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<AlienSoldier> yep, arrow keys
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<Skipp_OSX> unfortunately my patch does indeed not fix the problem, sigh
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<AlienSoldier> Skipp_OSX doing a mouse selection is snappy, only with the keys it seem to mess. Could it be a message passing overload or locking problem?
<Skipp_OSX> it is a locking problem or something in the interaction between BMenu and BWindow and I'm interjecting in MenusBeginning() that I can't do.
<Skipp_OSX> I'm convinced the bug is in BMenu but I can't fix it there so I'm gonna have to do a workaround.
<AlienSoldier> i don't know when this started, just stumbled on this because i have an insane amound of files name to edit.
<AlienSoldier> *amount
<Skipp_OSX> I do, when I re-enabled menu bar add-ons
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<OscarL> While trying to understand, I wrote a silly "locale_tests.cpp", and I'm seeing some weird (for me at least) behaviour with setlocale() in it.
<OscarL> Not sure if I'm just making a stupid mistake (I barely speak C or C++), or if something's really off with setlocale().
<OscarL> This is my test program: and this is its output on Haiku:
<OscarL> Was thinking in opening a ticket for this, but would be nice to rule out some stupid mistake on my part.
<OscarL> Gist of the issue is... if in Haiku you set a language locale and a different one for formating, you end up with git's output text in the "formatting language", not the one you use for UI.
<OscarL> my test output seems to shows that unless your program calls setlocale(LC_ALL, ""), any call to setlocale() for other categories changes ALL of them.
<OscarL> and this is the output from a Linux install:
<OscarL> where if your program only calls, say, setlocale(LC_MESSAGES), only LC_MESSAGES gets changed from the 'C' default.
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<OscarL> Seems we already have some tickets for a "broken setlocale()":,,
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<OscarL> Opened for this.
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<OscarL> This is odd... in Locale preflet... Formatting for "Spanish (Argentina)" is different on 32 bits than on 64 bits.
<OscarL> on 32 bits, time properly defaults to 24-hours, with leading 0s on it (eg: 01:11), while on 64 bits it defaults to 12-hour format, and even when switched to 24-hours, it lacks the leading 0s (1:11).
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<Begasus[m]> morning peeps
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<OscarL> aloha Begasus[m].
<Begasus[m]> Hola OscarL :)
<Skipp_OSX> I mean, we use ICU to get 12/24 hour time format, I don't see how there could be a 32/64 bit problem in ICU
<Skipp_OSX> so maybe a bad conversion somewhere idk that's strange.
<Begasus[m]> it shows the seconds correct here
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<Begasus[m]> see something familiar? ;)
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<Skipp_OSX> white clock, beta 5 boo
<Begasus[m]> lol
<Begasus[m]> well seeing buildmaster is off to on the beta hrev maybe I "could" switch to nighly, but ... nah :P
<OscarL> Skipp_OSX: yeah, that 32 vs 64 difference is odd. (just rebooted onto 64 bits, and confirmed that the data for Spanish (Argentina) is off (also misses leading 0s in dates).
<OscarL> Begasus[m]: that out of focus Be logo plays badly with my worsening sight :-D
<Begasus[m]> classic one OscarL :)
<OscarL> for a moment... I wasn't sure if I was wearing the wrong glasses, or if they were really dirty :-P
<Begasus[m]> too bad most of those wallpapers were made for 1024*768, so yeah don't always scale well
* OscarL is a "plain BeOS blue" background color type of guy. (Win98 blue while on the "dark side")
<nekobot> • kenmays (835f3c3b): ffmpeg: added ffmpeg7 (#11820)
<nekobot> [haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to branch master:
<Begasus[m]> just installed thememanager so I can easely switch day/night colors
<OscarL> Skipp_OSX: oddly enough, on 64 bits, after setting "Spanish (Argentina)" formatting to 24 hours, the clock on Deskbar correctly uses leading 0s (02:57), while on 32 bits it does not... beside Locale preflet showing it should.
<Skipp_OSX> maybe an issue in Deskbar?
<Skipp_OSX> Deskbar should be using BLocale so I don't see why it would be any different.
<Skipp_OSX> maybe a bad conversion in Deskbar
<OscarL> that part at least maybe. Locale stll showing "2:57" even on 24-hour mode still makes no sense :-D
<nekobot> [haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to branch master:
<nekobot> • OscarL (6f89fda2): git: update to version 2.48.1. (#11834)
<nekobot> [haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to branch master:
<nekobot> • OscarL (e355c349): tig: update to version 2.5.12. (#11835)
<OscarL> welp... that's one way to find out if my patch for git was nonsense :-P
<Begasus[m]> never used tig, so I trust you in this :P
<Begasus[m]> and ffmpeg7 has been running good for what I've checked
<OscarL> just started to use tig more regularly... still need to learn more about it.
<OscarL> I have seen Python tests fail on strftime/strptime regularly, but can't pin-point where the issue lies. might be this cursed setlocale() after all.
<Begasus[m]> wished 3dEyes could have a look into fixing the error on haikuplugins for Qt 6.8.2, at one point KF6 will start requiring the new version (Tokodon master already does)
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<nekobot> • augiedoggie (519cfe6d): emacs: update to 30.1 (#11836)
<nekobot> [haikuports] augiedoggie pushed 1 commit to branch master:
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<nephele_xmpp> OscarL: LANG was set in previous releases i think. with it git behaves like before
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<OscarL> nephele_xmpp: I don't recall LANG being there before (will try using "git log -S")... but in any case, according to humdinger, older git on newer beta5 didn't showed the issue.
<OscarL> git does obeys the LANGUAGE envar though:
<nephele_xmpp> huh okay. If humdinger sais the older package behaves differently the this must be a seperate issue
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] autocommitter pushed 1 commit to master [hrev58697] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] e38d10fd9f5f - Update translations from Pootle
<nephele_xmpp> git should use LC_MESSAGES in any case though
<OscarL> as far as I can tell, from "command_main.c"'s main(), it calls git_init_getttext(), and that calls setlocale(LC_MESSAGES, "") and setlocale(LC_TIME, "").
<OscarL> but then I'm seeing that each of those just sets the language for the rest of the categories (LC_*), unless you call setlocale(LC_ALL, "") after.
<OscarL> that's why I filed
<OscarL> may be /me missing up something, but there's also something wrong with setlocale().
<nephele_xmpp> I don't know what the behaviour is supposed to be exactly there for first runs
<OscarL> "During program startup, the equivalent of setlocale(LC_ALL, "C"); is executed before any user code is run."
<nephele_xmpp> but if git is setting LC_MESSAGES and they are using it and the language is wrong there is something wrong with git
<OscarL> not sure that's valid for Haiku or not, it at least behaves as if POSIX was set at least.
<nephele_xmpp> Haiku has no locale named C
<nephele_xmpp> only a POSIX onr
<OscarL> it doesn't looks like nothing has changed on git side. For me it is either due to something around ICU or LocaleKit that has changed.
* Begasus[m] hasn't touched ICU anymore :P
<nephele_xmpp> I doubt it. Git is s c programm
<OscarL> I have run the same "locale_test.cpp" on Ubuntu, and it behaves differently from Haiku (attached that output to the 19446 ticket already)
<OscarL> LocaleKit relies on ICU....
<nephele_xmpp> And git doesn't need locale kit
<OscarL> try running "strace git bla" | grep -i icu
<OscarL> something on Haiku's side is using it, is what I mean. and it clearly has to do with what setlocale() does. from where that would get the proper formatting data otherwise?
<nephele_xmpp> Anyway, irrespective of whatever else the LC messages do... if git does *NOT* use LC_MESSAGES for it's string outputs there is something wrong with git
<nephele_xmpp> so unless you can demonstrate that the LC_TIME call also changes LC_MESSAGES there is also a bug in git
<OscarL> I have already submited a test .cpp and its output on both Haiku and Linux...
<OscarL> what else I *have to demostrate*?
<nephele_xmpp> if line 122 also overwrites LC_MESSAGES this is a Haiku bug. Otherwise a git bug
<OscarL> yes, I think that the call on 122 indeed sets all values, but only if setlocale(LC_ALL) has not been called yet somehow.
<nephele_xmpp> anyway, these functions are in libroot, so check what they do I guess :D
<OscarL> have been trying to find my way around this since I first noticed problems with Python tests suite around datetime formats... 2.5 years ago
<OscarL> I sadly get lost pretty fast in all the interactions between all the involved parts :-D
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<Begasus[m]> ICU76 still good here :P grabbing icu76-76.1-1-x86_64.hpkg and moving it to /Opslag/haikuports/packages/icu76-76.1-1-x86_64.hpkg
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<Begasus[m]> nice to see that most of Haiku patches are not required anymore for ICU :P
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<waddlesplash> nephele_xmpp: Haiku does have a C locale, it's just the same as POSIX and it always reports its name as POSIX. but if you set a C locale this works fine
<nephele_xmpp> We only have POSIX as the named locale, which is what posix species... it also specifies this to be equivalent to the C locale
<nephele_xmpp> I think only mpv had a problem with this up to now, but since we follow posix here I don't see that as a big issue...
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<waddlesplash> mpv should just be patched to understand that POSIX is the same as the C locale
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<nephele_xmpp> Yes, probably. I think that was done in haikuports
<Begasus[m]> Subject: disable setlocale for haiku * first part in that patchset
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<nipos> nephele_xmpp: I just tried to look into the issue with the gradients on the Haiku website that you told me a few days ago.I couldn't reproduce it,however.Tried in WebPositive,GNOME Web,Otter Browser,LibreWolf and NetSurf.All worked perfectly fine,except NetSurf which doesn't seem to support gradients at all.Even good old Otter Browser displayed the gradient correctly.
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<nephele_xmpp> nipos: I can only reproduce it on safari iOS
<nipos> Which is weird,since WebPositive,GNOME Web and Otter Browser all also use WebKit.And Otter Browser uses a very outdated version of it,ruling out the possibility that old WebKit versions had problems with it
<nephele_xmpp> Yes but, I *can't* reproduce it on safari macos
<nipos> With this being a minor bug in one single browser,I think it's probably not worth investigating a specific workaround
<nephele_xmpp> That's fine for me :)
<nipos> Another thing: I didn't forget adding HaikuWebKit2 to Grok,but it's a *really* big codebase and my server is taking ages (now over a week at 100% CPU load) to index it.You can already browse the source at but searching doesn't work until it's fully indexed.
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<nekobot> [haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to branch master:
<nekobot> • Begasus (a741f4a5): ktexteditor, revbump, use current libgit2 (#11840)
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<andreaallegri> hullo
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<andreaallegri> my app was : be wake ... and not to be weak ...
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<skylar[m]> hey, im trying to boot the R1/beta5 iso and the atheroswifi driver causes a page fault
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<waddlesplash> skylar[m]: screenshot?
<skylar[m]> how
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<skylar[m]> heres the last bit from the on-screen debugging
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<waddlesplash> this may actually be a driver bug
<waddlesplash> adrian_: ^^
<waddlesplash> skylar[m]: can you type at the KDL prompt
<waddlesplash> ?
<skylar[m]> yeah
<waddlesplash> ok, please run "area 0x18a3"
<waddlesplash> (the number from the first fault message)
<waddlesplash> and paste the output
<skylar[m]> 1 sec
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<trannus_aran> hey, trying to get wifi to work with this dongle on haiku, y'all mind helping me out pls?
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<trannus_aran> already checked around with listusb and the freebsd forums, apparently there's a diff for the rtwn driver that fixes it
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<waddlesplash> skylar[m]: that... looks weird and wrong
<waddlesplash> I mean, the original crash, this transcription looks correct
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<waddlesplash> adrian_: lol, is this trying to write to const data? That won't work
<waddlesplash> does FreeBSD not map the readonly sections of the ELF as actually readonly, like Haiku does?
<waddlesplash> adrian_: anyway, what static const data do I need to de-const to make this work?
<trannus_aran> (or is there another haiku channel I should join that would deal with wifi driver C patches? don't mean to derail the conversation X) )
<waddlesplash> trannus_aran: what's "this dongle"?
<waddlesplash> did you mean to attach something?
<trannus_aran> waddlesplash : it's a tp link t2u nano
<waddlesplash> that means almost nothing lol. what's the USB ID
<trannus_aran> looks like it's a more recent revision that uses a realtek chip, lemme check the ID for ya
<trannus_aran> let's see, product id: 0xc820
<waddlesplash> (and this is the right place indeed, I am just multitasking somewhat right now and checking this channel only intermittently)
<trannus_aran> product string: "802.11ac NIC"
<waddlesplash> string doesn't mean much, the ID is what's relevant
<trannus_aran> waddlesplash: ah, nw then. Thank you! :)
<waddlesplash> I don't see that device listed anywhere
<waddlesplash> can you paste the full "listusb -v" output for this device?
<trannus_aran> got it, one sec
<waddlesplash> doing some google searches, this might be an 8821CU?
<trannus_aran> here's the output!
<trannus_aran> ah, yeah I thought it was some kinda rtl88xx
<waddlesplash> 0xc820
<waddlesplash> hm
<trannus_aran> yeah
<trannus_aran> like ideally I'd get my iprowifi4965 for the built in wlan card fixed, but I figure the dongle (being cheap and pretty ubiquitout on amazon/already supported by openBSD) would be a better target for a fix
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<waddlesplash> does 4965 not work?
<waddlesplash> that driver is usually very reliable
<trannus_aran> yeah, no go with my centrino n205 or some such (lemme get the exact one in case I'm misremembering the model)
<waddlesplash> what does "no go" mean specifically: does it not show up in Network preferences? does it not show networks? not connect? etc.
<waddlesplash> you should check /var/log/syslog there, it may have interesting errors
<trannus_aran> Device nameCentrino Advanced-N 6205 [Taylor Peak]
<trannus_aran> waddlesplash: oo, lemme see! I was wondering where the logs/dmesg equivalent was
<trannus_aran> I'm still fairly new to haiku :sweat smile:
<waddlesplash> trannus_aran: OK I found the realtek hardware in Linux. This is indeed an 8821CU
<waddlesplash> the FreeBSD driver supports 8821*A*U, but not *C*U
<waddlesplash> and yes, the one letter does make a big difference lol (sadly)
<trannus_aran> danke!
<trannus_aran> hmmmmmm
<waddlesplash> adrian_ will know what needs to be done to add support for it (he's one of the key FreeBSD WiFi people)
<waddlesplash> but they're busy/backlogged/ENOTIME, so I wouldn't hold your breath
<trannus_aran> nothing in the syslog about the iprowifi4965, but it shows up in the network app
<trannus_aran> just reads as no link on device 0
<waddlesplash> no networks?
<waddlesplash> i.e. the wireless network dropdown is empty?
<trannus_aran> status disconnected!
<trannus_aran> yeah, the network dropdown is empty
<trannus_aran> something's not talking to something internally
<waddlesplash> ok. is there anything in "syslog.old"? if your syslog got too big it will have gotten rotated
<waddlesplash> so the errors might be in there
<trannus_aran> ah, lemme check
<waddlesplash> you can also try "ifconfig /dev/net/iprowifi.... scan" and see what happens
<waddlesplash> i.e. if it returns a more specific error code
<trannus_aran> weird, ifconfig /dev/net/iprowifi4965/0 scan just returns an empty table with the headers for "name" "address" "signal" and "auth"
<trannus_aran> lemme check the syslog real quick
<waddlesplash> OK so it's just "dead" somehow
<waddlesplash> probably there will be an init error *somewhere*
<trannus_aran> weird, nothing in syslog.old either! just the ipro1000/0 I'm using now for the ethernet
<waddlesplash> nothing for either "iprowifi4965" or "iwn"?
<waddlesplash> there should at least be the init messages
<trannus_aran> I *did* just install the wifi firmwares package , but last time that didn't fix it, so I didn't have high hopes (I am on the latest nightly though)
<waddlesplash> the wifi firmwares packages does nothing for this hardware
<waddlesplash> the firmwares are bundled with the default install in the intel_wifi_firmware package
<waddlesplash> the install script is only needed for really old Intel and then Broadcom hardware with strange license requirements
<trannus_aran> yeah, figured as much ;/
<trannus_aran> weird, yeah, there's no init stuff in the syslog either? Almost every line (including the first full page of them) just reads:
<trannus_aran> DAEMON 'DHCP': /dev/net/ipro1000/0: Send DHCP_DISCOVER to
<waddlesplash> oh, is DHCP just flooding your syslog?
<trannus_aran> looks like it!
<waddlesplash> well then that's why there's nothing here, it's gotten overwritten by now lol
<trannus_aran> I could reboot, maybe that would at least show what's happening
<waddlesplash> are you actually using ipro1000 right now?
<trannus_aran> yep
<waddlesplash> did you give it a static address?
<waddlesplash> or did DHCP work but thinks it failed
<trannus_aran> no static addr (or at least I didn't assign it one)
<trannus_aran> so no, barring something weird lol
<waddlesplash> so it's yet another bug in our DHCP then lol
<waddlesplash> yeah, just reboot, and then immediately copy syslog
<trannus_aran> aight sounds good. I'll keep the ethernet unplugged while I copy so we don't get a bunch of noise, hopefully
<trannus_aran> one sec (also thx so much!)
<waddlesplash> np
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<trannus_aran> alright, here we are
<trannus_aran> the paste of the syslog at boot, grepping for iprowifi
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev58698] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] d9399d46738c - iaxwifi200: Merge changes from upstream OpenBSD.
<waddlesplash> trannus_aran: KERN: [iprowifi4965] (iwn) iwn5000_load_firmware: could not load firmware .text section, error -2147483639
<trannus_aran> KERN: [iprowifi4965] (iwn) iwn_read_firmware: ucode rev=0x12a80601
<trannus_aran> yeah, I saw that line, too
<waddlesplash> check the syslog without grep
<waddlesplash> and see if there's any lines between those two
<waddlesplash> that look related
<trannus_aran> will do, one sec
<waddlesplash> error -2147483639 is ETIMEDOUT
<waddlesplash> so, most likely, the hardware just never replied
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<trannus_aran> ahhh, that would make sense
<waddlesplash> for future reference, "error" command on Haiku translates between decimal/hex and error names
<waddlesplash> i.e. CLI equivalent to strerror()
<trannus_aran> oh nice! wondered if there were some c/c+-isms that lived in the haiku shell
<waddlesplash> just looks like it didn't get an interrupt
<trannus_aran> *c++-isms
<trannus_aran> looks like it's trying to start an ssh server and failing with that?
<waddlesplash> nah, that's harmless
<waddlesplash> it's happening in parallel
<trannus_aran> hmmm
<waddlesplash> the errors are only for V6 anyway
<trannus_aran> yeah
<waddlesplash> we don't support some V6 feature sshd wants
<waddlesplash> our V6 support is kind of incomplete in general
<waddlesplash> anyway this just looks like firmware load failed due to no interrupts
<trannus_aran> I mean v6 support is kind of incomplete in general for software as a whole :P
<waddlesplash> you can check this hypothesis by dropping to the kernel debugger and running "ints" command
<trannus_aran> let's see, how can I drop into the db?
<waddlesplash> and then exiting via "co" (the kernel debug session will be written to syslog after a succcessful exit)
<waddlesplash> ideally via keyboard, Alt+SysRq+D
<waddlesplash> (if you do this from a USB keyboard then it will set up USB routing for the kernel debugger)
<trannus_aran> hmm, does SysRq have another name on US keyboards?
<waddlesplash> Print Screen
<trannus_aran> ahhhh, right
<waddlesplash> if you are using a PS/2 keyboard then the shortcut doesn't matter as much, you can use the "kernel_debugger" command in shell
<waddlesplash> your syslog looks like it has a PS/2 keyboard init
<trannus_aran> okay got it, lemme grab that from the syslog (also that's a very cool feature, wonder if linux or bsd have anything like that that can run in userspace like that)
<waddlesplash> oh, this isn't userspace
<waddlesplash> our kernel debugger is just pretty sophisticated lol
<trannus_aran> oh, it's like directly in the kernel?
<trannus_aran> damn
<waddlesplash> yes
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<trannus_aran> anyway, lemme get the paste here
<waddlesplash> Linux and the BSDs have "debugnet", a way for network packets to be sent while the kernel debugger is running
<waddlesplash> that's generally how they do "advanced kernel debugging" stuff, just run commands on another machine
<waddlesplash> we could implement this, but obviously there are many times that won't or can't work
<waddlesplash> meanwhile our input stack looks totally different than the BSDs, and we have HID report parsing support in the USB HID driver
<waddlesplash> so, we instead have a "debug USB packet send/receive" facility
<waddlesplash> KERN: int 26, enabled 1, handled 0, unhandled 0
<waddlesplash> KERN: iprowifi4965:_ZL12intr_wrapperPv (0xffffffff8275c650), data 0xffffffff98ca1340, handled 0
<waddlesplash> so, indeed, we got 0 interrupts
<trannus_aran> very very cool
<trannus_aran> hmm, wonder what part of the source tree this would live in to try out a patch (I have a dev enviro for haiku nightly on another machine)
<trannus_aran> though I suppose I could set it up on this one, hmm
<waddlesplash> this bug is probably not in this driver
<waddlesplash> it's likely in interrupt routing/handling
<trannus_aran> yeah, somewhere else
<waddlesplash> the idualwifi7265 (next Intel WiFi generation up) hits similar problems with firmware failing to load and no interrupts received, much more commonly
<waddlesplash> but unfortunately not on my hardware nor on any other devs' hardware
<waddlesplash> so nobody has really dug into this
<trannus_aran> wonder what's unique about this hardware case compared to ones that work with this same driver
<waddlesplash> it's probably not the PCI device itself
<waddlesplash> I have some 7265 devices that the exact same PCI ID fails on other people's hardware
<waddlesplash> it's something in the mainboard or MSI or something
<trannus_aran> just how it expects to handle it on the host machine's side?
<waddlesplash> basically, something is wrong with how we are setting up interrupt routing, I'd guess
<trannus_aran> (ie not the driver, but the OS)
<waddlesplash> yes
<trannus_aran> hmmm
<waddlesplash> basically all cases where these symptoms happen and I ask people to try FreeBSD, it works
<waddlesplash> it's just Haiku that does not
<waddlesplash> the first thing I would try here, if you want to dig into it, is to see if legacy interrupt mode works
<waddlesplash> basically, edit the driver to not allocate a MSI
<trannus_aran> good opportunity to open up a bug report I suppose. yeah, I was considering dual booting this with freebsd to eliminate any OS-specific variables
<waddlesplash> this assumes however that your hardware has a legacy IRQ assigned in the first place
<waddlesplash> you can check the giant PCI information dump in the syslog to see if there is an interrupt line set for this device
<trannus_aran> it might, this thing's from 2013
<waddlesplash> if there is, then avoiding MSIs may be interesting
<trannus_aran> though even that's a bit late IIRC
<waddlesplash> well a number of things in the ints command are using legacy IRQs
<trannus_aran> ahh
<waddlesplash> all the IRQs <= 16 (I think?) are legacy
<waddlesplash> you can clearly see int 16 is shared between 2 devices
<waddlesplash> that never happens with MSIs
<trannus_aran> between sdhci and ehci?
<waddlesplash> yeah
<trannus_aran> just making sure I'm reading it right
<waddlesplash> one of those devices or both or our driver may not support MSIs
<waddlesplash> our EHCI driver definitely does, not sure if it was implemented for SDHCI
<trannus_aran> I mostly work with lisp and assembly, so this is firmly in the hinterlands between that I wanna get to know better
<waddlesplash> but the EHCI device may not support MSIs
<waddlesplash> it looks like you have 2 EHCI controllers and XHCI controller
<waddlesplash> which is kind of interesting
<waddlesplash> more interesting is that the XHCI controller hasn't taken over from the EHCI controllers
<trannus_aran> msi's being machine specific interrupts or some such?
<waddlesplash> no, Message Signaled Interrupts
<trannus_aran> ahh
<waddlesplash> not all devices support MSIs
<waddlesplash> the giant PCI info dump will indicate this
<trannus_aran> lemme see, I've got pciutils here, I assume what I/we need is in there somewhere?
<trannus_aran> (as in, the the command to run?)
<waddlesplash> nah, it's also in the syslog
<waddlesplash> further up
<trannus_aran> ah, lemme see here
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<waddlesplash> grep for "Wireless"
<waddlesplash> you will want to copy out the whole block from the [dom X, bus X] to the next, that the "Wireless.." is in
<trannus_aran> got it, one sec
<trannus_aran> hmm, nada
<waddlesplash> may have some other name I guess
<waddlesplash> "Wi-Fi"?
<trannus_aran> nope, maybe wlan? cause wifi returns stuff, but includes all the iprowifi4965 bits ofc
<trannus_aran> dang
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<trannus_aran> I assume all the [dom x, bus x] stuff is related to domain registration?
<waddlesplash> it indicates what domain/bus the PCI device is on
<waddlesplash> it definitely is in there but may have an odd name
<waddlesplash> check "listdev", and see what it's called in there
<waddlesplash> it should have the same name in the PCI dump
<trannus_aran> ah, will do
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<trannus_aran> oh wait, is this what we're looking for? (near the top of the syslog)
<trannus_aran> lemme check listdev, too, tho
<trannus_aran> listdev shows 7 Series/C210 Series Chipset Family PCI Express Root Port <1, 2, and 3>
<trannus_aran> (intel ofc)
<waddlesplash> no
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<trannus_aran> hmmm
<waddlesplash> ah, you posted it above already
<waddlesplash> "Centrino Advanced-N 6205"
<waddlesplash> it should probably have this name in the PCI dump
<trannus_aran> oh right lol, lemme see now...
<trannus_aran> I think there was stuff about like "intel_advanced" or some such
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<trannus_aran> nah, it was intel_extreme and that's the graphics stuff, unrelated
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<trannus_aran> grepping for centrino, advance, 6205 yields nothing sadly
<trannus_aran> I'm just manually looking through, to see if I missed something (or another string to try)
<waddlesplash> did it get cut off?
<trannus_aran> maybe? I'll post the full "syslog after boot, no ethernet" here in case there's some context whether it looks further along /cut off
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<trannus_aran> cause otherwise it looks like it just never sees it (the 6205) at all?
<trannus_aran> I know the card's seated properly, too, it works fine on other OSes on this machine concurrent with haiku
* trannus_aran is idle: needed calories
<waddlesplash> this is cut off
<waddlesplash> there's no big block of PCI info
* trannus_aran is idle: BRB
<waddlesplash> it may be in syslog.od
<waddlesplash> old
<trannus_aran> hmm, lemme check
<waddlesplash> anyway, I am also heading out shortly and may not be back today
<trannus_aran> nw, I appreciate it! I've got a lot more clues now than I did :)
<scanty> is there a source-level debugger for haiku? (meaning, c++ for example, and not necessarily assembly
<scanty> )
<PulkoMandy> Debugger does that
<scanty> i can only get assembly.... is there anything i need to do for c++?
<PulkoMandy> Build the sources you are debugging with the -g compiler flag and don't strip them
<scanty> ah, okay.
<scanty> have to run, but i will try it later, thank you PulkoMandy
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