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<nekobot> [haikuports] threedeyes pushed 1 commit to branch master:
<nekobot> • threedeyes (48010d9e): Icedove: add recipe for 136.0 version (disabled)
<nekobot> • threedeyes (7e8a0561): icedove_bin: add recipe for 136.0 version
<nekobot> [haikuports] threedeyes pushed 1 commit to branch master:
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<Begasus[m]> morning peeps
<Begasus[m]> PulkoMandy WebPositive crashes on beta5 with the new haikuwebkit update:
<Begasus[m]> reverted to previous version atm
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<OscarL> morning Begasus[m].
<Begasus[m]> morning OscarL :)
<OscarL> there's a new build of haikuwebkit in progress that should fix those crashes.
<OscarL> notice the .20 vs .21 in the version string.
<Begasus[m]> ah, didn't check that (missed the news) :) my bad then :D
<OscarL> I was waiting for the builders to finish to update, and then saw it building haikuwebkit "again" and was... "wait a minute! what's going on here?" :-D
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<Begasus[m]> well, couldn't see that with Web+ crashing :P
<Begasus[m]> IceDove up and running, works nice so far
<OscarL> then went to check haikuwebkit repo, were the last commit message states: "1.9.20 crashes when loading Gerrit (and probably many other sites) so
<OscarL> let's have another try."
<Begasus[m]> still too bad for the GTK issue with the keymap :(
<OscarL> Tried LibreWolf on beta5... tabs kept crashing on me just trying to set it up properly. Doesn't accepts Numpad input :-/
<Begasus[m]> true on numpad
<Begasus[m]> can't get it to play nice with github also
<Begasus[m]> would love to get this dark mode in icedove ...
<OscarL> Apparently haikuwebkit 1.9.21 fixes the "1 core at 100% on github" issue. I won't be needing much else than Web+ on Haiku if that's indeed the case :-)
<Begasus[m]> yeah, thought I saw some commits in regards to it, hence me eager to try it out
<OscarL> same here, too bad just got the .20 one :-D
<Begasus[m]> it's my main issue with WebPositive, other then that I get almost all done with it
<Begasus[m]> reverted to .19
<OscarL> will do so here too, before I forget. .21 build wont be ready for at least 7 or 8 hs more.
<Begasus[m]> yeah, would build it myself, but that one is kinda a beast :P
<Begasus[m]> so far works well enough (icedove) but not at this hour in bright mode
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<Begasus[m]> lol 429: Too Many Requests
<Begasus[m]> haikuwebkit is popular? :P
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<jhj> Hrrm, how do I enable core dumps on latest Haiku builds?
<jhj> ulimit -Hc -c are both 0. Trying to increase it gives me "core file size: cannot modify limit: Invalid Argument" :(
<jhj> I guess I can't?
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<Begasus[m]> hmm buildmaster stuck on haikuwebkit atm?
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<Yoke> Mornin y'all, hope you're all having a great day so far
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<Anarchos> hello
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<Anarchos> hi Begasus[m]
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<x512[m]> I wonder why not use regular processes.
<Anarchos> hello x512[m]
<Anarchos> x512[m]: i am a big fan of your work on porting haiku to riscv :)
<x512[m]> Still waiting for market availability of more powerful RISC-V CPU...
<x512[m]> SG2380 was delayed.
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<trungnt2910[m]> <x512[m]> "I wonder why not use regular..." <- I don't really understand either
<trungnt2910[m]> Maybe because Linux does not have a built-in kernel system call dispatcher like Windows.
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<nephele> PulkoMandy: I can't build webkit from the "haiku" branch anymore, did the instructions change? I already have to pass -GNinja to --cmakeargs because it for some reason doesn't autodetect it anymore, and am now getting build failures in EGL because it tries to use X11 headers. But i didn't know we even used EGL now :g
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<andreasdr[m]> Hi there.
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<waddlesplash> jhj: use system crash dialog, or if you want it to be automatic, see notes about the debug server settings file in
<Begasus[m]> re
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<Anarchos> Begasus[m]:
<Anarchos> hello
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<Begasus[m]> hi Anarchos :)
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<BrunoSpr> @humdinger... Typo here...
<BrunoSpr> should be "verwerfen"!
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<andreasdr[m]> Arrrrrr.
<Begasus[m]> Arrrrr andreasdr :)
<andreasdr[m]> :)
<Begasus[m]> ah, haikuwebkit is done!
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<nekobot> • LordOfDragons (63265262): dragengine-1.25 (#11998)
<nekobot> [haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to branch master:
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<Anarchos> Begasus[m]: i made progress on the bootloader :)
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<Begasus[m]> getting there Anarchos ?
<Begasus[m]> ow, gotta run, biab :)
<Anarchos> Begasus[m]: not yet, but i was able to parse all the disk to get their partition (though not able to boot from them)
<nekobot> [haikuports] korli pushed 1 commit to branch master:
<nekobot> • korli (2cf97ec4): openssl3: bump version…
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<nekobot> [haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to branch master:
<nekobot> • Begasus (34da7163): ninja, bump to 1.12.1 (#11974)
<nekobot> [haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to branch master:
<nekobot> • Begasus (26a5e1cf): filelight, bump to version 24.12.3, switch to KF6 (#12004)
<nekobot> [haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to branch master:
<nekobot> • Begasus (9f864f8e): kapman, bump to 24.12.3, switch to KF6 (#12006)
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<bbjimmy> checkfs output... name (inode = 30469), invalid b+tree... checkfs: Repairing faild: I/O error
<bbjimmy> how do I fix this?
<waddlesplash> check your syslog, the blocks may be unreadable on the drive
<waddlesplash> in which case the drive may be failing
<bbjimmy> KERN: could not read block 42304: bytesRead: 0, error: No error
<bbjimmy> KERN: bfs: InternalSetTo:485: I/O error
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<Begasus[m]> cpu thread usage still here with WebPositive, maybe it's better in nighly?
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 3 commits to master [hrev58753] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] ef67cb1ace77 - app_server/AGGTextRenderer: Improve code quality, remove duplicates
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] ab1f14f36255 - tests/app_server: test some AGGTextRenderer paths
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 28cd4f5dd77e - app_server: check glyph bounding box
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<nekobot> • Begasus (c06d12ec): katomic, bump to 24.12.3, switch to KF6 (#12007)
<nekobot> [haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to branch master:
<waddlesplash> bbjimmy: do you always get that exact error, with "42304"?
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 2 commits to master [hrev58754] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 396f9dc3e2a2 - app_server: fix text drawing with clipping path
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] bbac6dc90468 - app_server: transform text decoration lines
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<Begasus[m]> closing down here
<Begasus[m]> cu peeps!
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<bbjimmy> waddlesplash name (inode = 30469), ?
<waddlesplash> I meant the syslog number
<waddlesplash> "could not read block ..."
<bbjimmy> KERN: could not read block 42304: bytesRead: 0, error: No error yes.
<bbjimmy> same block all the time.
<waddlesplash> very weird
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<bbjimmy> I thought there were some bfs tools that might help me.
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<Anarchos> I have good news :)
<erysdren> oh?
<Anarchos> erysdren i was able to write on my USB key a haiku_loader with bootable partition from diefferent drives. But i can't sill boot on them .
<Anarchos> the good news is now the bios drive id is detected and write in the haiku_loader menu.
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<Anarchos> hello
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<scanty> hi, Anarchos
<Anarchos> scanty i think i found a very old bug in bootman.S :)
<scanty> Anarchos: good to hear, i read the backscroll
<scanty> seems like you're making good progreess
<scanty> progress*
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<Anarchos> scanty yes
<scanty> :-)
<Anarchos> scanty my gool is the haiku boot loader abale to launch every OS of every disk in my desktop :)
<scanty> are you getting close?
<Anarchos> very close ! (but only in bios mode, i know nothing in UEFI)
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<scanty> ah, I see. my system has both BIOS and UEFI
<scanty> i just use BIOS
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<Anarchos> scanty first time i write some assembly :)
<scanty> cool. i'm pretty good with x86/x64
<scanty> 6502 as well, but that doesn't count here ^_^
<scanty> going to eat, bbiab
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<nekobot> [haikuports] threedeyes pushed 1 commit to branch master:
<nekobot> • threedeyes (20ef4236): Icedove: fix install extensions, fix css for about window
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<nekobot> [haikuports] threedeyes pushed 1 commit to branch master:
<nekobot> • threedeyes (ca5e780d): icedove_bin: bump revision
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<nekobot> • threedeyes (b5211ee3): librewolf_bin: bump revision for rebuild
<nekobot> [haikuports] threedeyes pushed 1 commit to branch master:
<nekobot> [haikuports] threedeyes pushed 2 commits to branch master:
<nekobot> • threedeyes (473aebe4): waterfox: cleanup patchset
<nekobot> • threedeyes (73d49fa6): waterfox_bin: bump revision for rebuild
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<Anarchos> 14yo bug in bootman.S spotted :) I do a test to confirm
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