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<waddlesplash> x512[m]: AGMS: I managed to adjust that OFS extractor to support OFS 3
<waddlesplash> just needed two tweaks to the size of directory entires
<B2IA> (AGMS) Ah good, got it working I assume. OK, almost working!
<waddlesplash> then it extracted the DR8 filesystem fine
<MsInput> w00t I got Genio configured finally and got my vimrc to load, so now I can do my basic C++ drills with relative ease. Life is good!
<B2IA> (AGMS) So what were you trying to de-archive, waddlesplash? Ancient software?
<waddlesplash> I want a full history of all Be headers, from as old as we have all the way through ZETA
<B2IA> (AGMS) Ah! Nifty.
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<waddlesplash> yeah, should be useful
<waddlesplash> so now I have up to PR2, and everything after this should be easy
<waddlesplash> R3, 3.1, 3.2, 4, 4.5, 5
<waddlesplash> then BONE, 5.1, and ZETA
<B2IA> (AGMS) So will you be doing it as a git repository, with a very long history?
<waddlesplash> yeah. I mean only like a dozen commits in the end
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<B2IA> (AGMS) Future code archaeologists will thank you.
<B2IA> (AGMS) Maybe some copyright lawyers too.
<waddlesplash> lol
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<adrian_> god now you make me wish i had some ye olde Be CDROMS
<adrian_> still
<bjorkintosh> right here adrian_
<bjorkintosh> do you have a CD burner and empty CDs?
<x512[m]> waddlesplash: BeOS Hobbit headers are not compatible with R5 headers at all.
<waddlesplash> x512[m]: no, but they're in the same lineage
<waddlesplash> that's the point
<adrian_> heh
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<adrian_> oh way back when we had pre-release be images
<adrian_> when we had the dual ppc thing in the computer club
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<x512[m]> Also in theory it is possible to make UserlandVM for BeOS Hobbit executables if reverse-engineer its app_server etc. protocol.
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<waddlesplash> adrian_: they're still floating around
<waddlesplash> at least DR8, PR1, PR2
<waddlesplash> hence why I hacked together something capable of reading the DR8 FS
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<adrian_> nice
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<waddlesplash> hmm, weirdly enough the R4 disk images aren't readable by our BFS driver
<waddlesplash> the R3 ones weren't either, but BeOS R5 read them fine
<waddlesplash> I didn't figure out the magic incantation to get R5 to read the R4 images yet though
<waddlesplash> they're the BIN/CUE format, so I tried just extracting the BFS partition and attaching that as another drive to my R5 VM, but it didn't work right
<waddlesplash> tbh jscipione already extracted these at and all I really want is the timestamp
<waddlesplash> maybe I can cheat and just find an inode and read one timestamp manually
<waddlesplash> hmm, bfs_shell works OK at least
<waddlesplash> well, good enough
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<waddlesplash> ah, that's just for R4.5
<waddlesplash> R4.5 BFS is readable, R4 BFS isn't, gives weird errors
<waddlesplash> yeah, must be some kind of format difference, same error with the PPC BFS image so it's not a corrupt FS, I don't think
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<waddlesplash> well, there it is:
<waddlesplash> the commit authorship dates (not commit dates) should all be the actual dates of the files
<waddlesplash> hmm ... can I force the commit date?
<waddlesplash> ah yes, I see how
<waddlesplash> fixed
<waddlesplash> well, eventually I will get the R5.1 and Zeta images added
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<Begasus[m]> woot 25 years old waddlesplash :)
<Begasus[m]> morning peeps
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<PulkoMandy> waddlesplash: PowerPC BFS will be endian swapped, so you need a different build of BFS for that (I think there is a bfs_big jamfile for it)
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<Begasus> hi Anarchos
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<x512[m]> PulkoMandy: Can you leave opinion on
<PulkoMandy> I have no time for Haiku at the moment, otherwise I would have done it
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<HaikuUser> hello
<gordonjcp> HaikuUser: hi
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<gordonjcp> hm, first time booting Haiku on this machine since August
<Begasus[m]> shame on you gordonjcp :) (jk)
<Begasus[m]> well, this one hasn't booted into Haiku since zlib also :(
<gordonjcp> Begasus[m]: I was apparently reading about writing concurrent sockets code in Go last time I used Haiku
<gordonjcp> Begasus[m]: I do remember consciously selecting Haiku instead of Linux while sitting drinking a nice cup of coffee out in my partner's sister's garden and thinking how nice it was outside now it had dropped to 29 degrees C ;-)
<Begasus[m]> it was either really hot or damn cold now :)
<gordonjcp> yeah it was really hot, got up to 36 degrees
<gordonjcp> then when we flew back to Scotland it was 18 degrees :-)
<Begasus[m]> had some freezing in the weekend, that's done again, but it was nice for some of our past pups :)
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<waddlesplash> PulkoMandy: I know, I built it and was using it
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev58372] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 1a98f27639e9 - Tracker: handle case-insensitive move target error
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 2 commits to master [hrev58373] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 896f7fdb75a5 - kernel/disk_device_manager: Cleanup code style, fix some minor TODOs.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 487d75717a44 - kernel/disk_device_manager: Invoke base class in KFileDiskDevice::Unset().
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<Begasus> this is painfully slow atm :'(
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev58374] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 20f109414ce0 - kernel/vm: Write adjacent pages in the page_writer, if possible.
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<waddlesplash> Begasus[m]: what is?
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 2 commits to master [hrev58375] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 23b34b6c0e30 - kernel/fs: Clean up code in synchronous_io.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] bef7e1c1b169 - kernel/device_manager: Adjust assertion in IOBuffer::GetNextVirtualVec.
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<Yoke> Has anyone else manged to get VLC to play a DVD, or is it just an issue that I'm having?
<Yoke> assuming it's something that works in the first place
<Habbie> i was going to say "worked fine here 25 years ago" but that wasn't on Haiku :>
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<waddlesplash> pretty sure I have heard of other people playing DVDs with VLC on Haiku
<waddlesplash> never done it myself personally
<Habbie> i might actually have suitable hardware here
<Habbie> i may even have a DVD
<Yoke> fair enough, only reason I'm trying to get it to work is my new PC doesn't have a DVD burner in it :/
<Habbie> Yoke, so just to get things clear, how are you trying this?
<Yoke> I put the dvd in the drive, I start VLC, then I go to play disc, select DVD, then press play, VLC tries to load something and then just gives up
<waddlesplash> maybe try specifying the raw device directly
<waddlesplash> i.e. its /dev/disk/.../raw
<waddlesplash> or does VLC want it mounted?
<Yoke> I may well be doing something wrong but it was that easy on every other device i've used that could run VLC
<waddlesplash> not sure our VLC has its paths configured for automatic DVD playback
<Yoke> what filepath should I use then? I'm not sure how Haiku deals with optical drives
<waddlesplash> it'll be in /dev/disk/ somewhere
<waddlesplash> you can open DriveSetup, should show up in there and show the /dev path
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<Yoke> dev/disk/scsi/0/1/0/raw, that sound correct to you?
<waddlesplash> yeah
<waddlesplash> though that may be a partition?
<waddlesplash> if there's a /dev/disk/scsi/0/1/raw that may be what VLC wants
<waddlesplash> try the 0/1/0/raw first
<Yoke> VLC is unable to open the MRL 'dvd:///dev/disk/scsi/0/1/0/raw'. Check the log for details. damn it :/
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<Yoke> starting to think this is a problem for "not just worked a 10 hour shift" me
<Yoke> Curse you computer industry for making DVD burners not standard anymore!
<waddlesplash> hmm
<waddlesplash> what's in the log?
<waddlesplash> guess I should scrounge up a DVD and try this myself at some point