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hightower3 has joined #haiku
<SoulHunter> well, I tried to install Haiku on vmware workstation and oracle virtualbox and in both cases the installation finishes well but when restarting directly after, there is no bootable drive found
<coolcoder613_32> What did you install to?
<SoulHunter> but then i discovered that the issue is with intel partitioning that I chose during partition setup
<coolcoder613_32> When I made a Haiku VM, I had to format the raw drive without making a partition table, did you try that?
<SoulHunter> no, i didn't know it was possible
<coolcoder613_32> Try it
<SoulHunter> but i discovered that it worked only when i chose to initialize disk with GUID partition map
<coolcoder613_32> So it works now?
<SoulHunter> yes, but for me it seemed strange
<SoulHunter> it's a case of "it works this way but why the other way it doesn't when it should"
<coolcoder613_32> Oh, I get it, EFI was enabled for the VM
<coolcoder613_32> Was it?
<SoulHunter> let me verify
<SoulHunter> i'm creating a vm right now just to be sure
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<SoulHunter> well its bios for vmware
<SoulHunter> not efi
<coolcoder613_32> Did you install the bootloader in the Installer?
<SoulHunter> and its bios for virtualbox
<SoulHunter> i did the default installation
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<SoulHunter> i assume it installs the bootloader
<coolcoder613_32> No, it is in the `Tools` menu in the installer
<SoulHunter> ok i'll try right now
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<SoulHunter> thank you, it worked
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<coolcoder613_32> What is your impression of Haiku?
<SoulHunter> but shouldn't it work without explicitly installing the bootloader ?
<SoulHunter> well this is not the first time I install and use Haiku
<SoulHunter> been a follower since long ago
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<coolcoder613_32> What if you already have a bootloader? Do you want it to get overwritten?
<SoulHunter> I'm installing on a fresh VM
<SoulHunter> It seemed odd for me that when having an Intel partition table on the disk, there's no boot situation
<SoulHunter> but with GPT it works
<SoulHunter> and this is with both vmware and virtualbox
<SoulHunter> does this require filing a bug ?
<coolcoder613_32> But how should Haiku know wether you want your bootsector overwritten or not? Is there any open source mindreading software? :)
<SoulHunter> of course not
<SoulHunter> but it either asks for installing a bootloader or it installs it automatically
<SoulHunter> my situation is "it installed the bootloader for GPT but not for MBR"
<coolcoder613_32> Yes, it should ask, but...
<SoulHunter> that's another topic maybe
<SoulHunter> anyway, I'm asking if this is expected or not (booting ok with GPT after install but no boot with MBR after reinstall)
<coolcoder613_32> I dont think so... What bootloader is being used with GPT?
<coolcoder613_32> Where did it come from?
<SoulHunter> I'm just installing Haiku on fresh VM, never installed a bootloader on it
<coolcoder613_32> So the question is, what is booting Haiku on GPT?
<SoulHunter> for me it's the default Haiku install that did it
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<coolcoder613_32> Failed to download package mesa_x86_swpipe: Interrupted system call
<coolcoder613_32> What's up erysdren?
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<erysdren> not much
<erysdren> u?
<coolcoder613_32> playing around with unix(-like) OSes, running minix 2 ATM, had a hard time running Kerla
<erysdren> nice nice
<erysdren> i've never ran a legit UNIX but i've been thinking about playing with it
<coolcoder613_32> There is v7/x86, if you want something easier to run
<coolcoder613_32> That is a 'real' Unix
* CompanionCube is randomly reminded that macOS is a legit(tm) UNIX
<coolcoder613_32> Certified Unix, yes... actual Bell Labs Unix, no
<CompanionCube> another one might be the SVR4-derived solaris/illumos
<coolcoder613_32> Also a derivative
<coolcoder613_32> v7/x86 is actually Bells Labs Unix v7 ported to x86
<coolcoder613_32> Minix is not even a derivative, it is a clone
<coolcoder613_32> as is Linux
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<coolcoder613_32> Oh, erysdren, Python is *not* typeless
<erysdren> ah
<erysdren> i mean it has internal types but i'd call it "weakly typed" atleast
<coolcoder613_32> Not even weakly typed
<coolcoder613_32> It is dynamically typed
<coolcoder613_32> weakly typed means implicit casts and stuff
<coolcoder613_32> like js
<erysdren> does python not do implicit casts?
<coolcoder613_32> dynamically typed means an object has a type, which can be changed
<coolcoder613_32> Python does not do implicit casts
<erysdren> ah
<coolcoder613_32> typeless means everything is basically a void*
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<x512[m]> Dynamic typing means that user can't declare own types and only fixed set of language built-in types can be used (for example Object, Number).
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<coolcoder613> No
<coolcoder613> Dynamic means that types can be changed at runtime
<x512[m]> It can't.
<coolcoder613> What cant?
<x512[m]> Types can't be changed at runtime.
<coolcoder613> In which language?
<x512[m]> In "dynamically typed" languages.
<coolcoder613> I mean the type of a variable
<x512[m]> Variable have pointer type. It is not changed on pointer assign.
<coolcoder613> That is the underlying storage, not the Python-level variable
<coolcoder613> For example:
<coolcoder613> a=1
<coolcoder613> a='1'
<coolcoder613> Is not an error
<x512[m]> a = "123" -> a is pointer to string.
<coolcoder613> While a=1+'1' is an error
<x512[m]> Assign is changing pointer value.
<x512[m]> Sone
<coolcoder613> The pointer is an implemenation detail
<x512[m]> Some languages have an optimization to store primitive values such as integer directly.
<x512[m]> Pointer is not an implementation detail. It is integral core part of language that affects behavior.
<x512[m]> a = {a: 1}
<x512[m]> b = a
<x512[m]> b.b = 2
<x512[m]> a will be also changed because variables are pointer to values, not values itself.
<coolcoder613> Theoretically, variables could be implemented without pointers
<x512[m]> It can't.
<x512[m]> Python, Javascript, Lua etc. have mutable values and its changes are visible from all pointers.
<x512[m]> It is public behavior, it can't be changed without breaking everything.
<coolcoder613> If you implemented it in some other dynamic language, if you compile to another dynamic language...
<x512[m]> Another dynamic language also have pointers.
<coolcoder613> You can implement a Python interpreter in JS, which does not have pointers
<x512[m]> JS of course have pointers.
<x512[m]> Every variable is a pointer.
<x512[m]> <x512[m]> "a = {a: 1}..." <- > <> ```... (full message at <>)
<coolcoder613> True, but that is like saying every language is typeless, because machine code is typeless
<x512[m]> In C/C++/Pascal you can declare new type, in JavaScript/Lua etc. you can't. You can use only a fixed predefined set of types.
<coolcoder613> In Python you can...
<x512[m]> > There are eight basic types in Lua: nil, boolean, number, string, userdata, function, thread, and table.
<coolcoder613> Are you distinguishing between type and object?
<coolcoder613> Or struct, etc
<x512[m]> Object is dynamic typed languages wording for associative array.
<coolcoder613> In Python, everything is an object
<coolcoder613> even int, str, etc
<x512[m]> Associative array (so called "Object") is just one of fixed set of predefined language types.
<x512[m]> In C++ you can also do `typedef std::map<variant, variant> Object`.
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<coolcoder613> You can inherit from int or str...
<x512[m]> Inheriting in Python is very fake.
<coolcoder613> In what way is it fake?
<x512[m]> Python is very strange and inconsistently designed I think.
<x512[m]> JavaScript and Lua are more consistent.
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<x512[m]> It do not attempt to introduce fake concepts and provide Object/table that is an associative array.
<x512[m]> I do not understand why class and dictionary are different things in Python and have different syntax to access fields but in reality it is a same things.
<coolcoder613> Similar implementation, different purpose
<coolcoder613> dicts are implented on top of classes\
<x512[m]> Not opposite?
<x512[m]> Aren't class fields storage are dictionary?
<coolcoder613> No, `print(dict)` outputs `<class 'dict'>`
<coolcoder613> I think classes are implented as a struct of pointers
<coolcoder613> *implemented
<coolcoder613> A variable is a pointer to a struct of pointers
<x512[m]> Both class fields and dictionary fields are technically an associative array. Python do not support proper class type declarations with fixed set of fields.
<x512[m]> So Python classes are very weird syntax sugar over associative arrays.
<coolcoder613> Yes, Python is *dynamic*, a Python class is a whole different beast from a class in a static language
<x512[m]> Class can be only static. Dynamic class makes no sense. Dynamic languages use prototype etc. OOP.
<coolcoder613> And for the record, `a=1; a.str='1'` is not allowed
<coolcoder613> Apparently there is a distinction between C/C++ defined classes, and Python-defined classes
<x512[m]> What is the point of declaring classes if you can put everything in it at runtime anyway.
<x512[m]> Type system exist to make constraints and avoiding logic errors.
<x512[m]> Python classes do not help with that.
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<coolcoder613> They do, try `1='1'`
<coolcoder613> There is a difference between dynamically typed, weakly typed, and typeless
<x512[m]> What is real type system for dynamic language:
<x512[m]> It include explicit field declarations.
<x512[m]> Don't understand why Python have so much hype.
<coolcoder613> To take the example from the website: `user = { 'firstName': "Angela", 'lastName': "Davis", 'role': "Professor", }; print(user['name'])`
<coolcoder613> Is KeyError: 'name'
<x512[m]> It is unfortunate that HaikuPorter is written in Python.
<x512[m]> Implicit type deduction is also strongly typed.
<erysdren> it has hype because its very fast to prototype with, and easy to learn
<erysdren> i guess
<erysdren> i use it sometimes when C is too cumbersome for a task
<x512[m]> I can't understand Python. It is too weird and inconsistent to me. May be I am dumb. JS/Lua/Java/C++ are easier.
<coolcoder613> It may not be the best, but for many, it is the most productive language
<x512[m]> Why not JS?
<coolcoder613> Have you ever seen any Python evangelists?
<x512[m]> No.
<coolcoder613> What about Rust evangelists?
<x512[m]> Maybe.
<x512[m]> Rust have clear purpose: safe compiled language without GC for high-performance and system computing.
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<x512[m]> Python is just weird.
<coolcoder613> People write Python because it is easy, it is what they are comfortable with, it has a lot of libraries
<x512[m]> JS is not easy?
<x512[m]> Basic is not easy?
<coolcoder613> BASIC is easy, JS is... easy, Python is too
<coolcoder613> Not everyone dislikes Python like you do, that is a personal thing.
<x512[m]> Also Python is slowest and bloatest dynamic language ever.
<erysdren> i do agree with that
<coolcoder613> Slow, yes, too slow... depends
<x512[m]> Even Basic is faster.
<coolcoder613> Python has more features, and BASIC is not slow
<erysdren> the upside of python is that a lot of people use it, so there's a lot of useful libraries.
<erysdren> i wouldn't use it otherwise
<coolcoder613> Not compiled BASICs anyway
<erysdren> but it gets the job done
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<erysdren> i only use it for scripts where bash wouldn't work, but C is too cumbersome, as i said before
<erysdren> i find it works best in those cases
<coolcoder613> Another benefit of Python is cross-platform-ness
<erysdren> anything with image manipulation for example. the PIL module is fantastically useful
<x512[m]> It is not a benefit of language but of packaging. In Windows you have JScript/VBScript out of the box that can be used for simple automation. Or PowerShell.
<coolcoder613> JScript/VBScript was removed in win11 IIRC
<erysdren> or bash on linux, of course
<erysdren> but again, if i wanna do image manipulation operations, or quickly slam together some tool to modify files or spit out large amounts of text, etc...
<erysdren> sometimes bash isn't good enough
<erysdren> and i don't know the ffmpeg or mogrify commands.
<coolcoder613> I'd use xonsh
<moparisthebest> bash is on modern windows today anyway, along with openssh and curl etc etc
<coolcoder613> One of my teachers tought I should learn COBOL xD
<coolcoder613> This was last friday
<x512[m]> I suppose you can still earn a lot of money by programming in COBOL in USA.
<erysdren> yeah
<coolcoder613> But.... COBOL?
<erysdren> it's very popular in mainframes
<erysdren> because those mainframes were originally built in the 60s, 70s, etc...
<erysdren> and are still being maintained
<x512[m]> Until recently COBOL was included as one of variants in Japan programming paper tests.
<x512[m]> Mainframes are still alive.
<coolcoder613> x512[m], this should give you a laugh(or a heart attack)
<x512[m]> > Max. CPU clock rate5.2 GHz
<x512[m]> It is not retrocomputing, modern mainframes are comparable to modern x86 servers.
<x512[m]> Python is needed in PyBasic to emulate old computers speed I suppose :)
<coolcoder613> There are Python compilers, e.g. Nuitka
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<x512[m]> Windows Script Host is still here in Windows 11. There are also Wine version for worst case.
<x512[m]> At my work MS Office documents are used for nearly everything so I forced to learn VBA.
<coolcoder613> NTVDMx64 works on win11, I think
<x512[m]> Ir WineVDM. NTVDMx64 is illegal?
* coolcoder613 goes to check
<coolcoder613> I think the repo just has build scripts and patches
<coolcoder613> Which is legal
<x512[m]> Using leaked MS proprietary sources is illegal.
<x512[m]> build scripts and patches itself are not useful.
<coolcoder613> The author is only distibuting their own code
<coolcoder613> If you google ntvdmx64, there is a compiled version
<erysdren> i wouldn't trust the "legality" of any of that
<coolcoder613> Apparently MS hasnt sent any takedowns....
<erysdren> not yet!
<x512[m]> It is dangerous to ever look and deal with leaked sources for open source contributor.
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<x512[m]> So for me it do not exist.
<x512[m]> WineVDM ( is a right choose.
<coolcoder613> To quote: Warning: If Microsoft asks me to tkae down this page for any reason at all, thee page and all files linked from it will be deleted immediately . Microsoft has not made any such request during the years this page has been posted.
<coolcoder613> *take
<coolcoder613> *this
<erysdren> eh.
<erysdren> i don't think it should even be spoken of here
<coolcoder613> WineVDM DOS emulation is incomplete
<x512[m]> Joe the Uncatchable. Because nobody bother to catch them.
<x512[m]> The same with leaked BeOS sources. Haiku contributors must not make any codr contributions based on leaked BeOS sources.
<win8linux[m]> <coolcoder613> "To quote: Warning: If Microsoft..." <- It is not advisable to wait for legal action from Microsoft before taking down leaked source code.
<win8linux[m]> MS could very easily skip sending a Cease & Desist and go straight to a lawsuit.
<coolcoder613> That page is distributing binaries
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<coolcoder613> Not code
<erysdren> that doesnt make a difference, i don't think.
<x512[m]> Binaries are derived fork of leaked sources and illegal.
<erysdren> plus nobody will stop the full force of a microsoft lawsuit
<win8linux[m]> Wait, the binaries are from leaked source?
<x512[m]> fork -> from
<win8linux[m]> Sorry, just came in here.
<coolcoder613> They is not distributed by the developer
<win8linux[m]> <coolcoder613> "I think the repo just has..." <- If those are from leaked sources or written by someone who saw MS proprietary source, then there’s still potential for a legal threat.
<coolcoder613> It is hosted on Github, which is owned by MS, ironic
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<erysdren> haiku website is down/ssl certificate expired
<erysdren> what's going on?
<yann64[m]> Indeed, and no idea why.
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<erysdren> bizzare
<humdinger> same here
<coolcoder613> look at the http site, i think the domain has expired?
<humdinger> some aylight saving time issue?
<humdinger> germany switched this night
<yann64[m]> Yes , the whole domain (including sub-sites) in not available
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<win8linux[m]> Getting this on the main site now.
<erysdren> hmmm
<win8linux[m]> Forums look a bit different.
<yann64[m]> the discussion forum is back
<yann64[m]> somebody is working on it
<win8linux[m]> No, not back yet here.
<erysdren> discuss is back here
<yann64[m]> my mistake, that was my browser cache
<win8linux[m]> Forums still shows that error page.
<erysdren> ah, yeah, you're right
<erysdren> cache here too
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<yann64[m]> did a whois on "", looks like still owns the domain name (unless their info is not up to date
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<Begasus> g'morning peeps
<Begasus> what's up with the Haiku web?
<humdinger> ho Begasus!
<erysdren> no idea
<humdinger> it's dead, jim...
<Begasus> buildmasters, forum ... all down?
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<humdinger> helloween haunted
<humdinger> hi KapiX!
<Begasus> :/
<mj0908[m]> Thanos arrived
<KapiX> hi :)
<KapiX> just noticed haiku-os is borked and was wondering if it's just me
<humdinger> nope. down for all
<Begasus> nah :)
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<Begasus> Hola OscarL
<OscarL> that was fast :-). Hello Begasus!
<OscarL> " currently does not have any sponsors for you." Mmm, Ok I guess?
<Begasus> well, everything else is down
<yann64[m]> I'll have a temporary mirror for the website ready in a few minutes
<x512[m]> Domain lost?
<erysdren> uhoh
<KapiX> and has certificate issued for domains: *, *, *, *, <a lot more nonsense...>
<KapiX> this looks like an attack :/
<yann64[m]> Organization : Haiku, Inc.
<Begasus> my thought too KapiX
<erysdren> nah, it was supposed to be renewed today, but it wasn't
<erysdren> so it expired
<humdinger> next year
<Begasus> yeah
<erysdren> oh huh
<erysdren> i see
<Begasus> Expires On2024-10-29
<erysdren> still, it lands on the same day of the month that it was originally registered on
<erysdren> october 29 2002
<Begasus> meanwhile .. got latest NetBeans up and running :)
<OscarL> KapiX: some crazy domains for that certificate. Among them: "*" and "*" WTH!?! :-D
<yann64[m]> erysdren: temporary mirror for the main site :
<yann64[m]> no sub domains, so no forums, no downloads, no ticket review, etc...
<Begasus> an email from the maintainers would be nice :)
<yann64[m]> Begasus: aren't all the guys doing infra US based? That is the middle of the night there
<Begasus> not all yann64[m], nielx[m] is from EU
<Begasus> humdinger is from EU too :)
<humdinger> no admin. also, you don't want me near servers...
<Begasus> but not into infra :)
<Begasus> heh
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<x512[m]> This is why I think Github is more reliable than self-hosted infrastructure.
<OscarL> Begasus: nielx might still be in California these days? (unless his travel is over already)
<yann64[m]> will have to check for mirror hosting (on different address) to reduce impact of main sites going down
<yann64[m]> x512[m]: self hosting is fine as long as there is proper mirroring/fallback... which doex not seem to be the case now
<Begasus> could be that he's still somewhere at scottmc's place OscarL
<Begasus> was just thinking about that x512[m] ;)
<yann64[m]> Have added userguide to my mirror of the main website :
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<x512[m]> yann64: How that mirror work?
<yann64[m]> I have Gitea to sync all Haiku repositories every few hours (GitHub an all), including website and userguide
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<yann64[m]> From there I have a script to generate locally teh website
<yann64[m]> Gitea repositores :
<Begasus> *** <html data-adblockkey="MFwwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQADS'
<Begasus> k, pkgman refreshing haiku doesn't work too
<yann64[m]> Yes, file hosting is also down, so no haiku updates or haikudepot for anybody
<OscarL> "" still up.
<yann64[m]> OscarL: Yes, that is a different domain
<yann64[m]> With a different expirity date
<OscarL> yeah, that was what I was aming at. sorry.
<OscarL> perhaps someone should use the contact options there to reach the maintainers?
<OscarL> (or we could be just more patient :-P)
<yann64[m]> OscarL: yes, this is the middle of the night in the US, so being patient is probably the main option
<Begasus> you could bump pycharm in the meantime OscarL :)
<OscarL> Ha... no way. I really dislike thouse big IDES.
<OscarL> s/thouse/those/ , s/IDES/IDEs/
<OscarL> What to do on a Sunday at 4:15 AM? /me goes to play some System Shock 2! :)
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<Begasus> pycharm isn't an IDE afaik?
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<HaikuUser> Haiku depot is not working
<Begasus> it's all down for a while HaikuUser
<HaikuUser> Ok
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<Begasus> take that back o pycharm :)
<Begasus> almost 600MiB
<Begasus> A Lightweight IDE for Python & Scientific development (not that light if you ask me) :P
<Begasus> still works though :)
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<x512[m]> > almost 600MiB
<x512[m]> > A Lightweight IDE
<x512[m]> O_o
<x512[m]> Not lightweight IDE is ~600GB I suppose?
<HaikuUser> website down
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<Begasus> and that's from a pre-build archive x512[m] :)
<Begasus> NetBeans almost 500MiB (pre-build too)
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<Begasus> someone added them at one point, so maybe there "could" be an interest for it, if I need one Genio will do for now :)
<Begasus> untill those key bindings in GTK are solved, then I could check into Geany a bit more
<Androo> looks, uh, compromised? Just me?
<HaikuUser> there is a domain expired message
<Begasus> it's been down for a while HaikuUser
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<Begasus> k, PR created
<Begasus> bbl
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<nephele> Was also going to ask about but seems it was discusssed already
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<jacereda> Anyone else getting a checksum error with 'pkgman update'?
<coolcoder613> The HAiku website is down
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<coolcoder613> Hi zard
<zard> Hello coolcoder613 :)
<zard> I read your previous message from the logs
<zard> There is a discussion about the problem on the mailing list. No answers yet.
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<zard> Waddlesplash mentioned on the forums, before it went down
<coolcoder613> I saw
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* zard tries to install fossil, but can't, likely because is down
<coolcoder613> Do you have the haikuports tree cloned?
<zard> Yes. Didn't think about that
<zard> But I'm just going to download haiku-api-bindings directly, without fossil
<zard> And, that didn't work. Now I'm going to try haikuporter
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<Niklas[m]> Hm,the situation with the domain is really unfortunate :/
<Niklas[m]> Can't look into the forum the whole day
<Niklas[m]> At least there's a working Haikuports mirror for installing/updating packages at
<Niklas[m]> I wonder what went wrong here.Normally something as critical as the main project domain is set to auto-renew but maybe that failed?
<OscarL> zard: beware, those bindings target Python 2.x only, AFAICT.
<OscarL> (well, they target Perl too, but... :-P)
<zard> Ah, so our project pushes on :P
* zard is working on compiling those bindings
<zard> Niklas[m]: As someone on the mailing list pointed out, the domain name registry was updated today and won't expire until a year
<zard> Someone else said "It seems It HAS expired today, but was renewed."
<OscarL> zard: I did some light attempts to move Bethon to Python 3.x some months ago. But got stuck by my lack of knowledge of the C parts of Python internals :-D
<coolcoder613> Niklas[m]: You cant look at the forums, but nobody can post either
<Niklas[m]> Well,that's true
* zard wonders who was hosting
<Niklas[m]> The main webpage was at Netlify and all other subdomains at Digitalocean
<Niklas[m]> "was" -> It's most likely still there,just the DNS record doesn't point to it anymore
<zard> Just need the IP address then...
<zard> Surely there's an, but for DNS
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<zard> Hmm, `dig` != `dig`
<zard> In other words, digital ocean gives a different IP than my computer's usual system does
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<Niklas[m]> That works,so should be a CNAME to and should be a CNAME to which should point to
<zard> *gasp* look at now!
<zard> Niklas[m]: Can you connect to now?
<zard> Yes, connecting to with the ip works!
<zard> Time to find a way to change my computer's dns entry so that I can connect in a web browser!
<Niklas[m]> <zard> "Niklas: Can you connect to..." <- I'm eating right now, will try later, but it should work.
<Niklas[m]> You can use /etc/hosts on Unix systems. Haiku also has that file, but somewhere else.
<zard> I just added "" to /etc/hosts, and now I can connect to!
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<Niklas[m]> I can also access the forum now,using the /etc/hosts change and disabling proxying DNS over Tor in the Librewolf settings
<nephele> +
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<BrunoSpr> hello all
<shaka444[m]> ip still not working- SSL issue
<BrunoSpr> ah thats why
<BrunoSpr> the homepage does not work?
<Niklas[m]> No SSL issue here,the certificate is still valid until November 29.But you need to add the IP to your /etc/hosts for the correct domain name.Directly opening the IP in your browser won't work as the server doesn't know which page to serve then
<Niklas[m]> The homepage doesn't work because of DNS issues.
<nephele> The "problem" is that the TLS certificate is only valid for the actual domain name, NOT the ip adress, if you try to reach it via the ip adress only the certificate will be invalid
<nephele> you can get around it with the /etc/hosts thing mentioned above
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<nielx[m]> We'll get it sorted today, we need our colleagues in the US to wake up though :-)
<nephele> :)
<nephele> Would be interesting what the issue was though, kind of annoying when one single issue takes down our entire web presence
<shaka444[m]> Ok so this is just temporary issue with the host company's DNS server. Not really a biggie..
<nielx[m]> I think you'll find that DNS is often the cause of major outages :-)
<nielx[m]> in this case the autorenew likely failed
<nielx[m]> we'll have to see why that was
<nielx[m]> and why the warnings were missed
<nephele> It's always DNS
<nephele> unless it isn't
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<js> <shaka444[m]> "Ok so this is just temporary..." <- It's a biggie. Someone got an SSL certificate for Since packages are not signed because too many people are of the opinion "HTTPS is good enough", this right now allows whoever controls it to backdoor all Haiku systems that try to update or install packages.
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<shaka444[m]> <js> "It's a biggie. Someone got an..." <- damn. what do we do?
<js> Recover as quickly as possible, then try to get the cert revoked
<shaka444[m]> and diff the repositories for any changes since the 'hijack'
<js> no, since the server isn't compromised, but rather there is another server serving it right now. There is no way to see what was delivered to endusers.
<nielx[m]> the SSL certificate was acquired by namecheap, our domain provider, who has parked the domain and will allow us to renew.
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<nielx[m]> The domain is renewed, the DNS should normalize over the coming hours
<js> nielx: oof. How can that even happen? Why is auto-renewal not enabled?
<kallisti5[m]> tldr; auto-renewal was enabled. credit card numbers changed due to us getting a new card and nobody updated namecheap
<Habbie> i see the website!
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<Coldfirex> Thanks Kallisti5 and nielex!
<kallisti5[m]> no problem. At minimum this might kick the package signing project up into high gear
<nosycat> Hey, everyone. The site is down for me since this morning. Is everything okay?
<Coldfirex> Is there already a ticket or patch discussing this topic?
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<Begasus> kallisti5[m], all fixed on the domain?
<kallisti5[m]> should be. Since the root nameservers changed to a registrar park though it takes time to replicate the fix
<kallisti5[m]> "up to 48 hours" is the industry standard
<kallisti5[m]> however, most will see things working before that point
<Begasus> k, thanks so far! forum opened on 32bit without changes in the hostfile
<kallisti5[m]> also, closing and reopening your browser can help clear dns caches
<kallisti5[m]> sorry for the trouble btw. I'm not sure what we could have done to avoid it beyond digging into namecheap and realizing the autorenew was using the old credit card, while Ryan already added the new one
<nosycat> It's back for me!
<Begasus> np :)
<Begasus> all good now, that's what matters +2
<Begasus> probably should disable netbeans and pycharm on 32bit ... first one crashes, second one wont launch
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-2/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus e434816 - janet, bump version (#9704)
<Begasus> let's see if this works :)
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<Begasus> hmm ... can I use "ARCHITECTURES="any ?x86_gcc2"" to disable 32bit?
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<win8linux[m]> Can confirm that the Haiku websites are back up!
<Begasus> I can't ... Error: Error: /Opslag/haikuports/dev-util/pycharm-community/work-2023.2.3/port.recipe specifies both 'any' and other architectures
<BlueSky76> Works from here (Austria) as well. Thanks to everybody involved for fixing the problem !
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-1/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 7db0a24 - minisign, bump version (#9042)
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 38ec537 - janet, disable cksum, crashes on 32bit (#9706)
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-1/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] phw fcb19ca - picard: bump version to 2.10 (#9705)
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<erysdren> i was looking into BeOS styled window managers for Linux, but it just ain't the same as using a real Haiku system lol
<erysdren> they don't have the right feel
<nosycat> I'm not surprised.
<erysdren> because of the software i use on linux (+ gpu acceleration) i can't use haiku all the time
<erysdren> but i do have an active partition
<nosycat> Fair.
<erysdren> haiku compliments a low-end system well
<nosycat> That's where you can really see the difference.
<erysdren> reminds me, i need to finish porting TrenchBroom
<erysdren> that's one of the main things keeping me over here on linux
<nosycat> What's TrenchBroom?
<erysdren> it's a level editor for Quake engine games written in C++ and Qt65
<erysdren> Qt5*
<erysdren> i make a lot of levels in Quake-related engines, so i use it daily
<nosycat> Ooh, okay. There's precedent. Good luck!
<erysdren> after about february 2021 they started using vcpkg, a cancerous microsoft packager thing
<erysdren> but i very nearly got the build right before that to work on haiku
<nosycat> Good work!
<erysdren> i directed my frustration towards porting another level editor, one that i don't personally use, but people might like it
<erysdren> NetRadiant Custom
<nosycat> :)
<erysdren> only took a few minor edits to build on haiku, but i haven't made the HaikuPorts recipe yet
<nosycat> It's a good feeling, when apps prove easy to port.
<erysdren> agreed
<Begasus> it does :) (not that much luck today) :)
<nosycat> Aw, sorry to hear that. Better luck tomorrow!
<Begasus> np, it happens :)
<Begasus> weird things sometimes, building in Terminal works fine, building with haikuporter then fails
<nosycat> Debugging is tricky.
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<Begasus> closing down here, cu peeps!
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<Molnija> maybe i should nuke my msata here and put haiku on it
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] korli pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-2/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] OscarL ae9d917 - timezone_data: update to version 2023c (#9519)
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<Guest5075> omg the type on here is so small (and I'm on a HiDPI display) :joy:
<erysdren> you can change the font scale under Preferences -> Appearance
<erysdren> if its too small
<erysdren> hehe
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<realtaraharris> that works, but it doesn't do anything to make the type bigger in this textbox where you enter your line, or on the user list
<erysdren> hmm, did you do it just in the application (Vision) or for the whole OS?
<realtaraharris> the whole os
<erysdren> plus, some things need to be restarted before font changes tka eeffect
<erysdren> take effect*
<erysdren> for example the main desktop needs to be "restarted" before a font scale change takes effect
<realtaraharris> I've rebooted dozens of times
<realtaraharris> that's not the issue
<realtaraharris> some apps just suck at HiDPI
<erysdren> ah well yeah
<erysdren> that is tre
<erysdren> true*
<realtaraharris> Pe is glaringly bad :joy:
<erysdren> i heard that Genio is good
<erysdren> for haiku
<realtaraharris> it's really too bad that Apple's approach wasn't copied here. things would work a lot better out of the box if they did
<realtaraharris> yeah I use Genio all the time and love it
<erysdren> what is apple's approach?
<realtaraharris> 2X or 3X scaling
<erysdren> ahhh
<realtaraharris> changing the API to scale based on font size isn't so good, for the same reason web apps suck
<erysdren> agreed
<realtaraharris> so I'm trying to build Haiku from source, and I'm following the instructions on the website
<realtaraharris> I got the build tools working just fine
<realtaraharris> but I ran into a snag while building Haiku itself
<realtaraharris> ```
<realtaraharris> ...failed C++ objects/haiku/x86_64/release/system/boot/platform/bios_ia32/bios_ia32/console.o ...
<realtaraharris> In file included from ../headers/os/support/Errors.h:9,
<realtaraharris> from ../headers/os/support/SupportDefs.h:13,
<realtaraharris> from ../src/system/boot/platform/bios_ia32/keyboard.h:5,
<realtaraharris> from ../src/system/boot/platform/bios_ia32/keyboard.cpp:7:
<erysdren> ah you're not gonna have much luck pasting code here
<realtaraharris> ../headers/posix/limits.h:12:10: fatal error: float.h: No such file or directory
<realtaraharris> 12 | #include <float.h> /* for DBL_DIG, FLT_DIG, etc */
<realtaraharris> | ^~~~~~~~~
<realtaraharris> compilation terminated.
<realtaraharris> d'oh! I know I should be pasting somewhere
<erysdren> hmm, no float.h is odd
<realtaraharris> yeah, it also complains about missing stddef.h
<erysdren> that's a larger problem definitely
<erysdren> are you building this from linux or haiku?
<realtaraharris> I am doing this on Haiku R1 beta 4
<erysdren> you have haiku_devel package i assume?
<erysdren> and gcc/binutils?
<realtaraharris> pkgman says I have haiku_devel-r1~beta4_hrev56578_93-1 installed
<realtaraharris> gcc -v reports version 13.2.0
<erysdren> is that after building a lot of haiku?
<erysdren> or just one object?
<realtaraharris> when I do a ld -v, I get version GNU ld version 2.41 back
<realtaraharris> it built some of it
<realtaraharris> it successfuly builds a few files, all in bios_ia32
<realtaraharris> so no, it doesn't get very far
<erysdren> ah
<erysdren> you're building the x86 haiku?
<erysdren> wait, are you on x86 or x86_64?
<augiedoggie> do you have gcc_syslibs_devel installed?
<realtaraharris> I'm on x86_64
<realtaraharris> yeah
<realtaraharris> oh, I didn't have gcc_syslibs_devel installed
<realtaraharris> so I did that, but it still fails to build
<realtaraharris> same errors
<erysdren> i guess maybe reboot, otherwise not sure.
<realtaraharris> ok brb
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<realtaraharris> rebooting did not work
<realtaraharris> to solve the build issue
<realtaraharris> do the linux build instructions work better?
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<erysdren> augiedoggie and coolcoder might know bette
<erysdren> i gotta restart my pc, brb
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<nielx[m]> realtaraharris: did you create a clean build from the beginning? Or did you previously build on Haiku?
<realtaraharris> this is a clean build
<realtaraharris> I have never built Haiku from source before
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<nielx[m]> did you perchance first run configure and then updated the installed packages? It could be that it is configured for an older GCC version (your build came with 11.3) and now cannot find the headers anymore
<nielx[m]> both the failing headers are part of gcc
<realtaraharris> I can definitively rule that out. I ran configure on the build tools before I ever ran jam
<coolcoder613_32> nielx[m]: How/When can I/you update the Rust port to 1.70?
<nielx[m]> coolcoder613_32: you can start by fixing rustix
<coolcoder613_32> rustix?
<nielx[m]> it is missing some functionality on Haiku, which breaks the cargo build
<nielx[m]> There is a PR in the github project, but the current variant is rejected by the maintainers
<nielx[m]> realtaraharris: what are the final lines of the `build/BuildConfig` file in your build directory?
<coolcoder613_32> I'm personaly interested in RustPython, EndBASIC, and the uutils/coreutils
<nielx[m]> which one requires rust 1.70.0?
<coolcoder613_32> Cant you somehow redirect to your version of rustix?
<realtaraharris> HAIKU_BOOT_C++_HEADERS_DIR_x86_64 ?= /boot/home/haiku/generated.x86_64/cross-tools-x86_64/lib/gcc/x86_64-unknown-haiku/13.2.0/../../../../x86_64-unknown-haiku/include/c++/13.2.0/x86_64-unknown-haiku ;
<realtaraharris> HAIKU_BOOT_32_C++_HEADERS_DIR_x86_64 ?= /boot/home/haiku/generated.x86_64/cross-tools-x86_64/lib/gcc/x86_64-unknown-haiku/13.2.0/../../../../x86_64-unknown-haiku/include/c++/13.2.0/x86_64-unknown-haiku/32 ;
<coolcoder613_32> coreutils does... RustPython dooesnt work
<realtaraharris> I have the haiku repo in /boot/home/haiku, and the buildtools in /boot/home/buildtools
<realtaraharris> shoud I have these things somewhere else?
<nielx[m]> why are you using cross-tools when building Haiku from Haiku?
<realtaraharris> no idea, I'm just blindly following instructions on a page :joy:
<nielx[m]> yeah, not sure if that's supported. When building Haiku from Haiku, you can use the local GCC/binutils
<nielx[m]> try re-configure without building any cross-tools
<realtaraharris> ok
<realtaraharris> this isn't obvious when you start from
<augiedoggie> the x86 docs mention it but not the x86_64
<nielx[m]> correct augiedoggie looks like a discrepancy
<realtaraharris> woohoo! that's working better
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<coolcoder613_32> error: package `rustpython-parser v0.3.1 (` cannot be built because it requires rustc 1.72.1 or newer, while the currently active rustc version is 1.69.0
<coolcoder613_32> Either upgrade to rustc 1.72.1 or newer, or use cargo update -p rustpython-parser@0.3.1 --precise ver where `ver` is the latest version of `rustpython-parser` supporting rustc 1.69.0
<coolcoder613_32> error: package `coreutils v0.0.22 (/boot/home/Repos/coreutils)` cannot be built because it requires rustc 1.70.0 or newer, while the currently active rustc version is 1.69.0
<coolcoder613_32> EndBASIC:
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<nielx[m]> coolcoder613_32: yep! well if you want to get your hands dirty ;-)
<nielx[m]> the EndBASIC: mio is known that it has limitations, though now that waddlesplash added kqueue to Haiku, it might be worth to try to revisit it for a bit
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<coolcoder613_32> nielx[m]: Where is that PR for rustix?
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<nielx[m]> odd, I am not able to find this one right now... I'll have to rebuild
<nielx[m]> maybe I got the package wrong
<coolcoder613_32> How can you add targets without rustup? e.g. wasm32-wasi
<nielx[m]> For wasm32 there is a specific rust_bin package that should satisfy your needs
<coolcoder613_32> isnt that for wasm32-unkown-unknown?
<nielx[m]> ah right, not familiar with the intricacies of wasm and I do not know that there are multiple varieties
<nielx[m]> in that case, you will probably have to build Rust from source
<coolcoder613_32> The question is, does each target have to be built for each platform?
<nielx[m]> I am not an expert on the Rust build system, so it might be possible to use an existing rust build to build a new library target from the rust sources that match the version of the compiler
<puck_> you just need a compile of the standard libraries
<puck_> you could bypas it by using e.g. -Z build-std on cargo, but that requires other work, i think
<coolcoder613_32> -Z build-std requires nightly IIRC
<nielx[m]> I think you can tell to use the system install when building the std libs, but you indeed might run into an issue that it requires an intermediate build due to unstable features
<realtaraharris> is there a guide pwd
<realtaraharris> so I'm really trying to build Haiku in order to do more logging on the ACPI system
<realtaraharris> is there a guide on how to build just the kernel, or just the parts I need to get going?
<realtaraharris> this is really thin
<realtaraharris> I don't know anything about jam, and I've been poking around trying to figure out how to even get a list of build targets
<realtaraharris> I have looked a bit at the top-level Jamfile
<realtaraharris> cd ..
<realtaraharris> whoops, alt-tab does't work :joy:
<realtaraharris> hmm, maybe I should just poke at it some more (sorry for all the noise)
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<realtaraharris> ok, so I found `ReadMe.Compiling.Md`, and the subsection on building individual components
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<realtaraharris> how do I build the display driver? for example, suppose I was interested in just applying the following patch
<realtaraharris> I tried to cd into src/add-ons/kernel/drivers/display and run jam from there, but it's building entire unrelated stuff
<realtaraharris> hmm, oh I was too hasty. it looks like it was just building stuff that's kinda dependent
<realtaraharris> huh, looks like I won. so I just copy the display_adapter binary over and reboot!
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] aplgithub pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57357] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 3538133f9fef - HaikuDepot: Log Process Report
<realtaraharris> or does this get baked into all the accelerants?
<realtaraharris> ok, so I don't actually know what to do with the binaries generated when I just build src/add-ons/kernel/drivers/display in isolation
<realtaraharris> hmm, is this a special case, like this is all baked into the kernel itself or something?