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<OscarL> `cat /dev/power/acpi_thermal/0` ---> "Current Temperature: 16°C" /me somewhat doubts that's correct :-D
<coolcoder613> Good morning
<OscarL> morning coolcoder613.
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* OscarL wonders: do input_server addons need to be compiled with gcc2 on 32 bits, or we can just use GCC13?
<OscarL> Mmm, at least "mozc" is "all !x86_gcc2" / "x86", so I guess that anwswers my question.
<OscarL> How come I've never head of the "BamKeys":
<OscarL> we even have a recipe for it on HaikuPorts, currently disabled :-/
<OscarL> Will HAVE to try that one!
<OscarL> and then bug both augiedoggie and humdinger to make it work, and make it pretty for Haiku :-P
<OscarL> Mmm, Python 3.12.1 failed to build on latest nightly. Weird.
<OscarL> EVFILT_TIMER, EV_ENABLE, NOTE_EXEC, etc... underclared. I guess that might be related to kqueue additions?
<OscarL> "It worked on beta4" (TM).
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<RobinHood2024> I'm attempting to install the latest nightly build of Haiku in a dual-boot situation with Windows; but when I complete the install process and reboot, it doesn't go to my newly installed Haiku. When I check out the boot menu, the device to which I installed Haiku doesn't even show up! I'm guessing it somehow didn't get marked as "active" when I went through the process, but when I tried going through the partition manager, I could
<RobinHood2024> see no way to mark it as active.
<OscarL> BIOS or (U)EFI?
<RobinHood2024> UEFI.
<RobinHood2024> Ah, I see. I'm guessing build 57509 (latest nightly build) still doesn't install the EFI loader.
<OscarL> ? I've see them under /boot/system/data/platform_loaders
<OscarL> sorry, missed the "install" word.
<OscarL> no, it is not done automagically yet :-D
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<donni_> Okay, I'll try again.
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<augiedoggie> i'm not sure in input_server addons matter since they should export C symbols iirc
<augiedoggie> s/in/if/
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<OscarL> augiedoggie: I see. "instantiate_input_device()" and co. Thanks!
<augiedoggie> don't quote me on that, it's trick because they're usually c++ internally
<augiedoggie> tricky*
<OscarL> Right. Guess I should just try installing mozc on 32 bits. If that works... it confirms that both x86 and x86_gcc2 are valid :-)
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<zdykstra> what's shakin' tonight?
<OscarL> hi zdykstra! Trying to build Python 3.12.1 on nightlies... on an Atom N450 netbook 8-|
<OscarL> that poor CPU is shaking, alright. :-P
<zdykstra> probably getting ready to melt!
<erysdren> hi hi
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<erysdren> hello HaikuUser!
<HaikuUser> saluton
<HaikuUser> ĉu vi bonfartas?
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<erysdren> howdy
<OscarL> Tried what I could to fix the Python 3.12 build on nightlies. No dice. I'll have to call the Big Boyz for this one!
<OscarL> hi there erysdren.
<RobinHood2024> Well, I did have success in getting my Haiku installation to boot, but it seems Haiku doesn't support my USB Wi-Fi adapter (Netgear A6210).
<erysdren> common pitfall :(
<RobinHood2024> I'm guessing that means I'm out of luck, and will have to rely on some kind of Ethernet connection to get online, correct? I tried tethering to my phone's network via USB, but the updater quit downloading after a while.
<OscarL> the updater issue might be just the server, sometimes it can be flacky.
<RobinHood2024> Right. And as for my Wi-Fi device, am I right to say Haiku doesn't support it?
<OscarL> if it doesn't appears on the "Network" Preferences app... I would say that no.
<OscarL> For wifi, Haiku gets its drivers from adopting OpenBSD and FreeBSD ones (thanks to waddlesplash's work).
<RobinHood2024> Hmm. And I'm guessing my device doesn't have any available drivers... Well, I guess there's that plan scuppered.
<OscarL> If your device doesn't has a native driver on thoses systems (not ones using the Linux compatibility thingie *BSDs also use)... unlikely you'll have it working on Haiku.
<RobinHood2024> Right. Damn... And here I was hoping to get Haiku working as my daily driver.
<OscarL> I use a Router as WiFi adapter, and connect to it via ethernet :-D
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<zdykstra> heh
<OscarL> either that, or trade your USB WiFi adapter for one that works with Haiku?
<RobinHood2024> Yeah, I used to do much the same thing with a Wi-Fi repeater, but it broke. I have a crazy dog which jumps up and yanks the repeater out of the wall and knocks it to the floor, and that damages its Wi-Fi radio.
<RobinHood2024> Ah. I see there IS a Netgear dongle that's supported, but... sadly, it's not the one I have. It seems the best results are achieved by getting a Realtek or TP-Link dongle.
<coolcoder613> Hi erysdren
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<Begasus> g'morning peeps
<erysdren> good morning Begasus
<erysdren> you're up early
<Begasus> Hi erysdren, yeah, dogs wanted to go outside
<Begasus> And as some didn't want to come inside I had to go out too :)
<zdykstra> morning Begasus !
<zdykstra> how's the weather by you? Cold cold cold?
<Begasus> Hi there zdykstra
<Begasus> Cold :)
<Begasus> Starting to snow just now
<OscarL> 'lo early Begasus. 30°C here at almost 01:00... want me to send some of those your way? :-P
<OscarL> (some of those °C probably due to my netbook struggling with Python :-D)
<OscarL> Anyways... later folks. Hava a good day.
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<coolcoder613> Hi Begasus
<Begasus> there ... fresh coffee
<Begasus> Hi coolcoder613
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<Begasus> bbl
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<KitsunePrefecture> Ahoy folks,
<KitsunePrefecture> I do not know Haiku Gerrit is under a maintenance or backup
<KitsunePrefecture> but actually not available
<KitsunePrefecture> I opened a ticket about it - just for sure : #18749
<Begasus> Hi there KitsunePrefecture
<KitsunePrefecture> I just read patch details , I'm not a developer
<Begasus> Ditto :)
<KitsunePrefecture> soon I leave my flat to help a friend so
<KitsunePrefecture> I just write here , if Alexander is here and would take a look at
<Begasus> He will probably read it when he comes back online I think
<KitsunePrefecture> Hi Begasus, sorry I bowed my head to see the keyboard to not do typos :)
<Begasus> heh, no problem :)
<KitsunePrefecture> okidoki, and closing right now , Bye
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<Begasus> Hi there
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<coolcoder613> Arrr
<andreasdr[m]> :DDD
<andreasdr[m]> coolcoder613 ( Whats up????
<coolcoder613> Not much
<coolcoder613> lazy sunday
<andreasdr[m]> Same here.
<andreasdr[m]> Happens. Have been at my bar yesterday. There was a concert. Now still a bit crazy in my head :DDD
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<erysdren> i'm a little bummed that desktoponfire has so much text and images obviously generated with an LLM, bleck
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<cocobean> Gerrit is working now:
<cocobean> Latest: 3.9.1 (we're on 3.7.3)
<phschafft> Unrelated: I have recently toyed with writing a little OS for a AVR 8 bit microcontroller.
<phschafft> I'm not sure who it was, but I think I discussed the general concept here with someone before.
<phschafft> one of the main features is that it hosts a database that is the central information storage.
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<boody24[m]> could someone explain what does it mean to swap icon themes ?
<phschafft> as in load a different set?
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<boody24[m]> phschafft: Is that question to me?
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<phschafft> I think that is the answer.
<boody24[m]> oh because I unfortunately didn't still understand
<boody24[m]> If you could please elaborate more I'd appreciate it
<phschafft> what happens if you want to use different icons than the default ones?
<phschafft> how do you do that?
<Haikuhunden> I'm back at trying to get sound going on my Mac Mini. So far attempts to get sound from the headphone jack have been futile. Are there any known good USB solutions I could get? I mostly find discussions about USB audio as a general topic
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<boody24[m]> <phschafft> "what happens if you want to..." <- got it thanks
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<phschafft> :)
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<clee> trying to cross-build Haiku for riscv64, and I keep getting these errors when it gets to objects/haiku/riscv64/release/system/boot/loader/file_systems/fat/efi/Stream.o about invalid syntax in an included C++ header
<clee> build_packages/gcc_syslibs_devel-11.2.0_2021_07_28-5-riscv64/develop/headers/c++/type_traits:1447:12: error: expected identifier before '__is_nothrow_convertible'
<clee> anybody have any idea what I'm doing wrong?
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<x512[m]> What host OS compiler is used?
<clee> I'm on a Debian bookworm amd64 host with gcc-11, gcc-12, and gcc-13 installed. have tried building cross-tools with all three, same results with each
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<x512[m]> > gcc_syslibs_devel-11.2.0
<x512[m]> It should be gcc_syslibs_devel-13.2.0
<x512[m]> Something may be not latest version.
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<clee> I'm on the `master` branch for the buildtools repo; should I be on some other branch?
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<clee> oh. never mind, the gcc_syslibs packages are coming in during the build in the haiku repo, not the buildtools repo. hm. maybe my HAIKU_REVISION is wrong then? I was using hrev57091+81 but that was mostly a guess
<dcatt> I have a question for the Haiku devs...any thought of adding the ability to copy (via a context menu perhaps?) the info from "About this system" to make it easy to include in bug tickets?
<x512[m]> Automatic Haiku revision detection do not work?
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<dcatt> Not sure what you're asking but I would want to include all of the system info beyond just the revision of Haiku.
<augiedoggie> he was talking to someone else
<clee> @dcatt I think x512[m] was talking to me
<dcatt> oh ok
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<clee> x512[m]: I was trying to follow the instructions from the Discourse thread… but the examples are 6+ months old
<augiedoggie> dcatt: most of that information is available with `uname -a`
<dcatt> it's mising some useful info form what I can see
<dcatt> *from
<dcatt> *missing
<dcatt> man, I can't type today :(
<clee> x512[m]: retried after pulling the tags from the main Haiku repo, but it's still pulling down the old gcc_syslibs packages.
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<clee> (stopped supplying HAIKU_REVISION manually)
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<x512[m]> Have you tried to delete "download", "objects" directories.
<clee> I'm nuking the entire generated.rv64 folder when I retry
<x512[m]> What Haiku revision is cloned?
<x512[m]> Rechecked, it download gcc-13.2.0 package for me.
<clee> I have all commits from the haiku repo and all commits from your fork here, currently on the visionfive2 branch (but rvvm2 branch for build/jam/repositories/HaikuPorts/riscv64)
<x512[m]> visionfive2 branch is obsolete.
<clee> oh, well, that's good to know :)
<x512[m]> Use Haiku upstream for QEMU and my device-manager2 for everything else.
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<clee> x512[m]: thanks for the link. now it's trying to fetch packages from localhost…
<x512[m]> You need to replace repo definition file with upstream version.
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<clee> x512[m]: thanks for the help! got past those compile errors. now I just have to update my VF2 firmware…
<x512[m]> > Firmware version should be not newer than v3.1.5 because of bug #52 7.
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<x512[m]> Too new firmware versions have broken UEFI framebuffer.
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] X547 1c28733 - libpcre2: fix riscv64 build (#9988)
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<x512[m]> Whole file, not just one line.
<Begasus> ah! thanks, was hitting that localhost last week also, thought it was me :)
<clee> well, it built a haiku-mmc.image successfully
<clee> but I saw a bunch of compile/link errors towards the end, apparently non-fatal?
<clee> 79 | #include_next <stdlib.h>
<clee> right, IRC eats the initial slash. /home/clee/src/haiku/haiku/generated.rv64/cross-tools-riscv64/riscv64-unknown-haiku/include/c++/13.2.0/cstdlib:79:15: fatal error: stdlib.h: No such file or directory
<x512[m]> Be sure to include "-q" flag when compiling with "jam".
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<clee> x512[m] that's *with* -q, lol
<Begasus> about 10minutes for the buildtools ... not bad :)
<clee> I got buildtools down to 3.5 minutes, but trying to use too many jobs with jam causes compilation failures
<x512[m]> It may be not compile, but resources etc.. It produce include errors by design.
<Begasus> nice clee!
<clee> but `jam -j2` takes about 10 minutes to build the haiku image here
<Begasus> /Opslag/Haiku/X512/generated.riscv64/cross-tools-riscv64/riscv64-unknown-haiku/include/c++/13.2.0/cstdlib:79:15: fatal error: stdlib.h: No such file or directory
<x512[m]> Do Haiku upstream build fine?
<Begasus> last time I checked it did
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<x512[m]> clee: Note that I tested only nightly build profile. minimum profile is not well maintained in my branch.
<Begasus> another error with nightly: ../src/add-ons/translators/wonderbrush/WonderBrushTranslator.cpp:19:10: fatal error: blending.h: No such file or directory
<Begasus> but I think I saw something passing by for that
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<cocobean> Hi Begasus... did a little workaround for OpenEXR.
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<Begasus> saw the mail cocobean, didn't check the changes (yet)
<Begasus> doing some other things :)
<Begasus> 64bit nightly builds fine
<cocobean> Should be mergeable... ;)
<Begasus> x512[m], was it the intention to rebuild the pcre2 package? if so it needed a revbump
<Begasus> BuildHaikuPackage1 objects/haiku/riscv64/packaging/packages/haiku_devel.hpkg
<x512[m]> It is not relevant for x86 builder.
<Begasus> thought so, just to be sure :)
<x512[m]> It is currently can be built only manually for riscv64.
<Begasus> master branch riscv64 image builds correctly
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<Begasus> one more question, is there a trick to get that *.gpt image or is it just renamed?
<Begasus> well .. signing off, been a loooong day :)
<Begasus> cu peeps!
<Habbie> night Begasus!
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<x512[m]> Begasus: gpt image is constructed semi-manually.
<x512[m]> Using GPT fdisk.
<Habbie> he's gone
<x512[m]> Asking and immediately log out looks strange.
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<Habbie> Begasus tends to stick around except when it's end of day
<Habbie> but yes, not very practical in this case :)
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<x512[m]> Who knows then is an end of day when users have various time zones.
<Habbie> yeah
<Habbie> easy for me, he's in my time zone
<Habbie> just trying to say he -generally- does not ask-and-leave
<Habbie> but once every 24 hours, he does leave
<Habbie> would almost consider offering him a bouncer
<erysdren> who're we talking about?
<Habbie> Begauss
<Habbie> Begasus
<erysdren> ah right
<Habbie> (do not begauss your monitors, they want the opposite)
<erysdren> lol, did desktoponfire already go down?
<erysdren> im getting "unable to connect"
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<extrowerk> erysdren: yep, it is down here aswell.
<Anarchos> hello
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