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slendi has joined #haiku
HaikuUser has joined #haiku
<HaikuUser> hello there
<slendi> Oki doki, tried to run luatex, but I am getting a zlib version mismatch error from it, looking around the web, people solved this by doing a rebuild of luatex with the new zlib version, is there a way to build from source using pkgman?
<augiedoggie> hello HaikuUser
<augiedoggie> slendi: you'd have to build it with haikuporter
<HaikuUser> trying to change my username sorry
<slendi> haikuporter?
<HaikuUser> not me.
<augiedoggie> it's the build tool used by all of the third party ports/packages
<augiedoggie> for the haikuports repository
<slendi> Hmm I will look into that thanks
HaikuUser is now known as steve
steve is now known as dasboot
<dasboot> much better
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<augiedoggie> luatex runs fine for me
<slendi> hmm i cannot find luatex in haikuports
<augiedoggie> it's in the texlive package
<slendi> oh ok
<slendi> before running hp, do i need to uninstall system package?
<augiedoggie> haikuporter will only build the package, not install it
<augiedoggie> after its done, you can remove the system ones and copy the new ones from the haikuports/packages directory
<slendi> oh so then i install it with pkgman myself right?
<augiedoggie> yeah
<slendi> Error: dev not found in repository it says
<coolcoder613> Hi slendi
<slendi> hello
<augiedoggie> should be `hp texlive` or something and you'll probably want to add -j8 or more to speed it up
<augiedoggie> i've never built it but i think it's a really massive package
<slendi> i did hp dev-text/texlive waited a bit and got that error
<dovsienko> waddlesplash: filed as ticket 18801
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<zard> Hello coolcoder613 :)
<coolcoder613> Hi zard
* zard is working on getting rid of one of those py::nodelete's
<zard> First step is to write a test so that I can quickly verify if its working correctly or not
<coolcoder613> Tests? Why didn't we think of that before?
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<zard> I did, but I never had time to write any (and I doubt I ever will)
<zard> This will just be a simple program that crashes if it fails
<zard> As it is, the two GUI programs are useful tests ;)
<moparisthebest> I too am a big fan of NFTs
<moparisthebest> (No F****ing Tests)
<zard> :D
<zard> Might be more useful on huge projects... No idea
<zard> But I never found them useful on small projects
<moparisthebest> I'm just joking around obviously, in reality it depends, good tests are good and bad tests are worse than none :)
<zard> gtg, bye!
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<slendi> lol i plugged in my headphones and audio went poof, restarted the audio service and stuff works now, tho cortex routing would also mess things up apparently
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<PriyanshuGupta[m]> hi everyone
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<Begasus> g'morning peeps
<erysdren> good morning Begasus
<Begasus> Hi there erysdren
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<PriyanshuGupta[m]> hi Begasus
<Begasus> hi PriyanshuGupta[m]
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<OscarL-x64> morning folks.
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* OscarL-x64 stretches himself, and attempts to build Pytho 3.12.2 with LTO on, just to see how much RAM it eats.
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<OscarL-x64> Mmm, Web+, in Settings->Fonts->Fixed font pop-up menu only shows "font menu", and "<empty>" when you click on it. Known bug? (hrev57581)
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<OscarL-x64> Can't find anything on Trac. Will wait for hrev57582 before reporting it, just in case.
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<coolcoder613> Hi Begasus, PriyanshuGupta[m]
<Begasus[m]> Hi Oscar-L coolcoder613 (
<Begasus> heh, that doesn't work as nice/easy as in Vision :)
<OscarL-x64> :-)
<OscarL-x64> hey coolcoder613... you had an interest on "recipes" software, right? Found one for Haiku the other day, and wondered if you have seen it already:
<coolcoder613> Yeah, i saw it
<coolcoder613> found it there too
<Begasus> 10 years old ...
<OscarL-x64> Mentions a db of "52,000 or so recipes.", but I'm not seeing it :-/
<Begasus> neither do I, not even in the initial import
<OscarL-x64> Holy cow! `lto1` (that was eating 1 GB of RAM, 100% of one CPU for quite a few minutes already), finally finished, and Python build continued... first time I get this far with LTO :-D
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<OscarL-x64> and now it is trying to link ""... guess I have time to make some coffee. And it will need to do it again after the profiling step... sigh...
<OscarL-x64> no wonder I left `--with-lto` disabled on the .recipes :-P
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<Begasus> tss :P
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<OscarL-x64> Found DarwWyrm's recibe page
<OscarL-x64> at 25 MB... seems that the binary distribution DID included the db :-)
<coolcoder613> Yay
<OscarL-x64> it's in a ".pkg" file thou... not sure if those unpack well on 64 bits?
<OscarL-x64> (32 bits *should* have no problems)
<Begasus> k, playing around a bit with colors :)
<OscarL-x64> Begasus: while searching for that database. I stumbled upon this:
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<OscarL-x64> (Tracker Grep, just at the version that included the changes I've made to it, and that I've mentioned yeasterday :-D)
<Begasus> BeBits, the good old days :)
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<OscarL-x64> indeed. it was awesome :-)
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<OscarL-x64> Wish HaikuDepot just used BeBits UI :-D
<OscarL-x64> (, not the app, of course :-D)
<Begasus> we're moving forward, nice to tinker on old days past, but looking ahead now :)
<OscarL-x64> have you seen that HDS UI thou? :-D
<OscarL-x64> I rather look away :-P
<OscarL-x64> alright! Python build with LTO is on the profile phase!
<Begasus> I have no need for looking into the web depot :)
<OscarL-x64> (this better ends up being significantly faster, or else!!! :-P)
<Begasus> only to grab a link to send upstream :)
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<OscarL-x64> yeah, my thinking is... would be cool to have HDS look like a possibly modernized version of BeBits... where users could also use the talkback comments, rate apps, etc.
<Begasus> rating is already possible?
<OscarL-x64> from the app, yeah.
<Begasus> ah not on the site
<Begasus> me don't know :P
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<Begasus> A bit easier on the eyes :)
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<coolcoder613> What about
<Begasus> All BeOS tools there (I presume)
<OscarL-x64> coolcoder613: a nice attempt, but only one person uploading stuff there.
<coolcoder613> Is the UI on that open source? can we use it for HDS?
<OscarL-x64> you'll have to ask Mr. Wildman, I guess.
<OscarL-x64> where does the locale formating data comes from? ("Spanish (Argentina" defaults to Time "12 hours", and that's just plain wrong :-D)
<Begasus> BeAIM: Last Updated: Mar-28-2019 lol
<Begasus> heh, NeoChat shows a thumbnail from the screenshot earlier :)
<OscarL-x64> Also... hours should in hh:mm format (with a trailing 0), eg: 07:17, not 7:17. :-/
<Begasus> afk for a bit
<OscarL-x64> Seems that data comes directly from ICU? Wonder if there's a way to patch it up.
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<OscarL-x64> Alright! Python 3.12.2 --with-lto finished successfully! it only took: "real 83m44,848s"
<OscarL-x64> mmm. package size seems to haven grown by almost 30% :-D
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* garndalf taking a break for a while...
* garndalf just observing
* coolcoder613 waves to garndalf
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<OscarL-x64> Seems the size increase is due to the still contains debug inf :-/
<Begasus> doesn't it contain a debug package?
<OscarL-x64> no. and it is only on this "--with-lto" test build... so perhaps somethings wrong with the makefiles/setup
<OscarL-x64> either it forgets to strip it, or adds a "-g" where it shouldn't :-D
<OscarL-x64> Will have to inspect the build log more closely. For now... back to disabling --with-lto, and adding some notes about it to the .recipe.
<OscarL-x64> (we HAVE seen some weird compile flags interactions in the past... causing our packages to end up being compiled with -O0, for example, and -"-with-optimizations" not doing much :-D)
<OscarL-x64> good news... 3.13.0a3 is quite a bit faster than 3.10 (at least on the syntetic benchmark :-D)
<OscarL-x64> welp... it IS adding "-g" while compiling, where I really think it shouldn't be. Bet that doesn't helps with build times either :-D
<Begasus> slap it :)
<OscarL-x64> appears in "CFLAGS_NODIST", rings any bell?
<Begasus> nope
<OscarL-x64> also on "LDFLAGS_NODIST". Mmm I wonder if some missing logic (regarding Haiku as a platform) on the ./configure, whatever, is messing things up.
<Begasus> at least nothing in the patches/recipes
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<OscarL-x64> Welp, task for other day... after I read ALL of sources/Python-3.nn.n/Doc/using/configure.rst
<Begasus> cu back next year then? :D
<phschafft> anyone here wo is good with CPP (not C++)?
<phschafft> *who
<OscarL-x64> not me, sorry, can barely concatenate things with it.. sometimes.
<Begasus> I don't even know what concatenate means :P
<phschafft> I'd like to perform token concatenation and then evaluate the result again via cpp.
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-10/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] kenmays b965015 - grep: bumped to 3.11 (#10002)
<OscarL-x64> Begasus: I *think* that I at least understand what's going with those flags... seems those should be used only on PARTS of the build, and not end up in the final product.
<OscarL-x64> Either that.. or at least I know on wich parts I should use the `sed` axe :-P
<Begasus> +1 progress :)
<OscarL-x64> back to update/patch 3.11.8
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-2/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] kenmays a8504e1 - libpcre2: bump to v10.42 (#9991)
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<phschafft> Thanks everyone, found a /creative/ solution, saved 242 bytes of machine code. :)
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<Begasus> np phschafft, happy to help ;)
<phschafft> ;)
<phschafft> (keep in mind that I have about 30kB (32KiB minus boot loader) of storage in total, so 242 byte or 121 instructions is a big deal for small change :)
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<Anarchos> phschafft which architecture ?
<phschafft> AVR.
<phschafft> or more correctly POSIX + AVR, but this change was in the AVR driver.
<OscarL-x64> Mmm, 32 KiB of RAM... I also have that on ESP8266 (which I plan to use as an onboard computer / tachometer for my motorcycle)
<phschafft> no, not 32kiB of RAM, 32kiB of program storage. 2kiB of RAM.
<OscarL-x64> ah, same program storage then but 80 KiB of user-data RAM on the ESP8266 (according to Wiki).
<phschafft> but RAM isn't the problem. I have something between 1200 and 1400 byte of free ram.
<phschafft> and hope that one of those tickets in my list will improve that even more.
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<phschafft> so, I think next are the navigation commands, go, back, forward.
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<slendi> Does Haiku have any futexes?
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<OscarL-x64> might provide you with enough answers. perhaps?
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<OscarL-x64> slendi: BTW, if you don't find some command while using `pkgman search`... know that you can ask it to find binaries ("cmd:") or libraries ("lib:") specifically: ie: `pkgman search cmd:luatex`
<slendi> Thanks
<OscarL-x64> s/ie/eg/ (I always mix up those two)
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<slendi> welp, i have no futexes, this is a problem
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-1/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] kenmays 750d230 - nghttp2: bump version (#10012)
<phschafft> why?
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<slendi> I am porting Odin to haiku but it needs to use futexes
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-2/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 200a42b - noto_cjk, bump fonts (#9742)
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<Begasus> finaly out of my system :P
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-2/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] kenmays 8b9bc16 - ffmpeg: bump to 6.1.1 (#10000)
<x512[m]> slendi: Yes, Haiku pthread mutexes are implemented with futexes.
<x512[m]> But Haiku futexes are less flexible than Linux.
<andreasdr[m]> Hi there.
<Begasus> Hi andreasdr[m]
<slendi> ok ill see what i can do thx
<andreasdr[m]> Hi Begasus :)
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<Begasus> no lag? :)
<andreasdr[m]> Nooo lag!!!
<Begasus> k, some PR checking, think I've went through all KDE apps atm :)
<Nephele> good day
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<Begasus> Hi there nephele
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<slendi> Hmm, __HAIKU__ works on clang bu not GCC, what is the macro name for the GCC toolchain for Haiku?
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* phschafft waves to nephele.
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<OscarL-x64> slendi: LOTs of the patches I see on HaikuPorts use something like "defined(__HAIKU__)", and all of them are compiled with GCC.
<OscarL-x64> example from the one I've just testing: "#if defined(_Py_FORCE_UTF8_LOCALE) || defined(__APPLE__) || defined(__HAIKU__)"
<Begasus> yeah, was wondering about that, nothing special?
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<Begasus> can't even turn my chair or lcms completed build :P
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<OscarL-x64> slow turning chair, hum?
<OscarL-x64> Open AboutSystem... notice it changes height right after it appears :-/ /me would smacks Skipp_OSX, but he ain't here :-P
<Begasus> heh
<BrunoSpr> OscarL-x64, yes the outline/invisible frame around it is a bit to big too
<OscarL-x64> BrunoSpr: side-effect of the font change, AFAIK
<BrunoSpr> OscarL-x64, but maybe an other point
<OscarL-x64> I was complaining about it yeasterday too.
<BrunoSpr> but no problem, he will fix it someday for sure
<OscarL-x64> BrunoSpr: notice the width differences:
<BrunoSpr> not a big problem, I just noticed because I used to place my Trash right next to it, and cannot reach it if too close placed
<BrunoSpr> But the regular noto font is much better and readable! The later was for large billboards and posters (display-font)
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<BrunoSpr> But yes now there are alot of align problems again, see Deskbar-height for example
<Nephele> I've been using Noto sans (not display) as system font all the time pretty much
<Nephele> ... since i already knew Display is not intended for it :P
<Nephele> The width is calculated based on the font OscarL-x64
<Nephele> iirc
<BrunoSpr> nephele, yes I know too, but better late then never
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<HaikuUser> How to activate openvpn?
<OscarL-x64> search for "starting a VPN:"
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<OscarL-x64> Seems that the SystemInfo replicant and AboutSystem update at quite different rates (replicant on desktop being faster)
<HaikuUser> OK. One more thing. The debugger starts sometimes when I want to use wlan. How come?
<Nephele> HaikuUser: kernel debugger? (i.e KDL, the white screen?)
<Nephele> if so then that is a bug and you should probably report it
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<HaikuUser> Yes, got white screen.
<zard> It's Haiku's equivalent of the blue screen of death
<waddlesplash> well, it's sometimes escapable
<waddlesplash> doesn't always mean death :)
<HaikuUser> Yes, that's the screen which appears.
<zard> Ah, ok :)
<zard> So yes, that's a bug
<Begasus> chasing gcc2 errors is no fun :P
<zard> I agree
* zard once went into gcc2's source code to verify that, yes, truly, something that I wanted to do is in fact, impossible
<OscarL-x64> `haikuporter -p` "don't create package, stop after build". so I guess that's after BUILD(), but without calling INSTALL(), and the actual packaging...
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<zard> gcc2 doesn't have much documentation. At least the source code isn't *too* convoluted
<HaikuUser> It looks like it has something to do with the dev/net/iprowifi2200
<OscarL-x64> Is there any way to make it do INSTALL() and then stop before creating the .hpkg? (other than puting an "exit" myself :-D
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<OscarL-x64> adding an `exit PLEASE STAP!` it is then... (but then I need to remember to use -F, or BUILD() starts again :-/
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<OscarL-x64> ??? why is "running build_ext" being ran *again* during `make altinstall`... geez, starting to get "Python build system"-induced migraines.
<Nephele> Is there an Api for using Vulcan in Haiku yet?
<moparisthebest> Isn't Vulcan an API for talking to GPU hardware and haiku-os doesn't talk to GPU hardware at all?
<waddlesplash> no, it's just a graphics API
<waddlesplash> there are software Vulkan renderers
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<Nephele> moparisthebest: the mesa project includes lavapipe as a software renderer, Haiku needs an api like BGLView so you can embed vulcan content in a BApplication iirc
<phschafft> one more ticket closed, trillions more to come! ;)
<moparisthebest> Fair, thanks :)
<Nephele> If we have support for vulcan using lavapipe software like vulcanscenerenderer can be ported, and can take advantage of vulcan gpu acceleration in the future
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-1/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] kenmays 36a0703 - lcms: bump to 2.16 (#10003)
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<Begasus> too many parse errors, I'll let cocobean deal with it :)
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<Begasus> updating noto-cjk ... biab :)
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<waddlesplash> there should be test builds that get generated for this ... eventually
<waddlesplash> otherwise you can build an image yourself (not too hard)
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<Begasus> OK, that went smooth this time :D
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<Begasus> We are happy to announce the release of Qt Creator 13 Beta! ... I've just bumped it to 12
<Begasus> tss :)
<dovsienko> waddlesplash: thank you. are you sure this is the right change?
<dovsienko> +src.sdl_family= dst.sdl_family= (version == 6) ? AF_INET6 : AF_INET;
<dovsienko> would it be better to use sockaddr_in/sockaddr_in6?
<waddlesplash> ah. eh, probably
<waddlesplash> but does it really matter? we don't actually fill in the address fields here
<dovsienko> (I am not familiar with the code, but I know the data structures)
<dovsienko> I have seen you comment on the bug whilst trying to produce a bug fix for yet another unrelated bug in pcap-haiku.c
<waddlesplash> ?
<waddlesplash> dovsienko: not sure what you are saying
<waddlesplash> anyway, yeah, I guess setting AF_INET inside sockaddr_dl doesn't make much sense indeed
<waddlesplash> now that we register the frame handler as B_NET_FRAME_TYPE_IPV4 this shouldn't matter too much
<waddlesplash> ... I think
<waddlesplash> patchset updated.
<dovsienko> ps_recv is always 0 and ps_ifdrops snowballs being fed from the total interface drop counter
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<dovsienko> I suspect this could create an impression that packets were not received from loopback, whilst it iwas the userland BPF filter quietly dropping them without incrementing the counter (one more reason why counters are important for diagnostics)
<waddlesplash> interesting
<waddlesplash> I guess, while you're here, a question I haven't found a good answer to: what is the exact distinction between "dropped" and "errors" in ifcounters? i.e. when should one be incremented but not the other
<waddlesplash> right now, for example, if something invokes send() and it fails, but the error is returned to whoever called send(), this increments "error" count but not "dropped"
<waddlesplash> but if the failure/drop/... occurs after send() has returned so we can't report it, this increments dropped but not errors
<dovsienko> waddlesplash: which immediate next step would you prefer me to make: finish that bugfix, or add a detailed comment to the bug report, or try to understand the proposed patch and possibly set up my own build environment to get a short feedback loop on your work in progress?
<dovsienko> my PC runs Debian 12
<waddlesplash> I don't think there's any hurry, I wouldn't want you to get derailed from whatever you are currently working on
<waddlesplash> I don't think you need to try and understand the proposed patch, basically it's just trying to do what you suggested: don't have ethernet headers on loopback
<dovsienko> here is the description of libpcap stats counters:
<waddlesplash> if you'd like you can set up a build environment but it may not be worth it. if you have a proposed patch for libpcap I can just test it here probably
<waddlesplash> depending on how powerful your VM is, it's easiest to just build Haiku inside Haiku
<waddlesplash> as building Haiku on Linux involves building the whole crosstools environment etc.
<waddlesplash> and compiling GCC takes a bit
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<waddlesplash> dovsienko: hmm, we don't currently report "packets dropped because buffer was full" at the OS level in packet capture, I guess. we could probably do that
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<dovsienko> I have a few old i7 CPU PCs with 16-32GB of RAM and SSD, so there is room to beef the VM up, and there is room to give Haiku its own real hardware (no idea if it has the right drivers for it though)
<waddlesplash> probably it does, unless something in your hardware is strange
<waddlesplash> WiFi is hit and miss (we use FreeBSD & OpenBSD drivers, they don't support as much as Linux)
<waddlesplash> but otherwise modern hardware is fine
<dovsienko> will it install from a USB stick?
<waddlesplash> I run Haiku bare metal on a Ryzen 2 machine with an NVMe SSD
<waddlesplash> indeed it will!
<dovsienko> let me give it a quick show, I have the .iso right here
<dovsienko> s/show/shot/
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<waddlesplash> dovsienko: I appreciate you going "above and beyond" here, though. there's a lot of projects that we have to "fight uphill" to get patches for Haiku support included. Still pretty rare that project maintainers show up to give feedback and interact with us :)
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<Habbie> dovsienko, the .iso is both a live image and an installer, in fact
<waddlesplash> (however the live image isn't too useful for more than just trying things out as the partition size isn't very big)
<Habbie> right, and i just realised we're talking about compiling kernels?
<waddlesplash> yeah
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<Nephele> Would be nice to finish that bfs resizing patchset, than we can eliminate that problem :)
<dovsienko> apparently, this PC cannot boot from this particular .iso on a USB stick, but let's not fix this problem now. it will be the VM.
<dovsienko> waddlesplash: you are welcome
<waddlesplash> dovsienko: well, if you are just going to use a VM, I can just make a build and upload it
<waddlesplash> won't even be that large as I'll just build the one main package
<dovsienko> let's try that. I use VirtualBox 7 if this matters
<waddlesplash> doesn't really matter
<dovsienko> (I can convert disk image formats using qemu-img)
<waddlesplash> well I'm not going to send a disk image but a .hpkg
<waddlesplash> to just replace the existing one on your system
<dovsienko> ah, I see
<dovsienko> please do when you can, I will try to get this counters update bug out of the way too
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<nosycat> Until then, anyone here uses Vala on Haiku?
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<Begasus> not me, but I've updated it a few times
<nosycat> Getting a pkg-config error on x86 when trying to build even a hello, world.
<Nephele> waddlesplash: any comment on a ApparentContrast api?
<Nephele> might aswell add that if i touch it again now
<waddlesplash> what would that mean / be useful for?
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<waddlesplash> nosycat: what's the exact error?
<Nephele> int32 rgb_color::apparentContrast(rgb_color)
<Begasus> nosycat, can you share an example?
<Nephele> should return what the contrast difference is between those two
<waddlesplash> yes, but what does that value *mean*?
<nosycat> Begasus, I can't reproduce the exact error message, but it complains about not being able gobject-2.0.pc or some such.
<waddlesplash> do you have gobject devel installed?
<nosycat> to find*
<waddlesplash> I guess glib_devel
<Nephele> waddlesplash: ... what contrast is? or what do you mean
<waddlesplash> I know what "contrast" is, but what does this number mean?
<Nephele> 255 would be the "maximum" contrast between pure black and pure white
<Nephele> 0 would mean the same color
<waddlesplash> ah, ok
<nosycat> I have glib2_x86_devel, yeah. And gobject_introspection_x86_devel, just in case.
<waddlesplash> oh
<waddlesplash> nosycat: are you building inside a secondary arch shell?
<waddlesplash> if not, run "setarch x86" and try again
<Begasus> weird, there are some packages installed/using vala in their build
<nosycat> No, at the bash prompt in Haiku.
<Begasus> ah :)
<nosycat> Maybe I'm doing something wrong.
<Begasus> gcc -v ?
<waddlesplash> nosycat yes, but you can be on a primary arch shell, or a secondary arch one
<waddlesplash> you need to be on a secondary arch one for things to work properly here
<nosycat> Err... what do I have to do? I can build C and C++ without a hitch.
<Begasus> it doesn't provide gcc2
<Begasus> vala is secondary architecture on 32bit
<nosycat> But it doesn't error out until the linking stage. So I need gcc2 anyway?
<waddlesplash> nosycat: I said above: "setarch x86"
<Begasus> so as nephele said and waddlesplash, switch to new compiler ... :)
<nosycat> Oh! Okay, I will.
<waddlesplash> then rerun your commands
<nosycat> But I *am* using the latest gcc.
<waddlesplash> oh. hmm
<nosycat> Removed gcc2 a while ago to save space.
<waddlesplash> yeah but what command do you use to run gcc
<Begasus> what does "gcc -v" say?
<nosycat> gcc-x86
<Nephele> Begasus: lol, i did not say that. but i'll take the credit!
<waddlesplash> yes, that's what I thought
<nosycat> I'll have to turn on the machine to see the exact version. Should be latest.
<Begasus> my bad nephele :P
<waddlesplash> nosycat: you need to run "setarch x86", then gcc command will just be "gcc"
<waddlesplash> and pkg-config will work correctly
<Nephele> setarch x86 does more than replace the gcc binary :)
<waddlesplash> (or, well, you may need to install "pkg_config_x86" also.)
<Nephele> also modifies env vars for search paths iirc
<nosycat> Aha! That should fix nim too. Let me try both of these.
<Nephele> inline int32 Contrast(rgb_color color) const { return abs(Brightness() - color:Brightness()); }
<nosycat> It will take me a moment.
<Nephele> waddlesplash: something like this, so you can do if (background.Contrast(otherColor) < 50)
* Begasus counts down ...
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<waddlesplash> dovsienko: ah, looks like CI got around to building it
<waddlesplash> download just haiku.hpkg and haiku_devel.hpkg from here
<waddlesplash> then "pkgman install haiku.hpkg haiku_devel.hpkg"
<waddlesplash> (and reboot)
<nosycat> Okay, I ran `setarch x86`. I can now run `gcc -v` and it says 13.2
<Begasus> okido :)
<nosycat> Trying to install pkgconf_x86 reveals there were two different packages.
<nosycat> And... it's alive! Thank you so much.
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<dovsienko> waddlesplash: running "hrev57582_7403_2 Feb 15 2024", thank you. let me see how it works with libpcap code...
<nosycat> Now Nim works too!
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<nielx[m]> Preparing to update
<nielx[m]> Database backup in progress
<nosycat> Fingers crossed.
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<Begasus> stupid -Werror ....
<nielx[m]> Going to update the software now
<Begasus> crossing fingers*
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<nielx[m]> Ok, container is booting up an doing some post-installation steps
* nosycat adds and updates some ratings in HaikuDepot
<Begasus> whoot, handbrake is a bit behind upstream ...
<nielx[m]> HaikuDepot is next :-P
<Begasus> This site is in read only mode. Please continue to browse, but replying, likes, and other actions are disabled for now. :P
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<nielx[m]> it should be bad gateway for now :-P
<Begasus> yep :)
<OscarL-x64> At last! A repeatable `hp --test python3.11.8` run that doesn't borks my system, and runs in reasonable time! (just shy of 5 minutes)... results:
<OscarL-x64> "Total test files: run=429/410 failed=27 skipped=18 resource_denied=9 rerun=28"
<Begasus> no crashes? ;)
<OscarL-x64> adding that on the .recipe, for future reference.
<Begasus> +1
<Begasus> seen this a few times "cannot find -lssp_nonshared: No such file or directory" iirc it's from gcc_syslibs?
<OscarL-x64> Begasus: welp... as long as you have properly setup Debugger to "auto-kill" (as instructed on the .recipe)... no "crashes" (at least none visible :-P)
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<Begasus> heh
<nielx[m]> And we're back!
<Begasus> +1
* OscarL-x64 o7 to nielx[m] :-)
<waddlesplash> dovsienko: korli replied to the ticket, looks like it still doesn't work.
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<botifico> [haiku/infrastructure] nielx pushed 2 commits to master [+0/-0/±3]
<botifico> [haiku/infrastructure] nielx 3f5930c - Discourse: update container to 3.2.0
<botifico> [haiku/infrastructure] nielx 270fea4 - Deploy discourse 3.2.0.
<nielx[m]> Ok, moving on to HaikuDepot. Started database backup
<Nephele> waddlesplash: do we have equivalents of abs() in our api? or am i allowed to include math.h in public headers for this?
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<waddlesplash> just don't use abs?
<waddlesplash> int var = calculation...; if (var < 0) return -var; return var;
<waddlesplash> I think?
<waddlesplash> or does that not work
<waddlesplash> nah that's what abs does
<nosycat> I've done it to avoid pulling in the math library. But far as I know it's a part of standard C.
<Nephele> Yes, I can just not use abs. But this makes code more clunky and less readable :)
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<Anarchos> nephele #define abs(x)?
<nosycat> Ew. :P
<Anarchos> #define abs(x) (x>=0)?x:-x
<nielx[m]> nephele: kernel or user space?
<Nephele> user space
<Nephele> interface kit header
<nielx[m]> ah... yeah.. there is some precedence for including standard c/c++ library headers, but not sure for something as trivial as this :-P
<phschafft> hm.
<nosycat> For one function, arguably not. And then there are in fact two of them, abs() and fabs(), declared in different headers.
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<nielx[m]> Deployment of HaikuDepot complete
<botifico> [haiku/infrastructure] nielx pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haiku/infrastructure] nielx beccf94 - HaikuDepotServer: update to 1.0.155
<nielx[m]> Ok my job is done. Time for dinner
<nosycat> Good job!
<Begasus> smakelijk :)
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<OscarL-x64> Welp, that's Python 3.11.8, 3.12.2, and 3.13.0a3 working OK on nightlies... switching to beta4 to see if the first two still build OK there.
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<nosycat> I just upgraded to 3.10 D:
<Begasus> heh
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<BiPolar> back. This beta4 surely takes its time to boot up :-/
<Nephele> waddlesplash: I've updated the review based on your feedback. Actually managed to cut quite a bit more code out of the touched places :D
<Begasus> k, handbrake needs ffmpeg4, a revbump for dav1d once it's merged and gcc_syslibs_devel (and cmd:python3) to rebuild :)
<Begasus> for newer ffmpeg it needs patchin, also the newer versions need patching (no luck there so far)
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<Nephele> I like changes that reduce the total number of LOC in the system xD
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<BiPolar> So.. that "no-ligatures-please" plugin for gerrit makes it looks better on Web+... on nightlies even the "icons" show up (on beta4.. I get "[]"). Still far better than before :-D
* BiPolar reading discourse's 3.2 post... "AI Personas" / "AI bots" / "AI assistant". Seems I found my new drinking game!
* nosycat facepalms
<BiPolar> (think I'll need first to find a full bottle for this game)
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<nosycat> And chat. The most important feature of a forum is now the sidebar chat.
<nosycat> I'll bring some wine.
<BiPolar> :-D
<Begasus> I'd also note, 1.5.x will never support ffmpeg 5. Backporting of patches isn't something you should be doing. We only support ffmpeg 4.4 with HandBrake 1.5 and that won't change.
<Begasus> k, that leaves updating our current handbrake to ffmpeg > 4 out :P
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<waddlesplash> BiPolar: AI? uh, where's the off switch
<BiPolar> waddlesplash: surely there's an AI to help it find it?
<BiPolar> Begasus: Rembember the times where HandBrake and Transmission were basically BeOS-first apps? /me remembers Eric Petit.
<waddlesplash> hmm, it may be off by default or require extra config
<waddlesplash> we're good then
Nephele is now known as AI_nephele
<AI_nephele> Resitance is futile. You will be assimilated
<Begasus> says who?
<BiPolar> that at least counts for another round, pass the wine nosycat! :-P
* Begasus asks ChatGPT, who is the AI, get's responce "me"
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<AI_nephele> nephAIle
<Begasus> heh
<AI_nephele> BegAIsus
<AlienSoldier> gmail (and google in general) is such a mess. It don't take the time the time zone correctly, it is corect int eh calendar when i put a world clock that said but time stamping of new email is wrong for me. It seem the browser overwrite that selected timezone int heir setting. Does not work with falkon or web+ from what i see.
<Begasus> do not touch my nick! :P
waddlesplash is now known as wAIddlesplash
AI_nephele is now known as nephAIle
<Begasus> BiPolar, is it us or? ...
<Begasus> did you trigger a button somewhere?
<BiPolar> AlienSoldier: I've logged in, briefly, mind you, to an all gmail account via Web+ (on nightlies). Worked far better than I expected. (at least for my simple usage).
<wAIddlesplash> nephAIle: lol
<BiPolar> Begasus: sorry, seems I have unleashed doom :-(
<nephAIle> AIPolar
<nephAIle> wAIddlesplash: :D
<wAIddlesplash> BiPolar: Doom? But we're assimilating biological and technological advancements over here! Who cares if we all lose our individual distinctiveness!
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<Begasus> it's not even weekend! :P
<BiPolar> as long as I dissolve into the nothingness... I'll welcome our <insert whatever> Overlords!
<AlienSoldier> BiPolar weirdly when i open teh emails, the date are correct in them.
<wAIddlesplash> Hmm, good point. I hereby introduce RFC 1337: Whereby Thursdays are Declared To Be the Weekend
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<Begasus> well, at least we still have ffmpeg4 for now
<wAIddlesplash> we need to recruit more people into the Haikuvian Borg Collective
* BiPolar thinks more people than expected have joined the drinking game :-P
<wAIddlesplash> more than expected? it's... 2
* Begasus isn't part of that
<nephAIle> Begasus: what port of "resistance is futile" do you not understand? ;)
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<Begasus> nephAIle, been there, done that, over it :P
<Begasus> someone has to take an eye on these kiddos :D
<nephAIle> coolAIcoder613
<wAIddlesplash> one advantage of Discord and other such apps is that admins can change people's names
<wAIddlesplash> around here, the Borg Assimilation has to proceed the old fashioned way :-p
<BiPolar> And /me thought Clippy was a bit too much :-/
<nephAIle> In matrix you can't change peoples names as admin, Unless you kick them. somehow
<wAIddlesplash> what?
<nephAIle> Cus kicking is sending a "leave" event in someones place, but that event is the same as the join event. And includes the current username and avatar
<nephAIle> and there are no auth rules that prevent putting malicious info in that leave event, and kicking someone for "offensive nickname" you've given them ;)
<wAIddlesplash> ...
<wAIddlesplash> that's... uh. interesting
<nephAIle> Matrix is great, i swear! It has given me an incredibly ammount of fun finding exploits that shouldn't have been possible :D
<nosycat> :D
<nephAIle> I'm even in their hall of fame for pointing out their "read only static" html client was executing javascript in room titles
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-1/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] kenmays f44916f - dav1d: bump to v1.3.0 (#10004)
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<BiPolar> k, 3.11.8 build finished on beta4. Let's see how "--test" do compared to nightlies.
<wAIddlesplash> nephAIle: I feel like IRC shenanigans don't happen as often anymore
<wAIddlesplash> I remember one day, many years ago, when we were talking about "js"'s nickname (he's indeed still in here, it appears), so I spun up 2 more IRC clients and joined with the nicknames "html" and "css"
<dovsienko> wAIddlesplash: the counters are looking about alright in my working copy, but it took to move more code around than I expected, so the suggested patch from the bug may not apply. let me clean it up and commit, then I will look into the packet framing and the patch and post what I see
<wAIddlesplash> dovsienko: ok, sounds good!
<js> wAIddlesplash: And I never even noticed that
<wAIddlesplash> LOL
<js> This is the first time o hear about it
<wAIddlesplash> the logs from those days are probably long gone, would've been on echelog
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<BiPolar> test run might run better if --test parameter is used. Noted.
<Begasus> lol
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-0/±5]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus b01321e - Revbump recipes depending on dav1d (#10108)
<BiPolar> ran test-suite in under 4 minutes, with: "Total test files: run=429/410 failed=27 skipped=19 resource_denied=9 rerun=28"
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<BiPolar> sounds pretty cool to me. Will open PR.
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus d03b3f4 - handbrake, revbump for new dav1d (#10109)
<BiPolar> let's see if I can finish testing and doing the PR for 3.12.2 before I start the drinking game, for real (or before I fall asleep, whichever comes first :-P)
<Begasus> BiPolar, no check on 32bit? :)
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<BiPolar> Begasus: nah! I removed the x86 patchset (integrated it into the main one), so... I'll just let the buildmaster handle it :-D
<BiPolar> (at least now I only need test the patching step on only one arch for 3.11 and up :-D)
<Begasus> quite some changes, I'll take your word for it :)
<BiPolar> Begasus: was already done so for 3.12. I've just made the same change in 3.11 (and 3.13 already has it too, but that won't get PRed till end of the year).
<Begasus> nice fix for CudaText, thanks!
<BiPolar> Begasus: haven't actually tested it, but I remember we talked about it "long" ago.... so... time to try it :-D
<Begasus> probably could revert that patch upstream if it's working well then
wAIddlesplash is now known as waddlesplash
* Begasus does a "git fetch oscarl" ...
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<Begasus> unpacking ...
<BiPolar> remeber the -G ? :-P
<Begasus> python3.11*
<Begasus> bugger
<Begasus> Fetching package for devel:libtk8.6 ... :P
<BiPolar> Need to take a look at that too... first, it finds it OK... then later on it complains about missing tk... but compiles modules nonetheless...
<BiPolar> I tell you... python building gives me migraines.
<nosycat> Used to be painless, but then they had to get all fancy.
<Begasus> maybe comment out the rm build? shouldn't be needed on buildmasters
<BiPolar> I *have* to get me a Linux setup similar enough (modern GCC, etc), and do builds there, to have something to compare. Otherwise, most of the time I don't know what is "normal".
<Begasus> would having a linux setup help in that regard?
<BiPolar> Begasus: on BUILD() ? (not seeing any uncommented "rm")
<Begasus> it isn't BiPolar
<nosycat> Well, see you!
<Begasus> saw it passing by
<Begasus> cu nosycat
nosycat has quit [Quit: Leaving]
<BiPolar> Begasus: (re linux) at least to see how the ./configure, build and test logs compare to ours.
<Begasus> make -j 1 ... there goes my speed improvement :P
<Begasus> Ponpokodiff to the resque! :D
<BiPolar> heh, I *kinda* miss the simpler days of just unoptimized, paralle builds of Python in 7 minutes.. on a VM!
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<Begasus> you started them :)
<BiPolar> now it is ~25 minutes (plus unpacking), on bare metal for me.
<BiPolar> all diver1's fault! he asked for --with-optimizations! :-P
<Begasus> prepareInstalledDevelLibs libpython$pyShortVer -> prepareInstalledDevelLib libpython$pyShortVer
<Begasus> only 1 library in there
<Begasus> -10 minutes here :)
<BiPolar> re prepareInstalledDevelLibs... noted. Also... it was there like that since... forever (on previous .recipes) :-D
<Begasus> probably yes, quite a few around for that
<BiPolar> will fix after --test ends for 3.12.2 (which also has "prepareInstalledDevelLibs" :-D)
<Begasus> +1
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<BiPolar> pushed that "prepareInstalledDevelLib" (untested :-P)
<Begasus> logging into the matrix to erase my comment ... :P
x10z has quit [Quit: My Mac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…]
<BiPolar> heh
<BiPolar> The recipe for 3.12.2 will have some commented out lines, that were used as a workaround for that "random" build failure we used to get... not sure if you recall them Begasus.
<BiPolar> (sometimes it failed to find during the build)
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<Begasus> right, will have to check that aswell then :)
<BiPolar> Seems like something got fixed on Python proper, because I have build it A LOT of times without the workaround. But better leave it there, in case the problem re-appears for 3.12.
<Begasus> at least something good :)
<BiPolar> results for 3.12 tests on beta4... Total test files: run=439/424 failed=24 skipped=25 resource_denied=9 rerun=24
<BiPolar> *slightly* works than on nightlies (but not by much). Good enough for me. *opens PR*
<BiPolar> s/works/worse/
<nephAIle> waddlesplash: indeed, irc has become a very calm place. Just people talking nowadays
nephAIle is now known as nephele
<nephele> Now nickserv complains that the nick is registered... heh. It doesn't have a good memory
<BiPolar> (and thus... the AI rebelion ended... for now)
<BiPolar> PR for 3.12.2 open. Have fun testing Begasus (you're doing 32 bits build right? :-P)
<nephele> Well, maybe we can stop the [m] infection atleast
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<nephele> you can actually set a proper nickname for irc when using the matrix bridge, so the [m] stuff is pretty lazy
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<BiPolar> nephele... tell Begasus! err Begasus[m]! :-P
<nephele> also, you can set an irc nickname (as a matrix user) that is a common word, for example "the" and the matrix bridge will then convert every usage of the word "the" into a mention for your matrix username
* BiPolar goes for the wine bottle.
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<nephele> with no way to see on the matrix side what the matrix username is
<nephele> I was told this is not a bug
<nephele> :)
<Begasus> Begasus[m] isn't logged in here .... the matrix has him
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<Begasus[m]> I'm back! :P
<Begasus> good enough for now, report on 64bit is clean again :)
<Begasus> time to close down
<BiPolar> see you Begasus!
<Begasus> BiPolar I'll do a text build for python3.12 in the morning
<Begasus> cu peeps!
<BiPolar> thanks!
Begasus has quit [Quit: Vision[]: i've been blurred!]
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<nephele> I've got a fix for vision displaying /me correctly in Notifications
<nephele> ... but uploading on github seems like such a chore :(
<nephele> I honestly forget again how to start with a new repo and don't wanna bother for such a simple fix
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] korli pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-1/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] korli d7bb7bb - freetype_bootstrap: bump version
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<BiPolar> mmm what parameters need do I give to `package create` so the resulting .hpkg is compressed as well as the one made by haikuporter?
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<BiPolar> I had to "extract" one I've built on a niglthly... trying to make it compatible with beta4 by editing the .PackageInfo file... but the resulting .hpkg is more than double the size :-D
<BiPolar> tried "-z zstd -9" already, but only managed to make it a bit smaller (still far bigger than the original)
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<BiPolar> " -z <type> - Specify compression method to use." <<<< would be cool to know the valid values there.
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] korli pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-1/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] korli c6f4274 - freetype: bump version
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<BiPolar> I see the problem... you HAVE to set the output .hpkg outside of the dir you're "packagin", otherwise you end up with some "packageception"
<Habbie> ha
<BiPolar> final .hpkg gets copied inside the "outer" .hpkg :-D
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] korli pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<Habbie> 'we can go deeper'
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] korli 57ff9a6 - freetype: reset revision
<Habbie> BiPolar, /nick BePolar ;)
<BiPolar> in my defence... I *tried* to use the -C flag... but didn't worked well for me.
<BiPolar> Hello there Habbie! (OscarL in not so much of a disguise) here :-D
<Habbie> oh hi :)
<BiPolar> BiPolar was my attempt at "Be-Coolness" while back when... just in time when I got diagnosed with a case of "bipolar Type II", and an incurable case of BeOS/Haiku attraction :-D
<Habbie> hehe
<Habbie> got it
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] korli pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] korli 2aaf2e7 - handbrake: fix x86 build requires
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<BiPolar> kewl! patching of .PackageInfo did the trick.
<BiPolar> welp... not so much... trying to start python3.13 fails due missing kqueue on beta4 :-D
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<BiPolar> still good enough to run, thou.
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<slendi> Man I think Haiku at this point is pretty much good for daily driving, even though I have no video drivers yet and fallback to framebuffer
<slendi> At least in my case
<BiPolar> Just some silly micro-benckmark for different Python versions on Haiku:
<slendi> This project is an amazing accomplishment
<BiPolar> slendi: glad you like it!
<BiPolar> always nice for us "old-timers" (even to simple users like me) to see new people enjoying it :-D
<slendi> Today I did some work on porting the Odin programming language to Haiku, I am currently stuck because of futexes and needing to come up with a workaround with pthread_threads lol
<slendi> I think tomorrow I will package neovim even though it doens't really work great in the terminal, but with something like nvim-qt it works amazingly
<slendi> Even clangd works
<BiPolar> didn't we had to solve some lua issues for neovim to work as intended... or am I missing things? Habbie might refresh my memory there.
<Habbie> vis, another vi clone
<Habbie> is what i worked on
<BiPolar> ah... that one.
<BiPolar> I still have a branch with some WIP for that lua+vis thing... too bad I suck at focusing :-D
<slendi> Nah it works perfectly with how I compiled it, I left pretty much every bundled option except libuv I think on and it works
<Habbie> BiPolar, heh
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<slendi> I wanna experiment while packaging to see what I can get away with by not using bundled versions
<slendi> libraries(
<BiPolar> welp... for personal stuff, that's certainly a valid path... for package distribution... I think we go with the... "you better use system shared libs, or else!!!" approach...
<BiPolar> but having something working first helps a lot :-D
<BiPolar> (folks more used to do packaging can/will usually help out with that, or do it themselves in the end)
<nephele> trying to fix my mail server, fills me with this existential dread
<slendi> Yup
<nephele> maybe setting up my own CA was not the most maintainable idea ever
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<BiPolar> slendi: what I mean is... do your own thing... play with, and enjoy Haiku... all the rest is extra. We all benefit one way or the other in the end :-)
<slendi> Packaging and stuff is another thing I would love to look into
<slendi> Then creating a C++ program with the Be GUI API
<BiPolar> a word of warning there... I *tried* to avoid even touching haikuporter/haikuports at first... let's say that... it grows on you.
<BiPolar> specially when folks like Begasus[m] (specially when he's here without the [m] :-P) are around to guide/help you.
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<BiPolar> do not hessitate to ask even the simple of questions... as long as you're willing to hear replies from simple folks like myself (or my OscarL alte-ego).
<slendi> Yup
<BiPolar> I might not know much... but I like to think that I *usually* can point folks in the right direction.
<BiPolar> also... beware of my typos and broken "English" :-D
<BiPolar> anyway... enough of me for one day. Later folks! Be well!
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<coolcoder613_32> Good morning
<slendi> mornin
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<coolcoder613_32> Is there a way to have whitelist website blocking on Haiku?
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<nephele> coolcoder613_32: what do you mean by that?
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<andreasdr[m]> Arrrrrrrr.
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<AD_MOS2> ~25years after I first lusted after an 060 accelerator... I finally own one :D thanx to open source hardware & Sir TerribleFire :)
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