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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev58721] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] af381ebd1977 - test_app_server: fix build after hrev58397
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 4c76039f6fdc - kernel/x86_64: Keep FPU and SSE control on context switch.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 5 commits to master [hrev58722] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] bdb6d7db1a7d - kernel/x86: Determine math/SIMD exception cause in exception handler.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 6db4b42346d3 - kernel/x86_64: Store FPU state from int_bottom_user in arch_thread always.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 317307ff469e - headers/x86[_64]: Name the "mxcsr_mask" fields properly.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] ea0c6448f254 - kernel/x86_64: Reset FPU state in x86_64_thread_entry.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 5 commits to master [hrev58723] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] e4e3f81a1b3d - launch_daemon: failed condition now skips the job
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 7f7d085c5933 - launch_daemon: implement file_created event
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 63792e3fd011 - Revert "driver_settings: Replace type of bufferSize from size_t to ssize_t"
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 778fe0b67bce - driver_settings: bufferSize being zero means buffer overflow
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 52c25f31c71f - launch_daemon: setting condition also checks for driver_settings
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<kallisti5[m]> there. I hate it
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] e87593ae2112 - atheros813x: Merge changes from upstream FreeBSD.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev58724] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 2 commits to master [hrev58725] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] e2ffc7fd31f1 - kernel/vm: Don't report kernel protection to userland except for root.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 992f1401b2a8 - ProcessController: Report kernel memory and fix some TODOs.
<waddlesplash> kallisti5[m]: lol
<kallisti5[m]> I looked at the first Haiku malware code... Utkubabaproheck is actually kind of something that would be badf
<kallisti5[m]> It writes an MBR/EFI bootloader and everything
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev58726] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] ed5c4d8a2d2a - file_systems: Add O_DIRECTORY checks to many filesystems that were missing them.
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<nekobot> [haikuports] korli pushed 1 commit to branch master:
<nekobot> • korli (cb35ae70): llvm20: try to fix x86 build
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<Begasus[m]> morning peeps
<erysdren> morning Begasus
<Begasus[m]> hi erysdren
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<erysdren> Begasus: when adding an additional-file to a package, but not bumping the package version, that means i need to bump the REVISION field right?
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<Begasus[m]> yeah erysdren
<Begasus[m]> ah, in this case not really required
<erysdren> should i undo it then before pR?
<erysdren> PR?
<Begasus[m]> it doesn't change an functionality, just adds the original svg icon
<Begasus[m]> yeah, no need for a rebuild
<erysdren> ok, force pushed
<erysdren> check it now
<Begasus[m]> sec :)
<Begasus[m]> LGTM :)
<erysdren> okey, added the PR
<nekobot> [haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to branch master:
<nekobot> • erysdren (6019027b): trenchbroom: add original icon svg (#11896)
<Begasus[m]> thanks :)
<erysdren> :D
<erysdren> no probs
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<Begasus[m]> biab
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<nekobot> [haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to branch master:
<nekobot> • yann64 (f3b262b3): cppfront : bump to 0.8.1 (#11897)
<Begasus[m]> thanks yann64 :)
<yann64> you're welcomed :)
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* nephele wonders why the efi loader doesn't also allow netbooting
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<Yoke> This might sound a bit "old man screams at clouds" but what happened to PC cases with Drive bays? why is it hard to get a nice looking case with drive bays?
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<Begasus[m]> try to find a recent laptop with one :)
<Yoke> oh don't get me started
<Begasus[m]> heh
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<Yoke> I will GLADLY take a bulkier laptop if I can use DVDs
<Yoke> also just gonna say it, the hell happened to mechanical docks?
<erysdren> i have a 2006 thinkpad with an absolutely wonderful dock
<erysdren> it literally has a lock-and-key lol
<nephele> mechanical docks seem kind off obsolete since usb-c
<nephele> those used to all have their DIY connectors :)
<Yoke> I wanna get an old thinkpad like that so bad but I already have 3 older machines, the Vostro that I'm using right now, my daily driver Dell Lattitude and an old Packard Bell laptop (post NEC takeover)
<nephele> I have a couple older 32bit laptops for haiku... but something or another thing is always missing for support
<Yoke> yep, for better or for worse USB-C/Thunderbolt has become the standard now
<x512[m]> Standard USB-C is of course much better than a lot of incompatible proprietary connectors.
<erysdren> i just love the plethora of ports you get on the Thinkpad dock i have.
<Yoke> and that's the sticking point with older machines, most distros are abandoning 32-bit now, or did ages ago
<nephele> only problem with usb-c is that it is not always compatible... :(
<Yoke> yep
<erysdren> nice to have a new standard that works with (almost) everything, of course. but i still miss the old stuff
<erysdren> nostalgia probably
<x512[m]> You may have multiple functional dock stations that are still functional, but laptop is dead and new laptop have incompatible connector.
<nephele> for example getting a display to connect the steam deck to that uses 4 lanes for displayport, but also 45W charging (with mandatory 15V because steam deck...) and usb2 at the same time is difficult
<nephele> erysdren: 3d printed dock? :D
<erysdren> who has a 3d printer? i don't
<erysdren> :P
<Yoke> I'm just scared to hell of breaking the conector, I've broken 2 USB-c cables by accident now and I just pray that it doesn't get stuck IN my phone
<nephele> Yeah, we also don't have one. But three /me ducks
<erysdren> lol nephele
<erysdren> *something something slaps with a fish*
<nephele> erysdren: to be fair, none of them are mine personally
<nephele> so i bear no responsibility :D
<nephele> I keep soldering usb-c to old usb1.1 or usb2 devices :)
<nephele> and also solder usb-c "trigger" boards onto old laptops to charge them with usb-c
<Yoke> I'd be scared of overvolting stuff doing that
<nephele> why?
<Yoke> USB-C chargers are wierd, cause you either gotta short a couple pins together to get higher voltage or you have it communicate, the latter going over my head completely
<nephele> shorting some pins together is "only" if you want to use the older usb battery charging spec iirc
<Yoke> like the device "talks" to the charger to let it know what speeds it supports, it's nuts
<nephele> and that doesn't give enough energy for older laptops
<nephele> usb power delivery. yeah. PD1 is not that bad, it just sais "use profile X" and a profile has a set ammount of V
<nephele> and with pd-2 it can specify the voltage
<x512[m]> I never broke USB-C connectors. Bent Micro-USB once, but it was still functional.
<Yoke> most cables would probably be glowing like an edison carbon lamp bulb before it gets close enough with the amps needed
<nephele> no
<nephele> new laptops and "old" ones don't differ that much in requirements. And for power delivery the *cable* has to agree aswell that it can support that draw needed
<nephele> usb-c is complex, but it is not badly designed... some things are a bit wierd though... But hey that's the complexity if you want to plug anything into anything xD
<x512[m]> Yoke: You can increase voltage to transfer more power with the same current. USB PD do this.
<Yoke> I never said it was badly designed, just confusing as all hell to me, doesn't help that the USB consortium likes to change the name of the standard every couple years
<Yoke> minor gripe though really
<nephele> the naming confusion is terrible
<x512[m]> USB PD supports up to 240W (48V/5A).
<nephele> consumers can't figure out this shit either. Atleast "USB4" now means a usb-c cable with specific capabilities... so you can tell people to buy that
<nephele> but then again a usb3 usb-c cable may be sufficient too for what you want
<Yoke> F*ck me that's a lotta voltage
<Habbie> just don't lick it
* nephele remembers 40V lamps beeing reffered to as "security low voltage"
<Yoke> yeah, I work with trucks, 24v can fuck you up pretty bad if you're not careful, I ain't 'effin with 48
<Yoke> mind I guess two giant lead acid batteries can dump way more current than a usb charger
<nephele> 40V in that context was for lighting in wet enviroments :)
<Yoke> anything over like 5v in the presense of water just gives me shivers, I know it would be pretty hard to get 40 to spark but y'know water breaks everything
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<Anarchos> hello
<erysdren> morning Anarchos
<Yoke> heya Anarchos
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<nephele> Yoke: those were lights completely encased in rubber
<nephele> I guess the idea there is 40V DC is better than 230AC...
<Yoke> ah, that would make more sense
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<x512[m]> USB PD have special handling to avoid sparks.
<Yoke> I would hope so, it is a consumer standard
<Yoke> brb
<Anarchos> nephele: could you succeed to do net boot ?
<nephele> Anarchos: I've not tried. I don't have direct access to the dhcp server
<Anarchos> nephele: i set up my own dhcp server on a linux machine to do it at home
<nephele> yeah okay. But we already have two dhcp servers at home. And I don't want to set one up that "fights" on the netwoek
<Anarchos> i understand. That's why i do all my tests on a separate network 192.168.2.x where all machines are connected to their dedicated switch. The linux machine being a gateway through ISP box with a wifi dongle configured with 192.168.1.x IP.
<nephele> makes sense. But I don't have knowledge yet how to do that
<nephele> but i can change the config of the dhcp server, just have to do it properly :)
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<nephele> kallisti5[m]: does our SSO support OpenID? and if it does is there some docs on how to use it? I'm trying to sign-in to the gerrit of PulkoMandy for Renga
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<kallisti5[m]> <nephele> "kallisti5: does our SSO support..." <- Hm.. we probably could set that it. It doesn't support it today though
<Begasus[m]> 94% tests passed, 3 tests failed out of 49 (for gammaray), not bad :)
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<mbrumbelow> Begasus[m]: That is a passing grade… A-
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<Begasus[m]> right mbrumbelow :D
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* mbrumbelow wondering when this boring meeting I am in will end…
<Begasus[m]> hand around some bords with points on to judge the meeting? ;)
<mbrumbelow> Haha!
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<Begasus[m]> whoot, llvm20 build still running on buildmaster
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<Begasus[m]> -- Could NOT find libdwarf (missing: LIBDL_LIBRARY) (stupid libdl) :/
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<nekobot> [haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to branch master:
<nekobot> • OscarL (647d61f4): aiohttp_socks: drop recipe. (#11893)…
<nekobot> [haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to branch master:
<nekobot> • OscarL (0229e925): aiorpcx: drop recipe. (#11894)…
<nekobot> [haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to branch master:
<nekobot> • OscarL (c121c38b): (Python) pathtools: drop recipe. (#11895)…
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<nekobot> [website] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to branch master:
<nekobot> • waddlesplash (4b1741f0): Activity Report, February.
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<Begasus[m]> closing down
<Begasus[m]> cu peeps!
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<nephele> hey, someone have tips for calligra? I'm trying to write a document but the spellcheck is marking everything as wrong. Is there maybe a localized package i need to install?
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<nephele> kallisti5[m]: okay. Do you want me to open a ticket for openid?
<nephele> found it. the aspell_{lang} package has to be installed :)
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<JackDaniel> Hi there! Can I disable trackpad on my DELL laptop?
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<nephele> JackDaniel: why?
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<JackDaniel> because I use only USB mouse and sometimes I put my hands accidentally on the trackpad
<Anarchos> JackDaniel my ACPI button works for that, but there must be support in firmware, waayyyyy under the OS layers....
<JackDaniel> @nephele because I use only USB mouse and sometimes I put my hands accidentally on the trackpad
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<nephele> JakeSays: for that there is palm rejection build in. If your touchpad is detected as a touch pad this should be available in input settings
<dovsienko> a simple solution for a simple problem could be taping a bit of thin hard plastic over the touch pad...
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