ChanServ changed the topic of #haiku to: Open-source operating system that specifically targets personal computing. | | Nightlies: | Bugtracker: | SCM: | Logs: | Matrix: | XMPP:
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<coolcoder613_mac> Hi zard
<zard> Hello coolcoder613_mac :)
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<erysdren> howdy
<erysdren> coolcoder613_32: how's it going?
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<erysdren> hiya
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<zdykstra> Hey erysdren
<erysdren> how's it going?
<coolcoder613_mac> Hi erysdren
<erysdren> hiya coolcoder613_mac
<erysdren> how're you?
<coolcoder613_mac> Last sunday, I ported NCSA Mosiac to my grndfathers mac mini...
<coolcoder613_mac> More recently, I ported Dillo..
<andreasdr[m]> Hi there.
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<Al2O3> hello
<coolcoder613_mac> Hi Al2O3
<Al2O3> hello
<Al2O3> :)
<Sark> Hello!
<coolcoder613_mac> Hello Sark
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<erysdren> hey coolcoder613_mac
<erysdren> i've been making my own ROTT sourceport
<erysdren> i tested it on a Haiku VM, and it got through the intro but after that it freezes the whole machine
<erysdren> i have no idea why
<erysdren> er, the Haiku machine
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<zdykstra> Too much return, not enough triad
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<erysdren> true
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] tqh pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57442] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 841c1c0c1056 - acpica: fix tracing on 64bit systems
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<Begasus> g'morning peeps
<andreasdr[m]> Hi there.
<andreasdr[m]> Hi Begasus
<Begasus> Hi andreasdr[m], up early :)
<andreasdr[m]> Yes. Installed my newer laptop.
<andreasdr[m]> A Linux Mint is it for working and gaming. I had a Ubuntu but Steam was broken. I tried FreeBSD. Did not work with the AMD 6600. NetBSD did not want to get booted after installation. OpenBSD is too slow for me.
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<coolcoder613_mac> Hello Begasus
<andreasdr[m]> Whats the best software for VMing Haiku btw?
* coolcoder613_mac considers Zorin OS his favorite linux distro
<coolcoder613_mac> andreasdr[m]: From what host os?
<andreasdr[m]> Let me check.
<andreasdr[m]> coolcoder613_mac: Linux
<coolcoder613_mac> Hmm... QEMU, Virtualbox... GNOME Boxes, QEMU GUIs...
<coolcoder613_mac> I would use QEMU
<PulkoMandy> Yes, qemu is probably the best choice (or one of the frontends for it)
<PulkoMandy> Virtualbox has performance issues when running haiku
<coolcoder613_mac> but remember -accel kvm!
<Begasus> biab ... dogs
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<andreasdr[m]> Nice. So QEMU is it. Thank you.
<andreasdr[m]> My Haiku PC is currently in use by our game designer.
<andreasdr[m]> He needs a new laptop.
<andreasdr[m]> His got broken :(((
<andreasdr[m]> Does someone have the command handy to boot a Haiku in QEMU?
<Begasus> Doesn't seem like it andreasdr[m] :)
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<Begasus> For the record (personal experience!), on Ubuntu I used VirtualBox for years without real issues, on Windows now I use VMware, so far without issues also (VBox on Windows was way to slow)
<Begasus> no acceleration though (as it is on bare metal)
<Begasus> my attempts with QEMU are not that succesful :)
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<coolcoder613_mac> I can give you a QEMU command
<coolcoder613_mac> truncate -s 10G haiku.img
<coolcoder613_mac> qemu-system-x86_64 -cdrom haiku.iso -m 4G -accel kvm -hda haiku.img -boot d
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<andreasdr[m]> Nic
<andreasdr[m]> Nice you both
<andreasdr[m]> Thank you coolcoder613_mac
* coolcoder613_mac could probably write QEMU commands in his sleep, he uses it so much ;)
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<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] threedeyes pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-0/±1]
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] threedeyes 5c91913 - qtwebengine: add recipe for 5.15.16 version
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<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] threedeyes pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-2/±0]
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] threedeyes bf8abc6 - qtwebengine: drop recipe for 5.15.7 version
<coolcoder613_mac> Why don't we have QtWebEngine on 32 bit?
<Begasus> don't know, but it takes a long time to build it :)
<Begasus> btw, these pushes are recipes that are disabled so they won't get build on the buildmaster
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<Begasus> rebooting virtual here, need to check some things ...
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<R2AIV> Hi all! I use weechat application to read and write here. Have it port on HaikuDepot, or i must compile it from source?
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<Begasus_32> there is a port available
<R2AIV> Begasus_32, ok, thanx a lot!
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<coolcoder613_mac> R2AIV: Why not Vision?
<Begasus_32> right :) it's the default IRC client on Haiku
<R2AIV> I'm know )) I want to deversify software )
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] pulkomandy pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57443] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 89b4e5d23e17 - BMenuItem: Add B_BACKSPACE and B_DELETE UTF-8 shortcut chars
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<Begasus> weird, on a new/clean install with all updates (also "pkgman full-sync" RawTherapee and Web are not crashing ...
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<Begasus> Hi there Monni
<Monni> What's up Begasus?
<Begasus> doing some house-holding :)
<Begasus> too many apps installed
<Monni> I still have about 88 GB free space... But it doesn't take long before all that is used ;)
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<Begasus> 50GB on the system partition, 150GB on the work partition, I'm still good :)
<Begasus> Still 96 items in the Application menu though ...
<Kokito> Hello Begasus!
<Begasus> Hi Kokito!
<Begasus> 1631 packages in /system/packages ... 268 packages in haikuports/packages :)
<Kokito> Update process is slow today...
<Kokito> Damn! Failed to download package webpositive...
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<Begasus> tl ...
<Monni> Begasus: I have about 30 GB in my temp folder ;)
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<Kokito> Updated to latest nightly, and now Haiku will not boot unless I select Safe video and Disable ACPI at boot.
<Begasus> Hence I stay on beta Kokito :)
<Kokito> Right :)
<Begasus> no garentee, but still :)
<Kokito> I like to be on the bleeding edge!
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<Kokito> Begasus, do you know where I should post bug reports for Web+?
<Begasus> Haiku's bug tracker
<Begasus> crashing?
<Kokito> Here and there. Thought I would report some bugs.
<Begasus> latest update on haikuwebkit is the cause, it's known and PulkoMandy has a patch ready for that :)
<Kokito> Cool
<Begasus> you could revert to the previous version (should be in adminstrative states)
<Begasus> did the same thing here
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<Begasus> down to 66 items in the menu :)
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<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-0/±0]
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 6ba02ed - libquotient, bump version (#9760)
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<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-1/±0]
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] kenmays d32642c - dooble: bump version (#9846)
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<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-0/±0]
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 8501888 - zeal, bump version, 64bit only (#9840)
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<bbjimmy> haiku-r1~beta4_hrev57442-1-x86_64.hpkg faiols to boot. stops on the third icon, no log files.
<bbjimmy> *fails
<bbjimmy> ^ waddlesplash
<zdykstra> I'd never even h eard of 'dooble' until today
<bbjimmy> seems to be down
<waddlesplash> bbjimmy: last working?
<bbjimmy> hrev57439
<waddlesplash> ok must be ACPI changes
<waddlesplash> see if you can boot with ACPI disabled
<waddlesplash> open a ticket please
<bbjimmy> off to reboot
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<bbjimmy_64> it seems to be booting with acpi disabled.
<waddlesplash> that's what I figured
<waddlesplash> so korli's changes somehow caused this
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<waddlesplash> 64 or 32?
<bbjimmy> 64
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<waddlesplash> ok so it's not the compiler switch
<waddlesplash> must be the locking change... odd
<bbjimmy> I can'rt get to
<bbjimmy> so no ticket for now
<bbjimmy> *can't
<bbjimmy> bad gateway, connection timed out etc
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<waddlesplash> bbjimmy: yeah seems to be having problems. we're investigating
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<HaikuUser> Hi all, is it possible to run golang on haikuOS?
<PulkoMandy> Not really, there was a very old version but even that is not available anymore. Someone will have to port it again
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<HaikuUser> Any updated guide to get GNOME Web or some other modern browser working on bet?a
<HaikuUser> beta4?
<Begasus> I'm using Falkon here, works pretty fine
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<Begasus> Web is broken atm for me (and some others)
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<R2AIV> Hi there!
<Guest9547> Hello, R2AIV =)
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<AlienSoldier> That is something in the Haiku world, an automated mechanism to report broken app.
<AlienSoldier> or haiku subsystem
<AlienSoldier> i mean from the builder side
<Begasus> There is the issue tracker on haikuports for that too :)
<AlienSoldier> before we download it
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<Begasus> Did a clean/new install earlier in VMware, installation went well there and Web launches fine ...
<AlienSoldier> Begasus that is a start
<Begasus> Yeah, but can't pinpoint what the problem is, libraries etc are the same
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<diver> gnome web works here
<Begasus> (when launched from Terminal)
<waddlesplash> Begasus: need to rebuild image handlers cache
<waddlesplash> bbjimmy: trac working again ... somewhat, so you can file a ticket
<Begasus> waddlesplash, how do I do that?
<waddlesplash> there's some script for this, I don't remember off the top of my head where it is
<waddlesplash> there's forum posts explaining though
<waddlesplash> or, maybe check pixbuf postinstall script
<kallisti5[m]> trac is back. Bunch of evil bots were hammering it (gently, but trac is a wimp)
<Begasus> doesn't do the trick ..
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<botifico-ecd96135> [haiku/infrastructure] kallisti5 pushed 3 commits to master [+0/-0/±3]
<botifico-ecd96135> [haiku/infrastructure] kallisti5 cd33344 - traefik: Bump to 2.9.10 to address CVE-2023-29013
<botifico-ecd96135> [haiku/infrastructure] kallisti5 01cbe54 - traefik: expose dashboard internally, add scanblock and denyip plugins
<botifico-ecd96135> [haiku/infrastructure] kallisti5 69bccea - trac: Protect from cloud server scan abuse, and block scans
<Begasus> afk
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<botifico-ecd96135> [haiku/infrastructure] kallisti5 pushed 1 commit to master [+4/-2/±9]
<botifico-ecd96135> [haiku/infrastructure] kallisti5 a22cd9c - ingress: Upgrade traefik to v2.10.7, address annoying api group churn
<botifico-ecd96135> [haiku/website-inc] kallisti5 pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico-ecd96135> [haiku/website-inc] kallisti5 b21ea3f - donate: Remove Flattr
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 13bbb4d8f2a5 - HaikuDepot : Break Out Pkg Model
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] aplgithub pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57444] -
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<HaikuUser> I tryed to copy Haiku image from flash to hdd with dd program. It copies well. Then i tried to remove all partitions from hdd for make large partition for Haiku installation. My in partition manager my hdd looks like iso9660 disk. Partition manager see it read-only. How i can repartition my hdd without copying image from flash?
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<BlueSky76> HaikuUser: boot from the flash drive and the use the installer to install Haiku to the harddisk
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<OscarL> kallisti5[m]: LMAO! I'm getting "blocked by scanblock" when accessing :-D
<kallisti5[m]> OscarL: ooh... spicy
<kallisti5[m]> let me see what that page does to trigger so many HTTP 4xx errors
<OscarL> just in case, I'm on 181.95.x.x IPv4 (Argentina)
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<Begasus> 'lo OscarL! :)
<OscarL> Hello there Begasus :-)
<Begasus> enough playing for today :D
<OscarL> Here just on a quick visit (to bother kallisti5[m] :-P). Hope you're well. I'm still keeping tabs on logs and whatnot... but not very active, as you can see. Hoping to get back at it soon, thou.
<OscarL> I'm out too. Be well Begasus!
<OscarL> later folks!
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<kallisti5[m]> OscarL: hm.. what were you doing when you ...
<kallisti5[m]> dangit
<Begasus> heh
<Begasus> He still reads the logs kallisti5[m] :)
<kallisti5[m]> i'd honestly like to know what was triggering the block for him. It should only happen when you GET like 20 requests on which are 4xx
<kallisti5[m]> (well.. 25 of 50) 50% of 50 requests
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<OscarL> k, I'm back. Only for kallisti5[m] :-P
<Begasus> lol
<kallisti5[m]> lol
<OscarL> I just was reading the latest tickets changes, kallisti5[m].
<kallisti5[m]> checking logs to see what caused it
<OscarL> while being logged in (as "bipolar").
<kallisti5[m]> OscarL: see if you can trigger it again
<kallisti5[m]> and let me know what pages you visit (if it's something beyond tickets)
<OscarL> worked once... let's see if it triggers again.
<OscarL> ( was the one that worked)
<OscarL> lol... seems I'm getting rate-limited. :-D
<OscarL> no problem accessing a couple of links from that timeline, but got me blocked again.
<kallisti5[m]> OscarL: you know how to use the network tab in the developer tools?
<kallisti5[m]> OscarL: also.. which browser?
<OscarL> Mmm, I think I even have them disabled on my Firefox 120.0.1, 64 bits Win10.
<kallisti5[m]> OscarL: to confirm.. the block shows "scanblock"?
<OscarL> exact text: "blocked by scanblock"
<kallisti5[m]> ok. one sec. think I found the node you're on
<kallisti5[m]> scanblock plugin "default-trac-scanblock@kubernetescrd" is now blocking for 2m0s (seen=35m52s total=26 4xx=22)
<kallisti5[m]> found it :-)
<kallisti5[m]> weird trac is sending you to a bunch of invalid url's
<kallisti5[m]> LOL. oop. it blocked me now
<OscarL> :-D
<kallisti5[m]> tldr; something in trac's code is referencing invalid image urls which triggers the scanblock thing looking for scrapers
<kallisti5[m]> Will fix :-)
<OscarL> +1. Thanks a bunch!
* OscarL waves goobye!
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<Begasus> closing down, cu peeps!
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<kallisti5[m]> of course now I can't reproduce it while watching the network tab 😮‍💨 If anyone else can let me know and we can submit a bug report to trac.
<PulkoMandy> We should upgrade to trac 1.6 before that, I guess? They changed quite a lot of things over the years
<kallisti5[m]> nielx has been looking at it. Some of our plugins need updated before we can upgrade
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57445] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 64408be77270 - acpi: Fix copy/paste error in GlobalLock functions.
<kallisti5[m]> I was looking for trac 1.6 servers to see what it looks like. this one popped up on the list
<Anarchos> waddlesplash i can't progress anymore on my execve 'operation not allowed' cause Debugger show me the file, but breakpoints are not allowed in it.
<waddlesplash> kallisti5[m]: PulkoMandy is running a custom theme
<kallisti5[m]> jeeze webkit: 1.2.x
<waddlesplash> Anarchos: can you use debugger() to break instead?
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<coolcoder613_32> Good morning all
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<coolcoder613_32> Hello erysdren
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<Anarchos> waddlesplash yes but i can't see why there are already threads running, just when it tries to execve() in the new forked team
<waddlesplash> you should have a list of threads
<waddlesplash> so debugger() just before execve()
<waddlesplash> and then check the thread list
<Anarchos> waddlesplash swhat should i check ?
<waddlesplash> Debugger has a list of threads?
<waddlesplash> top left box
<waddlesplash> there will be at least one other ("debug nub thread")
<waddlesplash> Anarchos: can you link me to this code?
<Anarchos> waddlesplash not really : it is a custom installation of opam and dune, programs of the OCaml ecosystem
<waddlesplash> ok
<waddlesplash> is it possible the path passed to execve does not have +x bit?
<Anarchos> waddlesplash it has : -rwxr-xr-x
<waddlesplash> ok
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