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x512[m]: How can I test ur new driver?
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morning peeps
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congrats on the progress there x512 !
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• threedeyes (97fcb1cb): Floorp: add recipe for 11.24.0 version (disabled)
• threedeyes (d10cf0ae): floorp_bin: add recipe
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[haiku/haiku] ba4b365101dc - runtime_loader: resolves to weak symbols for non-gcc2 images
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It works, but not pleased with performance (yet) :)
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coolcoder613: Not yet.
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hello everybody
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Hi Anarchos
Begasus[m]: i come back in 1h (go to coffee shop)
l8r Anarchos
re-fill here :)
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Hi erysdren :)
hi Begasus
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patching KTorrent KF6 for KDBusAddons and KGlobalAccel :)
very nice Begasus!
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• Begasus (3fd1c70d): kgoldrunner, bump to version 24.12.3, switch to KF6 (#12029)
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hello jmairboeck
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• Begasus (1ce9116e): kpimtextedit_kf6, add KF6 version 24.12.3 (#12030)
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• Begasus (f49e6c05): kidentitymanagement_kf6, add KF6 version 24.12.3 (#12031)
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• Begasus (82b4421b): kigo, add version 24.12.3, switch to KF6 (#12032)
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thread 574: Tracker (main) state: Exception (Segment violation)
Unable to retrieve disassembly for IP 0: address not contained in any valid image.
Tracker crash hrev58773 x86_64
Waddlesplash ^^
already reported
[haiku/haiku] aa2b9830e1f7 - libroot/glibc: Zero-initialize the mbstate.
[haiku/haiku] c6f736315a34 - BSlider: Copy the UpdateText inside UpdateTextChanged.
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• Begasus (12eb8f4c): kjumpingcube, bump to version 24.12.3, switch to KF6 (#12033)
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x512[m]: congrats on NVidia support!
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hi Anarchos
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* Anarchos
is trying to answer to all the reviews on his PR ....
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Howdy. I know its not supported, or possibly even working, but do we have public documentation on how to build haiku with clang?
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* Anarchos
worked hard to help the boot loader to use other drives :)
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