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<andreasdr> Hi
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<rennj> welcome back
<andreasdr> Good morning. How is it going?
<rennj> friday night irc!
<andreasdr> Nice. True.
<rennj> back 20+ years ago irc was active all night long on friday
<rennj> course not #haiku channel per say, but what a diff
<rennj> twitch,discord,fakebook pulled people away
<rennj> undernet,efnet irc networks ...freenode came later
<rennj> libera,oftc bah...
<rennj> networking hopping
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<andreasdr> Yep. True. I use most of the time discord and sometimes slack.
<andreasdr> So discord works for me best. But irc via Web is also ok, or native on Haiku
<rennj> a yes slack,
<rennj> irc client apps > web browser
<rennj> xchat,hexchat,irssi,bitchx
<rennj> ircii
<rennj> Initially released in the late 1980s, it is the oldest IRC client still maintained.
<skirst> bitchx. fuck me it's been ages. wow.
<skirst> bitchx + screen oh yeah
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<rennj> yeah doubt that app would make it today if released, the name alone is problematic
<netpositive> yup, crazy days
<rennj> gimp bitchx stroke the gender fluid generation wrong
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<netpositive> it's their problem
<rennj> crazy days indeed
<skirst> ban it or fund a tine machine and go back and undo it. so logical
<skirst> find
<skirst> or rebrand, and add a coc policy
<rennj> you abuse the CoC
<rennj> code of conduct this aggression will not stand man...
<skirst> die in a fire!!!
<rennj> the dude abides
<skirst> :D
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<andreasdr> I feel the energy.
<skirst> i'm just old as dirt trying to keep up with and make sense of the zeitgeist, in every aspect
<rennj> the zeitgeist is fucked
<skirst> the zeitgeist is beyoooooond fucked :D
<rennj> you see the chuckle heads running around with guns and rolling coal
<rennj> madmax..fuel!
<skirst> trump trucks is what i call them lol
<rennj> we got some trump devs in here
<rennj> amazing but true
<skirst> 2 flags in the back. because 'murica
<rennj> vaccine argument i had already once with them
<rennj> haiku developer who is trump material from my small probes
<rennj> you know who you are!
<rennj> hehe
<netpositive> so what? 8)
<skirst> i'm not pro or anti vax. i know it sounds weak, but personal liberty
<netpositive> personal liberty sounds good
<rennj> its just mind numbing arguing about getting vax shot with someone
<netpositive> don't do it then
<skirst> oh i have one. i'm fine. but i get it at the same time
<rennj> personal liberty is bullshit when you effect your local community..this shit is old news
<skirst> i don't get flu shots. not once since high school
<rennj> no man is an island
<netpositive> i think we should stop this discussion here
<rennj> we live in a society..without it we would all be fucking yokel farmers eeeking out shit living
<skirst> yeah, not the place
<rennj> haha anti science much
<skirst> let's talk about mid-90's computing again :D
<netpositive> yup
<rennj> why the amiga solved things in 1985
<rennj> mid 90's
<rennj> already late to the party
<skirst> i found my hard copy of the BeOS Bible for R4.5 a few days ago :)
<rennj> sgi indy box mid 90's
<rennj> 1993 i want to say
<rennj> 1995 was like the o2
<rennj> uma memory
<netpositive> skirst: it's still on my bookshelf 8)
<skirst> netpositive, i love it. also found the user's guide book for r4.5
<skirst> sadly the cd is lost to the ether
<skirst> rennj, i cut my teeth on a c64 back in 1987 :D 6502 asm and rom basic.
<netpositive> unfortunately i only have a r5 pro box
<x512[m]> andreasdr: I am progressing with my own Radeon driver:
<andreasdr> Nice.
<andreasdr> Super exciting.
<andreasdr> I doubt a little thats that easy. But i cross my fingers.
<skirst> indeed. also thanks to everyone involved getting gcc 11 in! much appreciated!
<andreasdr> gcc11 is coming. Nice.
<andreasdr> Need to restart my computer.
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<rennj> yeah i cant test that readeon driver out on my 2015 amd laptop apu?
<rennj> model name : AMD A10-8700P Radeon R6, 10 Compute Cores 4C+6G
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<rennj> dragonfly bsd just got amd driver so i read
<rennj> amdgpu for all would be nice
<rennj> amdgpu and intel..nvidia can pound sand
<andreasdr> So busy here with our game and engine stuff, maybe I have time around dezember again. Lets see. I would just drop maybe the old radeon drm port attempt and start with i915 vulkan only. But lets see If you x512 get to a result.
<rennj> spacestation13 looks interesting..the game
<x512[m]> I am currently referencing mostly "radeon" driver, but I plan to provide "amdgpu" drmIoctl interface.
<rennj> well on linux is amdgpu and radeonsi dri/vdpau driver
<rennj> you need the xorg part..radeonsi
<rennj> RadeonSI Gallium3D driver
<andreasdr> Radeon cards are too slow. Thats why I would drop them. Also I could not find RADEON hardware that worked with NBSD or FBSD or OBSD.
<andreasdr> In my computer
<rennj> well my 2015 laptop didnt have stable linux amdgpu till like 2019, i ran closed source fglrx binary for couple years
<andreasdr> Haiku as a small project needs to take care about what they can archive in a reasonable time and what not. But also its great for experiments :) My 2 cent. But who am I :DDD
<skirst> 2003, a radeon 9700 with the first fglrx drivers was fun lol :D but that was back when they were ATI
<andreasdr> :D
<andreasdr> I have a G5 with a x1950, which also is correctly flashed.
<rennj> radeon all-in-wonder
<andreasdr> But no OS likes to use the card correctly
<rennj> you want the tv-tuner
<andreasdr> Except MacOSX and OF
<andreasdr> Cant wait to play around with Haiku on ARM and PowerPC later.
<skirst> rennj, or matrox :D
<rennj> i had all that crap
<rennj> matrox g400 and brooktree848/878 tv-tuner, then haupauge pvrusb2
<andreasdr> Jaaaa. I had those video cards too :)
<rennj> matrox with 3dfx probably also
<rennj> i know i did that for while
<rennj> but i think 3dfx i dumped around 1999 or so
<skirst> a pair of voodoo2's in SLI, still connected, sitting on a shelf :D
<skirst> think i used a shitty s3 virge for vga
<rennj> s3 virge/vx
<rennj> i had stupid mechwarrior 3 just for that card i want to say
<rennj> stb or s3 i forget
<skirst> then nvidia came along..... ..... ..... lol
<skirst> it was a great ride, but they can pretty much fuck off
<rennj> i had 3dfx stock witch became nvidia stock
<rennj> tdfx ticker
<rennj> if i held onto my apple and 3dfx/nvidia stock options..i would be very rich
<rennj> i dont like thinking about 1998
<rennj> i should have stayed in the market for the long haul
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<x512[m]> On my work Radeon Southern Islands is minimum (and currently maximum, but planned to be extended) supported version.
<rennj> well my apu is southern island i believe
<AlienSoldier> seem i can't do 640x480 on my laptop, screen stay black.
<rennj> nah my apu is GCN, the one prior to my apu is southern island
<AlienSoldier> this make some games like tecnoballz no longer work in full screen
<AlienSoldier> video chip intel gma i915GM
<rennj> "Kaveri" (2014) is southern island, Carrizo Third Generation GCN based GPU
<rennj> An LLVM code generator (a compiler back-end) is available for the GCN instruction set.[4] It is used by Mesa 3D.
<rennj> The GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) supports GCN 3 (Fiji, Carrizo) and GCN 5 (Vega) since 2019 (GCC 9)[5] for single-threaded, stand-alone programs and with GCC 10 also offloading via OpenMP and OpenACC.[6]
<rennj> GCN 3 / Carrizo apu is what i got
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<julicenri> I have a laptop with a Vega-based iGPU and a Polaris-based dGPU, a netbook with a TeraScale-based iGPU, and a desktop with a Navi-based dGPU.
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<Begasus> g'morning peeps
<netpositive> morning
<julicenri> Mornin'!
<rennj> amd ftw!
<rennj> just want a 8core/16thread amd craptop...apu is fine..what i dont want is nvidia tech
<rennj> optimus prime!
<Begasus> 'lo netpositive julicenri rennj
<rennj> mr. Begasus morning
<andreasdr> Moin
<Begasus> moin andreasdr
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<Begasus> cleaned up debug packages ... updating ... :)
<andreasdr> :)
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<andreasdr> So any news around Haiku Sirs?
<andreasdr> Some new software?
<andreasdr> I see progress on ARM <3
<andreasdr> QT6 is coming.
<andreasdr> I saw this also on Twitter
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<andreasdr> Also glfw3 has been ported <3
<andreasdr> Clipboard is missing and setting application icon. :D
<x512[m]> Yes, ARM32 is running just before entering userland.
<andreasdr> Niiiiiiice!
<andreasdr> How cool is that.
<andreasdr> I have a ARM XU4 Lite. Very nice little machine.
<andreasdr> Its ARM32
<andreasdr> :D
<x512[m]> I mean Vulkan support.
<andreasdr> Nice!!!!!!!
<andreasdr> You Monster Developer ;)
<andreasdr> But very coool.
<andreasdr> The coool-o-meter gets a out of bounds exception :D
<Begasus> nice work you are doing x512[m]
<netpositive> yup, excellent work!
<Not-5726> [haikuports/haikuports] threedeyes pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-2/±0]
<Not-5726> [haikuports/haikuports] threedeyes 8c1997e - qt6_base: bump version
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<Not-5726> [haikuports/haikuports] threedeyes pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-1/±0]
<Not-5726> [haikuports/haikuports] threedeyes f1638e6 - qt6_shadertools: bump version
<extrowerk_> fyi: i am working on the GCC recpe.
<netpositive> \o/
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<Not-5726> [haikuports/haikuports] threedeyes pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-1/±0]
<Not-5726> [haikuports/haikuports] threedeyes 078032b - qt6_imageformats: bump version
<Not-5726> [haikuports/haikuports] threedeyes pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-1/±0]
<Not-5726> [haikuports/haikuports] threedeyes d717b7f - qt6_svg: bump version
<Begasus> nice extrowerk_ :)
<Begasus> ps extrowerk_ you should clean up your branches I guess ;)
<extrowerk_> umm? why?
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<Begasus> 1,031 branches extrowerk_ :)
<Begasus> haven't checked if they are active or not though ;)
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] tqh pushed 1 commit to master [hrev55622] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 65aab788e64e - kernel/arch/arm/int: add irq postlude
<extrowerk_> Begasus: they don't need feeding, so i don't really care about the number of the branches.
<Begasus> not a big deal, but running "git branch -r" produces quite a list extrowerk_ ;)
<extrowerk_> for some kind of reason something tries to pull x264 into the chroot in HaikuPorts:
<extrowerk_> Fetching package for lib:libx264 >= 160 ...
<extrowerk_> *** Failed to find a match for "lib:libx264>=160": Name not found
<extrowerk_> yeah, the haikuports/packages folder have higher priority and it had a x264-enabled ffmpeg build. Emptying the haikuports/packages folder solved the problem.
<extrowerk_> i round a nice italian restaurant in the UK during my stay (i already returned to the continent), and there was always this kind of "italian restaurant" background music. Can somebody recommend me any album like this? I think it would sound nice for my cooking experiments at home.
<extrowerk_> Question: I have this function in my bash profile: this starts the userland fs and mounts my NAS shared drive. If i run it in the terminal it does everything and then returns a prompt. Now if i close the terminal tab where it was started the connection breaks. Is this expected? I tought closing a terminal window will reparent the running backround jobs.
<Not-5726> [haikuports/haikuports] threedeyes pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<Not-5726> [haikuports/haikuports] threedeyes 3990d04 - qt6_base: fix python version
<PulkoMandy> jobs just run in background with & are still attached to your bash session. In Linux you can use nohup or similar tools to completely detach them from the session
<extrowerk_> thank You, will research this, maybe a similar workaround exists.
<extrowerk_> in Haiku.
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<countryboy> hello
<Begasus> hi countryboy
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<countryboy> hi Begasus : love to everybody ...
<countryboy> peace waddlesplash
<countryboy> ;-)
<Begasus> PulkoMandy, could this be related to an issue with web+? (Gerbera)
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<PulkoMandy> I don't know, if it works in other browsers and not in Web+, it could be
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<Begasus> Doesn't work in Otter also
<Begasus> haven't checked other browsers in Haiku yet
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<rennj> perhaps countryboy can give you some Italian recommendation on cooking music extrowerk_
<countryboy> ok, rennj, extrowerk_:
<rennj> ITALIAN RESTAURANT MUSIC Italian Dinner, Background Music, Folk Music from Italy (2 HOURS)
<countryboy> i would like to work in a pub : playing blues ...
<countryboy> going eating ... cu ...
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<Not-5726> [haikuports/haikuports] threedeyes pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<Not-5726> [haikuports/haikuports] threedeyes 9e1b92c - qt6_shadertools: bump revision for rebuild
<Not-5726> [haikuports/haikuports] threedeyes pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<Not-5726> [haikuports/haikuports] threedeyes bad9dfe - qt6_imageformats: bump revision for rebuild
<Not-5726> [haikuports/haikuports] threedeyes pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<Not-5726> [haikuports/haikuports] threedeyes d4cb241 - qt6_svg: bump revision for rebuild
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<countryboy> hi rennj
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<Not-5726> [haikuports/haikuports] threedeyes pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-2/±0]
<Not-5726> [haikuports/haikuports] threedeyes ba00e24 - qt6_declarative: bump version
<BrunoSpr> Begasus, the old Mediathomb version was working with Web+ so it could or should work
<Begasus> Haven't checkedd MediaTomb in a while BrunoSpr ... not sure if it's related to either Gerbera or something on our side :/
<BrunoSpr> Hi all... Anyone an idea why I have no more Featured and Categories in HaikuDepot?
<BrunoSpr> I think Mediatomb is no more, but not sure about it
<BrunoSpr> It is still in Depot... Same problem cannot login...
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<BrunoSpr> Begasus it still works with Otter but not with Web+, if you open the IP ( it will open without a login in Otter! Web+ asks for login?!
<Begasus> lets hope the guy at gerbera can fix it BrunoSpr
<BrunoSpr> the login is the problem
<Begasus> can't seem to find it with pkgman on 32bit
<BrunoSpr> I am on 64bit now
<BrunoSpr> still in Depot
<Begasus> bumping vc in a bit, then heading off to our grandchildren
<extrowerk_> A working mediatomb WebUI doesn't prove anything. Maybe Gerbera just so much reworked the html templates that is not compatible anymore with any browser on Haiku.
<extrowerk_> Or mybe i just misunderstood what you tried to exxplain.
<extrowerk_> i have already seen this and i also reported the login problem for Gerbera earlier.
<Begasus> ah :)
<Begasus> yeah
<BrunoSpr> yes might be extrowerk_
<extrowerk_> They not really interested to workaround Haiku the webbrowser situation on Haiku.
<extrowerk_> You can manage gerbera through your phone or from a different OS in the meantime.
<BrunoSpr> yes that is the problem
<BrunoSpr> I do not need it atm. but software for Haiku should work
<extrowerk_> BrunoSpr: help to make that happen.
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<Not-5726> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-1/±0]
<Not-5726> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 63acf74 - vc, bump version, fix install on 32bit (#6368)
<Begasus> k, heading out, bbl
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<countryboy> is there only yab as basic ?
<countryboy> yab is too difficult : the bmessage system is complex ... better a basic with events ... also yab but with events ...
<countryboy> bmessage are fine with c++ and beosapi
<countryboy> imho
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<Not-5726> [haikuports/haikuports] threedeyes pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-1/±0]
<Not-5726> [haikuports/haikuports] threedeyes 91c345a - qt6_tools: bump version
<bbjimmy> countryboy events generate bmessages and are easy to test for.
<countryboy> thanks bbjimmy
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<countryboy> bbjimmy: but you could leave only events : events does bmessages => let only events ;-)
<bbjimmy> one must hqave an event loop to test for an event just as one needs a message loop to test for a message.
<bbjimmy> *have
<countryboy> however all individual ...
<countryboy> also the choice of the operating system is individual ... imho
<bbjimmy> sounds like you are trying to make your own widget. this can be done, but is very dificult to make it work well.
<countryboy> bbjimmy: ehm, trying to discover an easy way to develop graphics apps
<countryboy> imho, better easy ...
<countryboy> imho ... freedom ...
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<Not-5726> [haikuports/haikuports] threedeyes pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-1/±0]
<Not-5726> [haikuports/haikuports] threedeyes 4a4a3b5 - qt6_5compat: bump version
<Not-5726> [haikuports/haikuports] threedeyes pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-1/±0]
<Not-5726> [haikuports/haikuports] threedeyes 618a268 - qt6_multimedia: bump version
<Not-5726> [haikuports/haikuports] threedeyes pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-1/±0]
<Not-5726> [haikuports/haikuports] threedeyes 29315df - qt6_lottie: bump version
<Not-5726> [haikuports/haikuports] threedeyes pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-1/±0]
<Not-5726> [haikuports/haikuports] threedeyes ac5b5cd - qt6_doc: bump version
<Not-5726> [haikuports/haikuports] threedeyes pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-0/±0]
<Not-5726> [haikuports/haikuports] threedeyes 274a453 - qt6_charts: add recipe
<countryboy> bump = draft ?
<Not-5726> [haikuports/haikuports] threedeyes pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-0/±0]
<Not-5726> [haikuports/haikuports] threedeyes 42ebfc3 - qt6_connectivity: add recipe
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<Not-5726> [haikuports/haikuports] pulkomandy pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-1/±0]
<Not-5726> [haikuports/haikuports] pulkomandy b02e813 - sdcc: update to version 4.1.0
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<countryboy> why C++ ?
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<countryboy> what do braces do?
<nephele> because of BeOS, like many things in Haiku ;)
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<countryboy> hi nephele => you are good people ...
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<Vidrep_64> Good morning
<Vidrep_64> Hi Begasus
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<Vidrep_64> PulkoMandy, is this latest update to gcc supposed to fix the HaikuWebKit build issue?
<PulkoMandy> yes
<Vidrep_64> I'm building now
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<waddlesplash> PulkoMandy: did it get changed for rebuild attempt on x64?
<waddlesplash> it worked on 32-bit apparently...
<PulkoMandy> I didn't check the buildbot status
<PulkoMandy> I think it didn't try rebuilding
<PulkoMandy> so a revbump is needed to force a rebuild?
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<Vidrep_64> 64 bit HaikuWebKit is about half-way finished. no problems, so far
<Vidrep_64> Was WebPositive supposed to also get a rev ump?
<Vidrep_64> *bump
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<PulkoMandy> I didn't do one, but it looks like it needs one or it won't be rebuilt with the new gcc
<PulkoMandy> let's say I wait until you're done testing it :)
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<waddlesplash> PulkoMandy: you can just change anything in the recipe and it will retry, if it failed before
<waddlesplash> it won't retry on 32bit then as it succeeded there already
<waddlesplash> (without a revbump that is)
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 2 commits to master [hrev55623] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] fe3e5f05a1f6 - Terminal: accept more notations for colors
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] f78b75b15dba - Terminal: handle color queries
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<LegendaryAmerican> certianly want this on haiku
<LegendaryAmerican> Just convincing makers who make their machines with proprietary software.. to include a ctrlr panel as well.
<LegendaryAmerican> Because I don't see modal or ik.
<chaoticbob> hi - is there a preprocessor symbole in the haiku build of gcc that one can detect if compiling on haiku?
<waddlesplash> __HAIKU__
<chaoticbob> thanks
* nephele refrains from making a tinycc joke about that
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<Not-5726> [haikuports/haikuports] pulkomandy pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±3]
<Not-5726> [haikuports/haikuports] pulkomandy 278efef - Fix build of some recipes
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<Vidrep_64> Hullo humdinger
<humdinger> hello hello
<Begasus> 'lo Vidrep_64 humdinger peeps :)
<humdinger> beepetipeep
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<HaikuUser> hi
<Vidrep_64> Voilà! HaikuWebKit successfully builds on 64 bit
<HaikuUser> I want some one who can upgrade my computer remotley
<HaikuUser> I don't know a lot in computing
<HaikuUser> I wil left this chat open
<Vidrep_64> HaikuWebKit 1.8.3 WebKit 613.1.7
<humdinger> hardware upgrade?
<HaikuUser> no software upgrade
<humdinger> just run SoftwareUpdater, I'd say
<HaikuUser> I see like haiku can have a lot of software if the beta 3 upgraded
WishBoy has joined #haiku
<humdinger> I'd have said that 3rd party software should be about the same for beta3 and nightlies.
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<Vidrep_64> PulkoMandy, HaikuWebKit builds OK on 64 bit now. I see one bug is fixed by this build - I can fully navigate my banking website, including my VISA account. That wasn't working previously.
<Vidrep_64> However, I still get a frozen page as soon as I log in to and navigate to my "Orders" page.
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<nephele> Yes, I haven't investigated that freeze much yet (and i also can't reproduce it, lacking an amazon account)
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<Vidrep_64> nephele, it's one of those things. There will always be something. So far, it's an improvement , which is what we want
<Vidrep_64> Before, it would just crash
<Vidrep_64> bbl
AlwaysLivid has joined #haiku
<waddlesplash> Vidrep_64: new ntfs driver almost ready for testing
<AlwaysLivid> curious question: proprietary software ports to haiku with permission from the developer, how would they work?
<waddlesplash> on a case by case basis?
<AlwaysLivid> ok i should clarify
<waddlesplash> you can already write proprietary software for Haiku... not sure what the problem is
<humdinger> waddlesplash: very much looking forward to that ntfs driver
<AlwaysLivid> vvvvv is supported and available on haikudepot because of a specific license exclusion and because it's open source, right?
<humdinger> finally an easy way to exchage files with my windows using brother
<waddlesplash> AlwaysLivid: it's already open source. the data package is the exclusion I believe
<waddlesplash> humdinger: I have one or two bugs remaining that I know of, the big ones are related to file deletion
<waddlesplash> really annoying in ntfs
<humdinger> bug in filesystems are always annoying :)
<AlwaysLivid> yeah, that's what i mean. there's this other game developer, he's working on a game, not sure if he's planning to open source it - if that game developer were to make a port on haiku, would he be able to ship his game via the haikudepot without making the source available?
<AlwaysLivid> and to expand on this a little bit
<waddlesplash> not in haikuports, no.
<waddlesplash> yes in a proprietary repository.
<AlwaysLivid> would he have to come up with his own recipe, then ship that in a rep-
<AlwaysLivid> ok
<AlwaysLivid> is that how 3rd-party repos do it?
<waddlesplash> no need to use haikuporter for packaging stuff
<waddlesplash> yes
<AlwaysLivid> i'm not used to not using haikuporter for packaging stuff and therefore have no idea as to how people do that but have been very curious about it
<AlwaysLivid> is there anywhere i can check?
<humdinger> waddlesplash: sure about that? I think I remember binary-only packages from haikuports.
<waddlesplash> humdinger: the only binary only packages right now are 2 things we have made particular exception for:
<AlwaysLivid> yeah but they get compiled on the server or something
<humdinger> wasn't wonderbrush originally shipped like that?
<waddlesplash> 1. rust (because it takes too long to compile, there is a source recipe)
<waddlesplash> 2. liblayout (which we have access to the source code but may not distribute it)
<waddlesplash> yes, wonderbrush used to be one, for a few historical reasons, and then it finally got open sourced
<waddlesplash> we don't want to add random proprietary software to haikuports though, it can and should go in other repositories
<AlwaysLivid> wait, who compiles rust?
<waddlesplash> nielx
<waddlesplash> (a haiku/haikuports developer)
<AlwaysLivid> got it
<LegendaryAmerican> Wonderbrush got donated pretty much. Interesting history there. Has to do with svg.
<AlwaysLivid> wait, isn't all software normally compiled server-side?
<humdinger> alright. I guess as soon as there are a few proprietory apps around, someone will come up with a new repo that we can add to HaikuDepot.
<LegendaryAmerican> Haiku can handle proprietary third party software.
<waddlesplash> AlwaysLivid: in haikuports, yes.
<waddlesplash> yo udon't have to do that obviously, we just do it normally
<waddlesplash> there are ways to package binaries directly in recipes
<LegendaryAmerican> Heck if hardware vendors are concerned whether there'd be a market for it. We had vst running on a Radar 24.. a decade and a half before smart mixers.
<AlwaysLivid> from what i understand, this does not apply to rust and nielx has taken on the entire compiling thing right
<LegendaryAmerican> Look up radar 24. Then look at the year it was developed.
<LegendaryAmerican> I mean.. I personally like the idea of vst aau and that other one out of nashville.. the open source plug in infrastructure.. supporting. But you have to line things up right.
<LegendaryAmerican> Midi is very relevant
<Begasus> cu peeps
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<LegendaryAmerican> 49 quid.
<LegendaryAmerican> Florian runs bome. I've used bome software to make rotaries work in propresenter.. but they also make bome box.. which is more robust than iConnectivity mio2 and Keith McMillen boxes.. which are fine boxes. I own a mio2.
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<LegendaryAmerican> So yeah. Worth sending some folks. Haiku Tees and all.
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<PulkoMandy> AlwaysLivid, I did occasionally package some closed source software in haikudepot
<PulkoMandy> at the moment there is only the old liblayout, but the giddy3 game used to be in that case
<PulkoMandy> however, in both cases, the developers granted haikuports people access to the sourcecode so we could build it ourselves
<PulkoMandy> (giddy3 is now opensource)
<PulkoMandy> same thing for wonderbrush, essentially
<PulkoMandy> and there is also a few things for which the source is available, but not under an opensource license (noncommercial for example in the case of vbcc and vasm)
<PulkoMandy> so really... the right answer is "on a case by case basis" and we are probably not going to repackage existing binaries provided by someone else
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<LegendaryAmerican> they do.
<LegendaryAmerican> Our reps who speak to hardware and software companies that make proprietary software need to be able to confidently say that is not an obstacle to being on haiku.. also seeing the os runs way faster than windows on a pc is a good incentive to release a version for haiku.. even if it's propietary.. even compiling a list of vetted people Able to work under nda. We don't presuppose they'll release the source, but it's nice if
<nephele> Haiku has good binary compat, and haiku has a single "distro" or target is nice
<nephele> it's like macos or windows, there is just one, there isn't "maybe this distro ships more or less of the LSB?"
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<LegendaryAmerican> Indeed. We are trying to break things in development to put them back together so we run into something works with this version but not that.
<PulkoMandy> say that to my 32bit windows 7 install :>
<PulkoMandy> it's getting troublesome to find software still supporting it...
<LegendaryAmerican> So we don't run into it. Let me edit this comment.
<nephele> PulkoMandy: Well, there is only one windows... windows 10, err... now two i guess
<LegendaryAmerican> 3:18 PM <legendaryamerican> Indeed. We are trying to break things in development to put them back together so we dont run into something works with this version but not that.
<LegendaryAmerican> If something doesn't work then by milestone.. it hasn't been implemented yet.
<LegendaryAmerican> Its why I was asking about bt recently. Before we get bt midi.. we have to break a lot of mice.
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<jezek2> PulkoMandy: the funny part is that most incompatibility on windows occurs because of developers using newer visual studio that intentionally break support for no reason with older versions (at least by default), otherwise the applications would typically work + devs not caring
<PulkoMandy> they are probably happy to remove 32bit support, at least in the cases where I had problems so far
<PulkoMandy> that is not something that comes exactly for free in big apps (and all apps on windows are big these days)
<jezek2> yeah removing 32bit is also one of the things devs often do, for no reason, there is nothing intrinstically bad about 32bit
<jezek2> luckily I can run 64bit OS in a VM on a 32bit OS so not an issue for me, but still
<PulkoMandy> well being constrained to 2 or 3GB of address space requires different designs
<PulkoMandy> nothing intrinsically bad, but it's just too different and not worth the effort
<jezek2> it has advantage of lesser RAM usage though :)
<jezek2> but that's one thing that modern devs care the least about :D
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<jezek2> yeah it requires not having bloated apps
<PulkoMandy> I'd rather say, modern devs who still care about it get hired in places where that matters more
<PulkoMandy> embedded software is stealing skilled devs from desktop apps development :D
HaikuUser has joined #haiku
<HaikuUser> So I changed my resolution to a lower resolution and now the WebPositive windows are offscreen because they're stuck in the old higher res. Anyway I can reset the window position to my current res?
HaikuUser is now known as chaoticbob
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<waddlesplash> well, new NTFS driver write support at
<waddlesplash> if x512[m] wants to play with it first, that may make the most sense, as it still has some oddities I didn't quite pin down
<waddlesplash> otherwise I'll create builds for Vidrep_64 et al. before too long
<PulkoMandy> I reviewed the read support but did not look into write yet
<x512[m]> I am currently busy with trying to make Radeon GFX ring working. May find some time to check NTFS.
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<x512[m]> Probably need loading microcode firmware.
HaikuUser has joined #haiku
<HaikuUser> hi
maquak has joined #haiku
<HaikuUser> hello maquak
<LegendaryAmerican> They drank the 32 bit is bad poison without reading the label which said risc at the time was better than Cisc. There was a context.
<maquak> Hello HaikuUser :) Perhaps you want to set a less generic nickname :)
<LegendaryAmerican> Which they ignored. Of course Dec alphas were better than them old x86s
<HaikuUser> maquak please help how to put the nickname for me
<LegendaryAmerican> Part of the reason Haiku exists is because better doesn't always win.
<bparker_> we need official haiku laptops
<bparker_> that ship with it
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<maquak> HaikuUser try /nick yournewnick
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HaikuUser is now known as Panasonicman
<maquak> I'm not sure if it changes permanently. Here's user guide for Vision:
<Panasonicman> ok good
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<Panasonicman> and how to open private chat with you macquak
<Panasonicman> maquak
<LegendaryAmerican> Haiku best. Beos died by windows. Societal fail. (My haiku lune)
<x512[m]> Why Vision have so scary icon?
<chaoticbob> where can I find the Haiku specific source for the glfw package?
<PulkoMandy> x512[m], no one designed a better one, nostalgia, and also the code for Vision is scary too
<waddlesplash> yes
<maquak> Panasonicman I don't use Vision atm, so I don't. In my client I can right click on somebody's nick and there's an option for private chat. But if you have generic Haiku question you can just ask here
B2IA has joined #haiku
<Panasonicman> how to upgrade haiku and make it more usable
<LegendaryAmerican> I could go on ribbing folks. With a name like panasonic man.. one would think he'd want to get video dcc running.. which I think we had running in beos.
<Panasonicman> i want it to be like Linux mac and windows
<Panasonicman> maquak
<LegendaryAmerican> Xoom. Lol
<LegendaryAmerican> Let's go have a zoom meeting lol!
<LegendaryAmerican> There was also a muscle video chat node. But also you could take over another system..
<Panasonicman> hey legendaryamerican
<maquak> That's a very unspecific question. And if you want something like Linux, why not use Linux in the first place?
<Panasonicman> how are you
<LegendaryAmerican> Hey the Panasonicman
<Panasonicman> hey legendaryamerican?
<Panasonicman> can we chat private
<LegendaryAmerican> No.
<Panasonicman> what about teh zoom meeting you said about
<LegendaryAmerican> My privy is my ownness.
<Panasonicman> maquak
<LegendaryAmerican> No money on earth can change that
<Panasonicman> answering your quetion
<Panasonicman> linux I like it so much
<Panasonicman> I used linux mac and windows
<Panasonicman> what happened my netbook shiped with windows xp
<Panasonicman> windows xp cannot open youtube very well
<Panasonicman> slow videos
<Panasonicman> so I looked for better OS
<LegendaryAmerican> I was saying the beos community was video conferencing way before everyone else.. almost. I mean.. back in the old days you had to get past wiring limitations as people still ran a lot of twisted pair. With higher bandwidths... the global internet community doesn't design with efficiency.
<maquak> Panasonicman have a look at Quick Tour of Haiku: - it's a basic introduction how to use the system
<Panasonicman> I guessed haiku will be good for watching youtube because it supports html5
<LegendaryAmerican> I guess most protocols are designed to accept the fact there are some people you don't want to hang with. Something like muscle assumes there is a reason you want to use it end to end.
<Panasonicman> and it is light wieght and need little ram
<Panasonicman> ok I will try the quicktour and the beBook
<Panasonicman> maybe I can do some programming
<Panasonicman> and make haiku better
<jezek2> Panasonicman: youtube has terrible website + playing videos in browser is more resource heavy, you can use things like youtube-dl + normal video player to get better performance (or some SW with nice GUI for doing that)
<Panasonicman> by my self
<LegendaryAmerican> Its funny because yt doesn't like html5. Try downloading a totally free video.. without flaming bag of poo liscense(another convo)
<Panasonicman> aha
<LegendaryAmerican> By default everyone posts with the yt standard liscense. You have to pick alternative liscense like creative commons or what not.
<Panasonicman> maquak do you know what software name that I can use it to write new program ?
<LegendaryAmerican> Like go out of your way to do it.
<LegendaryAmerican> I said. Videos of flaming bags of dog poop had ytsl.
<LegendaryAmerican> People ain't even thinking about this.
<LegendaryAmerican> Stop and think peeps.
<Panasonicman> maquak
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<maquak> Panasonicman there 196 users online here, don't address generic questions to me and please don't do it multiple times in a row :)
<LegendaryAmerican> Is it important? Ask leadership if they would prefer haiku based videos to be something like creative commons or what not. What's the guidance kids
<Panasonicman> just I want to know a program to write software for haiku which I could find in HaikuDepot
<maquak> If you don't know how to program yet, here is a Haiku specific guide:
<LegendaryAmerican> Cause you ain't talking to legal. They get that excercise.
<maquak> If you know C or C++, then gcc compiler should be already installed in your Haiku
<Panasonicman> ok I will try to use it
<Panasonicman> thanks
<Panasonicman> I got to leave
<Panasonicman> bye bye
<LegendaryAmerican> We thank you
<Panasonicman> maquak you were very helpful
<LegendaryAmerican> No one explained to me why they had to axe a portion of radar altimetry to make 5g.. its like whoa.. do you even know what you're doing there?
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<LegendaryAmerican> Seeing drones should be made to use the band to make radar altimetry readings. Because I've seen smart retroreflector research the government put out.
HaikuUser is now known as ravanan
<LegendaryAmerican> I know someone out there is going "Haiku for drone control I got to gets my half Mongolian disabled sister to control the ground station while I pursue in a glider!"
<maquak> Generic software development question: you want to make changes to some large codebase which has no documentation. Do you have any methodic approach to understanding what's going on there? Also related: any must-read software engineering books?
<LegendaryAmerican> Get a team and database everything
<LegendaryAmerican> If you find it in the book form it would be Unix by the Numbers
<bitigchi> I am trying Sum-it for the first time, but I can't seem to enter any data
<bitigchi> Cells look like they are actively selected all the time
<LegendaryAmerican> bitigchi: built code or binary?
<bitigchi> HaikuDepot version
<LegendaryAmerican> No. Lemme guess downloaded off haikudepot
<maquak> I think I had similar problem with Ideam - I could browse the source code, but not modify it
<LegendaryAmerican> Lemme rollout the other system
<x512[m]> 32 bit SumIt version works fine.
<bitigchi> formula bar displays the data i've entered though, it's just the grid does not show
<jezek2> maquak: if you managed to build it then you have won half the battle ;)
<LegendaryAmerican> Take what x51w
<bitigchi> and the cell looks selected with animated cell borders
<LegendaryAmerican> 2
<LegendaryAmerican> Take what he says.
<bitigchi> 64 bit here
<jezek2> maquak: I guess log based debugging is helpful, works well in many hard to debug situations esp. because it contains log of the actions in time
<jezek2> to better understand the system or the part of it
<jezek2> renaming stuff can be also helpful if you have it in IDE that can do these things with ease
<maquak> jezek2, thanks :)
<jezek2> so you minimize confusing naming while trying to understand stuff
<LegendaryAmerican> Its one thing I learned with Unix programming when I was 12 ish or so. Proctor
<maquak> Ohh, that's a cool idea, I'll give it a try
<jezek2> if you add some new functionality, put it into a separate file and insert only hooks in the original code
<jezek2> (this may be also a valid development strategy for normal programs but haven't tried it much, basically putting things at one place instead of having parts of the algoritm all over the place)
<LegendaryAmerican> Yeah SumIt does need some coding. Msft is trying to underground 360 free with purchase while the say bad words over the 11 upgrade.
<jezek2> use defensive coding, do not assume anything, have reasonable fallbacks for everything
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<LegendaryAmerican> That one is tricky as msft doesn't have to be sure about anything. Nice to be coddled.
<jezek2> don't fear the hacks if they work :)
<jezek2> for example there was some interaction that was thread unsafe but making it thread safe would mean refactoring a lot of code, well the easier solution was to just try multiple times until it succeded without error (was in a managed langauge so that was easier) and log the bad attempts to measure how often it occurs or if it has some other bad impact
<LegendaryAmerican> SumIT doesn't work as math questions probably should be complicated unless convention approves simplification
<beaglejoe> maquak: build it from source. set breakpoints at your area of interest. Step through the code.
<LegendaryAmerican> Math nerds really overplay their hand
<LegendaryAmerican> beaglejoe. Hire a mathmatician
<LegendaryAmerican> Yeah. Reverse mortgage the house.
<LegendaryAmerican> I hate the shit. I stand to inheirit in 40 years. Do not like it
<LegendaryAmerican> But dammIT... we deserve a mathmatician.
<LegendaryAmerican> Say blankety blank about their system but they got it strapped up the way they want
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<LegendaryAmerican> Mathmatician. On staff
<maquak> Thanks guys for your input, good to know what others are doing when working on software :)
<LegendaryAmerican> If they calculate properly they should be able to shop for each a small reverse easy to pay off and a lot of peeps. But no question if the math will be right.
<LegendaryAmerican> If one isn't offered.. go to the congress.
<LegendaryAmerican> Go tell them "you mean to strap us into exorbitant amounts of debt!!!"
<maquak> legendaryamerican it's quite hard for me to follow - are you talking about any Haiku-related topic here?
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<LegendaryAmerican> Yeah. Getting sumit to work according to haiku style.
<LegendaryAmerican> A spreadsheet should be able to work with heavy math.
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<chaoticbob> hi - i'm trying to find the source for the glfw package that's in HaikuDepot - where can I locate this information?
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<Skipp_OSX> chaoticbob does this help?
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<Skipp_OSX> I got it linked from!/pkg/glfw_devel/haikuports/3/3/4/-/1/x86_64?bcguid=bc253-WBGE for the package
<chaoticbob> I'm aware that exists...I'm trying to find the haikus specific implementation
<chaoticbob> there's some C files that it has to deals with the platform window/input/events/etc
<chaoticbob> I looked through the glfw_devel package and just saw that it has the header files and some cmake files
<Skipp_OSX> yeah I'm sure it's in the glfw_devel package but I don't know how to link to that
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<Skipp_OSX> oh ok but there are other C files? hmmm
<nephele> Haiku has two repos it pulls from, one is only a frozen copy of the other though, eventually all recipes come from haikuports (
<chaoticbob> oh wait...apparently there's a check box for Source Packages in haiku depot :)
<nephele> the glfw package recipe should be there, with the instructions for where it pulls the source from, which patches it applies etc.
<chaoticbob> @nephele thanks! I think that should help sort this out
<chaoticbob> out of curiosity - is there an active Haiku discord?
<nephele> I don't think discord runs on Haiku, no idea really :)
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<chaoticbob> It's so cool seeing Haiku light up all 12 cores on this machine
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<Skipp_OSX> I got 12 cores here but no Haiku :/
<chaoticbob> what are you waiting for? :)
<Skipp_OSX> There's been some progress getting RX 580 working so I should try again.
<Skipp_OSX> well, I have a dedicated Haiku machine but it only has 4 cores
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<hoanga> hello everyone
<Skipp_OSX> y0
<hoanga> hi, i am new to this channel but have been a quiet haiku user for awhile.
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<hoanga> was hoping to find waddlesplash if s/he has a moment as i had some questions on some software i am have been (slowly) porting to haiku
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<chaoticbob> what is the haiku equivalent of readlink("/proc/self/exe", ..) ?
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<LegendaryAmerican> Intel produced the most non tainted cores they didn't much market..
<LegendaryAmerican> They drank the homeland poison.
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<augiedoggie> chaoticbob: the common way is using get_next_image_info() multiple times until you get a B_APP_IMAGE in the response
<LegendaryAmerican> The acer I'm using has an atom n. Not affected by government surveillance bug.
<augiedoggie> there are several patches in the haikuports repository that show how to do it
<LegendaryAmerican> If I remember correctly.. out there.. bugs are features that never took off right. Speculative execution isn't a way to address cache misses. Only way to do that is butterfly.
<chaoticbob> thanks
<LegendaryAmerican> A chip with butterfly topography in its design.. is gonna be ratified speed cause it's net speed and gross speed will be so close together.
<LegendaryAmerican> There was a little research actually done on it in the US.
<Skipp_OSX> unless you're running on a shared box in a data-center you probably don't care that much about it.
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<Skipp_OSX> The problem really comes in data center where people can exploit the vulnerability to see other users data that they're not supposed to
<Skipp_OSX> but if you're the only one using the machine... no big deal
<LegendaryAmerican> They don't list pentium gold. But I seen golds go for good sushi.. 47 hundred and change.
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