• Begasus (36f400ee): clamav, bump version (#11881)
!seen OscarL
hrm, no "!seen", oh well.
Hi scanty :)
Version 1.0.9 (QT6) (2015 - 2025), published unter GPL 3.0
thanks Arch! :)
Hey there Begasus[m].... brb going out for a smoke.
zardshard: Update to the Webkit2 compiling. The cmake file is fine as it is, but one has to copy the missing file from haikuwebkit branch, the file is there but not on webkit2 branch. With the line removed it fails to link webkitlegacy for undefined symbols.
so, what's new, Begasus[m]?
ilzu[m]: Ah, looks like pulkomandy had to add that three weeks ago
That file being necessary must be a new thing then
Thanks for the update! :-)
Yep, I guess so. But with copying that file from webkit-legacy branch it compiles, and at least Minibrowser runs and renders pages.
Yeah, I think copying that file directly without any changes should work perfectly fine
Guess you've got your first commit coming soon! ;-)
I guess I should make a pull request with that change to make it compilable right from the branch.
But first I'll make a webkit2 branch for my rss-reader app to see how to interate webkit2 to your own app.
Hmm, that will be interesting.
BTW, WebKit2's API is pretty unpolished
Feel free to change it if you think of ways to improve it!
This is why I want to try it now, so I can suggest changes for the api if needed before the api is set to stone.
Ah, nice
6.12.0-rc1 frameworks scanty :) (at least they are here) :)
KDevelop-24.12.03 up and running ...
All right, got to go. Bye!
cya zardshard
Cya zardshard
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clamav-gui sees the system packages as mounted :)
* waddlesplash
has been making a lot more use of the "query" command line tool lately
really useful, much faster than writing "find" scripts too :P
humdinger is your man there waddlesplash :)
I think he's a master on querries
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oh god this tile code never ends.
sorry, thinking out loud.
anyone else working on anything?
renaming raw pngs for my font according to there code point.
it's the type of work that feels like it should be something a script can do, but that is a wrong feeling.
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scanty: gonna implement 9P in C for fun(?)
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scanty got a damn hum on my genesis. After investigation i found it was comming from the power supply (the master system PSU is the same one). Now i have to find a special bit to open that damn psu and fix it :)
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AlienSoldier: that sucks. you probably need to put in a 60Hz notch filter.
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scanty just finnaly pulled the trigger for an extensive set of repair bits. There is a big pile of things that i will finally be able to repair. Nice that the PSU have screw and is not a glues one.
i guess i could repay it fast by doing an add and lend them with a deposit.
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AlienSoldier: definitely helps to have the right tools.
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waddlesplash: https://www.haiku-inc.org/ still has the copyright year at 2022 in the footer, perhaps it is time to bump it up
dovsienko: that's the Inc., cc kallisti5[m]
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