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<scanty> anyone have any luck with the latest Konversation?
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<Begasus[m]> morning peeps
<Begasus[m]> scanty what's up with Konversation? checked the build and launch, worked out ok here
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<Begas_> Konversation launches fine (pretty clean clone from the VM)
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<Begasus[m]> hope it helps jmairboeck :)
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<Begasus[m]> still no go on the buildmasters :(
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<jmairboeck> a infrastructure question: do the builders run haikuporter from a git checkout? Or does the deployment need to be updated? I'd like to include some pre-uninstall scripts in upcoming recipes.
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<Begasus> jmairboeck, if I'm not mistaken it's not running a git checkout for haikuporter
<jmairboeck> ok, so after merging, a deployment update of the buildmasters is needed before it can be used in recipes.
<Begasus> you'd have to poke kallisti5[m] for that I think :) hrev is mostly behind on latest beta also (updates)
<jmairboeck> the system package versions are a different thing, I think.
<jmairboeck> anyway, I'd like some review on that PR before merging it, as I'm not very good at python
<Begasus> for that a new tagged release for haikuporter would be nice
<Begasus> with korli's latest additions it would be nice to have those included into the official package anyway
<Begasus> will have a poke around with your PR soon
<Begasus> the idea behind is that it installs a "requirement" before the actual build starts?
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<Begasus> let's see if kdevelop is able to build solvespace :)
<jmairboeck> Begasus: no, my haikuporter change is for supporting pre-uninstall scripts, i.e. scripts that are executed when a package is uninstalled. Like with post-install scripts but when uninstalling instead of installing.
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<Begasus> jmairboeck, ah so it would be triggered when uninstalling the package?
<jmairboeck> yes, exactly
<Begasus[m]> +1 one step forward, just need to be sure not to uninstall user related settings or the like I guess
<jmairboeck> As an example: this is the recipe for xml_sax right now: (without the patchset)
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<jmairboeck> I'll create an actual PR later when we have the dependencies in place
<Begasus> I gather XML::SAX::PurePerl isn't removed when uninstalling the package then?
<Begasus> without this*
<jmairboeck> the configuration file that is created when installing it
<Begasus> OK, so that "could" be user interacted, as in the user is able to change values in there?
<jmairboeck> mostly by calling the API functions like in the install and uninstall scripts here, as other Perl XML parser packages (like xml_libxml) also register themselves there
<jmairboeck> so the config file must be writable for other packages
<jmairboeck> this is what Gentoo does for xml_libxml for example:
* Begasus hates ebuilds :)
<Begasus> does the same as expected I guess
<Begasus> haven't fiddled much there, so probably needs good testing, used in the wrong way could lead to errors?
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<Begasus> thinking about Cudatext, also needs it's data writeable, so cp's files to ~/config/non-packaged/data
<Begasus> using a uninstall script to remove those files would also remove user specific changes
<jmairboeck> as always with these post-install scripts, they can be tricky to get right
<Begasus> +1
<jmairboeck> the pre-uninstall script doesn't actually delete the file, it just removes the entry that the post-install script added
<Begasus> ah, in this case the parser(?) wouldn't know what to do with the left-behind file then?
<Begasus> well, the actual parser(?) would be uninstalled anyway
<jmairboeck> in the case of xml_sax, we maybe should delete the file instead, as this is the kind of "base package" of these
<jmairboeck> I'm not really sure about that
<Begasus> I'll let you figure that one out :) as long as I'm not in a state like with zlib I don't really mind :D
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<jmairboeck> openSUSE seems to make that file being tracked by the package, if I understand this spec-file correctly: so I guess this does remove the file on uninstall
<Begasus> glad your tackling that one, let's see what OscarL thinks about it, and Korli, I guess they are the 2 most active ones at haikuporter
<Begasus> well kallisti5[m] also, but I think he's more into the infra sidee of it
<Begasus> -e
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<jmairboeck> Haiku itself supports pre-uninstall scripts since 2020 already:
<Begasus> probably, just haven't been in use yet :)
<Begasus> something like that for pkgman would be handy
<jmairboeck> when a package declares pre-uninstall-scripts in its .PackageInfo, uninstalling the package invokes the script already. Just HaikuPorter has no means to add them till now.
<jmairboeck> I guess as long as you don't mess with the packages directory manually, it works fine. pkgman uninstall does certainly.
<Begasus> only manual intervention I do there is double-click sometimes, so that doesn't count :)
<Begasus> looks like KDevelop 24.12 is behaving as expected
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<Begasus> reboot
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<Begasus> jmairboeck, I guess your branch for haikuporter is on par with upstream?
<jmairboeck> yes
<jmairboeck> I git pulled first
<Begasus[m]> +1
<Begasus[m]> bugger, there's the one from korli that could use some testing also
<Begasus[m]> guess I'll leave those for after the hollidays :)
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<Begasus> back to shotcut
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<Begasus> progress :)
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<Begasus> still crashing, but getting further :)
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<jmairboeck> I just noticed something strange: why is ADDITIONAL_FILES defined as indexable? What would ADDITIONAL_FILES_2 actually mean?
<Begasus> no idea, never seen it in action
<Begasus> maybe something to be used for SOURCE_URI_2?
<Begasus> or intended for it?
<jmairboeck> yes, that is what indexed attributes are for, if I understood it correctly
<Begasus> debugger comparisson
<Begasus> a bit obsolete as you can/do the attributes to the "installed" package?
<Begasus> hmm ... maybe if a binary is build in a seperate sourceDir?
<jmairboeck> I think ADDITIONAL_FILES_2 etc. doesn't make sense, i.e. it shouldn't be defined as 'indexable: True. Or am I missing something?
<Begasus> I'm lost already :D
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<Begasus> hi scantysnax
<scantysnax> hello Begasus. How are you?
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<scanty> Begasus, Konversation seems to work all right as long as i don't connect with my BNC
<scanty> which stops responding to IRC traffic in about 2 hours
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<scanty> so i'm thinking there's a bug (one of a few i've found) there.
<phschafft> that is a strange bug.
<scanty> yeah, it works fine on EfNet, no problems.
<Begasus> BNC?
<scanty> Begasus, IRC bouncer
<Begasus> err no idea there :/
<Begasus> nothing in syslog?
<scanty> yeah, it's OK. For some reason Konversation just doesn't like my password, eventhough it is correct.
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<Begasus> sorry 'bout that, if need be I can still re-enable the KF5 version
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<scanty> very strange bug, indeed.
<Begasus> still fighting with shotcut here :)
<scanty> both in the BNC, and Konversation.
<Begasus> never used BNC, so can't really check up there (main client is still Vision here)
<scanty> i want to stay with vision, but it is kind of buggy, so i was looking for something else, but didn't find.
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<Begasus> for my needs it's still ok, but guess I'm getting old(er) :)
<Begasus> my smart-phone is even smarter then me :P
<scanty> ha, i can't send text to the channel in Konversation.
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<Begasus> that worked for me earlier
* Begasus pokes scantysnax
<scanty> 11:55] [Raw] testing: 1,2,3
<scanty> [11:55] [Error] testing:: Unknown command.
<scantysnax> i think konversation is like half-working
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<begas> plop
<Begasus> that works
<begas> testing: 1 2 3
<scantysnax> that worked
<Begasus> not quite right ;)
<begas> testing: 1,2,3
<scantysnax> that worked too.
<Begasus> err ... do I need to see something special there?
<scantysnax> no, this is just a regular connection, not from my BNC, and Konversation seems to work OK
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev58478] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 7020e10ab803 - userlandfs: Fix file_cache_read
<scantysnax> is there a way to make any order out of the user list, i dont' see ops and vs coming in first on the list.
<begas> settings/behaviour/nickname...
<begas> you can select user status there
<scantysnax> there is no "behaviour" in the settings menu
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev58479] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 6a9e72b0d3b1 - BuildSetup: Added HomeBrew Apple Silicon paths.
<scantysnax> ah cool
<Begasus> to search or not to .. :D
<scantysnax> :-)
<scantysnax> oh, if only my BNC worked. this is a nice irc client
<Begasus> had to look it up too, ps, you can change the icons in the nick list too :)
<scantysnax> ah
<Begasus> there's even an xmas icon theme :d
<scantysnax> haha, missed that by a few days :-)
<Begasus> granted, with the small icons it doesn't really show too wel :)
<begas> not seeing anything BNC related in the settings
<andreasdr[m]> Hi ther
<andreasdr[m]> e
<Begasus[m]> aarrrr andreasdr :)
<scanty> me either, it just won't accept my password and i don't know why.
<scanty> it works fine in vision
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<scantysnax> smoke, brb it in a bit
* Begasus lights a smoke too
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<Begasus> now what was that command to make any useful text from those missing symbols?
<Begasus> lgrep doesn't show me anything atm
<jmairboeck> c++filt maybe?
<Begasus> that was it jmairboeck thank, but didn't really help :D
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* Begasus[m] bumps head again ....
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<scanty> Begasus: seems like we have a bug in Konversation... i wish sometone else was able to test it
<scanty> someone*
<Begasus[m]> did it work on previous version?
<scanty> never knew a previous one existed
<Begasus[m]> bugger ... lost my focus again :P
<Begasus[m]> ah :)
<Begasus[m]> maybe it has been broken before and no one knew about it :)
<scanty> possibly.
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<Begasus[m]> poke me around, I'll try to have a look at it once I find my focus again :D
<scanty> all right. i'll remind you later.
<Begasus> +1
<Begasus> uploading some files to the testdrive ...
<Begasus> "experimental" packages :P
<Begasus> think I still have those openssl packages related to the switch before beta5 there, could be cleaned up
<scanty> trying now to find some infos relating to Konversation and psyBNC, but not really finding anything.
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<scanty> you can tell he just installed haiku, tried out vision, then disappeared. they all do that.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] humdingerb pushed 1 commit to master [hrev58480] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 783347df2b03 - Sounds prefs: "pre-hear" button in file panel
<Begasus[m]> who did scanty?
<scanty> "HaikuUser"
<Begasus[m]> heh
<scanty> hell, i've done it.
<Begasus[m]> the "Binkies" 🙃
<scanty> hehe
<Begasus[m]> connected?
<scanty> who?
<Begasus[m]> you ... "hell, I've done it."
<scanty> ah
<scanty> yeah, back in the day i came here for like 10 seconds after installng haiku then left
<Begasus[m]> lol
<scanty> i'm connected via vision right now... we'll see how long it lasts.
<scanty> it seems to be only a problem with vision and oftc, and not other networks.
<Begasus[m]> did that with Konversation 🅿️
<scanty> at least it seems to behave properly for EfNet
<scanty> konversation does look really nice
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<Begasus[m]> it's a "nice to have around", for me Vision still does the trick, but only connect there to liberachat and oftc
<Begasus[m]> Nheko here on Windows (haven't found a descent/official working NeoChat version there (yet)), and NeoChat on Haiku for matrix connections
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<scanty> testing bnc traffic: if you can read this please type 1
* scanty pokes Begasus[m]
<Begasus> type1?
<scanty> i meant type '1'
<scanty> apparently its working
<Begasus> lol
<scanty> still.
<Begasus> workaround?
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<scanty> nope, just a waiting game
<scanty> i want to see how long i can maintain the traffic behind this bnc
<Begasus> oh, so it connected after you let it open?
<scanty> it's always connected
<scanty> the BNC maintains connection between you and IRC when you're not there
<scanty> so you can be always connected, and keep your nick or whatever
<scanty> you just "attach" to the BNC
<scanty> Begasus, still on vision btw
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<Begasus> ;) me too
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev58481] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 7651b97c0ab8 - kernel/vm: Consolidate implementations of VMTranslationMap::UnmapArea.
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev58482] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] f44cb411cc41 - Package Kit & packagefs: Allocate scratch buffers for decompression further up.
<scanty> hmmm
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<Begasus> OK, done for today, already some added progress, could play around a bit in Shotcut :)
<Begasus> cu peeps!
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<waddlesplash> nipos: your Grok instance seems down
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<nipos> Thanks, it's working again, only needed a restart of Tomcat
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<Halian|Haiku> o/
<Anarchos> Halian|Haiku hello
<Halian|Haiku> Got an almost-latest nightly running on my main desktop :3
<Halian|Haiku> Strangely, Falkon appears to work better than Iceweasel
<Halian|Haiku> hrev58475 specifically
<waddlesplash> what does "work better" mean
<Halian|Haiku> waddlesplash: sites that rely heavily on JavaScript (e.g. YouTube, Discord, Bitwarden) have degraded performance or fail to load properly under Iceweasel
<waddlesplash> odd
<Halian|Haiku> +1
<Halian|Haiku> Other things on my wishlist: hardware-accelerated graphics, support for mice/trackballs with more than three buttons (mine has eight plus two dimensions of scrolling), support for multiple displays
<Halian|Haiku> Other things on my wishlist: hardware-accelerated graphics, support for mice/trackballs with more than three buttons (mine has eight plus two dimensions of scrolling), support for multiple displa:P
<Halian|Haiku> oops
<Halian|Haiku> :P
<waddlesplash> we support more than 3-button mice?
<waddlesplash> we support at least 3
<waddlesplash> *at least 5
<waddlesplash> and we support multi-dimension scrolling too IIRC
<Halian|Haiku> The mouse control panel only goes up to 3, and buttons 4-5 on my trackball (go forward/back by default) do nothing
<Halian|Haiku> Strangely, now Iceweasel is working fine o_O
<waddlesplash> performance degradation may be temporary due to background forking or something
<waddlesplash> that will hopefully be fixed by new builds with forkserver enabled
<Halian|Haiku> Maybe
<waddlesplash> well there's code for up to 6 buttons anyway
<waddlesplash> so not sure why the GUI only has 3?
<Halian|Haiku> Oh, it was set to 6 by default. derp
<Halian|Haiku> *to 3
<Halian|Haiku> I can't type today
<Halian|Haiku> Buttons 4 and 5 show up fine when I set it to six buttons, but buttons 6-8 all show up as extra copies of button 5
<Halian|Haiku> Probably requires Effort to port or make drivers for this trackball (Elecom HUGE) to/from Haiku
<waddlesplash> if it's USB then probably not
<Halian|Haiku> It is ._.
<waddlesplash> just needs some more generic code in the HID layer
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<Halian|Haiku> Ah
<Halian|Haiku> Then all that's missing is the program Elecom provides to remap buttons (for example, I had previously set button 8 to turn the ball into a scroll wheel when held down, since the scroll wheel broke, but I recently got another trackball)
<Halian|Haiku> Unrelated: What does the maple leaf next to some programs in the "Featured packages" scene of HaikuDepot signify?
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<waddlesplash> "native"
<waddlesplash> i.e. doesn't use Qt or whatever
<Halian|Haiku> Ah, okay
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<Halian|Haiku> The Bitwarden extension for Iceweasel won't let me log in (it claims the account doesn't exist) and neither mouse nor numpad function within its dropdown
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<Halian|Haiku> Logged in on the second try, but the latter still holds
<waddlesplash> known bug, already reported
<Halian|Haiku> OK
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<Halian|Haiku> Is there a way to restart media_addon_server (which just crashed despite me not playing any media) other than restarting Haiku?
<Anarchos> just kill it from Terminal
<Anarchos> or via ProcessController
<Halian|Haiku> It already crashed; I need to restart it
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<waddlesplash> "Restart media services" in Media preferences
<Halian|Haiku> Thanks
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 2 commits to master [hrev58483] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 4c29a795ad57 - network/stack: Clean up hashing logic a bit.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] b6b0fb529db8 - kernel/stack: Fix lookup of chains for SOCK_RAW in put_domain_protocols.
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<Halian|Haiku> Haiku does not like reading btrfs :D
<Halian|Haiku> BBL
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<dovsienko> waddlesplash: I have not seen that SSH KDL in a very long time
<waddlesplash> well, bugs that go away on their own ... tend to come back on their own
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<dodo75> Hi, there. How do I perform a nslookup in Haiku?
<Anarchos> dodo75 'pkgman install bind_utils'
<dodo75> super!
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<Anarchos> dodo75 when you need a command, you can try 'pkgman search cmd:<your command>'
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