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morning peeps
PulkoMandy WebPositive crashes on beta5 with the new haikuwebkit update:
reverted to previous version atm
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morning Begasus[m].
morning OscarL :)
there's a new build of haikuwebkit in progress that should fix those crashes.
notice the .20 vs .21 in the version string.
ah, didn't check that (missed the news) :) my bad then :D
I was waiting for the builders to finish to update, and then saw it building haikuwebkit "again" and was... "wait a minute! what's going on here?" :-D
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well, couldn't see that with Web+ crashing :P
IceDove up and running, works nice so far
then went to check haikuwebkit repo, were the last commit message states: "1.9.20 crashes when loading Gerrit (and probably many other sites) so
let's have another try."
still too bad for the GTK issue with the keymap :(
Tried LibreWolf on beta5... tabs kept crashing on me just trying to set it up properly. Doesn't accepts Numpad input :-/
true on numpad
can't get it to play nice with github also
would love to get this dark mode in icedove ...
Apparently haikuwebkit 1.9.21 fixes the "1 core at 100% on github" issue. I won't be needing much else than Web+ on Haiku if that's indeed the case :-)
yeah, thought I saw some commits in regards to it, hence me eager to try it out
same here, too bad just got the .20 one :-D
it's my main issue with WebPositive, other then that I get almost all done with it
reverted to .19
will do so here too, before I forget. .21 build wont be ready for at least 7 or 8 hs more.
yeah, would build it myself, but that one is kinda a beast :P
so far works well enough (icedove) but not at this hour in bright mode
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lol 429: Too Many Requests
haikuwebkit is popular? :P
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Hrrm, how do I enable core dumps on latest Haiku builds?
ulimit -Hc -c are both 0. Trying to increase it gives me "core file size: cannot modify limit: Invalid Argument" :(
I guess I can't?
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hmm buildmaster stuck on haikuwebkit atm?
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Mornin y'all, hope you're all having a great day so far
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x512[m]: i am a big fan of your work on porting haiku to riscv :)
Still waiting for market availability of more powerful RISC-V CPU...
SG2380 was delayed.
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<x512[m]> "I wonder why not use regular..." <- I don't really understand either
Maybe because Linux does not have a built-in kernel system call dispatcher like Windows.
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PulkoMandy: I can't build webkit from the "haiku" branch anymore, did the instructions change? I already have to pass -GNinja to --cmakeargs because it for some reason doesn't autodetect it anymore, and am now getting build failures in EGL because it tries to use X11 headers. But i didn't know we even used EGL now :g
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Hi there.
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