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x512 shouldn't these point to setting directories? -DFALLBACK_CONFIG_DIRS="/boot/home/config/non-packaged/add-ons:/boot/home/config/add-ons:/boot/system/non-packaged/add-ons:/boot/system/add-ons" \
and DFALLBACK_DATA_DIRS point to the add-ons ones?
can't get the tests to compile, some file is generated and can't track down where it comes from
Morning Begasus[m].
Nasina has joined #haiku
regarding that FAISS thing... I guess the python code is either not finding, or one of the compiled swig modules for the bindings.
tried looking at the code to see if it was a similar case as with unicorn (need to adjust the lib*.so name), but couldn't find where it loads the libs :-/
(I haven't worked with swig-generated bindings)
maybe the syslog shows something when you try it to import?
morning OscarL !
on the package you should see some "" / "" and similar files.
ah, didn't check there
both are in the python package, let me try import again
KERN: runtime_loader: Cannot open file (needed by /boot/system/lib/python3.10/vendor-packages/faiss/ No such file or directory
is in the package's "lib/" dir?
it's in there: /boot/system/lib/python3.10/vendor-packages/faiss
together with both the other libraries
not in $libDir
I would move that to $libDir, and leave the _swig*.so where they are.
x512 could you check a build for vulkan with this?
k checking
Begasus[m]: minor thing: you can remove the "export LIBFAISS_PATH=$libDir" from the recipe, IIRC, unicorn *did* uses such variable, but it was just that project, it is not a "generic python bindings thing".
yeah, wasn't sure yet, so left it as it was for unicorn
also, I guess you could drop the "if $buildPythonBindings; then", I just added them on unicorn, because it was only one of the many available, and I still doubt it is of any use :-D
on the other hand... this faiss thing... kinda useless without the bindings, it seems :-D
Warning: POLICY ERROR: no matching provides "lib:libfaiss_python_callbacks" for "lib/"
so far ... :)
OK, that works, I can import,help() now
maybe that "export" is in the way ...
clean build
don't you just have to add "lib:libfaiss_python_callbacks" to PROVIDES?
probably on PROVIDES_python$pythonPackage ?
in PROVIDES as it ended up in $libDir
but that was already done after the first warning/error ;)
(as it is only build/needed by the bindings, I would probably place "" on _python310, not on the base package)
ok, the removal of export .... didn't work, so still have to mv the library
ah right, didn't error because base package is required
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hmm it requires the base library, not the package ...
sounds reasonable.
we do the same for _devel packages :)
hmm, let me push that as draft to haikuports
sounds reasonable, just needs some minor cleanups.
"Short description of ProjectX" :-D
thought so :) hence it's easier to comment at haikuports :)
* OscarL
is not a fan of SOURCE_URI="$HOMEPAGE/foobar", but won't make a fuss about it.
well ... I'm not a fan of $portName so ... :P
$portVersion is almost always there, so copy/paste is already not that practical for either of us :-D
there, PR (draft) created
summary adjusted
maybe that pythong part/build/install could go to INSTALL()?
and cleaned up a bit, now waiting for comments :)
I would not move the "python build" part.
and spliting build/install wouldn't add much (other than more lines)
it would "skip" the default build if that's already done
nah, just the python block to INSTALL()
doggies/chores biab :)
that "python build install" compiles swing stuff, AFAICT.
so moving "python build" to INSTALL doesn't sounds particularly good, and moving just the "python install" part doesn't gains us much over current status, that's what I was aiming at.
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* OscarL
wonders if "just another indirection level" would help easing the transition from current "python3.xx" packages to "python3.xx_default + python3.xx"
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will check with numpy thingy :)
OscarL: hi! could you try installing ansible via pip? last time a tried I ran into all sorts of problems, but I don't know pip/python much to troubleshoot myself
bah.... "previous" *still* doesn't has a proper tarball to download, and downloading from's svn is not safe :-(
diver: I won't be able to download all of that without eating my daily MBs. If you could paste a full log of your attempted "pip install ansible" (ideally from a clean install)... I *might* be able to at least narrow down the issue.
launched one here for ansible, will report back on that (ansible download alone +50MB)
Good thing I didn't tried. Thanks Begasus[m] :-)
but I suspect some numpy issues (as usual) :)
will try to make a clean install, but it might take a while as i need to go to work now
enjoy your day diver :)
no worries, Begasus[m] might gets a good enough log. Have a good one diver!
Begasus[m]... the Python packaging magician! :-P
~> ansible --version
ansible [core 2.17.9]
"Ansible is a radically simple IT automation system. It handles configuration management, application deployment, cloud provisioning, ad-hoc task execution, network automation, and multi-node orchestration."
I didn't work on pip :D
Begasus[m]: stuff that those crazy sys-admin use.
well it does install, diver can go to work now :D
oh, interesting
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can also import and call help() with python :)
just did "pip3 install --user ansible" :)
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mmm, my pip is utterly broken (no wonder, considering that I tend to have about 5 different pythons, some installed under ~/config/, and I don't have any pip_python3x .hpkg installed :-D
tss :P
btw, those pip_python3x packages will face the same fate as the Dodo bird :-D
users needing to use pip should instead install pip themselves ("pyton3.xx -m ensurepip altinstall" or with "--user")
and then call the `pip3.xx` that matches the python version they need/use.
reason is... pip updates way too*fast* for us to keep up. And it just installs/works out of the box anyway.
jmairboeck: is awake too :)
nice catch :)
* OscarL
runs `python3 -m ensurepip --altinstall --user`, that indeed solved this pip issues.
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darn phone reboots :-)
KDE Gear 24.12.3 released :)
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"Error: 'svn' is not available, please install it" :-/
I don't care about "previous" *that* much.
I think I will just blidly add the .hvif I made for it, and call it a day :-D
OK, if nothing pops up I think I'll merge faiss later then
maybe nexus6 should try it first?
can't remember his github name, wanted to poke ... :)
ah, could also mention it at the forum
ah, can also have a look at removing that condition for python Oscar-L
just added it as you mentioned unicorn yesterday :)
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Begasus[m]: "nexus6-haiku" on GH.
thanks :)
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bah ... /Opslag/haikuports/dev-libs/faiss/work-1.10.0/port.recipe: line 59: SUMMARY_python310=The Python python bindings for faiss: command not found
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removed a bit too much? :-D
* BiPolar
downloaded "previous" with the few remaining data he has for now.
probably, and finding which can be tricky sometimes :P
(I will probably open a PR for adding the icon later this night)
Begasus[m]: you should just be able to remove the "if $buildPythonBindings; then" lines (and the "fi" ones of course), and remove the indentation.
that should be all.
think I did all of that :)
(as in... the contents of the "if" should remain as is, just not indented)
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My brother, who works in music professionally, will use one lenovo all-in-one for his recording setup (microphone goes in, sound file goes out). So now i'm interested to learn more about the media kit and try to fix some of it's problems, but there seems to be no good overview documentation that i can find
I guess I will check the bebook later
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Begasus[m]: radare2 ?
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Anarchos that's actually the original one, rizin is forked from it
and been kept uptodate (working together with upstream)
Begasus[m]: i think i saw both radare2 and rizin in haikuports. So which one should i use ?
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bugger ... Error: problem 1: package poppler25_qt6_devel-25.02.0-1 requires poppler25_devel==25.02.0, but none of the providers can be installed
If I have a BGroupLayout(B_VERTICAL) that contains three buttons,is there an easy way to make all buttons have the same width?
Don't they now?
do you have a larger code snippet to show?
kallisti5[m]: around?
No,they don't,each button has the width it needs for the label
those aren't localized... that's not nice. But a hack you could do is set the explicit min size for all the buttons to a multiple of StringWidth of W
They are localized,but it's in another function that allows for realtime update when you change your language setting
I hoped I could avoid ugly hacks and have the LayoutKit handle the correct size for me.The old code with absolute coordinates had a hack like that
So maybe compare the StringWidth of each of the three strings, pick the widest one, and set the minimum size accordingly
I don't know if BButton has a way to tell it to fill all available space or something
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Someone else probably has a better answer than me...
Just tried using a Grid Layout instead,doesn't change anything :/
Yes, that won't change anything. The BButtons prefered size is what fits the String
it won't use any bigger size unless you tell it to
(Tell the Button class I mean, not the layout)
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scanty got myself a genesis model one (the one with the "high definition graphic" text. Want to mod it to svideo, was not possible with the video chip of my model 2. Got a nice deal on it.
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