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<NaGERST> gordonjcp: Yeah i get do you know Aari or Meri a lot.
<NaGERST> but there is very few sami left after 500 years of occupation by the russians, swedes, finns and norwegians. So it is HIGHLY likely that i know either.
<NaGERST> imagine what a Sami country would have been like. Sapmi is the dream. never going to happen, and we will be resigned to history
<NaGERST> sami music is awesome though. Ever hear Sofia Jannokk?
<bjorkintosh> Sami? I thought Sami were Finns?
<NaGERST> I sometimes play Europea Universalis as Sapmi and allthough weak, it just make me feel good that we are even a possible country.
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<LinuxUser> Hello, does anyone have problems with refreshing haiku beta4 repo?
<LinuxUser> It happens only with main repo(not haikuports)
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<Begasus> g'morning peeps
<Begasus> yay, qt5 just finished on 32bit :)
<LinuxUser> @Begasus hi!
<Begasus> Hi LinuxUser
<Begasus> k, good enough for now on qt5 :)
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<Begasus> freshly build image for 64bit does indeed include rav1e :)
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<phschafft> Good morning everyone. There are fresh breadrolls in the kitchen.
<Begasus> g'morning phschafft, thanks! :)
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<phschafft> thank my flatmate for baking them. :)
<Begasus> heh kudos there then :)
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<Begasus> w00t, Qt5 got quite some dependencies (installing on a clean image)
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<phschafft> would expect that as it's one of the bigger frameworks.
<Begasus> no icu66 installed now :P
<Begasus> thing there is that Qt5 isn't split up like Qt6, so you get it all (and it's dependencies)
<phschafft> hm.
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] autocommitter pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57737] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] ef761f9fba8e - Update translations from Pootle
<Begasus> nice :)
<phschafft> :)
<Begasus> let's see if I can grab the 32bit packages ...
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<LinuxUser> @Begasus i'm back
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<Begasus> bugger, qtwebkit also uses icu66
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<Begasus> not yet, but thnx Fedora :)
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<coolcoder613> Hello
<Begasus> Hi coolcoder613
<phschafft> Good evening coolcoder613.
<Begasus> add_definitions(-Wno-deprecated-copy -Wno-redundant-move -Wno-class-memaccess) (I guess for code that dates back 5 years it's good enough to silense them) :)
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<spazz_haiku> great OS haiku is becoming i'm seriously thinking of replacing OSX on all my old mac's and give them life again
<spazz_haiku> an Imac late 2006(white) & a MacBook Pro 2007
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<Begasus> bugger :/ build error ...
<Begasus> nice to hear spazz_haiku
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<Begasus> bbl
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<OscarL> Great, my desktop PC doesn't even powers on anymore. Not sure what died this time (PSU or motherboard).
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<Skipp_OSX> :(
<Begasus> nice :) grabbing qtwebkit-5.212.0~pre20200924-4-x86_64.hpkg and moving it to /Opslag/haikuports/packages/qtwebkit-5.212.0~pre20200924-4-x86_64.hpkg
<Begasus> bugger OscarL :(
<OscarL> yeah... finished testing git last night... today was pretty cold-dead, lol.
<OscarL> updated "bash_completion" too, fixing an issue I had with its pkgman completion, and trying to fix the "updating bash_completion breaks it" (due to an old .sh file under etc/profile.d not being updated).
<OscarL> Too bad I didn't pushed it out of that PC, heh.
<Begasus> dogs ...
<Begasus> re
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<Begasus> rebuild for qtwebkit ...
<Begasus> OscarL, when done here I'll have a look at git if no one steps up :)
<OscarL> Alright, thanks.
<OscarL> Seems to work as well as before for me, tests went similar to the last time I've run them. I think my changes in the "config.c vs builtins/config.c" part of the changes need the most attention, just in case I messed up the original patch intention :-D
<Begasus> heh
<OscarL> "git config -l" works fine thou, so I'm more or less happy with that (and the test-suite having "good" results too :-D)
<Begasus> -l as in "list"?
<OscarL> yup... just to make sure it can read both user and global settings.
<Begasus> ah, feature request! :)
<Begasus> I can use "tab" key when adding new stuff with "git add ...", but that doesn't work for "git rm ..."
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<OscarL> this new recipe should install the git completion right from the upstream package, so if it is working with that, good, if not... make sure you remove the old "" under /etc/ that we shipped for a while, before removing it (as it interfered with mksh)
<Begasus> still got that installed in: /boot/system/settings/etc/profile.d
<OscarL> dealing with old/outdated files under /etc/ is a pain in the rear,, as "auto-merge" doesn't seems to work right (or at all), and I guess the only way of removing old files is via a post-install script...
<OscarL> risking removing user modified files (big no-no)
<Begasus> right there
<Begasus> I "maybe" nuked KIO here like that, cleaned out ~/config/settings stuff ...
<OscarL> I haven had a good time when dealing with GLOBAL_WRITABLE_FILES.
<OscarL> *haven't (darn laptop keyboard)
<Begasus> bugger, one laptop crashed (CPU get's too hot there) :(
<Begasus> could use that acceleration in Qemu :)
<Begasus> 70
<OscarL> I had installed version 2.11-2 of bash_completion package... installed the (locally built) updated one: 2.14.0... pkgman ended up complaining that it couldn't update the old GLOBAL_WRITABLE_FILES because it was missing the 2.11-1 version... WAT?
<OscarL> Begasus: could use your laptop to warm my room... :-D (kinda chilly at the moment)
<Begasus> That's Dutch, in Enlgish it's WHAT :)
<Begasus> You wouldn't want that on your lap :P
<Begasus> 32bit one is pretty stable, but half of the keys don't work on that laptop :/
<OscarL> just to be clear... I DID have the correct 2.11-2 files under administrative/writable-files, so that makes me thing that GLOBAL_WRITABLE_FILES' "auto-merge" is just broken.
<OscarL> I should file a bug on Trac, if I ever get my PC working again (or a new setup where to replicate the issue).
<OscarL> Begasus: heh, got "half-a-netbook" here, also with only parts of the keyboard working, no screen... spent a week trying to run Haiku on it. Kinda have up :-(
<OscarL> makes a nice little VoidLinux server, thou.
<Begasus> good thing I can keep myself busy copy/paste to my other one ;)
<OscarL> via private IRC room?
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<Begasus> just one on one in Vision
<OscarL> give ssh a go, if you haven't already.
<Begasus> haven't so far, should figure that out I guess :)
<Begasus> think I only used that about 20years ago :D so a "bit" rusty there :P
<OscarL> Yeah... I only had used it for a while (for work), via pretty slow connections to slow servers.... I finally tried it on my machines here a few days ago... even that old atom half-netbook "feels" like a power house when used via ssh from another machine, lol.
<OscarL> (up to the point when you ask it to actually do compute-intensive tasks, of course :-D)
<OscarL> hope we get mDNS/avahi on Haiku one day... makes setting up local netwokrs like that just way easy.
<nosycat> <3 ssh
<OscarL> hi nosycat! :-)
<nosycat> Hello!
<Begasus> it slows down local PC OscarL?
<Begasus> Hi nosycat! :)
<OscarL> Begasus: it is extremelly low resource intensive.
<Begasus> I would only need it to launch builds on the other one :)
<OscarL> exactly... that was what I was wanting to do with this old netbook... setup a haiku install, and let it build stuff overnight (even if slow... letting it just run)... accessing it via ssh to run commands.
<nosycat> sshd just sleeps when not in use
<nosycat> And most command-line apps are super-light.
<OscarL> too bad Haiku doesn't seems to like at all that particular netbook :-(
<Begasus> now you got me curious :)
<Begasus> qtwebkit almost there ...
<OscarL> I was using cmd.exe from win10 to ssh into both another netbook (with Haiku), and into the one with linux... both felt faster than using the machines themselves :-D
<OscarL> well, except for midnight commander's startup time, not sure why it takes its time to start... then works like a charm.
<nosycat> It only takes a second and a half here to cold-start.
<nosycat> Who knows.
<nosycat> Haven't measured on the netbook.
<OscarL> the one from voidlinux is slower for me on that atom n455 cpu. well... that machine is even slower than my Atom N450 one, so... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
<nosycat> Go figure.
<nosycat> Wait, what edition of Void?
<OscarL> the glibc one (just wanted to avoid surprises with compatibility)
<nosycat> Good call.
<OscarL> my main point in having a linux install was to compare output logs from builds of Python, and compare tests resutls with the one from Haiku.
<nosycat> Interesting!
<OscarL> (trying to understand where our problems are)
<nosycat> Makes sense.
<OscarL> the 3.13.0 Python betas builds significantly faster on linux than on haiku, much to my disadvantage :-(
<nosycat> Everything assumes Linux nowadays. BSD folks complain about it too.
<OscarL> besides that... I'm willing to bet BFS performs way worse than etc, killing my build/test-runs times :-/
<OscarL> s/etc/ext4/
<nosycat> You think? Huh.
<OscarL> just deleting a folder with 10K files basically makes all my Haiku installs unusable for 2 to 5 minutes.
<nosycat> :O
<OscarL> as in... you can't even close Pe windows... as it tries to save some attributes back to disk... and it has to wait while that other folder is being deleted.
<OscarL> I guess folks with SSDs have less issues than me :-D
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<augiedoggie> it might be a little bit faster on a partition without BFS indexes
<augiedoggie> part of the slowness probably isn't even disk IO related, fork/exec on Haiku is painfully slow
<augiedoggie> ^ with regard to build times, not deleting of files
<nosycat> Hmm!
<Begasus> what is the ssh pswd?
<OscarL> Begasus: whatever you want... not on haiku right now... /bin/passwd or something like that, and you can change it.
<OscarL> augiedoggie: I should hive that a try next time I setup my build installs. Thanks for the reminder.
<OscarL> Wish we could use the same haikuports repo/dir for both 64 and 32 bits. Wonder how difficult it would be to modify haikuporter to use repository-{x86-32,x86-64,etc}.
<OscarL> instead of it nuking the repository date for platforms it doesn't recognizes :-D
<OscarL> s/date/data/
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<OscarL> Begasus: just in case, you need to enable root login on the sshd settings file, otherwise you won't be able to log in via ssh into haiku.
<Begasus> OscarL, booted image in Qemu to checkup on qtwebkit/icu now :)
<Begasus> won't be for today I guess
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<OscarL> PSA... do not try to use RAM_FS as B_SYSTEM_TEMP_DIRECTORY... pkgman/packagefs will choke on that, preventing repo refreshes/updates, etc.
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<Begasus> ok, checked, ICU66 uninstalled without taking down kdevelop :P
<OscarL> there's seems to be some issue with its handling of temp files. I guess it tries to move the downloaded repo data, and fails when dst and src are not on the same file system.
<OscarL> nice Begasus :-)
<Begasus> that's 2 major ones not needing the old icu anymore ... me glad :)
<Begasus> uploaded the packages to for those wanting to test drive them (including the qtwebkit for 64bit for now)
<Begasus> be sure to make backups! ;)
<OscarL> yesterday I uninstalled ALL *_devel and *_python packages here (from around 650 package down to around 370), trying to see if that would speed up my beta4 boot times... didn't change in any noticeable way.
<OscarL> points to packagefs for that... but no idea why I get to 20s "pauses" (after the disk icon, and after the rocket one) :-D
<Begasus> been there :)
<OscarL> s/get to/get two/
<Begasus> still too much connected on this install to remove old icu :/
<Begasus> +2.2k packages "installed" atm :)
<OscarL> ouch.
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<Begasus> figures something is bound to brake :P
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<Begasus> if I wasn't afraid to loose a lot I would do a clean install here, but not yet :)
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<OscarL> could also just "mv icu66*.hpkg" from Terminal and see what stops working? :-P (you might need to remove activated_packages, restore icu66, reboot in order to clean up the breakage thou)
<OscarL> or just nuke system/packages from another install, and copy .hpkgs from a beta4 .iso... been there at least twice :-P
<Begasus> k, afk for a while, pushed to the repo for a PR (wip)
<augiedoggie> i seem to recall getting weird pauses like that on my old phenom board, iirc there was some weird delay when Haiku started probing SATA ports for my controller
<Begasus> bbl
<augiedoggie> built into the code
<OscarL> happens for me even on VBox on that Phenom :-/
<augiedoggie> do you have a lot of fonts installed?
<OscarL> changing mode from IDE to Native IDE, to AHCI... no change.
<OscarL> On Haiku? only the default ones... and I think I even removed the CJK ones on at least one install :-D
<OscarL> I do remember fresh beta4 booting faster. Oh well.
<OscarL> now PC wont even power on, so... not much of an issue anymore, LOL.
<augiedoggie> :(
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<OscarL> augiedoggie: btw... would be nice to have a beezer recipe update to include the .hpkg support (missed it last night on one of my installs that had only upstream Beezer installed :-D)
<OscarL> genio could use more frequent releases too (sometimes I don't want to locally build things). Not sure if we have genio devs on the room :-)
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<augiedoggie> they have automated builds but iirc it's for nightlies
<augiedoggie> hm, they used to have more up to date builds, maybe haikuports is up to date
<augiedoggie> you could fork their project on github and set up the CI to produce the builds for you :P
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<OscarL> I unpacked/modified/repacked one of their .hpkg to make it installable on beta4, worked alright. Can't find the binaries for their CI runs. Maybe I'm blind :-D
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<Begasus> closing down, cu peeps!
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<cocobean> Zard: For haikuwebkit2, I saw FontsHaiku.cpp had a commit missing that was in the haiku default branch.
<cocobean> 427 commits when rebased on WebKit 619.1.16.
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<botifico> [haiku/website-inc] leavengood pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haiku/website-inc] leavengood 6225b40 - Update 2023 financial report with correct EUR->USD rate
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<coolcoder613_> Hi zardshard
<zardshard> Hello coolcoder
<coolcoder613_> I've been playing around with my new Arduboy clone
<coolcoder613_> Wrote a snake game (with chatgpt ;( )
<zardshard> This is my xmpp account and is always online. Not doing anything Haiku-related (or monitoring the chat) atm
<coolcoder613_> Trying to rid myself of my fear of c/c++
<zardshard> Heh, chatgpt does help with coding sometimes, doesn't it?
<coolcoder613_> Yeah
<coolcoder613_> I started writing the code
<coolcoder613_> couldn;t work out what sort of data structure to use for the snake
<coolcoder613_> found snake example code online
<coolcoder613_> asked chatgpt for help understading it
<coolcoder613_> gave chatgpt my code a told it to mash them together
<coolcoder613_> spent a while trying to get the first output working, eventually retried and was better
<zardshard> Nice
<coolcoder613_> It didn't seem to realise I had only ~2k of ram
<zardshard> Alright, I'm going again (aka not monitoring the chat)
<zardshard> See you later!
<coolcoder613_> and was allocated 300bytes each for snake head x and y
<coolcoder613_> i changed to 32
<coolcoder613_> bye
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<ebruce613> test
<ebruce613> Ok, it works