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<Halian|Haiku> The bootloader no longer sees my Haiku installation :(
<dovsienko> Hanicef[m] complained about a very similar problem recently
<Halian|Haiku> Oh dear
<dovsienko> did you do anything unusual before the reboot?
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<Halian|Haiku> dovsienko: just install some font packages from HaikuPorts, one of which made it demand a reboot afterward, and try & fail to install LyX because it wanted (and failed) to update the haiku package
<Halian|Haiku> s/Ports/Depot/
<dovsienko> the haiku package is essential for the OS booting
<Halian|Haiku> I had assumed that failing to update it would leave it untouched, especially with how quickly it failed ._.;
<waddlesplash> it should, yes
<dovsienko> do you have any error messages from that failure?
<Halian|Haiku> There was one, but I don't remember exactly what it said, nor did I think to take a screenshot :<
<Halian|Haiku> On second thought, it was TeX Live, not LyX
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<Halian|Haiku> ._.
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<Halian> dovsienko: I ended up having to reinstall Haiku; thankfully, it remembered my preferences
<Halian> Unfortunately (and this was an issue previously), the bootloader always initially thinks there are no Haiku partitions, and I have to point it at the one I have, which it sees twice for some reason
<Halian> brb switching to weechat
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<Halian> Back
<dovsienko> hmm, I don't know what to advice besides having backups and trying to find the steps to reproduce the problem, this time with more diagnostics
<Halian> Sorry :<
<scantysnax> OS Uptime [Haiku]: 18 days 5 hrs 41 mins 34.929 secs
<scantysnax> not bad, rigiht?
<scantysnax> right*
<Halian> Nice
<scantysnax> at least now i can do a few things in iceweasel that i can't do in falkon
<scantysnax> also if you want access to your ext volumes on haiku, mount them read-only.
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev58484] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] faf884663efe - kernel: Use CPUCLOCK_SPECIAL in user_timer_get_clock.
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev58485] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] e6a4a197e26c - PowerStatus: Quit if asked to install in Deskbar when already installed.
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<coolcoder613> I just discovered this:
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<zdykstra> huh
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<Begasus> morning peeps
<coolcoder613> hi Begasus
<Begasus> hi coolcoder613
<Begasus> nice, master branch for skrooge has the option to disable qtwebengine for Qt6 :)
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] humdingerb pushed 1 commit to master [hrev58486] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 8aec27565f5e - Rename notification sound names
<Begasus> bugger ... ##CRITICAL: DBus session bus not found. To circumvent this problem try the following command (with bash):
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<Begasus> k, doesn't seem to be ready for KF6 yet :)
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<Hanicef[m]> <Halian|Haiku> "The bootloader no longer sees my..." <- Are you also using qemu? If so, that might narrow down the issue
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<Hanicef[m]> I'm not at home to be able to test another vm, though, so can't test myself
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<_-Caleb-_> Hi all!
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<_-Caleb-_> Hola again :-)
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<HaikuUser> Hi guys, good morning, i have a question: It's possible port Calligra 4.0 to Haiku?
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<coolcoder613> _-Caleb-_: Which version do we already have?
<Begasus[m]> Calligra is already in the depot
<_-Caleb-_> coolcoder613 3.2 in 32 bits at least
<_-Caleb-_> the last stable one
<_-Caleb-_> before the 4.0 (Launched a few months ago)
<coolcoder613> Begasus? Your area.
<Begasus[m]> ;-)
<coolcoder613> You're the big Qt/KDE porter
<_-Caleb-_> I think the same... "Is cool, IS QT, it's for Begasus[m]" ;.P
<_-Caleb-_> hehehhehe
<Begasus[m]> last time I checked work from 3dEyes 4.0.1 was fine on 64bit but not on 32bit
<_-Caleb-_> maybe you can look around to see if it's possible :-), just that.
<Begasus[m]> so he was looking into it (been a while though)
<_-Caleb-_> Oh okis, i can ask him, but he doesn't like compile for 32 bits haiku :-D
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<_-Caleb-_> Thanks anyway guys!!
<Begasus[m]> most of us use 64bit as main setup I guess now
<coolcoder613> _-Caleb-_: Why do you run 32-bit? Hardware or programs?
<_-Caleb-_> Hardware
<coolcoder613> _-Caleb-_: You could try running GoBe Productive or Be Basics
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<_-Caleb-_> I have be-basics and gobe sure, and i a Crusade of Sum-it! but i need some modern form of work to keep the compatibility with my other pc's.
<_-Caleb-_> *i am a crusader...
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<coolcoder613> Sum-It is from Be Basics
<coolcoder613> _-Caleb-_: You could use RTF?
<_-Caleb-_> yeah i know sum-it is from be-basics but atm, im using the open sum-it in the depot
<_-Caleb-_> i use rtf or odt yep
<_-Caleb-_> for this reason ive asked about calligra, i like use it here. I have lot of ODT documents that i can't open with gobe or write-it
<coolcoder613> Shame Writer was never open sourced
<_-Caleb-_> yes, it's really cool
<coolcoder613> Yeah, nice word processor that Haiku could have used
<Begasus[m]> wouldn't your spec be a bit on the low side for Calligra _-Caleb-_?
<Begasus[m]> anyway, just pushed Skrooge to the buildmasters :) (have been laying around here long enough now)
<_-Caleb-_> well Begasus[m], be low to libre office, that's sure :-D
<Begasus[m]> :D
<Begasus[m]> afk for a bit
<_-Caleb-_> but is the MAX specs for that PC (Fujitsu Futro S550)
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<_-Caleb-_> well guys, time to go ! Cu later!
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<Begasus[m]> oh whoot! buildmasters are back online! :D
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<jmairboeck> thanks for the notice Begasus[m]!
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<Begasus> all yours now jmairboeck :)
<jmairboeck> I already pushed a fix :)
<Begasus> ah, was outside just now
<jmairboeck> the rest is coming soon (well, a bit of it)
<jmairboeck> botifico is missing ...
<Begasus[m]> nice!
<Begasus[m]> yeah, well not missing, stopped
<jmairboeck> yes, I know, I meant that I miss it. We need a replacement for that
<Begasus[m]> there's still nekobot, can't that hook into haikuports?
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<Begasus[m]> at least some commotion when OscarL isn't in the hosue :D
<Begasus> need to make a screenie or two for Tokodon (Skrooge) and the forum
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<Begasus[m]> changed wallpaper too :D
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<Begasus[m]> let's run a test build on this
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<jmairboeck> the PR for XML::LibXML is ready:
<Begasus> Finished `release` profile [optimized] target(s) in 5m 30s
<Begasus> tokio finished fine too :) (pretty fast for a rust source) :D
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<Begasus[m]> trailing ... ? ;)
<Begasus[m]> hi zardshard
<zard> o.
<zard> * o/
<Begasus[m]> rr I take your word on that PR jmairboeck :D
<jmairboeck> fixed the whitespace issue Begasus[m]
<jmairboeck> I can't merge it yet because it depends on the haikuporter changes
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<jmairboeck> otherwise I'll have to remove or modify at least the cp for the pre-uninstall scripts because like this they don't build with upstream haikuporter
<jmairboeck> because $preUninstallDir isn't defined
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<humdinger> Begasus: you messed up the Skrooge summary. :)
<Begasus> hiho humdinger, would this work? Personal finances manager, aiming at being simple and intuitive
<Begasus> :P (replied on the forum already) :)
<humdinger> well. its description says powerful, not simple or intuitive :)
<humdinger> oh
<Begasus> without some summary available I tend to hop to Gentoo's one
<humdinger> the 2nd paragraph is also low-info. away with it?
<humdinger> "A powerful manager for personal finances" ?
<humdinger> andin the summary i should be plural "ways"
<Begasus[m]> Grabbed from upstream (description) :)
<Begasus[m]> sure, can go either way now
<humdinger> maybe add a few bullits of instead
<Begasus> heh, maybe you could file a MR for the typo "ways" :)
<humdinger> pfftt. :)
<Begasus[m]> I don't think the bullet list add up there? if added it should keep the URI's in there too
<humdinger> lost me there... huh?
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<humdinger> for the summary:
<Begasus> me is lost too :)
<Begasus[m]> whoot, where did you get that list?
<humdinger> linked from the page you gave before
<Begasus[m]> tss ... why don't they keep that info together, indeed better
<Begasus> sec, re-packaging
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<Begasus> ow bugger, cleaned the build :P
<Begasus> hmm ... probably should update HOMEPAGE also
<humdinger> you were in a rush, eh? :) :)
<Begasus[m]> nah, this has been in my work dir for a long time (had done previous versions alo), guess I just didn't finish up that part :D
<Begasus> humdinger, better?
<Begasus> not going to do a rebuild here for this
<humdinger> very good!
<Begasus> +1 :)
<humdinger> I'm off for some preparations for tonight.
<humdinger> entertaining some guest...
<humdinger> have a nice New Years!
<Begasus> thanks again
<Begasus> have a nice one too!
<humdinger> cu next year! :)
* humdinger waves
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<Begasus[m]> done
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<waddlesplash> jmairboeck: is that KDL a regression then?
<waddlesplash> or can you get it with an earlier hrev
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<JulesEnriquez[m]> Happy year increment!
<JulesEnriquez[m]> Currently living in the future year of 2025.
<gordonjcp> JulesEnriquez[m]: Happy New Year! That's about eight hours off here in GMT-land
<jmairboeck> waddlesplash: I booted into an older state (hrev58477), but I'm not sure if I actually can install package updates there, as it says that "a reboot is necessary to complete the package installation" and catattr SYS:PACKAGE on a file owned by the package still displays the old version
<waddlesplash> you may need to actually revert to the older state
<waddlesplash> pkgman ins path/to/state/*.hpkg
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<jmairboeck> ok, trying to uninstall texlive-2024-1 with Terminal open in /boot/system/data/texlive/texmf-dist triggers the same KDL on hrev58477
<jmairboeck> so it is no recent regression
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<Begasus> HNY then JulesEnriquez[m] :)
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<boody24[m]> hey
<boody24[m]> here in arm64, is rpi3 not even needed?
<boody24[m]> because I already have one
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<Skipp_OSX> can you set the default screen resolution in UserBuildConfig?
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<PulkoMandy> Skipp_OSX: You can copy a vesa settings file to the image, I think that should work?
<Skipp_OSX> hmmmm ok where would I get one of those, in Haiku somewhere?
<Skipp_OSX> (working on Icon-O-Matic, would save me having to change screen resolution each time)
<augiedoggie> there is one in the repository, data/settings/kernel/drivers/vesa
<tqh> boody24[m], neither arm or arm64 is near complete ports. As a first step you need to pick a target architecture. And it is easier to start with a newer architecture, as it has more hw functionality.
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<boody24[m]> <tqh> "boody24, neither arm or arm64 is..." <- Yes, I would like to work on the arm64
<boody24[m]> will rpi3 suffice for now?
<tqh> I don't think so. The (early=) zstd pkg for arm64 had really high requireements with fp16 and atomics so we aimed at newer arch to start with.
<andreasdr[m]> Hi there.
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<Skipp_OSX> where does this vesa file go? I put it in home/config/settings/kernel/drivers but no go
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<OscarL> Skipp_OSX: location looks correct. Content OK? Should be, say: "mode 800 600 32", and the resolution used has to be available/supported by the VESA BIOS on your card.
<Skipp_OSX> mode 1440 900 32
<Skipp_OSX> (which is supported by VESA on VMware)
<tqh1> probably zstd has become more usable outside of x86 since then, but doing crosscompile ports of packages is a pain before you have a platform..
<Skipp_OSX> let's try 1366x768 a more standard res
<OscarL> Skipp_OSX: uninstalled or disabled/blacklisted the vmware driver?
<OscarL> any resolutions you see on the boot menu should work.
<Skipp_OSX> on the boot menu you say... ok let me look at that, I'm looking at screen...
<Skipp_OSX> yeah it's there
<Skipp_OSX> all the resolutions are there in a big list
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<OscarL> Mmm, I remember having some issues setting default resolution while on VMs (I use the same install for bare-metal too, so had to pick one res that both supported)...
<boody24[m]> <tqh> "I don't think so. The (early..." <- hmm, what do you suggest me do until I get a rpi4?
<boody24[m]> * suggest me to do until
<OscarL> Skipp_OSX: try nuking ~/config/settings/app_server/workspaces (or make sure the "frame" B_RECT_TYPE data for each matches the resolution you want)
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<Skipp_OSX> no luck but I did figure out what I was doing wrong in my code... silly mistake AddInt32 instead of AddUInt32 arg
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<OscarL> Happy new year, everyone! See you next year.
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<milek7> boody24[m]: currently I don't think that would work either
<Skipp_OSX> Happy New Year everyone
<milek7> you would probably need to mess with compile flags
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<milek7> as rpi4 is still armv8.0
<tqh1> boody24[m], better to get a bare haiku booting on qemu arm64, then rebuild arm64 packages with lower arch requirements, then build haiku for real hw.
<boody24[m]> milek7: okay so should I stay with qemu for now?
<boody24[m]> Or what to do?
<tqh1> boody24[m], yes use qemu as I wrote above.
<milek7> well certainly qemu would be easier
<coolcoder613> HNY all
<tqh1> Then it is easier to rebuild packages and fix things.
<tqh1> After that comes the time to figure out real hardware detection and drivers.
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<boody24[m]> Okay cool
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<AlienSoldier> the time needded to start a video in mediaplayer from click of the video, loading the app and the video and the first animation frame could be improved. They are quite long.
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