ChanServ changed the topic of #haiku to: Open-source operating system that specifically targets personal computing. | | Nightlies: | Bugtracker: | SCM: | Logs: | Matrix: | XMPP:
<coolcoder613> where would settimeofday be?
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] threedeyes pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57332] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 554dc8b06072 - VideoWindow add-on: Fix add-on loading (Remove unnecessary check)
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* coolcoder613 is porting freebasic... who knew haiku was compatible with solaris?
<coolcoder613> fbc binary compiled!
<coolcoder613> how can i get X11/extensions/Xrandr.h?
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<coolcoder613> fbc -e -m fbc -w pedantic -maxerr 1 -x bin/fbc-new src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/ast-gosub.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/ast-helper.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/ast-misc.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/ast-node-addr.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/ast-node-arg.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/ast-node-assign.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/ast-node-bop.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/ast-node-branch.o
<coolcoder613> src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/ast-node-mem.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/ast-node-misc.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/ast-node-proc.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/ast-node-ptr.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/ast-node-scope.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/ast-node-typeini.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/ast-node-uop.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/ast-node-var.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/ast-optimize.o
<coolcoder613> src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/ast-node-call.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/ast-node-check.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/ast-node-const.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/ast-node-conv.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/ast-node-data.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/ast-node-decl.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/ast-node-idx.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/ast-node-iif.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/ast-node-macro.o
<coolcoder613> src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/fbc.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/flist.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/hash.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/hlp-str.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/hlp.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/ir-gas64.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/ir-hlc.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/ir-llvm.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/ir-tac.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/ir.o
<coolcoder613> src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/ast-vectorize.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/ast.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/dstr.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/edbg_stab.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/emit.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/emit_SSE.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/emit_x86.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/error.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/fb-main.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/fb.o
<coolcoder613> src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/lex-utf.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/lex.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/list.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/objinfo.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/parser-assignment.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/parser-comment.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/parser-compound-do.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/parser-compound-extern.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/parser-compound-for.o
<coolcoder613> src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/parser-compound-if.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/parser-compound-namespace.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/parser-compound-scope.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/parser-compound-select-const.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/parser-compound-select.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/parser-compound-while.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/parser-compound-with.o
<coolcoder613> src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/parser-compound.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/parser-decl-const.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/parser-decl-def.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/parser-decl-enum.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/parser-decl-option.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/parser-decl-proc-params.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/parser-decl-proc.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/parser-decl-struct.o
<coolcoder613> src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/parser-decl-symb-init.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/parser-decl-symbtype.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/parser-decl-typedef.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/parser-decl-var.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/parser-decl.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/parser-expr-atom.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/parser-expr-binary.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/parser-expr-constant.o
<coolcoder613> src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/parser-expr-function.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/parser-expr-unary.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/parser-expr-variable.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/parser-identifier.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/parser-inlineasm.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/parser-label.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/parser-proc.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/parser-proccall-args.o
<coolcoder613> src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/parser-proccall.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/parser-quirk-array.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/parser-quirk-casting.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/parser-quirk-console.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/parser-quirk-data.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/parser-quirk-error.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/parser-quirk-file.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/parser-quirk-gfx.o
<coolcoder613> src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/parser-quirk-goto-return.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/parser-quirk-iif.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/parser-quirk-math.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/parser-quirk-mem.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/parser-quirk-on.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/parser-quirk-peekpoke.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/parser-quirk-string.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/parser-quirk-thread.o
<coolcoder613> src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/parser-quirk-vafirst.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/parser-quirk.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/parser-statement.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/parser-toplevel.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/pool.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/pp-cond.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/pp-define.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/pp-pragma.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/pp.o
<coolcoder613> src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/reg.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/rtl-array.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/rtl-console.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/rtl-data.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/rtl-error.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/rtl-file.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/rtl-gfx.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/rtl-gosub.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/rtl-macro.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/rtl-math.o
<coolcoder613> src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/rtl-mem.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/rtl-oop.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/rtl-print.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/rtl-profile.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/rtl-string.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/rtl-system-thread.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/rtl-system.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/rtl.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/stack.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/symb-comp.o
<coolcoder613> src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/symb-const.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/symb-data.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/symb-define.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/symb-enum.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/symb-keyword.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/symb-label.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/symb-mangling.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/symb-namespace.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/symb-proc.o
<coolcoder613> src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/symb-scope.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/symb-struct.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/symb-typedef.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/symb-var.o src/compiler/obj/solaris-x86_64/symb.o
<augiedoggie> :/
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<zdykstra> Come on man
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<zdykstra> Use a pastebin
<coolcoder613> pasted by mistake
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<coolcoder613> can anyone help me with porting freebasic?
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erysdren has joined #haiku
<coolcoder613> Hi erydren
<erysdren> hi hi
<erysdren> whats up
<coolcoder613> Trying to port freebasic
<erysdren> having any trouble?
<coolcoder613> Haiku is apparently compatible with solaris
<erysdren> do you daily-drive haiku, coolcoder?
<erysdren> im curious about it, but i haven't had much luck so far
<coolcoder613> i've managed to build a fbc binary from the solaris bootstrap sources, but i'm having a hard time using it
<erysdren> it seems like all the stuff i wanna use is not ported or is kinda clunky on haiku
<erysdren> and i don't have the time to fix up everything myself
<coolcoder613> I use two different laptops on the table, a macbook, and a thinkpad with haiku
<erysdren> all haiku you mean?
<erysdren> or just the thinkpad
<coolcoder613> its a m1 macbook, so just the thinkpad
<erysdren> oh right
<erysdren> i totally misread what you said lol
<erysdren> i just gave my big desktop rig to my wife, so she can play games that require 32GB of RAM and the core i5 i have
<erysdren> so im using a laptop now. switched to openSUSE from Arch Linux
<erysdren> now i'm wondering if i should try the haiku train for real
<coolcoder613> Definately try it for a while, and see if it works for you.
<erysdren> i've used it a lot in a VM, and a little bit on hardware
<erysdren> so i know that i like it, but i'm wondering if i could daily drive it
<erysdren> i had it on a 2006 thinkpad, but it was very slow
<coolcoder613> Well, what do you do on your daily driver?
<erysdren> mostly the programs i use
<erysdren> TrenchBroom for making game levels in FTEQW and Quake
<erysdren> which is not ported yet.
<erysdren> but it's qt5, so its possible
<erysdren> i also use VS Code for programming, but any IDE would probably do
<erysdren> Genio for haiku looks good
<coolcoder613> You dont have to have *only* Haiku, you can always dual boot
<erysdren> true, but this laptop i'm on now only has 128 gb
<erysdren> it's gonna be a tight fit
<coolcoder613> no, not really, as long as you are not using windows
<erysdren> it's gonna be openSUSE + Haiku
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<erysdren> however, i'll have to resize the SUSE partition i guess
<erysdren> it's already taking up the whole drive
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<coolcoder613> I have plenty of space on a 180GB hard drive, I have 26GB free on a 70Gb haiku partition, and i have a unused linux install on the rest
<erysdren> what's your daily routine on haiku look like?
<erysdren> watching youtube on haiku was a bit of a struggle last time i checked, even with a core i5
<coolcoder613> I turn on the laptop, connect to wifi, open vision and web+, then i usually open Terminal and play around, try to port things, write software...
<erysdren> that's usually what i do on Linux, except with youtube for music/entertainment and discord+konversation for chatting
<erysdren> both of which are a bit of a tall order for haiku currently
<erysdren> hmm
<erysdren> i love the way haiku feels compared to linux, i'm just worried about being productive
<erysdren> there's lots of stuff i need to do
<erysdren> the real answer is that if im this worried i should probably hold off for a bit lol
<erysdren> hmm i just realized i have a spare GeForce GTX 570. apparently Haiku works GTX 560
<erysdren> i wonder if it'll work with the 570
<coolcoder613> there is smtube in the depot
<coolcoder613> YouTube browser for SMPlayerSMTube is an application that allows to browse, search and play YouTube videos. Videos are played back with a media player (by default SMPlayer) instead of a flash player, this allows better performance, particularly with HD content.
<coolcoder613> I think you can use discord web UI, and there is vision for IRC
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Begasus has joined #haiku
<Begasus> g'morning peeps
<erysdren> good morning Begasus
<Begasus> Hi there erysdren
<Begasus> coolcoder613[m], you can't use xrandr on Haiku atm
<Begasus> been disabled after the switch to xlibe
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<botifico> [haiku/website] humdingerb pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haiku/website] humdingerb ac8474e - Installation guide: update step 11, fixed typos
TMM has quit [Quit: - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.]
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<erysdren> Begasus, do you have any installed OS's besides Haiku?
<Begasus> On this one Windows (pre-installed)
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<erysdren> do you use them regularly or mainly haiku?
<coolcoder613> Hello Begasus
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<erysdren> good morning
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coolcoder613eb is now known as coolocoder613
<coolocoder613> I've made some progress with freebasic
coolocoder613 is now known as coolcoder613
<coolcoder613> its now camplaining about undefined reference to symbol 'memcmp'
<erysdren> oh thats not good
<erysdren> lol
<erysdren> thats a libc symbol isnt it?
<coolcoder613> Yes
<coolcoder613> compiling C: gcc -m64 -march=x86-64 -S -nostdlib -nostdinc -Wall -Wno-unused -Wno-main -Werror-implicit-function-declaration -O0 -fno-strict-aliasing -frounding-math -fno-math-errno -fwrapv -fno-exceptions -fno-asynchronous-unwind-tables -funwind-tables -Wno-format -masm=intel "rpg.c" -o "rpg.asm"
<Begasus> coolcoder613 try to link also to -lroot?
<Begasus> busy at the house for a bit :) (morning chores)
<Begasus> erysdren, maily Haiku, boot into Windows in the mornng, mainly checking FB (Haiku page) :) and LinkedIn (advertising Haiku) :)
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-0/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Luca1991 b65d6dd - ClamAV: added recipe (#9630)
<Begasus> today's work ... finish up on frogatto, bump cudatext ...
<erysdren> > -nostdlib
<erysdren> memcmp is part of stdlib
* coolcoder613 sighs... freebasic... might just be easier to manually write out the machine code
<erysdren> is nostdlib required?
<erysdren> why is that?
<coolcoder613> Or to use ChatGPT to convert the code to Rust... :)
<coolcoder613> because it is using the freebasic runtime
<coolcoder613> not libc
<Begasus> cstring?
<coolcoder613> almost...
<coolcoder613> boot/system/develop/tools/bin/../lib/gcc/x86_64-unknown-haiku/13.2.0/../../../../x86_64-unknown-haiku/bin/ld: warning: cannot find entry symbol _start; defaulting to 00000000004017d0
<coolcoder613> what is the Haiku equivalent to crt1.o
<Begasus> crt1 is from LLVM iirc
<coolcoder613> what about crt0.o
<coolcoder613> start_dyn.o?
<Begasus> looks like it
<coolcoder613> YES!!!!
<Begasus> but I'm not the dev here ;)
<coolcoder613> ITS WORKING!!!
<Begasus> nice!
<coolcoder613> Warning: Understatement on line 1: /me is very happy about this
<coolcoder613> :)
<Begasus> we can live with warnings :)
<coolcoder613> Now I can try make a recipe
<Begasus> +1
<Begasus> ah, another update on R1B4 ...
<coolcoder613> I'm on the nightlies, havent been burned yet ;)
<Begasus> I'm just staying on R1B4 because I want to be sure it builds on the buildmasters also
<Begasus> dwarfv5 related update
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<Begasus> let's see if there is an update on fpcupdeluxe ...
<Begasus> nah, still on par there
<Begasus> building fpc/lazarus on 32bit (again) :)
<coolcoder613> A recipe... might be a bit hard, I'll use the way freebasic distributes for other platforms
<Begasus> you could do like I do for CudaText ? :)
<Begasus> no source there, only the needed things to grab it in a recipe and make a package for it
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<Begasus> fpc done, now lazarus ...
<Begasus_32> nice when things work :) SUCCESS: installation by fpcupdeluxe complete !
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] pulkomandy pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57333] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] ac121994b122 - Deskbar: Set sub-menus to menu font
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<andreaa72> why the name lazarus ? ;)
<Begasus> who cares andreaa72, someone invented the name, I only care if it works :)
<andreaa72> :)
<Begasus> success! :D
<andreaa72> fpc helloworld.pas
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<andreaa72> i apologize : the url of suite to paste txt?
<andreaa72> site ...
<HaikuUser> Hi there! I'm trying out Haiku, one thing I can't do is connect the external monitor work, to laptop via classic VGA connector. Anyone could do that?
<Begasus> Hello HaikuUser, external monitors can be a problem I think, you might get some (or find) more info at the forum?
<erysdren> i don't think haiku supports secondary monitors whatsoever
<coolcoder613> I think it work in VESA mode
<coolcoder613> I once had Haiku plugged in to a projector
<HaikuUser> ok, thanks for replies, I'll check the forums too
<HaikuUser> @coolcoder613, how to connect in VESA mode? if it's hard, could you refer me somewhere?
<Begasus> HaikuUser, check Preferences -> Screen
<andreaa72> Begasus_32 : was pastebin ?
<Begasus> it will tell you if you are running in VESA mode
<Begasus> or Framebuffer (EFI)
<HaikuUser> no it does't say VESA nor Framebuffer/EFI
<erysdren> oh what does it say?
<Begasus> then you are running a display driver that detects your hardware :)
<Begasus> maybe Intel?
<HaikuUser> well, it says "intel hd/iris (ironLake Mobile)"
<coolcoder613> Then you can use fallback video mode in the bootloader menu
<HaikuUser> then below that - a little rectangle with "101 dpi", then below - Brightness slider, then Workspaces; then on the right- Resolution, Colors and Refresh rate
<Begasus> coolcoder613, why use fallback video if the hardware is supported?
<coolcoder613> It may help with the multiple screens
<erysdren> i don't think VESA is designed for more than one display
<coolcoder613> The screens will be mirrored
<HaikuUser> The way I normally use the external monitor (with Windows) is whenclosing laptop lid, I use the external monitor (while laptops' monitor turns black)
<HaikuUser> So that basically use the laptop as desktop, for bigger screen
<HaikuUser> but I would not mind if the screens are mirrored, just to make it work at all
<coolcoder613> HaikuUser: you can use /nick Username to change your name from HaikuUser
HaikuUser is now known as vic5
<vic5> thanks, but is there a way to make it remember this nickname? or do Ihave to do this every time I open Vision?
<Begasus> vic5, in the menu: Sever -> Setup
<Begasus> biab
<coolcoder613> You go to Server -> Setup -> OFTC -> Network setup
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<vic5> let's see...
<vic5> ok, it works, it remembers the nickname after restart
<andreaa72> about pascal : ;)
<vic5> someone said (sorry I don't remember who as I restarted Vision)that I could set in bootloader a fallback video (for external monitor); is there a Gui for bootloader? I can't see it in Applications
<coolcoder613> It was me
<coolcoder613> You enter the bootloader menu when you are booting up
<coolcoder613> you press space
<vic5> ..
<vic5> ok coolcoder613; is that entering in Bios or something else of Haiku?
<vic5> btw, I've set it up to dual boot with Windows
<coolcoder613> No, right after BIOS
<coolcoder613> What bootloader are you using?
<Begasus> coolcoder613, also release for Solaris?
<vic5> I'm not quite sure, but it's not Grub. I set up the dual boot by just using the Installer/tools after installing Haiku to a partition on the disk.
<erysdren> are you using BIOS or UEFI?
<vic5> bios
<coolcoder613> Begasus: its called solaris, but its haiku
<erysdren> is it for x86_64?
<coolcoder613> Yes
<vic5> yes
<Begasus> a bit confusing that way coolcoder613 :)
<coolcoder613> The solaris code, is compatible with Haiku, so it builds as solaris
<vic5> Ok coolcoder, I'll try to restart and press space right after it asks me "press F2 for bios, f12 for boot options". So, it should be done before getting to the menu of choosing Haiku vs other OS to boot, correct?
<coolcoder613> No, after that screen goes away
<coolcoder613> and after haiku vs windows
<vic5> oh, so after choosing haiku
<coolcoder613> yes
<vic5> ok, I'm going ahead...
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<Begasus> before Haiku's bootscreen appears :)
<coolcoder613> He's gone already
<Begasus> yep saw it
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<coolcoder613> And?
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<coolcoder613> vic5?
<vic5> I should have kept "space" pressed right? after choosing haiku at boot menu. That's what I did, but it just got me back as usual
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<vic5> (very fast restart by the way ... several times faster than Windows)
<coolcoder613> no, maybe spam press space until the menu opens
<coolcoder613> (*Very* fast install, several orders of magnitude faster than windows) :)
<Begasus> biab, reboot
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<coolcoder613> On computers that use UEFI for booting instead of the classic BIOS, you need to use the SPACEBAR instead of SHIFT.
<vic5> (yes, install was a breeze compared to Windows!)
<coolcoder613> So Shift, then
<vic5> yeah... I'll try that now
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<PulkoMandy> You have to spam the spacebar if booting with UEFI
<PulkoMandy> Shift works only for the bios loader
<Begasus> and be very quick :)
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<coolcoder613> Did it work?
<vic5> So, I managed to enter that bootloader. But I didn't find there option that made sense... there was something about safemode, where I could choose resolution and vga and other things.... But I don't need/want safemode, right...
<vic5> However, during that booloader mode, what I did is right then to connect my external monitor... and it started!
<coolcoder613> That's great!
<vic5> then let it continue to boot (without making any changes in bootloader), and so now it starte d and the external monitor works, not the laptops' one
<coolcoder613> That's what you want, isnt it?
<vic5> the only thing is I need to figure a better resolution, it's lower than normal on this big screen
<coolcoder613> Screen preferences
<vic5> but... yeah, I'll try to replicate it... to connect the monitor while booting...
<coolcoder613> Or before booting?
<vic5> I tried before booting, and nothing happens : screens black (both laptop and external) and wait wait .. and Windows starts as that is default set to boot.
<vic5> I'll be right back
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<coolcoder613> Try connecting it when it is in the windows or Haiku menu
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<vic5> Ah, that was in the past tries; now, after restart, with the external cable connected, the signal goes to the external screen, but only until I select to boot Haiku and the icons there are litting up; once Haiku starts, the external monitor turns black and the laptops' one lits up .
<vic5> I'll have to try more times tomorrow, maybe I find a way to make it work; it's late now.
<vic5> Thanks for the tips though
<coolcoder613> Check screen preferences, could there be an option to change screens?
<vic5> there isn't
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<coolcoder613> Try this program with FreeBASIC:, compile it with `fbc -lang qb TEXT_RPG.BAS -p /system/develop/lib -prefix ~/config/non-packaged/ -l root`
<Begasus> grabbing cudatext- and moving it to /Opslag/haikuports/packages/cudatext-
<Begasus> :)
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<Begasus> biab
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<zard> hello
<coolcoder613> Hi zard
<coolcoder613> I ported FreeBASIC
<zard> The self-hosted thing?
<coolcoder613> Try this program with FreeBASIC:, compile it with `fbc -lang qb TEXT_RPG.BAS -p /system/develop/lib -prefix ~/config/non-packaged/ -l root`
<coolcoder613> Turns out Haiku is compatible with Solaris
<coolcoder613> And can run the Solaris bootstrap code with minimal patches
<zard> Ah, ok. I was wondering how someone would do it otherwise
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* zard is compiling FreeBASIC
<coolcoder613> Use the precompiled release
<zard> Oh, you have one...
* zard has it downloaded
<coolcoder613> unpack it, run -i ~/config/non-packaged
<zard> Ah, ok
<zard> Looks like I need to install ncurses
<zard> Game compiled, playing
<zard> Done
<zard> Did you see I managed to get a line in Roster.cpp uncommented?
* coolcoder613 git pulls
<zard> The resource that ended up being helpful was
* zard is working on the rest in Roster.cpp
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<coolcoder613> Rust version of that game:
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-1/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 6cacca2 - cudatext, bump version (#9643)
<Begasus> one down :)
<Begasus> 32bit buildmaster still stuck :/
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-0/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus ea50d76 - anura, new recipe (#9644)
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* zard finished uncommenting another line of Roster.cpp
<zard> goodbye
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+3/-0/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 75d0495 - frogatto, new recipe (#9645)
<zdykstra> good morning my favorite Haikunauts
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<Begasus> g'afternoon zdykstra
<zdykstra> How's life treating you lately, Begasus ?
<Begasus> fine so far :)
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<Begasus> goal for today reached :)
<Begasus> biab
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<andreaa72> i am a developer => no need you follow me => just say ok or not ... ;)
<andreaa72> the only help i ask is to publish my work ...
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<MrSunshine> Hey, how is the printer support in Haiku ? =)
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<zdykstra> that's a good question
<zdykstra> I solved my printing issues years ago by e-mailing the document to my wife, and she prints it on big laserjets at her office
<Begasus> that's an option too :D
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<Begasus> closing down, g'night peeps
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<BlueInk> Hello everyone, I am aware that haiku is in beta so things may not work, but I am stuck at the bootsplash on my desktop machine with all symbols lit up, booted with a usb thumb drive
<HaikuUser> Hello
HaikuUser is now known as Bunneh
<Bunneh> Sorry if I did not respond earlier. Distractions here.
<Bunneh> This Beta is amazing !
<Bunneh> Hello BlueInk
<Bunneh> Are you trying it on a VM or bare metal / real hardware ?
<BlueInk> Is there any issue known with a tr-2950x?
<BlueInk> bare metal
<Bunneh> Not as far as I know. I am on a VM
<BlueInk> the kernel panics out with a spinlock message if I try to boot in konsole mode
<Bunneh> I'm on a VM with two cores from a 10 year old i3 and 2 gigs of RAM
<Bunneh> :P
<BlueInk> I would like to figure out why I can't boot, but don't know where to start with that
<BlueInk> I was hoping that the console mode would be of use
<waddlesplash> BlueInk: panic on console mode a bit expected, disable SMP to bypass
<Bunneh> I used to know on BeOS which pic meant what on the boot cycle
<Bunneh> Ohhh
<waddlesplash> BlueInk: for hang on last icon, likely graphics driver problem. use failsafe video mode option in bootloader.
<Bunneh> Waddle: reduce core count, you mean ? or just a single core ?
<waddlesplash> yes, single core. "Disable SMP" option in bootloader
<Bunneh> Makes sense. Be was from the olden days before a CPU had over 9000 cores :P
<BlueInk> ah, okay I'll disable smp, but I can understand gfx problems because my system has dual GPU (vega64+gtx1080)
<BlueInk> might need to force it to ignore the gtx1080
<Bunneh> I also prefer to experiment on VM first these days. So much easier !
<Bunneh> VM / Emu = amazing tools these days !
<BlueInk> brb I'll test disabled smp
<Bunneh> KK !
<Bunneh> :D
<Bunneh> Good Luck Blue !
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<Bunneh> VirtualBox is your friend !
<Bunneh> I liked the original BeOS. So seeing Haiku live is great. I had doubts you all where going to really pull this off, but you have !
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<Bunneh> For someone old like me, this is like bing back in the old days 40 years ago- when you had real choices !
<Bunneh> Ohai Hannah !
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<Bunneh> I'm seeing a level of native apps I would call "useful"
<Bunneh> HaikuDepot is nice !
<Bunneh> I think the developers should feel very proud !
<waddlesplash> :)
<Bunneh> Life is so much nicer here on the OSS side
jonas__ has joined #haiku
jonas__ is now known as BlueInk
<Bunneh> Welcome back !
<BlueInk> I am back, well konsole mode with disăbled smp lets me not continue because there is no connection to my wireless keyboard that early in the boot, and just safe_mode, no luck still stucl on all icons lit
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<Bunneh> Ohai Hannah !
<Bunneh> I would do the VM for now, maybe ?
<Bunneh> It depends, are you just wanting to see what Haiku is like, test the potential ?
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<BlueInk> I can setup a VM in 0.1s but I want to see it run on bare metal.. and I want to code for it just for fun besides my dayjob as sysadmin
<Bunneh> Ok
<Bunneh> Makes sense !
<Bunneh> I'm not so familiar with newer CPUs
<Bunneh> I'm poor, LOL
<BlueInk> so I'll dig deeper on why it won't boot
<Bunneh> So you said you don't think it recognizes your USB keyboard ?
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<BlueInk> well, once I am in console mode .. the wireless connectivity led of my keyboard starts to blink.. and that usually means no connection to logi dongle
<Bunneh> I stick to wired :P
<Bunneh> Less problems
<BlueInk> I would, but since I am sitting in a powered wheelchair, wires mean more problems for me. But I'll see if I can get one wired for testing purposes
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<waddlesplash> BlueInk: did you try failsafe video mode?
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<BlueInk> waddlesplash: I set save mode to on. Is that what you refer to?
<waddlesplash> no
<waddlesplash> "Use fail-safe graphics driver"
<BlueInk> I'll check that now
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<BlueInk> still getting nowhere with failsafe gfx options set to on
<bbjimmy> the date of files on a FAT fule system shows 1887 for the year, copying files from the fat system to a bfs maintains this bogus year.
<bbjimmy> mounting the fat system on Windows shows proper dates.
<bbjimmy> Is this a FAT filewsystem issue or a Tracker issue?
<bbjimmy> *filesystem
<BlueInk> I have to go now. I'll check back on that problem another time
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<waddlesplash> bbjimmy: FAT filesystem issue. I think there's a ticket for this
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<coolcoder613_32> Good morning
<zdykstra> morning coolcoder613_32
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* coolcoder613_32 is porting ecwolf
<coolcoder613_32> What and where is fts_open?
<augiedoggie> it's in libbsd
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