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<AlienSoldier> No a big fan of how bookmark work. Can't seem to get a one click way to access them unless i use the side menu
<AlienSoldier> *not
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<AlienSoldier> second crash, not able to reload the webpage in that crashed tab, site work once i created a new tab
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* coolcoder613_32 has goot falkon installed, looks good
<AlienSoldier> really responsive
<AlienSoldier> and i have a (32bit) very low end machine
<AlienSoldier> coolcoder613_32 found a way to use bookmark in a good way?
<AlienSoldier> I can't ge any to appear in the bookmark toolbar
<AlienSoldier> Ho, i see, you need to create directory on the toolbar
<zard> AlienSoldier: Just curious, which browser?
<AlienSoldier> zard Falkon
<zard> Ah, that new browser :)
<AlienSoldier> 3rd crash by closing an empty tab. Only way i get a crash and the browser don't mind it.
<AlienSoldier> have yet to notice it leaking tread like Web sometime do.
<zard> "leaking tread"?
* zard is not very familiar with the state of browsers on Haiku
<AlienSoldier> sometime web was crashed and gone and some thread were still in the system
<AlienSoldier> *Web
<AlienSoldier> also know as Epiphany browser
<AlienSoldier> *known
<coolcoder613_32> Hello zard
* AlienSoldier kiss 3deye on the mouth!
<zard> Ah, I thought you were talking about Web+ lol
<zard> Hello coolcoder613_32 :)
<coolcoder613_32> Have you seen my thread on the forum?
<zard> Getting your laptop setup?
<Skipp_OSX> either I keep oz hours or you do (but I think it's me)
* zard reviews the thread
<Skipp_OSX> and I do mean OZ
<coolcoder613_32> Skipp_OSX: ?
<zard> How does BeOS compare to Haiku?
<coolcoder613_32> It is similar... but older
<coolcoder613_32> The GUI is good
<coolcoder613_32> And Haiku is not going
<coolcoder613_32> to run with 64M of RAM
<zard> Wow! That's not a lot of ram
<AlienSoldier> but it was ok for R5 without a webbrowser
<coolcoder613_32> If I can find another RAM stick for it, i can go up to 256
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<coolcoder613_32> zard: And i don't have networking
<zard> Try dialup lol
<coolcoder613_32> The laptop doesn't have a ethernet port
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<coolcoder613_32> and the PCMCIA ethernet card i have is not supported
<AlienSoldier> coolcoder613_32 perhaps a plipbox could be used
<coolcoder613_32> zard: I don't have dialup
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<coolcoder613_32> A what?
<zard> Just $10 a month:
<Skipp_OSX> cool you said on the forum that you're from Australia
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<coolcoder613_32> Yeah, but the laptop itself only cost $5 *AUD*
<Skipp_OSX> who's face is on the $5 cool?
<Skipp_OSX> did they put charlie boy on there yet?
<coolcoder613_32> I don't think they had the queen on the notes, just the coins
<AlienSoldier> Still have the queen on my canadian 20$. unlike coin they don't change bill very often
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<AlienSoldier> got the gmail interface unresponsive for a while, but this may be the google code and not the browser fault.
<coolcoder613_32> Does Falkon do adblocking?
<AlienSoldier> I am giving that browser all kind of shit and it take it with a smile
<AlienSoldier> coolcoder613_32 yes
<coolcoder613_32> AlienSoldier: What hardware are you running on?
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<AlienSoldier> coolcoder613_32 an AMD Kabini at 2Ghz
<AlienSoldier> that i run in 32bit
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<AlienSoldier> finally fully crashed the browser, it got loaded back ok.
<AlienSoldier> Also got a page with a button i can't click, will see if it appear in web+
<coolcoder613_32> This is my hardware:
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<AlienSoldier> unloacket the "button" with web+, it was a change of policy button. Site does not work but work with webpositive. So multibrowser use still a thing.
<AlienSoldier> *unlocked
<AlienSoldier> ho, no, now it work. Perhaps the policy change page prevented essential html5 module from loading, closing the browser and putting it back made it load fine!
<AlienSoldier> got Falkon to ahng full cpu time with a grey background :)
<AlienSoldier> *hang
<scanty> AlienSoldier, we can always count on you to break things ;^)
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<scanty> wb
<scanty> <scanty> AlienSoldier, we can always count on you to break things ;^)
<AlienSoldier> needed to reboot, tracker and deskbar did not want to come back and restart either, needed to use forcereboot
<scanty> i figured you got hard locked
<AlienSoldier> time to test youtube playing
<scanty> AlienSoldier, do you have pandora? I would be curious to know if it works.
<AlienSoldier> probably not, what is it?
<AlienSoldier> youtube video play well.
<scanty> streaming music.
<AlienSoldier> nope, i never stream music, i prefer to have copy on my side
<scanty> gotcha, no problem, i will check tomorrow, i have the day off so i will play with haiku for a while
<AlienSoldier> i don't see why it would not work
<scanty> i agree, especially if youtube is working.
<AlienSoldier> I feel like in a parallel universe right now, all work too well. I hope i won't wakeup!
<scanty> having a good browser can make all the difference
<scanty> i just wish there was a good mail program for gmail. i don't like to use the web interface
<AlienSoldier> same here
<AlienSoldier> scanty was watching an evolution64 review from the 8bit guy, surprised to learn there is vaccum tube for sound amp! :)
<scanty> cool
<scanty> i'm actually building a tube amp
<AlienSoldier> and it suppourt dual Sid
<scanty> wow cool
<scanty> i can't wait to play chiptunes on it
<scanty> i have just a few more hours of wiring to do, hopefully i can get to some of it tomorrow
<scanty> already did the power section, output transformers, and all connectors
<scanty> it's quite heavy.
<AlienSoldier> did you made the tube from scratch?
<scanty> nope, i would have no idea how to do that.
<scanty> he made his own tubes?
<AlienSoldier> hehe. It's simpler than a transistor.
<AlienSoldier> The company that made the evolution64 seem to have bought an off the shelf solution, never saw that part before.
<scanty> ah
<AlienSoldier> i am yet to reach that part of the video (currently in the video quality section)
<scanty> i'm using 5Y3GT rectifier, and a pair of 6SQ7, each driving a 6V6GT
<scanty> plate voltage is around 400V
<scanty> haven't gotten a shock yet ^_^
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<scanty> I don't think my oscilloscope goes that high.
<AlienSoldier> scanty seem it is an upgrade, expensive!: the nutube64
<scanty> yeah, i payed a lot for the transformers since they are custom made
<AlienSoldier> and it is just a preamp, so you still need a tube amp to get the full pathway.
<scanty> ah
<scanty> mine is a full amp, 4W/channel
<AlienSoldier> I still have to open the wood radio i got last year (for free) to see if it have tube in it, it's a 60's panasonic radio
<scanty> cool
<AlienSoldier> usually when it was transistor it was plastered all over them
<scanty> panasonic/technics makes great audio things
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<AlienSoldier> even downloading file work properly. In webpositive te file are in a temp dir and are transfered to the wanted dir after download finished. I prefer to see it grow in the dir i want right away.
<scanty> nice.
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<AlienSoldier> I wonder if it woudl not be possible to have the bookmark created in the settings directories and have a small daemon app that keep those file in synch in both the web+ bookmark and falkon dir, each in their own native format.
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<Skipp_OSX> you could write a translator
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<Skipp_OSX> hook into it with the daemon, you'd probably have to fill in part of the kit though for your case.
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<Begasus> g'morning peeps
<phschafft> mau.
<coolcoder613_32> Hello Begasus
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<Al2O3> hello people and eeps
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<coolcoder613_mac> Anyone have a binary of Valyria Tear?
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<Begasus> not me
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<Begasus> 100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 3 (it was the other way round a few seconds ago) :)
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<BrunoSpr> hello all
<erysdren> hello
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<Skipp_OSX> heyo bruno
<BrunoSpr> hello
<BrunoSpr> The artefacts bug is gone, nice
<Skipp_OSX> do you like the hidden border?
<BrunoSpr> Yes very nice too
<BrunoSpr> love it good idea
<Skipp_OSX> i try
<BrunoSpr> just gone with hidden replicants
<BrunoSpr> nice to see all the visible changes, makes one feel there is more happening with Haiku's developement
<Skipp_OSX> slow and steady wins the race
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<Sark> Been spending more and more time with Haiku, and found the Falkon browser - I'm legitimately impressed how well this works. It's the only browser for Haiku that Discord works well with.
<Skipp_OSX> yeah browser still a sore spot along with lack of hardware 3d but we are getting there.
<Sark> And it handles enough stuff, well enough, that I am giving Haiku another serious run at being a primary computer.
<Skipp_OSX> We'll have Chromium and Firefox at some point, once enough stuff gets ported
<Sark> Yeah - it's improving! I was doing this a year ago and was mostly able to daily Haiku for everything - Discord worked in Epiphany back then (it does not work at all now), but it was slow, and Web/Epiphany really really really ate up memory.
<Sark> In the past, the memory really became a limiting issue, as I found that the 24 gig in this box wasn't enough and I kept running into problems.
<Sark> But now, it seems to be more than enough and runs well.
<Sark> The unfortunate fact is that Haiku got me banned from Telegram, which sucks and also means that I also can't trust the system for everything, and if I do get my account back or create a fake phone number and get another one, I don't know if I want to risk it.
<Sark> Which would then automatically mean I have to run two computers anyway. But if Haiku gets an X server that lets me display programs running on *nix machines... that would fix everything :)
<x512[m]> Wayland server can do things similar to X server, including running applications over network with Waypipe.
<Skipp_OSX> yeah I saw your screenshot on the forums x512, very cool, not a real solution to the problem, but neat nonetheless.
<Skipp_OSX> awesome to see Chromium running on Haiku, even if it does require a Linux support box to do it.
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<Sark> I thought Wayland specifically did not support network transparency at all? Like, that was one of their design goals to reduce functionality and thus complexity?
<x512[m]> Waypipe bring network transparency to Wayland, similar to X11.
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<Sark> Nice. But you can only forward Wayland programs though, not X ones? I guess I'm pretty unfamiliar with Wayland since I'd honestly dismissed it entirely due to it being incomplete.
<Sark> I use X forwarding heavily on my Linux machines, and there isn't a comparable window manager my current environment on Wayland.
<Sark> I've got some reading to do. heh. I should at least know Wayland better as it does seem to be getting more popular.
<x512[m]> I suppose that using Xwayland would be easier approach to have fully featured rootless X11 server on Haiku.
<x512[m]> Porting X.Org directly seems difficult.
<Sark> As much as I love X and will cling to it forever... I do realize it's a huge, complex, patched-together codebase, and getting it going on systems it never ran on before would be difficult to impossible.
<Sark> I just really want ssh -X to work :P
<andreasdr[m]> Hi there.
<Sark> But if there's a similar Wayland mechanism, and it's possible to run stuff through that... meh, as long as the end result is the same.
<Sark> Hello!
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<Begasus> Nice, another patch upstreamed for texstudio :)
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<PulkoMandy> There are other simpler x servers we could use, like weirdx or xsdl. I think one of them was ported to haiku or beos a long time ago and used as a base for the tiltos distribution (running gimp and other gtk2 things pack then)
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<puck_> Sark: waypipe exists! but it's not quite ported yet, x512[m] has been working on it
<waddlesplash> x512[m]: xwayland is server with wayland backend
<waddlesplash> indeed we could probably port it and then have ssh -X
<mmu_man> These are names I haven't heard from a long time.
<Sark> Hrm. Falkon also seems to crash a lot and then not be recoverable... haha. It's still the closest thing to a fully functional browser as of yet. But I wonder if I should disable the sleep mode - that seems to be what killed it.
<Sark> I think I have to reboot since it won't open again and just keeps crashing trying to load.
<waddlesplash> most Falkon crashes in my experience were recoverable since it's a multiprocess browser...
<puck_> i'd probably give wayland-proxy-virtwl a try to port once waypipe works (it needs the same changes to the libwayland based server thing)
<Sark> It crashed real hard. Killed the debug server too, and when I tried to reopen it, it just crashed trying to restore the session, with no option not to. Eventually it tried just displaying the restore session page but crashed before it could load.
<Sark> Restarted the computer and that seems to have fixed it.
<waddlesplash> sounds like some sort of OOM maybe
<Sark> Before it would just peg one CPU fully without an obvious cause, and there was WAY more memory listed as being used in Activity Monitor than what the processes added up to in Slayer.
<Sark> The machine still had 4 gig or so free, and the swap wasn't used at all.
<Sark> I'll try to disable the sleep feature to see if that keeps it from happening.
<x512[m]> PulkoMandy: Xsdl is regular X.Org with graphics driver that outputs to SDL window.
<ermo[m]> I have a sort of dumb question: Am I correct in thinking that it is increasingly looking like Haiku will most likely not want to point the libdrm-based drivers from Linux, but instead focus on the NVIDIA Vulkan driver? Or did I misunderstand this?
<waddlesplash> ermo[m]: I think you have some terminology confusions
<waddlesplash> the NVIDIA driver in question is a kernel-level driver for interfacing with the hardware, it isn't a full Vulkan stack
<x512[m]> ermo: Nvidia kernel driver is much easier to port to Haiku than Linux DRM drivers, so yes.
<puck_> the only open source userspace nvidia driver designed for modern cards is currently nvk, iirc? (not sure what nouveau's opeongl stack is like)
<waddlesplash> and, x512[m] already ported a "libdrm-based driver", namely the Radeon Vulkan stack from Mesa (on top of a custom hardawre driver)
<x512[m]> waddlesplash: It should be possible to connect NVK with Nvidia GPU Open driver.
* ermo[m] was under the impression that x512 had stopped working on the AMD Tahiti/Southern Islands driver...
<x512[m]> Paused until good opportunity.
<ermo[m]> let's say that I would like to inquire whether it would be possible to put my monthly sponsorship towards an increased focus on the libdrm-based drivers. Is that something that you friendly people do, or do you prefer generic sponsorship where you are the ultimate arbiters of what you feel needs attention?
<x512[m]> Vulkan driver produce compiled shaders and command buffers for execution that in theory independent of driver architecture and consumed directly by hardware.
<ermo[m]> I am phrasing the question this way because I contribute to (and help manage) a Linux distribution where we take donations that go to our Open Collective, and then we distribute the funds according to our priorities, because we prefer a setup where we don't fell under the thumb of donors. =)
<waddlesplash> right now we don't have earmarked donations, no
<ermo[m]> s/fell/feel
<ermo[m]> ok, cheers =)
<waddlesplash> if you want to donate a very large sum then something could probably be negotiated
<ermo[m]> nah, haven't got the funds for that.
<waddlesplash> but that'd be a question for the Inc.
<waddlesplash> ermo[m]: I do have graphics driver porting on my TODO list
<waddlesplash> when exactly I get to it won't be clear
<ermo[m]> Just happy to contribute my little bit to seeing Haiku thrive =)
<waddlesplash> :)
<ermo[m]> so the real problem here is getting the kernel driver stuff hooked up correctly, and that's currently a pain with the libdrm stuff (and much easier with the NVIDIA stuff?)
<x512[m]> Nvidia GPU Open driver is already some kind of working. It need to be wrapped into userland server with IPC interface and connected to NVK.
<ermo[m]> Copy.
<ermo[m]> Thank you for your responses. I'll leave you in peace now. =)
<x512[m]> Firefox Wayland over Waypipe understands server decorations.
<x512[m]> Most evil thing is a large shadow.
<puck_> note that all GTK4 apps on my desktop don't have the shadow, so there's' a way to negotiate it
<puck_> i think it's probably thru org_kde_kwin_server_decoration_manager
<Skipp_OSX> How'd you get the smaller close window button? Must be a different font...
<Skipp_OSX> I like it
<x512[m]> DejaVu Sans 12.
<Skipp_OSX> ah yes, Deja Vu, of course
<x512[m]> puck_: Screenshot?
<puck_> x512[m]: imagine a Dino window with no shadow and no rounded corners on a Wayland desktop
<x512[m]> I was under impression that GTK developers force CSD and no theming.
<puck_> oh, actually, i wonder if they're using a certain hack
<puck_> ...i'll prod at it but Later, i think it'd be a bit easier to do against the wayland-server things
<scanty> i'm confused.... is that Firefox (in the photo) running natively?
<puck_> iirc it's thru waypipe
<scanty> what's waypipe? (sorry for my ignorance)
<Skipp_OSX> you should be sorry! (hehe)
<puck_> scanty: like x11 forwarding for wayland
<scanty> :^)
<scanty> ah, thanks puck_. That's pretty neat!
<Sark> That is really cool to see. Exciting and opens up more possibilities for Haiku
<scanty> one day, i hope to play GNU backgammon on Haiku...
<puck_> Sark: yeah, i'm planning on using that once x512[m] publishes the source :p
<x512[m]> It is currently compiled quite hacky: when compiling wayland-server, you need IPS version of libwayland for C++ code generator, but at runtime you need no-loop libwayland.
<Skipp_OSX> we have GTK+ support now, it should be possible to port GNU Backgammon
<scanty> oh really?
<puck_> x512[m]: have you considered just forward-porting the MR :p
<Sark> One feature I'd *really* love to see in Haiku is the implementation of middle click paste.
<scanty> I wouldn't expect the GL/3D stuff to work, but that's fine.
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<Sark> So that you can highlight text and then just paste it without having to manually copy and paste.
<Skipp_OSX> I have no idea if it requires other things we don't have though, but if we can run GIMP, we should be able to run BackGNUmond
<Skipp_OSX> BackGNUmmon
<Skipp_OSX> GNU Backgammon hehe
<scanty> hehe
<scanty> I guess I could try compiling it in a VM
<x512[m]> Currently libwayland IPS and no-loop have mutally-exclusive implementation. In IPS version socket code is disabled and wl_closure object is passed directly between server and client. No-loop libwayland use UNIX sockets, but stripped out server event loop.
<x512[m]> I suppose 2 versions of libwayland should be merged.
<Skipp_OSX> well let's start with the simpler one
<Skipp_OSX> wait a second, are you running DevaCalc ?
<Skipp_OSX> it's a pretty nice program isn't it x512?
<scanty> boo. nothing will replace my TI86 ^_^
<Skipp_OSX> Written for BeOS R3, resurrected for Haiku by me, because I liked it.
<scanty> mmm. R3 is a long time ago.
<scanty> was it easy to resurrect>?
<Skipp_OSX> yeah just had to fix the build issues.
<scanty> nice
<x512[m]> I wonder why Waypipe do not use libwayland-client, it would allow to use IPS.
<scanty> i work with electronics a lot, so i need to have engineering notation.
<scanty> cute calculator though
<Skipp_OSX> Deva for doing octal/decimal/hex/binary conversions
<scanty> yeah. good tool.
<Skipp_OSX> DeskCalc has some engineering notation capabilities, although probably not what you're looking for.
<scanty> ah
<Skipp_OSX> Deskcalc will accept 3E10 for example
<scanty> 8EO5 FTW.
<scanty> or BE0S for that matter.
<scanty> sorry, stale joke
<x512[m]> DevaCalc layout is a bit broken on Haiku.
<Skipp_OSX> yeah because your font is bigger than 10pt SwisBT 720
<Skipp_OSX> I didn't change anything about how the app works other than making it compile and run on Haiku.
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<Skipp_OSX> you see how some of the buttons are outlined in red and cyan? I didn't do that, the DevaCalc author did, it only works because we implemented support for the feature in Haiku :/
<scanty> cyan looks good... red, not much of a fan
<scanty> anyway, have to run some errands, bbl
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<andreasdr[m]> Arrr. Interesting talk Sirs.
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<coolcoder613_32> Good morning
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* zdykstra waves
<coolcoder613_32> Hi zdykstra
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<coolcoder613_32> Hi zard
<zard> Hello coolcoder613_32 :)
<zard> Let's see, what should I work on next for Haiku-PyAPI...
<zard> Ah, yes, the thing needs to compile on R1/B4
<zard> Compiler's churning along nicely currently, let's see how long this lasts
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