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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 2 commits to master [hrev57840] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 6d5c99effe27 - kernel/x86: Make arch_debug_get_stack_trace handle user-only stack traces.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 7eb6aafc307e - profiler: Actually support profiling user stack frames only.
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57841] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] acd752e15894 - kernel/m68k: Apply same fix to arch_debug_get_stack_trace as in x86.
<coolcoder613> Hello LinuxUser
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<LinuxUser> @coolcoder613 hi!
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<LinuxUser> pretty annoying when pc disconnects from irc when ide
<LinuxUser> idle*\
<LinuxUser> is idle*
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 8a301428416a - profile: Unset image in ExclusiveProfileResult if we didn't find a symbol.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57842] -
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57843] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] d75f6109c213 - kernel/arch: Prioritize post_interrupt_callback over invoke_scheduler.
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<Begasus> g'morning peeps
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<LinuxUser> @Begasus hi!
<Begasus> Hi LinuxUser :)
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<Calisto> Heyy
<LinuxUser> hello
<Calisto> Hi LinuxUser
<Calisto> how are you?
<LinuxUser> nice, and you?
<Calisto> im doing good
<Calisto> just trying to figure out this HashSet thing
<Calisto> wbu?
* phschafft waves.
* Calisto waves back :D
<LinuxUser> currently i'm doing nothing, several days ago did some pentesting(CTF)
<Calisto> oh woww
<Calisto> that sounds like fun
<LinuxUser> now thing about future new pc
<LinuxUser> think*
<LinuxUser> but sometimes it's not so easy
<Calisto> btw phschafft: in the HashSet that is present, does the comparison use the == operator or does it do something like compare iterators/pointers?
<Calisto> I was trying to create a HashSet that stores the inode numbers of the directories for O(1) lookup
<Calisto> but it was giving me an error because it is a primitive data type --> So i created a wrapper class around ino_t and overloaded the == operator as well
<Calisto> still doesn't work as expected tho
<LinuxUser> even when the task level is easy
<LinuxUser> hmm interesting is your pc modern?
<Calisto> the one im running Haiku on?
<LinuxUser> yes, you have several computers, aren't you?
<Calisto> just 2... the one im running Haiku on is pretty old tho
<Calisto> one sec
<Calisto> like the other one is more modern
<Calisto> like 2023 model
<Calisto> but I have to use it for college use :)
<LinuxUser> hmm interesting, cpu is intel, or amd?
<Calisto> intel
<Calisto> this one is a dell inspiron 15
<Calisto> does that have something to do with the HashSet thing??
<Calisto> i was wondering why it wasn't working :(
<Calisto> i tried making the constructor explicit as well
<Calisto> so that you have to create the object by directly callnig the constructor
<Calisto> doesn't seem to work though :(
<Calisto> any idea why it might not be workign
<LinuxUser> i've reviewed specs, and i'd like to say that it's better than my laptop(around it was manufactured in 2014)
<Calisto> im trying to see whether I made some stupid mistake
<Calisto> yupp this thing has been with me for quite a while :)
<Calisto> I learnt my first programming language on it
<Calisto> so have a sort of attachment to it xD
<LinuxUser> what programming language?
<Calisto> Java
<Calisto> :)
<LinuxUser> My first OS was win7, and first PL was(and is) C#
<LinuxUser> now i also use python
<Calisto> ohhh
<Calisto> for me I had learnt Java during school
<Calisto> but then I prety much had a 2 year break
<Calisto> with anything related to programming
<Calisto> because I had to prep for college entrance exams
<Calisto> so then started with C++ and then here I am :)
<Calisto> though I wish I never had to take that break :(
<LinuxUser> if not secret, how old are you?
<Calisto> im 18
<Calisto> going to turn 19 in a few months
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<Begasus> kiddos :)
<LinuxUser> i hope you won't be shoched, i'm 12
<Calisto> woahhhh
<Calisto> I am very very shocked xD
<LinuxUser> and i'm almost pc master in school
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<LinuxUser> i clean pcs from viruses, even can reinstall windows, linux, and etc
<Calisto> dude that's amazing
<Calisto> you have such an early start :D
<LinuxUser> on one laptop(school) i've set up linux(gentoo) and installed programs
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<Calisto> that's niceee
<Calisto> even i used to be interested in interesting operating systems etc.
<Calisto> but never did PC
<Calisto> you have such a great start
<Calisto> keep it up lol
<Calisto> or CTFs
<Calisto> though im going to get started on it soon :)
<Calisto> have you tried this OS called parrot?
<Calisto> i think its pretty well known for penetration testnig
<Calisto> testing*
<LinuxUser> yes
<LinuxUser> now on laptop i've kali linux
<Calisto> has a reallly nice UI for the terminal
<Calisto> ohhhh that's niceee
<LinuxUser> on pc i had parrot
<Calisto> oh alr
<Calisto> that makes senser
<LinuxUser> now i'll return it for my pc
<Calisto> sense*
<LinuxUser> The first pc's age is 15 years
<LinuxUser> the second(laptop) is 10 years
<Calisto> ooooo
<Calisto> that must be nicee
<Calisto> my first laptop was like the Compaq presario C700
<Calisto> used it till I was in the 8th grade
<Calisto> then got the dell inspiron 15 (which im currently using for GSoC)
<LinuxUser> But the cpu of first pc isn't so good(core quad 9400, due to avx instruction lack)
<LinuxUser> I even have 2 robots
<Calisto> I am so completely blown away xD
<LinuxUser> The second is temporarily disassembled(it has sbc mini pc, orange pi zero 2w)
<OscarL> Morning kids... and old fellas (sorry about that Begasus :-P)
<LinuxUser> Oh, you maybe will be shocked, i'm from Russia
<Calisto> that part I am not shocked about xD
<Calisto> Hey OscarL
<Calisto> how are you??
<OscarL> Freezeing. I should stop waking up 5 AM in mid of winter :-)
<Calisto> xD
<LinuxUser> oh nice that you are not shocked
<Calisto> yeee (not in any bad way) but I was expecting Russia for some reason ... I've heard of so many really really smart people coming out of Russia :0
<Calisto> :)
<Calisto> so was expecting it for some reason xD
<OscarL> Calisto: While, as usual, I can't offer explanations myself... maybe pointing you to HashSet usages might be enough.
<Calisto> yahhh i was trying to go through those
<LinuxUser> heh it is summer in my region
<LinuxUser> eh half of holidays have already spent :/
<Calisto> ohhhhh thanks a lot OscarL
<Calisto> was going through the exact same file in VSCode
<Calisto> lol
<OscarL> Calisto: for what is worth... I see for example: "HashSet<HashKey32<team_id>" (team_id is a typedef to int32).
<Calisto> ohhhh alrightt
<Calisto> so its like a wrapper already defined??
<OscarL> I'd take a look at that "HashKey32" thing, if you're dealing with "simpler" types.
<Calisto> i think I will try to use that :D
<Calisto> yup
<Calisto> like im trying to work with ino_t
<Calisto> which if i remember correctly, is a typedef for const long long int?
<Calisto> have to check up on that a bit more
<Calisto> but thanks for the pointers OscarL :)
<OscarL> Calisto: you should bookmark this: "" :-)
<Calisto> yupppp
<Calisto> just did that
<Calisto> I was mostly combing through the source code on VSCode xD
<Calisto> and looking through definitions
<Calisto> but this is much easier :)
<LinuxUser> microsoft vscode?
<Calisto> yep
<Calisto> oh alright OscarL i think i would need to use HashSet64
<Calisto> since ino_t is a typedef for int64_6 :)
<LinuxUser> good alternative is code - oss
<Calisto> int64_t*
<LinuxUser> it's already installed on kali
<LinuxUser> and vscodium on parrot
<Calisto> yupp
<Calisto> i was just about to mention vscodium
<Calisto> that comes preinstalled on parrot
<Calisto> iirc
<Calisto> tho for the haiku code, i'm using Genio
<Calisto> tho im using VSC for like reading the code a bit quicker :)
* Calisto rapidly smashes Fn + F12
<LinuxUser> why are you smashing fn + f12?
<Begasus> Hi OscarL! :)
<Calisto> its the shortcut for going to the definition :)
<Calisto> in VSC
<Begasus> latest labplot2 broken for Haiku :(
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<OscarL> Calisto: I would invert that on BIOS, so F12 is enough :-P
<OscarL> (leaving Fn for whatever else is crammed onto F12 key)
<Begasus> Can't switch to Desktop 12 with it on Haiku :P
<Begasus> biab
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* Begasus feels stupid again ...
<Begasus> sedond day in a row :D
<LinuxUser> bye
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<OscarL> later LinuxUser!
<OscarL> bah... too late.
<OscarL> Begasus: only two days in a row? I would be celebrating if that was me :-D
<Begasus> heh
<OscarL> Found my ESP8266s... now lets see if I remember enough about them as to test esptool on them :-D
<Begasus> grabbing labplot-2.11.1-1-x86_64.hpkg and moving it to /Opslag/haikuports/packages/labplot-2.11.1-1-x86_64.hpkg
<Begasus> nice OscarL!
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-3/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] OscarL 5cef8c2 - python3.10: update to version 3.10.14. (#10696)
<Begasus> first one down, thanks!
<OscarL> you're more than welcome!
<OscarL> Mmm. Haiku boots up, and Tracker starts to spew windows left and right (from my previous session).
<OscarL> Reminds me of the Solitare winning animation :-D
<OscarL> (cascade of cards poping up on the screen)
<Begasus> lol
<Begasus> up and running :)
<Begasus> patch was upstreamed, so no need for patching anymore now :)
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<OscarL> always nice not to require patches.
<OscarL> 23 minutes for the 64 bits python build. buildmaster is faster than my bare-metal Phenom II X4 install.
<Calisto> alright so I tried using HashSet<HashKey64<ino_t>> OscarL
<Calisto> still doesn't work as expected
<OscarL> :-(
<Calisto> probably need to put in some debugger statements
<Calisto> to see why its happening :(
<Calisto> btw each directory has a unique inode number right?
<OscarL> maybe one of the real devs will chime in, once they wake up :-)
<Calisto> and the entry_ref stores the inode number of the parent directory right?
<Begasus> next scipy OscarL?
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<OscarL> Begasus: yeah, once the slower 32 bits builds ends.
<Begasus> ok, will wait for it then :)
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<OscarL> man, first use of git on a "big" repo on a fresh boot... slower than me waking up after a driking night :-)
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<Begasus> like waking up late in the afternoon then ...
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<OscarL> given that my sleep schedule keeps rotating... I do that pretty often, even without booze :-)
<Begasus> heh
<Calisto> OscarL: I got it fixed :)
<Calisto> turns out (as usual) I was the one messing up xD
<OscarL> nice Calisto!
<Calisto> was using the wrong inode number for the directories :) time to clean up a lot of the code...
<Calisto> btw i had a general question
<Calisto> is it a good practice to do checks at each isolated section of code?
<OscarL> as most things in life... depends.
<Calisto> i know this might be like a bad question... but like... suppose in one section of the code you ensure that you have saved only traversed entry_refs and in another sectino of the code you are reading these... is it a good idea to check anyways?
<Calisto> this is basically what im diong
<Calisto> basically checking at every step of the way
<Calisto> to ensure that the inputs to each section are completely correct
<Calisto> i mean its over-the-top since it probably isn't going to be tampered with anyways
<OscarL> in general, I would say that checking for errors "closest to their possible source" is the way to go (to avoid callers having to deal with lower-level stuff all the time).
<Calisto> alright
<Calisto> then i guess its probably a good idea to remove the redundant checks :)
<OscarL> you don't see is_computer_on() called that often after all :-)
<Calisto> yah xD
<Calisto> so basically if i check for all the errors in the place where I am saving things into an attribute its probably just redundant to check for errors again while reading the attributes
<Calisto> anyways this is only a file created by tracker :)
<Calisto> thanks a lot OscarL
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] OscarL 82cc894 - scipy: recipe cleanups, drop Python 3.9 support. (#10706)
<OscarL> np. as always... remember that I usually barely know what I'm talking about thou :-)
<OscarL> k, esputil builds cleanly on 64 bits. Now... let's see how long it takes me to brick another ESP8266 board.
<OscarL> mmm, sudden blue led flash after plugin USB... can't remember if thats a good, or a very bad sign :-)
<OscarL> "/dev/ports/usb0" showed up at least.
<OscarL> mmm, "Error reading chip ID".
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<phschafft> directly plugged in or via cable?
<OscarL> its one of those boards with an WCH usb<->serial converters.
<OscarL> "1a86:7523 /dev/bus/usb/0/2 "QinHeng Electronics" "CH340 serial converter" ver. 0254"
<OscarL> I'll try with regular, to see what's what.
<phschafft> ah.
* OscarL runs "pip install --user --no-deps esptool"... pip goes: "Installing build dependencies..." :-/
<OscarL> forgot "--no-build-isolation" for build deps.
<Begasus> bugger :)
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<OscarL> man, removal of 2to3 in python 3.12, and the "GIL vs no-GIL" split on 3.13 would make packaging SO. MUCH. MORE. FUN.
* OscarL wishes he had a bottle of gin at hand.
<phschafft> of gil? ;)
<OscarL> arrrrhhh, noooo!!!! /me rans away with hands in the air :-D
<OscarL> so, we have packages for 5 of's 7 main deps. no wonder I tried getting "esputil" as an alternative.
<OscarL> k, pip mananged to install the remaining two at least.
<Begasus> 95% tests passed, 3 tests failed out of 65 (not that bad) :)
<Begasus> Compared values are not the same
<Begasus> seems to be a known issue atleast
<OscarL> "esptool chip_id" autodetected ports at least (with patched pyserial :-P)... too bad for " chip_id" I get:
<OscarL> "/dev/ports/usb0 failed to connect: Failed to connect to Espressif device: Invalid head of packet (0x01): Possible serial noise or corruption."
<Begasus> ticket time? ;)
<OscarL> nah, most likely hardware issue on my side (USB ports are in shambles on this 13+ y/o mobo).
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<Begasus> just don't go add blockers for R1B5 :P
<OscarL> USB cable might not be helping... and boards where the absolutely cheapest I could find at the time :-)
<Begasus> why doesn't that apply to the other tests? :/
<OscarL> "ENABLE_FORCE_TEST_RESULTS_OK=ON" <<< not that I haven't seen something like that while doing QA work :-P
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<OscarL> (the idea was for that to be used only for a test of the "test results report generator" tool, but... if course it got abused at least once)
<Begasus> not going down there, over 20 tests mentioned in there (already ran with tests, no need to build them a third time) :P
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<Begasus> enabling clang_tidy ...
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<OscarL> buildmaster is having a harder time with scipy than with python, lol :-)
<Begasus> yeah :)
<OscarL> was worried it was stuck on 64 bits, given it seems to go slower than on my PC.
<phschafft> when you want to do a big rebase and the first commit git already dislikes and throws you a random conflict.
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<Begasus> always fun there phschafft :)
<phschafft> specifically as I seem to always hit the cases git is 'creative'.
<phschafft> stuff like adding of a single line resulting in a conflict of that line with an empty block ;)
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<phschafft> as in ac -> abc resulting in a git conflict a<b|>c
<Begasus> not found: * Julia, A high-level, high-performance dynamic programming language for technical computing, <>
<Begasus> someone fix that! :)
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<Begasus> /boot/system/develop/headers/posix/size_t.h:9:10: error: 'stddef.h' file not found [clang-diagnostic-error]
<Begasus> 9 | #include <stddef.h>
<Begasus> k, maybe not enable clang_tidy
<Begasus> seen these before
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<Begasus> hmm ... should see if any of the other clang version have the same ...
<Begasus> OscarL, I think you nuked the buildmasters :P
<OscarL> mmm, 64 bits at least does seems stuck.
<OscarL> I had 2 deadloks on 32 bits, but that was after several builds, and after a reboot, it worked right away, thus why I went and open the PR :-(
<Begasus> right, some progress still on 32bit
<phschafft> A missing <stddef.h> sounds like a fundamental problem (such as the compiler missing basic search paths or something)
<Begasus> probably a llvm issue phschafft
<Begasus> it's provided by both gcc and llvm
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<Anarchos> hello
<OscarL> Hola Anarchos.
* OscarL sees two Genio recipes. Do we need the older one?
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<Begasus> TLTL :P
<Begasus> Hi Anarchos!
<OscarL> does Genio really neads gcc${secondaryArchSuffix}_syslibs_devel or only gcc${secondaryArchSuffix}_syslibs? /me will find out soon enough.
<OscarL> "cmd:clang" should be "cmd:clangd", if I'm not mistaken.
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<Begasus> k, clang_tidy 16 is fine
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<Begasus> send patches upstream OscarL :)
<OscarL> first... to try my clangd free Genio! :-P
<Begasus> new check: Fetching package for cmd:clang_tidy >= 17 ...
<Begasus> that went too fast ... cleaning build ...
<OscarL> seeing data/mime_db in the genio .hpkg, reminds me that there's a problem for non-packaged apps, when they gain support for a newer filetype.
<OscarL> their mime time (under ~/config/settings/mime_db/) do not get updated, unless you delete the old entry, so it gets re-created when you run the updated app.
<OscarL> (should report that, assuming there's no ticket for it already).
<Begasus> /sources/labplot-2.11.1/src/3rdparty/Qt-Advanced-Docking-System/src/AutoHideDockContainer.cpp:57:10: warning: enumeration value 'SideBarNone' not explicitly handled in switch [clang-diagnostic-switch-enum]
<Begasus> atleast that seems to do it's job :)
<OscarL> "readelf -d Genio | grep NEEDED" >>> and That's covered by gcc_syslibs (can drop the "_devel").
<Begasus> you can mention that upstream or in the forum thread :)
<OscarL> unless something in the _devel package is needed for something else, I guess (starts just fine).
<OscarL> Begasus: Will do, but given that those folks are way smarter than me... makes me wonder what am I missing.
<Begasus> probably something like the one for clang, not a hard requirement, but more a runtime dep?
<Begasus> headers?
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<Begasus> maybe I should nuke this clang-tidy for labplot, lots of warnings :P
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* OscarL run strip Genio. Nice... starts with only one tiny Icon :-D
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<OscarL> great KDL :-(
<Begasus> that's what you get from stripping other peeps binaries :P
<OscarL> wish I know how to grab more usefull info on this state (besides a screenshot)
<Begasus> OK, so building with clang-tidy from llvm16 and llvm17 is good it seems
<Begasus> llvm18 borked?
<OscarL> wish KDL didnt pegged all my cores to 100% too :-)
<Begasus> heats up the room though? ;)
<OscarL> can't even take a screenshot :-(
<Begasus> write it down? :P
<Begasus> and use noteshring then :D
<Begasus> ng/nk*
<OscarL> heh.
<Begasus> k, clean build with llvm18
<Begasus> broken ...
* phschafft nods to Begasus.
<phschafft> seems my code still works after rebase...
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<OscarL> vm page fault around Volume::GetVNode() on ramfs. Mmm. I understood some of those words.
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<Begasus> nice phschafft ... atleast someone with progress here :)
<OscarL> sounds like again (git that 2 times lately).
<Begasus> you're still blocking new beta are you? :P
<Begasus> k, disabling clang-tidy for now on labplot, issue filed for it
<phschafft> in fact this is a major blocker ticket. I'm about to close. :)
<phschafft> ha, even by stats it is:
<phschafft> 76 files changed, 990 insertions(+), 588 deletions(-)
<Begasus> w00t
<OscarL> added scrennies, just in case, to #18897.
<OscarL> oh... nice phschafft!
<Begasus> bugger ... Length: 394264255 (376M) [application/octet-stream]
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<phschafft> this also frees me to do some more Haiku experimenting.
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<phschafft> before I go and think about how I can reduce the extra code size my changes made again. ;)
<phschafft> and I also need to figure out on how to interact with the recent changes from the shell. hm.
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<OscarL> Begasus: you complaing about my repos having too many branches? take a look at :-D
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<OscarL> s/complaing/complain/
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<Begasus> jikes KDL too here
<OscarL> at least most are well organized (users/xxx/xxx)
<Begasus> it's catching ...
<OscarL> it is just beta4 getting too old :-P
<Begasus> couldn't take a picture, screen went black
<Begasus> heh
<phschafft> nephele's shell might require some alternative way of calling program resulting in the need of patching between _init() and main(). GCC seems to have some way to do that in a portable way.
<Begasus> note to self, don't build stellarium with $jobArgs
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<trungnt2910[m]> OscarL: Most of them are upstream branches 🐧
<Begasus> not sure if it's the real issue, but still :)
<trungnt2910[m]> Only the branches with haiku are owned by me.
<OscarL> trungnt2910[m]: indeed! I was just messing with Begasus :-)
<Begasus> must have missed something ...
<OscarL> KDL, or memory loos by aging... mmm... :-P
<OscarL> *lose (?)
<Begasus> ah! Begasus: you complaing about my repos having too many branches? take a look at :-D
<OscarL> :-)
<Begasus> nah, not yours :P
<Begasus> I could point to someone (not around to defend), but that doesn't bring anything :P
<OscarL> for mine at least try to use "archive/" and "wip/" prefixes, for my own sanity's sake :-)
<trungnt2910[m]> What's the issue with too many branches anyway, provided that they're systematically named.
<OscarL> *I at least try...
<trungnt2910[m]> Branches are basically just volatile tags...
<OscarL> yeah, as long as I'm able to filter out cleanly the stuff I'm too lazy to either drop, or finish... I'm good :-)
<Begasus> trungnt2910[m], mostly I add them as remote's here, so running a "git fetch *" to checkout 1 branch .... :D
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<Begas> jikes ... second one ...
<phschafft> seems that I cannot call getenv() outside of main() on GNU/Linux.
<phschafft> results in a segfault.
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<Begas> reboot
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<phschafft> ah, I think the resolver function is called too early. hm.
<phschafft> it seems to be called before the constructor functions. likely at link time. hm.
<phschafft> still, was a nice idea.
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<Begasus> buildmasters both stuck OscarL
<OscarL> ouch :-(
<Begasus> don't know if merging stellarium will unfreeze it?
<OscarL> seems 32 bits went just a *tiny* bit further than 64 bits.
<Begasus> or maybe kallisti5[m] , nielx can do that remotely?
<OscarL> I think it does needs a kick on the reboot button, yeah.
<Begasus> :/
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<Begasus> poked mmlr in the PR for stellarium
<Begasus> cantor/labplot update will have to wait ...
<OscarL> I saw scipy build "freeze" for a solid 5/6 minutes a couple of times (I think it was busy linking something)... and it does seems to need at least 1.5/2GB of free ram.
<OscarL> but given that it only took < 30 minutes for my Phenom II X4... didn't thought it would be that hard on buildmasters.
<kallisti5[m]> <Begasus> "or maybe kallisti5 , nielx can..." <- I can take a look. I don't really have full access to those buildmaster vm's
<Begasus> thanks kallisti5[m], maybe mmlr got the poke there also ... crosses fingers
<kallisti5[m]> it shows connected and healthy... let me try to ssh in
<kallisti5[m]> /bin/python3.10 build install --root=/ --prefix=/packa 372236 2 0 0
<kallisti5[m]> hm.. that's the current process that's running it looks like
<Begasus> no idea there :)
<OscarL> I had two of those in parallel when scipy build got stuck with zero CPU usage for me, on 32 bits.
<OscarL> killed the newer one, build "failed successfully" then. After a reboot, build completed OK for me.
<kallisti5[m]> KERN: unknown: [933576102936: 372222] package "scipy_x86_python310-1.6.3-5-build.hpkg" activated
<kallisti5[m]> hm. that's the last log message.
<kallisti5[m]> I guess lets give it another few hours.. then i'll reboot it
<Begasus> thanks for looking into it kallisti5[m]
<OscarL> +1
<botifico> [haiku/website] pulkomandy pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-0/±0]
<botifico> [haiku/website] Zardshard e55f410 - Post "Drawing to the Screen"
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<Begasus> bugger zard, and I was expecting nice screenies :P
<Begasus> +1 though :D
<zard> :D
<Begasus> is it an internal browser window you check with, or with WebPositive?
<zard> You'll get the screenies soon enough :P
<Begasus> bummer :D
<zard> I use MiniBrowser, which is a very simple test browser
<Begasus> it can count as a big teaser now :P
<Begasus> the one from gtk?
<zard> No. But all of the ports have their own MiniBrowser to test with afaik
<Begasus> ah :) gotcha
<zard> Now you know why our test browser is also called MiniBrowser :D
<Begasus> +1
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* Begasus ponders now if kdevelop really needs a specific llvm version ...
<zard> If it doesn't quite fit, just jam it in :P
<Begasus> that's the point zard, it already is :)
<Begasus> but it looks like clang-tidy for llvm18 is borked
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<Begasus> bugger ... Warning: POLICY WARNING: "/packaging/kdevelop/lib/" needs library "", but the package doesn't seem to declare that as a requirement
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<Calisto> Heyyy
<zard> Hello Calisto :-)
<Calisto> guys is anyone proficient in Data Structures and Algorithms here? I'm assuming many of you guys might be :)
<Calisto> Heyy zard
<Calisto> how are you?
<zard> busy twisting Haiku's API into weird shapes to suit WebKit :P
<Calisto> ohhh that's nice :)
<zard> Yes, pretty proficient in DS&A
<Calisto> so I'm planning to start it from absolutely 0
<Calisto> i have a very basic understanding of a few things
<Calisto> like time complexity, etc.
<Calisto> but I need to do it properly?
<Calisto> what things did you follow?
<zard> Mmm... been a long time since I've learned it. How did I do it?
<zard> I guess just a lot of reading of different resources
<Calisto> I just realised that i'm not too good at DSA when waddlesplash mentioned that a HashSet implementation for a certain feature would be much more efficient... But i was wondering whether it would be less efficient or more efficient in the case of recursive searches
<zard> Ah yes! Neetcode was nice for learning!
<zard> "recursive searches"?
<waddlesplash> Calisto: for recursive searches you should just add all directories you want to search to the HashMap
<waddlesplash> err. HashSet
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<waddlesplash> anyone interested in release coordination work, feel free to join #haiku-release
<Calisto> oh okay alright that's what I was thinking as well
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<Calisto> zard: oh okay cool ill check out neetcode
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<Begasus> k rebuild for kdevelop and llvm16
<Begasus> those llvm patches would be nice if the kept the layout from previous version (me wonders if I was part of that doing) :)
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<AlienSoldier> i have the xbox 360 wireless adapter and a bunch of xbox 360 gamepad (even keyboard for the pads). Would be nice to all have that supported, seem at least the game pad are on linux
<AlienSoldier> If anybody want to try that let me know, i could test it.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 2 commits to master [hrev57844] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 189a9bbf63c9 - strace: Resume target threads with the debugger API not resume_thread().
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 421a5795ae1b - profile: Stop new threads and resume them with the debugger API.
<AlienSoldier> ho, and i have the headphone and mic that connect to the joypad also.
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<Begasus> kallisti5[m], no change on the buildmasters so far :)
<kallisti5[m]> bah. ok. Rebootin'
<Begasus> thank you! :D
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<augiedoggie> xbox360 gamepads have been supported for a long time
<augiedoggie> iirc, the only problem is that button mappings are a bit weird
<OscarL> VoidLinux's xbps package manager makes me wish pkgman would copy some of its ways. On the other hand... I need to write my own wrapper on top of xbps, because it is as intuitive as git in 2008.
<waddlesplash> what "ways" are you referring to?
<OscarL> mostly not attempting to refresh repos meta data on each run, and showing packages sizes before asking to install/update, small things like that.
<OscarL> Begasus: welp. esputil at least gives me the same error on Linux than on Haiku :-P
<OscarL> ( seems to work a bit better, at least identifies the chip, but just have me a Traceback, so... not great :-D)
<Begasus> progress? :P
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<OscarL> yeah, one of the 2 boards at least responds (still testing on linux), will re-learn things there first, and then re-test on Haiku.
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<Begasus> +1
<Begasus> food here :)
<AlienSoldier> augiedoggie wireless or wired? i have a candy brand one and it is not recognised in haiku
<AlienSoldier> the wired one i mean
<augiedoggie> i think i've tried both wired and wireless but it's been a really long time
<augiedoggie> i haven't tried to use one in Haiku for several years probably
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<AlienSoldier> ok
<OscarL> Mmm. Can't get neither esputil, nor the official to work on Haiku with the one working ESP8266 board I have.
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<OscarL> flashed micropython on with without much problems from Linux, so I guess we might still have some issues with our serial port drivers.
<OscarL> s/on with/on it/
<phschafft> may I ask what you're working on?
<OscarL> right now, just wanted to test if esputil (a "no-dependencies, written in C" replacement for flasing utility) works on Haiku (have a PR for it set to draft on HaikuPorts).
<OscarL> before, when I got these boards... was playing with the idea of having a computerized tachometer for my motorbike.
<OscarL> hall-effect sensor on the wheel, etc.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 3 commits to master [hrev57845] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 1b6cac35219f - profile: Use BStackOrHeapArray to store the result arrays.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 43f249281319 - profile: Drop some unused code.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] ed79e85ae0cc - profile: Don't try to be clever in SharedImage::ContainsAddress().
<OscarL> got ultra-basic prototype working.... but then lost interest / focus-shifted. :-/ (that was a couple years ago)
* phschafft nods.
<OscarL> k, second board revived at least. (ultra short usb-cable, and I guess the usb ports could use some cleaning :-D)
<OscarL> will serve to test Haiku's USB-serial driver at least :-)
<OscarL> seeing a Python REPL on these tiny things never ceases to amaze me.
<Begasus> can't find the issue for llvm18, out of my zone ...
<kallisti5[m]> forcing a build of scipy_x86
<kallisti5[m]> crosses fingers
<AlienSoldier> augiedoggie indeed my rock candy work in joystik utiliser pref. no idea why the xbox logo flash on it that said
<AlienSoldier> i should say it see it, but lot of button are not working
<OscarL> kallisti5[m]: for reference, build took < 30 minutes on my Phenom II X4. and comparing other build times... buildmasters should be faster than that.
<AlienSoldier> well, no analog, but it make sense for a keyboard mapper
<AlienSoldier> dpard don't work eiter, making that useless
<AlienSoldier> *dpad
<AlienSoldier> it probably use the analog axis
<AlienSoldier> same for strigger
<AlienSoldier> *triggers
<AlienSoldier> i don't see the game pad showing int he pref inputs
<Begasus> Other background for dark theme :)
<Begasus> bias
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<AlienSoldier> well joypad are finnicky still
<AlienSoldier> i see the rock candy in device, class is unknown
<AlienSoldier> driver is driver v1
<Begasus> lot's of redefinitions in latest build for Haiku: B_SWAP_DOUBLE etc :)
<AlienSoldier> and now it seem to have disconnected from joystick utiliser and i have no feedback at all
<AlienSoldier> and now it work again
<AlienSoldier> cannot configue key in it that said, it seem broken
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<AlienSoldier> and now it still don't work. not production ready :)
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<andreasdr[m]> Hi there, whatttts upppp?
<nosycat> Hello!
<nosycat> Not much here, how are you?
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57846] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 58d9ba9035c0 - profile: Emit paths only in the callgrind output.
<OscarL> Begasus: no more drafts from me (for now at least) :-P
<OscarL> hey there andreasdr[m] and nosycat!
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 3 commits to master [hrev57847] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 10a7c77a3ad3 - kernel/team: Notify the debugger when we create the commpage image.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 2b916f61214e - kernel/image: Report image removals on team destruction or exec.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 911f99e2d622 - kernel/timer: Rename "last" to "previous".
<Begasus> let's merge the one for esputil OscarL and see how buildmasters respond
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-0/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] OscarL c4bbc25 - esputil: new recipe. (#10273)
<OscarL> 32 bits build seems stuck again :-(
<OscarL> I tell you, scipy hates me :-)
<Begasus> not only you it seems :P
<Begasus> why can't I switch to Desktop nr12 with Fn+F12?
<Begasus> Alt+F12* :)
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<Begasus> closing down here
<Begasus> cu peeps!
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<andreasdr[m]> Arrr. Just dangling around. :DDD
<kallisti5[m]> OscarL: scipy finished
<kallisti5[m]> wait... nevermind. this ui stinks lol
<OscarL> heh
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 5 commits to master [hrev57848] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 1003e004e6c9 - Import Zydis 4.1.0
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] cb130a72e8cb - disasm: switch to zydis on x86/x86_64
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 06b1eff6eca2 - zydis: build static lib
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 34b59fca80cb - Debugger: switch to zydis for x86 and x86_64
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 987a1436b38b - udis86: remove
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<OscarL> k, with hrev57843 I can access the ESP8266's micropython REPL by using: pyserial-miniterm /dev/ports/usb0 115200
<OscarL> Had no luck at all by using SerialConnect, thou.
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<OscarL> still no luck with esputil on hrev57843 :-(
<kallisti5[m]> OscarL: I feel like i've had issues with SerialConnect before too. Our serial uart might need a little work
<kallisti5[m]> (and other serial apps)
* kallisti5[m] should try programming some microcontrollers in haiku
<OscarL> kallisti5[m]: yeah, still had isues last time I've tried my serial_mouse driver too (besides my own bugs there :-D).
<OscarL> now that I have some usb-serial devices to play with... I should run on them :-)
<phschafft> hm.
<phschafft> was thinking today about connecting my test board here to Haiku and see how that works. and then the two of you started talking about such things.
<OscarL> :-)
<Calisto> waddlesplash: so I tried the recursive folder adding into the HashSet
<Calisto> but the time it takes is just exceptionally long
<Calisto> and its not at all instantaneous
<Calisto> like it was before :(
<waddlesplash> hmm
<Calisto> it takes quite a while to recursively add everythign
<Calisto> since it has to check each and every directory's files
<Calisto> and then the moment it finds a directory has to recursively do it there as well :(
<Calisto> the older solution seemed to work better.... what do you suggest I do?
<waddlesplash> files? huh?
<Calisto> like it has to find the sub-directories right?
<waddlesplash> it should be as fast or faster than find here
<waddlesplash> Calisto: "time find . -type d"
<waddlesplash> I ran that on the Haiku repository, 5000+ directories
<waddlesplash> and it returns results in < 1 second
<Calisto> for me it takes real 3.385s user 0.308s and sys 3.048 s
<Calisto> and this is on the desktop directory
<Calisto> illl try it on the home directory
<waddlesplash> second run any faster?
<Calisto> still gives around real: 3.491s user 0.342s sys 3.144s
<Calisto> this is on the home directory now
<Calisto> and i tried running it twice
<Calisto> these are the times from the second run through
<Calisto> even a third run gives similar times
<Calisto> real: 3.497s user 0.324s sys 3.146
<Calisto> and it takes nearly like 4ish seconds on the find panel too
<Calisto> with smaller more specific directories it doesn't happen
<Calisto> for example i have a directory on my desktop called TestFolder which has 1 subdirectory (containing 3 files), along with a few dummy files at the same level
<Calisto> in this it runs jsut fin e
<Calisto> and the recursive search is also working just fine
<Calisto> i tried putting a debug statement right after the loading into the hashset and was able to notice this for larger directories
<Calisto> have been trying to fix it since an hour :(
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<Calisto> perhaps this is the reason that augiedoggie implemented it without inode hashsets?
<Calisto> the initial change was heavily taken from that for the filtering
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<augiedoggie> i didn't do anything with that stuff
<augiedoggie> i may have fixed a few lines of code but that's about it
<Calisto> ohhh alright nevermind then
<Calisto> i got confused i guess
<Calisto> i just remember seeing your change on it last
<Calisto> maybe that's whyy
<Calisto> sorrryyyyy
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<waddlesplash> Calisto: how many directories is it?
<waddlesplash> I guess it may make sense to use path comparison then, yeah
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<Calisto> if im searching in home then about 12133
<Calisto> sorry on the Desktop*
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<Calisto> waddlesplash: alright then i'll revert back to that commit and then remove the PassThroughFilters function
<waddlesplash> yeah
<Calisto> and instead make use of the QueryRefFilter
<Calisto> alright
<Calisto> thanks for all the help waddlesplash :)
<waddlesplash> no problem :)
<Calisto> and most of all, I really really need to do DSA :(
<Calisto> idk why I have developed this fear of DSA xD
<Calisto> probably cuz of my home country situations :(
<waddlesplash> DSA?
<Calisto> Data Structures and Algorithms :(
<waddlesplash> why :( ?
<Calisto> well mostly because I used to have interest in doing it a lot... but here in India, doing DSA is now pretty much just a competition of who is the smartest.... the thing is I just got out of like 2 years of JEE prep (the college entrance prep for India) a while back, so doing DSA feels to me like I am back studying for something like JEE :(
<Calisto> but i gotta do it from this month onwards :D
<Calisto> so hopefully things should be fine :D
<Calisto> basically to get into my CS course at my university, I had to study 2 years of Physics, Chemistry, and Maths xD
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57849] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] c3cad236175a - HaikuDepot: UI Scaling
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