ChanServ changed the topic of #haiku to: Open-source operating system that specifically targets personal computing. | | Nightlies: | Bugtracker: | SCM: | Logs: | Matrix: | XMPP:
coolcoder613 has joined #haiku
<OscarL> Wonder why View.cpp doesn't complains (on 32 bits) about "unsigned int", where it should be uint32.
<OscarL> Seems we should re-check all of those and make sure they match what the Haiku headers say they are.
* coolcoder613 is watching bryan lundukes latest video about 'Haiku OS - What's going wrong and how to fix it'
<coolcoder613> His 1st problem: Massisve feature creep, aka ported software
<erysdren> bryan lunduke is a conservative idiot
<coolcoder613> He has good articles about retro computers
<erysdren> just don't look up his views on transgender people
<coolcoder613> His list of problems with Haiku: massive feature creep, increased bloat, no r1 in sight, loss of uniqueness, no leadership, no marketing, no press relations, political discrimination
<OscarL> last one is utter bullshit.
<erysdren> that's about what i'd expect from him
<coolcoder613> I know
<coolcoder613> but the r1 one is true
<OscarL> and the rest... this is just a bunch of dudes working on whatever we want... not sure what the hell he expects.
<coolcoder613> I dont think he understands what haiku inc is
<coolcoder613> And he doesnt understand... Haiku != bloated BeOS
<OscarL> I shall become supreme leader, and order coolcoder613 to top messing around with python bindings, and erysdren to stop messig with ported games, and start fixing bugs and working on R1 release candidate 1 already! :-P
* OscarL waits a few seconds to see how well that worked.
<erysdren> we shall all fall in line under OscarL's glorious leadership.
<OscarL> Oh no... we're doomed!
<coolcoder613> While slipping bugs into his code :)
<coolcoder613> Argh! Lunduke, Haiku is not a company!
* phschafft slowly exits the room. carefully not to be spotted.
<erysdren> hehehe
* phschafft already wonders why he is in here at all to begin with.
<erysdren> because haiku is cool! fun to tinker with, in my opinion
<erysdren> i've been hanging out in this channel for about 6 months. not always active, but the regulars are kind
<phschafft> I have spend more time talking off-topic in here than actually using it. ;)
<erysdren> me too lol
<erysdren> but i do have a Haiku VM i spin up to play with
<phschafft> sadly there are a few reasons for that, that are not my time (some are my time budget).
<phschafft> the missing release and marketing is surely part of that.
<erysdren> yah
<phschafft> but also that the parts I'm more intrested in seem to be a bit thin on documentation.
<phschafft> totally no judgment from my side, I know the status of my own projects. ;)
<erysdren> i've been doing my own little marketing, just posting about my ports and haiku usage adventures on social media
<erysdren> but i can't afford to do much more
<OscarL> problem with marketing is that if you over do it, people will get even more frustrated. Most passers by already expect too much from such a small team.
<phschafft> hm
<phschafft> that sounds more like targeting the wrong audiance.
<erysdren> maybe so
<erysdren> does linux have a marketing arm, though?
<erysdren> i guess they don't need it
* OscarL googles how to target skilled OS devs with free time.
<zdykstra> $$$
<phschafft> ;)
* OscarL grabs zdykstra $$$ and runs away.
<coolcoder613> phschafft closed the door behind him
<phschafft> that's exactly why I'm so sad I'm not in the possition to play with it much at this point.
<phschafft> last time I tried to get stuff working I had some problem with some dependenices. surely something simple. but it was a stopper at that point.
<phschafft> the reason why I came here was to run test software and then write some benchmark results at the Icecast mailing list.
<OscarL> I just wanted to fix and old serial_mouse driver... and here I am a year+ later, doing janitorial work on Python recipes :-D
<erysdren> heh
<erysdren> you got hooked!
<OscarL> and fixing (when my limited skills permit) some of the "paper-cuts" I still get on Haiku.
<OscarL> erysdren: I blame Begasus :-P
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<zdykstra> I mostly use it as a pretty way to run terminals - I SSH into other machines to do my work there (since my stuff these days is 100% Linux-specific)
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* phschafft nods.
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<waddlesplash> <coolcoder613> His 1st problem: Massisve feature creep, aka ported software
<waddlesplash> you know the thing is, the people who say this are never ones who actually use Haiku a lot, I think
<waddlesplash> like ... we're here trying to make Haiku an OS we can actually use on a day to day basis
<waddlesplash> that demands a lot of software
<waddlesplash> phschafft: I'd be interested to hear what parts you're interested in that lack documentation
<phschafft> porting software is hardly feature creep. it is just making things more compatible (both ways).
<waddlesplash> right
<phschafft> but it would surely be nice to have as many of them become first class citizens (meaning not just running somehow but actually doing it the way things are here).
<phschafft> waddlesplash: the parts I didn't find much about is the filesystem. both the API, as well as the physical on-disk data structures.
<waddlesplash> well the API is just POSIX
<waddlesplash> or if you mean BFS specific parts that's documented in the Be Book and hasn't changed
<waddlesplash> physical on-disk data structures aren't especially well documented. the Giampaolo book has a bunch, there's a bit of in-tree docs, and then just source code
<phschafft> the POSIX part is the 'lame' part. ;)
<waddlesplash> ?
<waddlesplash> if you don't want to deal with POSIX you can use BDirectory et al.
<waddlesplash> but these mostly use POSIX under the hood
<phschafft> POSIX can give you access to the actual data just fine. but I'm looking specifically for the extended metadata and features.
<waddlesplash> fs_open_attr_dir() and friends are what you want
<phschafft> waddlesplash: seems you succesfully proven me wrong. thank you. :)
<waddlesplash> phschafft: (ours) and (Be's) are the docs for the query API
<waddlesplash> there's other relevant pages if you poke around under "Storage Kit" on both
<waddlesplash> e.g. for node monitoring
<waddlesplash> phschafft: happy to help. :)
<phschafft> is there a shell tool to aid playing around with it?
<augiedoggie> there are tools for attributes and queries but not the node monitor
<phschafft> hm.
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<waddlesplash> phschafft: *attr tools; listattr, catattr, copyattr, rmattr, etc.
<waddlesplash> for queries, "query" and "filteredquery" command
<waddlesplash> indeed we don't have a CLI for nodemonitor...
<waddlesplash> depending on what you are doing, "mimeset" command may also be relevant
<phschafft> hm.
* phschafft nods.
<phschafft> at this point playing with things to see what other great minds came up with.
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<erysdren> good evening
<phschafft> good very late evening erysdren.
<coolcoder613> Good afternoon
<phschafft> the sun is awaking.
<erysdren> it's only 12:30 am here
<coolcoder613> 4:30 pm here
<phschafft> will now take a little power nap before I get my flatmate out of his charging cradle.
<phschafft> It's 05:29:25. Here and there and everythere. (Unless you're real quick ;)
<erysdren> sounds good
<erysdren> sleep well
<phschafft> (07:29:22 local time ;)
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<coolcoder613> When will the rust port be updated?
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<coolcoder613> Hello Begasus
<Begasus> Hi there coolcoder613
<Begasus> g'morning peeps
<coolcoder613> What do you think about this format for recipe files?
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-2/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 0ebc3c7 - harfbuzz, bump version, fix build for pango (#9611)
<Begasus> looks OK to me, but I'm not familiar with json :)
<coolcoder613> I mean do you think it should be more/less structured?
<Begasus> looks clear enough to understand, even for me
<coolcoder613> |cos| thought the ingredients and amounts should be seperate, so the program can multiply for doubled recipes, but people can use weird units like pinches, so i dont think that would work
<Begasus> no master chef here (I leave that up to the wife), so no idea there :)
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-2/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus a228067 - pango, bump version, rely on harfbuzz_glib_devel package (#9612)
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<coolcoder613> Hi erysdren
<erysdren> hi
<|cos|> coolcoder613: a pinch is just the english language way to express 1 ml, right? apart from that 2/3 et cetera are amounts.
<erysdren> a pinch is whatever someone says it is
<erysdren> it's just however much you can fit between your fingers
<erysdren> i don't think it has a concrete measurement
<erysdren> atleast that's how it is in the US
<coolcoder613> I know, but should i have a special case for a pinch, to say that 2x pinch is two pinches?
<erysdren> yeah i guess so
<|cos|> coolcoder613: in my recipe management system, i convert all measurements to grams. we concluded you'll be doing things differently. (:
<|cos|> coolcoder613: if you feel that the functionality you wish to provide is reached by storing quantity and amounts as on field, just disregard my comment.
<|cos|> it'll be tricky to show a doubled recipe then, but maybe that's not the goal
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<coolcoder613> Its not supposed to replace more sctructured recipe software, its supposed to replace a pen-and-paper recipe book
<erysdren> in that case, i think it's fine then
<|cos|> indeed! implement for the needs you have, not those of others.
<|cos|> i might be an outlier there too, as my physical recipe books doubles as notebooks. if i realize something while/after cooking, i scrabble it down in between the print.
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<coolcoder613_mac> This works!
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<Begasus> Had been there a few times, now it's up and running :)
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<coolcoder613> What is it?
<coolcoder613> What is that Begasus?
<Begasus> Frogatto4
<coolcoder613> Which is?
<Begasus> classic game running with anura engine
<coolcoder613> |cos|: how does a 'export to markdown' feature sound?
<coolcoder613> Begasus: what sort of game is it? platformer? rpg?
<Begasus> walk and run, so probably falls in platform game
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<coolcoder613> I'd like to try it when it comes on HaikuPorts, when will that be?
<|cos|> coolcoder613: import and export is always good!
<Begasus> not sure I want to release it, only anura binary is almost 400MiB :)
<coolcoder613> Whew, that is *big*
<Begasus> the frogatto "module" download is about the same size
<coolcoder613> SuperTuxKart is 626MB
<Begasus> ow, there are plenty of large packages around, not sure if adding this one is a plus atm :)
<Begasus> +815MiB
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] threedeyes pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-2/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] threedeyes 474c929 - LibreOffice: bump version
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<Begasus> nice, update on LO :)
<coolcoder613> Everyone: What is your best code editor for Python on Haiku (VSCode level or less)
<coolcoder613> Pe doesnt even auto-indent properly
<Begasus> tried CudaText?
<coolcoder613> When i open a .py file, it does not syntax highlight.
<Begasus> didn't it asked to add a lexer for python?
<coolcoder613> No, i dont think so
<Begasus> at the top when you open it there should be a bar asking for it
<Begasus> otherwise you can install one over the menu
<Begasus> View(?) -> lexers
<BlueSky76> coolcoder613: Have you tried Koder? It's a nice editor, haven't used it much with python though because I mainly do C++ on Haiku.
<coolcoder613> Just shows (none)
<coolcoder613> BlueSky76: doesnt auto-indent either
<coolcoder613> There is pycharm, I suppose, but it is heavyweight
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* phschafft remembered that one.
<Begasus> seems to be doing fine here :)
* phschafft guesses that if that is running fine the rest of the family might also be fine.
<Begasus> only one way to find out :)
<BlueSky76> coolcoder: Well, you can make a feature request the github project page ;-)
<Begasus> poke Kapix when he's around too :)
<Begasus> for the record, Pe is still my main editor :P
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<coolcoder613> Hi zard
<Begasus> it shows highlighting on the python file too
<phschafft> Begasus: one of the good things about their license policy is that you can actually do test installs.
<zard> hello coolcoder613 and all :)
<Begasus> hi zard :)
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<Begasus> phschafft, the ones at cudatext?
<Begasus> well ... still need Lazarus to be able to build it here :)
<Begasus> on that word, nothing from upstream patch for fpc :/
<coolcoder613> It would be nice to have freebasic...
<coolcoder613> Thats the trouble with these self-hosted compilers... hard to port
<Begasus> yere is yab coolcoder613
<Begasus> yere/there*
<Begasus> even comes with an IDE
<coolcoder613> yab cant run my QBASIC programs
<Begasus> ah, bugger :)
<coolcoder613> `Hmm... I wonder how hard it would be to port QB64
* coolcoder613 goes to QBASIC compiler...
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<zard> Now I'm going to see if I can uncomment that line in Roster.cpp again
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<Begasus> grabbing anura-4.0.0-1-x86_64.hpkg and moving it to /Opslag/haikuports/packages/anura-4.0.0-1-x86_64.hpkg
<Begasus> that's almost one :)
<zard> Now I understand Haikuporter's output, having made a recipe myself :)
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<HaikuUser> hey
<HaikuUser> I'm first time user of Haiku... and also first time in such a strange app !
<Begasus> Welcome HaikuUser
<HaikuUser> thanks Begasus, how are you
<Begasus> fine here thanks, how is it there?
<Begasus> ps, you can change your nick here with "/nick <blob>" or something :)
<HaikuUser> night time! I should be sleeping but instead I'm giving a try to this Haiku, in live Usb mode
<HaikuUser> :)
<zard> A hello from me too :)
HaikuUser is now known as vic5
<vic5> hello zard
<phschafft> :)
<Begasus> k, chopped of 26MiB from the engine package
<Begasus> ah no, it's the other way round, 91MiB chopped of :D
<vic5> ... so that's what an IRC client is ! before I only heard of it, guessing it used to be much more popular in the past...
<Begasus> it was vic5 :) only nerds here :)
<vic5> :D
<coolcoder613> Begasus, try adding -Oz to the CFLAGS, may help with the size
<vic5> happy to be among nerds :)
* phschafft pokes himself checking if he is a nerd.
<Begasus> engine package down to 26MiB, not that bad coolcoder613
<coolcoder613> and if you want speed too, add -O4
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<Begasus> that's for the "real" ones :P
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<zard> Let's just cram both -Oz and -O4 onto the command line :D
<andreaa72> zard : optimization ?
<coolcoder613> Thats what i do for my RustPython4dos
<zard> Just kidding, doubt that would work :P... Wait, gcc let you do that? O.O
<coolcoder613> Yup
<vic5> I notice that whoever coded Haiku & apps, have sense of humor... In process controller, I tried disabling both of my processor's (which is ... insane ability TBH!) and it says you can't do that... Thank goodness it doesn't allow :))
<coolcoder613> and i run wasm-opt multiple times...
<zard> And I compress compressed files multiple times for good measure :P
<andreaa72> the research of optimunm makes crazy ... i am crazy yes, but not good ...
<zard> (just kidding)
<Begasus> hence the name vic5, BeOS had some hiden haiku's in the system
<andreaa72> xD
* zard can hardly code with all of this talking
<zard> :D
<coolcoder613> Got to go, g'night
<zard> Good night coolcoder613 :)
* Begasus can hardly code at all! :)
<vic5> 'night to all
<Begasus> cya!
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<zard> goodbye
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<Begasus> getting anura to use ~/config/settings not working :/ will leave that for now
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<Begasus> hi cocobean
<cocobean> Hi.... keeping busy?
<Begasus> yep, frogatto4 almost round :)
<Begasus> picking up one of the kids from work in a bit
<Begasus> haven't had a chance to checkout latest changes on wesnoth, but as long as it doesn't launch it's a no go
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<cocobean> That is fine... we know it compiles at least.. just have to spend time debugging the issue for now.
<Begasus> +1 hard to debug with nothing really valuable in the Terminal /
<Begasus> bbl
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* zdykstra yawns
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<andreaa72> big blues jimmy ...
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<Begasus> g'morning then zdykstra :)
<andreaa72> hi Begasus ;)
<andreaa72> hi zdykstra ;)
<zdykstra> morning all
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<Begasus> hi andreaa72
<Begasus> out again ... :)
<andreaa72> hhi Begasus
<andreaa72> free ...
<andreaa72> in search 4 working ...
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57331] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] ad7c4e2dbd4f - BSpinner: Fix in/decrease widget behavior
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<erysdren> where should i get started if i wanted to write a haiku hardware driver for a USB video device?
<andreaa72> aittam = ?
<andreaa72> a joke ... try ...
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<Coldfirex> We dont have any automatic static analysis setup do we?
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<OscarL> erysdren: perhaps by porting libuvc? (uses libusb, that tends to have issues on Haiku, so you might want to write a backend based on USBKit)
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] kallisti5 pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-2/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] kallisti5 51878b1 - mesa: Bump to 23.1.9, still unstable don't use :-)
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<idea-PC> Hello there
<idea-PC> How to I update webpositive webkit? My eyes are suffering from the flickering and I heard its fixed in 1.9.2/1.9.3 but I'm on 1.9.1
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] kallisti5 pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-2/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] kallisti5 fc0cf1d - libglvnd: Bump to 1.7.0 with our patches fully upstream
<OscarL> idea-PC: Either run the SoftwareUpdater app from the Deskbar menu, or use "pkgman update" (or pkgman full-sync) from Terminal.
<idea-PC> Thank you!
<idea-PC> I also wonder, does Haiku support real opengl hardware acceleration now? I read that its possible to run Dolphin here, but wouldn't it require hardware acceleration to work properly?
<idea-PC> I got the system running on my 2013 Thinkpad tho. HD4000
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<waddlesplash> there is only some experimental acceleration for Radeon Southern Islands that is "some assembly required" to get working
<waddlesplash> and it's Vulkan-only
<idea-PC> =(
<idea-PC> Well I see. Found a hardwareinfo page.
<erysdren> hardware-accelerated applications can still run using the llvmpipe layer
<erysdren> it does all the stuff on the CPU
<erysdren> so it looks the same, just runs slow.
<idea-PC> Yeah thats what I firstly thought and that was the reason for me asking that
<idea-PC> I have an i5-3230M
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<Begasus> closing down here
<Begasus> g'night peeps
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<PulkoMandy> Coldfirex: we have Coverity scans but it's not fully automatic
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<erysdren> oops, quakespasm got updated again
<erysdren> time to bump the haikuports version :P
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<Coldfirex> @PulkoMandy: Thanks. I forgot about that piece. Do we have infrastructure for automatic build reports using built-in gcc\clang analyzers?
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<PulkoMandy> what kind of infrastructure do you need? we have several things running I think: the official concource CI (you can add things there using the repo), MadMax's build checker (run by MadMax, as far as I understand it's a pile of scripts, this one submits build results to Gerrit and has a webreport for each merge request), and I think there are some things running on the gith
<PulkoMandy> ub mirror of the repo as well?
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<erysdren> is there any chance Haiku could get another deskbar menu for Games
<erysdren> Applications, Demos, Games, Desktop Applets....
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<Coldfirex> I dont need any. I was just more curious about it all honestly
<PulkoMandy> No change is neede in Haiku side. Just change all games recipes in haikuports to create their entries in a "Games" folder instead of "Applications", and DeskBar will show it, I think
<PulkoMandy> seems like a good idea anyway
<jmairboeck> maybe a shell function for that should be added to haikuporter
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<PulkoMandy> yes, sounds like an easy patch to haikuporter :)
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<coolcoder613_32> Good morning
<erysdren> good morning
<erysdren> i bumped the QuakeSpasm version
<erysdren> on haikuports
* coolcoder613_32 looks it up on HaikuDepot
<erysdren> my friend did the Haiku-styled logo
<coolcoder613_32> Did you get around to trying digger?
<erysdren> not yet
<erysdren> i wanted to ask the Haiku devs here, is there any chance of including the Quake shareware data on haikuports?
<erysdren> since it's shareware & free to distribute since 1996, i thought it'd go well with the QuakeSpasm sourceport
<coolcoder613_32> I dont think so?
<erysdren> i believe the BSD repos have it.
<erysdren> though not sure
* coolcoder613_32 looks at HaikuDepot... No wolf3d port?
<erysdren> oh yeah, i was gonna work on that sometime
<erysdren> there's a few sourceports i could bring to haiku
<erysdren> never finished one yet
<erysdren> never finished porting one, i mean
<coolcoder613_32> I want to try... which one do you prefer?
<erysdren> ECWolf is the one i've used on linux
<erysdren> i wanna port this to Haiku sometime
<coolcoder613_32> what about chocolate wolf3d, oir crispy wolf3d
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<erysdren> never tried them
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<coolcoder613_32> There is wolf4sdl too, i think ecwolf is based on it
<erysdren> Fabien does good work
<erysdren> maybe i'll port this to Haiku and see how it runs
<coolcoder613_32> OpenGL/gl.h?
<erysdren> that's the macOS gl header
<erysdren> in crt.h add a __HAIKU__ define check
<erysdren> where it includes GL/gl.h
<coolcoder613_32> actually, #elif __linux__ or __HAIKU__
<erysdren> yeah
<erysdren> i already built it. it still doesn't run correctly, though. couldn't find the WOLF3D game data
<erysdren> not sure why, even though i had it in the same folder
<coolcoder613_32> check the README, and try putting it in ~
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<coolcoder613_32> boot/system/develop/tools/x86/bin/../lib/gcc/i586-pc-haiku/13.2.0/../../../../i586-pc-haiku/bin/ld: cannot find -lSDL_mixer: No such file or directory
<erysdren> install SDL_mixer_x86 or something
<erysdren> on haiku
<coolcoder613_32> installed already
<erysdren> oh
<erysdren> no idea then
<coolcoder613_32> uninstalled SDL_mixer, so i only had SDL_mixer_x86 and it worked
<erysdren> ah yeah
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] diversys pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-1/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] erysdren d1494de - QuakeSpasm: bump to 0.96.1 (#9640)
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] diversys pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-0/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] davidkaroly 79e2cb3 - libsbsms: new recipe (#9641)
<coolcoder613_32> erysdren, have you tried making the filenames lowercase?
<erysdren> i didnt yet
<erysdren> im busy with other stuff
<erysdren> did that work?
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<coolcoder613_32> UnlockGL is called from wrong thread, lockerThread: 3194, callerThread: 3207
<coolcoder613> For chocolate wolf3d, you have to change the #defines in version.h, to match your game files
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