quarks? Gentlemen prefer Muons
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 6 commits to master [hrev58504] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] cb2aab8ca726 - tests/boot: Cleanup heap_test a bit.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] c55f4f269885 - tests/boot: Make heap_test build again.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 9bf3184b3cde - kernel/util: Merge the bootloader and runtime_loader heap implementations.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 0f843fe15af7 - tests/boot: Add boot_heap_replay_test.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 7137fc03b225 - bootloader heap: Actually implement DEBUG_ALLOCATIONS.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] babcaa3c29c7 - runtime_loader: Resize heap areas instead of creating new ones.
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev58505] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 1c956c9bf4be - bootloader packagefs: Drop fModifiedTime.
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<phschafft> bjorkintosh: I think the difference is that for one type of research you use a oil chamber and for the other a cloud chamber.
<phschafft> and they are also on different temperatures.
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<_-Caleb-_> hi all
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<erysdren> hi caleb
* _-Caleb-_ is idle: afk
<phschafft> hm.
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<waddlesplash> it would be interesting to see where Haiku is at now
<waddlesplash> a @minimum build the other day was using only 140MB out of 1GB of RAM here, and that was x64
<waddlesplash> my main x86_64 VM install has gone down by 30-40MB at least over the past few weeks as well
<phschafft> hu?
<waddlesplash> ah maybe not, I was using a different configuration
<waddlesplash> it went down but not by that much
<erysdren> waow, 184mb on Windows 11
<erysdren> thats nuts
<waddlesplash> a few MB at least though
<waddlesplash> erysdren: lol there's still a few hundred MB of virtual memory
<phschafft> still, software normally goes up, not down. ;)
<waddlesplash> Haiku can run in 184MB without virtual memory :P
<waddlesplash> and I think less than 128 again now
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