ChanServ changed the topic of #haiku to: Open-source operating system that specifically targets personal computing. | | Nightlies: | Bugtracker: | SCM: | Logs: | Matrix: | XMPP:
<phschafft> I have at beast a few KB of program memory for it, and it must be able to run useful code with less than 512 Bytes of RAM.
<coolcoder613> Ah, I see
<phschafft> yes, the program memory that requires is like all I have.
<phschafft> some devices have as little as 32KB.
<phschafft> what I consider is to mostly provide a binary format to interact with the already existing API of the OS.
<phschafft> which should allow software to be portable and small for many tasks.
<phschafft> plus some opcodes for more generic programming (like math).
<phschafft> (which could also be done using the system API alone, but that would be real slow ;)
<coolcoder613> Not really related to the VM, but why not port this?
<phschafft> I personally feel like with all the languages I learned in my life BASIC is the only one I don't miss. ;)
<phschafft> personal taste you might say.
<phschafft> again, there are already two other VMs for the system plus a shall that can be used for scripting.
<phschafft> so I'm not against porting more stuff in general. it's just that it's kind of another ticket.
<phschafft> (one of the VMs is from erysdren, also the reason I thought there might be common interest in the next similar project)
<phschafft> hm.
<phschafft> looking at the linked code.
<phschafft> would need some porting work (specifically converting global varibales to local ones, patching the print code, removing peak and poke,..)
<phschafft> I don't see code for input.
<coolcoder613> It doesn't have input
<coolcoder613> it's non-interactive i think
<coolcoder613> Heres a newer fork:
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<phschafft> hm.,
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<phschafft> it seems to contain more features, but at least some questionable coding.
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<phschafft> hm.
<erysdren> yes?
<phschafft> erysdren: hm?
<erysdren> oh just wondering what you're working on
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev58391] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 4a87c95e0a20 - kernel/fs: Handle O_RDONLY | O_TRUNC in the VFS rather than filesystems.
<phschafft> waddlesplash++ # without reading, that patch sounds like it is one that is generally in my direction, so thanks for your work!
<phschafft> erysdren: I just had a look at the linked ubasic.
<phschafft> and was wondering /how well/ that could be ported.
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<coolcoder613> Boot to basic, based on banan-os:
<phschafft> hm?
<coolcoder613> That image boots to basic, and the os used in it is banan-os.
<phschafft> ah.
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<janking> hi
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<Begasus> morning peeps
<AlienSoldier> hi
<Begasus> hi AlienSoldier, bug free for now?
<AlienSoldier> no, but nothing that need to be fixed right now :)
<AlienSoldier> my query bug is gone that said and did not come back
<AlienSoldier> so the fix should last
<Begasus> nice, one down +1
<AlienSoldier> still have to write my ticket to really find a way to not habe it happen
<AlienSoldier> *have
<Begasus> partition bug still around?
<AlienSoldier> no, but what created it might be
<AlienSoldier> what i still have is also query related and is about directort, but i can live with the behavior for now.
<AlienSoldier> *directory
<Begasus> we should make you our query bug hunter :)
<AlienSoldier> i don't even use them that much
<AlienSoldier> used them a lot lately because i was cleaning in my stuff
<AlienSoldier> 3000 files in my download directory raise my red flag :)
<Begasus> time for the needed backups then :)
<AlienSoldier> i don't backup everything, just very very important things
<AlienSoldier> i am a 2428 item in my C64 directory of things to check! that is also clore to red flag.
<AlienSoldier> *at
<AlienSoldier> *close
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<Begasus> halfway through the RC from KDE's frameworks, pushing recipes to codeberg to have them around for backups too
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<AlienSoldier> so, no rising sun for me today :) cya
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<janking> hi u all
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<Begasus> hi janking
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<Yoke> morning y'all
<phschafft> mau
<Yoke> :3
<coolcoder613> 'evening
<Yoke> tell you what, the fact we have a version of firefox now is a huge step forward
<coolcoder613> yeah
<Yoke> plus it's an early christmass gift in a way!
<Yoke> just thinking about the timing
<coolcoder613> <wish> We need some sort of GPU driver compatibility layer </wish>
<coolcoder613> So we can use Linux or FreeBSD ones
<Yoke> that's true
<Yoke> that would put Haiku on par with BSD at least
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] aplgithub pushed 1 commit to master [hrev58392] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] cb3ddd18bb2a - HaikuDepot: Faster Open State Change
<Yoke> Haiku seems to work "OK" without some form of compatablity layer just by how efficient it is (by way of not really doing anyhting flashy)
<Begasus> how is having iceweasel a huge step forward?
<Begasus> granted, it's good to have it, but other then that, it won't be my major browser for sure
<Yoke> extentions, ad-block, vpn, ect
<Begasus> ad-block, already around
<Begasus> vpn?
<Yoke> the ad-block in Falkon doesn't seem to work for YouTube
<Begasus> build Angelfish that has a rust module for it?
<Begasus> both comparible
<Begasus> youtube -> qmplay2?
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<Begasus> 24 years ago it was a niche to have it around, we've past that stage a long time ago imho
<Begasus> one advantage I see is that it puts Haiku on the map even more
<Begasus> other then that, it's just another browser to me :P
<Yoke> in essesnce yeah it's just another browser
<Yoke> but my point is it's a mainstream browser that has a good back log of proven extentions that will work with it
<Begasus> those still have to be proven yet :)
<Begasus> and as I said, good to have it, and I'll test it also (even further) when I get to it
<Yoke> Ublock works, I can confirm that at least (first thing i installed because damn you can't use the internet without an adblock at this point)
<Begasus> +1 on that then :)
<Yoke> still flip-floping between Falkon and IceWeasel just for discord (because it doesn't seem to like it)
<Yoke> (though honestly that might just be me only having 4gb of ram)
<Begasus> don't use discord, so can't comment on that
<Yoke> it's not everyone's bread and butter
<Begasus> heh
<Yoke> talking about talking, IRC is pretty neat (plus it's more reliable with my crappy connection)
<Begasus> that and matrix are my main communication channels
<Begasus> replaced BeShare at one point :)
<Begasus> well, BeShare is still around, but not widely used as it did back then
<Yoke> so is BeShare like a combo of IRC and a filesharing client? just looking it up that's what i'm getting
<Begasus> in short terms yes, it's bridged to IRC now too
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<Yoke> neat
<Yoke> (not saying that sarcasticly, I do genuinely mean it's neat)
<Begasus> :) probably still some nice BeOS related things around there
<coolcoder613> I think so, yes
<coolcoder613> What I usually do with BeOS stuff, is I look for them on BeBits on, and then I get the actual files from
<Begasus> should be a fair amount from PulkoMandy's archive around
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<Begasus> 8 to go, then need to check on nuking out kglobalaccel :)
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<Yoke> How did I not know the BBC did a section on BeOS
<Begasus> think I need a reboot once this framework is done ... system is slowing down
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<janking> is idle: $R
<gordonjcp> Yoke: did they?
<gordonjcp> Yoke: is it on iPlayer?
<Yoke> I'm not sure, there's a clip of it on Internet archive
<gordonjcp> ah, found it, yeah
<gordonjcp> there's also an article in Sound on Sound that I just turned up, which I remember reading in the dead tree version
<Begasus> biab
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<Yoke> Ok, I may have done somehting stupid, I've somehow stacked the clock and overlay image replicants and now i can't move either
<Yoke> even having the show replecants option on the little hand on te corner of the clock isn't showing up
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<gingi> hello there
<gingi> is there a good documentation to use c bindings under rust?
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<gingi> or better : how to create a ui using rust under haiku?
<Yoke> does anyone know a way of killing replicants?
<Begasus> not a lot of documentation on rust/Haiku gingi (unfortunatly)
<Begasus> Yoke, in Deskbar menu "Show Replicants"
<Begasus> then right-click on the handle (right bottom) and "close"
<Yoke> tha doesn't seem to be working
<Yoke> ok it just worked for the desktop switcher
<Begasus> ah, so you found it :)
<Yoke> but clock and overlay image are still stuck
<Begasus> make sure nothing overlaps it
<Yoke> yeah... that's the problem
<Begasus> clock should work, have checked that not that long ago
<Begasus> +1
<Yoke> there's no hand in the bottom right of the clock
<Begasus> it does here
<Yoke> let me try restaring and see if that fixes it brb
<Yoke> *restarting
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<Yoke> Should've known it wasn't gonna be that easy
<MonniTheCat> desklink command should be able to delete Deskbar replicants
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<Yoke> would you care to explain how to use that? cause I have no idea what I'm doing tbh
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<MonniTheCat> "desklink --list" shows all replicants
<MonniTheCat> "desklink --remove=name" removes replicant with name "name"...
<Yoke> that just killed my sound XD
<Yoke> damn it
<Begasus> whoops
<Yoke> oopsies
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<Yoke> that just seems to be something to add or remove things form the deskbar, not exactly what i mean, i need to close the desktop replecants
<MonniTheCat> Tracker has configuration file with all the replicants... Deleting it while Tracker isn't running will make them not reappear...
<Yoke> is there a chance that could bugger something esle up?
<MonniTheCat> Yoke: That specific file only handles desktop replicants
<Yoke> ok so where am I looking to find that file?
<MonniTheCat> in /boot/home/config/settings/Tracker/tracker_shelf
<MonniTheCat> You can only delete or move that file while Tracker isn't running...
<Yoke> ok, that's tricky then
<MonniTheCat> kill it with ProcessController while Terminal is still running
<Yoke> i kiled it but it just restarted itself
<Yoke> hey it worked
<Yoke> i just sent it to the bin, it then replaced it with a new one then i killed tracker and now the replicants are gone
<Yoke> I think i was just getting confused
<MonniTheCat> Tracker saves that file when it quits naturally... killing should skip the saving part...
<Yoke> when I sent the old one to the trash it must've replaced it with a new clean one
<Yoke> just gonna do a quick restart to confirm
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<Yoke> Worked like a treat
<Yoke> thank you for the help on that
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<Begasus> last one! grabbing krunner6-6.9.0~rc1-1-x86_64.hpkg and moving it to /Share/haikuports/packages/krunner6-6.9.0~rc1-1-x86_64.hpkg
<Begasus> :)
<gingi> @Begasus: thanks
<gingi> bye
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<Yoke> a tad off topic but does it bug anyone else when USB ports are on the top of a pc? especaily when the case is designed to be put on top of a desk?
<Begasus> laptops only here :)
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<Yoke> fair 'nuff
<Begasus> still have a tower next to me (from the golden era) :) USB ports on the back there, handy :P
<Begasus> ps NOT (standing on the floor) :)
<Yoke> ahh, it's always great when you have to cram yourself over your pc to get to the usb ports XD
<Begasus> or go down on your knees to search without a clue where the port is and try to put the cable in on blind sight :P
<Begasus> ow, and hope the cable is long enough :P
<Yoke> and get the rotation wrong 5 times before it actually goes in
<Begasus> right! lol
<Yoke> "and hope the cable is long enough" that has happened to me more times than i can count
<Yoke> or windows throws the "This USB storage device is broken, Allow windows to fix it"
<Yoke> when It's perfectly fine
<Begasus> :)
<Begasus> afk for a bit
<Yoke> aight
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<nicoco> Hey all! I have an old laptop with an up-to-date debian installed on it and would love to try haiku. Does the Haiku installer let you resize partitions or should I free some space using a live linux distro first?
<zard> Hmm, it's been a while since I've used the installer, but I think not?
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<nicoco> Thanks for the reply zard, I guess I'll just try and see ;)
<Yoke> what is compatablity with laptops on haiku like at this point? I'm guessing it's still a case of most trackpads don't work?
<FreeFull> I'm lucky, every laptop I've tried with Haiku had a working trackpad
<Yoke> screw it, I uss there's no harm in trying it on my laptop
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<Yoke> it works
<Yoke> it even sees the damn wireless card
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<zard> Oh nice! :D
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<Yoke> yessssssssss
<Yoke> Don't know if it's the smartest idea to install this alongside Ubuntu but I might just get a 60gb M.Sata and install it on that
<Begasus> why would that be an issue?
<Yoke> I'm not worried about Haiku doing anything, it's more Ubuntu being kinda dumb sometimes
<Begasus> Ubuntu shouldn't interfere with Haiku :)
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<Yoke> I might just be unlucky with dualbooting then
<zard> Yeah, I haven't experienced any trouble with dualbooting. I wonder, what happened?
<Begasus> just don't go post cp'n between the two I guess
<Yoke> I mean in the past i've had windows and ubuntu "fight" with eachother
<zard> Ah yes, good ol' Windows
<Begasus> lol first crash with iceweasel :P
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<zard> Windows sometimes wants to replace Linux's bootloader with its own, and now, Linux won't boot!
<Yoke> the only compputer I have that runs windows is my main rig/gaming pc
<Yoke> dingdingdingding
<zard> But afaik, it's almost always Window's fault for not playing nice, not Ubuntu's
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<Yoke> true
<Yoke> now to repartition the SSD on the laptop and hope i don't break anything
<Yoke> I hate doing this
<Begasus> good luck ;)
<Yoke> man how the fuck does this work in ubuntu
<Yoke> I could've sworn i had Gparted on this
<zard> GParted sounds right...
<Yoke> just gonna have to redownload it I guess
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<Yoke> i cannot remember how to do this
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<Yoke> i'm gonna leave it here for now, if I keep pushing I'm gonna break something, I know it
<zard> Slow but steady. Good idea :)
<Begasus[m]> there is a iso download for gparted
<Begasus[m]> you can use that outside of Ubuntu
<Yoke> The hell was I thinking of then?
<Begasus[m]> I don't know :)
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<zard> Ah, you were trying to install GParted, not trying to figure out how to make it do the right thing?
<Begasus> stupid keymap bug for GTK :/
<Yoke> as soon as i start to download the iso Ubuntu has to update CANNONICAL WHY
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<san2ban> Hi issues with haikudepot? Not synchronizing the internetconnection is good...
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<Begasus[m]> hi san2ban no idea there, installed iceweasel just fine earlier
<Begasus[m]> got a build for ScummVM running atm, so can't check on this install
<Begasus[m]> but only a few minutes ago I installed uploadit without problems
<Begasus[m]> san2ban did you try with pkgman?
<Begasus[m]> Yoke dist-upgrade? ;)
<Yoke> honestly I might just go into town later this week and grab a cheapo SSD, I can't wrap my head around this at the moment
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<gordonjcp> aw shitballs, I deleted my haiku vm on this machine
<gordonjcp> also san2ban left
<Yoke> how do you accidentaly delete a VM?
<Begasus> shift-delete?
<Yoke> I wonder what the largest partition size BeFS can handle is, it would be funny to throw like 10TB at it and see if it freaks out
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<MonniTheCat> <Yoke> "I wonder what the largest..." <- As BFS is 64-bit filesystem, its should be able to handle quite large partitions, but there is separate limit for maximum size of a single file...
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<gordonjcp> Yoke: blowing away several GB of no-longer-used VMs
<JulesEnriquez[m]> Been talking to someone who's planning to port over some accessibility tools to Haiku.
<JulesEnriquez[m]> In theory, how could such tools work in Haiku?
<JulesEnriquez[m]> Presumably, they'd need to be able to know the state of other apps and be able to know the structure of GUI apps.
<JulesEnriquez[m]> Presumably, they'd need to be able to know the state of other apps and be able to know the structure of GUI apps (at least native ones).
<zard> You can use `hey` to look iterate through all of the items that make up a GUI
<zard> let me see if I can get some docs
<zard> Also, let me get some information about how it works under the hood
<zard> Now you've got some reading to do :P
<JulesEnriquez[m]> I'll forward these to my friend, thanks.
<JulesEnriquez[m]> They have also expressed interest in developing an accessibility API for Haiku, eventually.
<zard> Hmm, not very familiar with accessibility APIs
<zard> I mean, I do know about them at a very high level
<zard> But not what all would be involved to implement it
<zard> Perhaps one of the challenges is would the app have to provide accessability information (probably), and how would it provide it
<zard> It could be tricky... no idea, though
<zard> Anyway, good luck to your friend! :)
<JulesEnriquez[m]> It would prolly need some form of GUI object introspection.
<zard> We already have that to an extent. It is possible to use `hey` to enumerate GUI elements and also possible to use `hey` to press a specific button
<JulesEnriquez[m]> App developers might need to add labels to GUI elements, but I don't know enough about Haiku appdev to say much more.
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<Begasus> PulkoMandy, looking into bumping libjxl to the latest version, will file a PR for it later, it shouldn't be a problem installing it side to side with current version (that is in use by haikuwebkit, just noticed it)
<Begasus> adding a conflict for the devel package, need to add one for the tools also*
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<Begasus> syslog so far pretty calm on iceweasel
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<Begasus[m]> could take a while for scummvm to be available :)
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<scantysnax> good afternoon.
<scantysnax> iceweasel looks good but mouse leaves square trails.
<scantysnax> when moving over content.
<piusbird> are there any modernish sample projects that i could just clone and go. Also does the socket stack have support for berkly sockets
<piusbird> e.g AF_UNIX
<scantysnax> anybody having this problem?
<Begasus[m]> Hi scantysnax yeah, see that too
<scantysnax> Begasus[m]: I otherwise find it very fast.
<scantysnax> and accurate.
<piusbird> iceweasel is crashing on github
<piusbird> otherwise i'm finding it works well
<scantysnax> it reminds me of a problem i have with the cursor and a BDirectWindow, but i don't believe the two could be related.
<scantysnax> let's see if Pandora works.
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<scantysnax> wow.
<scantysnax> it eats a whole CPU.
<fancy2209[m]> Hello, I booted the live iso and my backlight and trackpad broken under Haiku, is there something I can do or do I need to learn driver development?
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<Anarchos> hello
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<bjorkintosh> fancy2209[m]: it won't hurt to learn :-)
<bjorkintosh> fancy2209[m]: does it work under other OSes?
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<cmeerw[m]> Any admin for the bug tracker around?
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