ChanServ changed the topic of #haiku to: Open-source operating system that specifically targets personal computing. | | Nightlies: | Bugtracker: | SCM: | Logs: | Matrix: | XMPP:
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<erysdren> i wonder if you could pull of the Haiku/BeOS color palette in 16 colors
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<Begasus> g'morning peeps
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<coolcoder613> Hi
<Begasus> Hi coolcoder613
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<Begasus> k, why is nodejs20 disabled on 32bit? :)
<Begasus> found it :)
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<phschafft> Morning/evening.
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<coolcoder613> Hi.
diver is now known as Diver
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<Begasus> moin phschafft
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<phschafft> all good?
* coolcoder613 nods
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<Begasus> so far so good :)
<Begasus> still nogo on nodejs for 32bit
<phschafft> :(
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<phschafft> I had a nice meeting with nephele yesterday. on the status of some of the recently discussed topics.
<Begasus> was it productive? :)
<phschafft> I hope so.
<Begasus> +1 then :-)
<phschafft> hope the work on the XMPP side is kept going.
<phschafft> discussed a bit integration with other parts of the system there.
<Begasus> Don't think progress on Renga will stop any time soon
<phschafft> my very basic point is: of e-mail is part of the system, then so should other communication protocols as well.
<phschafft> e.g. one of the topics we discussed was that we have person files for contacts used by e.g. e-mail. but the buddy list is stored in a different way.
<Begasus> in the "people" files?
<phschafft> that doesn't require much updates on the base system, still would get a good deal into the right direction.
<phschafft> Begasus: hm?
<Begasus> we already got those, maybe add the additional information in there?
<phschafft> yes, that is what I was suggesting.
<Begasus> on par then :)
<phschafft> to migrate the buddy data from XMPP to live in the person files as well.
<phschafft> we also discussed the details of some of the data structures, both logically and on-disk format.
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* phschafft waves to nephele.
<Begasus> Hi nephele
<phschafft> was just talking about you! ;)
<Nephele> oh?
<phschafft> our meeting yesterday.
<Nephele> phschafft: fwiw email is an originally third party app for BeOS imported into Haiku,
<Nephele> and as such rewritten partially over and over to make it more native
<phschafft> it feels very native. ;)
<Nephele> for Renga the client to xmpp is written in gloox. it's competent, but sadly also some gpl variant. so for the base system it is not really great
<Nephele> s/in/with/s
<Nephele> phschafft: sure it is native! but more integration would be cool. I think logging is one thing i want to tackle. I don't like the current system log of "it's just a text file"
<Nephele> especially since that text file contains color control sequences for terminals
* phschafft blinks.
<Nephele> mail_daemon logs to stdout or stderr
<phschafft> storing ANSI control sequences is on the same level as dumping your memory as-is to the disk.
<phschafft> nephele: I'm also thinking about doing some work on logging in SIRTX and Manuel already started with me doing a bit in Data::URIID. maybe we can get all three a bit in logic sync.
<phschafft> I mean we don't need three people indpendently solving the same problem differently at the same time. ;)
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<Nephele> phschafft: 4 people actually ;)
<phschafft> oh?
<Nephele> and the 4th one has pretty much already solved this problem, so i will make my design mostly compatile
* phschafft wonders if nephele has started to count the voices in someone's head.
<phschafft> oh?
<Nephele> the crash reports are basically "just json" with the log viewer having rendering code if you want, and beeing able to querry for certain log lines and such
<Nephele> also having a stack of recent filters/searches, you can switch between these states directly etc
<Nephele> it's made by the author of the iOS xmpp client Monal.
<Nephele> This is one thing i learned in the coding sprint :D, also mentioned this in my blog post
<Nephele> (or well, this software is not made by him directly but his student iirc)
<Nephele> maybe I can ask him if he'd be interested to join a call to share his stuff :)
<Nephele> if you'd like
<phschafft> hm.
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<phschafft> I see.
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<phschafft> another topic that is on my mind for some days:
<phschafft> I'm writing this little network based Tic Tac Toe client. was wondering if anyone has interest in creating a version for Haiku.
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<ilzu[m]> phschafft: Your proposal for Renga reminds me of IMKit.
<Begasus> good old sikmir :)
<Nephele> of those protocols listed only xmpp seems to still be available :3
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<ilzu[m]> Yup. And I guess the whole codebase has bitrotten to the core, but the idea phschafft described sounds pretty similar
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* phschafft nods.
<phschafft> sounds a bit like it.
* phschafft clearly has his hidden agenda of later on adding support for his database based chat protocol ;)
<Nephele> phschafft: should i ask tmolitor about a chat about the logging system?
<phschafft> I'm happy for anyone interested to join our meetings. I'm also happy for anyone joining this channel. ;)
<phschafft> but I'm not sure (until I looked at what you linked) if we're actually looking to do the same basic thing.
<phschafft> logging vs. debugging.
<phschafft> (with a nice, blurry border between them ;)
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<Nephele> well, this does both kinda. You can also use live logging over the network with it, to debug the application
<Nephele> but it also can read logs that the application was writing normally (and then crashed for example)
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<phschafft> that is both the logging area for me.
<phschafft> the difference is more about what data is part of the log stream. loggging for me is more about stuff the user can work with, and debugging is more about stuff that makes sense to a developer.
<phschafft> so for example a backtrace is debugging, while a cannot-open-file-X message is logging.
<Nephele> to me your distinction doesn't make sense. logging is a part of debugging, not seperate to it
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<Nephele> i only need logs to figure out why or how something goes wrong
<phschafft> it's a very blurry border.
<Nephele> user visible (fixable) errors should not need people to view the debug "full" log :)
<phschafft> nephele: logging can also be required to ensure things can be understood later. e.g. for auditing.
<Nephele> i.e the mail_daemon on haiku has a user visible error log, but it only sais stuff like "this email cant be send, your TO: adress is wrong" and such
<Nephele> sure, i suppose
<phschafft> so not all logging needs to be about errors to begin with.
<Nephele> the mail_daemon also has a second seperate log where it spits out *everything* it is doing
<phschafft> access log and accounting is also logging.
<phschafft> maybe you don't want to call it different things but maybe you want to call it having a different focus.
<Nephele> sure. I think these should be collected by the same server in haiku
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<phschafft> most likely.
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<phschafft> found a memory access error in SIRTX on archs that share the same address space for read only and read-write memory.
<phschafft> fun.
<erysdren> like what archs?
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<Habbie> most archs, i think?
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<phschafft> what Habbie said basically.
<phschafft> I would say at least most von Neumann archs. which is the majority at least by how much they are known.
<Habbie> i'm not even sure i've ever worked with anything different
<Habbie> except on paper, in university ;)
<phschafft> think about your caluclator.
<phschafft> if you have a classic one, not one of those modern ones that run android, than it's likely harvard arch.
* phschafft still has on his list to show Habbie what he is working on, in case Habbie is interested.
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<HaikuUser> hi
<zard> Hello HaikuUser :)
<zard> You can set your name by typing "/nick newname"
HaikuUser is now known as mr
<Begasus> k, time to checkout new netbeans ...
<mr> im drinking cola
<Begasus> Hi zard, thanks for the screenie! :D
<zard> :D
<mr> dameopyyyyyy
<zard> ?
<Begasus> download + 478MiB, not that bad :P
<mr> usa
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<mr> noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
<mr> yayyyyy
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* coolcoder613 waves to zard
<zard> o/
<coolcoder613> Went to the hackerspace tonight
<phschafft> :)
<zard> Nice :)
<erysdren> aw man, i wish i had a hackerspace near me
<coolcoder613> Did some more work on the Chatterbox, allowed the user the select a different personality
<coolcoder613> It's the CCHS (
OscarL has joined #haiku
* coolcoder613 greets OscarL
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<OscarL> Hey there coolcoder613!
* coolcoder613 tells OscarL about the CCHS (
<Begasus> Hi OscarL!
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<Begasus> Up and running together with latest LTS nodejs, NetBeans IDE22 :)
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<Begasus> included composer.js installed with latest npm :D
<Begasus> included javafx?
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<Begasus> [notice] A new release of pip is available: 23.0.1 -> 24.1.2 -> OscarL :)
<OscarL> just wake up into some IRL complications. Will sort out things best I can for now, and probably give that "pip" a try as a distraction (after some coffee).
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<Begasus> ouch, no hurries OscarL, was just pulling your leg (as usual)
* phschafft offers OscarL a cookie, also happy to provide a hug if needed.
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<Begasus> maturin, another python meets rust :/
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<Begasus> fixed :) Successfully installed maturin-1.7.0
<zdykstra> morning all
<phschafft> :)
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<OscarL> Thanks Begasus, phschafft. /me waves zdykstra, while he's at it.
<OscarL> (after a quick look at the logs...)
<OscarL> I wouldn't considered Mail "3rd Party software imported into Haiku". Big chunks of Haiku servers/kits/drivers/apps started as "for BeOS replacements until OpenBeOS is ready" projects. MDR == "mail daemon replacement", and at least some of its authors were also OpenBeOS maintainers.
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<OscarL> Begasus: managed to fix that npm error on 32 bits already?
* OscarL remembers replacing servers one by one on his BeOS install with OpenBeOS ones, as soon as they were available.
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<Nephele> OscarL: wasn't BeMail available before OpenBeOS?
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<Nephele> or was this split, that some parts were third party and others in BeOS proper?
<OscarL> BeOS had its mail client app, and server, sure. that'ts what MDR set to replace.
<OscarL> (just in case, my info/experience is from using R5 onwards, not sure how things were before that)
<Begasus> OscarL, npm not available in 32bit
<Begasus> no nodejs :/
<Nephele> hmm, mail kit was in beos too
<OscarL> Begasus: just asking because the error you posted earlier doesn't seems too hard to fix (just needs a cast).
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<OscarL> ( << this one)
<Begasus> ah, that waas from the test run on 32bit yes
<Begasus> with latest LST
<OscarL> changing line 78 to: "info.GetReturnValue().Set((uint32_t)uv_os_getppid());" <<< might be enough?
<Begasus> different error then with previous version and with the nodejs16 one
<Begasus> booting 32bit back up
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<Begasus> build launched, takes a bit though ;)
<Begasus> error in netbeans trying to install pylsp deps: :)
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<Begasus> probably our pyzmq is too old for that
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<OscarL> mmm, I did have python-lsp-server working witouth issues last time I've tried with CudaText. But haven't tried to (re)install it lately.
<Begasus> not a big deal for now, guess I tried to install too much plugins at the start :D
<Begasus> getting nodejs20 build on 32bit would be a big plus
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<OscarL> (for CudaText, I've installed the python lsp server with pip at the time, not wanting to work on packaging it :-D)
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<Begasus> how did you install it?
<OscarL> (booting up Haiku, to see if it is still there)
<Begasus> tss :)
<OscarL> pip list shows: "python-lsp-server 1.7.4"
<OscarL> so still there at least.
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<Begasus> ok that seems to work
<Begasus> nogo in netbeans :/
<Begasus> biab, will let nodejs20 fail gracefully and try to tackle then, thanks on the pointer OscarL
<OscarL> np.
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<OscarL> Begasus: FWIW, "pip install -U python-lsp-server" upgraded me to 1.11.0 with no problems. I don't have pyzmq installed. Maybe that "pyslp" is a different fork?
<OscarL> *pylsp
<OscarL> Begasus: re: "error: call of overloaded 'Set(uv_pid_t)' is ambiguous"... uv_pid_t seems to be "typedef pid_t uv_pid_t", and on Haiku: "typedef __haiku_int32 pid_t;", so...
<OscarL> "info.GetReturnValue().Set((int32_t)uv_os_getppid());" might be actually better.
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<Begasus> now you tell me :P
<OscarL> coffee was not strong enough earlier, sorry :-)
<Begasus> let's see how far this goes, thanks!
<Begasus> biab (doggies)
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<Begasus> still running (not sure now if it used the first or second sollution) :)
<Begasus> Hi jmairboeck
<OscarL> I *think* that at least for testing, the first one should also work (assuming no pid_t values are negatives).
<OscarL> but... better the second for "formal" .patchset (assuming that's all what is needed to make it build).
<OscarL> (looking at updaging pip here now)
<Begasus> +1
<Begasus> pip list lsp doesn't show any pyslp
<OscarL> "pip list" shows "python-lsp-server" for me, no "lsp"
<Begasus> yeah and python-lsp-jsonrpc
<OscarL> I would need to see what netbeen is trying to "pip install"
<OscarL> mmm, no more "" on pip tarball... this will be "fun" :-(
<Begasus> eeps
<Begasus> well, it mentions it isn't a pip issue
<Begasus> so our version probably is still good
<OscarL> from your log... problem is not with python-lsp-server, but from some of the other plugins.
<OscarL> (given that I *do* have python-lsp-server 1.11.0 installed without pyzmq)
<OscarL> "pylsp-mypy" seems overkill.
<Begasus> yeah, cmake can't seem to find "python" in the end
<Begasus> "pip install -U pyzmq" fails
<OscarL> not sure what requires it.
<Begasus> not even going to break my head over it :P
<Begasus> the problem is with these /tmp directories, you can't "fix" it there ;)
<OscarL> projects assuming *now* python exists as python3 are dumb.
<Begasus> with you on that one ;)
<OscarL> Begasus: can't you disable Netbeans trying to install things, and letting the user sort things out? (it installing an unknown set of dependencies as part of its build process is also crazy)
<Begasus> I think this is because I enabled the python plugin OscarL :)
<OscarL> Still pretty stupid on their part, IMO.
<Begasus> well, it's a _bin package, so not much we can do there "source wise"
<Begasus> not going nuts over it (more then already is) :)
<Begasus> but now pyzmq is biting me because of this :P
<Begasus> first food! :D
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57863] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 80d5c28e2ac8 - kernel/x86: Don't skip the first address when fetching user stack traces.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57864] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 372509626a56 - kernel/riscv64/arch_debug: port from x86 version
<OscarL> latax2html broken for 32bits? "requires "cmd:pnmcrop" of package "latex2html-2024-1" could not be resolved" (from report.txt)
<OscarL> SECONDARY_ARCHITECTURES="x86_gcc2 x86" <<< on netpbm-10.86.42.recipe sounds weird, and resulting packages do not provide any cmd: on 32 bits...
* OscarL throws some tiny rocks to Begasus' head.
<OscarL> (nothing uses lib:libnetpbm on tree, moving to x86-only on 32 bits sould be preferable, right?)
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<OscarL> mmm, gcc2 netpbm build failed, that explains the broken "cmd:" dependency from latex2html.
<Begasus> me know nothing ...
<OscarL> :-D added a comment on, just in case.
<Begasus> lol, I had no way of seeing that on buildmaster
<Begasus> > looks at someone else in perticular
<OscarL> #10717 can be closed, unless x512[m] objects.
<Begasus> haven't been able to build it, even with re-applied patchset
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<Begasus> with my luck I probably see nodejs20 failing at the end :P
<OscarL> heh
<Begasus> qtwebengine can't be build atm also on 32bit, because of missing nodejs (me wonders how this was done before)
<OscarL> I'd send you some of my "good" luck... negative x negative should cancel out..., but with our luck, they would just sum up :-D
<Begasus> lol!
<OscarL> (cancel out -> turn positive)
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<OscarL> sooo... now we need "build" and "installer" for newer pip (besides setuptools)? Mmm... not liking this path *at all*.
<OscarL> wonder why "ensurepip" was originally disabled for the Python recipes.
<Begasus> don't worry too much on pip, should be still good for now
<OscarL> problems is... it will become an unnavoidable problem in the near future.
<Begasus> probably, you can take baby steps untill then ;)
<OscarL> will try to keep that in mind... instead of going insane(r), as usual :-D
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<Begasus> on a clean launch no problem with NetBeans :)
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* OscarL learns the hard way to limit git pickaxe to only a small path, to avoid massive slow downs.
<OscarL> "python3: disable pip packaging." from 2015 :-/
<OscarL> python 3.4 back then :-)
<Begasus> w00t :D
<Begasus> k, closing down here, don't know how long it will last for nodejs, will report in the morning ;)
<Begasus> cu peeps!
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<Nephele> OscarL: what is git pickaxe?
<OscarL> git log -S <some string anywhare on the commit/patch>
<OscarL> I've used, "git log -S ensurepip dev-lang/python", for example, to see where that change got introduced.
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<waddlesplash> OscarL: I have a python bug for you lol
<waddlesplash> $ python3 -m sysconfig | grep include
<waddlesplash> include = "/packages/python3.10-3.10.13-3/.self/non-packaged/develop/headers/python3.10"
<waddlesplash> there should be an additional item called "platinclude", and one of these should have the regular headers path not "non-packaged"
<OscarL> waddlesplash: yeah, part of the issue with:
<waddlesplash> no, it's installed in /system
<waddlesplash> but it doesn't list the include directory that actually has Python.h
<waddlesplash> OscarL: It looks like "haiku_home" profile has the proper paths, but none other does
<OscarL> I mean... I'm looking at reworking the install_schemes paths also for that issue.
<waddlesplash> well, either way, just using "python3 -m sysconfig" misses import paths
<waddlesplash> so GDB doesn't find python3
<OscarL> "user" scheme, doesn't has "platinclude" on posix/mac/win, but we do have a some broken paths in the schemes I need to fixup :-)
<waddlesplash> OK but the system scheme doesn't have it here
<waddlesplash> one of "include" or "platinclude" must be the develop/headers directory containing Python.h
<waddlesplash> otherwise applications using sysconfig to find Python headers, like GDB, are broken
<OscarL> that what my last changes, but still missed some.
<waddlesplash> that should probably be "platbase"
<waddlesplash> not "base", yes?
<OscarL> all give same results on Haiku (last time I've tried to figure that out)
<waddlesplash> ok
<waddlesplash> well, one of them needs to not be non-packaged
<waddlesplash> it should probably be the "plat" one
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<OscarL> thus why I even asked nephele to run some sysconfig script for me on OSX..., I have little to compare, so also why I had to setup a linux machine.
<OscarL> have made some progress on a new .patchset, but I'm slow, dumb, and with terrible focus issues :-D
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<OscarL> great, seems I managed to wipe my WIP .patchset rework stash somehow. Sigh.
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<OscarL> at least I still have the data I was collecting while trying to figure out those dirs:
<OscarL> yay for me being paranoid about borking git stuff, and havign a .bak file at least :-D
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<erysdren> im playing around in VGA text mode under MS-DOS, creating a BeOS styled GUI:
<OscarL> waddlesplash: just noticed your "python3.10-3.10.13" (emphasis on .13), tried python3.10-3.10.14 already?
<waddlesplash> OscarL: no, I didn't. let's see what happens
<waddlesplash> OscarL: it lists platinclude but platinclude is non-packaged
<waddlesplash> that should be regular packaged dir
<OscarL> alright... adding that for next patch :-)
<waddlesplash> OscarL: ... or should both of them be regular packaged dir?
<waddlesplash> "python3 -m sysconfig" on Linux doesn't list anything in /usr/local
<OscarL> still get dizzy with all these different install schemes, to be honest (thus why I was colllecting info on other OSes)
<waddlesplash> I guess we might as well have include=non-packaged and platinclude=(packaged)_
<waddlesplash> that makes sense to me
<waddlesplash> and will fix the problem with GDB :)
<OscarL> (I usually just "pprint.pprint(sysconfig.get_paths(scheme))", or "pprint.pprint(sysconfig.get_config_vars()))")
<OscarL> will try to keep that in mind, and will "CC:" you when I open the next Python PR, just in case :-)
<OscarL> "base vs platbase" is "_PREFIX vs _EXEC_PREFFIX", but there's also "installed_base vs installed_platbase"... with no much documentation on the intended purposes (that I could find at least).
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57865] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] e33e65b36ede - kernel: Adjust documentation and revert reporting of all image deletions.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57866] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 65a86bce722a - kernel/fd: use function table to identify file descriptor type
<OscarL> waddlesplash: default install scheme is "haiku", that goes to non-packaged, scheme "haiku_vendor" should have correct platincludes (on 3.10.14 at least).
<waddlesplash> that scheme isn't the default, though
<waddlesplash> so GDB would still need to be patched...
<OscarL> "export HAIKU_USE_VENDOR_DIRECTORIES=1" should make "haiku_vendor" be the default.
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<waddlesplash> ah
<waddlesplash> OK then
<OscarL> for more info... ask the big guys... korli/PulkoMandy, please... I'm just a little mouse :-)
<OscarL> joking-not-so-joking aside... I'll try cleaning up things further at least, so thanks for helping me understand these things waddlesplash.
<waddlesplash> if we have that export HAIKU_USE... then using the vendored directories may not be necessary?
<waddlesplash> I mean, using the vendored directories in the default output
<waddlesplash> but I guess I'm not sure how this is used
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<OscarL> "vendor" scheme is for python packages installed from .hpkg, then we have "haiku" for non-packaged (but system), then there's "user" (also non-packaged), and home... pretty much broken ATM.
<OscarL> pip can only install under non-packaged, of course, thus why the defaults go there, I guess.
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<OscarL> ("home" being for .hpkg intalled via "pkgman install -H", unless I'm missing something else)
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<OscarL> hard to match "posix_home" with "haiku_home" intended usages for me (given that posix_user exists).
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* OscarL takes a look at erysdren's screenie. NOICE! :-)
<erysdren> danke :3
* OscarL has been tripping over _INSTALL_SCHEMES related bugs since he first tried to "pip install pyserial".
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<OscarL> I just wanted to do some quick tests for my serial_mouse driver couple of years ago... now doing .patchset cleanups, lol :-)
HaikuUser has joined #haiku
<HaikuUser> hi
HaikuUser is now known as Sparkle
<OscarL> erysdren: I'd totally use a text-mode-only Haiku :-)
<OscarL> hey there Sparkle.
<Habbie> erysdren, lol
<Sparkle> for anyone interested in porting dockerd and docker-cli and Docker to HAIKU, I found a good tutorial :)
<Sparkle> happy coding :)
<OscarL> erysdren: my first Haiku boot on real hardware (2005) was in text mode only.
<Sparkle> or happy porting, :P
<zard> Time to make a terminal multiplexer that looks like that :P
<OscarL> zard: +1 :-)
<erysdren> i'm just trying to figure out how to make it easy enough to draw windows arbitrarily (and ideally from lua...)
<Habbie> Sparkle, dockerd? on haiku?
<Sparkle> a very good guide :) just follow the instructions
<Sparkle> ya, docker :)
<Habbie> Sparkle, show us :)
<OscarL> Sparkle: if the tutorial is good as you say... follow your dreams? :-)
<Habbie> i just read that, it doesn't mention haiku
<Sparkle> doesn't mention, but build from source :)
<Habbie> and does it work?
<zard> Porting something to Haiku can involve getting it to work with Haiku's quirks
<Sparkle> habbie, try to port, and see if there are any requirements to be ported first...
<Habbie> Sparkle, i'm sorry, i'm trying to ask a very simple question - do you or do you not have dockerd (note the second d) running on Haiku?
<Habbie> zard, dockerd hasn't even been ported to any BSDs, hence my scepticism :)
<Sparkle> habbie there isn't docker for freebsd?
<erysdren> dockerd
<Sparkle> ya, dockerd :P
<Habbie> Sparkle, there is not, no
<Sparkle> I almost compile firebird sql to haiku, it was almost finished, but I think it needs some changes on firebird sql source code...
<zard> The can be the hard part of porting - making those changes
<Sparkle> ::)
<Habbie> Sparkle, you didn't answer my question :)
<Sparkle> Habbie, almost there :)
<zard> Ah, nice. May there not be too many errors in your way :)
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<zard> My fear is that porting dockerd is very hard, considering that it isn't available for the BSDs
<zard> (FreeBSD-DockerBox uses a Linux VM to run dockerd)
<gordonjcp> it's unlikely to work at all on anything not-Linux
<gordonjcp> it is extremely tied into the way that Linux kernels work
<Habbie> indeed
<gordonjcp> like
<Sparkle> doing changes to the kernel :)
<gordonjcp> most posix-y things can be made to work in most posix-y environments
* OscarL wonders if Sparkle is a relative of PetePete (their "enthusiam" in getting other people to port things they want rings a bell).
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<gordonjcp> Sparkle: that document is pretty useless for porting docker to Haiku
<gordonjcp> Sparkle: you'll notice it's a description of how to compile docker and friends on Linux
<gordonjcp> Sparkle: given that docker runs on Linux, this is generally not considered "porting"
<Sparkle> gordonjcp, you modify the haiku kernel source, and dockerd source, and voilá :)
<gordonjcp> Sparkle: go to it and good luck
<gordonjcp> Sparkle: you can't "modify" the kernel source like that
<Sparkle> almost there :)
<gordonjcp> Haiku does not support a lot of the basic concepts that are fundamental to docker
<gordonjcp> they're just not present
<gordonjcp> they are only present in Linux
<gordonjcp> also, it kind of doesn't make a lot of sense to run things in Docker in Haiku
<gordonjcp> or any other OS, at that
<Sparkle> gordonjcp, are you implement them?
<gordonjcp> if you want to use Docker, use Linux
<gordonjcp> Sparkle: implement what?
<Sparkle> the things that aren't present
<gordonjcp> Sparkle: no, why would I?
<erysdren> Sparkle: why are you coming in here and demanding people do things for you? most people in here work on it themselves if it isn't there.
<gordonjcp> Sparkle: if you want to use Docker, use Linux, as previously explained
<erysdren> im sorry to be rude, i just don't understand this mindset.
<Habbie> +1
<gordonjcp> Sparkle: do you ride a bike?
<Sparkle> no, I'm a very skilled programmer, just that, lots of experience
<gordonjcp> oh well, that analogy breaks down
<gordonjcp> it doesn't sound like you're a very skilled programmer to me
<erysdren> a lot goes into an OS kernel...
<Sparkle> gordon, ok... think that way, I don't care
<OscarL> same with /me being a billionaire. I just lack a lot of money.
<Sparkle> OscarL, ya, but if I do code, it won't be free, need to be paid, just for sure :)
<erysdren> Haiku Inc only has one paid programmer, iirc
<Habbie> Sparkle, still haven't answered my question!
<erysdren> everyone else does it out of love
<gordonjcp> OscarL: I actually *am* a very skilled programmer, just in languages no-one gives a fuck about
<gordonjcp> OscarL: I *suck* at golang
<Habbie> oh me too!
<Sparkle> I love programming, I do it since spectrum and commodoore amiga ages, so I have lots of years of experience :P
<OscarL> amateurs... I'm bad at ALL of them!
<Habbie> OscarL, that takes skill!
<zard> lol
<OscarL> heh :-)
<gordonjcp> Forth > every other language
<Habbie> oh i like Forth, been a while since i used it
<Habbie> maybe i can write dockerd for Haiku in Forth
<OscarL> and for free, don't forget.
<phschafft> OscarL++
<Sparkle> I know low level code, Assembly X86, 64 BIT INTEL, ARM, C, C++, C++, C#, PYTHON, JAVA, and much more...
<Sparkle> MOV AX,0013h
<Habbie> Sparkle, so does dockerd run on haiku now? or not?
<Sparkle> INT 10H
<Sparkle> MOV BX,0010h
<waddlesplash> Sparkle: if you're just here to harass people and post whatever, you'll quickly wear out your welcome.
<Sparkle> MOV CX,AX
<erysdren> thanks for the VGA register programming
<Sparkle> waddlesplash I was posting assembly language... just that
<Habbie> actually calling the INTs for that really helps the emulators, which is nice
<Sparkle> erysdren :)
<Sparkle> see ya, time to go...
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<Habbie> and nothing of value was lost
<zard> hee hee, I'm afraid so
<erysdren> blegh, people like them
* OscarL considers giving the iso8601 (python package) .recipe the boot. Doesn't seems to have ever been needed for anything in-tree at HaikuPorts.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 4 commits to master [hrev57867] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 22b7491d3c2d - kernel/fs: Reorder fd_ops and add readv/writev hooks.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] c76d9ae6fc85 - kernel/fs: Use the new fd_readv/fd_writev hooks in common_vector_io.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 058f45b3c7cc - kernel/fs: Fix DEBUG build after removal of descriptor->type.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 3d2ea73c7b18 - kernel/fs: Implement readv/writev for sockets.
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<tqh> It seems we are in 320x200 with 256 color mode :)
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<tqh> now we just need to wait for vga retrace :)
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 5 commits to master [hrev57868] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] ac702ffd2181 - Revert "runtime_loader: allow the ABI version symbol to be local."
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] b02996d1a81b - runtime_loader: Drop the first version of the SymbolLookupInfo constructor.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 90a0982dcb6f - runtime_loader: Refactor find_symbol somewhat.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] ffc1a5219d27 - runtime_loader: Add support for DT_GNU_HASH.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 6c418101c4ba - kernel & runtime_loader: Adopt the optimized version of the elf_hash routine.
<phschafft> waddlesplash++
<waddlesplash> :)
* phschafft should secretly try to win waddlesplash for his secret agenda (of world domination).
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<OscarL> phschafft: do not distract the man until R1 at least, please.
<phschafft> OscarL: I always try to stay out of the way of people actually working, and in the way of people wasting time.
<OscarL> excellent!
<phschafft> (and I really hate those peopl that think just because they are a customer staff in a supermarket needs to move around them...)
* coolcoder613 waves
* phschafft waves back to coolcoder613.
<phschafft> this struct contains an union containing a struct containing an union containing a struct.
<phschafft> and for some reason it still looks fine, relatively simple to read, and generally valid.
<phschafft> but I'm sure at some point someone will complain and tell me that I should just have declared a range of bytes and then go with no types at all or convert everything into a large struct with must feels being exlusive to each other.
<phschafft> (which clearly is much better ;)
<erysdren> take a look at this coolcoder613:
<erysdren> BeOS style windowing stuff in VGA text mode.
<coolcoder613> Nice!
<coolcoder613> Now you need to multitask it, to get a time machine... then you can sell it
<erysdren> so true lmao
<phschafft> ;)
<phschafft> I mean there were products like that.
<OscarL> build systems guessing a package version from the presence (or not) of a .git folder, when you got the sources from a release tarball... sigh.
<phschafft> what fun.
* coolcoder613 decides to tell everyone about what lengths he is going to to install Fiwix