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* phschafft
checks the cookie bowl.
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morning peeps
morning to you :)
Hi there Mr phschafft :)
all good?
yeah, morning coffee should be ready by now, so almost ready to start
how's it over there?
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working a little on my thumbnail server/generator.
that is before I need to hit the road.
OscarL has joined #haiku
Hola OscarL
first build up and running :)
Buen día Begasus[m] :-)
just waking up here (2 AM, LOL)
got my new assistant running yesterday (llama.cpp) :D
saw the screenshot :-)
now I know it works I need to find out how i can use it with alpaka
next I'll throw it a build error and let it fix it for me :P
Being from a region with actual llamas/guanacos/vicuñas/alpacas.. the use of those names in the context of AI... is puzzling :-D
I didn't invent it :p
sphinx 7.2.6 requires sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml>=1.1.9, but you have sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml 1.1.5 which is incompatible.
* Begasus[m]
/me pokes OscarL :)
I think all (?) of those sphinxcontrib-* packages are just handled by upstream sphinx, so they might need to be updated all at once.
(to be safe)
but it looks like sphinx itself is fine? ... also, I hate having $portName in a recipe, can't copy paste that :P
I think external "theme" and/or extension packages exists, but the ones that we package... seem to be all from upstream, no?
I don't see what the issue is with using $portName for recipes that are "any". What am I missing?
should all be from pypi (haven't fiddled a long time there) :)
hp $portName doesn't work :P
mmm, didn't we used to have haikuporter completion working?
not sure if I misconfigured something, or just haven't set it up yet :-)
nah, not working here
mmm, then I may be remembering one of my half-assed attempt to adding that.
haikuporter itself is still too slow to use it for autocompletions.
even my ssh bash sessions were slow as hell... just because I used to call `haikuporter -t` to set some variable :-D
*startup time was slow, I mean.
fix it? ;)
I just replaced that call by: $(grep TREE_PATH ~/config/settings/haikuports.conf | tr -d '"')
yesterday I've tested running "haikuporter --lint" with "optimized" Python 3.10, vs unoptimized Python 3.14.
times were about 8m40s vs 9m50s.
so optimizations do help a bit (at least on those longer runs).
haven't played around on those
not exactly "apples to apples" (using different versions). but... I'm lazy. Will build 3.14 with opt and LTO as soon as alpha6 appears.
I'd like to move to "python3.xx" + "python3.xx_default" packages. Problem is... I have no clue how to make the transition for current users that only have installed python3.10 (would need for python3.10_default to get automatically installed *once*).
Mmm, looking at how openjdk does/did it...
that's a beast :)
even looking at the recipe I'm lost :P
Seems they ("_default" packages) first introduced it on openjdk8.... and they added a "REPLACES_default=openjdk".
mmm won't work for python3.10 :-(
while "openjdk8_default" replaced "openjdk"... it depends on "openjdk8" (makes sense).
but on Python land that would mean something like:
python3.10_default with "REPLACES_default=python3.10", while at the same time "REQUIRES_default=python3.10"... which I *really* doubt would work :-D
this is getting complicated :P
Only thing I can thing of is... bump python3.10 revision... and make it depend on python3.10_default.
s/thing/think/ (on the second thing :-P)
(with that particular "python3.10_default" revison NOT REQUIRING python3.10 on this "transitional" revision).
my brain isn't functional enough atm to get a grip on all of this :D
yea, I'm not sure it would work either way. Oh well.
trying to debug mandoc already fried most of my remaining brain cells :-/
how do they say it, don't fix what isn't broken? ;)
but things *are* broken (my brain included :-D)
* Begasus[m]
isn't going to be tricked into mandoc's pit
nah... leave mandoc alone. Unless you're "assistant" can debug weird C issues :-)
should feed it the error on the haikuplugins for Qt 6.8.2 :P who knows lol
for the 6.9.0 beta even more errors there :P
Hi there.
Arrr andreasdr
Hi Begasus.
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if korli thought that my last change was bike-shedding, he might not like my next one :-P
good morning to all :)
hello there janking.
Hi there janking
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hi erysdren (
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mmm, wanted to write a small script to find which of our python packages are out-of-date... turns out to require downloading JSON data that can be *fat* for some projects (482 KB for Django) :-/
a suggestion to pypi to add a "<package_name>/latest/json" endpoint was made in 2018... still not implemented.
janking has joined #haiku
some of ProcessController's variable names are... not ideal. what's a "cadre" and a "grenze"? "context" and "border"?
by the time you finish it's outdated again :P
:-D. Even so... given that we already seem to have 243 packages... seems like writting a script might save sometime anyway :-)
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true, hence I updated diver script to bump the KDE frameworks for this :)
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whoot, got a thumbup from DaaT on the FOSSDEM post at LinkdIn :)
Begasus[m]: ask him for his sheep to also give you a thumbs up! :-P
some familiar names still in there :) just saw Chris Simmons passing by ;)
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"yt-dlp -f160+249-drc <youtube video url>"... Nice format combination for videos that you're most likely to leave playing in the background... gives me a ~30 minutes video in under 16 MiB :-)
still funny that I have to download it with Haiku, and play it with Windows (audio not working on beta5 for me).
neat :P
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have a good one, everyone!
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Sorry for the silly question. I'm trying to update the numpy package to 2.2.3 but invoking haikuporter I don't get the numpy_python310. In fact, installing the hpkg produced, pip still lists 2.2.1. What am I missing?
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nexus6: , installed the numpy_python310-2.2.1-1-x86_64.hpkg package?
ah :)
maybe an error in the recipe name, no error when the build starts that 2.2.3 is broken?
maybe missing patchset?
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I think that's solved, I forgot to uninstall the previous package. I did that for one main reason, both chromadb and faiss-cpu insist on installing numpy-2.2.3 but even after bulding and installing it locally, they keep getting numpy-2.2.3 whose build fails, of course
I think OscarL mentioned something about it
it is quite annoying, I built FAISS from source and installed its Python binding. And that's ok. But I don't understand why faiss-cpu fails with pip
oh well, I know why. I mean, idk why it keeps downloading and building numpy. all the times
maybe this is one of the cases where we need to package and distribute it via the depot
don't think I've ever touched that
and haven't touched numpy for a while (aside from checking last PR on it)
on a tengential topic... I installed Jupyter on Haiku, if there's anyone interested in tinkering with ML, LLM and Python -
great! I wen a bit further and managed to finally install almost anything I'd need to work on LLM-based agent: openai, langchain, langchain-openai, langchain-community, faiss and Jupyter.
good day nexus6 :)
Hi Nephele!
I have also run a few examples to create an embedding via llama-cpp, store it in faiss and retrieve it with another model but still on locally with llama-cpp
zardshard: any tips on how i can run webkit tests, as in specific ones? :)=
I'd like to give MariaDB a shot, the version on the depot has a new similarity search function implemented along with an internal vector store
hi nephele
what's up Begasus[m]
not much nephele
a bit out of big challenges (in my area) :)
I have one!!! Package FAISS :D
I really just one want a CAD i don't hate :P
I have not tried that native one that popped up on the forum recently
got a bit further with kicad, but still nogo :)
it works on haiku. I used it too. From the ones i tried this one suits my way of working best, but it doesn't work great
I think there's probably more involved then that knowing pything pithole nexus6 :)
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I tried ;)
it's a bit like with python packages nephele , most can easely be installed over Terminal
just grab the source and launch the jar file
I think I'll do that by myself unless there's a way to install it via pip. If OscarL or coolcoder613 are around they may have hint or two
faiss is the only one you're missing? maybe I could have a look at it :)
nephele: I never ran the WebKit tests. Just winged it! :P
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zardshard: >:(
I have two alternative FAISS and ChromaDB, both show the same behaviour. But FAISS is easier, it compiles without a glitch on my PC
I need to finish a test for upstreaming a patch
once i have done that, my iPhone will stop blinding me
and neither will haikuwebkit ;)
the point is that faiss repo includes both the native library ( or and the Python bindings. I'm very bad with haikuports, never dove into it really
having it build in Terminal is always my first step before I start to tackle a recipe for it
lol first one already: Compiler requires the CUDA toolkit. Please set the CUDAToolkit_ROOT
Nasina has joined #haiku
i have like three haiku pcs on my desk right now
that seems like too many
I've already built it, it's a piece of cake. FAISS can be built to support CPU only with AVX2
the library itself does not require any patch just a few cmake params. I don't know how to package it along with the python bindings
GPU disable
can't you install in ~/config/non-packaged?
was so bored this morning I even tried KMail again :P
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it works already, I need some suggestion on how to create the recipe. Do you know any library on the depot which has the python bindings in the same repo?
nexus6: what problems do you have with the recipe?
you "only" need to put files in the relative root of the package tree
not doing the recipe yet, first build and install in a DESTDIR to see what I'm up against
might as well disable the tests, failure there
nephele: the problem is that I have never done one :D I'm figuring out how but the main thing is that FAISS has the library itself and the python bindings in the same repo, idk much about packaging a python library with haikuporter and if I can produce both the library the the python bindings in one go
it creates the wheel and install it. The step before is tricky, it requires swig but for me compiled just fine
Nasina has joined #haiku
to summarize: cmake configures the build with the parameter above. then you run make twice, one for the C++ library the second for the Python binding (with swig). The third step is about installing the wheel
thanks, forgot it needed the extra step :)
k, installs default to /boot/system/non-packaged/lib/python3.10/site-packages
that should be do-able in a recipe like it's done with the other python recipes
need to make sure I don't install too much in there :P
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no gentoo package it seems
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k, let's see to build/package the base one
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huh... 32bit boots on this device, but 64bit doesn't... but the 64bit doesn't even write the "32bit required" message. hmm
is this machine even 64bit
bugger, forgot to add $cmakeDirArgs ...
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k, that's the base: grabbing faiss-1.10.0-1-x86_64.hpkg and moving it to /Opslag/haikuports/packages/faiss-1.10.0-1-x86_64.hpkg
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Okay. So. Can we prepend a message to the zip file, telling you to extract it before booting? :-.
waddlesplash: fix works
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nexus6: save this as faiss-1.10.0.recipe in dev-libs and try?
heading out for a bit
python variables probably need to be set, but so far it packages OK here
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ImportError: Missing library
... one for OscarL I guess :)
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the OS doesn't give any errors when a fat32 partition fails to mount .-. ouch. It just mounts it RO despite clicking RW. Only in the syslog does it mention that
though quite wierd that a *new* fat32 partition is supposed to be defectiver
OscarL has joined #haiku
Here for just a second (not enough data, and already going to bed :-D).
"possible sector count overflow"
not sure what that means
hey hey OscarL
nexus6, Begasus[m]: For recipes that do lib + python keybindings, you can take a look at the "unicorn" .recipe for example.
Hello zdykstra :-)
nexus6, Begasus[m]: notice the "installLocation=$prefix/lib/python$pythonVersion/vendor-packages/", the exports. and the "--prefix=$prefix" on the "python build install" line.
Hope it helps. I'll probably be back at some unholy hour.
Have a good one folks!
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What to do about unhandled ioctls? how is that even a thing?