ChanServ changed the topic of #haiku to: Open-source operating system that specifically targets personal computing. | | Nightlies: | Bugtracker: | SCM: | Logs: | Matrix: | XMPP:
<zard> And, of course, we'll want all of those flags (except maybe -s) when making a release build
<coolcoder613_32> A couple of minor fixes (spaces before semicolons)
<zard> Ah yes, isn't it nice how jam wants spaces before semicolons \s :P
<zard> I wonder... does this build script slow down the builds by any noticeable amount?
* coolcoder613_32 doesn't know
<coolcoder613_32> But if it did, it would be becouse of the optmisations and the lninking
<zard> I asked, because part of the point of debug builds is to be fast to build, so that you can test changes quickly
<zard> And so, if it slows that down by too much, then it would only be appropriate for release builds
<coolcoder613_32> The linking in particular will slow things down
<coolcoder613_32> It makes things less incremental
<coolcoder613_32> They are all built into seperate object files, which are then linked into one .so, instead of one for each .o
<coolcoder613_32> so they *all* have to be linked for every release compile
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<zard> Goodbye coolcoder613_32!
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<coolcoder613_32> Hello BrentNewhall\
* BrentNewhall waves
* coolcoder613_32 waves back
<Al2O3> anyone doing the surfs'-up wave?
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<coolcoder613> Anyone want to update the wine port?
<coolcoder613> wine 9.0 has been released
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<coolcoder613> Hi erysdren
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<erysdren> hi coolcoder613
* coolcoder613 is trying to enhance the BeOS demo video
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<realtaraharris> hey @waddlesplash I think that bug I filed on the debugger is kinda small, and I found the gcc option that was causing the trouble
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<realtaraharris> so now I have the debugger working just fine for me <3
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<Al2O3> is there a video of using Haiku that is not the dude that produced recently a 'daily driver'? The finger pointing and repeated statements was rather insulting and lame production.
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<realtaraharris> @coolcoder613: right on, I agree 100%
<realtaraharris> I don't need or want web apps
<coolcoder613> In which sense, the IRL JS things, or my wasm+native ones?
<realtaraharris> the IRL ones
* coolcoder613_ doesn't want them either, but with the options being web or mobile apps...
<realtaraharris> the other option is to just write native Haiku apps. that's what I'm doing
<realtaraharris> *another option, I mean
<coolcoder613_> Yes, but if you are $BIGCORP, then most of your comsumers are not on Haiku
<coolcoder613_> *consumers
<coolcoder613_> Let me compare the usage of (my) web pages vs (my) web apps
<coolcoder613_> A news site would be created with web pages
<coolcoder613_> and a banking would use web apps
<coolcoder613_> *banking app
<Al2O3> is it qnx against haiku at this point still, 20 years later?
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* coolcoder613_ doesn't think so
<Al2O3> I hope not.
<coolcoder613_> QNX is a RTOS
<coolcoder613_> My screenshot is of the famous QNX demo floppy
<Al2O3> did you do the note pad commentary?
<Al2O3> of these OSs, which is RTOS other than QNX?
<coolcoder613> I did
<Al2O3> good to hear your brain was spared
<coolcoder613_> ;)
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<Al2O3> so miss the apple ][gs emulator on beos
<Al2O3> B2TR?
<Al2O3> then Sweet16 by sheppyware.
<Al2O3> Eric is definitely a hero of mine
<Al2O3> funny, just did a rom grab, load up with b2tr/s16, and ran a stupid apple soft app
<Al2O3> how fun
<Al2O3> all because of beos
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<coolcoder613> Hi Begasus
<Begasus> Hi coolcoder613
<Begasus> g'morning peeps
<Al2O3> good day sunshine, perps an peoples
<Begasus> Hello there Al2O3
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<Begasus> Neat! I can share post made in Tokodon in X (twitter) :D
<Begasus> biab ... dogs :)
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 88af15cfbd15 - HaikuDepot : Refactor Screenshots
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] aplgithub pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57521] -
<coolcoder613_> Begasus: did you see this?
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<botifico-ecd96135> [haiku/infrastructure] nielx pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico-ecd96135> [haiku/infrastructure] nielx f94d50a - HaikuDepotServer: update to 1.0.154
<Begasus> saw it yesterday (or this morning)? in the logs coolcoder613_
<coolcoder613> earlier this afternoon ;)
<Begasus> for you yes ;)
<Begasus> Build this in Terminal just now :)
<extrowerk_> Begasus: is the file extenson really ".step" for this thing?
<Begasus> yep extrowerk_ "resonance.step"
<Begasus> seems to run the simulations just fine :)
<Begasus> lol, it's already in the depot (older version though) :)
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* coolcoder613 hasn't seen IYvnn before
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* coolcoder613 finds it cool that the last update on the Digger (a game from 1981) github repo was last week
<coolcoder613> Hello Kokito
<Kokito> Hi coolcoder613
<coolcoder613> What's up?
<Kokito> Not much. Been doing some Japanese translation for PonpokoDiff today. And now updating my Haiku install.
* coolcoder613 updates every time he boots up
<Kokito> How about you?
<coolcoder613> I was playing with dosemu2 on Linux
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<Begasus> Hi Kokito! :)
<Begasus> Thanks for the translations :)
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<Begasus> x512[m], feature request (if it's possible) End task for a selected list in SystemMonitor :)
<x512[m]> Selected list?
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<Begasus> multiple items/processes selected
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<bitigchi[m]> I am hooked up to this 2pow game
<bitigchi[m]> Addicting
<Begasus> biab
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<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] Midar pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-1/±0]
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] Midar 181e309 - objfw: Update to 1.0.8
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<BrunoSpr> hello all
<Begasus> Hi BrunoSpr
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<BrunoSpr> Hi Begasus, does Calligra 64bit work for you?
<BrunoSpr> I cannot start any, but Calligra Plan
<BrunoSpr> It would be nice if someone could report a bug report using HaikuDepot
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<BrunoSpr> I allways struggle to find the issues tag for an app in Github:
<BrunoSpr> Just a link to the issues site in HaikuDepot would be perfect!
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<Begasus> Calligra crashes here too
<Begasus> did a check on a clean VM, it worked there
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<divyansh> hey everyone
<AnuragNaik[m]> hii
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<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] humdingerb pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-1/±0]
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] humdingerb a7cff18 - artpaint: Update to v2.7
<Begasus> reboot ...
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<Begasus_32> ps, hello :)
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<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] humdingerb pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] humdingerb 7df7577 - uploadit: revision bump
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<Begasus> k, not sure what's going on with Calligra, on a clean install with a "pkgman full-sync" it's still working fine
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<shaka444[m]> Is this page still accurate for the build process? Following along, I'm unable to compile Haiku x64 from Haiku x64 nightly
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<shaka444[m]> failing to link acpi
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<BrunoSpr> Begasus, so there seems to be some kind of conflict with some libs maybe?
<nielx[m]> What is the error shaka444 ?
<Begasus> BrunoSpr, checked required packages dependencies in ponpokodiff, on a few are diff
<Begasus> can't do a reliable builld here with the new frameworks
<Begasus> It seems your installation is broken/incomplete because we failed to load the native mimetype "application/"
<Begasus> the mentioned file is Haiku specific, so not related to other libraries :/
<Begasus> but it's weird that it works on a clean install
<augiedoggie> that compiling page could use some help, it's geared more towards cross compiling than compiling from within Haiku
<Begasus> output from Terminal:
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<Begasus> closing down for today
<Begasus> cu peeps!
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<botifico-ecd96135> [haiku/website] korli pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico-ecd96135> [haiku/website] korli 800a6bf - GSoC 2024: disable PCID idea
<Al2O3> would this run Haiku on hardware well, complete current install?
<Al2O3> looking at buying some hardware to run Haiku on, or Linux or both. This little headless machine looks tempting.
<Al2O3> wouldn't mind an i7 instead, suggestions?
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<coolcoder613_32> Good morning
<coolcoder613_32> Al2O3: I would get something from somewhere like this:
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<coolcoder613_32> That is where i got my T430 Thinkpad, and my grandfather got his mac mini
<zdykstra> Al2O3: that gen of CPU runs Haiku pretty nicely. I have a rough equivalent of that on my desktop (Lenovo M910x) and I like it.
<zdykstra> if you have a spare SSD and a generic lenovo laptop charger, is a good buy
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<oka> im really enjoying haiku os on here but this computer struggles to run any games, it can barely even run doom,,
<coolcoder613_32> What is this computer?
<coolcoder613_32> keep in mind Haiku does not have 3d accelleration
<oka> This computer tower I got in like, 2014, has a Radeon HD GPU, but I'm pretty sure it's using the VESA drivers
<coolcoder613_32> specs?
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<coolcoder613_32> Wht do you mean by barely run doom?
<oka> AMD E1-1500 CPU, 12 GB DDR3, Radeon HD 7310 Graphics. Tried running Chocolate Doom on it and it ran very slowly. Though I've had this experience for most games, they don't run very well.
<oka> I don't think theres much I can really do about it
* coolcoder613_32 installs choc doom
<oka> I tried GZDoom, but that ran badly too, I was seeing if that ran better
<coolcoder613_32> I have 3GB of RAM here, and a 32-bit CPU...
* oka is idle: BRB
* coolcoder613_32 tries chocolate doom with freedoom wads, it works fine
* oka is idle: BRB
* oka has returned
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<oka> Does your computer use the Vesa drivers?
<coolcoder613_32> Yes
<oka> Hmm,, I dont know why I'd get such low performance, then!
<coolcoder613_32> What do you mean by badly? Was it playable?
<oka> The FPS was very low
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<oka> Somewhere around 10-20
<coolcoder613_32> For me, performance is similar to the DOS version. on the same hardware
<oka> I set force_software_renderer to 1, and it runs much better than it did before!
<oka> Still not at a glorious 60fps, but it feels playable
<coolcoder613_32> Do you want to try wolf3d?
<oka> Maaaybe, OpenGL seems to have a lot of trouble on here, though
<oka> I've noticed
<oka> But maybe I should wait around until they get 3D acceleration figured out
<coolcoder613_32> Try this one:
<shaka444[m]> nielx NeoChat is a little quirky but I uploaded an image of the error
<coolcoder613_32> shaka444[m]: you need to clone from not github
<coolcoder613_32> It should say in getting the source code in build instructions
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<bbjimmy> Is there a reason ArtPaint isn't updating on 64bit?
<augiedoggie> the package builder is not responding
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<bbjimmy> might be the reason.
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<shaka444[m]> <coolcoder613_32> "shaka444: you need to clone from..." <- Ahh ok thanks
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<coolcoder613> Hello PetePete
<PetePete> Hey fellas
<PetePete> I have a rather general computing question. It's hard to find the answer to this online:
<PetePete> If you image a drive with dd, does the resulting .img contain the journal, such that you could use photorec on a restored image to recover deleted data?
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