• OscarL (f264e2de): tqdm: drop unused recipe. (#11985)…
yeah, 01:30 here.
only got to the second PR and Web+ has issues
Begasus[m]: not too many PRs today, because I spent most of the time re-implementing the bash script I use to get the list of packages to work on.
• OscarL (80628bd3): oslash: drop unused recipe. (#11989)…
wrote it on Python this time, and using HaikuPorter's .DependencyInfo files from its "repository" directory, much more accurate than just grepping things :-D
• OscarL (7b5404b0): dulwich: drop outdated, unused recipe. (#11990)…
while writting/using my new script, found out some minor issues in some recipes... like puting "_python3xx" dependencies on BUILD_PREREQUIRES instead of on BUILD_REQUIRES.
ToDo list for .recipe cleanups keeps getting bigger and bigger :-D
keeps you of the streets :)
I have hopes of turning this script into a "haikuporter repo shell" of sort, so you could use it to quickly find **exact** deps for a given package (runtime, build, and or test ones).
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for now, worked pretty well for these dev-python/* recipes (once I forced hp to remove old .DependencyInfo files :-D).
I probably still have some of those dropped ones installed, should have a look there
93 python310 still ...
tomli_python310 was one of them?
no, the one dropped was toml_python3xx
no "i" at the end.
ah that's required by a few
35 directories to sort out which one to remove .... :P
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launching optimized build for Python 3.10.0alpha6 (released a few hours ago)
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on top! :)
ok, dev-python cleaned up and on par with upstream now :P
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Weee! Seems I blew past the 500 merged PRs mark :-D (got 546 commits in, according to `git shortlog -sen --no-merges`)
just a tiny bit short from korli's 5107, or Begasus[m]'s 3960 :-P
closing in on humdinger's 548, though! :-D
(got bored waiting for the Python build to finish)
you need to refresh there :P
korli's Commits
5,183 commits
that's what I see here
ps, haven't seen augiedoggie this week?
last I saw was something about spybmessage on haikuports (and gerrit), around 2/3 of March.
irclogs shows him last on 2025-03-03 too. Hopefully he's just chilling by the beach, or something :-)
yeah, hope he's ok
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it is insane the speed difference in optimized vs non-optimized builds of Python (also VM vs bare-metal). Fastest I got was just about 1m15s (outside of haikuporter, bare-metal)... vs nearly an hour for optimized+LTO on VM :-/
(latter includes creating the .hpkg, so not apples to apples. still... quite the difference)
1m to build the whole python package?
no, just to compile it outside of haikuports.
ie: just the "make -j 4" part.
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./configure alone takes another minute and change :-D
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still very nice!
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Now that Python 3.14 seems pretty stable to use parallel builds (-j 4 here has yet to fail me)... that speed up gets killed by the single-threaded testing/PGO and LTO steps :-(
gotta love those :P
real 64m25,758s to build python3.14-3.14.0~a6-1-x86_64.hpkg. Ouch.
Not sure if this was one of those VMware slow sessions I get sometimes.
or 3.14 got fatter :-D
I'm glad enough to be back on bare metal :D
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k, updated the (draft) PR for Python 3.14.0a6.
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to do my test on BootManager, i build a @nightly-anyboot, but it is rather time consuming. Is it a faster target ? I fear that @minimum-image will lack some features ?
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Anarchos that should only be the first time you build it?
at least when I run a new build after pulling in the latest commits it doesn't do a "full" build
Begasus[m] it takes a bit time in "haiku_devel.hpkg: Creating the package ... haiku.hpkg: Collecting package contents ..."
"full" rebuild*
ah :)
of course it doesn't recompile, but i don't need the full iso only to test my BootManager tweaks
I think you can give targets for haiku and haiku_devel to jam? think waddlesplash mentioned that somewhere last year ;)
done for today
cu peeps!
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• jmairboeck (068d977e): texlive: update to version 2025
let's see if the builders manage to build it this time
when building it locally, I got a "Segment violation" when mimesetting files at the end, I suppose it ran out of memory or something. Afterwards the whole system pretty much locked up.
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jmairboeck: beta5 or nightly?
I couldn't enter KDL really because my keyboard layout is weird and I can't really use both hands fully, so I just reset the VM in the end
see if VirtualBox has an equivalent to QEMU sendkey
I use that in the monitor console to send the KDL keys
sendkey alt-sysrq-d
that would maybe help if I can bind it to an easier keyboard shortcut
my physical laptop keyboard additionally requires the Fn key for SysRq, which makes it even more difficult
Begasus[m] i find it strange than BXXX xx; or BXX *xx = new BXX(); behaves differently...
Anarchos: the first form allocates the BXXX object on the stack and deallocates the object automatically when the variable goes out of scope. The second form allocates it on the heap, gives you a pointer to it and you have to delete it manually again (or someone else).
jmairboeck i know but in a while loop, the object seems reallocates on the stack, so its attributes are reinitialize in each loop iteration !
If you define the variable inside the loop, then yes, you get a new instance for each iteration
jmairboeck i is defined before the loop, which is weird....
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Begasus[m] i made progress !!!
not sure what i did wrong, but thebios starts on HDD : bootloader menu of HDD displays the partition of the USB Key. When i select it, it says 'not a bootable parition'. Then it shows the boot menu of the USB key, and i was able to boot on the usb key :)
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BeShare server reboot time...
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• TingPing (e25e1c37): [GLib] Ensure WebKitCookieManager APIs keep cookie cache up to date…