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I've made some change on the Python recipes, and now I'm able to easily change which version is the "default" one (the one you get when calling `python3`).
kinda funny to run HaikuPorter with Python 3.14.0a5 :-D
the idea is to just `pkgman install python3.nn_default` (with "nn" one of 10, 11, 12, 13...).
seems to work fine, but I'm not sure how to "smooth out" the transition from current "default" Python (3.10) to this.
(will probably add a draft PR, and ping some people for feedback :-D)
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it would be nice to have some way to change it without having to install different packages
but i don't care too much about python
Mmm. Without using packages, I think we'll be limited to setting those symlinks under ~/non-packaged/bin/ (and not under /system/bin or ~/config/bin).
I guess we could have a "/bin/python3" wrapper script that reads a setting file and select the user wanted interpreter?
something like update-alternatives from debian
wouldn't have to be non-packaged, could be in /system/settings/...
so /bin/python3 is a symlink to /system/settings/alternatives/python3 which is a symlink to /bin/python3.14
there are other ways of doing it too
I see. thanks you!
good thing that Pythons can be installed side-by-side so easily.
i wasn't necessarily saying you need to change anything, just that "it would be nice to..."
it won't be me hitting the merge button on it :P
I think your suggestion holds merit, specially if it can be generalized to other packages.
the only thing is that symlink would probably be created initially by a post install script
but that won't get run on the builders, so any python packages might need a `ln -s` in the BUILD
to create the /system symlink
right... a post-script creating the initial symlink if none is there should work nicely on the user's end.
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thanks for the suggestions augiedoggie. Much appreciated :-)
no problem, we'll see what the others think
* OscarL
goes back to cleanup yt_dlp/youtube_dl recipes before humdinger updates them again :-D
* coolcoder613
hello coolcoder613 :-)
* coolcoder613
offers phschafft and OscarL a chocolate-covered toffee
morning peeps
Hola Begasus[m].
Hola OscarL
ok, damage control today :)
something broken?
* OscarL
hides, just in case.
poppler (it was me) :)
time to move to the newer version
these yt_dlp/youtube_dl recipes make my head hurt.
why do we even have *_python310 versions of those?
beats me, poke humdinger for that? :P
Seems to me that the original recipes were just based on regular python package .recipe. (with support for multiple python versions, et all)
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Also, there's two ways of installing them... "stand-alone" or as a Python module... but now the "stand-alone" version requires "request_python310", which kinda defeats the purpose of the "stand-alone" version :-D
Meh... will try both, and add a "recipe variable" to choose one of the two :-P
bind them into just one package?
Begasus[m]: yes, I'm trying to only have one "yt_dlp" (no matter if the "standalone" or the "module" version).
coolcoder613: hu, thanks :)
"standalone" version is about half the size (as it doesn't contains .pyc files).
• Begasus (c55efffc): hippo, revbump, move to poppler24 (#11853)
mmm, the "standalone" yt-dlp is hardcoded to call "python3", which might be different from the version used in one of its dependencies (request_python310).
• threedeyes (cc1812d7): zstd: fix include path in cmake file
has there been any work done on the atheroswifi issue
I investigated a bit but didn't hear back from the FreeBSD devs yet
you should open a ticket with the logs you posted the other day
(at the Haiku bugtracker)
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just a little remark : since the change in the blogging mechanism on (now, blogs being pull request on the website), there are very few blog posts excepts activity reports from waddlesplah. It this issue being discussed among the website team ?
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Anarchos: I think this changed long before the blogging mechanism changed
we've had the new website for many years now, blogging activity died down before that
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waddlesplash: i know, but i find it sad and the website seems less lively.
well, people just aren't writing articles...
the "website team" is mostly just developers occasionally doing things now
there was a "promotions team" but that seems dormant too
people just aren't spending time working on these things it seems...
it would be cool to write something but i'm not really a good blog writer... lol
also, i don't think i'm as involved as other people anyway
erysdren: i wrote some blog post myself. it is not as easy as writing a styled text with StyledEdit, but i was proud to see my technical articles in haiku website (i wrote about texlive, porting coq and compcert) :)
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if i were to write anything, i'd write about porting games to Haiku
but i dunno what i'd say :P
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i wish we could secure the source to HeadOverHeels.
[haiku/haiku] 2e3af8f296f6 - ralinkwifi: Import MT7601U driver from FreeBSD.
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hey folks, i constantly get this error when I compile different packages in rust (required by some other python package like maturin, pydantic, qdrant, and more) "equal = equal && (self.0.domainname == other.0.domainname);" where domainname is an unknown field. What am I missing?
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