ChanServ changed the topic of #haiku to: Open-source operating system that specifically targets personal computing. | | Nightlies: | Bugtracker: | SCM: | Logs: | Matrix: | XMPP:
<scanty> I don't think I have the skills for that.
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<scanty> i could try porting gnubg or gEDA
<scanty> since we apparently have gtk
<scanty> (i'm more of an electricky guy than software)
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<scanty> hrm, pandora works in neither otter nor falkon
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<coolcoder613_mac> Tried Web+? Web?
<scanty> trying now
<scanty> cant' login on web+
<scanty> dooble doesn't work
<coolcoder613_mac> What about Web/Epiphany?
<scanty> dooble works now
<scanty> cool.
<scanty> it's a bit slow though
<scanty> i'll save that for some time on bare metal.
<scanty> i noticed the browsers eat a lot of ram
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<scanty> sorry guys, i'm not trying to be annoying.
<mbrumbelow> Anyone know of issues with wpa_supplicant not launching in the latest build?
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<coolcoder613_mac> My grandmother has a technical problem; her Chrome window is partway off the corner of the screen ;)
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus a1b9f9f - audacity, revbump for portmidi changes (#9885)
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<coolcoder613_32> Hi Begasus
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<Begasus> Hi coolcoder613_32
<Begasus> g'morning peeps
<humdinger> morning guys!
<humdinger> Begasus: the 64bit buildbot seemto be on strike:
<humdinger> where's best to report? #haiku_dev ?
<Begasus> Hi humdinger :)
<Begasus> Yes, been offline since yesterday :/
<Begasus> last times I reported at haikuports
<humdinger> will do
<Begasus> need to reboot ... uplink is acting up when I don't do a cold boot :/
<Begasus> biab
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<Begasus> re
<Begasus> humdinger, you could re-open the existing one with a comment?
<Begasus> just did :)
<humdinger> OK. I'll edit its ...
<humdinger> oh. thanks :)
<Begasus> you can still edit ;)
<humdinger> can't see it in the open issues at haikuports...
<Begasus> ps, you missed the chance on changing "haiku${secondaryArchSuffix} for genio :)
<Begasus> quick search for "buildmaster"
<humdinger> see it.
<Begasus> k, audacity fine on 32bit
<humdinger> we could fix the arch-issue for genio while the bot is down to bump once more.
<humdinger> or not bump the revision. as it works.
<Begasus> no need for a revbump for that
<Begasus> 1 to go :)
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<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 179b607 - tenacity, revbump for portmidi changes (#9908)
<Begasus> k, that's on par for now, time for the dogs :)
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<Begasus> extract from local kde updated libraries :)
<Begasus> add subdevisions for KF5, KPim5 and Qt for having a better overview
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<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 1359941 - tenacity, revbump (checkshum changes?) (#9909)
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<Begasus> well, akonadi seems to be "kinda" working :P
<Begasus> if only I knew what or where to sellect the collection ...
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<bitigchi[m]> Begasus
<bitigchi[m]> Or in this case [Begasus](
<Begasus> bitigchi[m]?
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<Begasus> and then it doesn't ... :P
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<Begasus> akonadi rebuild (wasn't akonadi_calendar) :)
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<andreasdr[m]> Hi there.
<andreasdr[m]> :)))
<Begasus> Arrr andreasdr[m] :)
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<Begasus> Hello there Monni :)
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<andreasdr[m]> :DDD
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<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus a214b26 - tenacity, build fix for finding gkt headers (#9910)
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<Begasus> progress :) Warning: POLICY WARNING: "/packaging/libaccounts_qt/lib/" needs library "", but the package doesn't seem to declare that as a requirement
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<waddlesplash> Skipp_OSX: that IOM problem doesn't reproduce for you?
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<andreaa72> hi
<Al2O3> howdie
<andreaa72> problem with ld linking libs
<andreaa72> freebasic build exe but ld give error
<andreaa72> writes /../lib123 not found
<andreaa72> and ld path ?
<andreaa72> in unix LD_LIBRARY_PATH maybe
<andreaa72> add non-packaged/lib
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<kallisti5> ugh, we need more matrix clinets for haiku. I was forced to join via irc lol
<Al2O3> lol
<andreaa72> peace ;)
<Al2O3> matrix irc bridge is dead from what I understand.
<Al2O3> or no longer supported, or summthin
<kallisti5> orly? That's going to be a problem. All of our rooms are just irc chatrooms through a bridge
<Al2O3> it was a long conversation the other day on libera#libera
<Al2O3> that is my recollection
<Al2O3> I connect directly to this server, and also to libera
<andreaa72> i have to go ...
<andreaa72> cheers
<Al2O3> later andreaa72
<andreaa72> tomorrow
<andreaa72> peace
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<Al2O3> so maybe its just to libera.
<Al2O3> maybe they will still host internally rooms
<Al2O3> I have no idea on the details.
<Al2O3> but you can read that blurb
<Al2O3> from what I do recall is their software was not updated, fixed, or otherwise buffered properly, and messaging was delayed, lost and/or mangled.
<Al2O3> aka, they didn't care about it
<puck_> yeah, that's basically it
<puck_> i'm a bit worried about the non-libera bridges that EMS/New Vector LTD/Matrix Foundation host, since the other bridges have similar issues
<PulkoMandy> Everyone should move to xmpp :>
<kallisti5> PulkoMandy: has xmpp built-in encryption yet?
<kallisti5> last I checked, it was an "add-on" ontop of the protocol
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<Al2O3> PulkoMandy: lol about xmpp
<PulkoMandy> Everything in xmpp is add-ons
<PulkoMandy> Chatting is an add-on
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] kallisti5 pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] kallisti5 6836688 - libglvnd: Fix lib compat. Makes more compatible with mesa libGL compat
<kallisti5> PulkoMandy: can XML be an add-on I can remove :-)
<PulkoMandy> And xmpp uses ssl for all connections. What's optional is end-to-end encryption which is useless for an irc bridge and for most groupchats
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<PulkoMandy> You can probably re-encode the protocol in some worse format, sounds like a waste of time, but sure
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<Al2O3> but xmpp is 'modern' :)
<Al2O3> thus, it must be betta
<puck_> kallisti5[m]: does matrix have built-in encryption?
<puck_> (any more built-in than xmpp, that is)
<kallisti5> puck_: it says end-to-end encryptions are encrypted. lol, i'm mostly trollin' though.
<kallisti5> I honestly don't understand why everyone stacked in their own chat protocols when something like xmpp exists and can be extended
<kallisti5> matrix was pretty, a crap-load of people jumped on it
<kallisti5> "people are dumb and like pretty things"
<Al2O3> NIH
<kallisti5> thanks for coming to my ted talk
<puck_> matrix has some interesting design decisions that can't reasonably be implemented on xmpp
<puck_> ..sadly, those are also the cause of all its ails
<kallisti5> the matrix sync stuff *sucks*
<kallisti5> like, it sucks waiting 30 seconds+ so your local client can "catch up" on 100 lines of text
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<B2IA> (BiPolar (Unizone)) faketuxedo, hunting for those Cotton Square songs? If my Unizone client is working properly, I too should have that .zip file available for sharing.
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<B2IA> (faketuxedo) yeah thanks dude it
<B2IA> (faketuxedo) *it's working fine it seems like i appreciate it
<B2IA> (faketuxedo) i think it downloaded but i cant find the directory
<B2IA> (faketuxedo) whats the default?
<B2IA> (faketuxedo) also, its stuck in spanish and idk what to do about that LOL
<B2IA> (BiPolar (Unizone)) faketuxedo, there should be a "File->Open Download Dir" on the Unizone main window.
<B2IA> (BiPolar (Unizone)) Heh, mine is in Spanish too, but as I'm from Argentina... didn't notice anything weird :-P
<B2IA> (faketuxedo) dope, just found the file
<B2IA> (BiPolar (Unizone)) The Menu item then should read: "Archivo-> Abrir Directorio Descargas""
<B2IA> (faketuxedo) going to see if I can put this up on
<B2IA> (faketuxedo) thanks for your help i'm over the moon that this even exists
<B2IA> (BiPolar (Unizone)) glad it worked. and good on puting it up on!
<B2IA> (BiPolar (Unizone)) Now... I'm off to bed :-). Have a good one!
<Al2O3> scanty: howdie
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<kallisti5> BiPolar: Fun fact... Haiku, Inc. has permission to redistribute those songs with Haiku
<B2IA> (kallisti5-share) boop
<kallisti5> test
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<kallisti5> *stares at Debugger installing gcc_debuginfo*
<waddlesplash> well don't do that then lol
<kallisti5> i'm doing my yearly "use Haiku as my main desktop for a week" thing
<kallisti5> ... I really need to fix Nheko lol.
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<Begasus> closing down here, cu peeps
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<Al2O3> later Beggy
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<coolcoder613_32> Good morning
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<Skipp_OSX> waddlesplash missed your message, not reproducible for me but I don't know exactly how it is triggered.
<waddlesplash> dragging to reorder items probably
<waddlesplash> I guess I should test it myself
<Skipp_OSX> ok I reproduced it... it's on mouse UP
<kallisti5> Ugh. So.. We need a native chat client that uses libpurple
<kallisti5> then we could have xmpp, matrix, and all the things
<kallisti5> wait.. we have libpurple_finch. That's technically a libpurple cli chat client
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<Skipp_OSX> "You shouldn't use this function to track the mouse"
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<PulkoMandy> kallisti5: we have chat-o-matic
<kallisti5> ooh right. where is that? not seeing in any repos
<PulkoMandy> But libpurple only gets you the small subset of common functionality, it's not great
<kallisti5> yeah.. i've been looking at the matrix stuff in libpurple.. it's pretty outdated even though their website really talks it up
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<kallisti5> Looking around, our landscape is littered with native haiku chat apps that manually supported chat networks that are all "dead"
<Skipp_OSX> yep
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<PulkoMandy> Except irc and xmpp, which never die :>
<Skipp_OSX> that's the internet for you
<kallisti5> lol
<PulkoMandy> And that guy who rewrote an AOL instant messenger serâer just to run BeAIM
<PulkoMandy> Server*
<kallisti5> I looked at BeAIM in HaikuArchives .. the code is rough and crashy
<kallisti5> (not it's fault though... it's also like 20 years old)
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<kallisti5> ooh.. chat-o-matic is lookin' nice
<kallisti5_> it works! lol
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<kallisti5> ok. it does libpurple plugins too. I need to fix purple-matrix to see if I can get it working again
<PulkoMandy> I'll make a new release of Renga this weekend. Need to create a fake account and some fake discussions I can put in screenshots
<coolcoder613_32> Renga?
<PulkoMandy> It's my xmpp client I use to chat with people
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<Al2O3> lol
<Al2O3> fake Renga discussions and accounts.
<Al2O3> could it just be a mock up photoshop?
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<Al2O3> another phishing expedition?
<Al2O3> or is it mishing now :)
<Al2O3> when will the children learn.
<B2IA> (faketuxedo) wass??
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<kallisti5> whelp.. i got the libpurple matrix package done... it doesn't work at all lol
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