• korli (cb35ae70): llvm20: try to fix x86 build
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morning peeps
morning Begasus
hi erysdren
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Begasus: when adding an additional-file to a package, but not bumping the package version, that means i need to bump the REVISION field right?
• yann64 (f3b262b3): cppfront : bump to 0.8.1 (#11897)
thanks yann64 :)
you're welcomed :)
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* nephele
wonders why the efi loader doesn't also allow netbooting
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This might sound a bit "old man screams at clouds" but what happened to PC cases with Drive bays? why is it hard to get a nice looking case with drive bays?
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try to find a recent laptop with one :)
oh don't get me started
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I will GLADLY take a bulkier laptop if I can use DVDs
also just gonna say it, the hell happened to mechanical docks?
i have a 2006 thinkpad with an absolutely wonderful dock
it literally has a lock-and-key lol
mechanical docks seem kind off obsolete since usb-c
those used to all have their DIY connectors :)
I wanna get an old thinkpad like that so bad but I already have 3 older machines, the Vostro that I'm using right now, my daily driver Dell Lattitude and an old Packard Bell laptop (post NEC takeover)
I have a couple older 32bit laptops for haiku... but something or another thing is always missing for support
yep, for better or for worse USB-C/Thunderbolt has become the standard now
Standard USB-C is of course much better than a lot of incompatible proprietary connectors.
i just love the plethora of ports you get on the Thinkpad dock i have.
and that's the sticking point with older machines, most distros are abandoning 32-bit now, or did ages ago
only problem with usb-c is that it is not always compatible... :(
nice to have a new standard that works with (almost) everything, of course. but i still miss the old stuff
nostalgia probably
You may have multiple functional dock stations that are still functional, but laptop is dead and new laptop have incompatible connector.
for example getting a display to connect the steam deck to that uses 4 lanes for displayport, but also 45W charging (with mandatory 15V because steam deck...) and usb2 at the same time is difficult
erysdren: 3d printed dock? :D
who has a 3d printer? i don't
I'm just scared to hell of breaking the conector, I've broken 2 USB-c cables by accident now and I just pray that it doesn't get stuck IN my phone
Yeah, we also don't have one. But three /me ducks
lol nephele
*something something slaps with a fish*
erysdren: to be fair, none of them are mine personally
so i bear no responsibility :D
I keep soldering usb-c to old usb1.1 or usb2 devices :)
and also solder usb-c "trigger" boards onto old laptops to charge them with usb-c
I'd be scared of overvolting stuff doing that
USB-C chargers are wierd, cause you either gotta short a couple pins together to get higher voltage or you have it communicate, the latter going over my head completely
shorting some pins together is "only" if you want to use the older usb battery charging spec iirc
like the device "talks" to the charger to let it know what speeds it supports, it's nuts
and that doesn't give enough energy for older laptops
usb power delivery. yeah. PD1 is not that bad, it just sais "use profile X" and a profile has a set ammount of V
and with pd-2 it can specify the voltage
I never broke USB-C connectors. Bent Micro-USB once, but it was still functional.
most cables would probably be glowing like an edison carbon lamp bulb before it gets close enough with the amps needed
new laptops and "old" ones don't differ that much in requirements. And for power delivery the *cable* has to agree aswell that it can support that draw needed
usb-c is complex, but it is not badly designed... some things are a bit wierd though... But hey that's the complexity if you want to plug anything into anything xD
Yoke: You can increase voltage to transfer more power with the same current. USB PD do this.
I never said it was badly designed, just confusing as all hell to me, doesn't help that the USB consortium likes to change the name of the standard every couple years
minor gripe though really
the naming confusion is terrible
USB PD supports up to 240W (48V/5A).
consumers can't figure out this shit either. Atleast "USB4" now means a usb-c cable with specific capabilities... so you can tell people to buy that
but then again a usb3 usb-c cable may be sufficient too for what you want
F*ck me that's a lotta voltage
just don't lick it
* nephele
remembers 40V lamps beeing reffered to as "security low voltage"
yeah, I work with trucks, 24v can fuck you up pretty bad if you're not careful, I ain't 'effin with 48
mind I guess two giant lead acid batteries can dump way more current than a usb charger
40V in that context was for lighting in wet enviroments :)
anything over like 5v in the presense of water just gives me shivers, I know it would be pretty hard to get 40 to spark but y'know water breaks everything
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morning Anarchos
heya Anarchos
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Yoke: those were lights completely encased in rubber
I guess the idea there is 40V DC is better than 230AC...
ah, that would make more sense
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USB PD have special handling to avoid sparks.
I would hope so, it is a consumer standard
nephele: could you succeed to do net boot ?
Anarchos: I've not tried. I don't have direct access to the dhcp server
nephele: i set up my own dhcp server on a linux machine to do it at home
yeah okay. But we already have two dhcp servers at home. And I don't want to set one up that "fights" on the netwoek
i understand. That's why i do all my tests on a separate network 192.168.2.x where all machines are connected to their dedicated switch. The linux machine being a gateway through ISP box with a wifi dongle configured with 192.168.1.x IP.
makes sense. But I don't have knowledge yet how to do that
but i can change the config of the dhcp server, just have to do it properly :)
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kallisti5[m]: does our SSO support OpenID? and if it does is there some docs on how to use it? I'm trying to sign-in to the gerrit of PulkoMandy for Renga
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<nephele> "kallisti5: does our SSO support..." <- Hm.. we probably could set that it. It doesn't support it today though
94% tests passed, 3 tests failed out of 49 (for gammaray), not bad :)
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Begasus[m]: That is a passing grade… A-
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right mbrumbelow :D
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* mbrumbelow
wondering when this boring meeting I am in will end…
hand around some bords with points on to judge the meeting? ;)
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whoot, llvm20 build still running on buildmaster
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-- Could NOT find libdwarf (missing: LIBDL_LIBRARY) (stupid libdl) :/
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closing down
cu peeps!
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hey, someone have tips for calligra? I'm trying to write a document but the spellcheck is marking everything as wrong. Is there maybe a localized package i need to install?
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kallisti5[m]: okay. Do you want me to open a ticket for openid?
found it. the aspell_{lang} package has to be installed :)
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Hi there! Can I disable trackpad on my DELL laptop?
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JackDaniel: why?
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because I use only USB mouse and sometimes I put my hands accidentally on the trackpad
JackDaniel my ACPI button works for that, but there must be support in firmware, waayyyyy under the OS layers....
@nephele because I use only USB mouse and sometimes I put my hands accidentally on the trackpad
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