[haiku/haiku] cb3ddd18bb2a - HaikuDepot: Faster Open State Change
Haiku seems to work "OK" without some form of compatablity layer just by how efficient it is (by way of not really doing anyhting flashy)
how is having iceweasel a huge step forward?
granted, it's good to have it, but other then that, it won't be my major browser for sure
extentions, ad-block, vpn, ect
ad-block, already around
the ad-block in Falkon doesn't seem to work for YouTube
build Angelfish that has a rust module for it?
both comparible
youtube -> qmplay2?
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24 years ago it was a niche to have it around, we've past that stage a long time ago imho
one advantage I see is that it puts Haiku on the map even more
other then that, it's just another browser to me :P
in essesnce yeah it's just another browser
but my point is it's a mainstream browser that has a good back log of proven extentions that will work with it
those still have to be proven yet :)
and as I said, good to have it, and I'll test it also (even further) when I get to it
Ublock works, I can confirm that at least (first thing i installed because damn you can't use the internet without an adblock at this point)
+1 on that then :)
still flip-floping between Falkon and IceWeasel just for discord (because it doesn't seem to like it)
(though honestly that might just be me only having 4gb of ram)
don't use discord, so can't comment on that
it's not everyone's bread and butter
talking about talking, IRC is pretty neat (plus it's more reliable with my crappy connection)
that and matrix are my main communication channels
replaced BeShare at one point :)
well, BeShare is still around, but not widely used as it did back then
so is BeShare like a combo of IRC and a filesharing client? just looking it up that's what i'm getting
in short terms yes, it's bridged to IRC now too
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(not saying that sarcasticly, I do genuinely mean it's neat)
:) probably still some nice BeOS related things around there
I think so, yes
What I usually do with BeOS stuff, is I look for them on BeBits on archive.org, and then I get the actual files from pulkomandy.tk/~beosarchive/
should be a fair amount from PulkoMandy's archive around
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8 to go, then need to check on nuking out kglobalaccel :)
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How did I not know the BBC did a section on BeOS
think I need a reboot once this framework is done ... system is slowing down
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is idle: $R
Yoke: did they?
Yoke: is it on iPlayer?
I'm not sure, there's a clip of it on Internet archive
ah, found it, yeah
there's also an article in Sound on Sound that I just turned up, which I remember reading in the dead tree version
but clock and overlay image are still stuck
make sure nothing overlaps it
yeah... that's the problem
clock should work, have checked that not that long ago
there's no hand in the bottom right of the clock
it does here
let me try restaring and see if that fixes it brb
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Should've known it wasn't gonna be that easy
desklink command should be able to delete Deskbar replicants
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would you care to explain how to use that? cause I have no idea what I'm doing tbh
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"desklink --list" shows all replicants
"desklink --remove=name" removes replicant with name "name"...
that just killed my sound XD
damn it
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that just seems to be something to add or remove things form the deskbar, not exactly what i mean, i need to close the desktop replecants
Tracker has configuration file with all the replicants... Deleting it while Tracker isn't running will make them not reappear...
is there a chance that could bugger something esle up?
Yoke: That specific file only handles desktop replicants
ok so where am I looking to find that file?
in /boot/home/config/settings/Tracker/tracker_shelf
You can only delete or move that file while Tracker isn't running...
ok, that's tricky then
kill it with ProcessController while Terminal is still running
i kiled it but it just restarted itself
hey it worked
i just sent it to the bin, it then replaced it with a new one then i killed tracker and now the replicants are gone
I think i was just getting confused
Tracker saves that file when it quits naturally... killing should skip the saving part...
when I sent the old one to the trash it must've replaced it with a new clean one
just gonna do a quick restart to confirm
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Worked like a treat
thank you for the help on that
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last one! grabbing krunner6-6.9.0~rc1-1-x86_64.hpkg and moving it to /Share/haikuports/packages/krunner6-6.9.0~rc1-1-x86_64.hpkg
@Begasus: thanks
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a tad off topic but does it bug anyone else when USB ports are on the top of a pc? especaily when the case is designed to be put on top of a desk?
laptops only here :)
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fair 'nuff
still have a tower next to me (from the golden era) :) USB ports on the back there, handy :P
ps NOT (standing on the floor) :)
ahh, it's always great when you have to cram yourself over your pc to get to the usb ports XD
or go down on your knees to search without a clue where the port is and try to put the cable in on blind sight :P
ow, and hope the cable is long enough :P
and get the rotation wrong 5 times before it actually goes in
right! lol
"and hope the cable is long enough" that has happened to me more times than i can count
or windows throws the "This USB storage device is broken, Allow windows to fix it"
when It's perfectly fine
afk for a bit
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Hey all! I have an old laptop with an up-to-date debian installed on it and would love to try haiku. Does the Haiku installer let you resize partitions or should I free some space using a live linux distro first?
Hmm, it's been a while since I've used the installer, but I think not?
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Thanks for the reply zard, I guess I'll just try and see ;)
what is compatablity with laptops on haiku like at this point? I'm guessing it's still a case of most trackpads don't work?
I'm lucky, every laptop I've tried with Haiku had a working trackpad
screw it, I uss there's no harm in trying it on my laptop
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it works
it even sees the damn wireless card
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Oh nice! :D
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Don't know if it's the smartest idea to install this alongside Ubuntu but I might just get a 60gb M.Sata and install it on that
why would that be an issue?
I'm not worried about Haiku doing anything, it's more Ubuntu being kinda dumb sometimes
Ubuntu shouldn't interfere with Haiku :)
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I might just be unlucky with dualbooting then
Yeah, I haven't experienced any trouble with dualbooting. I wonder, what happened?
just don't go post cp'n between the two I guess
I mean in the past i've had windows and ubuntu "fight" with eachother
Ah yes, good ol' Windows
lol first crash with iceweasel :P
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Guest2548 is now known as Yoke
Windows sometimes wants to replace Linux's bootloader with its own, and now, Linux won't boot!
the only compputer I have that runs windows is my main rig/gaming pc
But afaik, it's almost always Window's fault for not playing nice, not Ubuntu's
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now to repartition the SSD on the laptop and hope i don't break anything
I hate doing this
good luck ;)
man how the fuck does this work in ubuntu
I could've sworn i had Gparted on this
GParted sounds right...
just gonna have to redownload it I guess
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i cannot remember how to do this
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i'm gonna leave it here for now, if I keep pushing I'm gonna break something, I know it
Slow but steady. Good idea :)
there is a iso download for gparted
you can use that outside of Ubuntu
The hell was I thinking of then?
I don't know :)
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Ah, you were trying to install GParted, not trying to figure out how to make it do the right thing?
stupid keymap bug for GTK :/
as soon as i start to download the iso Ubuntu has to update CANNONICAL WHY
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Hi Begasus...an issues with haikudepot? Not synchronizing the repos...my internetconnection is good...
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hi san2ban no idea there, installed iceweasel just fine earlier
got a build for ScummVM running atm, so can't check on this install
but only a few minutes ago I installed uploadit without problems
san2ban did you try with pkgman?
Yoke dist-upgrade? ;)
honestly I might just go into town later this week and grab a cheapo SSD, I can't wrap my head around this at the moment
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aw shitballs, I deleted my haiku vm on this machine
also san2ban left
how do you accidentaly delete a VM?
I wonder what the largest partition size BeFS can handle is, it would be funny to throw like 10TB at it and see if it freaks out
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<Yoke> "I wonder what the largest..." <- As BFS is 64-bit filesystem, its should be able to handle quite large partitions, but there is separate limit for maximum size of a single file...
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Yoke: blowing away several GB of no-longer-used VMs
Been talking to someone who's planning to port over some accessibility tools to Haiku.
In theory, how could such tools work in Haiku?
Presumably, they'd need to be able to know the state of other apps and be able to know the structure of GUI apps.
Presumably, they'd need to be able to know the state of other apps and be able to know the structure of GUI apps (at least native ones).
You can use `hey` to look iterate through all of the items that make up a GUI
I'll forward these to my friend, thanks.
They have also expressed interest in developing an accessibility API for Haiku, eventually.
Hmm, not very familiar with accessibility APIs
I mean, I do know about them at a very high level
But not what all would be involved to implement it
Perhaps one of the challenges is would the app have to provide accessability information (probably), and how would it provide it
It could be tricky... no idea, though
Anyway, good luck to your friend! :)
It would prolly need some form of GUI object introspection.
We already have that to an extent. It is possible to use `hey` to enumerate GUI elements and also possible to use `hey` to press a specific button
App developers might need to add labels to GUI elements, but I don't know enough about Haiku appdev to say much more.
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PulkoMandy, looking into bumping libjxl to the latest version, will file a PR for it later, it shouldn't be a problem installing it side to side with current version (that is in use by haikuwebkit, just noticed it)
adding a conflict for the devel package, need to add one for the tools also*
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syslog so far pretty calm on iceweasel
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could take a while for scummvm to be available :)
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good afternoon.
iceweasel looks good but mouse leaves square trails.
when moving over content.
are there any modernish sample projects that i could just clone and go. Also does the socket stack have support for berkly sockets
anybody having this problem?
Hi scantysnax yeah, see that too
Begasus[m]: I otherwise find it very fast.
and accurate.
iceweasel is crashing on github
otherwise i'm finding it works well
it reminds me of a problem i have with the cursor and a BDirectWindow, but i don't believe the two could be related.
let's see if Pandora works.
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it eats a whole CPU.
Hello, I booted the live iso and my backlight and trackpad broken under Haiku, is there something I can do or do I need to learn driver development?
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fancy2209[m]: it won't hurt to learn :-)
fancy2209[m]: does it work under other OSes?
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