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<Begasus[m]> morning peeps
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<ZPy> Hi! I have a bash script which runs only from terminal. This is the command: /boot/system/bin/python3 $PWD/data/
<ZPy> If I launch it from terminal it runs, but if I run it from Tracker, nope
<ZPy> what the hell is wrong with this script?
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<ZPy> hmm, I fixed this with #!bash SCRIPT_DIR=$(dirname "$0") /boot/system/bin/python3 "$SCRIPT_DIR/data/"
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<OscarL> bah, Zpy just left.
<OscarL> using bash scripts to invoke a python script that way sounds weird to me. why not just add a shebang on the python script and "chmod +x" it instead?
<OscarL> Morning Begasus[m], BTW :-)
<OscarL> Begasus[m]: some progress with my "see what packages are out-dated" script:
<Begasus[m]> morning OscarL :)
<Begasus[m]> had to do a quick check on Fedora in the VM :)
<OscarL> "None" as "newest version" means gave a 404 for that package name (either because they are not on PyPi, like Haiku-PyAPI, others because we changed the name to avoid collitions with other .recipes)
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<Begasus[m]> do you also have one that checks newer recipes? :)
<OscarL> (a couple PyPi packages also have "unparseable versions", so those got None there as well)
<OscarL> Begasus[m]: not sure I understand what you mean about newer recipes, sorry.
<OscarL> you mean one that checks for .recipes you may have on your working tree but not yet merged on the HaikuPorts repo?
<Begasus[m]> recipes/packages* like I already got KF6 6.12.0-rc here
<Begasus[m]> yeah some like that, I tend to forget wich one needs merging/updating :P
<OscarL> Well... as asking HaikuPorter for the list of known ports is SLOW.... I cheat and just used "find" instead, so it actually reads all the recipes on the work-tree, and not only the ones GIT knows about :-D
<Begasus[m]> would already produce quite a list here :P
<OscarL> Asking HaikuPorter for the version of each port/recipe is also VERY slow :-D
<Begasus[m]> for instance, checking builds against srcGitRev (eg master) for Dolphin and it's requirements leads up to at least 6 different packages
<OscarL> (I need to finish up the "just be slow, but use HaikuPorter for correctness" mode in my script. I'm half-way there already)
<Begasus[m]> heh
<Begasus[m]> got my both arch's nightly up and running again here on the beta
<Begasus[m]> I really want to see if Konsole also can use colorschemes, I know now how it's done in Fedora ;)
<OscarL> Begasus[m]: I'm affraid this particular script of mine is just tailored to recipes. I guess one could try to generalize it somehow (would need to have some functions that know how to parse/fetch the newest version from GitHub/Invent/Gitlab/etc, if possible)
<Begasus[m]> nah, don't bother just for me OscarL , I can live without it so far, at some point someone will catch up (like the one for libkmahjongg), already had that from day one on KF6 :)
<OscarL> to produce that tiny list I've pasted... had to download about 80 MB of json data... talk about bloat :-(
<Begasus[m]> jikes
<Begasus[m]> beats about 3GB for just installing nexcloud-client on a clean install though :P
<OscarL> I might be better off just downloading the "releases" .rss (xml) files instead. But I dislike xml :-D
<Begasus[m]> heh
<OscarL> re nextcloud's 3 GB. Ouch.
<OscarL> I hope to be able to make the "don't download json that haven't changed since I last asked" mode on my script work :-)
<Begasus[m]> whoot, no need to install external ones for Konsole, it comes with buildin ones :D
<Begasus[m]> but could/should check if external ones also work :)
<OscarL> for now, I just have a all the .jsons cached in pickle files, with a nice "stuff already parsed" pickled cache (the one that produced the list I've pasted).
<Begasus[m]> works!
<OscarL> (not perfect, but better than browsing all pages manually :-P)
<Begasus[m]> beats having the black background during the day :)
<Begasus[m]> main use for Konsole is inside Kate/Dolphin, so I can match those coloschemes now :)
<OscarL> Always nice when certain programs allows you to integrate a console/terminal.
<Begasus[m]> err ... I thought it would ... gotta poke someone at KDE I guess :P
<Begasus[m]> in Kdevelop/Kate it's quite handy
<Begasus[m]> open the recipe in Kate, make adjustments, launch the build in Konsole ... no need for switching Workspaces :)
<OscarL> I guess I now have a ToDo list for what to update .recipe wise... Just need to start earlier in the night :-D (I get some "Free" MBs of data between 22:00 and 06:00 hours, assuming I'm awake).
<Begasus[m]> that's a nice bonus!
<OscarL> "pkgman search" needs an "-e/--exact" mode, so "pkgman search -r cmd:python3" does NOT maches "cmd:python3.9".
<OscarL> *matches
<OscarL> Guess I know have a new ToDo item... albeit touching PackageKit code gives me the creeps a bit :-D
<Begasus[m]> heh
<Begasus[m]> try searching for "cmd:r" :)
<OscarL> yeah :-(
<OscarL> anyhow... almost 6 AM, gotta logout :-/
<Begasus[m]> I know where it is, but even using inrecipe is ...
<Begasus[m]> take care OscarL !
<OscarL> Nice to read you Begasus[m]. Have a nice day!
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<Anarchos> hello
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<pol> 404 page not found
<Begasus[m]> hi Anarchos pol
<Begasus[m]> biab
<Begasus[m]> need to switch OS :)
<pol> hi (-:
<Anarchos> Begasus[m]: why switch ?
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<Begasus[m]> RE
<Begasus[m]> re* :)
<Begasus[m]> Anarchos: private bank matters :)
<Anarchos> Begasus[m]: sure
<nekobot> [haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to branch master:
<nekobot> • Begasus (8edd7373): kdecoration, bump version (#11889)
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<HaikuUser2> hey all! I'm in dire need of help :D
<HaikuUser2> I installed Haiku alongside a linux distro, everything went ok, I've used the system for a couple of hours with no errors
<HaikuUser2> I mounted the ext4 partition (read only mode) to copy some music, that went ok... until I rebooted the system, and now GRUB is gone
<nephele> EFI?
<HaikuUser2> I'm currently using the Haiku live CD
<HaikuUser2> @nephele nope
<HaikuUser2> is there any way to fix boot from within Haiku?
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<Begasus[m]> did you install the bootmanager from Haiku?
<nephele> There is no way to install grub2 from haiku I know off, if you had installed grub2 to your partition instead of the partition table it could be possible to use the haiku multiboot loader
<Begasus[m]> don't think Haiku can fix grub
<Radiobuzz> @Begasus no, I just installed Haiku and then added its entry from within linux
<nephele> but otherwise, using some linux live system can be used to chroot to your ext4 linux, and then tell it to reinstall grub
<Radiobuzz> yeah, unfortunately I only have one pendrive at the moment lol
<Begasus[m]> only one? ;)
<nephele> does the computer support efi?
<Radiobuzz> I figured there was nothing to do, just thought of coming here to ask... I can flash linux on it from work in a couple of hours
<Radiobuzz> @nephele yes
<Radiobuzz> I mean I have to change it, but sure
<nephele> you could, in thoery, put a linux efi loader on the esp of the thumb drive you use now, create a second partition and put a linux on that, and then use that to boot... though this is more involved ;)
<nephele> and requires some specialized linux knowledge
<Radiobuzz> that's a good idea, though cumbersome, and I should go make me some lunch before heading to work. Thanks for the advice!
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<Radiobuzz> cheers, thanks for the help!
<nephele> :)
<Begasus[m]> good luck, and hopefully some nice road trip with Haiku :)
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<Begasus[m]> another patch upstream to fix the build for Kate master branch :D
<nephele> Begasus[m]: i wonder how the haikudepot reports work. I kind of want to patch some apps to not stuff stuff into Applications dir
<nephele> for example vision has a license file and initialsettings there... it could just aswell have this in it's ressources (the settings) and then we can have it Plainly in the applications dir :)
<Begasus[m]> normay licenses end up in $dataDir/licenses?
<Begasus[m]> haven't looked at how Vision does it (yet)
<Begasus[m]> and not familiar enough with HaikuDepot app :)
<nephele> well i mean the server produces reports, dunno if that info is in there
<Begasus[m]> I guess apl is the source to talk to?
<waddlesplash> nipos: for WebKit indexing, you should exclude the web platform tests directory from the index
<waddlesplash> this will take the amount of indexed code from multiple GB down to just a few hundred MB
<waddlesplash> maybe exclude it from the browser interface too if such a thing is possible
<nephele> Why do you want to exclude it from the browser?
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev58720] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 2f2c48ad53bb - Terminal: use multiplication signs wherever needed
<waddlesplash> nephele: just to make the browser interface snappier by having less files/data to deal with
<nephele> unless you navigate to it, why would it be not snappy?
<nephele> Also, the tests are relvant aswell
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<waddlesplash> nephele: Skipp_OSX: while we are talking about colors... there's a regression in ProcessController I noticed recently
<waddlesplash> notice in the screenshot of the memory usage menu, there's two (or three)-tone color going no\
<waddlesplash> on
<waddlesplash> in current ProcessController, I don't see this, seems it's broke sometime since then
<nephele> How's it look for you?
<nephele> For me it looks like in the screenshot, light blue in the kernel team and dark blue for rw pages in apps
<waddlesplash> no, not the bars
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<waddlesplash> the menu itself, note that there is a different background color for the memory numbers than the other sections
<Begasus[m]> Looks OK here on beta5
<waddlesplash> this is how it appears for me
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<nekobot> [haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to branch master:
<nekobot> • Begasus (12da060b): kde_cli_tools6, bump version (#11890)
<pol> Do you mean there is no different shade of color for the colums?
<waddlesplash> yes
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<pol> Same here, but I never remember Memory usage applet having this two colums shading like on that second screenshot.
<pol> It's invisible for me like on this screenshot I posted:
<waddlesplash> that's from a recent nightly, so I am not surprised it's also missing here
<nekobot> [haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to branch master:
<nekobot> • Begasus (b409be57): plasma_activities6, bump version (#11891)
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<nekobot> • Begasus (b6d0e37a): plasma_activities_stats6, bump version (#11892)
<nekobot> [haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to branch master:
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<Begasus[m]> nice, the kate patch even made it into a cherry pick upstream :)
<nephele> link? :)
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<Begasus[m]> not much, but hey ... it fixed the build :P
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<Skipp_OSX> hmmmm
<Begasus[m]> tasty?
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<nekobot> [haikuports] korli pushed 1 commit to branch master:
<nekobot> • korli (4c940dcd): llvm20: new recipe
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<nipos> waddlesplash: I don't think it's a great idea to exclude stuff from the Grok index, as it limits its usefulness.
<nipos> Actually, the CPU load went down today, so it seems to have finished, but somehow the haikuwebkit2 stuff still doesn't show up in the web interface. Not sure what went wrong here, have to look later. But after having it running the index task for weeks, I don't want to throw the results away now
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<nekobot> [haikuports] jmairboeck pushed 4 commits to branch master:
<nekobot> • jmairboeck (a49be516): xml_sax_base: new perl module recipe
<nekobot> • jmairboeck (5819feda): xml_namespacesupport: new perl module recipe
<nekobot> • jmairboeck (924c69c6): xml_sax: new perl module recipe…
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<nekobot> • jmairboeck (6c127599): alien_sdl: revbump, cleanup…
<nekobot> [haikuports] jmairboeck pushed 1 commit to branch master:
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<nekobot> [haikuports] jmairboeck pushed 1 commit to branch master:
<nekobot> • jmairboeck (b519c129): alien_sdl: add missing runtime requirements
<nephele> waddlesplash: fwiw on hover there is a rendering difference in processcontroller
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<waddlesplash> nephele: I do see that, indicates there's still code for this in there I suppose
<nekobot> [haikuports] jmairboeck pushed 1 commit to branch master:
<nekobot> • jmairboeck (a5457c15): sdl_perl: cleanup…
<nephele> though the hovered one looks like a gradient
<nephele> those damn gradients. Ugh. Making everything complicated :)
<nephele> waddlesplash: seems this still works
<nephele> but I guess the menu color is set to some equal color to something else in your automatic color mode
<nephele> set the menu background and menu background selected color to something else
<waddlesplash> what about in the defaults?
<waddlesplash> I'm not at my computer atm
<nephele> It's not different. But then the stuff on the right with the numbers fails to update it's colors live
<waddlesplash> well then my auto colors are unrelated so not sure what you mean by that
<nephele> the auto colors are now the normal way the colors are set :)
<nephele> anyhow, a ticket is required for the live color update not working
<waddlesplash> right but if the problem happens with the default colors too then they're not the problem
<nephele> not sure about the slighly different colors, that to me seems like an arbitrary UI detail
<waddlesplash> maybe "arbitrary" but it does look nicer imo
<nephele> It already changed in other ways compared to the screenshot, like the bars beeing higher now
<nephele> anyway, if you want to restore that look, be my guest. :) my only requirement is it properly doing automatic colors (and it using the hsl api would maybe make sense here too)
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<nekobot> [haikuports] jmairboeck pushed 1 commit to branch master:
<nekobot> • jmairboeck (d86c9285): text_bibtex: bump version, cleanup…
<Anarchos> hello
<nephele> hi Anarchos
<nephele> Anarchos: do you have a guide for how you do your PXE boot stuff?
<Anarchos> nephele a guide ?
<nephele> yeah
<nephele> like, what Haiku components are involved
<Anarchos> nephele i just solved some troubles on an already existing PXE boot. I did'nt write it in first place
<nephele> I know about say, the dhcp server and that some kind of ftp server is required
<nephele> but i am clueless what else i have to do
<Anarchos> oh ok
<Anarchos> you also need a remotedisk server on a haiku machine, which will serve the haiku image
<nephele> I got two lenovo all-in-one pcs. And i think building images for testing and booting them could be very convenient
<nephele> where do i get this server?
<nephele> and do i need a special haiku image?
<Anarchos> jam -q run ':remote_disk_server'
<nephele> oh, neat
<Anarchos> no, no special image needed
<Anarchos> the pxe loader is able to communicate to the remotediskserver to get a normal image, and put it in ram, and boot on it
<nephele> why does it want to put the entire image in RAM?
<Anarchos> nephele not the entire image
<Anarchos> but it will only download what you need
<Anarchos> anyway it is a bit slow, but usable
<Anarchos> and it is joyful to see it works :)
<nephele> slow?
<Anarchos> nephele beware that on the url i linked, some values are outdated : now it is haiku_loader.pxe_ia32 instead of pxe_ia32, for example
<nephele> the guide sais it will download the entire disk image
<nephele> why ia32? I have a 64bit machine here
<Anarchos> even on 64bits, the boot process is pxe_ia32. but you can put a 64 bit image in your remotediskserver
<nephele> did you mean the system is slow when booted? or the boot is slow?
<Anarchos> try it !
<nephele> guess that means both :P
<nephele> I don't want a slow booting or running system :)
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<Anarchos> a bit slow to boot, and quasi normal at run
<Anarchos> nephele sorry i was at phone.
<nephele> ah okay :)
<nephele> Well it seems remote disk server sends an entire disk image over
<nephele> I wonder if we can have a remote packagefs also, so you can request package installation and de-installation on the server for installed apps
<waddlesplash> probably instead we can change to a remote filesystem protocol that has packagefs read chunks from the remote end
<waddlesplash> and uncompress them locally
<waddlesplash> that probably already happens with remote disk server but this would be more efficient
<nephele> yeah, that sounds like a remote packagefs to me :)
<nephele> If i read this right the remote disk server can serve one disk image it loads at start. And can't change this later
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<nephele> so this is usefull if you want to copy it into the remote RAM or something, but not so usefull if you want to evice pages from packagefs and load them later again. Though I guess it could kinda work for it
<nephele> just not if you modify the installation set in any way on the booted remote
<nephele> a remote packagefs also would have the benefit in the case of PXE that the OS during boot only loads stuff it then cares about. And can skip loading the entire image for say, the sudoko app until it is actually requested
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* Anarchos is back, i was on phone
<Anarchos> nephele how come you cross my net boot dev ?
<nephele> You sometimes ask about it, and you publish reviews on gerrit
<Anarchos> nephele yes indeed.
<Anarchos> and i have merge conflict on :(
<nephele> you can rebase the patch and re-upload it
<Anarchos> nephele i can't rebase on ?
<nephele> if you have your patch locally: just git pull, and upload the review again
<Anarchos> nephele ok will try
<nephele> if you don't have it locally: checkout latest head, cherry-pick, (fix potential conflicts) then upload again
<Anarchos> nephele i stillthe branch locally
<nephele> recently I sometimes remove commits locally when i work on something else and just keep them on gerrit :)
<nephele> perhaps that is a bit too trusting in our infra, but who knows
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<nephele> Anarchos: you set the WIP flag, if you have that the review will be hidden in gerrits overview page
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<PulkoMandy> As far as I know, the remote disk server supports read and write?
<PulkoMandy> It should be possible to skip the "disk" layer and use netfs, but that doesn't run outside of haiku so it would be less convenient for this usage
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<nephele> PulkoMandy: hmm, would be a possibility. Don't see why both cases couldn't be supported?
<Anarchos> nephele i hope it is better now
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