ChanServ changed the topic of #haiku to: Open-source operating system that specifically targets personal computing. | | Nightlies: | Bugtracker: | SCM: | Logs: | Matrix: | XMPP:
coolcoder613_mac has joined #haiku
* coolcoder613_32 is trying to get a boot-to-BASIC RISC OS system on his raspi
<coolcoder613_32> I've got it booting to BASIC
<coolcoder613_32> The only problem is that the keyboard layout is UK by default
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* zard just finished updating the readme's current status section
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<erysdren> hi coolcoder613
<erysdren> how's it going?
<erysdren> also hi HaikuUser
<HaikuUser> Hi
<erysdren> how's it going? are you enjoying Haiku?
<HaikuUser> Is there a tool in Haiku for writing iso images to usb?
<HaikuUser> Haiku is gorgeous, simple, fast and nostalgic (even for someone who has never used BeOS)
<coolcoder613_mac> Hi erysdren
<coolcoder613_mac> HaikuUser: there is dd ;)
<HaikuUser> Ah! dd is installed?
<HaikuUser> I'm minutes old, here. haha
* coolcoder613_mac has used BeOS, but that was *after* he stated using Haiku
<coolcoder613_mac> *started
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<coolcoder613_mac> Anyone know a virtual machine program that will run Haiku on MacOS High Sierra (10.13)?
<coolcoder613_mac> VirtualBox is really slow for Haiku
<HaikuUser> This is some environment.
<waddlesplash> coolcoder613_mac: VMware is usually a good choice
<HaikuUser> What are you all using Haiku for? I can see it being a nice media player and possibly editor
* coolcoder613_mac uses it on an old 32-bit desktop with 3GB of RAM
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<coolcoder613_mac> And I have fun porting things to Haiku
<waddlesplash> coming soon to a Haiku near you: faster TCP throughput (especially on localhost)
<waddlesplash> getting 5.4 Gbit/s stable, on a single-core VM (previously it topped out at 3.1 Gbit/s, and was very unstable, speeds could be as low as hundreds of Mbit/s for me, and even lower for others)
<HaikuUser> lots of god apps in the repos - surprising, actually
<HaikuUser> good*
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<zdykstra> Haiku is a hidden gem
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 5 commits to master [hrev57492] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 6b7fde33003d - tcp_shell: Don't include dropped packets in the dump.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 265e1e4d6a0f - TCP: Update implementation comment at the top of the file.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 5e7d399ef4c0 - TCP: Check state in Persist and DelayedAcknowledge timeouts.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] d7c71d7b49e6 - TCP: Coalesce more ACKs in DelayedAcknowledge.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 141cc59300c3 - TCP: Actually invoke SendQueued when the window widens.
<waddlesplash> so on my local VM (reduced to 1 core for testing)... the above patches take TCP throughput on localhost from ~45 Mbit/sec (average, unstable speeds) to ... 5.4 Gbit/sec (stable)
<waddlesplash> that's not a typo
<kallisti5[m]> 🎉
<kallisti5[m]> awesome work!!
<waddlesplash> improvements in external traffic are much less dramatic but still quite noticeable
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* augiedoggie wonders if it will fix the stalls when transferring files over the lan
<waddlesplash> almost certainly
<waddlesplash> the problems on localhost were actually stalls
<augiedoggie> nice
<x512[m]> Still some speed degrade to ~30 KiB/s happens if using WiFi.
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<B2IA> (AGMS) Woohoo! Thanks for getting TCP working faster, waddlesplash.
<waddlesplash> :)
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<Al2O3> scanty good day
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<scanty> hellow.
<scanty> what's new?
<Al2O3> not much, just hanging out
<Al2O3> 1 day from new year
<Al2O3> happy times, hopefully entertainment, fireworks, and some lovin
<Al2O3> one can wish
<scanty> indeed. i went out for a couple of beers... just got back about 30 minutes ago
<Al2O3> sweet, or sour, or just IPA?
<scanty> guiness
<Al2O3> I don't do sours any more, and I love deep imperial beers.
<Al2O3> ah, the standard.
<Al2O3> I have and read a HUGE book on Guiness
<scanty> yeah, there's an irish pub nearby, and they pour it just right
<Al2O3> nitrogen infused, or just a standard pull from the basement up
<scanty> i think it's pulled from the basement up, but either way they're doing something right with it :^)
<Al2O3> yah, most pulls are from basement up, long handle 'pulls'
<Al2O3> I have the book (one of many on the subject of Guiness) and read, The Colourful History of Guiness by David Hughes
<scanty> that's cool
<Al2O3> a nice read.
<Al2O3> full and rich like the beer in history and tradition
<Al2O3> damn, didn't know now they are 100+ bucks.
<scanty> hm, a bit pricey.
<Al2O3> I think I got mine for 7
<Al2O3> wow, talk about return on investment.
* Al2O3 surprised
<scanty> yeah, seriously :^)
<Al2O3> I knew it was good, an 'rare', but not that much.
<Al2O3> I also pulled the book, an uncommon brewer, tory of whitbread
<Al2O3> not as 'rare'
<Al2O3> but a good read
<scanty> cool, it's only a little over $8, maybe i'll spring for it.
<Al2O3> yah, interesting and kinda good on darks.
<Al2O3> interesting company for sure.
<scanty> i perfer darks
<Al2O3> me too.
<Al2O3> all year long, summer, etc.
<Al2O3> heavies, and big ABV
<scanty> yeah
<Al2O3> 10-12
<Al2O3> still kind shocked on the value of that book, wow.
<scanty> yeah, i've gotten pretty smashed on those high ABVs
<Al2O3> I hit some imperial (utopias barrel aged WWS) tonight.
<Al2O3> 17 ABV
<scanty> wow
<scanty> never seen a beer that high.
<Al2O3> oh, Utopias is 27-28
<scanty> geez
<Al2O3> but for 10x the price, the value prop is the WWS from Dogfish Head coupled with their buying/owner company now Sam Adams
<scanty> it's like almost liquour
<Al2O3> Sam Adams is the maker of Utopias
<Al2O3> its nuts.
<Al2O3> and all natural, not fortified.
<Al2O3> and not legal in many states.
<scanty> yes, sam adams is also a ver good beer
<scanty> very*
<scanty> oktoberfest is nice.
<Al2O3> as a company goes, the namesake samuel adams is nice. They do make some very interesting beers. Jim is all about money now, has been for decades.
<Al2O3> but Utopias is an amazing well made and over priced beer.
<Al2O3> I have the '19, '21 and '23 releases in 33 F storage.
<scanty> always wanted to try it.
<Al2O3> its over rated, by a lot.
<scanty> neat
<Al2O3> but worth trying
<scanty> one day...
<Al2O3> I bought 2x the '19, 2x the '21, and 1x the '23
<Al2O3> yah, when i get to them, for now, just stored. Here is a sick picture of them in a 33 F controlled by 1 F temp external inkbird controller.
<Al2O3> I'm kinda tempted to sell them, but promised I would not.
<scanty> nah, you should hold on to them
<Al2O3> yah, on that page
<Al2O3> my fav style is barley wine
<Al2O3> another good read
<scanty> cool.
<scanty> anyways, bed time for this guy
<Al2O3> this is the shot I just took.
<scanty> catch you another time
<Al2O3> otay
<Al2O3> laterz
<scanty> seeya
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<Al2O3> stand corrected, may have 2x '19 and tasted and spent the '21 and got a '23
<Al2O3> not sure but that is what it looks like :)
<Al2O3> anyway, night
<B2IA> (binky) good night
<Skipp_OSX> upgrading from r1b4 to latest nightly... will my about system replicant update itself? Let's find out.
<Skipp_OSX> haha success!
<Al2O3> chachingo
<Al2O3> great name for a online gaming app
<Al2O3> marketed to new arrivals in the US
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<Al2O3> x10, do you do the electrical outlet x10 protocol?
<Al2O3> "X10 is a communications protocol for remote control of electrical devices that uses the existing power line (220V or 110V AC) to transmit control signals between home automation (home automation) equipment in digital format."
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<Al2O3_> hi
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<win8linux[m]> <waddlesplash> "coming soon to a Haiku near you:..." <- Just wondering, is the Haiku networking stack based on anything or is it fully bespoke?
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<coolcode1613_mac> I compiled QEMU 7.2 on macOS 10.13, but -accel hvf deos not work with Haiku
<coolcode1613_mac> It crashes before it gets to a desktop
<coolcode1613_mac> this is on a mid-2011 mac mini
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Begasus has joined #haiku
<Begasus> g'morning peeps
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<win8linux[m]> Good noon Begasus!
<win8linux[m]> s/noon/afternoon/
<Begasus> Hello there win8linux[m] :)
<nielx[m]> Goedemorgen Begasus
<Begasus> Hi nielx[m]!
<Begasus> I thought you vanished from the planet :)
<Begasus> Didn't see/hear from you after you went to visit Scott :)
<Begasus> k, PR created for the MsgDump fix x512[m] augiedoggie_ :)
<nielx[m]> I am still on this planet, but things have been very busy for a while now
<Begasus> np, hope most is fine there and you're ok
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<Begasus> moin humdinger
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<nielx[m]> All is fine, nothing horrible happened. Hope you are good too!
<humdinger> hello all!
<Begasus> Fine here too thanks for asking :)
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<humdinger> nielx[m]: any idea on ?
<humdinger> "Full edit" did work a few days ago. Used it with the ShowImage page.
<win8linux[m]> Compiling a program that uses autotools and it is erroring out with this:... (full message at <>)
<win8linux[m]> The SDL dep in the recipe is correct.
<Begasus> SDL2?
<win8linux[m]> It happens with both SDL and SDL2 in the deps.
<win8linux[m]> libSDL1_1.2 and libSDL2_2.0
<win8linux[m]> s/both/either/, s/and/or/
<win8linux[m]> s/libSDL1_1/libSDL_1/
<win8linux[m]> What file is autotools referring to in those error messages?
<win8linux[m]> TextSearch isn't turning up any useful results.
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<Begasus> sorry, was on the phone
<Begasus> win8linux[m], I'm guessing you ran autoreconf there?
<nielx[m]> humdinger: let me see if I can dig out an error message
<win8linux[m]> Begasus: Yes
<humdinger> thanks
* humdinger is idle: BRB
<Begasus> win8linux[m], does it require it?
<Begasus> use "-fi" with it?
<win8linux[m]> The build step is:
<win8linux[m]> autoreconf -fi
<Begasus> did you try a build in Terminal (eg without haikuporter)?
<win8linux[m]> Not yet.
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<Begasus> biab ... dogs :)
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<Begasus> win8linux[m], you paste the recipe somewhere, could have a look then
<win8linux[m]> Alright, just wait a bit.
<Begasus> np :)
<win8linux[m]> Here's the in-progress recipe:
<Begasus> jikes :) --prefix=$appsDir
<Begasus> ps, missing pkg-config (and needs SDL2)
<Begasus> doesn't seem to respect --omit-dirs also
<win8linux[m]> <Begasus> "jikes :) --prefix=$appsDir" <- Wait, this is wrong?
<Begasus> rather see --prefix=$prefix --bindir=$appsDir (but that's not working either for the binary)
<Begasus> win8linux[m], it would mean it installs in /system/apps/packages/sopwith ...
<win8linux[m]> Oh
<Begasus> but also saw using DESTDIR, wouldn't use that too :)
<win8linux[m]> It needs a DESTDIR, unfortunately.
<win8linux[m]> Or well, it did previously.
<win8linux[m]> Will try again now.
<Begasus> grabbing sopwith-2.3.0-1-x86_64.hpkg and moving it to /Opslag/haikuports/packages/sopwith-2.3.0-1-x86_64.hpkg
<Begasus> didn't look further in the Makefile's/configure script, but for some things it doesn't seem to respect it (eg omitting binDir and dataRootdir didn't)
<Begasus> classic :D
<win8linux[m]> Heh
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-0/±0]
<win8linux[m]> Well, can confirm that it works now. Thanks!
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus ed80e9b - systemmanager, new recipe (#9926)
<win8linux[m]> Going to start making a PR now.
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<Begasus> np :)
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* humdinger has returned
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<win8linux[m]> In a bit of an unexpected rush rn.
<win8linux[m]> Sorry about the draft PR Begasus, I'll fill that it later.
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<Begasus> k, moved some repo's around at github :D
<win8linux[m]> Alright, ready for review now:
<Begasus> should be moved :)
<Begasus> It's my main source on checking where packages/recipes should end up in
<Begasus> and "naming"
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<Begasus> whoops, started a rant on firefox now at the forum :P
<Begasus> lol ... Fix a couple of harmless compiler warnings that appeared in debug builds with GCC 16 :)
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<Begasus> plop
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<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] humdingerb pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] humdingerb e56e6fe - haikuutils: improved SUMMARY and DESCRIPTION
* humdinger plops Begasus
<Begasus> lol
<Begasus> wasn't right the first time humdinger? ;)
<humdinger> The SystemManager became half a dozen different tools... :)
<Begasus> thought you knew that :)
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<humdinger> nope.. all new to me.
<Begasus> the fact that an issue related MsgDump didn't light a flame there? :P
<Begasus> k, Auth needs CoreAddons dev package too ...
<humdinger> I think I only commented on the description. never knew the contents of the package.
<Begasus> heh
<Begasus> with me it's mostly the other way round :)
<Begasus> TexWidgets needs Sonnet ...
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<andreasdr[m]> waddlesplash: Nice!!!
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<Begasus> seems to be running fine (and account-wizard probably did something good) :)
<andreasdr[m]> Hi there! Hi Begasus!
<Begasus> Hi andreasdr[m] :)
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<Al2O3> hello
<andreasdr[m]> Hi there.
<Begasus> Hi Al2O3
<v_harkonnen> Hello, sorry for interrupting, I've a small problem while running Haiku OS(fatal exception "NMI interrupt")at my old Dell Latitude D520. If I type exit, system works fine
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<waddlesplash> win8linux[m]: the network stack is all custom yes
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<win8linux[m]> <Begasus> "should be moved :)" <- Finally got access to a *proper* computer now and moved the recipe.
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<Begasus> sorry to bug you win8linux[m] :) games-arcade/sdl-sopwith/sdl-sopwith...recipe
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<win8linux[m]> It’s inconsistent between Linux distros.
<win8linux[m]> Some use sdl-sopwith, while others just use sopwith.
<win8linux[m]> For the sake of uniformity, I decided to use the latter.
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<win8linux[m]> Also it’s shorter.
<Begasus> hence we use Gentoo's layoout
<Begasus> that has been for years
<win8linux[m]> We can’t use sdl-sopwith.
<win8linux[m]> Conflicts with the package naming scheme IIRC.
<win8linux[m]> No dashes in package names.
<Begasus> in package names not no (plenty examples around for that)
<Begasus> directory names can contain them
<win8linux[m]> Ok then
<Begasus> perl names them with "::" between the name, we can't use that either :)
<Begasus> fbrosson reminded me quit a lot back then :)
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<jmairboeck> My Windows HVIF renderer ( finally gained support for perspective transformations:
<jmairboeck> Thanks to humdinger for the KeyCursor icons to test it with!
<win8linux[m]> <Begasus> "directory names can contain them" <- Pushed the compliant folder change now.
<Begasus> heh :)
<Begasus> nice jmairboeck
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<win8linux[m]> <jmairboeck> "My Windows HVIF renderer (https:..." <- Nice, but is that a private repo?
<jmairboeck> win8linux[m]: Github says it should be public
<win8linux[m]> Asking since it is 404ing on my end.
<jmairboeck> maybe the link included the ')'?
<jmairboeck> the closing parenthesis
<win8linux[m]> Ah yeah, it did.
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<win8linux[m]> Is there anything else that needs to be changed in the Sopwith PR?
<win8linux[m]> Begasus, is there anything else that needs to be changed in the Sopwith PR?
<Begasus> biab win8linux[m], will check
<Begasus> reboot
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<win8linux[m]> Also, who is Chris’s on?
<win8linux[m]> Also, who is fbrosson?
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<PulkoMandy> someone who sent a lot of patches to haikuports for a year or so, and then disappeared without any news
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<erysdren> hey coolcoder613_mac
<erysdren> are you on?
<Begasus> win8linux[m], for the record, I'm not the only one trying to keep up with Gentoo's layout, and not only fbrosson reacted back then
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<AlienSoldier> impossible to install image magic tracker add-on
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<win8linux[m]> Change made to compliant package name, Begasus.
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<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-0/±0]
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] win8linux 7e0e35d - New recipe: SDL Sopwith (#9929)
<Begasus> Thanks win8linux[m] +1
<win8linux[m]> Thanks!
<win8linux[m]> Got one last port in before the new year!
<Begasus> sorry for being so picky :) it's easier when there is nothing to compare on Gentoo's side :)
<Begasus> going out with a bang! :D
<AlienSoldier> can't install image magick GUI either
<win8linux[m]> Begasus: Next time I’ll pick a package that isn’t in Gentoo. >:)
<win8linux[m]> /s
<Begasus> heh ... there are a few :)
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<Begasus> AlienSoldier, got besly repo in your repositories (HaikuDepot)?
<Begasus> iirc it's hosted there?
<HaikuUser> Well dudes... I relly appreciate this OS - not just for the novelty either. It's a distracion-free environment that allows you to get [some] work done.
<AlienSoldier> Begasus yes, it say it lack something, does not help if i install it manually
<HaikuUser> Any idea why I get eror -2 in MC when trying to connect to sftp server?
<HaikuUser> error, even..?
<Begasus> glad you like it HaikuUser, no idea on the error though
<Begasus> ps, you know you can change your nick?
<HaikuUser> I do.. (long time irc user)
<HaikuUser> Sorry... I'm super busy. Will do later, promise
<AlienSoldier> Begasus imagemagick itself instaled fine, only the tracker and the GUI can't seem to install. Perhpas a version mismatch?
<AlienSoldier> *tracker add-on
<Begasus> can't tell without more information, what's the error/problem it is giving?
<Begasus> iirc there hasn't been an update on imagemagick for a while
<AlienSoldier> Begasus nothing provide imagemagick needed by imagemagick_trackeraddons-0.1-1 Solution 1 do not install, ignore problem for now
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<Begasus> do you have a link to the hpkg for the translator?
<AlienSoldier> i was looking at a quick solution to reduce image sizes (preferably in batch as setting new resolution)
<AlienSoldier> I don't know, how do i check that?
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<Begasus> no 64bit version
<AlienSoldier> 32 bit here
<Begasus> requires: imagemagick
<AlienSoldier> that installed well
<Begasus> there is no imagemagick on gcc2, only imagemagick_x86 (for gcc13)
<Begasus> let me check that on 32bit ...
<AlienSoldier> same error using the package from beslay directly
<AlienSoldier> *besly
<Begasus> yep, needs imagemagick_x86 there
<Begasus> can't change that package, you could poke Christian for that :)
<Begasus_32> requires: imagemagick
<Begasus_32> requires: ghostscript8_x86
<Begasus> as you can see it requires the _x86 for ghostscript but not for imagemagick
<AlienSoldier> imagemagick_X86 installed but i guess it is not the good one
<Begasus> there is only one, it's a packaging error
<AlienSoldier> who is that christian?
<Begasus> Lelldorin
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<AlienSoldier> ok
<Begasus> the author
<AlienSoldier> Don't we have a team that have at least packaging ability or does that require source code?
<PulkoMandy> haikuports strongly prefers having the sourcecode and building from there (there are very few exceptions)
<AlienSoldier> ok
<PulkoMandy> but also we don't force people to go through haikuports if they don't want to
<HaikuUser> Oh weird... Shell link works just fine in MC... I guess for my purposes, that's just as good as sftp
<PulkoMandy> centralization is not always the best solution
<win8linux[m]> BTW the 32-bit buildmaster is down.
<HaikuUser> Haiku is growing on me like a tumor
<win8linux[m]> x86 builders are all currently lost, if is to be believed.
<HaikuUser> Is there a way to have nerdy DE sounds in Haiku like crumpling paper sound when trash is emptied? (please don't kill me for asking)
HaikuUser is now known as Peter
Peter is now known as PetePete
<PulkoMandy> no, it's planned but not yet implemented because no one thinks it's important enough
<erysdren> hmm, i think there's a customization window where you can assign sounds? not sure, though
<erysdren> ah
<erysdren> nevermind me :P
<PulkoMandy> you can configure sounds in the sound preferences, but most of them won't trigger
<Begasus> ow buger win8linux[m], again ... (I'm afraid to re-open the issue again) :)
<erysdren> i'm not running haiku at the moment
<win8linux[m]> Begasus: Too late for that, as the branch was deleted already.
<win8linux[m]> :P
<Begasus> the issue on the buildmasters, not your PR win8linux[m] :P
<win8linux[m]> Oh
<win8linux[m]> lol
<PetePete> So we have qemu. Is that about it for VM?
<PetePete> Haiku is ma new Waifu
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<Begasus> Be carefull PetePete, it grows on you :)
<augiedoggie_> there are some smaller/niche ones available, box86, rvvm, ...
<AlienSoldier> Begasus sent him an email, i hope it is still valid
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<PetePete> Well, I encrypt everything so besides a kitchen counter unit, it's not a realistic tool, but holy crap it gets a lot done and frees up other machines!
<Begasus> He's still active in the forum too AlienSoldier
<PetePete> Also great for media!!
<AlienSoldier> Begasus i used his homepage one
<Begasus> give a yell if you don't hear from him, humdinger can poke him too :)
<humdinger> whom am I poking?
<Begasus> lelldorin, gui for imagemagick is broken
<AlienSoldier> and tracker add-on
<Begasus> well the package(s)
<PetePete> Is the RemoteDesktop program used for connecting to other Haiku machines exclusively?
<PetePete> *wonders about man pages
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<humdinger> KeyCursor still looking for new/completed translations:
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<humdinger> Italian and Latin American Spanish still missing some strings.
<PulkoMandy> PetePete: yes, RemoteDesktop is for Haiku only. But there is an html5 client so you can connect to your Haiku machine with just a web browser
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<PetePete> PulkoMandy thanks! I kept looking for info on it but coulnd't find anything
<PetePete> vnc client would be nice but I don't have ZeroTier on Haiku anyway so no big deal.
<bitigchi[m]> Happy new year to everyone
<PulkoMandy> the vnc client is a bit broken :( that's somewhere on my TODO list, but it's a long list
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<PetePete> PulkoMandy There are so many great tools already. This thing is already doing some heavy lifting for me to free up my main machine. Can't complain at all!
<PetePete> Is there a command similar to lspci?
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<augiedoggie_> listdev
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<Begasus> 99% tests passed, 1 tests failed out of 95 (not bad) :)
<Begasus> harmless one :)
<Monni> 99% tests passing is a good start... having 100% of tests passing means the work is done...
<lebrancess[m]> guys does appimage work on haiku?
<Monni> AppImage doesn't even work on all Linux versions... But Haiku has own replacement...
<lebrancess[m]> replacement?
<Monni> Does the same, but better...
<Begasus> refered to a mismatch on the repo layout Monni (cleaned the build now)
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<Monni> Begasus: At work, I just removed all tests that didn't pass... Was easier than to fix them...
<Begasus> heh
<Begasus> I mostly look into the log, try to fix them if not, let them be (most of the things I'm playing around with don't include (working) tests) :)
<Monni> Begasus: It was around the time when people switched from Python 2 to Python 3 and I was pretty much against anything written in Python...
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<Begasus> heh, still strong opinions on that Monni :)
<Monni> Begasus: Both Python and JavaScript... But I still have to use them at work...
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<PulkoMandy> I updated contribution stats for Haiku this year: total commit count is down to a new low of 1010 commits this year :( (well ok there are a few hours left...)
<PulkoMandy> I'm generating the stats for haikuports, they should be available in a few hours
<Monni> I can't even remember when I did a pull request the last time... Must be really really long time ago...
<Begasus> Probably back from the "bep" days Monni :)
<Begasus> nice PulkoMandy!
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<Monni> I remember working on some missing stuff in Bluetooth code...
<Begasus> maybe it halted there? ;)
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<Monni> Begasus: I still have my old BeOS machine somewhere here... Had funny external SCSI enclosure with 3 disk bays...
<cocobean> waddlesplash: Updated TCP/IP stack seems as good as on Windows 10...
<Begasus> still have the tower here with some disks in it, should probably contain a BeOS install too
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<Monni> Begasus: I had BeOS, Linux and MacOS on that SCSI enclosure... Ended up bricking MacOS, but the rest did work...
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<Begasus> Think it had Win98/Debian/BeOS/ZETA in the end
<Monni> Begasus: I still have the Zeta fly squat wallpaper... Looked so hilarious...
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<lebrancess[m]> Where is my last message about appimages I can't see it
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<lebrancess[m]> <Monni> "Does the same, but better..." <- But won't bring ledger-live working on haiku
<lebrancess[m]> 🤣
<Monni> Obviously you need to recompile for Haiku... Even on Linux AppImages didn't always work on all distros due to differences in C library...
<lebrancess[m]> Monni: Damn that sucks🤣
<Monni> My cousin is actually the mastermind behind Linux kernel ;)
<lebrancess[m]> Linuz toward ?
<Monni> Linus Torvalds
<Begasus> celebraty in the house :P
<lebrancess[m]> Monni: Wait are you the female cousin of him or the male
<erysdren> hm
<Monni> Begasus: Not the only one... We have a few painters and musicians in our family ;)
<Monni> lebrancess[m]: I identify myself as cat, I'm neither female or male... hence longer form of my nickname, "Monni the Cat"...
<lebrancess[m]> Monni: So why does arch work so goos
<lebrancess[m]> Monni: Monnika
<lebrancess[m]> Your female
<lebrancess[m]> 👹
<win8linux[m]> What?
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<lebrancess[m]> Guys you know 1 day deadline tomorrow is mesa finished
<lebrancess[m]> 🫥
<Monni> Linus's wife's original name was Monni too ;)
<erysdren> lebrances has been a real "treat" to talk to Monni :P
<lebrancess[m]> Monni: Can we change numbers ?
<erysdren> what?
<Monni> My number is 666
<lebrancess[m]> Monni: So we can plan on playing csgo in the future
<erysdren> are you serious
<erysdren> are you trying to pick up a date
<lebrancess[m]> How could you know what I am up to do
<lebrancess[m]> 😡
<erysdren> ok
<lebrancess[m]> 🤣
<lebrancess[m]> When is the new year clown party finally over
<erysdren> whenever you leave
<lebrancess[m]> My ears hurt
<lebrancess[m]> erysdren: No I hear exploding rockets
<lebrancess[m]> From my room
<lebrancess[m]> I locked the windows
<lebrancess[m]> And doors
<Monni> It's the Trolls.... Last time they had K-pop stars in it... now they make version with IRC clowns...
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<lebrancess[m]> Monni: Monni soo yeah I found that your really attractive
<lebrancess[m]> 😎
<Monni> Linux, IRC, SSH, Angry Birds... All Finnish inventions ;)
<erysdren> :P
humdinger has quit [Quit: Vision[]: Oi with the poodles already!!]
<lebrancess[m]> Monni: So maybe we can hook up one time and go hiking or something
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<lebrancess[m]> 😂🙃
* augiedoggie_ wonders if matt3/countryboy/andrea72 discovered the matrix bridge
<erysdren> lol
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<erysdren> RIP
<lebrancess[m]> No I think that was a rejection erysdren
<Begasus> lebrancess[m], please behave
<lebrancess[m]> Begasus: I tried to behave, Begasus
<erysdren> you failed
<lebrancess[m]> How else would you try to get a woman?
<erysdren> not on IRC
<erysdren> you creep
<lebrancess[m]> Mission failed
<lebrancess[m]> :(
<lebrancess[m]> On csgom
<erysdren> be quiet for several hours
<lebrancess[m]> ?
<erysdren> you must be 12 years old from the way you're acting
<lebrancess[m]> Im 23
<erysdren> LOL
<erysdren> that's so much worse
<lebrancess[m]> Im a psychopath could be worse
<erysdren> makes sense
<win8linux[m]> No, not much worse really.
<win8linux[m]> <augiedoggie_> "wonders if matt3/countryboy/..." <- Those are all the same person?
<erysdren> win8linux: i believe so, though i haven't seen any of those names in a few weeks here
<lebrancess[m]> erysdren: Well I can't really feel other people
<lebrancess[m]> Social construct of doing party to new year I don't get it
<lebrancess[m]> All it leaves are bloody ears
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<lebrancess[m]> Hi x512
<jmairboeck> win8linux[m]: those 3 are probably the same person (Italian IIRC), lebrancess[m] is different
<erysdren> they are both special in their own ways
<augiedoggie_> yeah, i was kidding about lebrancess[m], there would've been more references to god and peace if it was him
<augiedoggie_> him = andrea72
<lebrancess[m]> erysdren no not at all I can talk in multiple personalities
<lebrancess[m]> That's what people told me
<erysdren> ok
<lebrancess[m]> Is Andrea a woman? augiedoggie_:
<PulkoMandy> jmairboeck: different but equally annoying...
<lebrancess[m]> 👹 me and annoying yeah I can imagine that
<jmairboeck> PulkoMandy: +1
<Begasus> a "tad" more PulkoMandy :)
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<waddlesplash> lebrancess[m]: please stay on topic and technical or you will be booted.
<lebrancess[m]> booted?
<waddlesplash> evicted. kicked. blocked.
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<lebrancess[m]> <waddlesplash> "evicted. kicked. blocked." <- I just wanted to make a joke about people that do something on new year
<waddlesplash> I am not speaking about one joke but your entire attitude in here
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<PetePete> augiedoggie_ thanks! Any way to identify the processor?
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<Begasus> hi Vidrep_64!
<Vidrep_64> Hey there Begasus. Belated Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
<augiedoggie_> PetePete: depends on what information you want, there is the sysinfo command, like `sysinfo -cpu`
<Begasus> Same to you there Vidrep_64! Hope things are OK, haven't seen you in ages :)
<Vidrep_64> I see a few people have been using their holiday time to work on haiku - lots of small commits
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<augiedoggie_> lol
<Vidrep_64> Begasus, everything is well, except the bad case of food poisoning I had a week before Christmas, and before I caught the flu on Christmas eve.
<Vidrep_64> It's been a hellish past two weeks. I feel much better today.
<Begasus> eeps :D
<Begasus> Good to hear Vidrep_64, missed "missing" you mostly on my way out :)
<Vidrep_64> I always seem to log on just as your bugging out for the night
<Vidrep_64> *you're
<Begasus> yeah, you are early today
<Begasus> [ 48%] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/kdenliveLib.dir/project/effectsettings.cpp.o
<Vidrep_64> I use Haiku these days mostly for listening to podcasts. So, I'll log on later in the afternoon.
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<Vidrep_64> I still check out Haiku, HaikuArchives, HaikuPorts daily just to keep up on the goings on. :)
<Begasus> what do you use for podcasts?
<Vidrep_64> BePodder
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<Begasus> should give that another look, using RSS in there isn't working fine
<Vidrep_64> Do you mean RSS feeds in BePodder?
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<PetePete> Vidrep_64 Holy cow, I caught food pisoning ON Christmas!
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<PetePete> Only lasted 24 hours (3pm to 3pm) thankfully
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<Vidrep_64> Begasus, any plans for New Year?
<lebrancess[m]> Vidrep_64: Let's meet in Germany and discuss haiku
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<Begasus> 2nd one you scare of lebrancess[m]?
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<Begasus> Hola OscarL!
<OscarL> Hola Begasus! Merry New Year, or whatever it is called :-P
<Begasus> Are you past it already?
<zdykstra> Hey OscarL!
<Begasus> Hi zdykstra :)
<OscarL> I was trying to reach humdinger (about that missing Latin-American translation for KeyCursor), but he's not here :-(
<zdykstra> Good evening, Begasus :)
<Begasus> another +4hrs to go here before NY
<OscarL> Hello there Zach! Happy New Year! (stiil a few hours left Begasus, but I already celebrated yeasterday, anyway :-P)
<Begasus> nothing fancy, keep doing what I did/do this year :P
<PetePete> Running Haiiku on an AMD E1-1200 (1.4GHz Dual Core) with 4GB RAM and a failing spinning drive. Pretty fast and stable since yesterday. I'm impressed.
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<Begasus> nogo for kdenlive :P
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<Begasus> but I'm "this" close to kmail :P (just can't figure that last step(s)) ;)
<PetePete> How can it be so easy to port linux programs to Haiku?
<zdykstra> I'm always impressed with how much you port and maintain
<OscarL> PetePete: Haiku is the only thing that runs decently on my father's E1-2100 based laptop (Still had to put Mint on it so he can use Firefox at least).
<PetePete> (not like EASY easy... but you know... easy)
<OscarL> zdykstra: /me thinks Begasus is secretly Santa Klaus :-P
<PetePete> OscarL I HATE destroying good hardware. Can't bring myself to throw stuff out
<OscarL> PetePete: same here (being poor AF also might have something to do with it :-P).... still rocking a Phenom II and an Atom N450 here myself :-D
<Vidrep_64> PetePete, there's been a few pieces of older HW that I've thrown out, then regretted it later
<Begasus> Grab the source, create a script that automates the build process, check a build in Terminal, then the recipe with templates :)
<Begasus> it's easy :D
<PetePete> Begasus I mean the two bases are different. Seems crazy.
<OscarL> Begasus: you forget at least 10 years learning/cursing different build systems :-D
<PetePete> OscarL Grew up destitute. Still the brokest family we know in adulthood (making it just fine) so I feel you brother
<PetePete> I would guess that people are trying to make stuff like Chromium work, eh? What about a PRETTY good browser like Midori? Midori is a great little alternative on linuxes
<PetePete> I miss the days when Konqueror was a legit contender on the system (before... the unpleasantness...)
* OscarL is aware (and thankful) that even at < U$D 2 per day... he still has it FAR better than most of the world, so... he ain't complaining... much :-)
<Begasus> I learned how to write them down now OscarL (mostly) :D
<OscarL> Begasus: and even share what you learned... /me is thankful for that as well :-)
<PetePete> If that's true, and you have a decent internet connection, I could pay you a good comission for customers (we send out busines mareting emails - NOT mass marketing and not scams.) I run a small IT services company in Texas (sorry for the off-topic stuff. I'm done.
<Begasus> nothing is "on topic" here PetePete, as long as we all respect eachother :)
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<PetePete> Roger that
<OscarL> The other day I was fithing with one cmake-based project that hardcodeds "/includes/" (not even mention of $CMAKE_whateever_is_called_include_dir.... and it reminded me of your struggles, Begasus :-)
<PetePete> I respect all peeps, except those with handles that rhyme with Pegasus but like who does tht, amirite??
<Begasus> lost me there :)
<PetePete> Is tiling and snapping supposed to be on by default? I'm missing something here
<Begasus> well, I've kept my nick for over 20years, so I'm glad there :)
<Begasus> it should PetePete
<PetePete> I get a very light snapping to the screen edges, but not between windows
<OscarL> PetePete: if that was meant for me... really appreciate the offer. But I'm not mentally stable enough to keep a job (part of the reason for the low income :-D), so I'll let others pick the offer. Thanks thou! (also... my internet is crap :-D)
<Begasus> but he's got a nice build machine :)
<OscarL> heh, funny guy! :-D
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<PetePete> OscarL You got it , brother. Let's just all Haiku for now. Where's my terminal?
<PetePete> Also, I have lots of used laptops that need a new home (along with hard drives, ram etc) in case anyone can use it for development
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<OscarL> Begasus: in case you see humdinger while I'm out... tell them that I *MAY* try to help with some Spanish (Latin-America) translations... if he just hooks me up with the needed permissions.
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<Begasus> I'm guessing the need for developers is higher now then the need for hardware PetePete
<PetePete> Begasus Oh yeah... derp! I should have guessed that
<Begasus> OscarL, do you have an account at polygot?
<PetePete> Calibre! Winamp! QBittorent! I'm SWIMMING in awesome apps ova heeah!!
<PetePete> MKVs not playing worth a darn. Oh well.
<Begasus> not?
<OscarL> currently logged in to (via GitHub), but it reads: "You don't have permissions to translate anything" DAMN! :-P
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<PetePete> Nope. Could be my terrible processor mixed with Haiku though
<PetePete> They play okay on mint et al
<OscarL> We have basically zero hardware video-decoding accel, so.... if the CPU is too weak...
<PetePete> Gotcha
<PetePete> I actually think Haiku makes a terrific music player!
<OscarL> For reference.... my Atom N450 can only manage local h264 720p... on OS where at least video overlay is available.
<OscarL> Can play some h264 at 360p on Haiku thou.
<Begasus> the mkv listed here plays fine with MediaPlayer:
<PetePete> Haiku is like a trad girl who is pretty without makeup but not super model hot, can cook and clean but can't drive or do math haha
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<OscarL> PetePete: regarding your windows snapping (or not) issue... see
<zdykstra> It needs serious CPU to play video back, since there's no video accel
* OscarL is a slow reader, but he tends to read all IRC logs :-D
<Begasus> so far still have to find something that doesn't work here in Haiku :)
<Begasus> that fits my needs* :P
<OscarL> If I ever manage to make cpu frequency scalling work for my Phenom II... I would DRASTICALLY increase my time running Haiku on bare-metal.
<OscarL> too bad about my lack of skill and focus issues :-P
<OscarL> Hey... PetePete could be another victim, I mean... tester for my AMD temp driver!
<PetePete> OscarL I'llhave a look but I'm retarded when it comes to git
<PetePete> I bouce off git pages as son as I realize I've been had
<OscarL> heh :-) No problem!
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<OscarL> I tend to just ask people that happen to have mention Haiku and older CPUs on the same sentence :-D
<OscarL> *older AMD CPUs.
<OscarL> *mention->mentioned (darn English! /me says shaking his fist in the air).
<OscarL> Mmm, guess I'll have to update my TraX PR now that "_USE_GNU" on regex.h got fixed.
<PetePete> AHA! OscarL, Thanks for the link. I thought I'd read that section thoroughly, but evidently, I skipped it. TABBED WINDOWS! BOMBDIGGITY
<Begasus> error parsing file /Opslag/wip/core-9.0/build/core/Midori-0.6.gir: Failed to parse included gir WebKit2-4.0
<Begasus> bugger ...
<PetePete> Okay... The tiling is nice. Weird, and unlike any other WM I've used (which is pretty much ALL of them) bu nice.
<OscarL> Stack&Tile was a great project/addition to Haiku. Still not quite there yet, but... better than nothing :-)
<OscarL> ("not quite there yet", in relation to tiled window managers, I mean)
<PetePete> I feel like if a WM/DE makes n effort to give you enough features, you can make the most out of just about any set of features
<Begasus> I tend to "group" Pe windows for the recipes I think are finished but need to keep around
<PetePete> My keyboard missees strokes like crazy
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<OscarL> there was a "hey" script (by zumi, IIRC) over the forum, to move around windows the screen, but can't find it now :-(
<OscarL> PetePete: make sure to also make use of the Workspaces functionality ("virtual desktops before that was cool")
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<OscarL> Found it! <<< I think it should be possible to combine that with the Shortcut preflet, and have a nice "move this window to this-or-that corner of the screen" (or maximize/restore/etc) with few keystrokes.
<Begasus> coolcoder613[m], maybe something for you :)
<OscarL> I still have a ToDo item on my log called "Write a 'WindowWrangler' app based on 'hey' functionality" (basically what zuMi wrote as a hey script, but in compiled form)
<augiedoggie_> i thought about it too, but it's not something i'd use regularly
<augiedoggie_> the main thing would be a "pin window to all workspaces" and "restore"
<OscarL> A few days ago, I've read about a cookbook app written in Python... and I had to double check it wasn't written by coolcoder613_mac :-D
<Begasus> heh
<OscarL> augiedoggie_: yeah... one of those things that sometimes I REALLY miss... and then don't even recall for 6 months :-D
<augiedoggie_> i could do that with a shell script but it wouldn't be as efficient as a compiled app
<OscarL> exactly.
<augiedoggie_> in particular, finding the active window is a chore because you have to query every app and window until you find it
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<OscarL> and with how slow my hardware already is... some things I have to skip using regularly, because they are already too slow as-is for me :-( (xonsh, for example)
<PetePete> What is xonsh?
<PetePete> Also, OscarL, I'm big on workspaces, but I only ever use two
<OscarL> Would be cool if was merged (it stil won't even make it to regular images, but still).
<OscarL> PetePete: a shell (like bash, zsh, but based on Python.
<OscarL> I try to make sense of bash syntax... but it bites me every time. I'm a bit better (or at least less puzzled) on the Python side.
<PetePete> Ah.
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<OscarL> btw, I usually cringe a bit at mentions of waifus, but... "15:37 <PetePete> Haiku is ma new Waifu" made me LOL :-D
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<OscarL> And also... "15:38 <Begasus> Be carefull PetePete, it grows on you :)" <<-- he wasn't lying... still here since OBOS days :-D
<Begasus> Before that even OscarL :)
<Begasus> k, seems my kirigami2 has some rendering issues :P
<Begasus> forcing it to use software works better
<OscarL> Was referring to me (sorry I wasn't clear), but yea... I was "here" *right* before BeOS went under, so.... guess that I was here too before that as well :-D
<Begasus> 0_°
<Begasus> "now" you lost me :P
<OscarL> I mean... you weren't lying with the "it grows on you" part.
<Begasus> guess that's why we all are still around ;)
<OscarL> both you and I have been using BeOS/OBOS/Haiku for LONG.
<OscarL> my mistake was not specifying... "I'm still here since OBOS days" (or earlier, as you correctly point out).
<Begasus> yeah, but I only contributed from the sideline :)
<Begasus> and still after so many years find something to keep me busy (and me is a happy boy then) :D
<OscarL> my best contribution, to date, was getting MuTerminal donated to Haiku... I just had to ask by e-mail, and got a: "sure, why not" :-P
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<Begasus> nice! +1
<OscarL> that, and the /dev/misc/poke driver that went mostly unnoticed/unused, untill the ultra-awesome x512[m] made use of it not long ago :-D. That made me really happy :-) (it is a REALLY silly/simple driver, but was made with oh, so much love and tears, back in the day).
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<Begasus> +2 then :)
* OscarL looks, again, at all the work Begasus have done over the years on BEPs/HaikuPorts... and replies with a "+1000000 to you my man!"
<PetePete> OscarL, that's funny. I thought it would be funny in a cringe sort of way.
<OscarL> PetePete: mission accomplished! :-P
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<OscarL> PetePete: It managed to change my mood for the better today so... thanks for the laugh!
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<Begasus> Oh nice, this is working also :D
<Begasus> The voice is terrible though :P
<Begasus> notifications with sound too :)
<Begasus> so must have done something that is working :P
<Begasus> This is really neat(?)! :D playing youtube video mentioned in one of the feeds in the app itself :)
<OscarL> ah... it uses "flite". still better than "festival" (last time I've tried it a decade ago, at least :-P)
* OscarL wonders if flite is short for "festival lite", and it just sounds better with more than a decade of improvements on top :-D
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<Begasus> heh
<Begasus> As a light-weight alternative to the Festival engine*
<OscarL> my internet is so crappy today... that your last link... reminded me of wating for images to fully render while using slow dial-up :-(
<Begasus> whoops sorry
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<OscarL> not your fault :-D. Was funny to see it render line by line :-D
<Begasus> don't click on my links, most of that stuff isn't in the depot either way ;)
<OscarL> I don't install most of the things you port anyway! :-P
<Begasus> lol
<OscarL> but I AM curious about them :-D
<Begasus> so you didn't install Kate? :P
* Begasus ducks
<OscarL> heh
<OscarL> what? so then I need to install x265 codecs? NO WAY! :P
<Begasus> reminds me I should bump kwrite to be on par
<OscarL> these damn packagers! :-P
<Begasus> hmm ... haven't checked if it builds with Qt6 (not sure it demands KF6 then, but I doubt that)
<OscarL> Boy... good thing I refrained myself to reply on that thread.
<OscarL> I would be banned by now :-D
<Begasus> mostly I be silent also, but this was one I cared for (and already did a port here for the latest version) :P
<Begasus> less activity for me at haikuports this month, but locally :D
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<OscarL> I kinda learned (still have a hard time doing so) to not react... after I tried my best at being helpful on a Trac ticket... and got basically called an idiot. :-(
<Begasus> It's an era thing maybe :(
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57493] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] c020b0832caa - ffmpeg: remove unused and broken video framerate computation
<OscarL> Dunno. After some introspection... I decided to assume that the person in question was having a bad day (after re-reading/re-analizing my own comment, trying to find what was SO wrong about it).
<waddlesplash> what's this about?
<Begasus> bugger ... Could not find a package configuration file provided by "KF6"
<Begasus> so Kate can't be build with Qt6 :P
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<Begasus> just some old peeps ranting a bit I guess waddlesplash :)
<OscarL> waddlesplash: in case you inquire about my last commments... the forum thing... Null's comments about dependecy issue. The Trac thing... just a user that reacted really badly at my request for further info.
<lebrancess[m]> Guys 2 hours till mesa 3d acceleration has to work
<OscarL> BTW, waddlesplash... can't wait to test your TCP changes here (once I move away from beta4 :-D)
<waddlesplash> Null is pretty abrasive, yes.
<PetePete> OscarL, One of my best IRC frens was a dude from Argentina (rbistolfi)
<waddlesplash> lebrancess[m]: your comments incessantly demanding features are not helpful. if you persist in making them, you will be blocked.
<OscarL> waddlesplash: the other person I have in mind... I rather do not mention, because, as I've said... I assumed they were just havinb a bad day... and I just happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.
<waddlesplash> fair enough
<OscarL> PetePete: See? we DO have some nice people (even if few and far apart :-P) :-D
<PetePete> I tend to have bad IRC etiquette; I always think, "what if this BANGER of a comment makes it onto"
<Begasus> that's at least three then OscarL, don't forget your neighbour :)
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<OscarL> Begasus: my neighbour thinks I'm the good guy... (and doctors tell me I'm the crazy one... go figure!)
<Begasus> heh, keep your neighbour close and the doctors away :)
* OscarL rather keeps everyone at least 25 meters away, but... "Cheers to that Begasus!" :-D
<Begasus> must .. stay awake ...
<PetePete> So is the default terminal in Haiku MuTerminal?
<OscarL> Begasus: Just sleep on a chair... when people say... "Wake up grampa! Are you ok?" just tell them that you were remembering them when they were little. Win/Win.
<Begasus> LOL
<PetePete> <3
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<Begasus> have to stay up untill fireworks are done in the area (for the dogs)
<OscarL> PetePete: "Terminal" is the default terminal in Haiku, yes. Based on the original work on MuTerm.
<OscarL> oh... fireworks... poor dogs :-/
<Begasus> KDNSSD is a library for handling the DNS-based Service Discovery Protocol (DNS-SD), the layer of Zeroconf that allows network services, such as printers, to be discovered without any user intervention or centralized infrastructure.
<Begasus> could it work? ;)
<OscarL> Begasus: just put some mellow metal music on your stereo.... I could recommend a few bands... but I'm affraid that your dogs would much prefer the sound of fireworks :-D
<Begasus> ah, already got that
<Begasus> yeah, I know your kind of music :P
<OscarL> Carcass, Cradle of Filth... nothing too loud.
<Begasus> heh
<PetePete> "It sounds like hell, but it's actually quite beautiful."
<Begasus> PetePete, I think it "comes" from hell :)
<OscarL> Visions of Europe (double, live) by Stratovarious, might be more enjoyable to you perhaps (seriously)
<OscarL> The IT Crowd!
<Begasus> Live verrsion :D
<Begasus> maybe I should try to fix libxml (xmllint) for DocTools, but if even 3dEyes can't :/
<OscarL> Begasus: Stratovarious' "Visions of Europe" is one of the only two thing that I prefer the Live version to the regular album.
<PetePete> lolol @ N64 emulator... HA! Weird projects like Haiku are so weird! haha
<PetePete> At least hobbyists know what's important :)
<PetePete> AND a PSP emulator?? BHAHAHAHAHAHA
* OscarL looks at his github repos (and that's what he dared to share)... yeah... important stuff! :-)
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<PetePete> 71 updates
<Begasus> 3 private ones here, one containing all the kde changes/updates
* OscarL puts some coffe on the stove, and prepares two cups, one for Begasus.
<Begasus> Thanks!
<PetePete> I can't believe how quickly Haiku installs. If it had a really good browser, I'd use it for my entire orgnization. My staff does not need bells and whistles. Erm... It would need encryption too (dang)
<PetePete> So... Is there a "tip jar" sort of thing where we can donate for [attempts] at porting software to Haiku?
<erysdren> every time i mess up my haiku install (either on metal, or in a VM) i just reinstall it lol
<PetePete> That sounded less disgusting in my head
<erysdren> it takes less than 5 minutes
<Begasus> PetePete, aside from WebPositive there is Falkon too
<PetePete> RETARDED fast!
<Begasus> takes a "few" packages along to install though :D
<PetePete> I installed otter but I didn't see Falkon. I'll search for it
<Begasus> Still got Otter installed, but with the latest fixes to the qtwebengine Falkon is my prefered one (although I still have WebPositive open also)
<Begasus> pretty descent addblocker there too
<OscarL> PetePete: regarding encryption... there is, but knowing AxelD... unless it is near perfect... you may have to compile it yourself before he makes a release :-D
* OscarL waves at erysdren!
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<OscarL> > <PetePete> RETARDED fast! <<< who would figure that NOT unpacking software packages might make installing things faster! :-D
<OscarL> Begasus: date on that... 2019, last commit on AxelD's repos... 2022 :-P
<PetePete> Ha!
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<Begasus> think I pushed something there long time ago (or tried to) :)
<OscarL> Begasus: (haven't tried it myself, so... I'm just joking here!)
<Begasus> np :)
<PetePete> Falkon not in the repos? Not showing for me in Depot
<Begasus> tried in Terminal with "pkgman search falkon"?
<Begasus> R is a choosen one when it comes to data science. At academic level. I think people will start to look in the direction of Haiku OS when they see any kind of support for this language.
<Begasus> A comment from someone at FB with my screenshot of RKWard :)
<PetePete> Installed. Trying now
<erysdren> hi OscarL
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<OscarL> Begasus: everyone has its bias/angle. lebrancess[m] is 3D Harware Accel. That person on your FB is R... for others is Retro Computing, for others plain BeOS nostalgia... hard to please them all.
<OscarL> For me is... the only viable OS where even *I* can contribute something :-D
<OscarL> Good thing that Haiku seems to have a place for all those willing to put some work on it!
<Begasus> Well said OscarL! +5
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<OscarL> I think that many people tend to forget that we mostly do things for ourselves, but that it is really pleaant to do things that others find useful.
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<OscarL> that's why doing things for Haiku feels so nice. You end up "knowing" the people using what you wrote.
<Begasus> right, I don't mind doing maintanance, someone has to, but it's nice to do sidetracks on my own with all the work that has been done by peeps before me
<OscarL> And that's why I try my best to publicly thanks each and every contributor I cross path with :-D (even if I understand that I can be annoying :-D)
<Begasus> like kwalletmanager earlier today, nice to see it working, but even more so seeing that account-wizard in kmail saved the password in a imap wallet I can look into
<coolcoder613_mac> Good morning
<Begasus> G'evening coolcoder613_mac :)
<OscarL> I can't ever properly express the ammount of respect and admiration I have for all the "OBOS/Haiku elders", and the work the current mainterners do. But sure I can try to annoy them saying "Hey! Thanks for your work, dude!" every now and then :-D
<OscarL> Hi coolcoder613_mac! Not only is he wise beyond his age... he is actually from the future (at least from my timezone!)
<coolcoder613_mac> ;)
<Begasus> ah, HNY then coolcoder613_mac
<OscarL> I remember being 14. Time (and people) was (were) SO SLOW back then :-( / :-D
<PetePete> Falkon is faster but neither my DVR nor will load. Oh well. Distractions distractions
<OscarL> now I go... darn... where did I misplaced the last decade?
<Begasus> was talking to someone the other day OscarL, telling 2000 seemed like I don't know how far away when we were kids
<Begasus> now we're +20 years past that already
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<OscarL> Indeed. The 2000 seemed so far away... and I was born in 1977 :-D
<PetePete> Maybe if we say the same about 2100, we'll see 20 years the other side of it
<Begasus> Add 14 years to that for me OscarL
<Begasus> don't think I'll manage that PetePete :)
<Begasus> well not add, 14 years older then you then OscarL :)
<OscarL> np, understood you well enough! (my lady friend happens to be older than you then, she is still younger, and crazier than both of us on her head, thou! :-D)
<coolcoder613_mac> PetePete: What software do you want ported?
<Begasus> heh
<OscarL> Alright. I think I've shared "enough" for one day/week/month/year(?). Thanks for the chat, fellow Haiku users/contributors/developers. All of you are much appreciated.
<OscarL> Best wishes for everyone on the channel. Read you next year!
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<Begasus> bugger, tl
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<lebrancess[m]> 44 min till mesa launch on haiku
<lebrancess[m]> Devs working strong
<PetePete> coolcoder613_mac Remmina. Midori would be cool. If we could figure out how to get ZeroTier on Haiku, that would also be swell.
<PetePete> None of my requests are important and Haiku is great. I understand everyone wants something
<lebrancess[m]> x512:
<lebrancess[m]> Mesa how's it going
<coolcoder613_mac> Remmina is already on Haiku
<PetePete> Say wu...
<PetePete> So it is... Does it have the vnc pluginerino?
<coolcoder613_mac> PetePete: We don't have midori, but we do have epiphany for webkitgtk and we have falkon which is the most compatible
<coolcoder613_mac> PetePete: IDK, maybe try it?
<PetePete> coolcoder613_mac Just checked. Loks like it does. I will give it a try
<PetePete> That's pretty cool tbh
<PetePete> I wonder if it's a javascript thing that keeps certain pages from loading. I hate the "modern" web
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<lebrancess[m]> How to create virus on haiku
<lebrancess[m]> 😄
<coolcoder613_mac> Like this: :(){ :|:& };:
<coolcoder613_mac> Run that in the shell
<PetePete> gnucash would be amazing!
<Begasus> PetePete there is MkMoney :)
<lebrancess[m]> coolcoder613_mac: It's better to create virus on Linux or ?
<Begasus> tried Skrooge, but can't figure out how that works
<lebrancess[m]> I don't even know what a virus is btw
<coolcoder613_mac> That code is a fork bomb
<Begasus> PetePete:
<PetePete> Begasus that's cool actually.
<PetePete> Dang... running into dependency problems with GIMP and Web
<Begasus> GIMP is broken atm (dependency for it)
<PetePete> That's okay. This machine is so old, I'm not sure it can even handle GIMP
<Begasus> heh
<coolcoder613_mac> Begasus: Why isn't arianna in the Depot again?
<coolcoder613_mac> PetePete: or: python3 -c 'import os; while True: os.fork()'
<Begasus> didn't display ebook here coolcoder613_mac
<Begasus> that displayed fine in sygil
<Begasus> sigyl?
<coolcoder613_mac> sigil
<Begasus> best out of 3 ;)
<Begasus> closing down here, almost time :) have a happy one peeps!
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<coolcoder613_mac> I was helping my grandfather set up a Haiku VM on his 2011 mac mini
<coolcoder613_mac> What should I use?
<coolcoder613_mac> Virtualbox is too slow, and acelleration does not work for QEMU
<PetePete> I thought parallels was the Mac VM thing
<PetePete> What about KVM?
<coolcoder613_mac> KVM is QEMU
<PetePete> Well I'm dumb
<PetePete> I guess VMWARE. Isn't there a free version?
<PetePete> Surely you can pirate it
<PetePete> Maybe we should develop a VM app just for Haiku haha
<PetePete> ...I'll shut up.
<coolcoder613_mac> They ask for too much information to dowload something free
<coolcoder613_mac> *download
<PetePete> I can get it for you and then send you a download link
<coolcoder613_mac> Ok, can you try now?
<coolcoder613_mac> I need VMware Fusion
<PetePete> already doing it
<coolcoder613_mac> And it has to work on 10.13
<coolcoder613_mac> so x86 not arm
<coolcoder613_mac> What OS are you on?
<PetePete> Haiku lol
<PetePete> I use mint and mx and freebsd and puppy and a few others
<coolcoder613_mac> I like Zorin
<PetePete> I HATE Zorin
<PetePete> Crippled POS
<PetePete> Sorry... I'm usually pretty cool :)
<coolcoder613_mac> Crippled?
<PetePete> Yeah, The last time I used it, it wouldn't let me do anything under the hood
<PetePete> it was extremely locked down
<coolcoder613_mac> I'm generally fine with anything debian-like, and i like the UI
<PetePete> so you'll need fusion 11.5
<PetePete> lemme get to work on that
<coolcoder613_mac> My grandfather likes OpenSUSE, so that was my first Linux distro, when he made a VM for me
<PetePete> opensuse wa cool
<PetePete> I can see using it in an enterprise environment
<PetePete> Well that's weird... 12 is free for macos but 11 is not?
<PetePete> This is why I pirate...
<PetePete> I buy licenses sometimes for software I really like and STILL run the pirated version
<coolcoder613_mac> from google: Fusion 12 requires high sierra as the minimum version supported
<coolcoder613_mac> so should be fine
<PetePete> on their site is says 10.15 minimum requirements for fusion 12
<PetePete> Oh I see... there is no 11 player. Thus, no free version
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<PetePete> Welp. It's slow VB or pirata Fusion 11
<coolcoder613_mac> but i think i'd need a license key
<PetePete> yep
<PetePete> Why not just install to a usb?
<PetePete> It ran pretty fast for me on a usb stick to be honest
<PetePete> faster than VB for sure
<coolcoder613_mac> wifi hardware not supported
<PetePete> i see
<PetePete> can he upgrade to 10.15?
<coolcoder613_mac> No
<PetePete> $20 tp-link bridge
<coolcoder613_mac> I have one, but I am using it on *my* Haiku box
<PetePete> or $10 usb wifi compatible, of course)
<coolcoder613_mac> That's what i was talking about
<PetePete> ah
<coolcoder613_mac> i have a usb wifi thingy
<coolcoder613_mac> but i am using it
<coolcoder613_mac> he has one, but it isn't supported by Haiku
<PetePete> I wish we had transorters like Star Trek. I would send beer and wifi adapters to all my people
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<scanty> if i am working on an application, should i do it under R1b4 or one of the latest hrevs?
<PetePete> I hate new years eve... Have to load all my guns because people are insane here
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<Ellenor> that sounds like a you problem, dawg
<coolcoder613_mac> scanty: Better make sure to be compatible with R1B4
<scanty> well, have the ABIs changed since?
<PetePete> The number of bullets that fly on new years eve here is in the 100s of thousands
<PetePete> They went through my next door neighbors' house last year.
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<Ellenor> I might proffer that instead of arming up, which adds to those bullets, you should harden the walls of your house. Perhaps build around with a double or triple course of bricks, and thick bullet-resisting glass windows.
<Ellenor> I would also proffer that maybe the area you live in is not conducive to human habitation.
<Ellenor> Of course, tonight, you gotta do what you gotta do.
<Ellenor> But don't sleep on these insights.
<PetePete> I don't add to the bullets (I don't fire my guns on new years like these freks do. And yes, this city, like most big cities, is not fit for good people to lie in.
<Ellenor> vancouver's perfectly fine, even DTES where all the drug users are. here, the cops are the problem
<Ellenor> i think there might just be something wrong with texas that makes it a sewer. I've heard even Mexico isn't that bad.