nipos: thanks for arguing with me on that one review that multiple colors can be stuffed in one message, had missed that possibility, but it comes in quite handy now :)
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hi phschafft
OSM is great. Nice data, terrible ui
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what exactly do you mean by 'OSM' when you talk about 'ui'?
every UI i've tried that pulls data from OSM :/
so the "openstreetmap.org" map, OSMand on iOS/android, the haiku abandoned map app (that just downloads tiles)
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seems in my area some tags are missing for amenities i want to use... now to figure out how to edit osm datqa
I see.
erysdren doesn't seem to be around. :(
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nephele: OSM just uses the same slippy map libraries as most other mapping providers
not sure what you mean by that gordonjcp
what's libraries got to do with the UI?
nephele: the "UI" is pretty much the same as anything else that uses maps
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I don't really agree. The UI of apple maps and google maps is substantially different and works better, but the data is much worse :)
different and better in what way?
I'm not talking about viewing a map tile, i'm talking about interactive use where you try to figure out stuff about your enviroment, or try to route to somewhere and stuff
though the default colors for just viewing are bad on most maps i've tried too, but that isn't a fault of the library used
Say, for example: If i want to route with a bycicle, apple maps is much better at giving me directions to stuff in my area, when i search for something, while osm will sometimes use wildly different stuff on say a different continent (just tried to search for swimming pool on the website for example, and it immidiently went to india)
but on the other hand, OSM has data on where bycicle racks are to park, which apple maps does not have. But in the osmand app for iOS i only was able to obtain this info by writing a specific localized string into the search box i had to look up in the wikli beforehand
oh, fair enough, yes
that's the sort of thing you need to throw Apple money at to fix
Apple maps has major design flaws, I'd rather have a great UI for osm instead :P
My currennt problem is local swimming pools. THose close seasonally, apple maps can't deal with something beeing closed in the future. OSM should be able to, and if not this can surely be added...
also a proper mapping app for Haiku would be cool ;)
nephele: I mean I started using OSM when Skye was basically just a blank Skye-shaped blob...
I remember being surprised to see my GPX track points actually showing the point where someone pulled out of a side road in front of me and bimbled along at 30 in a 60 limit
you see big wide dots suddenly compress down to really close together then sit about half as far apart for nearly a mile, then space out again and move to the right for a moment...
They used a gps tool to map the road?
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nephele: that's how it worked at least at first
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nephele: rather than having a lot of very expensive surveying equipment people took lots and lots of GPS tracks and averaged them
nephele: if we both drive along the same road we'd have roughly the same GPS points and if we did that enough times we'd have a pretty clear fuzzy band that has good confidence of following the shape of the road
that does make sense yeah
I guess for my current problem a good place to start would be to figure out how i can fix mapping errors in either iOS or android (can use my fairphone and flash android if need be) and then adjust local swimming pools...