Can only select the full resolution from here and it is pre-selected correctly, but I need to manually select it otherwise Haiku will boot with 1080p like it does by default.
this and everything else you wrote before would need to be in the bug report
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there are 34 open tickets with the word "resolution" in the summart
IDK what to tell you, but I tapped on the link you sent here and got taken to that page.
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* IDK what else to tell
it looks like the client you are using is not passing the URL to the browser correctly, or the browser is not opening it correctly
you can work around that by selecting the required ticket statuses manually and running the search again, or you can switch to an environment that is not getting in the way of the debugging
Ok, I see the rest of the tickets now after opening the link from the laptop.
also note that the URL on your screenshot is not the URL I sent
I filed a ticket already earlier:
in web development parlance, the HTTP client overwrites repeat query arguments, which looks like a bug
dovsienko: What was happening is that `&status=in-progress&status=new` in the URL was being discarded when trying to open it on Firefox Mobile. FF Desktop does not do this.
well, then maybe it is a Firefox bug then
"Screen Preferences does not allow for changing resolutions." -- it would help to add evidence of what exactly is there instead of the expected controls
i.e. why specifically does it not allow?
JulesEnriquez[m]: it may be also helpful to add whether the PC boots EFI or BIOS style
I went through the list of tickets, but nothing that mentions Radeon seems similar
Screen Preferences AFAIK will not show other resolutions with EFI systems, when using the VESA driver.
Seems similar, although I am not chainloading.
please add to the ticket that this is an EFI boot, and if you have time to re-test using BIOS boot, please do and see if there is any difference
Can't retest with BIOS boot.
Laptop's firmware doesn't have the option.
No CSM option either.
I wonder where that "VESA settings" file is
Also the UEFI already boots directly in 1920x1200.
s/boots/uses/, s/directly in//
Haiku should just be using that resolution, as it is what the UEFI provides by default.
• jmairboeck (03ed35d7): generic_perl_module_build: remove `--installdirs` argument from Build.PL…
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Begasus[m]: it was bothering me quite some time already, so I finally created an issue for that at least, to have it documented. Actually fixing it is probably a bit above my skills though (I'm not a python dev).
but I haven't really looked at it yet, maybe I could even do it
jmairboeck: team up with OscarL ;)
• Begasus (d2ddc5f8): knights, bump to version 24.12.3, switch to KF6 (#12042)
lol, still got koko-23.08.4.recipe around
k, needs a proper upstreamable patch for KDirNotify
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does anyone know where in Gentoo (in which package) the "luametatex" binary is (the engine for ConTeXt)? I haven't found it in their repository, so I guess it is part of some other package there. I'm going to create a separate recipe for that, so where should I put it in haikuports?
candidates would be app-text (like the other engines which are part of texlive_core), dev-tex (like many other secondary TeX packages), or dev-texlive (if it is part of texlive-context, which is part of the texlive recipe in haikuports though)
still good :) (running neochat master)
I think I'll put it in app-text, there are a few TeX related packages already, dev-tex is more for the minor things, and dev-texlive doesn't even exist as a separate category in haikuports because everything that Gentoo has there is in our texlive recipe
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fine with me :)
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