[haiku/haiku] e17a9b1ee0f2 - Web+ Bookmark bar: Fixes, added "Show in Tracker"
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moin humdinger :)
fpcupdeluxe does a good job building lazarus on 32bit, can't just pin it when using my buildscript there
hello, I am writing a driver and I need to output something for debug purposes during the boot process to the output you get onscreen when you enable screen debug output in the bootloader. How do I do that?
Krutarthpatel[m]: I'd say that's the syslog.
include syslog.h
the call "syslog(LOG_INFO, "your text here")
humdinger: ill try it out, thanks!
• threedeyes (1a85e3a8): Telegram: bump version
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seein it before I think: /boot/system/develop/tools/bin/../lib/gcc/x86_64-unknown-haiku/13.3.0/../../../../x86_64-unknown-haiku/bin/ld: cannot find -lcrypt: No such file or directory
a Haiku issue?
Begasus[m]: looks like a missing devel:libcrypt dependency
we don't have that jmairboeck ?
already got devel:libcrypto, but that's not the one, seems related to glibc?
• korli (01b26e2d): xxhash: bump version
• korli (e88492be): mbedtls: bump version
thanks jmairboeck , that worked :)
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waddlesplash, it rebooted
28 minutes ago
so it lasted two hours
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hey, how you quickly find out all the references of a function i.e. from where a function is called. take for example transportcontrolgroup::mesagerecieved, how to find where it is called from ?
an editor with LSP integration with clangd helps a lot
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• korli (bb4793f2): mbedtls: fix include and pkgconfig location
Once the build bot verifies my changes I'd like to submit Tracker shortcuts + 6. I have tested it and everything is now working. I updated the back half patches which also work. Most of the stack could go except the last two patches plus the ones I marked WIP.
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last chance to complain, well not really, but before inclusion.
18:29 -!- nephele_xmpp [5bac83f828@2a00:c70:1:178:170:40:189:1] has joined #haiku
nephele_xmpp: haha. after wie discussed the topic a little ;)
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phschafft: hmm?
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copy and paste and drag and drop and all those things.
I'm sorry if you didn't get a chance to complain but I use those menu items a lot... plus there was no way to Paste to Desktop using a menu.
skipp_osx: the delete shortcut for playlists is now marked as a merge conflict :/
because I merged below, that's normal
normal for Gerrit anyway...
phscafft: anyway, that commit is a bit badly named, in actuallity it just removes the condition for adding these items to the menu so they are always around
nephele_xmpp: still it's improving the general situation :)
Skipp_OSX: no complains from my side. was just fun to see someone interacting with a topic that recently came up.
but now, dinner. :)
skipp_osx: okay, does that resolve on it’s own or do you need to re-push that patchset?
somebody commit something so I can update and know it's on top of master
Yeah I need to re-push and it will get fixed up.
[haiku/haiku] 3e2f5108083f - StyledEdit: Add menu to strikeout text
oh you merged it ok
Maybe I missunderstood you :) Anyhow, it should be on head now for you to re-push the two patchsets
yeah I got it
So I'm leaving the WIP stuff Indirect ancestor for now, the stack is down to 4 items, and nobody seems to like the top item for F2 Edit name
> We match modifiers loosely same as mouse clicks, idk if we want to change this.
what do you mean by this?
We should match modifiers exactly ideally, for shortcuts
anyway, will take a look at that patchset again at home
it means that if you've defined a shortcut that requires B_CONTROL_KEY for example and there's no shortcut defined on B_CONTROL_KEY | B_SHIFT_KEY and you have control and shift held down it will activate the shortcut.
You're allowed to have extra modifiers held down (minus lock keys which we filter out) that are not require as long as there's not another shortcut using those.
For mouse clicks it's a similar story, we activate on any button, not just B_PRIMARY_MOUSE_BUTTON unless you've defined something to use B_SECONDARY_MOUSE_BUTTON or B_TERTIARY_MOUSE_BUTTON. It means right and middle-clicks will also activate things and we don't require you to push B_PRIMARY_MOUSE_BUTTON (aka left-click) most of the time anyway.
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skipp_osx: hmm okay. It would be nice to change this, you can’t tell from the code what shortcuts users exppect like this. For example a user might train themselves to use ctrl+ secondary click, while that is nowhere in the code
no, this in intentional
I mean, we could change it I suppose but there's no good reason to do so.
I know that, it’s still not a good design
it should be something like B_ANY_MOUSE_BUTTON then
we could slowly replace (buttons > 0) with (buttons == B_PRIMARY_MOUSE_BUTTON) if it really bothers you.
I think for code comprehension the shortcuts should be visible from the code directly, if the code is expliciit about wanting any mouse button that is fine on it’s own
for shortcuts with the keyboard we should be explicit. It’s not nice that ctrl+s and alt+s might win or loose (seemingly at random for the user) when both are defined and ctrl alt is beeing held
• korli (c9d5723f): haikuporter: bump version
The current design follows the Robustness Principle aka Postel's Law "be conservative in what you do, be liberal in what you accept from others".
but I'm not sure that is a good principle, in general.
In relatation to programm it sometimess makes it harder to properly speak an api, because mistakes are harder to catch
for User interfaces speciificially I think this carries the risk of users learning “wrong” shortcuts, and then beeing suprised when they change later on (while the programmer “only” added a new one, but did not change any old one)
My Haiku Poloshirt arrived in time for FOSDEM, yay :D
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