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<erysdren> hello party people
<coolcoder613> Hello
<erysdren> how's it going coolcoder
<coolcoder613> I'm installing win2k in QEMU
<erysdren> nice
<erysdren> i never could get any windows versions before XP to work in qemu
<erysdren> win95 and win98 never worked
<coolcoder613> I have a BeOS VM too
<coolcoder613> Setup finished
<coolcoder613> starting up..
<coolcoder613> Its working!
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] augiedoggie pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-0/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] augiedoggie cd57af0 - tree-sitter: add recipe for 0.20.10~git (#9633)
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] augiedoggie pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-1/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] augiedoggie 749dad6 - ccls: update to 0.20230717 (#9634)
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<Begasus> g'morning peeps
<erysdren> good morning Begasus
<coolcoder613_32> Hi Begasus
<Begasus> Hi there erysdren
<coolcoder613_32> I got winows 2k working in qemu on Haiku today
<coolcoder613_32> s/winows/windows
<erysdren> hell yea nice
<coolcoder613_32> And i've got GoBe Productive working on my 32-bit box as well
<Begasus> Hi coolcoder613_32
<Begasus> Should still have that cd for GoBe Prodoctive (BeOS version) somewhere ... :)
<coolcoder613_32> Got it from BeBytes
<Begasus> got mine back then from mensys
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<coolcoder613_32> I got it today ;-)
<Begasus> heh
<Begasus> mine was over 20 years ago :D
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<humdinger> Morning!
<erysdren> good morning!
<PulkoMandy> hello :)
<humdinger> Any idea why Freegemas fails to build now, when it succeeded some days ago?
<humdinger> PulkoMandy, you selfish bastard! :)
<augiedoggie> looks like a typo
<humdinger> I anticipate an awful new thread in the forums with the usual suspects...
<PulkoMandy> summer is over, everyone is stuck inside in front of their computers :>
<humdinger> but the recent change didn't touch anything related, augiedoggie:
<humdinger> PulkoMandy: we had some exceptionally nice weather until yesterday.
<augiedoggie> there is a new libsdl_ttf though
<humdinger> freaky in mid October, but nice...
<augiedoggie> and it has a bad version in $libVersion
<PulkoMandy> yes, here as well, we got 30+ degrees and no rain at all for a month, again :/
<humdinger> makes me want to glue myself somewhere...
<PulkoMandy> I guess I could chain myself to a tree to protest against the new unneeded highway project here
<humdinger> Don't forget your notebook and a long charging cable.
<humdinger> sounds much more healthy that chaining you up in the cellar as we use to...
<erysdren> off topic, but i'm bored as hell of youtube and its anti-adblock stuff. i should setup a plex/jellyfin/etc server or something
<erysdren> centralize all my downloaded/digitized media so i can just browse it
<coolcoder613> Many people use raspberry pis for that sort of thing
<erysdren> i have a pi, but i figured it'd be underpowered or something
<erysdren> plus i need a big central HDD to store everything
<erysdren> all the media is scattered currently
<erysdren> half a TB on one drive, 2 TB on another
<erysdren> eh, it's past 3:30 am. see yall later
<Niklas[m]> Hello :)
<Niklas[m]> Haven't been here for quite some time...
<coolcoder613> You can flash the pi with with one of the distros in the 'Media player OS' section, and mount both hdd inside on folder, and use that
<Niklas[m]> erysdren: Have you tried Invidious already? It lets you watch videos on a lightweight interface without all the ads and tracking bullshit
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<Niklas[m]> What I actually wanted to ask...I know there are a lot of developers here,so maybe someone can give me advice on an off-topic thing: I wanted to delete my M$ Github account today as they force that 2FA bullshit now and I couldn't find out how.I can't even access my account settings anymore.I always return to this "enable 2FA now" wall.Anyone have an idea how to delete the account without enabling 2FA first?
<coolcoder613> Dont know... but you can use a desktop TOTP application.
<Niklas[m]> But I don't want to.I don't allow any megacorporation to force me into anything.I hate Github since M$ bought it and now I want to escape it without fulfilling their demands.
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<coolcoder613> You can just do it as a one-time thing to delete your account... do you want to delete it or not?
<Anarchos> nothing haiku related, but is it possible to put a nvme disk into another laptop and, boots smoothly on it ? The previous laptop's CPU fried....
<coolcoder613> You can try
<Niklas[m]> Anarchos: Yes,that should work.I've often switched the SSDs/HDDs between computers and they still boot.
<coolcoder613> As long as the CPU arch and the booting arrangments are compatible, it should work
<Anarchos> Niklas[m] i was feared of the uefi stuff
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<coolcoder613> The ssd is using BIOS or EFI?
<Niklas[m]> coolcoder613: I want to delete it without installing anything or giving them any information they don't already have.I hoped someone has an idea.Otherwise I guess I'll just leave it laying around
<Niklas[m]> If both the new and the old laptop use UEFI,it should still work.
<Anarchos> coolcoder613 the old laptop (HP) is 3y old, the new one (ASUS) bought yesterday.
<coolcoder613> Niklas[m]: You dont need to give them any info, you just paste the code in to the TOTP application
<coolcoder613> Anarchos: it should work
<Niklas[m]> But then I need to have that stupid app.I want to hit delete somewhere and be done with it.They're required by the GDPR to allow removing my information at any time if I want that.
<coolcoder613> Use an open source app, or even write your own code with a totp library
<Niklas[m]> No
<humdinger> Niklas[m]: keepasxc supports TOTP
<Niklas[m]> I could,but I simply don't feel like doing whatever Micro$oft wants me to do
<humdinger> or youo use the python script mentioned here:
<humdinger> (a link to it is 2 comments down)
<Niklas[m]> I decided that I prefer to simply get rid of that account without doing what they want me to
<humdinger> OK, but it appears that's not possible any more without at least once doing the TOTP dance.
<humdinger> should've deleted your account sooner... :}
<Niklas[m]> Okay,I guess I'll just leave that dead account laying around for now then.It was worth asking at least ;)
<Anarchos> coolcoder613 thanks
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<zard> hello
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<zard> I'm working on getting the 0.1 release of haiku-pyapi done
<coolcoder613> How did you get the hpkg working?
<coolcoder613> could you post the recipe?
<zard> That's what I'm working on.
<zard> Would you like the current version, which is enough to build an hpkg?
<coolcoder613> Yes, post it to a github gist
<coolcoder613> whats wrong with the current version?
<zard> Description, copyright, and building for all supported python versions.
<coolcoder613> That doesnt sound too hard
* coolcoder613 is not good at writing descriptions. His READMEs attest to that.
<zard> ha ha :)
<zard> I've been thinking of improving that readme...
<coolcoder613> Please do!
<coolcoder613> I made a VM of windows 2000 today... I'm running my DOS RustPython on it.
* zard is still working on the gist
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<coolcoder613> should be x86_64
<coolcoder613> And make it 3.10 first, it is the default version now
<zard> I'm not sure that's a valid architecture yet. They list x86 and x86_gcc2 where x86 means gcc4, or something like that.
<coolcoder613> x86 means 32 bit, it does not work on 32 bit
<zard> Hmmm. It doesn't?
<coolcoder613> the architeectures are: ['x86','x86_gcc2','x86_64']
<coolcoder613> Too many assumtions about int size, etc
<zard> Where did you find the list of architectures?
<coolcoder613> shouldnt be that hard to port... add it to our 1.0 wishlist
<coolcoder613> I one wrote a recipe, Digger
<zard> Oh, ok, that explains you're familiarity :)
<zard> Found the docs. x86_64 it is indeed
<coolcoder613> Try Digger sometime, its a pretty good game.
<zard> Not a bad idea
<coolcoder613> Despite being (C) Windmill Software 1983
* zard installs digger, hoping to remember to play it
<coolcoder613> It would be nice to have the applications menu more organized, by category
<coolcoder613> and what happens to the haikuports categories in haikudepot?
<zard> Oh, right. Our software is already categorized!
<zard> Just finished writing a nice description for haiku-pyapi
<coolcoder613> Or should be...
<zard> :)
<zard> Now to figure out the copyright line
<coolcoder613> (C) Elozor Bruce 2023
<coolcoder613> (C) Your name 2023
<coolcoder613> no, other way round
<coolcoder613> 2023 Elozor Bruce
<zard> Exactly, got it
<coolcoder613> my recipe:
<coolcoder613> Hey, H4kU! :-)
<coolcoder613> looks a lot like Haiku
<zard> ?
<coolcoder613> H4kU looks like Haiku
<zard> Just made up H4kU?
<coolcoder613> no, randomly generated apparently
<zard> Now, we need a 0.1 tag/release on github for our recipe to reference.
<zard> I'll let you work on that if you want
<coolcoder613> A release... you can upload a hpkg to the artifacts
<zard> Hmm, not available yet. Maybe just a tag?
* coolcoder613 needs help with the release description
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<zard> I need something to reference in SOURCE_URI right now, is all
<zard> Let me give you my description I have. Might help.
<coolcoder613> update the gist
<zard> Updated :)
<coolcoder613> published release
<coolcoder613> remember to put in the hash for the recipe
<zard> Ah, right, I can do that now
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<zard> I wonder what else to put in the provides block. lib:haiku-pyapi?
<coolcoder613> check the recipes for other python packages
* coolcoder613 checks... No
* zard also checked... No :D
<zard> Only the recipe for pybind11 did cmd:pybind11_config_
<zard> $pythonVersion
<coolcoder613> We dont have a command-line configure tool, so no
<PulkoMandy> well if you don't provide any .so library and no exectuables, you don't need to declare anything special
<zard> Well, we do provide a .so file
<zard> But it's only useful for inclusion in Python
<coolcoder613> Got to go noiw, goodbye
<zard> goodbye :)
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<Begasus> hi zard, if the .so is installed in $libDir (not a subdirectory) haikuporter will protest not having a provide for it :)
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<andreaal72> .so = static object => usually a library
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<Begasus> .so is a shared object
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<zard> It's installed in /lib/python$version/vendor-packages, so, we should be fine :)
<andreaal72> europa64[m] : europa => a big community ? ;)
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<Begasus> k, no provides needed for those :)
<zard> goodbye
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<andreaal72> hi Begasus
<Begasus> hi andreaal72
<andreaal72> i am playing with beos max ...
<Begasus> good for you
<andreaal72> installed i1000 ...
<andreaal72> internet ok
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<Anarchos> Begasus i got a new power supply
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<Luca91> hi all
<Begasus> Hi Luca91 Anarchos
<Luca91> Begasus I joined specifically to talk to you :P
<Begasus> Everything up and running again then Anarchos?
<Begasus> lol
<Begasus> just doing another build for clamav
<Luca91> I've renamed the clamav recipe directory, I'm going to push the change
<Begasus> +1
<Begasus> just commented also
<Luca91> as for the default db, I haven't modified that part of freshcalm, but I do not recommend to use a default db anyway
<andreaal72> no virus
<Begasus> just saw it with the content of the package from your recipe and my local changes here
<Luca91> andreaal72 no virus == nothing to reverse == no fun :(
<Begasus> heh
<Luca91> Begasus the part that I'm not really convinced is the "install" one
<andreaal72> no virus => admin passwd ?
<Luca91> I have to admin that I tried to use the default install, but I've got many problems
<Luca91> if it is really important I can try again
<Luca91> andreaal72 default password is "infected" ;)
<andreaal72> vaccino
<andreaal72> Vaccine
<Luca91> going to lunch, bb
<Begasus> on the right the one from your recipe and on the left one with my changes Luca91
<Luca91> Begasus okay thanks, I'll check it within 30 mins
<Begasus> ok :)
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<Begasus> Luca91, you probably miss "$cmakeDirArgs" in BUILD (this takes care of the installation paths)
<Begasus> rebuilding ...
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<Luca91> Begasus I'm back
<Begasus> most anoying part is the rust part there :) (already tried to bypass it with a local bindgen package, but it still builds it's own copy (needs rust-clamav anyway))
<Begasus> wb :)
<Luca91> can you please do a recap of the things i've to do? thanks
<Luca91> yeah rust part is a pain the..
<Begasus> first, use "cmd:cargo" and "cmd:rustc" instead of rust_bin
<Begasus> those should be enough for the rust part
<Begasus> devel:libjson_c instead of json_c${secondaryArchSuffix}_devel
<Begasus> cmd:python3 instead of python3.12$secondaryArchSuffix (or do you need a specific version)?
<Luca91> python3 is ok ;)
<Begasus> thought so :)
<Begasus> I'm checking if it builds the documantation for it also, for that you need "cmd:doxygen" and "cmd:dot" in BUILD_PREREQUIRES
<Begasus> check${secondaryArchSuffix}_devel (this probably can be done with devel:libcheck$secondaryArchSuffix)
<Luca91> Begasus can you explain this part to me? "+set(CMAKE_POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE OFF)"
<Luca91> what do you mean that I don't need further patching by adding this? I'm a bit confused
<Begasus> -DCMAKE_POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE=ON (remove that in the recipe)
<Begasus> set that to OFF in CMakeLists.txt (line 614 iirc)
<Begasus> that takes care of using -FPIC for you, and doesn't need further patching for the others anymore, so anything related to this can be removed in the patch
<Luca91> oh good find Begasus
<Luca91> thanks a lot for this :)
<Luca91> I'm going to try
<Begasus> np, came accross this not so long ago too (don't know why they put it to ON anyway)
<Luca91> this was one of the things that made me hangry while porting the software.. how the hell I missed this!! xD
<Luca91> *angry
<Begasus> heh, knocked myself also when I saw that being used in that file
<Luca91> Begasus I'm wrapping that patch inside an if(HAIKU) becuase I'd like to upstread this patchfile (so next time we can build without any patch at all)
<Begasus> you could do that, but for the part of -FPIC I'm not sure they will accept it, as they explicitly set it ON
<Begasus> doesn't hurt trying though :)
<Begasus> be sure to wrap it in if() else() endif()
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] korli pushed 2 commits to master [hrev57329] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 6d42b430d173 - virtio: support modern devices
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 0decdc641e11 - virtio_pci: fix support for MSI-X shared
<Luca91> Ok patches edited, it is time to try a build
<Begasus> round * ... :)
<Luca91> Begasus have you tried "make install" tho?
<Begasus> fetching crates ... again :)
<Luca91> yup here too.... what a pain
<Begasus> I'm using "make -C build install" in INSTALL yes
<Luca91> is it working for you?
<Begasus> you need to have a line with "$cmakeDirArgs" in BUILD for it to work
<Begasus> otherwise it tries to install to /boot
<Begasus> ps, this only works fine if GNUInstallDirs is being used
<Luca91> oh, ok I'll try at the next build
<Begasus> it does the same as "runConfigure" does for configure
<Begasus> biab (doggies)
<Luca91> so once "make -C build install" works, I can remove the cp stuff from INSTALL(), right?
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<Begasus> yep
<cocobean> Greetings....
<Begasus> hi cocobean
<cocobean> Hello...
<Luca91> Hi cocobean
<Luca91> Begasus ok build completed. Now I'm going to try the install stuff
<cocobean> Hi Luca91
<Begasus> removed the things here localy a few times in $settingsDir Luca91 (just to make sure it all still works as expected)
<Begasus> had to clean up the directory inside /boot/system/packages/administrative/writable-files a few times too when checking the settings files :)
<Luca91> Begasus this one -> /boot/system/packages/administrative/writable-files -> made me crazy last night
<Luca91> actually a couple of nights ago :)
<Begasus> hehe
<Begasus> not something you tackle that often
<Luca91> Begasus the truth is that I'm a total newbie at packaging software in Haiku, so I'm easily confused :D
<Begasus> np Luca91, been there, at first it can be a bit scary
<Begasus> hit the ground many times (and sometimes still do) here too :)
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<Begasus> ps Luca91, you need to move GLOBAL_WRITABLE_FILES up in the recipe too
<Luca91> Begasus oops, I'll move it
<Luca91> Begasus du you want that the ".sample" files are installed too?
<Luca91> maybe they can be usefull if someone want to restore the default values?
<Luca91> I would add them honestly, but mark the as "overwrite" in GLOBAL_WRITEABLE_FILES
<Begasus> rm -rf $settingsDir/clamav/clamd.conf.sample
<Begasus> rm -rf $settingsDir/clamav/freshclam.conf.sample
<Begasus> ;) I removed them here (as they contain almost the exact same thing as in the ones in additional-files)
<Begasus> (compared them in ponpokodiff)
<Luca91> Begasus okay I'll remove them too (if someone want to restore the default ones, can downoad them from the net anyway)
<Begasus> the ones being cp'd should be enough to get started, everything is in there
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<Luca91> Begasus yeah I tried to change only the two values really needed to make it to work out-of-the-box in Haiku
<Luca91> Begasus when using "make -C build install" do I still need "mkdir -p $binDir $libDir $manDir/man1 $manDir/man5 $manDir/man8" ?
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<Begasus> nope Luca91
<Begasus> that's been done with install
<Luca91> Begasus great
<Begasus> Only thing I'm not sure is the library path on 32bit (yet)
<Luca91> I think I'm ready for another build before to push the changes
<Luca91> ah Begasus I almost forgot! You told me that I had to add some devel: in the PROVIDES section
<Begasus> thanks! probably needs a few more changes, but I'll tackle those with you when it comes to that
<Begasus> first do this part (that was the next part I had in mind) :)
<Luca91> Begasus sure, please show no mercy for my recipes :P also thanks a lot for your patience with me
<Begasus> np Luca91, happy to help out (where I can) :)
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] pulkomandy pushed 2 commits to master [+2/-2/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] pulkomandy a529c7f - HaikuWebKit 1.9.8
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] pulkomandy 7ce4287 - iff_catalog: update to version 0.5
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<Begasus> ps Luca91, once you got a succesful build there is no need to rebuild all if you want to change something in the INSTALL part
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<phcoder> Hello, all. I have a urtwn dongle (USB Wi-Fi). I see the corresponding driver in Haiku but it doesn't appear in network config, only internal Wi-Fi does. Where should I put the firmware?
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<PulkoMandy> In /system/data/non-packaged/firmware, I guess? Or just install the appropriate package if there is already one?
<phcoder> I don't see the reference to it in haiku git repo besides the name in the driver
<erysdren> what's the name of it?
<Begasus> wished our dogs would fetch as good as rust does :P
<PulkoMandy> phcoder: is the firmware not already in the realtek_wifi_firmwares package?
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<phcoder> Sounds like it. I'll try, thanks
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<phcoder> Yes, it appears now. No idea why it didn't before
* Begasus cleans glasses for the post in the forum ... :O
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<_Dario_> just the usual: people complains but is not able to at least fill a simple ticket in the bugTracker
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<Begasus> seen it passing by over the years enough :)
<_Dario_> yeah
<_Dario_> those things never change :D
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<Begasus> hi there humdinger
<humdinger> hullo!
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<Luca91> Damn, Vision silently disconnected me (without any notice) and I was still waiting for replies for hours!!!! :-/
<Begasus> lol
<Begasus> saw you dissapear earlier :)
<Luca91> Is this a know issue with Vision?
<Begasus> not notifying for disconnecting? think so
<Luca91> Begasus I was waiting for your reply here, but as far as i can see form IRC logs, my question never arrived to this chat :facepalm:
<PulkoMandy> you can enable "lag checking" in the options, then it will show it in the statusbar
<humdinger> I have sometimes an unstable wlan connection.
<Luca91> PulkoMandy yeah I'll enable it
<Luca91> anyway Begasus these were my messages:
<humdinger> yep. the statusbar reads No CONNECTION or something then.
<Begasus> thought you got scared Luca91 :)
<Luca91> <Luca91> Begasus out of curiosity, do you think that a recipe that install a software "ported" using wine will be accepted in the repo?
<Luca91> <Luca91> Begasus "The package comes with config files and headers, those should end up in a _devel package (not needed for runtime)." -> Are you sure that those should be put in REQUIRES? do you have an example that I can examine? thanks
<Begasus> devel packages are declared as PROVIDES_devel and REQUIRES_devel Luca91
<Luca91> humdinger do you mean the status bar of Vision client? I haven't noticed any messages like that
<Begasus> in the left corner Luca91
<humdinger> yep, in Vision
<Begasus> left bottom
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<Luca91> Ok enabled it
<Luca91> brb
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<Luca91> ok it is working now
<Begasus> +1 :)
<Begasus> Luca91, check dev-libs/botan, it's a simple one that shows how to use/create devel packages
<Luca91> Begasus about that comment in the PR, if I've understood correctly, all I have to do is to add these _devel packages in REQUIRES_devel, right?
<Luca91> great I'm going to check it
<Begasus> it's a bit more then that :)
<Begasus> looking at rav1e .... again (for a bit)
<Luca91> Begasus I think that the part I'm interested in is starting from "prepareInstalledDevelLib"
<Begasus> atm you've got 4 libraries that need to end up in $developLibDir, prepareInstalledDevelLibs takes care of this
<Begasus> basicly they are symlinks to the major libraries in $libDir
<Begasus> but got to go in a bit :)
<Begasus> humdinger can guide you too? <ducks> :)
<humdinger> I know only very superficial things about haikuporter.
<Begasus> Luca91, if it's possible we'll continue this tomorrow if no one steps up here
<humdinger> Or anything really, come to think of it...
<Begasus> one thing you could look into is $libVersionCompat, as the libraries got different SONAME(s) :)
<Begasus> heh
<Begasus> afk for a while ...
<Luca91> Begasus ok no problem at all, I'll check how other recipes handle these cases and we will continue tomorrow (or when you will be free)
<Luca91> thanks a lot
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<akshat> hello
<humdinger> hi
<akshat> yeah i am new and wanted to ask something
<akshat> is this the right place to do so
<humdinger> sure
<humdinger> if there's an answer is another matter ofc... :)
<akshat> yeah so hello and my name is akshat a computer science undergrad
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<humdinger> hello akshat
<akshat> i saw about haiku on gsoc page and i am failry new to all this stuff
<akshat> and confused too
<akshat> but i like some of haikus idea and want to learn more
<humdinger> good :)
<akshat> so what should i do and where and how to start
<humdinger> I'd say check the website first.
<akshat> ok meanwhile i check this site out i needed to know somethings
<humdinger> or rather its parent
<akshat> like is this the appropriate platform or are there some more too
<humdinger> there's a FAQ linked and how to build Haiku etc
<humdinger> Everything is pretty much linked on that website and there are the forums
<akshat> yeah okay but if i need to ask somethings related can i ask here?
<humdinger> sure.
<humdinger> IRC often isn't is real-time. Devs may see your question later and answer later. Best to check the logs for that.
<akshat> yeah thanks
<humdinger> alternatively, ask on the forum or mailing lists
<akshat> actually
<akshat> one last thing
<Luca91> humdinger if I send you a _devel hpkg can you tell me if it looks good to you? (please don't get offended by this noob question)
<akshat> i am fairly new to all this realm of OS and i just joined my college but i am fascinated by it
<humdinger> Luca91: I can have a look, but as said am no expert there...
<akshat> so will i be able to cope?
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<Luca91> humdinger I'm sending you the hpkg via DCC
<humdinger> akshat: the nice thing about an OS is that there are all kinds of things to do, from deep hw-level to userspace applications
<humdinger> Luca91: doesn't work. dunno if it's Vision or my network config.
<akshat> yeah ill just get started and learn some new things
<Luca91> humdinger ah ok nvm, thanks anyway tho
<akshat> peace out and thanks for the help.
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* humdinger waves to akshat
<Luca91> well, it is enough for today, see you tomorrow collegues :)
<humdinger> cya
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<andreaa72> cylon tea :)
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* humdinger waves
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<HaikuUser> hello
<HaikuUser> can i ask something?
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<HaikuUser> i have some issue whit haiku
<HaikuUser> i can run gimp
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] diversys pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±2]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] davidkaroly 732138a - llvm17: link binaries against crti.o (#9635)
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] diversys pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-0/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Zardshard 5fe5bb1 - haiku-pyapi: Release 0.1 (#9636)
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<Begasus> closing down for today
<Begasus> cu peeps!
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<coolcoder613_32> Good morning
<erysdren> ello ello
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<coolcoder613> why isnt haiku_pyapi showing up in haikudepot?