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<coolcoder613_> How can I make a layout item take up all available space?
<coolcoder613_> It's a BTextView, if that matters
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<erysdren> phschafft: yeh, doing good
<erysdren> just got back from a grocery run. now tinkering with my finger client/server again
<phschafft> :)
<phschafft> does it have any special features?
<erysdren> not yet
<erysdren> not sure what cool features i could add to finger ;P
<phschafft> hm...
<phschafft> consider the 'content' of a person file. ;)
<erysdren> what do you mean?
<phschafft> what data do you currently serve and how do you source it?
<erysdren> oh, it doesn't actually pull any data yet, it just responds to finger requests with a placeholder string. i will make it so it pulls stuff from a sandboxed "fingerspace"
<erysdren> like some other servers do
<phschafft> and my suggestion was to implement that by using standard person files on Haiku.
<erysdren> ohh, good idea
<phschafft> as they are already some kind of of finger-able space.
<phschafft> :)
<phschafft> and you have a well defined API which already has tooling in place.
<phschafft> somewhere I got some real slow code. hm.
<scantysnax> well, i got absoultely nothing done this weekend.
<phschafft> I know that feeling.
<scantysnax> trying to make up for it now, but it's not working.
<erysdren> phschafft: thinking about it, i don't know of haiku would be good for a finger server. i mean, it's a single-user OS
<erysdren> but i can definitely write a client
<phschafft> not sure about that. surely a client would however be a good start. :)
<phschafft> just found out that this keyboard has problems with a 4m USB cable.
<augiedoggie> it's not a single user os, it's just that the desktop runs as UID 0
<erysdren> oh thats fair
<phschafft> I also thought that 'sandboxed "fingerspace"' means it is decoupled from such details.
<erysdren> that's true.
<phschafft> (that is all assuming relevance of finger itself)
<erysdren> the last roadblock would be having a public hostname for your haiku machine
<erysdren> i don't know if that's possible or reasonable
<erysdren> and yeah, finger is a completely dead thing. nobody uses it nowadays, not even in the tinyweb or text-only-web circles
<erysdren> but i find it interesting as a curiousity
* phschafft nods.
<phschafft> ha, it seems to work. :)
<phschafft> (just changed my keyboard driver code to use a different (kind of) interrupt for the PS/2 clock)
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<ahmadraniri[m]> Hello, Could we make MPV player to show subtitle ? I believe it depends on lua and libass,
<augiedoggie> the test version of mpv that Begasus made with lua didn't solve the problem, there is something else missing
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<salad> The light flickers on
<salad> Why can't I see the stars here?
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<erysdren> hm
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<Begasus> g'morning peeps
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±2]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 382a77d - lua5.4, revbump, adjust paths (#10663)
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<Begasus> k, think I'm done for now with lua :P
<phschafft> morning.
<Begasus> Hi phschafft
<phschafft> all good?
<Begasus> yeah :) main lua5.4 should be good now
<Begasus> luarocks working fine (used it to install "luv" which calls cmake for the build just now) :)
<Begasus> how is it going there phschafft?
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<phschafft> had a very good day with character encodings yesterday.
<phschafft> wondering a bit on what to do today. maybe interrupts or maybe filesystem.
<Begasus> choices ... :)
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] pulkomandy pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57806] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 8773f8b854fc - BTextView: improve layout without word wrapping
<phschafft> for the interrupts I have code, but it's not working. and debugging such code is not always fun.
<Begasus> for filesystem the bugs are just waiting to pop up :)
<phschafft> on the other hand the filesystem topic is something that requires a lot of focused work.
* phschafft nods.
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<phschafft> what hunts me is how many inodes Í want to support.
<phschafft> another topic is wear, the flash has only so many write cycles.
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-2/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] kenmays 6a5e365 - bind_utils: bump version (#10661)
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* coolcoder613 waves to zard
* zard waves
* phschafft is on the interrupts for now. watching stuff with a scope. ;)
<Nephele> Hmm, a microscope and a scope on a rifle both share the name "scope", and despite magnifying have completely different purposes otherwise
<Nephele> zard: I see you are making progress, neat
<phschafft> if (!(*csrb & txcie)) {
<Nephele> I'm looking forward to webkit2 webpositive, which likely will be a huge dissapointment to users who expect it to magically change stuff :D
<phschafft> this if seems to never be true.
<Nephele> phschafft: hmm
<Nephele> have you tried turning it off and on again?
<zard> nephele: lol, true
<phschafft> nephele: as this if not being followed at all the system locks up like... instantly. ;)
<Nephele> phschafft: i recall some humorous situations where some faults in production would not turn up if using live debugging on FreeBSD
<Nephele> so of course, to prevent the crash/corruption, then live debugging was temporarily used in production
<Nephele> "why does this not crash when i sanitize the adress space??"
<jn> scopes are for watching stuff, that's the shared purpose. see also oscilloscopes
<phschafft> nephele: ;)
<Nephele> interesting, well an oscilloscope would not be optical as such
<Nephele> optical output but not working with photons directly
<jn> optical output is where you watch :)
<phschafft> nephele: at least if you have a modern one.
<Nephele> but what about saying this change is "out of scope"? :D
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<zard> Means we don't want to shoot it :D
<Nephele> this change is hostile, it's eating my files, shoot it!
<phschafft> in the tube era there have been very strange scope tubes around. one of them is on my desk (I hardly use that one, but there are a few things that it's better at than my other ones (which has nothing todo with how it works. just that my scopes don't perfectly match specs ;))
<Nephele> This random mac keyboard works quite well for haiku, heh
* coolcoder613 throws hard rive with change off the roof
<coolcoder613> *hard drive
<Nephele> phschafft: I am starting to suspect that your desk might be bigger than the average deks
<phschafft> .csrb = &UCSR1B,
<phschafft> .txcie= _BV(TXCIE1),
<phschafft> that seems fine. at least I don't see like any typos or something.
<Nephele> I still want to setup a xmpp server today. Should get to that.
<phschafft> nephele: or maybe I'm just good at stacking. ;)
<phschafft> nephele: I have a pidgin around if you need someone to test with.
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<Nephele> First I need to determine what OS i want on my vserver for that
<Nephele> probably FreeBSD again
<Nephele> in the future, i want to put devices more locally to perform the magic trick of: not installing openssh
<Nephele> I hope this will prevent me from any openssh exploits in the future
<Nephele> I'm not sure why a server that wants to help me login as an unpriviliged user needs to run as root .-.
* coolcoder613 appluads
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] sabo d19a5dc - add libiconv support to libxml2 (#10664)
<phschafft> it somehow needs to switch to said user. ;)
<Nephele> No, it doesn't
<phschafft> but wasn't there a mode in sshd for single user?
<Nephele> It could have been started under the aegis of said user
<phschafft> maybe.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] nephele pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57807] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] ed33555f4c33 - AboutSystem: fix/remove broken links
<Nephele> Assuming your operating system has a working service supervisor anyhow
<phschafft> I think there was a mode for that. but in that mode some feature might not be available.
<phschafft> ok, I think a single interrupt is now requested. hm.
<Nephele> disable interupts on your machine for vacation mode
<phschafft> hahaha.
<Nephele> phschafft: i recall working on app_server code, setting the flat decorator, forgetting about it. And then assuming i majorly broke app_server because all the gradients were gone
<Nephele> i just assumed it was terribly broken UI rendering xD
<Nephele> hmm, all my laptops are broken in some way except the mac laptop, and that doesn't run haiku
<Nephele> not the best thing for a coding spring :(
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<andreasdr[m]> Hi there.
* zard waves
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<Begasus> Hi peeps
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<Nephele> hello Begasus
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<Begasus> Hi nephele
<Begasus> stupid "waiting for package ..." again :/
<Nephele> You should add improving haikuporter as gsoc project :P
<Begasus> if someone was to use 32bit then :P
<Nephele> That's not a 32bit problem really
<Begasus> well, it's been a loooong time since I've seen it happen here on 64bit
<Begasus> wild guess, but maybe it's because it goes throught the full list of gcc2 recipes and then chokes when reaching the x86 at the end of the list ...
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<Nephele> i've had that issue on 64bit too
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<andreasdr[m]> Arrrrrrr
<Begasus> he's back! :)
<Begasus> afk
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<phschafft> so, after pipe fixing, now back to interrupts.
<phschafft> or... was that an interrupt?
<phschafft> ;)
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<phschafft> I think it's now working.
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<phschafft> hm.
<phschafft> I'm not even sure what it tries to do there.
<zard> How did you get that disassembly? It looks nice compared to what I can get with udcli
<phschafft> objdump -dS myfile
<phschafft> -d for disassembe, -S for including source code (I removed that in the paste)
<phschafft> my guess (from reading the source code) is that the library version cannot handle indirect addressing here. it requires a compile time constant address.
<phschafft> it then performs some checks on that address to see in which address space it is and inserts the best operations for said namespace.
<phschafft> however as I have a memory mapped pointer to begin with ld (load from memory) is the best option anyway.
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 4 commits to master [hrev57808] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] ff91caf6e5d8 - kernel/fd: Merge vectored I/O implementations.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] cf638bb14b55 - nvme_disk: Fix a few bugs in the get_memory_map logic.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 6c7ced1f0104 - kernel/fs: Try to use real vectored I/O in common_vector_io.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 60b260aca165 - kernel/block_cache: Coalesce consecutive block writes.
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<B2IA> (BrunoSpr) Hello all
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<Begasus> re
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<waddlesplash> so here's a fun fact
<waddlesplash> glib's main event loop only uses plain old poll()
<waddlesplash> no option for epoll or kqueue. they have an 11 year old ticket about refactoring to use that, and some stale branches where work got started but, as far as I can tell, never got completed
<waddlesplash> glib isn't just used by GTK but also by Qt and quite a lot of other *nix staples under the hood
<zard> Interesting
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<Nephele> waddlesplash: oof
<phschafft> nephele: any luck so far?
<Nephele> with what?
<phschafft> waddlesplash: sounds like there is just no big pressure.
<phschafft> nephele: your xmpp server?
<Nephele> i got distracted
<phschafft> I know the feeling.
<Nephele> it's a disadvantage when living with other people, someone watching house in the next room and bam. lost 3 hours watching house :P
<phschafft> hm.
<nosycat> Mood.
<Nephele> gonna install freebsd now, and in a bit start setting it up
<Nephele> did some reading beforehand and i'm a bit dissapointed that for example DANE is not that available for xmpp
<phschafft> hm?
<Nephele> phschafft: for example pinning TLS fingerprints in DNSSEC protected DNS records
<Nephele> or pinning a TLS trust anchor
* phschafft nods.
<Nephele> searching for this only finds some ressources that it is beeing added for xmpp from 2014, which suggests it isn't widely implemented. and the prosody addon for it is *broken* in the current version
<phschafft> hm.
* phschafft is wondering how compliced it would be to send any kind of information via xmpp to some peer.
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<Nephele> I guess it depends what kind of channel you want, say encrypted or not :D
<phschafft> I was more thinking of injecting that via some already running client.
<phschafft> think of the client as a local message service, that forwards messages between the remote server and local clients such as some chat windows, libnotify, ...
<Nephele> i guess if you have a tcp connection and can generate xml from your representation probably not that complicated?
<phschafft> in such a design one could just have some small API (however that would be implemented) that would allow any process to send a message.
<Nephele> it depends a lot what kind of "smart" features you want, like presence, avatars, etc. since you need to do a lot more complicane work so other clients understand this
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57809] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 2813fd13caff - profiler: Report CPU times and use them to compute "missed" ticks.
<phschafft> nephele: I was thinking about this more as a way to have protocol extentions as independent software modules.
<phschafft> e.g. allow a file browser to do a 'send to buddy'.
<phschafft> and that just forwards the data to the actual client and that takes care of the low level transport stuff.
<phschafft> all in the hope that your buddy runs some client that accepts file transfers.
<Nephele> the "low level transport" stuff in this case is *not* sending through xmpp
<Nephele> it would probably be much easier to send the running client a message of "upload this for me"
<phschafft> I feel like you're a bit lost in my example and the actual implementation of that.
<Nephele> The point I am making is that I don't think the file browser should have any knowledge of xmpp or the transport. It should be able to recieve a list of possible recipients for file transfers somewhere, but that should not be xmpp specific in any way
<phschafft> nephele: yes and that is why this was a bad example.
<Nephele> if you pick a xmpp contact it should tell the running client, in a client agnostic (i.e standardized message, but not specific to xmpp) that a specific file is supposed to be send
<phschafft> there are a few levels to this.
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<phschafft> maybe you can enlighten me a tiny bit: I understood that xmpp at it's core is a message routing framework. and that all the higher level stuff is happening by sending messages of some type to some endpoints. (plus some extra logic for history and multi-client and stuff)
<phschafft> so if I send for example a text message it basically consist of something like: type=text message, from=good friend, to=bob the bobcat/his session, content=Hello Bob!
<phschafft> I also understand it in a way that some stuff is just a simple message, while other stuff is multi message (such as handshake, status, teardown, ...). I would expect file transfers to be in that area.
<Nephele> XMPP works as a "stream" of xml messages (callled stanzas) over tcp
<Nephele> It also only has *one* tcp connection to the client
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<phschafft> and how is that diffrent from what I was saying?
<Nephele> The problem with file uploads in this area is that if you upload the entire file you would saturate the connection and not be able to respond to the server in that time. The alternative would be dissasembeling the file into smaller chunks, but iirc xmpp instead goes the route of "this is my http server, upload it there" and consequently sending "i've uploaded this file to this http server, download it"
<phschafft> yes.
* phschafft still sees no difference in the pictures.
<Nephele> There is no c2c file transfer like in irc
<Nephele> if you upload a file this way you incur side effects, even if that is just "the file is stored on the server".
<phschafft> yes.
<phschafft> and the point is?
<Nephele> to send a file efficiently you would need to have a length field for every chunk, to be able to embed binary data. But the xml parsers don't work that way
<Nephele> if you want to do this inline
<phschafft> I don't.
<Nephele> That is what i understood from your message "while other stuff is multi message"
<phschafft> e.g. when I did live group editing of graphich with inkscape than it still supported that. I guess not all the editing esession was one message ;)
<Nephele> Anyhow, you asked me to explain, so i tried. but i did not see any specific question. So if that matches your view then all should be good :)
<phschafft> so I guess editing with inkscape was some kind of a shared state represented by a set of messages send over time.
* phschafft nods.
<Nephele> my point was more that xmpp sometimes is a signaling protocol, not sending the actuall data
<phschafft> nephele: so, let's say I want to send a single line of text. I would just send a single message on the wire?
<Nephele> Assuming you don't use c2c encryption. Yes, I think so
<Nephele> (after having setup the connection, loggin in, etc)
<phschafft> is c2c encryption not just something you set up and then send any message to that client thru that extra layer?
<Nephele> i've not checked out the specifics of how it is done now with omemo (or the new MLS rfc) but i recall it works similar to matrix, where you set up a session ontop of the underlying protocol, update the keys at certain times etc
* phschafft nods.
<phschafft> ok, but back to my original question:
<Nephele> after you resolve the encrpyion it is transparent to the client, and the xmpp server does not read or understand this, and does not care
<phschafft> so that text is put into a message that has some kind of type, content, and from/to?
<Nephele> Pretty much
<Nephele> Example for the xmpp im spec:
* phschafft nods.
<Nephele> well, can't install xmpp today i guess
<phschafft> hm?
<Nephele> the vHoster fucked up the FreeBSD automatic installation
<Nephele> and the webhost now does not allow me to que other actions because... the installation isn't finished
<phschafft> nephele: so basically I can add any XML to a <message>, just requiring that the remote client does support it? (and naturally that it's valid)
<Nephele> I suppose? It's probably good practice to discover beforehand that your remote does support it. But i'm not too knowledgeable at the moment how that works exactly
* phschafft nods.
<phschafft> discovery and stuff is surely part of the 'the remote client support it'.
<phschafft> but that is a bit of another layer as you want to e.g. cache that information.
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<Begasus> closing down here
<Begasus> cu peeps!
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] pulkomandy pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57810] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] a5df3d52215e - MediaPlayer: fix subtitles
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<B2IA> (Butler) Welcome to
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