• kenmays (3419427d): dooble: bump to 2025.03.15 (#12055)
OscarL has joined #haiku
Buenos días Begasus[m].
maylay has quit [Quit: No Ping reply in 300 seconds.]
Hola OscarL !
still alive :)
seems so :-(
maylay has joined #haiku
How is it going there?
bit low energy last days, but today... have been toying around a PC speaker driver. Just to make tones/beeps (for now at least :-P). https://codeberg.org/OscarL/pc_beeper
lol: The page you are trying to reach either does not exist or you are not authorized to view it.
had to login :)
what's the purpose for it?
haven't heard beeps for a long time :)
Ideally, to have SupportKit's beep() work even when media_addon_server is not working/disabled.
(assuming the driver and a small patch would get accepted in Haiku)
besides that... just having some fun with silly beeps.
I might try to add FreeBSD's "playtune" functionality (kind of a "midi for PC speaker" lol).
well, it works :P
driver works on VMware and on bare-metal. Sounds better on VMware than with the tiny buzzer I have on the Desktop :-D
maybe should adjust sound volume before testing though :D
I should try hooking up a proper PC speaker.
the wife already was asking if something was wrong :P
lol :-D
does it come with an "uninstall" option? :P
don't think the makefile-engine has "make uninstall" :-/
Do we have an uri scheme or c++ native class to identify ressources *in* elf files? My context is wanting to use the system beep events for Renga. I've added the sound files to the renga ELF file
now I want to be able to set a system sound event, with a default option beeing the in-renga sound files. or to have it notify renga to play the sound... or it beeing able to get the sound files out of the elf
but the default configured option should be no sound
i downloaded the new haiku beta and found it rivetting to discuss with my family, found out its made for apple pc's
i felt it felt better to use with an apple logo at the top of the screen
made sense
even more so going got mac coming to put it on, so i can feel safer using it.
since i read about it, my screen doesnt play up the same way it did
just imaginging a apple image on my PC with haiku made a decent change
infact i wouldnt even buy a mac id just put a apple sticker on
it'll change the whole dynamics of the operating system, it did for e
i was going to throw it out the other week, cos of how bad i was hating the lcd flicker
not so worried, but still cant wait for external screen display option to work :) heres hoping
serious find also, i learnt from my childhood memory how all the color distortion happened in the 90's like video games and graphics changed one day to look crap
are you alright everyone?
im not
found out i was lied to and kept away from my real parents for 42+ years this arvo
feels like shit
anyhow who cares? me
so yeh, i also regret to inform haiku dev, i was going to promote custom pc's with haiku on them
but not yet
this language im speaking is bad to use for computers
i hate how my whole family other countries people hid from us that we dont speak english and are confused forced converted to fake sunday relgions just speaking "english"
how sad
i didnt donate to the haiku dev because of their slack attitudes supporting microsoft mentality to take over all the pcs
i hated it
it sticks like shit, when i have to listen to it on my screen
but i get over it knowing i'll code my own
so if yea wanted euro, maybe start takig seriously who is watching what yea are saying on this thing
cos i dont have any euro
i just hate being fucked around
by other hackers tinking they own my pc
and stealing my email on tojiat email client
not fair
free? for a cost right/
they're stealing secrets from haiku on devs and keeping the good coded version for themsevles
HaikuUser has joined #haiku
and releasing the failing ones to the community
HaikuUser has quit []
i get why but dont do it then
just stop helping with consitent intentional harm, my eyes get ripped out of my head and feel im being torn apart with mouse failiure and crashes for no known need
spamming the channel?
let me pinch inside ya chest and brain when clicks and browser fail for no reason
no spam
this is in a can
wholesome good insight
to get my shit out
my family missing and i was hidden from my real father for months
this is not a place for your trauma dumping.
im sick of it mate
bulls hit
when devs fail us for no money, then want more but dont peform its playing tricks on people who need heopo
if you don't like it don't use it, point (my 2 cents)
im sorry, but its not good enough
More like somebody is having an online breakdown 😐️
• Begasus (5c37abb3): kubrick, bump to version 24.12.3, switch to KF6 (#12066)
i almost had heart failure on a train ride when i had to use windows and formatted my laptop it was that difficult to read the screen years ago
then stop with your trauma dumping and leave us alone. nobody here works for you.
not trauma
not dumping
no trash can here
just silence means yea are calling me a fool, knowing im right
cos yea wont stand up for me,
yes, you are.
when yea say im right in yea heads before i was here
im only one person, not more than 3
someone got their boots on?
ps, hi there scanty and yann64:)
hi Begasus[m]!
i dont like yea begasus yea crass tone, speaks to me almost any day i speak to yea, like yea got it over me
it ruins my evening without fail
Hi there Begasus :)
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Begasus[m]: we need an op in here for issues like this.
how about some respect for the people yea present yea failures too
can't keep up with gear24, almost time for gear25 :P
* Begasus[m]
looks up some dictionary ...
funny how yea dont kick off Larry page and Mark Zuck for failing everyone, but speak like im the nutter
why nont talk to the real bullies here
scanty I'm not one of them :)
sorry im angry my dad here is screaming at me to get off the lap top and he's not my father
private internet in australia is run by my company
its been here for 18 months
i run it on my own with 18 000 + people
content run by me and 20 others
good by zuck and shit ass page internet control freaks
cya google shit
13 operating systems run by 5 companies all competing to use war tools against america the way they did Me and my company for 7 months in 2009 to steal my ideas on facebook
if begasus wasn't so rude to one of the OP's last night i wouldnt be doing this
draKon has left #haiku [#haiku]
thanks whoever that he left.
someone did not take his medicine
did I miss something from last night? :P
i have no idea, he just came in and started talking nonsense
can't remember the last time I have been rude :P
yeah, saw that :)
that's because you're not a rude guy ever.
i never saw you say anything rude to anyone
well, there was DaaT, but he deserved it :D
ps, that was mutual teasing ;)
think we hit the top on most verbal ones in the channel years ago
there's a DraKon on EfNet, too.... i wonder if it's the same guy.
but now I've lost my thread ...
don't know EfNet, so no idea here :)
maybe someone stole my nick there? :P
no idea.
this guy's rambling was borderline schizophrenic, hope he finds help "in the real word" as Internet will not help him 😐️
good thing you can ignore specific persons on Matrix
you can also do that in IRC, haven't been fidling with that for a long time (shivers thinking about the last person for who it was intended)
Two choices : he is paranoid or Terry Davis ressucitated
BTW he used an IP from 1.146.66 Australia - Telstra Limited .
Is this weird continent producing weird people ?
weird people are global Anarchos :)
Anarchos: Yes, though exactly about that, missing the religious rambling though
* Begasus[m]
looks in the mirror ....
now I've lost concentration :P
SLema has joined #haiku
Begasus[m]: i was joking. Of course weirdness is globally distributed
still 38 recipes to check in kde-apps ...
by the time I'm done gear25 is out :P
weird icons in Nheko ...
Begasus: I think I will never be thankful enough for the heavy lifting you are doing on the HaikuPorts side of things
You are a recipe editing machine :D
yann64 thanks for putting in your 2 cents too!
heh, most of this stuff has been gathering dust for almost a year :) KF6 is pretty stable to move a lot over
Would anybody be so kind, and confirm, that in the Open/Save File dialog the ALT+D for going to Desktop doesn't work, as it doesn't work for me?
In WebPositive only.
Apparently this is "by design" because of an unrelated tracker setting...
pol ah i asked myself the same
very annoying when i want to store files on another disk, which is mounted on Desktop...
Haiku Depot Server is back up (and updating the packages as we speak)
vdamewood has joined #haiku
ALT+D will go to Desktop in WebPositive Open/Save File dialog, there is something else going on here. I'm only sometimes unable to use the hotkey.
janus has joined #haiku
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janus has joined #haiku
HaikuUser has joined #haiku
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Specifically, if I enter any other folder it begins to work.
Is it worth the bug report?
Anarchos has quit [Quit: Vision[]: i've been blurred!]
Nasina has joined #haiku
Oh yes there is a conflict with Duplicate hotkey.
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Nasina has joined #haiku
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• Begasus (313ba0d6): libkdepim_kf6, add KF6 version 24.12.3 (#12068)
ClaudioM has joined #haiku
Nasina has joined #haiku
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ADS_Sr has joined #haiku
I'm wondering if I have the same problem as decribed here: https://dev.haiku-os.org/ticket/19497 with torrent/dc++ applications. I tried changing the interface in KTorrent but any direct connections on higher ports are not possible.