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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] threedeyes pushed 1 commit to master [+3/-3/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] threedeyes 2836552 - Telegram: bump version
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<Begasus> g'morning peeps
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<Begasus> g'morning jmairboeck
<Begasus> nice, 32buildmaster up and running again :)
<Begasus> thanks to the one pushing the button :)
<nielx[m]> 👆️
<Begasus> kudos! :)
<Begasus> at least we can track what is or isn't broken on 32bit again :d
<Begasus> all good so far on the reports
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<Begasus> k, so far it's good: grabbing wget-1.21.4-1-x86_64.hpkg and moving it to /Opslag/haikuports/packages/wget-1.21.4-1-x86_64.hpkg
<Begasus> need to import some parts of the patchset for 32bit too now :)
<Begasus> ps, updating to latest in the 1.21.* releases, current one in the repo reported as vulnerable
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<Begasus> k, last part (largest) needs to be checked on 32bit (largest patch piece in there) :/
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<Begasus> bbl, dogschool :)
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<HaikuUser> Hello, everyone.
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<ynoga99[m]> augiedoggie neat for openrct2 ! Thx ! 💪. On a totally unrelated topic : where did you find your wallpaper ? Looks really cool ! 🤩
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<coolcoder613> What is wrong with this recipe?
<Diver> -SUMMARY="Digger is an arcade-style game similar to dig dug"
<Diver> +SUMMARY="An arcade-style game similar to dig dug"
<Diver> also there shout be no indentation in DESCRIPTION and it shoud be wrapped at 100th charachter
<coolcoder613> problem is: Warning: Couldn't parse port/version info: digger.recipe
<Diver> digger.recipe should be named differently
<Diver> it should include some kind of a version
<coolcoder613> like digger-1.0.recipe
<Diver> yes
<coolcoder613> now i'm having a problem with the patchset:
<coolcoder613> Patch format detection failed.
<Diver> you need to export the patchset with hp diger -e
<puck_> uhhh
<puck_> what is up with that whitespace
<puck_> huh, those are NBSPs
<coolcoder613> It is the output of git diff
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<Begasus> re
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<augiedoggie> i end up downloading quite a few of the wallpapers posted by that One_Giant_Nostril user
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-1/±0]
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 315ccac - wget2, bump version (#9552)
<HaikuUser> why does bootmanager says 'incomaptible format' on a usb key formatted as a BFS partition ?
<HaikuUser> i try to install an iso on it
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<Begasus> Hola OscarL :)
<OscarL> Hi Begasus :-)
<OscarL> Anarchos: is your HDD initialized as MBR? (BootManager doesn't works for GPT styles partitioning, AFAIK).
<OscarL> well, not your HDD, but USB key... same difference :-)
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<OscarL> Guess I'll never know :-P
<OscarL> Begasus: happy with 32 bits buildmaster being up again?
<OscarL> (until we rev-bump numpy, at least :-P)
<Begasus> yeah, not pushing numpy for 32bit untill there is a sollution :P
<Begasus> get scared now checking build progresses ;)
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<nielx[m]> Was there an actual problem with numpy, or did it just get stuck somewhere?
<Begasus> OscarL replied to the issue earlier
<OscarL> I think that exact case happened before: it gets stuck on 32 bits, and after a restart, it fails with that "read-only" file-system error.
<OscarL> why it does gets stuck... beats me. out of memory, or something like that?
<nielx[m]> I guess at some stage the build machine should/could be wiped
<Begasus> oh doxygen on 32bit also failed ...
<Begasus> ah no, went fine on another run :)
<Begasus> it's still marked as active there? (numpy)
<OscarL> guess it never had a chance to log the failure (if it just froze...)
<botifico> [haiku/infrastructure] nielx pushed 3 commits to master [+3/-6/±4]
<botifico> [haiku/infrastructure] nielx bf14cfb - Trac container: create initial 1.6.0 pypy version
<botifico> [haiku/infrastructure] nielx e57da07 - Trac container: add make test to spin up local test env
<botifico> [haiku/infrastructure] nielx 8d2c95c - Trac container: remove python implementation
<Begasus> guess we need to drop the old (unused) tiff recipe and bump to the latest release (quite some deppendencies I suspect though) :)
<Begasus> only tiff4 available on 32bit
<Begasus> bugger, 4.2.0 still installed for gcc2_x86
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<Begasus> biab
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<Begasus> conflicts: tiff${secondaryArchSuffix}_devel (there isn't even a tiff package anymore) :/
<Begasus> renaming time I guess, tiff4.2, tiff4.4 and new tiff4.6
<botifico> [haiku/infrastructure] nielx pushed 1 commit to master [+3/-0/±0]
<botifico> [haiku/infrastructure] nielx 912f2f6 - Trac container: store custom plugins
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<OscarL> Begasus: :-D
<OscarL> (notice lines 22 onward)
<Begasus> nice OscarL!
<OscarL> my patch is not that nice, but... works for me :-D
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<Begasus> probably needs some more testing, but should be ok
<Begasus> can't drop 4.2.0 (only one for gcc2), can't drop 4.4.0 (in use too much)
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] augiedoggie pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-1/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] hoanga ebeb80d - proj: bump version (#9550)
<Begasus> OscarL, maybe file a PR for that and see what happens?
<OscarL> I'll see if some sleep allows me to write it a bit better, but other than that...yeah, will do a PR for it.
<Begasus> +1
<OscarL> Noticed that there are too many bare "except:" on HaikuPorter's code too (makes it hard to debug my crappy code :-D.
<OscarL> (you don't get proper error messages, because hp's code just masks/hides them)
<Begasus> :/
<Begasus> nielx[m], saw my comment on the qt-creator PR?
* augiedoggie wonders if the 32 bit builder is stuck again
<augiedoggie> taking a while to compile one file
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<Begasus> those sci-libs can be a pain in the ...
<Begasus> but yes, looks suspicious
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<Begasus> wen't pretty fast here in the beginning, so something is deff wrong :/
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<Begasus> ok, can drop swift_lang (all disabled already) :)
<augiedoggie> "
<augiedoggie> "all builders lost" :P
<Begasus> think nielx[m] pushed a button? ;)
<augiedoggie> that builder needs more than a button push, it needs a sledgehammer :P
<Begasus> heh
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<Begasus> ~> swipl
<Begasus> Welcome to SWI-Prolog (threaded, 64 bits, version 9.0.4)
<Begasus> at least something ;)
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<nielx[m]> Begasus: saw comment, will rewrite the author of the commit and resubmit
<Begasus> thanks :-) it's one of those things we also commented on GCI :)
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<Habbie> swi-prolog, oh the memories
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<Habbie> named after (social science informatics) - i studied CS at and of course we used the 'internal' prolog
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<Begasus> both (disabled) recipes are reported as vulnerable at repology, thought I gave a swing at the latest release :)
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<B2IA> (DaneGSR) Amazing there are still people listed here!!
<Begasus> Dane?
<Begasus> as in .. the one? ;)
<B2IA> (DaneGSR) Begasus!!!!
<B2IA> (DaneGSR) It's Dane yep!
<B2IA> (DaneGSR) How are you?!!
<Begasus> still alive I see (saw your post at FB) :)
<Begasus> alive and kicking :D
<B2IA> (DaneGSR) As usual, I'm here on a quest. Trying to figure out how to make an ISO from a Haiku boot partition. Would you happen to know the incantation for that? :-D
<Begasus> I'm no expert there
<B2IA> (DaneGSR) OK, thought I'd take a shot!
<Begasus> you need one from an installed partition?
<B2IA> (DaneGSR) Yes, right. I have a TuneTracker/Haiku parrtition I want to make an ISO of, and then see if I can get it to run on a virtual machine on my Mac.
<B2IA> (DaneGSR) But I have to use dd or something first to make the ISO
<Habbie> why do you want it to be an ISO?
<Begasus> had something online from way back .. somewhere ...
<Habbie> or, let me rephrase, does it have to look like a CD?
<Habbie> (I've seen in many conversations about many OSes in many channels that people use "ISO" to mean any kind of image)
<B2IA> (DaneGSR) It gets pretty confusing!
<Habbie> anyway, a simple dd should suffice to get something bootable in a VM
<Habbie> without involving the term ISO at all
<zdykstra> Hola Habbie
<Habbie> hello!
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<B2IA> (DaneGSR) If I can find some syntax that'll get me there, that's all that matters. The VM software seems to be asking for a "Boot ISO image," that's as much as I know.
<Habbie> most VM software can instead take a 'hard disk' image
<puck_> What VM software are you using?
<Habbie> indeed
<B2IA> (DaneGSR) I'm tryint two different ones, VirtualBox and UTM
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<puck_> ah, UTM would work well here i think
<B2IA> (DaneGSR) What I need is the syntax to use, to create the image.
<B2IA> (DaneGSR) (from a bootable USB stick)
<puck_> dd if=/dev/disk/scsi/0/0/0/raw of=path/to/image.raw bs=1M, i believe, but i might be wrong on the amount of zeroes; you could also create a USB drive with BFS and copy over what you need, then install Haiku directly into UTM, maybe?
<Habbie> also, don't dd a running system
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<Molniya> owo
<Molniya> it'll usually be a bit inconsistent
<B2IA> (DaneGSR) Thanks...will try that!
<Begasus> closing down here, cu peeps!
<Begasus> good luck Dane! :)
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<B2IA> (DaneGSR) Thanks again, nice to be back in touch!
<_Dario_> hi Dane. You are from te TT Systems?
<B2IA> (DaneGSR) Right
<_Dario_> oh, yes I remember. You kindly sent me an USB stick with "Discover Haiku", if I remember correctly
<_Dario_> around 2015 or something like that
<B2IA> (DaneGSR) Very possibly!
<_Dario_> :)
<_Dario_> glad to see you around!
<B2IA> (DaneGSR) Nice to see some of the old gang in here!
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<erysdren> and plenty of new faces too!
<B2IA> (DaneGSR) Nice
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<andreasdr[m]> Hi there
<andreasdr[m]> What is TT Systems?
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<OscarL> andreasdr[m]: TT -> TuneTracker
<andreasdr[m]> Ah cool.
<andreasdr[m]> Thanks OscarL
<OscarL> np :-)
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<HaikuUser> when will dd stops if no count is specified ? at end of input size or output size ? Is there particularities on haiku's dd (versus linux)?
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<B2IA> (UnrealNeil) <looks around the room for a familiar face>
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