AlienSoldier: that is really cool. i never got into 68K but i know it was used in a lot of computers and consoles
it's a very godd cpu. better than the 65x16, imo
i could never imagine simulating it on a fpga.
i think that team made really nice things. They quite refreshed the amiga chipset. i think it was 192 MIPS before, that mean 3x the speed as the memory bandwith was not yet the problem.
If they could put that into a 1Ghz ASIC it would mean quite a powerfull machine.
The 68k is Motorola's attempt to break into the CPU market
hah, that's expensive.
One of the coolest thing imho is the way they integrated MMX seeminglessly with the 68K instruction.
they also did quite an impressive overhaul of the whole audio chip.
fpga is way cheaper, but slower, and with fpga, you can update firmware etc.
yes, but eventually i think they will reach super stability and this is when i would go ASIC.
because they need more unit sold, it is too niche right now.
that would be cool.
i wonder if you made an asic, you can have the same pinout.
then you can just replace it.
i guess so
but i don't think it is socketed, but i might be wrong
you're probably right.
scanty got my ifix it bits and opened my genesis power supply. It will be easy to repair once i get my hand on the right capacitor.
i might have what you need
i can mail it it.
i surely have one, just have to dig into my stuff :)
ah okay.
collector just like me.
but i only keep certain capacitors.
don't need a new one, just one that work :) It seem easy enough to replace so it don't bother to have to redi it in 10 year.
for example, if it has some weird company i've never heard of, i pass on it.
I also want to try to repair capacitors eventually :)
that one seem to have started to become resistive.
well you should always use new components when you can.
and because it is a psu, i can put a larger one without problem, as long as it fit in.
but you have to use one of the same value.
i can use larger one, it is just a capacitor that fill the "valley" of the diode bridge.
oh, it's like that..
yep, pretty much a carburator car :P
i thought it was a larger psu circut where values are critical
That is why i wanted to salvage that psu, it is low maintenance. It also does not require much because my master system one is less amp and work well on it.
And i like to keep the sega branding on it even if i never see it because it is behind the tv.
ah, i see
generally there's a 7805 regulator, in which case Cin and Cout can be 0.1uF
once that is done i will only have to fix the reset button on it, but that is not a priority. I might use a low profile click button instead of a membrane.
good idea
i want to redo all my atary joystick like that eventually.
only atari i have is 2600, i think it's in storage, i was thinking of bu ilding my own one day.
the 2600 rock
yeah i have a lot of carts somewhere
i have a few but i have an harmony card, so i rarely use them.
2600 homebrew is kind of cool
almost bided for a coleco the other day but i don't really need it :)
between the 2600 the c64 and the master system in SG1000 mode it cover most of it's library.
i might have some C64 stuff in storage i probably won't ever need. i can send it to you if you want
that might interest me
that is one of the system i finally repared perfectly to be in permanent use here :)
okay, next time i goto the storage unit i will check what i have. i think i have a complete one with power supply, and some other stuff
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Good morning :)
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Morning peeps
morning Begasus
Hi erysdren
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let's see if I can package CLion :)
ps, won't push that to haikuports, download alone + 1.5GB :P
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it launches at least from source :)
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helhello Begasus[m]
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Hi Anarchos :)
Begasus[m]: multiboot bootman done :)
nice Anarchos ! +1
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Begasus[m]: now the tough work begins : to get my code approved and merged ...
good luck there Anarchos , way past my skills :D
Begasus[m]: almost past mine too, but trial and error helped me to progress
know the feeling :D
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I have installed Haiku to uefi PC, but my monitor doesn't report the correct resolution and there are no drivers for my card so it Haiku defaults to 800x600. Is there any way I can set a custom resolution?
booting with UEFI should give you access to the EFI Framebuffer video driver
which would let you set the proper resolution
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hi here
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hi there
After years being away from any haiku-os development and involment, I'm trying to come back to it, now that real life issues (read kids and ex-wife) are less present
Last time I coded anything related to haiku-os should be around 2018, at best
[haiku/haiku] 5cce8bc7575f - nvme_disk: enable the autonomous power save feature
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getting some old crew back is always good, phoudoin... i remember you from long ago in BeOS days.
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I'm feelink like someone who use to play some sport and stopped to do it for +/- 10 years and don't know anymore how to do it, while wanting to feel how great it is when he was fluent with it
i, too, have some hobbies that i have neglected in the past years. it's hard to get back on board, but once you do, it's smoother sailing.
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