ah! didn't spot that one, thanks, so that is a different issue :)
k, only one here on my system would be freerdp then
saved in: /boot/system/data/man
whoot, already a "few" versions behind latest release
looking at that patchset I'm not going to bump there :)
waddlesplash: ok i think i wanna fix this hilarious trackpad behvaiour. :P
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had forgotten the size of scipy... will leave it for later :-)
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hey people
quick query, is the web down majorly anywhere? or any new problems with certain routers past 24 hours?
phone networks even?
in australia, specifically
yesterday connecting to different routers all played up
same time
more than 1 sim card
is fine here for me in california
sounds like a telco problem in AU ?
i know our phone company did some line work for mobile phones recently, and its said to be fixed
yeh, id say its the telco
better try get on the site and tell them
irc works fine
any progress OscarL?
anything we can help with?
for scipy I need to add a couple more recipes (trying to find out if I had something already WIP for them)
ok, just shout when in need :)
in the meantime... I think #11530 can be merged as is, and we can update Monsterz, and Singularity later on.
(no pressure now on those as I now know how to fix them for the newer numpy)
how's it with that "gast" PR?
it is in "old style", but looks decent (haven't actually used it yet, though).
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no harm in merging it, I guess. It will make it easier for me to touch up along the rest of the recipes I need for new scipy.
OK, let's merge, no use on forcing new style for now
Begasus: re numpy... as mentioned in #11533... it would be nice to test if blender and opencv (and the recipes that depend on the latter) stil work with numpy from #11534
I can work on the rest of recipes... but those... not my cup of tea.
not going to build blender, but could check installing :)
that will be helpful enough!
no idea what parts of Blender actually use numpy, though.
still have to build newer numpy first though
k, freerdp should be good now, could call the manpage for it
(might be hard to trigger an issue, if there's any at all)
if it passes by your hand it's already * proof :D
Begasus[m]: no hurries with testing... I still need some hours of sleep :-P
I should be done for kdevelop, so got some time now :)
re kdevelop, got the python language support added (and one for php) OscarL :) https://0x0.st/8r5W.png
read that on the logs. good work!
not sure if I should release new one though, with qtwebengine disabled, documentation doesn't work on it, and I'm not sure how much that is being used (doesn't interfere with working with it)
bah, seems I missed notifications when iam-git updated the gast recipe. He did changed the style and left only 3.10... but revision was set to 2 :-D
missed that :) well it's a new revision (although first one wasn't merged) :P
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re: kdevelop. if it works, lack of local docs isn't really a show-stopper, I think.
k, numpy build launched
will do some further testing first I guess, maybe see what upstream is thinking of it
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(re: numpy build) shouldn't take too long. takes around <15 minutes on my machine (IIRC).
atleast there is an interest in patching out qtwebengine (as not all OS's got the one for Qt6)
makes sense.
this is still VM, no way to tell how fast it will be :)
no rust needed? iirc it was required at one point for numpy
I'm not touching rust :-)
and haven't seen mentions of it so far for these recipes.
grabbing numpy-2.2.1-1-x86_64.hpkg and moving it to /Share/haikuports/packages/numpy-2.2.1-1-x86_64.hpkg
network is acting up again. Can't git fetch :-/
that wasn't so bad :)
right. was pleasantly surprised at that build.
much more smoother than before.
yeah, rembmer it being a pain to build
smooth install, at least didn't brake the system :P
* OscarL
looks around confused.
zssstt :P
eeps: runtime_loader: Cannot open file libpystring.so.0.0 (needed by /boot/system/lib/libOpenColorIO.so.2.0.1): No such file or directory (Blender)
no idea from where that libpystring.so file comes from
Begasus: if you re-install the previous numpy... the error goes away?
launches fine now
not an issue from numpy
ah, "dev-cpp/pystring"
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both versions for pystring can be co-installed without issue
opencv didn't complain so far on numpy too
mm, opencolorio does lists libpystring, needs a version constraint so it picks the right one?
not seeing numpy in it's requires?
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not looking forward on those ocio and related :)
"ir numpy" shows numpy${secondaryArchSuffix}_python310 on opencv-4.8.0.recipe
kdenlive and shotcut are disabled in the repo, but could check a new build for kdenlive (was planning to anyway)
(in future updates, we should just use "numpy_python310" in REQUIRES)
Opeing it in Expander doesn't list it?
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Begasus: the _tools package uses it, and it is a BUILD_REQUIRES.
so I guess that simplifies things.
ah, not the base package (don't have that tools package installed)
might be able to just take most if not all the recipes that depend on opencv from the list to test.
sorry, I missed it was only on _tools for runtime dependency.
np :) shortens the list, and I guess most of the other ones shouldn't be too hard to tackle, given a few that are
Begasus[m]: does the Blender package includes its own copy of numpy? (that's what I'm reading online, but that's for linux)
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why do we have Blender 2.79 and Blender 3.3 on 64 bits?
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I'm assuming only the older could be built on 32 bits, but shouldn't we disable the old one for 64 bits?
iirc there were some issues on both for 64bit
but not looking forward on checking this in a VM :)
seems to have a bazillion .py files... will need to grep those to see which one imports numpy, so we know what to (try to) test.
I'll let you tackle that as the grep guru :)
well... task is shorter than expected already. Will continue with it after some sleep.
launching kdenlive 24.12.0
ok, cu later :)
doggies here :)
thanks for the assist, Begasus. Have a good one!
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Could NOT find MLT: Found unsuitable version "7.22.0", but required is at
least "7.28.0" (found /packages/mlt-7.22.0-1/.self/develop/lib/libmlt-7.so)
ok, that needs an update too ...
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a bit off topic, but does anyone know of a decent IRC client for debian? honestly I keep drawing up blanks.
should be plenty around there I guess
you say that and I just find Konversation, Damn it.
Konversion as a lot of others should be pretty comon on linux
looks like I already got latest mlt here :)
Begasus hey
so long as it's not a pain to get working like it was on windows then I'll be good
hi draKon
using Nheko on Windows here
and HexChat (but haven't used that in a while)
and now I forget how to get on to the OFTC server, man
Yoke: I like to use Quassel
right, i've gotten connected now, finally
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Point 1 for brute forcing stuff until it works XD
and I now realise that it shows my first name in the join prompt, that's not great
the joy of default settings, making cybersecurity bloody difficult since the start of networked computing
I know it's a "thing" in this era, but I'm not that worried here
anything like this is pretty much harmless, I mean IRC is like a big pit we all thow ASCII into and hope that the person on the other end understands what has been typed
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I mean in comparison to say something like discord or WhatsApp
no discord here, whatapp only once or twice in a year :)
wahtsApp just for distant relatives and the in-laws?
[haiku/haiku] e4420b24ebdb - Terminal: fixed possible memory leak on error.
puppy updates :)
aww you have puppers?
last litter already almost 3 years :P
Aww, I hope they're getting on alright then
so far no complaints :D
2 of them still here
ah bugger, I gotta go, speak to yas later. Hope the puppies don't give you any trouble
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hi, it seems that my wifi card `rtl8852be` doesn't work on haiku. from what i know, haiku uses freebsd drivers. however, freebsd supports it through `rtw89`. is there something i'm missing? firmware files?
the easiest way is to buy a cheap usb wifi
diver: oh, interesting. i have been using usb tethering from my phone instead. how hard/easy would it be for haiku to get an equivalent of `linuxkpi`?
there is no one who is interested in it currently, so not easy
what is linuxkpi?
phschafft: freebsd kernel compatibility layer for linux drivers
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distutils.errors.DistutilsError: Command '['/bin/python3.10', '-m', 'pip', '--disable-pip-version-check', 'wheel', '--no-deps', '-w', '/tmp/tmpbqj_6k3s', '--quiet', 'numpy<2.1,>=2.0.0rc1']' returned non-zero exit status 1.
numpy to new now? :P
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hi phschafft :)
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all good?
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can't complain, other then kdenlive crashing :)
so much to do for such a short day today.
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nephele_xmpp, I'm here :)
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adrian_: any of the settings in Input preferences help touchpad behavior?
if the device shows up there as a mouse and not a touchpad then that may be most of the problem
it may be one of the touchpads that we don't fully support the touchpad protocol for then so it just gets used as a mouse
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lemme look
i need to setup an actual dev env first tho
also we need to have a chat about that wifi SSID list :p
next step is scrolling up and seeing how to update it to the latest snapshot build
then i'll look at the touchpad
yeah the SSID list really needs to be fixed
but I've never gotten around to it
and it works "well enough" so
adrian_: dev env is pretty easy on Haiku itself, clone the repo and run ./configure, that's it
oh, one file you need to edit if not using the cross tools
but otherwise that's all you need
let's just say
with a mesh setup
I see my SSID like five hundred odd times
but yes when I clicked and filled out the deets, it just worked, so
honestly so much nostalgia bringing up haiku
it just worked, installer shenanigans aside