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<augiedoggie> yeah, i unfunctioned that whence because it was annoying
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<coolcoder613> Hello
<zdykstra> Hello
<coolcoder613> Can you help me with this recipe
<coolcoder613> How do i create the patchset?
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<coolcoder613> How do i apply the icon
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<coolcoder613> What about an icon in HaikuDepot
<augiedoggie_> that's automatic
<augiedoggie_> it'll get pulled from the app icon
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<coolcoder613> thsi is my recipe:
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<augiedoggie_> ARCHITECTURES should be "all !x86_gcc2"
<augiedoggie_> it needs $secondaryArchSuffix in a bunch of places for it to work on 32 bit
<coolcoder613> Which places?
<augiedoggie_> DESCRIPTION should have line continuations on the paragraph
<augiedoggie_> lines 31 35 36 37 41 42 43 47
<augiedoggie_> the libsdl in PROVIDES should be lib:libSDL
<augiedoggie_> er, REQUIRES
<augiedoggie_> not provides
<coolcoder613> REQUIRES="
<coolcoder613> haiku
<coolcoder613> lib:libSDL$secondaryArchSuffix
<coolcoder613> lib:libz$secondaryArchSuffix
<coolcoder613> "
<augiedoggie_> yeah
<augiedoggie_> looks good
<augiedoggie_> actually
<coolcoder613> BUILD_REQUIRES="
<coolcoder613> haiku_devel
<coolcoder613> devel:libsdl$secondaryArchSuffix
<coolcoder613> devel:libz$secondaryArchSuffix
<coolcoder613> "
<augiedoggie_> needs haiku$secondaryArchSuffix and haiku${secondaryArchSuffix}_devel
<coolcoder613> or devel:haiku$secondaryArchSuffix
<augiedoggie_> no
<coolcoder613> and the BUILD_PREREQUIRES doesnt need it
<augiedoggie_> nope, the only thing in there is gcc needs it
<coolcoder613> BUILD_PREREQUIRES="
<coolcoder613> cmd:make
<coolcoder613> cmd:gcc$secondaryArchSuffix
<coolcoder613> "
<augiedoggie_> yup
<coolcoder613> ?
<augiedoggie_> line 32 should start with digger$secondaryArchSuffix
<coolcoder613> and 33?
<augiedoggie_> not in this case
<augiedoggie_> for certain other recipes the cmd: entries will have it
<augiedoggie_> app: usually doesn't
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<coolcoder613> Made a pull request for haikuports
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<augiedoggie_> seems ok, i'm too tired to try it and merge it tonight
<augiedoggie_> looks like you've got some extra spaces at the end of some of the description lines
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<andreasdr[m]> Hi there.
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<Begasus> g'morning peeps
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<Begasus> Hola OscarL :)
<OscarL> Goede morgen Begasus.
<Begasus> Nice :)
<Begasus> And no typo +1 :)
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<OscarL> lol :-D. I'll prolly mess it up next time :-D
<Begasus> heh
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] korli pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-1/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus d4032c6 - libpng, drop libpng-1.5.30 (#9560)
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] korli pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-1/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 8fc6369 - libpng16, bump version (#9558)
<Begasus> that was fast, thanks korli :)
<OscarL> 32 bits Python builds with optimizations are slooow (42+ minutes :-( on the VM)
<Begasus> eeps
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<OscarL> mmm why do I still have python 3.7 and 3.8 here, damn it! :-D
<Begasus> time to clean up db directory and update
<OscarL> (takes around 26 mins for the same build, but on 64 bits bare metal)
<Begasus> is that for python3.12?
<OscarL> 3.11.6, got 3.12.0 "ready" too (same patchset as I had for the release canditates).
<Begasus> maybe you still have those old pythons in your administrative/state directories :)
<OscarL> yeah, doing pkgman uninstall python3.7/8 now, and will remove all traces of old packages, just in case.
<Begasus> wrong provides in the db recipes too .... lib:libdb$secondaryArchSuffix (not there)
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<Begasus> biab
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<Begasus> gcc2 build for db also fine :)
<OscarL> seems pkgman sends some errors to stderr, and others to stdout :-/
<Begasus> patches welcome? :)
<OscarL> I guess it is not *technically* wrong. It sends the "Encountered problems:" to stdout... but "Failed to find a match" to stderr...
<OscarL> and complicates my HaikuPorter patch in the process :-D
<Begasus> either one should be fixed then? :P
<OscarL> (as I need to filter out uncessary lines from the captured output to use as error message)
<OscarL> Yeah... but not something for today :-D
<Begasus> tsss ;)
<Begasus> finetuning db ...
<nielx[m]> morning, looks like qt_creator failed on 32 bit :-(
<Begasus> g'morgen nielx[m], didn't notice the restart at buildmaster
<Begasus> at least it wasn't earlier when I looked
<nielx[m]> don't know what happened, I imagine mmlr grunting at it while he was drinking his coffee
<Begasus> see ... mine are all good :P
<Begasus> heh
<Begasus> nice to see it up and running +1
<Begasus> ow, vlc still busy (crossing fingers)
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] humdingerb pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-1/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] humdingerb c108931 - yt-dlp: update to 2023.09.24
<Begasus> nielx[m]: devel:libz not included there (qt-creator)
<OscarL> vlc is kaput :-P
<Begasus> :/
<Begasus> probably needs another SupportDefs.h in there ...
<nielx[m]> Beg
<Begasus> had to add a few when checked on 64bit
<nielx[m]> Begasus looks like that, but it does not seem to be the fatal error
<nielx[m]> that seems to be not finding llvm-tblgen
<Begasus> The imported target "llvm-tblgen" references the file
<Begasus> so it's not llvm :)
<nielx[m]> gotcha
<nielx[m]> funny how 64 bit did not have this issue, smells like there is a transitive dependency missing in one of the 32 bit packages
<Begasus> One of my main problems for rizin (that I can't seem to pinpoint)
<Begasus> probably linked in by another dependency on 64bit
<nielx[m]> do I just fix the package, or do I also bump the revision in this case?
<Begasus> only the fix will do, buildmaster will pick it up for 32bit and complain on 64bit that a revsion bump is needed :)
<Begasus> but revbump not needed :)
<Begasus> be sure to add it to both REQUIRES and BUILD_REQUIRES (could be that the binary is linked against it)
<nielx[m]> ok, will see if I have some time later today
<Begasus> could have a look here if you want, got the 32bit up and running atm
<nielx[m]> oh please if you could, I would be more than grateful
<Begasus> np, need to do some finetuning here on 64bit, so that one is idle :)
* OscarL is done with his hp patch for today. Ugly, but functions well enough for now.
<Begasus> created PR OscarL? :P
<nielx[m]> thanks!
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<Begasus> Web+ isn't coworking when I try to comment at github on multiple lines :/
<OscarL> Begasus: not yet, but if you want to try it
<Begasus> coolcoder613 around?
<Begasus> thank OscarL, will give it a go later :)
<OscarL> NP :-D. Now... how big can gnuplot be?
<Begasus> 5.1MB
<OscarL> not THAT bad :-D
<Begasus> compard to +40MB for qt-creator :)
<OscarL> or the 50+ of scipy's tarball.
<Begasus> you only need it once :)
<OscarL> 3 times... coz everytime I looked at it... it was already updated :-(
<Begasus> plans for today, try to fix the build errors on buildmaster, and finish up on db
<Begasus> lol!
<Begasus> takes me back to texstudio, just pushed it to haikuports to see it was updated the same day :P
<Begasus> 155 to go (some false positives there) :)
<OscarL> thats why I now only update Python's on the day they release :-D
<Begasus> I'm not in the mailinglist of all those :P
<Begasus> for tuxpaint and scummvm I'm good, I follow the release schedules there
<Begasus> reminds me that I need to get back into touch with the cutter people ...
<Begasus> toutch? (contact) :P
<OscarL> "touch" is correct (or at least I use it that way too :-P)
<OscarL> as in: "get in touch"
<Begasus> sound differs from how you write it, so I'm always confused with that one :)
<Begasus> right/wright :)
<Begasus> ok, time to check your patch I guess :)
<OscarL> English is just chaos: :-P
<OscarL> should handle the cases of errors due to conflicts or packages not found, at least (not perfect, but... neither am I :-P)
<Begasus> yeah, just got one on llvm
<Begasus_32> Error: problem 1: package llvm17_x86_clang-17.0.1-1 conflicts with llvm12_x86_clang provided by llvm12_x86_clang-12.0.1-8
<Begasus> nice, as I said, we "should" already know what the problem would be, but at least gives an answer to it
<Begasus> another something 220MiB
<Begasus> k, reports all still good
<Begasus> qt-creator wouldn't be good for you OscarL :) (LLVM + Qt6 downloads)
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] korli pushed 1 commit to master [+3/-3/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] OscarL 98496e2 - python3.11: update to version 3.11.6 (#9561)
<OscarL> Begasus: re my patch... yeah... I'm dumb and need clearer instructions every time :-P
<Begasus> heck, it works OscarL! that's a start :) (all things can use finetuning sometimes)
<OscarL> re qt-creator... I can imagine the pain :-D
* OscarL adds "--with-x" to gnuplot and hopes for the best.
<Begasus> guess nielx[m] was correct on the error earlier
<Begasus> tried that earlier (--enable-gui) on db, but it wanted java then ... :P
<OscarL> mmm "Fetching devel:cairo", but the configure has: --without-cairo :-/
<Begasus> ah oh!! nielx[m]!
<Begasus> cmd:llvm_tblgen is not in $binDir but in $prefix/bin, hence it trips over it not finding it
<Begasus> so llvm needs a fix for the LLVMExports.cmake file for that
<OscarL> "checking for BeOS... no" :-(
<Begasus> heh
<Begasus> can't get lucky all the time :P
<Begasus> (didn't work for fixing wget on gcc2 also here) :)
* OscarL lends Begasus a boot for that wget/gcc2 problem.
<OscarL> need to disable qt for newer gnuplot, it seems.
<Begasus> ow?
<OscarL> should default to "autodetect", but it attempted to build for Qt, and I ain't doing that :-D
<OscarL> not entitely happy with using editline instead of readline also.
<OscarL> *entirely
<Begasus> issue created for LLVM17
<Begasus> k, docs moved to the devel package for db, time to put the tools into a seperate package
<OscarL> I think I should try to force gnuplot to treat Haiku as BeOS, because the code I'm seeing... looks like it should work (BApp/BWindow)
<Begasus> you are more familiar there then me :)
<OscarL> grabbing gnuplot_x86-5.4.9-1.... lets see what I got.
<OscarL> seems it is using editline without *that* much issues.
<Begasus> done .. :)
<OscarL> now I need a crash course in gnuplot to test it properly :-P
<OscarL> got a window titled Gnuplot at least :-D
<OscarL> too bad everything looks the same... just an empty white window :-P
<Begasus> lol, at least it isn't black :P
<Begasus> no output in Terminal?
<OscarL> yes, I get an interactive prompt with line-editing capabilities.
<Begasus> I meant for the gui :P
<OscarL> I'm launching that window from inside the interactive prompt on the terminal, so...
<OscarL> just the regular output there.
<Begasus> k :)
<Begasus> need to run a check on db 32bit now ... no tools for x86 :P
<OscarL> will look up a crash-course on gnuplot tomorrow (so I can test it properly), and see if I can enable that BeOS code path.
<OscarL> at least it seems to work on 32 bits (x86).
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<Begasus> progress :)
<Begasus> hi there aa72
<aa72> hi, Begasus
<Begasus> how's it going?
<aa72> well, thaks ...
<aa72> talking is getting better ...
<Begasus> good to hear
<aa72> yes, talking a little I'm better
<aa72> thanks
<aa72> cu, thanks ... ;)
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<Begasus> lol, couldn't run the tests on db earlier, now the first one crashes on sight :P
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<Begasus> not so nice path for headers ... /boot/system/lib/openjdk17/include/haiku
<OscarL> "checking for BeOS... yes" package builds, but still missing the "gnuplot_be" app we should be getting, apparently.
<OscarL> And the error I get tryingto compile that one... makes my head spin so... off to bed for now :-D
<OscarL> later Begasus!
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<Begasus> k, got as far as getting 2 jar files, can't seem to launch them though (disabling java for db for now) :)
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<nielx[m]> Begasus: saw the ticket!
<Begasus> thanks :)
<Begasus> simple sed probably will do it (there is already a line for that specific file in the recipe)
<Begasus> looks like the path is in LLVMExports-release.cmake (L61)
<Begasus_32> set(LLVM_TOOLS_BINARY_DIR "${LLVM_INSTALL_PREFIX}/bin/x86")
<Begasus> from LLVMConfig.cmake
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-8/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 11262ef - db, bump version (#9563)
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<aa72> a joke : in italian haiku sounds like => hai il kul = have the back ... i apologize ... xD
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<Begasus> set(LLVM_TOOLS_BINARY_DIR "/boot/home/config/non-packaged/bin") that seems to work :)
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-2/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 3d59eb6 - jigdo, bump version (#9564)
<zdykstra> morning all
<Begasus> bugger ... waiting for ... (been a while) :/
<Begasus> Hi there zdykstra
<zdykstra> how are you and your multitude of dogs? :)
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<Begasus> busy ;)
<zdykstra> that seems good
<Begasus> the younger are outside atm, old lady still in and out :)
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-1/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus be7418c - libpinyin, bump version (#9565)
<Begasus> k, out for a bit .. afk
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<Begasus> reports clean again :)
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] anevilyak pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57309] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 006478bfce5d - Debugger: implement DWARFv5 line-info handling
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<Begasus> ow, yack still around :)
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<Begasus> 6 out of 148 tests crashed on dbus ... not that bad, need to check with the current version
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<Begasus> not pushing here, current one does better on the tests ...
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<B2IA> (AutoCast Broadcaster) Boink!
<B2IA> (AutoCast Broadcaster) Here's Dane, running on VirtualBox...thanks entirely to the amazing help of AGMS. :-)
<B2IA> (AutoCast Broadcaster) Hey, does anybody know, off-hand, what the maximum number of files are that can be put in one Haiku zip file? What about the maximum amount of bytes of data that can go in a Haiku zip file?
<aa72> rebuilod zip exe in 64bit ... maybe ?!?
<aa72> i think zip inside has a filesystem ...
<aa72> to keep all files / dirs ...
<zdykstra> at the minimum, 65k files and a maximum archive size of 4GB - but if Haiku implements the revised ZIP64 format, it's essentially unlimited files/space.
<B2IA> (Dane) Thanks! I tried doing my entire group of song files, about 3.6GB and we'll see how it does.
<puck_> hm, is B2IA's source open somewhere
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<B2IA> (Dane) No errors creating the zip, so that's good. Now it just remains to be seen if it'll unpack once it gets over to its new home. :-)
<Begasus> closing down here, cu peeps!
Begasus has quit [Quit: Vision[]: i've been blurred!]
<OscarL> puck_: there's a "B2IA BeShare to IRC" file shared on BeShare. Contains 4 .sh files, and a .patchset for Vision.
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* OscarL tries AGMS's Chat2Speech script just for giggles.
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<zdykstra> I really should run BeShare again. I found so much good music on there 'back in the day'
<OscarL> I remember downloading "The Matrix.avi" from there as well :-D
<puck_> OscarL: i see an issue
<puck_> but also hrmmm
<B2IA> (BiPolar) I see a "binky" (long time not spotting one :-P)
<B2IA> (BiPolar) two binkys now... we're getting crowded! :-D
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* OscarL wonders if Unizone (BeShare client for Windows/Linux) still works.
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<B2IA> (Dane) Yep, a big ol' 3.6GB zip file was created and unzipped, no problem.
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<B2IA> (BiPolar (Unizone)) Unizone seems funtional enough still, nice.
<OscarL> If anyone's interested: and Win binaries on Mika's page:
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